
This text is a corrected version of the fourth edition of Harrison and Sharp in its entirety. It comes in two basic versions. The base version, available in 8-bit (Latin-1) text and HTML, presents the original text as printed. This file contains the original version. It preserves the source-text’s idiosyncratic use of accented vowels with
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This text is a corrected version of the fourth edition of Harrison and Sharp in its entirety. It comes in two basic versions. The base version, available in 8-bit (Latin-1) text and HTML, presents the original text as printed. This file contains the original version. It preserves the source-text’s idiosyncratic use of accented vowels with the exception of y-circumflex, which is replaced by y-acute (˝) to fit within the Latin-1 character set. Manifestly unintentional errors in the text have been corrected. In general, this has only been done when the text is internally inconsistent (e.g., a quotation in the glossary does not match the main text). Forms that represent deliberate editorial choice have not been altered, even where they appear wrong. (For example, some of the markings of vowel length do not reflect current scholarly consensus.) Where an uncorrected problem may confuse the reader, I have inserted a note explaining the difficulty, signed KTH. A complete list of the changes made is appended at the end of the file. In order to make the text more useful to modern readers, I have also produced a revised edition, available in Unicode (UTF-8) and HTML. Notes from the source text that indicate changes adopted in later editions have been incorporated directly into the text and apparatus. Further, long vowels are indicated with macrons, as is the common practice of most modern editions. Finally, the quantity of some words has been altered to the values currently accepted as correct. Quantities have not been changed when the difference is a matter of editorial interpretation (e.g., g‰st vs. gÊst in l. 102, etc.) A list of these altered quantities appears at the end of the list of corrections. Your browser must support the Unicode character set to use the revised version.

Explanation of the Vowel Accenting

In general, Harrison and Sharp use circumflex accents over vowels to mark long vowels. For ash, however, the actual character ‘Ê’ represents the long vowel. Short ash is rendered with a-umlaut (‰). The long diphthongs (eo, ea, etc.) are indicated with an acute accent over the _second_ vowel (eÛ, e·, etc.).

** End of PG Preface **















Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1883, by


in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.







The favor with which the successive editions of “BeÛwulf” have been received during the past thirteen years emboldens the editors to continue the work of revision in a fourth issue, the most noticeable feature of which is a considerable body of explanatory Notes, now for the first time added. These Notes mainly concern themselves with new textual readings, with here and there grammatical, geographical, and archÊological points that seemed worthy of explanation. Parallelisms and parallel passages are constantly compared, with the view of making the poem illustrate and explain itself. A few emendations and textual changes are suggested by the editors with all possible diffidence; numerous corrections have been made in the Glossary and List of Names; and the valuable parts of former Appendices have been embodied in the Notes.

For the Notes, the editors are much indebted to the various German periodicals mentioned on page 116, to the recent publications of Professors Earle and J. L. Hall, to Mr. S. A. Brooke, and to the Heyne-Socin edition of “BeÛwulf.” No change has been made in the system of accentuation, though a few errors in quantity have been corrected. The editors are looking forward to an eventual fifth edition, in which an entirely new text will be presented.

October, 1893.


This third edition of the American issue of BeÛwulf will, the editors hope, be found more accurate and useful than either of the preceding editions. Further corrections in text and glossary have been made, and some additional new readings and suggestions will be found in two brief appendices at the back of the book. Students of the metrical system of BeÛwulf will find ample material for their studies in Sievers’ exhaustive essay on that subject (Beitr‰ge, X. 209-314).

Socin’s edition of Heyne’s BeÛwulf (called the fifth edition) has been utilized to some extent in this edition, though it unfortunately came too late to be freely used. While it repeats many of the omissions and inaccuracies of Heyne’s fourth edition, it contains much that is valuable to the student, particularly in the notes and commentary. Students of the poem, which has been subjected to much searching criticism during the last decade, will also derive especial help from the contributions of Sievers and Kluge on difficult questions appertaining to it. W¸lker’s new edition (in the Grein _Bibliothek_) is of the highest value, however one may dissent from particular textual views laid down in the ‘Berichtigter Text.’ Paul and Braune’s Beitr‰ge contain a varied miscellany of hints, corrections, and suggestions principally embodying the views of Kluge, Cosijn, Sievers, and Bugge, some of the more important of which are found in the appendices to the present and the preceding edition. Holder and Zupitza, Sarrazin and Hermann Mˆller (Kiel, 1883), Heinzel (Anzeiger f.d. Alterthum, X.), Gering (Zacher’s Zeitschrift, XII.), Brenner (Eng. Studien, IX.), and the contributors to Anglia, have assisted materially in the textual and metrical interpretation of the poem.

The subject of Anglo-Saxon quantity has been discussed in several able essays by Sievers, Sweet, Ten Brink (Anzeiger, f.d. Alterthum, V.), Kluge (Beitr‰ge, XI.), and others; but so much is uncertain in this field that the editors have left undisturbed the marking of vowels found in the text of their original edition, while indicating in the appendices the now accepted views of scholars on the quantity of the personal pronouns (mÍ, wÍ, ˛˚, ˛Í, gÍ, hÍ); the adverb n˚, etc. Perhaps it would be best to banish absolutely all attempts at marking quantities except in cases where the Ms. has them marked.

An approximately complete Bibliography of BeÛwulf literature will be found in W¸lker’s _Grundriss_ and in Garnett’s translation of the poem.



LEXINGTON, VA., May, 1888.


The editors feel so encouraged at the kind reception accorded their edition of BeÛwulf (1883), that, in spite of its many shortcomings, they have determined to prepare a second revised edition of the book, and thus endeavor to extend its sphere of usefulness. About twenty errors had, notwithstanding a vigilant proof-reading, crept into the text,–errors in single letters, accents, and punctuation. These have been corrected, and it is hoped that the text has been rendered generally accurate and trustworthy. In the List of Names one or two corrections have been made, and in the Glossary numerous mistakes in gender, classification, and translation, apparently unavoidable in a first edition, have been rectified. Wherever these mistakes concern _single_ letters, or occupy very small space, they have been corrected in the plates; where they are longer, and the expense of correcting them in the plates would have been very great, the editors have thought it best to include them in an Appendix of Corrections and Additions, which will be found at the back of the book. Students are accordingly referred to this Appendix for important longer corrections and additions. It is believed that the value of the book has been much enhanced by an Appendix of Recent Readings, based on late criticisms and essays from the pens of Sievers, Kluge, Cosijn, Holder, W¸lker, and Sweet. A perplexed student, in turning to these suggested readings, will often find great help in unravelling obscure or corrupt passages.

The objectionable ‰ and Ê, for the short and the long diphthong, have been retained in the revised edition, owing to the impossibility of removing them without entirely recasting the plates.

In conclusion, the editors would acknowledge their great indebtedness to the friends and critics whose remarks and criticisms have materially aided in the correction of the text,–particularly to Profs. C.P.G. Scott, Baskervill, Price, and J.M. Hart; to Prof. J.W. Bright; and to the authorities of Cornell University, for the loan of periodicals necessary to the completeness of the revision. While the second revised edition still contains much that might be improved, the editors cannot but hope that it is an advance on its predecessor, and that it will continue its work of extending the study of Old English throughout the land.

JUNE, 1885.


The present work, carefully edited from Heyne’s fourth edition, (Paderborn, 1879), is designed primarily for college classes in Anglo-Saxon, rather than for independent investigators or for seekers after a restored or ideal text. The need of an American edition of “BeÛwulf” has long been felt, as, hitherto, students have had either to send to Germany for a text, or secure, with great trouble, one of the scarce and expensive English editions. Heyne’s first edition came out in 1863, and was followed in 1867 and 1873 by a second and a third edition, all three having essentially the same text.

So many important contributions to the “BeÛwulf” literature were, however, made between 1873 and 1879 that Heyne found it necessary to put forth a new edition (1879). In this new, last edition, the text was subjected to a careful revision, and was fortified by the views, contributions, and criticisms of other zealous scholars. In it the collation of the unique “BeÛwulf” Ms. (Vitellius A. 15: Cottonian Mss. of the British Museum), as made by E. Kˆlbing in Herrig’s _Archiv_ (Bd. 56; 1876), was followed wherever the present condition of the Ms. had to be discussed; and the researches of Bugge, Bieger, and others, on single passages, were made use of. The discussion of the metrical structure of the poem, as occurring in the second and third editions, was omitted in the fourth, owing to the many controversies in which the subject is still involved. The present editor has thought it best to do the same, though, happily, the subject of Old English _Metrik_ is undergoing a steady illumination through the labors of Schipper and others.

Some errors and misplaced accents in Heyne’s text have been corrected in the present edition, in which, as in the general revision of the text, the editor has been most kindly aided by Prof. J.M. Garnett, late Principal of St. John’s College, Maryland.

In the preparation of the present school edition it has been thought best to omit Heyne’s notes, as they concern themselves principally with conjectural emendations, substitutions of one reading for another, and discussions of the condition of the Ms. Until W¸lker’s text and the photographic fac-simile of the original Ms. are in the hands of all scholars, it will be better not to introduce such matters in the school room, where they would puzzle without instructing.

For convenience of reference, the editor has added a head-line to each “fit” of the poem, with a view to facilitate a knowledge of its episodes.

LEXINGTON, VA., June, 1882.


The editors now have the pleasure of presenting to the public a complete text and a tolerably complete glossary of “BeÛwulf.” The edition is the first published in America, and the first of its special kind presented to the English public, and it is the initial volume of a “Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry,” to be edited under the same auspices and with the coˆperation of distinguished scholars in this country. Among these scholars may be mentioned Professors F.A. March of Lafayette College, T.K. Price of Columbia College, and W.M. Baskervill of Vanderbilt University.

In the preparation of the Glossary the editors found it necessary to abandon a literal and exact translation of Heyne for several reasons, and among others from the fact that Heyne seems to be wrong in the translation of some of his illustrative quotations, and even translates the same passage in two or three different ways under different headings. The orthography of his glossary differs considerably from the orthography of his text. He fails to discriminate with due nicety the meanings of many of the words in his vocabulary, while criticism more recent than his latest edition (1879) has illustrated or overthrown several of his renderings. The references were found to be incorrect in innumerable instances, and had to be verified in every individual case so far as this was possible, a few only, which resisted all efforts at verification, having to be indicated by an interrogation point (?). The references are exceedingly numerous, and the labor of verifying them was naturally great. To many passages in the Glossary, where Heyne’s translation could not be trusted with entire certainty, the editors have added other translations of phrases and sentences or of special words; and in this they have been aided by a careful study of the text and a comparison and utilization of the views of Kemble and Professor J.M. Garnett (who takes Grein for his foundation). Many new references have been added; and the various passages in which Heyne fails to indicate whether a given verb is weak or strong, or fails to point out the number, etc., of the illustrative form, have been corrected and made to harmonize with the general plan of the work. Numerous misprints in the glossary have also been corrected, and a brief glossary to the Finnsburh-fragment, prepared by Dr. Wm. Hand Browne, and supplemented and adapted by the editor-in-chief, has been added.

The editors think that they may without immodesty put forth for themselves something more than the claim of being re-translators of a translation: the present edition is, so far as they were able to make it so, an adaptation, correction, and extension of the work of the great German scholar to whose loving appreciation of the Anglo-Saxon epic all students of Old English owe a debt of gratitude. While following his usually sure and cautious guidance, and in the main appropriating his results, they have thought it best to deviate from him in the manner above indicated, whenever it seemed that he was wrong. The careful reader will notice at once the marks of interrogation which point out these deviations, or which introduce a point of view illustrative of, or supplementary to, the one given by the German editor. No doubt the editors are wrong themselves in many places,–“BeÛwulf” is a most difficult poem,–but their view may at least be defended by a reference to the original text, which they have faithfully and constantly consulted.

A good many cognate Modern English words have been introduced here and there in the Glossary with a view to illustration, and other addenda will be found between brackets and parenthetical marks.

It is hoped that the present edition of the most famous of Old English poems will do something to promote a valuable and interesting study.

_Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va._

_University of Louisiana, New Orleans_.

April, 1883.

The responsibility of the editors is as follows: H. is responsible for the Text, and for the Glossary from hrÓnan on; S. for the List of Names, and for the Glossary as far as hrÓnan.


The only national [Anglo-Saxon] epic which has been preserved entire is BeÛwulf. Its argument is briefly as follows:–The poem opens with a few verses in praise of the Danish Kings, especially Scild, the son of Sceaf. His death is related, and his descendants briefly traced down to Hrogar. Hrogar, elated with his prosperity and success in war, builds a magnificent hall, which he calls Heorot. In this hall Hrogar and his retainers live in joy and festivity, until a malignant fiend, called Grendel, jealous of their happiness, carries off by night thirty of Hrogar’s men, and devours them in his moorland retreat. These ravages go on for twelve years. BeÛwulf, a thane of Hygelac, King of the Goths, hearing of Hrogar’s calamities, sails from Sweden with fourteen warriors–to help him. They reach the Danish coast in safety; and, after an animated parley with Hrogar’s coastguard, who at first takes them for pirates, they are allowed to proceed to the royal hall, where they are well received by Hrogar. A banquet ensues, during which BeÛwulf is taunted by the envious Hunferh about his swimming-match with Breca, King of the Brondings. BeÛwulf gives the true account of the contest, and silences Hunferh. At night-fall the King departs, leaving BeÛwulf in charge of the hall. Grendel soon breaks in, seizes and devours one of BeÛwulf’s companions; is attacked by BeÛwulf, and, after losing an arm, which is torn off by BeÛwulf, escapes to the fens. The joy of Hrogar and the Danes, and their festivities, are described, various episodes are introduced, and BeÛwulf and his companions receive splendid gifts. The next night Grendel’s mother revenges her son by carrying off ∆schere, the friend and councillor of Hrogar, during the absence of BeÛwulf. Hrogar appeals to BeÛwulf for vengeance, and describes the haunts of Grendel and his mother. They all proceed thither; the scenery of the lake, and the monsters that dwell in it, are described. BeÛwulf plunges into the water, and attacks Grendel’s mother in her dwelling at the bottom of the lake. He at length overcomes her, and cuts off her head, together with that of Grendel, and brings the heads to Hrogar. He then takes leave of Hrogar, sails back to Sweden, and relates his adventures to Hygelac. Here the first half of the poem ends. The second begins with the accession of BeÛwulf to the throne, after the fall of Hygelac and his son Heardred. He rules prosperously for fifty years, till a dragon, brooding over a hidden treasure, begins to ravage the country, and destroys BeÛwulf’s palace with fire. BeÛwulf sets out in quest of its hiding-place, with twelve men. Having a presentiment of his approaching end, he pauses and recalls to mind his past life and exploits. He then takes leave of his followers, one by one, and advances alone to attack the dragon. Unable, from the heat, to enter the cavern, he shouts aloud, and the dragon comes forth. The dragon’s scaly hide is proof against BeÛwulf’s sword, and he is reduced to great straits. Then Wiglaf, one of his followers, advances to help him. Wiglaf’s shield is consumed by the dragon’s fiery breath, and he is compelled to seek shelter under BeÛwulf’s shield of iron. BeÛwulf’s sword snaps asunder, and he is seized by the dragon. Wiglaf stabs the dragon from underneath, and BeÛwulf cuts it in two with his dagger. Feeling that his end is near, he bids Wiglaf bring out the treasures from the cavern, that he may see them before he dies. Wiglaf enters the dragon’s den, which is described, returns to BeÛwulf, and receives his last commands. BeÛwulf dies, and Wiglaf bitterly reproaches his companions for their cowardice. The disastrous consequences of BeÛwulf’s death are then foretold, and the poem ends with his funeral.–H. Sweet, in Warton’s _History of English Poetry_, Vol. II. (ed. 1871). Cf. also Ten Brink’s _History of English Literature_.



Hw‰t! we G‚r-Dena in ge‚r-dagum ˛eÛd-cyninga ˛rym gefrunon,
h˚ ˛‚ ‰elingas ellen fremedon. Oft Scyld ScÍfing sceaena ˛re·tum, 5 monegum mÊgum meodo-setla ofte·h. Egsode eorl, syan Êrest wear fe·-sceaft funden: he ˛‰s frÙfre geb‚d, weÙx under wolcnum, weor-myndum ‚h, Ù ˛‰t him Êghwylc ˛‚ra ymb-sittendra 10 ofer hron-r‚de h˝ran scolde,
gomban gyldan: ˛‰t w‰s gÙd cyning! ˛‰m eafera w‰s ‰fter cenned
geong in geardum, ˛one god sende folce tÙ frÙfre; fyren-˛earfe ongeat, 15 ˛‰t hie Êr drugon aldor-le·se lange hwÓle. Him ˛‰s lÓf-fre·, wuldres wealdend, worold-‚re forgeaf; BeÛwulf w‰s breme (blÊd wÓde sprang), Scyldes eafera Scede-landum in.
20 Sw‚ sceal geong guma, gÙde gewyrcean, fromum feoh-giftum on f‰der wine, ˛‰t hine on ylde eft gewunigen
wil-gesÓas, ˛onne wÓg cume, leÛde gelÊsten: lof-dÊdum sceal
25 in mÊga gehwÊre man ge˛eÛn. Him ˛‚ Scyld gew‚t tÙ gesc‰p-hwÓle fela-hrÙr fÍran on fre·n wÊre;
hi hyne ˛‚ ‰tbÊron tÙ brimes faroe. swÊse gesÓas, sw‚ he selfa b‰d, 30 ˛enden wordum weÛld wine Scyldinga, leÛf land-fruma lange ‚hte.
fiÊr ‰t h˝e stÙd hringed-stefna, Ósig and ˚tf˚s, ‰elinges f‰r; ‚-lÍdon ˛‚ leÛfne ˛eÛden,
35 be·ga bryttan on bearm scipes, mÊrne be m‰ste. fiÊr w‰s m‚dma fela, of feor-wegum fr‰twa gelÊded:
ne h˝rde ic cymlÓcor ceÛl gegyrwan hilde-wÊpnum and heao-wÊdum,
40 billum and byrnum; him on bearme l‰g m‚dma m‰nigo, ˛‚ him mid scoldon on flÙdes Êht feor gewÓtan.
Nalas hi hine l‰ssan l‚cum teÛdan, ˛eÛd-gestreÛnum, ˛onne ˛‚ dydon, 45 ˛e hine ‰t frumsceafte for onsendon Ênne ofer ˝e umbor wesende:
˛‚ gyt hie him ‚setton segen gyldenne he·h ofer he·fod, lÍton holm beran, ge‚fon on g‚r-secg: him w‰s geÙmor sefa, 50 murnende mÙd. Men ne cunnon
secgan tÙ soe sele-rÊdende, h‰le under heofenum, hw‚ ˛‰m hl‰ste onfÍng.


fi‚ w‰s on burgum BeÛwulf Scyldinga, leÛf leÛd-cyning, longe ˛rage
55 folcum gefrÊge (f‰der ellor hwearf, aldor of earde), Ù ˛‰t him eft onwÙc he·h Healfdene; heÛld ˛enden lifde, gamol and g˚-reÛw, gl‰de Scyldingas. fi‰m feÛwer bearn for-gerÓmed 60 in worold wÙcun, weoroda rÊswan, Heorog‚r and HrÙg‚r and H‚lga til; h˝rde ic, ˛at Elan cwÍn Ongen˛eÛwes w‰s Heaoscilfinges heals-gebedde.
fi‚ w‰s HrÙg‚re here-spÍd gyfen, 65 wÓges weor-mynd, ˛‰t him his wine-m‚gas georne h˝rdon, Ù ˛‰t seÛ geogo geweÙx, mago-driht micel. Him on mÙd bearn, ˛‰t heal-reced h‚tan wolde,
medo-‰rn micel men gewyrcean, 70 ˛one yldo bearn Êfre gefrunon,
and ˛Êr on innan eall gedÊlan geongum and ealdum, swylc him god sealde, b˚ton folc-scare and feorum gumena. fi‚ ic wÓde gefr‰gn weorc gebannan 75 manigre mÊge geond ˛isne middan-geard, folc-stede fr‰twan. Him on fyrste gelomp ‰dre mid yldum, ˛‰t hit wear eal gearo, heal-‰rna mÊst; scÙp him Heort naman, se ˛e his wordes geweald wÓde h‰fde. 80 He beÛt ne ‚lÍh, be·gas dÊlde, sinc ‰t symle. Sele hlifade
he·h and horn-ge·p: heao-wylma b‚d, l‚an lÓges; ne w‰s hit lenge ˛‚ gen ˛‰t se ecg-hete ‚um-swerian 85 ‰fter w‰l-nÓe w‰cnan scolde. fi‚ se ellen-gÊst earfolÓce ˛rage ge˛olode, se ˛e in ˛˝strum b‚d, ˛‰t he dÙgora gehw‚m dre·m geh˝rde hl˚dne in healle; ˛Êr w‰s hearpan swÍg, 90 swutol sang scÙpes. S‰gde se ˛e c˚e frum-sceaft fira feorran reccan,
cw‰ ˛‰t se ‰lmihtiga eoran worhte, wlite-beorhtne wang, sw‚ w‰ter beb˚ge, gesette sige-hrÍig sunnan and mÙnan 95 leÛman tÙ leÛhte land-b˚endum, and gefr‰twade foldan sce·tas
leomum and le·fum; lÓf e·c gesceÙp cynna gehwylcum, ˛‚ra ˛e cwice hwyrfa. Sw‚ ˛‚ driht-guman dre·mum lifdon 100 e·diglÓce, Ù ˛‰t ‚n ongan fyrene fremman, feÛnd on helle:
w‰s se grimma g‰st Grendel h‚ten, mÊre mearc-stapa, se ˛e mÙras heÛld, fen and f‰sten; fÓfel-cynnes eard 105 won-sÊlig wer weardode hwÓle,
sian him scyppend forscrifen h‰fde. In Caines cynne ˛one cwealm gewr‰c, Íce drihten, ˛‰s ˛e he Abel slÙg; ne gefeah he ˛Êre fÊhe, ac he hine feor forwr‰c, 110 metod for ˛˝ m‚ne man-cynne fram. fianon untydras ealle onwÙcon,
eotenas and ylfe and orcnÍas, swylce gigantas, ˛‚ wi gode wunnon lange ˛rage; he him ˛‰s le·n forgeald.


115 Gew‚t ˛‚ neÛsian, syan niht becom, he·n h˚ses, h˚ hit Hring-Dene
‰fter beÛr-˛ege geb˚n h‰fdon. Fand ˛‚ ˛Êr inne ‰elinga gedriht swefan ‰fter symble; sorge ne c˚on, 120 won-sceaft wera. Wiht unhÊlo
grim and grÊdig gearo sÙna w‰s, reÛc and rÍe, and on r‰ste genam ˛ritig ˛egna: ˛anon eft gew‚t
h˚e hrÍmig tÙ h‚m faran, 125 mid ˛Êre w‰l-fylle wÓca neÛsan. fi‚ w‰s on uhtan mid Êr-d‰ge Grendles g˚-cr‰ft gumum undyrne: ˛‚ w‰s ‰fter wiste wÙp up ‚hafen, micel morgen-swÍg. MÊre ˛eÛden, 130 ‰eling Êr-gÙd, unblÓe s‰t, ˛olode ˛r˝-sw˝, ˛egn-sorge dre·h, syan hie ˛‰s l‚an l‚st sce·wedon, wergan g‚stes; w‰s ˛‰t gewin tÙ strang, l‚ and longsum. N‰s hit lengra fyrst, 135 ac ymb ‚ne niht eft gefremede
mor-beala m‚re and nÙ mearn fore fÊhe and fyrene; w‰s tÙ f‰st on ˛‚m. fi‚ w‰s e·-fynde, ˛e him elles hwÊr ger˚mlÓcor r‰ste sÙhte,
140 bed ‰fter b˚rum, ˛‚ him gebe·cnod w‰s, ges‰gd sÙlÓce sweotolan t‚cne heal-˛egnes hete; heÛld hine syan fyr and f‰stor, se ˛‰m feÛnde ‰twand. Sw‚ rÓxode and wi rihte wan
145 ‚na wi eallum, Ù ˛‰t Ódel stÙd h˚sa sÍlest. W‰s seÛ hwÓl micel: twelf wintra tÓd torn ge˛olode
wine Scyldinga, we·na gehwelcne, sÓdra sorga; for˛am syan wear 150 ylda bearnum undyrne c˚,
gyddum geÙmore, ˛‰tte Grendel wan, hwÓle wi HrÙg‚r;– hete-nÓas w‰g, fyrene and fÊhe fela missera,
singale s‰ce, sibbe ne wolde 155 wi manna hwone m‰genes Deniga feorh-bealo feorran, feÛ ˛ingian, ne ˛Êr nÊnig witena wÍnan ˛orfte beorhtre bÙte tÙ banan folmum;
atol ‰glÊca Íhtende w‰s, 160 deorc de·-sc˚a dugue and geogoe seomade and syrede. Sin-nihte heÛld mistige mÙras; men ne cunnon,
hwyder hel-r˚nan hwyrftum scrÓa. Sw‚ fela fyrena feÛnd man-cynnes, 165 atol ‚n-gengea, oft gefremede
heardra h˝na; Heorot eardode, sinc-f‚ge sel sweartum nihtum
(nÙ he ˛one gif-stÙl grÍtan mÙste, m‚um for metode, ne his myne wisse); 170 ˛‰t w‰s wrÊc micel wine Scyldinga, mÙdes breca. Monig-oft ges‰t
rÓce tÙ r˚ne; rÊd eahtedon, hw‰t swÓ-ferhum sÍlest wÊre wi fÊr-gryrum tÙ gefremmanne.
175 HwÓlum hie gehÍton ‰t h‰rg-trafum wig-weorunga, wordum bÊdon,
˛‰t him g‚st-bona geÛce gefremede wi ˛eÛd-˛re·um. Swylc w‰s ˛e·w hyra, hÊenra hyht; helle gemundon
180 in mÙd-sefan, metod hie ne c˚on, dÊda dÍmend, ne wiston hie drihten god, ne hie h˚ru heofena helm hÍrian ne c˚on, wuldres waldend. W‚ bi ˛‰m ˛e sceal ˛urh slÓne nÓ s‚wle besc˚fan 185 in f˝res f‰m, frÙfre ne wÍnan, wihte gewendan; wel bi ˛‰m ˛e mÙt ‰fter de·-d‰ge drihten sÍcean and tÙ f‰der f‰mum freoo wilnian.


Sw‚ ˛‚ mÊl-ceare maga Healfdenes 190 singala se·; ne mihte snotor h‰le we·n onwendan: w‰s ˛‰t gewin tÙ sw˝, l‚ and longsum, ˛e on ˛‚ leÛde becom, n˝d-wracu nÓ-grim, niht-bealwa mÊst. fi‰t fram h‚m gefr‰gn Higel‚ces ˛egn, 195 gÙd mid Ge·tum, Grendles dÊda:
se w‰s mon-cynnes m‰genes strengest on ˛‰m d‰ge ˛ysses lÓfes,
‰ele and e·cen. HÍt him ˝-lidan gÙdne gegyrwan; cw‰ he g˚-cyning 200 ofer swan-r‚de sÍcean wolde,
mÊrne ˛eÛden, ˛‚ him w‰s manna ˛earf. fione sÓ-f‰t him snotere ceorlas lyt-hwÙn lÙgon, ˛e·h he him leÛf wÊre; hwetton higerÙfne, hÊl sce·wedon. 205 H‰fde se gÙda Ge·ta leÛda
cempan gecorone, ˛‚ra ˛e he cÍnoste findan mihte; fÓftena sum
sund-wudu sÙhte; secg wÓsade, lagu-cr‰ftig mon, land-gemyrcu.
210 Fyrst for gew‚t: flota w‰s on ˝um, b‚t under beorge. Beornas gearwe
on stefn stigon; stre·mas wundon sund wi sande; secgas bÊron
on bearm nacan beorhte fr‰twe, 215 g˚-searo geatolÓc; guman ˚t scufon, weras on wil-sÓ wudu bundenne.
Gew‚t ˛‚ ofer wÊg-holm winde gef˝sed flota f‚mig-heals fugle gelÓcost, Ù ˛‰t ymb ‚n-tÓd Ùres dÙgores 220 wunden-stefna gewaden h‰fde,
˛‰t ˛‚ lÓende land ges‚won, brim-clifu blÓcan, beorgas ste·pe, sÓde sÊ-n‰ssas: ˛‚ w‰s sund liden, eoletes ‰t ende. fianon up hrae 225 Wedera leÛde on wang stigon,
sÊ-wudu sÊldon (syrcan hrysedon, g˚-gewÊdo); gode ˛ancedon,
˛‰s ˛e him ˝-l‚de e·e wurdon. fi‚ of wealle geseah weard Scildinga, 230 se ˛e holm-clifu healdan scolde,
beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas, fyrd-searu f˚slÓcu; hine fyrwyt br‰c mÙd-gehygdum, hw‰t ˛‚ men wÊron. Gew‚t him ˛‚ tÙ waroe wicge rÓdan 235 ˛egn HrÙg‚res, ˛rymmum cwehte m‰gen-wudu mundum, meel-wordum fr‰gn: “Hw‰t syndon ge searo-h‰bbendra “byrnum werede, ˛e ˛us brontne ceÛl “ofer lagu-strÊte lÊdan cwÙmon,
240 “hider ofer holmas helmas bÊron? “Ic w‰s ende-sÊta, Êg-wearde heÛld, “˛‰t on land Dena l‚ra nÊnig “mid scip-herge scean ne meahte. “NÙ her c˚lÓcor cuman ongunnon 245 “lind-h‰bbende; ne ge le·fnes-word “g˚-fremmendra gearwe ne wisson, “m‚ga gemÍdu. NÊfre ic m‚ran geseah “eorla ofer eoran, ˛onne is eÛwer sum, “secg on searwum; nis ˛‰t seld-guma 250 “wÊpnum geweorad, n‰fne him his wlite leÛge, “ÊnlÓc an-s˝n. Nu ic eÛwer sceal “frum-cyn witan, Êr ge fyr heonan
“le·se sce·weras on land Dena “furur fÍran. Nu ge feor-b˚end, 255 “mere-lÓende, mÓnne geh˝ra “‚n-fealdne ge˛Ùht: Ùfost is sÍlest “tÙ gec˝anne, hwanan eÛwre cyme syndon.”


Him se yldesta andswarode,
werodes wÓsa, word-hord onle·c: 260 “We synt gum-cynnes Ge·ta leÛde
“and Higel‚ces heor-gene·tas. “W‰s mÓn f‰der folcum gec˝ed, “‰ele ord-fruma Ecg˛eÛw h‚ten; “geb‚d wintra worn, Êr he on weg hwurfe, 265 “gamol of geardum; hine gearwe geman “witena wel-hwylc wÓde geond eoran.– “We ˛urh holdne hige hl‚ford ˛inne, “sunu Healfdenes, sÍcean cwÙmon,
“leÛd-gebyrgean: wes ˛u ˚s l‚rena gÙd! 270 “Habba we tÙ ˛‰m mÊran micel Êrende “Deniga fre·n; ne sceal ˛Êr dyrne sum “wesan, ˛‰s ic wÍne. fiu w‚st, gif hit is, “sw‚ we sÙlice secgan h˝rdon, “˛‰t mid Scyldingum sceaa ic n‚t hwylc, 275 “deÛgol dÊd-hata, deorcum nihtum “e·we ˛urh egsan unc˚ne nÓ, “h˝nu and hr‚-fyl. Ic ˛‰s HrÙg‚r m‰g “˛urh r˚mne sefan rÊd gelÊran,
“h˚ he frÙd and gÙd feÛnd ofersw˝e, 280 “gyf him ed-wendan Êfre scolde
“bealuwa bisigu, bÙt eft cuman “and ˛‚ cear-wylmas cÙlran wura; “oe ‚ syan earfo-˛rage, “˛re·-n˝d ˛ola, ˛enden ˛Êr wuna 285 “on he·h-stede h˚sa sÍlest.”
Weard maelode, ˛Êr on wicge s‰t ombeht unforht: “∆ghw‰res sceal “scearp scyld-wÓga gesc‚d witan, “worda and worca, se ˛e wel ˛ence. 290 “Ic ˛‰t geh˝re, ˛‰t ˛is is hold weorod “fre·n Scyldinga. GewÓta for beran “wÊpen and gewÊdu, ic eÛw wÓsige: “swylce ic magu-˛egnas mÓne h‚te “wi feÛnda gehwone flotan eÛwerne, 295 “niw-tyrwedne nacan on sande
“‚rum healdan, Ù ˛‰t eft byre “ofer lagu-stre·mas leÛfne mannan “wudu wunden-hals tÙ Weder-mearce. “G˚-fremmendra swylcum gifee bi, 300 “˛‰t ˛one hilde-rÊs h‚l gedÓge.” Gewiton him ˛‚ fÍran (flota stille b‚d, seomode on s‚le sÓd-f‰med scyp, on ancre f‰st); eofor-lÓc scionon ofer hleÛr-beran gehroden golde
305 f‚h and f˝r-heard, ferh wearde heÛld. G˚mÙde grummon, guman onetton, sigon ‰tsomne, Ù ˛‰t hy s‰l timbred geatolÓc and gold-f‚h ongytan mihton; ˛‰t w‰s fore-mÊrost fold-b˚endum 310 receda under roderum, on ˛‰m se rÓca b‚d; lixte se leÛma ofer landa fela.
Him ˛‚ hilde-deÛr hof mÙdigra torht getÊhte, ˛‰t hie him tÙ mihton gegnum gangan; g˚-beorna sum
315 wicg gewende, word ‰fter cw‰: “MÊl is me tÙ fÍran; f‰der alwalda “mid ‚r-stafum eÛwic gehealde
“sÓa gesunde! ic tÙ sÊ wille, “wi wr‚ werod wearde healdan.”


320 StrÊt w‰s st‚n-f‚h, stÓg wÓsode gumum ‰tg‰dere. G˚-byrne sc‚n heard hond-locen, hring-Óren scÓr song in searwum, ˛‚ hie tÙ sele furum in hyra gryre-geatwum gangan cwÙmon. 325 Setton sÊ-mÍe sÓde scyldas,
rondas regn-hearde wi ˛‰s recedes weal, bugon ˛‚ tÙ bence; byrnan hringdon, g˚-searo gumena; g‚ras stÙdon, sÊ-manna searo, samod ‰tg‰dere, 330 ‰sc-holt ufan grÊg: w‰s se Óren-˛re·t wÊpnum gewurad. fi‚ ˛Êr wlonc h‰le oret-mecgas ‰fter ‰elum fr‰gn: “Hwanon ferigea ge f‰tte scyldas, “grÊge syrcan and grÓm-helmas,
335 “here-sceafta he·p?– Ic eom HrÙg‚res “‚r and ombiht. Ne seah ic el-˛eÛdige “˛us manige men mÙdiglÓcran.
“WÍn’ ic ˛‰t ge for wlenco, nalles for wr‰c-sÓum, “ac for hige-˛rymmum HrÙg‚r sÙhton.” 340 Him ˛‚ ellen-rÙf andswarode,
wlanc Wedera leÛd word ‰fter spr‰c, heard under helme: “We synt Higel‚ces “beÛd-gene·tas; BeÛwulf is mÓn nama. “Wille ic ‚secgan suna Healfdenes, 345 “mÊrum ˛eÛdne mÓn Êrende,
“aldre ˛Ónum, gif he ˚s geunnan wile, “˛‰t we hine sw‚ gÙdne grÍtan mÙton.” Wulfg‚r maelode (˛‰t w‰s Wendla leÛd, w‰s his mÙd-sefa manegum gec˝ed, 350 wÓg and wÓs-dÙm): “ic ˛‰s wine Deniga, “fre·n Scildinga frinan wille,
“be·ga bryttan, sw‚ ˛u bÍna eart, “˛eÛden mÊrne ymb ˛Ónne sÓ ; “and ˛e ˛‚ andsware ‰dre gec˝an, 355 “˛e me se gÙda ‚gifan ˛ence.” Hwearf ˛‚ hr‰dlÓce, ˛Êr HrÙg‚r s‰t, eald and unh‚r mid his eorla gedriht; eode ellen-rÙf, ˛‰t he for eaxlum gestÙd Deniga fre·n, c˚e he dugue ˛e·w. 360 Wulfg‚r maelode tÙ his wine-drihtne: “Her syndon geferede feorran cumene “ofer geofenes begang Ge·ta leÛde: “˛one yldestan oret-mecgas
“BeÛwulf nemna. Hy bÍnan synt, 365 “˛‰t hie, ˛eÛden mÓn, wi ˛e mÙton “wordum wrixlan; nÙ ˛u him wearne geteÛh, “˛Ónra gegn-cwida gl‰dnian, HrÙg‚r! “Hy on wÓg-geatwum wyre ˛incea “eorla geÊhtlan; h˚ru se aldor de·h, 370 “se ˛Êm heao-rincum hider wÓsade.”


HrÙg‚r maelode, helm Scyldinga: “Ic hine c˚e cniht-wesende.
“W‰s his eald-f‰der Ecg˛eÛ h‚ten, “˛‰m tÙ h‚m forgeaf HrÍel Ge·ta 375 “‚ngan dÙhtor; is his eafora nu “heard her cumen, sÙhte holdne wine. “˛onne s‰gdon ˛‰t sÊ-lÓende, “˛‚ ˛e gif-sceattas Ge·ta fyredon “˛yder tÙ ˛ance, ˛‰t he ˛rittiges 380 “manna m‰gen-cr‰ft on his mund-grÓpe “heao-rÙf h‰bbe. Hine h‚lig god “for ‚r-stafum us onsende,
“tÙ West-Denum, ˛‰s ic wÍn h‰bbe, “wi Grendles gryre: ic ˛‰m gÙdan sceal 385 “for his mÙd-˛r‰ce m‚dmas beÛdan. “BeÛ ˛u on Ùfeste, h‚t hig in g‚n, “seÛn sibbe-gedriht samod ‰tg‰dere; “gesaga him e·c wordum, ˛‰t hie sint wil-cuman “Deniga leÛdum.” fi‚ wi duru healle 390 Wulfg‚r eode, word inne ‚be·d: “EÛw hÍt secgan sige-drihten mÓn, “aldor E·st-Dena, ˛‰t he eÛwer ‰elu can “and ge him syndon ofer sÊ-wylmas, “heard-hicgende, hider wil-cuman.
395 “Nu ge mÙton gangan in eÛwrum gu-geatawum, “under here-grÓman, HrÙg‚r geseÛn; “lÊta hilde-bord her onbidian,
“wudu w‰l-sceaftas, worda ge˛inges.” ¬r‚s ˛‚ se rÓca, ymb hine rinc manig, 400 ˛rylÓc ˛egna he·p; sume ˛Êr bidon, heao-re·f heÛldon, sw‚ him se hearda bebe·d. Snyredon ‰tsomne, ˛‚ secg wÓsode under Heorotes hrÙf; hyge-rÙf eode, heard under helme, ˛‰t he on heoe gestÙd. 405 BeÛwulf maelode (on him byrne sc‚n, searo-net seÛwed smies or-˛ancum): “Wes ˛u HrÙg‚r h‚l! ic eom Higel‚ces “mÊg and mago-˛egn; h‰bbe ic mÊra fela “ongunnen on geogoe. Me wear Grendles ˛ing 410 “on mÓnre Íel-tyrf undyrne c˚: “secga sÊ-lÓend, ˛‰t ˛es sele stande, “reced sÍlesta, rinca gehwylcum
“Ódel and unnyt, sian Êfen-leÛht “under heofenes h‚dor beholen weore. 415 “fi‚ me ˛‰t gelÊrdon leÛde mÓne, “˛‚ sÍlestan, snotere ceorlas,
“˛eÛden HrÙg‚r, ˛‰t ic ˛e sÙhte; “for˛an hie m‰genes cr‰ft mÓnne c˚on: “selfe ofers‚won, ˛‚ ic of searwum cwom, 420 “f‚h from feÛndum, ˛Êr ic fÓfe geband, “˝de eotena cyn, and on ˝um slÙg “niceras nihtes, nearo-˛earfe dre·h, “wr‰c Wedera nÓ (we·n ‚hsodon) “forgrand gramum; and nu wi Grendel sceal, 425 “wi ˛am aglÊcan, ‚na gehegan “˛ing wi ˛yrse. Ic ˛e nu ˛‚, “brego Beorht-Dena, biddan wille,
“eodor Scyldinga, ‚nre bÍne; “˛‰t ˛u me ne forwyrne, wÓgendra hleÛ, 430 “freÛ-wine folca, nu ic ˛us feorran com, “˛‰t ic mÙte ‚na and mÓnra eorla gedryht, “˛es hearda he·p, Heorot fÊlsian. “H‰bbe ic e·c ge‚hsod, ˛‰t se ‰glÊca “for his won-h˝dum wÊpna ne rÍce; 435 “ic ˛‰t ˛onne forhicge, sw‚ me Higel‚c sÓe, “mÓn mon-drihten, mÙdes blÓe, “˛‰t ic sweord bere oe sÓdne scyld “geolo-rand tÙ g˚e; ac ic mid gr‚pe sceal “fÙn wi feÛnde and ymb feorh sacan, 440 “l‚ wi l‚um; ˛Êr gel˝fan sceal “dryhtnes dÙme se ˛e hine de· nime. “WÍn’ ic ˛‰t he wille, gif he wealdan mÙt, “in ˛‰m g˚-sele Ge·tena leÛde “etan unforhte, sw‚ he oft dyde
445 “m‰gen HrÍmanna. N‚ ˛u mÓnne ˛earft “hafalan h˝dan, ac he me habban wile “dreÛre f‚hne, gif mec de· nime; “byre blÙdig w‰l, byrgean ˛ence, “ete ‚n-genga unmurnlÓce,
450 “mearca mÙr-hopu: nÙ ˛u ymb mÓnes ne ˛earft “lÓces feorme leng sorgian.
“Onsend Higel‚ce, gif mec hild nime, “beadu-scr˚da betst, ˛‰t mÓne breÛst were, “hr‰gla sÍlest; ˛‰t is HrÍlan l‚f, 455 “WÍlandes geweorc. GÊ ‚ Wyrd sw‚ hiÛ scel!”


HrÙg‚r maelode, helm Scyldinga: “for were-fyhtum ˛u, wine mÓn BeÛwulf, “and for ‚r-stafum ˚sic sÙhtest. “GeslÙh ˛in f‰der fÊhe mÊste, 460 “wear he Heaol‚fe tÙ hand-bonan “mid Wilfingum; ˛‚ hine Wedera cyn “for here-brÙgan habban ne mihte.
“fianon he gesÙhte S˚-Dena folc “ofer ˝a gewealc, ¬r-Scyldinga; 465 “˛‚ ic furum weÛld folce Deninga, “and on geogoe heÛld gimme-rÓce “hord-burh h‰lea: ˛‚ w‰s Hereg‚r de·d, “mÓn yldra mÊg unlifigende,
“bearn Healfdenes. Se w‰s betera ˛onne ic! 470 “Sian ˛‚ fÊhe feÛ ˛ingode; “sende ic Wylfingum ofer w‰teres hrycg “ealde m‚dmas: he me ‚as swÙr. “Sorh is me tÙ secganne on sefan mÓnum “gumena Êngum, hw‰t me Grendel hafa 475 “h˝no on Heorote mid his hete-˛ancum, “fÊr-nÓa gefremed. Is mÓn flet-werod, “wÓg-he·p gewanod; hie Wyrd forsweÛp “on Grendles gryre. God e·e m‰g “˛one dol-scaan dÊda getwÊfan! 480 “Ful oft gebeÛtedon beÛre druncne “ofer ealo-wÊge oret-mecgas,
“˛‰t hie in beÛr-sele bÓdan woldon “Grendles g˚e mid gryrum ecga.
“fionne w‰s ˛eÛs medo-heal on morgen-tÓd, 485 “driht-sele dreÛr-f‚h, ˛onne d‰g lixte, “eal benc-˛elu blÙde best˝med,
“heall heoru-dreÛre: ‚hte ic holdra ˛˝ l‰s, “deÛrre dugue, ˛e ˛‚ de· fornam. “Site nu tÙ symle and onsÊl meoto, 490 “sige-hrÍ secgum, sw‚ ˛Ón sefa hwette!” fi‚ w‰s Ge·t-m‰cgum geador ‰tsomne on beÛr-sele benc ger˝med;
˛Êr swÓ-ferhe sittan eodon ˛ryum dealle. fiegn nytte beheÛld, 495 se ˛e on handa b‰r hroden ealo-wÊge, scencte scÓr wered. ScÙp hwÓlum sang h‚dor on Heorote; ˛Êr w‰s h‰lea dre·m, dugu unlytel Dena and Wedera.


€nfer maelode, Ecgl‚fes bearn, 500 ˛e ‰t fÙtum s‰t fre·n Scyldinga; onband beadu-r˚ne (w‰s him BeÛwulfes sÓ, mÙdges mere-faran, micel ‰f-˛unca, for˛on ˛e he ne ˚e, ˛‰t Ênig Ùer man Êfre mÊra ˛on m‚ middan-geardes 505 gehÍdde under heofenum ˛onne he sylfa): “Eart ˛u se BeÛwulf, se ˛e wi Brecan wunne, “on sÓdne sÊ ymb sund flite,
“˛Êr git for wlence wada cunnedon “and for dol-gilpe on deÛp w‰ter 510 “aldrum nÍdon? Ne inc Ênig mon, “ne leÛf ne l‚, bele·n mihte “sorh-fullne sÓ; ˛‚ git on sund reÛn, “˛Êr git e·gor-stre·m earmum ˛ehton, “mÊton mere-strÊta, mundum brugdon, 515 “glidon ofer g‚r-secg; geofon ˝um weÛl, “wintres wylme. Git on w‰teres Êht “seofon niht swuncon; he ˛e ‰t sunde oferfl‚t, “h‰fde m‚re m‰gen. fi‚ hine on morgen-tÓd “on Heao-rÊmas holm up ‰tb‰r, 520 “˛onon he gesÙhte swÊsne Íel “leÛf his leÛdum lond Brondinga,
“freoo-burh f‰gere, ˛Êr he folc ‚hte, “burg and be·gas. BeÛt eal wi ˛e “sunu Be·nst‚nes sÙe gelÊste. 525 “fionne wÍne ic tÙ ˛e wyrsan ge˛inges, “˛e·h ˛u heao-rÊsa gehwÊr dohte, “grimre g˚e, gif ˛u Grendles dearst “niht-longne fyrst ne·n bÓdan!”
BeÛwulf maelode, bearn Ecg˛eÛwes: 530 “Hw‰t ˛u worn fela, wine mÓn €nfer, “beÛre druncen ymb Brecan sprÊce, “s‰gdest from his sÓe! SÙ ic talige, “˛‰t ic mere-strengo m‚ran ‚hte, “earfeo on ˝um, ˛onne Ênig Ùer man. 535 “Wit ˛‰t gecwÊdon cniht-wesende “and gebeÛtedon (wÊron begen ˛‚ git “on geogo-feore) ˛‰t wit on g‚r-secg ˚t “aldrum nÍdon; and ˛‰t ge‰fndon sw‚. “H‰fdon swurd nacod, ˛‚ wit on sund reÛn, 540 “heard on handa, wit unc wi hron-fixas “werian ˛Ùhton. NÙ he wiht fram me “flÙd-˝um feor fleÛtan meahte, “hraor on holme, nÙ ic fram him wolde. “fi‚ wit ‰tsomne on sÊ wÊron 545 “fÓf nihta fyrst, Ù ˛‰t unc flÙd tÙdr‚f, “wado weallende, wedera cealdost,
“nÓpende niht and noran wind “heao-grim andhwearf; hreÛ wÊron ˝a, “W‰s mere-fixa mÙd onhrÍred:
550 “˛Êr me wi l‚um lÓc-syrce mÓn, “heard hond-locen, helpe gefremede; “beado-hr‰gl broden on breÛstum l‰g, “golde gegyrwed. Me tÙ grunde te·h “f‚h feÛnd-scaa, f‰ste h‰fde 555 “grim on gr‚pe: hw‰re me gyfee wear, “˛‰t ic aglÊcan orde gerÊhte,
“hilde-bille; heao-rÊs fornam “mihtig mere-deÛr ˛urh mÓne hand.


“Sw‚ mec gelÙme l‚-geteÛnan 560 “˛re·tedon ˛earle. Ic him ˛Ínode “deÛran sweorde, sw‚ hit gedÍfe w‰s; “n‰s hie ˛Êre fylle gefe·n h‰fdon, “m‚n-fordÊdlan, ˛‰t hie me ˛Ígon, “symbel ymb-sÊton sÊ-grunde ne·h, 565 “ac on mergenne mÍcum wunde
“be ˝-l‚fe uppe lÊgon,
“sweordum ‚swefede, ˛‰t syan n‚ “ymb brontne ford brim-lÓende
“l‚de ne letton. LeÛht e·stan com, 570 “beorht be·cen godes; brimu swaredon, “˛‰t ic sÊ-n‰ssas geseÛn mihte, “windige weallas. Wyrd oft nere
“unfÊgne eorl, onne his ellen de·h! “Hw‰ere me gesÊlde, ˛‰t ic mid sweorde ofslÙh 575 “niceras nigene. NÙ ic on niht gefr‰gn “under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan, “ne on Íg-stre·mum earmran mannan; “hw‰ere ic f‚ra feng feore gedÓgde, “sies wÍrig. fi‚ mec sÊ Ùb‰r, 580 “flÙd ‰fter faroe, on Finna land, “wadu weallendu. NÙ ic wiht fram ˛e “swylcra searo-nÓa secgan h˝rde, “billa brÙgan: Breca nÊfre git
“‰t heao-l‚ce, ne gehw‰er incer 585 “sw‚ deÛrlÓce dÊd gefremede
“f‚gum sweordum . . . . . . . “. . . . . . . nÙ ic ˛‰s gylpe; “˛e·h ˛u ˛Ónum brÙrum tÙ banan wurde, “he·fod-mÊgum; ˛‰s ˛u in helle scealt 590 “werho dreÛgan, ˛e·h ˛Ón wit duge, “Secge ic ˛e tÙ sÙe, sunu Ecgl‚fes, “˛‰t nÊfre Grendel sw‚ fela gryra gefremede, “atol ‰glÊca ealdre ˛Ónum,
“h˝no on Heorote, gif ˛Ón hige wÊre, 595 “sefa sw‚ searo-grim, sw‚ ˛u self talast. “Ac he hafa onfunden, ˛‰t he ˛‚ fÊhe ne ˛earf, “atole ecg-˛r‰ce eÛwer leÛde
“swÓe onsittan, Sige-Scyldinga; “nyme n˝d-b‚de, nÊnegum ‚ra 600 “leÛde Deniga, ac he on lust wÓge, “swefe ond sende, secce ne wÍne “tÙ G‚r-Denum. Ac him Ge·ta sceal “eafo and ellen unge‚ra nu
“g˚e gebeÛdan. GÊ eft se ˛e mÙt 605 “tÙ medo mÙdig, sian morgen-leÛht “ofer ylda bearn Ùres dÙgores, “sunne swegl-wered s˚an scÓne!” fi‚ w‰s on s‚lum sinces brytta gamol-feax and g˚-rÙf, geÛce gel˝fde 610 brego Beorht-Dena; geh˝rde on BeÛwulfe folces hyrde f‰st-rÊdne ge˛Ùht. fiÊr w‰s h‰lea hleahtor; hlyn swynsode, word wÊron wynsume. Eode Wealh˛eÛw for, cwÍn HrÙg‚res, cynna gemyndig, 615 grÍtte gold-hroden guman on healle, and ˛‚ freÛlÓc wÓf ful gesealde Êrest E·st-Dena Íel-wearde,
b‰d hine blÓne ‰t ˛Êre beÛr-˛ege, leÛdum leÛfne; he on lust ge˛eah 620 symbel and sele-ful, sige-rÙf kyning. Ymb-eode ˛‚ ides Helminga
dugue and geogoe dÊl Êghwylcne; sinc-fato sealde, Ù ˛‰t sÊl ‚lamp, ˛‰t hiÛ BeÛwulfe, be·g-hroden cwÍn, 625 mÙde ge˛ungen, medo-ful ‰tb‰r; grÍtte Ge·ta leÛd, gode ˛ancode wÓs-f‰st wordum, ˛‰s ˛e hire se willa gelamp, ˛‰t heÛ on Ênigne eorl gel˝fde fyrena frÙfre. He ˛‰t ful ge˛eah, 630 w‰l-reÛw wÓga ‰t Wealh˛eÛn, and ˛‚ gyddode g˚e gef˝sed, BeÛwulf maelode, bearn Ecg˛eÛwes: “Ic ˛‰t hogode, ˛‚ ic on holm gest‚h, “sÊ-b‚t ges‰t mid mÓnra secga gedriht, 635 “˛‰t ic ‚nunga eÛwra leÛda
“willan geworhte, oe on w‰l crunge, “feÛnd-gr‚pum f‰st. Ic gefremman sceal “eorlÓc ellen, oe ende-d‰g “on ˛isse meodu-healle mÓnne gebÓdan.” 640 fiam wÓfe ˛‚ word wel lÓcodon, gilp-cwide Ge·tes; eode gold-hroden freÛlÓcu folc-cwÍn tÙ hire fre·n sittan. fi‚ w‰s eft sw‚ Êr inne on healle ˛ry-word sprecen, ˛eÛd on sÊlum, 645 sige-folca swÍg, Ù ˛‰t semninga sunu Healfdenes sÍcean wolde
Êfen-r‰ste; wiste ‰t ˛‰m ahlÊcan tÙ ˛‰m he·h-sele hilde ge˛inged, sian hie sunnan leÛht geseÛn ne meahton, 650 oe nÓpende niht ofer ealle, scadu-helma gesceapu scrÓan cwÙman, wan under wolcnum. Werod eall ‚r‚s. GrÍtte ˛‚ giddum guma Ùerne, HrÙg‚r BeÛwulf, and him hÊl ‚be·d, 655 wÓn-‰rnes geweald and ˛‰t word ‚cw‰: “NÊfre ic Ênegum men Êr ‚l˝fde, “sian ic hond and rond hebban mihte, “˛ry-‰rn Dena b˚ton ˛e nu ˛‚. “Hafa nu and geheald h˚sa sÍlest; 660 “gemyne mÊro, m‰gen-ellen c˝, “waca wi wr‚um! Ne bi ˛e wilna g‚d, “gif ˛u ˛‰t ellen-weorc aldre gedÓgest.”


fi‚ him HrÙg‚r gew‚t mid his h‰lea gedryht, eodur Scyldinga ˚t of healle;
665 wolde wÓg-fruma Wealh˛eÛ sÍcan, cwÍn tÙ gebeddan H‰fde kyninga wuldor Grendle tÙ-ge·nes, sw‚ guman gefrungon, sele-weard ‚seted, sundor-nytte beheÛld ymb aldor Dena, eoton weard ‚be·d; 670 h˚ru Ge·ta leÛd georne tr˚wode mÙdgan m‰gnes, metodes hyldo.
fi‚ he him of dyde Ósern-byrnan, helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord, Órena cyst ombiht-˛egne,
675 and gehealdan hÍt hilde-geatwe. Gespr‰c ˛‚ se gÙda gylp-worda sum BeÛwulf Ge·ta, Êr he on bed stige: “NÙ ic me an here-wÊsmum hn‚gran talige “g˚-geweorca, ˛onne Grendel hine; 680 “for˛an ic hine sweorde swebban nelle, “aldre beneÛtan, ˛e·h ic eal mÊge. “N‚t he ˛‚ra gÙda, ˛‰t he me on-ge·n sle·, “rand gehe·we, ˛e·h ˛e he rÙf sÓe “nÓ-geweorca; ac wit on niht sculon 685 “secge ofersittan, gif he gesÍcean dear “wÓg ofer wÊpen, and sian witig god “on sw‚ hw‰ere hond h‚lig dryhten “mÊro dÍme, sw‚ him gemet ˛ince.” Hylde hine ˛‚ heao-deÛr, hleÛr-bolster onfÍng 690 eorles andwlitan; and hine ymb monig snellÓc sÊ-rinc sele-reste gebe·h. NÊnig heora ˛Ùhte ˛‰t he ˛anon scolde eft eard-lufan Êfre gesÍcean,
folc oe freÛ-burh, ˛Êr he ‚fÍded w‰s, 695 ac hie h‰fdon gefrunen, ˛‰t hie Êr tÙ fela micles in ˛‰m wÓn-sele w‰l-de· fornam, Denigea leÛde. Ac him dryhten forgeaf wÓg-spÍda gewiofu, Wedera leÛdum frÙfor and fultum, ˛‰t hie feÛnd heora 700 ˛urh ‚nes cr‰ft ealle ofercÙmon, selfes mihtum: sÙ is gec˝ed, ˛‰t mihtig god manna cynnes
weÛld wÓde-ferh. Com on wanre niht scrÓan sceadu-genga. SceÛtend swÊfon, 705 ˛‚ ˛‰t horn-reced healdan scoldon, ealle b˚ton ‚num. fi‰t w‰s yldum c˚, ˛‰t hie ne mÙste, ˛‚ metod nolde, se syn-scaa under sceadu bregdan; ac he w‰ccende wr‚um on andan 710 b‚d bolgen-mÙd beadwa ge˛inges.


fi‚ com of mÙre under mist-hleoum Grendel gongan, godes yrre b‰r.
Mynte se m‚n-scaa manna cynnes sumne besyrwan in sele ˛am he·n;
715 wÙd under wolcnum, tÙ ˛‰s ˛e he wÓn-reced, gold-sele gumena, gearwost wisse
f‰ttum f‚hne. Ne w‰s ˛‰t forma sÓ, ˛‰t he HrÙg‚res h‚m gesÙhte: nÊfre he on aldor-dagum Êr ne sian 720 heardran h‰le, heal-˛egnas fand! Com ˛‚ tÙ recede rinc sÓian dre·mum bedÊled. Duru sÙna onarn f˝r-bendum f‰st, syan he hire folmum hr‚n; onbr‰d ˛‚ bealo-hydig, ˛‚ he ‚bolgen w‰s, 725 recedes m˚an. Rae ‰fter ˛on on f‚gne flÙr feÛnd treddode,
eode yrre-mÙd; him of e·gum stÙd lÓge gelÓcost leÛht unf‰ger.
Geseah he in recede rinca manige, 730 swefan sibbe-gedriht samod ‰tg‰dere, mago-rinca he·p: ˛‚ his mÙd ‚hlÙg, mynte ˛‰t he gedÊlde, Êr ˛on d‰g cwÙme, atol aglÊca, ‚nra gehwylces
lÓf wi lÓce, ˛‚ him ‚lumpen w‰s 735 wist-fylle wÍn. Ne w‰s ˛‰t wyrd ˛‚ gen, ˛‰t he m‚ mÙste manna cynnes
˛icgean ofer ˛‚ niht. fir˝-sw˝ beheÛld mÊg Higel‚ces, h˚ se m‚n-scaa under fÊr-gripum gefaran wolde.
740 Ne ˛‰t se aglÊca yldan ˛Ùhte, ac he gefÍng hrae forman sie slÊpendne rinc, sl‚t unwearnum,
b‚t b‚n-locan, blÙd Ídrum dranc, syn-snÊdum swealh: sÙna h‰fde
745 unlyfigendes eal gefeormod
fÍt and folma. For ne·r ‰tstÙp, nam ˛‚ mid handa hige-˛ihtigne
rinc on r‰ste; rÊhte onge·n feÛnd mid folme, he onfÍng hrae 750 inwit-˛ancum and wi earm ges‰t. SÙna ˛‰t onfunde fyrena hyrde,
˛‰t he ne mÍtte middan-geardes eoran sce·ta on elran men
mund-gripe m‚ran: he on mÙde wear 755 forht on ferhe, nÙ ˛˝ Êr fram meahte; hyge w‰s him hin-f˚s, wolde on heolster fleÛn, sÍcan deÛfla gedr‰g: ne w‰s his drohto ˛Êr, swylce he on ealder-dagum Êr gemÍtte. Gemunde ˛‚ se gÙda mÊg Higel‚ces 760 Êfen-sprÊce, up-lang ‚stÙd
and him f‰ste wifÍng. Fingras burston; eoten w‰s ˚t-weard, eorl furur stÙp. Mynte se mÊra, ˛Êr he meahte sw‚, wÓdre gewindan and on weg ˛anon
765 fleÛn on fen-hopu; wiste his fingra geweald on grames gr‚pum. fi‰t w‰s geÛcor sÓ, ˛‰t se hearm-scaa tÙ Heorute ‚te·h: dryht-sele dynede, Denum eallum wear, ceaster-b˚endum, cÍnra gehwylcum, 770 eorlum ealu-scerwen. Yrre wÊron begen, rÍe rÍn-weardas. Reced hlynsode; ˛‚ w‰s wundor micel, ˛‰t se wÓn-sele wih‰fde heao-deÛrum, ˛‰t he on hrusan ne feÛl, f‰ger fold-bold; ac he ˛‰s f‰ste w‰s 775 innan and ˚tan Óren-bendum
searo-˛oncum besmiod. fiÊr fram sylle ‚be·g medu-benc monig mÓne gefrÊge,
golde geregnad, ˛Êr ˛‚ graman wunnon; ˛‰s ne wÍndon Êr witan Scyldinga, 780 ˛‰t hit ‚ mid gemete manna Ênig betlÓc and b‚n-f‚g tÙbrecan meahte, listum tÙl˚can, nyme lÓges f‰m swulge on swaule. SwÍg up ‚st‚g niwe geneahhe; Nor-Denum stÙd
785 atelÓc egesa ‚nra gehwylcum ˛‚ra ˛e of wealle wÙp geh˝rdon, gryre-leÛ galan godes andsacan, sige-le·sne sang, s‚r w‚nigean helle h‰ftan. HeÛld hine tÙ f‰ste 790 se ˛e manna w‰s m‰gene strengest on ˛‰m d‰ge ˛ysses lÓfes.


Nolde eorla hleÛ Ênige ˛inga
˛one cwealm-cuman cwicne forlÊtan, ne his lÓf-dagas leÛda Ênigum
795 nytte tealde. fiÊr genehost br‰gd eorl BeÛwulfes ealde l‚fe,
wolde fre·-drihtnes feorh ealgian mÊres ˛eÛdnes, ˛Êr hie meahton sw‚; hie ˛‰t ne wiston, ˛‚ hie gewin drugon, 800 heard-hicgende hilde-mecgas,
and on healfa gehwone he·wan ˛Ùhton, s‚wle sÍcan, ˛‰t ˛one syn-scaan Ênig ofer eoran Órenna cyst,
g˚-billa n‚n grÍtan nolde; 805 ac he sige-wÊpnum forsworen h‰fde, ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldor-ged‚l on ˛‰m d‰ge ˛ysses lÓfes
earmlÓc wuran and se ellor-g‚st on feÛnda geweald feor sÓian.
810 fi‚ ˛‰t onfunde se ˛e fela Êror mÙdes myre manna cynne
fyrene gefremede (he w‰s f‚g wi god) ˛‰t him se lÓc-homa lÊstan nolde, ac hine se mÙdega mÊg Hygel‚ces 815 h‰fde be honda; w‰s gehw‰er Ùrum lifigende l‚. LÓc-s‚r geb‚d atol ‰glÊca, him on eaxle wear syn-dolh sweotol, seonowe onsprungon burston b‚n-locan. BeÛwulfe wear 820 g˚-hrÍ gyfee; scolde Grendel ˛onan feorh-seÛc fleÛn under fen-hleou, sÍcean wyn-le·s wÓc; wiste ˛Í geornor, ˛‰t his aldres w‰s ende gegongen, dÙgera d‰g-rÓm. Denum eallum wear 825 ‰fter ˛am w‰l-rÊse willa gelumpen. H‰fde ˛‚ gefÊlsod, se ˛e Êr feorran com, snotor and sw˝-ferh sele HrÙg‚res, genered wi nÓe. Niht-weorce gefeh, ellen-mÊrum; h‰fde E·st-Denum 830 Ge·t-mecga leÛd gilp gelÊsted,
swylce onc˝e ealle gebÍtte, inwid-sorge, ˛e hie Êr drugon
and for ˛re·-n˝dum ˛olian scoldon, torn unlytel. fi‰t w‰s t‚cen sweotol, 835 syan hilde-deÛr hond ‚legde, earm and eaxle (˛Êr w‰s eal geador Grendles gr‚pe) under ge·pne hrÙf.


fi‚ w‰s on morgen mÓne gefrÊge ymb ˛‚ gif-healle g˚-rinc monig: 840 fÍrdon folc-togan feorran and ne·n geond wÓd-wegas wundor sce·wian,
l‚es l‚stas. NÙ his lÓf-ged‚l s‚rlÓc ˛˚hte secga Ênegum,
˛‚ra ˛e tÓr-le·ses trode sce·wode, 845 h˚ he wÍrig-mÙd on weg ˛anon,
nÓa ofercumen, on nicera mere fÊge and gefl˝med feorh-l‚stas b‰r. fiÊr w‰s on blÙde brim weallende, atol ˝a geswing eal gemenged
850 h‚tan heolfre, heoro-dreÛre weÛl; de·-fÊge deÛg, sian dre·ma le·s in fen-freoo feorh ‚legde
hÊene s‚wle, ˛Êr him hel onfÍng. fianon eft gewiton eald-gesÓas, 855 swylce geong manig of gomen-w‚e, fram mere mÙdge, mearum rÓdan,
beornas on blancum. fiÊr w‰s BeÛwulfes mÊro mÊned; monig oft gecw‰, ˛‰tte s˚ ne nor be sÊm tweonum 860 ofer eormen-grund Ùer nÊnig
under swegles begong sÍlra nÊre rond-h‰bbendra, rÓces wyrra.
Ne hie h˚ru wine-drihten wiht ne lÙgon, gl‰dne HrÙg‚r, ac ˛‰t w‰s gÙd cyning. 865 HwÓlum heao-rÙfe hle·pan lÍton, on geflÓt faran fealwe mearas,
˛Êr him fold-wegas f‰gere ˛˚hton, cystum c˚e; hwÓlum cyninges ˛egn, guma gilp-hl‰den gidda gemyndig,
870 se ˛e eal-fela eald-gesegena worn gemunde, word Ùer fand
sÙe gebunden: secg eft ongan sÓ BeÛwulfes snyttrum styrian
and on spÍd wrecan spel ger‚de, 875 wordum wrixlan, wel-hwylc gecw‰, ˛‰t he fram Sigemunde secgan h˝rde, ellen-dÊdum, unc˚es fela,
W‰lsinges gewin, wÓde sÓas, ˛‚ra ˛e gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston, 880 fÊhe and fyrene, b˚ton Fitela mid hine, ˛onne he swylces hw‰t secgan wolde e·m his nefan, sw‚ hie ‚ wÊron ‰t nÓa gehw‚m n˝d-gesteallan: h‰fdon eal-fela eotena cynnes
885 sweordum gesÊged. Sigemunde gesprong ‰fter de·-d‰ge dÙm unl˝tel, syan wÓges heard wyrm ‚cwealde, hordes hyrde; he under h‚rne st‚n, ‰elinges bearn, ‚na genÍde 890 frÍcne dÊde; ne w‰s him Fitela mid. Hw‰re him gesÊlde, ˛‰t ˛‰t swurd ˛urhwÙd wr‰tlÓcne wyrm, ˛‰t hit on wealle ‰tstÙd, dryhtlÓc Óren; draca morre swealt. H‰fde aglÊca elne gegongen,
895 ˛‰t he be·h-hordes br˚can mÙste selfes dÙme: sÊ-b‚t gehlÙd,
b‰r on bearm scipes beorhte fr‰twa, W‰lses eafera; wyrm h‚t gemealt. Se w‰s wreccena wÓde mÊrost
900 ofer wer-˛eÛde, wÓgendra hleÛ ellen-dÊdum: he ˛‰s ‚ron ˛‚h. Sian HeremÙdes hild swerode eafo and ellen. He mid eotenum wear on feÛnda geweald for forl‚cen, 905 sn˚de forsended. Hine sorh-wylmas lemede tÙ lange, he his leÛdum wear, eallum ‰elingum tÙ aldor-ceare; swylce oft bemearn Êrran mÊlum
swÓ-ferhes sÓ snotor ceorl monig, 910 se ˛e him bealwa tÙ bÙte gel˝fde, ˛‰t ˛‰t ˛eÛdnes bearn ge˛eÛn scolde, f‰der-‰elum onfÙn, folc gehealdan, hord and hleÛ-burh, h‰lea rÓce, Íel Scyldinga. He ˛Êr eallum wear, 915 mÊg Higel‚ces manna cynne,
freÛndum gef‰gra; hine fyren onwÙd.

HwÓlum flÓtende fealwe strÊte mearum mÊton. fi‚ w‰s morgen-leÛht scofen and scynded. Eode scealc monig 920 swÓ-hicgende tÙ sele ˛am he·n, searo-wundor seÛn, swylce self cyning, of br˝d-b˚re be·h-horda weard,
tryddode tÓr-f‰st getrume micle, cystum gec˝ed, and his cwÍn mid him 925 medo-stÓg gem‰t m‰ga hÙse.


HrÙg‚r maelode (he tÙ healle geÛng, stÙd on stapole, geseah ste·pne hrÙf golde f‚hne and Grendles hond):
“˛isse ans˝ne al-wealdan ˛anc 930 “lungre gelimpe! Fela ic l‚es geb‚d, “grynna ‰t Grendle: ‚ m‰g god wyrcan “wunder ‰fter wundre, wuldres hyrde! “fi‰t w‰s unge‚ra, ˛‰t ic Ênigra me “we·na ne wÍnde tÙ wÓdan feore
935 “bÙte gebÓdan ˛onne blÙde f‚h “h˚sa sÍlest heoro-dreÛrig stÙd; “we· wÓd-scofen witena gehwylcne
“˛‚ra ˛e ne wÍndon, ˛‰t hie wÓde-ferh “leÛda land-geweorc l‚um beweredon 940 “scuccum and scinnum. Nu scealc hafa “˛urh drihtnes miht dÊd gefremede, “˛e we ealle Êr ne meahton
“snyttrum besyrwan. Hw‰t! ˛‰t secgan m‰g “efne sw‚ hwylc m‰ga, sw‚ ˛one magan cende 945 “‰fter gum-cynnum, gyf heÛ gyt lyfa, “˛‰t hyre eald-metod Íste wÊre “bearn-gebyrdo. Nu ic BeÛwulf
“˛ec, secg betsta, me for sunu wylle “freÛgan on ferhe; heald for tela 950 “niwe sibbe. Ne bi ˛e nÊnigra g‚d “worolde wilna, ˛e ic geweald h‰bbe. “Ful-oft ic for l‰ssan le·n teohhode “hord-weorunge hn‚hran rince,
“sÊmran ‰t s‰cce. fiu ˛e self hafast 955 “dÊdum gefremed, ˛‰t ˛Ón dÙm lyfa “‚w‚ tÙ aldre. Alwalda ˛ec
“gÙde forgylde, sw‚ he nu gyt dyde!” BeÛwulf maelode, bearn Ecg˛eÛwes: “We ˛‰t ellen-weorc Ístum miclum, 960 “feohtan fremedon, frÍcne genÍdon “eafo unc˚es; ˚e ic swÓor, “˛‰t ˛u hinc selfne geseÛn mÙste, “feÛnd on fr‰tewum fyl-wÍrigne! “Ic hine hr‰dlÓce heardan clammum 965 “on w‰l-bedde wrÓan ˛Ùhte, “˛‰t he for mund-gripe mÓnum scolde “licgean lÓf-bysig, b˚tan his lÓc swice; “ic hine ne mihte, ˛‚ metod nolde, “ganges getwÊman, nÙ ic him ˛‰s georne ‰tfealh, 970 “feorh-genÓlan; w‰s tÙ fore-mihtig “feÛnd on fÍe. Hw‰ere he his folme forlÍt “tÙ lÓf-wrae l‚st weardian,
“earm and eaxle; nÙ ˛Êr Ênige sw‚ ˛e·h “fe·-sceaft guma frÙfre gebohte:
975 “nÙ ˛˝ leng leofa l‚-geteÛna “synnum geswenced, ac hyne s‚r hafa “in n˝d-gripe nearwe befongen,
“balwon bendum: ˛Êr ‚bÓdan sceal “maga m‚ne f‚h miclan dÙmes,
980 “h˚ him scÓr metod scrÓfan wille.” fi‚ w‰s swÓgra secg, sunu Ecgl‚fes, on gylp-sprÊce g˚-geweorca,
sian ‰elingas eorles cr‰fte ofer he·hne hrÙf hand sce·wedon, 985 feÛndes fingras, foran Êghwylc;
w‰s stÍde n‰gla gehwylc, st˝le gelÓcost, hÊenes hand-sporu hilde-rinces
egle unheÛru; Êg-hwylc gecw‰, ˛‰t him heardra n‚n hrÓnan wolde 990 Óren Êr-gÙd, ˛‰t ˛‰s ahlÊcan blÙdge beadu-folme onberan wolde.


fi‚ w‰s h‚ten hree Heort innan-weard folmum gefr‰twod: fela ˛Êra w‰s wera and wÓfa, ˛e ˛‰t wÓn-reced, 995 gest-sele gyredon. Gold-f‚g scinon web ‰fter wagum, wundor-siÛna fela secga gehwylcum ˛‚ra ˛e on swylc stara W‰s ˛‰t beorhte bold tÙbrocen swÓe eal inne-weard Óren-bendum f‰st, 1000 heorras tÙhlidene; hrÙf ‚na gen‰s ealles ansund, ˛‚ se aglÊca
fyren-dÊdum f‚g on fle·m gewand, aldres or-wÍna. NÙ ˛‰t ˝e by tÙ befleÛnne (fremme se ˛e wille!) 1005 ac gesacan sceal s‚wl-berendra
n˝de gen˝dde nia bearna grund-b˚endra gearwe stÙwe,
˛Êr his lÓc-homa leger-bedde f‰st swefe ‰fter symle. fi‚ w‰s sÊl and mÊl, 1010 ˛‰t tÙ healle gang Healfdenes sunu; wolde self cyning symbel ˛icgan.
Ne gefr‰gen ic ˛‚ mÊge m‚ran weorode ymb hyra sinc-gyfan sÍl gebÊran.
Bugon ˛‚ tÙ bence blÊd-‚gende, 1015 fylle gefÊgon. F‰gere ge˛Êgon medo-ful manig m‚gas + ˛‚ra
swÓ-hicgende on sele ˛am he·n, HrÙg‚r and HrÙulf. Heorot innan w‰s freÛndum ‚fylled; nalles f‚cen-stafas 1020 fieÛd-Scyldingas ˛enden fremedon. Forgeaf ˛‚ BeÛwulfe bearn Healfdenes segen gyldenne sigores tÙ le·ne,
hroden hilte-cumbor, helm and byrnan; mÊre m‚um-sweord manige ges‚won 1025 beforan beorn beran. BeÛwulf ge˛ah ful on flette; nÙ he ˛Êre feoh-gyfte for sceÛtendum scamigan ˛orfte,
ne gefr‰gn ic freÛndlÓcor feÛwer m‚dmas golde gegyrede gum-manna fela
1030 in ealo-bence Ùrum gesellan. Ymb ˛‰s helmes hrÙf he·fod-beorge wÓrum bewunden walan ˚tan heÛld, ˛‰t him fÍla l‚fe frÍcne ne meahton sc˚r-heard scean, ˛onne scyld-freca 1035 onge·n gramum gangan scolde.
HÍht ˛‚ eorla hleÛ eahta mearas, f‰ted-hleÛre, on flet teÛn
in under eoderas; ˛‚ra ‚num stÙd sadol searwum f‚h since gewurad, 1040 ˛‰t w‰s hilde-setl he·h-cyninges, ˛onne sweorda gel‚c sunu Healfdenes efnan wolde; nÊfre on Ùre l‰g
wÓd-c˚es wÓg, ˛onne walu feÛllon. And ˛‚ BeÛwulfe bega gehw‰res 1045 eodor Ingwina onweald gete·h,
wicga and wÊpna; hÍt hine wel br˚can. Sw‚ manlÓce mÊre ˛eÛden,
hord-weard h‰lea heao-rÊsas geald mearum and m‚dmum, sw‚ h˝ nÊfre man lyh, 1050 se ˛e secgan wile sÙ ‰fter rihte.


fi‚ gyt Êghwylcum eorla drihten ˛‚ra ˛e mid BeÛwulfe brim-l‚de te·h, on ˛Êre medu-bence m‚um gesealde, yrfe-l‚fe, and ˛one Ênne hÍht
1055 golde forgyldan, ˛one ˛e Grendel Êr m‚ne ‚cwealde, sw‚ he hyra m‚ wolde, nefne him witig god wyrd forstÙde
and ˛‰s mannes mÙd: metod eallum weÛld gumena cynnes, sw‚ he nu git dÍ; 1060 for˛an bi andgit ÊghwÊr sÍlest, ferhes fore-˛anc! fela sceal gebÓdan leÛfes and l‚es, se ˛e longe her on ˛yssum win-dagum worolde br˚ce. fiÊr w‰s sang and swÍg samod ‰tg‰dere 1065 fore Healfdenes hilde-wÓsan,
gomen-wudu grÍted, gid oft wrecen, ˛onne heal-gamen HrÙg‚res scÙp ‰fter medo-bence mÊnan scolde
Finnes eaferum, ˛‚ hie se fÊr begeat: 1070 “H‰le Healfdenes, Hn‰f Scyldinga, “in w‰le feallan scolde.
“Ne h˚ru Hildeburh hÍrian ˛orfte “Eotena treÛwe: unsynnum wear
“beloren leÛfum ‰t ˛am lind-plegan 1075 “bearnum and brÙrum; hie on gebyrd hruron “g‚re wunde; ˛‰t w‰s geÙmuru ides. “Nalles hÙlinga HÙces dÙhtor
“meotod-sceaft bemearn, syan morgen com, “˛‚ heÛ under swegle geseÛn meahte 1080 “moror-bealo m‚ga, ˛Êr heÛ Êr mÊste heÛld “worolde wynne: wÓg ealle fornam
“Finnes ˛egnas, nemne fe·um ‚num, “˛‰t he ne mehte on ˛‰m meel-stede “wÓg Hengeste wiht gefeohtan,
1085 “ne ˛‚ we·-l‚fe wÓge for˛ringan “˛eÛdnes ˛egne; ac hig him ge˛ingo budon, “˛‰t hie him Ùer flet eal ger˝mdon, “healle and he·h-setl, ˛‰t hie healfre geweald “wi Eotena bearn ‚gan mÙston, 1090 “and ‰t feoh-gyftum Folcwaldan sunu “dÙgra gehwylce Dene weorode,
“Hengestes he·p hringum wenede, “efne sw‚ swÓe sinc-gestreÛnum “f‰ttan goldes, sw‚ he Fresena cyn 1095 “on beÛr-sele byldan wolde.
“fi‚ hie getr˚wedon on tw‚ healfa “f‰ste friou-wÊre; Fin Hengeste “elne unflitme ‚um benemde,
“˛‰t he ˛‚ we·-l‚fe weotena dÙme 1100 “‚rum heolde, ˛‰t ˛Êr Ênig mon “wordum ne worcum wÊre ne brÊce,
“ne ˛urh inwit-searo Êfre gemÊnden, “˛e·h hie hira be·g-gyfan banan folgedon “˛eÛden-le·se, ˛‚ him sw‚ ge˛earfod w‰s: 1105 “gyf ˛onne Frysna hwylc frÍcnan sprÊce “˛‰s moror-hetes myndgiend wÊre, “˛onne hit sweordes ecg syan scolde. “¬ w‰s ge‰fned and icge gold “‚h‰fen of horde. Here-Scyldinga 1110 “betst beado-rinca w‰s on bÊl gearu; “‰t ˛‰m ‚de w‰s Í-ges˝ne “sw‚t-f‚h syrce, sw˝n eal-gylden, “eofer Óren-heard, ‰eling manig “wundum ‚wyrded; sume on w‰le crungon. 1115 “HÍt ˛‚ Hildeburh ‰t Hn‰fes ‚de “hire selfre sunu sweoloe bef‰stan, “b‚n-fatu b‰rnan and on bÊl dÙn. “Earme on eaxle ides gnornode,
“geÙmrode giddum; g˚-rinc ‚st‚h. 1120 “Wand tÙ wolcnum w‰l-f˝ra mÊst, “hlynode for hl‚we; hafelan multon, “ben-geato burston, ˛onne blÙd ‰tspranc “l‚-bite lÓces. LÓg ealle forswealg, “gÊsta gÓfrost, ˛‚ra ˛e ˛Êr g˚ fornam 1125 “bega folces; w‰s hira blÊd scacen.


“Gewiton him ˛‚ wÓgend wÓca neÛsian, “freÛndum befeallen Frysland geseÛn, “h‚mas and he·-burh. Hengest ˛‚ gyt “w‰l-f‚gne winter wunode mid Finne 1130 “ealles unhlitme; eard gemunde,
“˛e·h ˛e he ne meahte on mere drÓfan “hringed-stefnan; holm storme weÛl, “won wi winde; winter ˝e bele·c “Ós-gebinde Ù ˛‰t Ùer com 1135 “ge‚r in geardas, sw‚ nu gyt dÍ, “˛‚ ˛e syngales sÍle bewitia, “wuldor-torhtan weder. fi‚ w‰s winter scacen, “f‰ger foldan bearm; fundode wrecca, “gist of geardum; he tÙ gyrn-wr‰ce 1140 “swÓor ˛Ùhte, ˛onne tÙ sÊ-l‚de, “gif he torn-gemÙt ˛urhteÛn mihte, “˛‰t he Eotena bearn inne gemunde. “Sw‚ he ne forwyrnde worold-rÊdenne, “˛onne him H˚nl‚fing hilde-leÛman, 1145 “billa sÍlest, on bearm dyde:
“˛‰s wÊron mid Eotenum ecge c˚e. “Swylce ferh-frecan Fin eft begeat “sweord-bealo slÓen ‰t his selfes h‚m, “sian grimne gripe G˚laf ond ‘sl‚f 1150 “‰fter sÊ-sie sorge mÊndon, “‰twiton we·na dÊl; ne meahte w‰fre mÙd “forhabban in hrere. fi‚ w‰s heal hroden “feÛnda feorum, swilce Fin sl‰gen, “cyning on corre, and seÛ cwÍn numen. 1155 “SceÛtend Scyldinga tÙ scypum feredon “eal in-gesteald eor-cyninges,
“swylce hie ‰t Finnes h‚m findan meahton “sigla searo-gimma. Hie on sÊ-l‚de “drihtlÓce wÓf tÙ Denum feredon, 1160 “lÊddon tÙ leÛdum.” LeÛ w‰s ‚sungen, gleÛ-mannes gyd. Gamen eft ‚st‚h, beorhtode benc-swÍg, byrelas sealdon wÓn of wunder-fatum. fi‚ cwom Wealh˛eÛ for g‚n under gyldnum be·ge, ˛Êr ˛‚ gÙdan twegen 1165 sÊton suhter-gef‰deran; ˛‚ gyt w‰s hiera sib ‰tg‰dere Êghwylc Ùrum tr˝we. Swylce ˛Êr €nfer ˛yle ‰t fÙtum s‰t fre·n Scyldinga: gehwylc hiora his ferhe treÛwde, ˛‰t he h‰fde mÙd micel, ˛e·h ˛e he his m‚gum nÊre ‚rf‰st ‰t ecga gel‚cum. Spr‰c ˛‚ ides Scyldinga: 1170 “OnfÙh ˛issum fulle, freÛ-drihten mÓn, “sinces brytta; ˛u on sÊlum wes,
“gold-wine gumena, and tÙ Ge·tum sprec “mildum wordum! Sw‚ sceal man dÙn. “BeÛ wi Ge·tas gl‰d, geofena gemyndig; 1175 “ne·n and feorran ˛u nu friu hafast. “Me man s‰gde, ˛‰t ˛u ˛e for sunu wolde “here-rinc habban. Heorot is gefÊlsod, “be·h-sele beorhta; br˚c ˛enden ˛u mÙte “manigra mÍda and ˛Ónum m‚gum lÊf 1180 “folc and rÓce, ˛onne ˛u for scyle “metod-sceaft seÛn. Ic mÓnne can
“gl‰dne HrÙulf, ˛‰t he ˛‚ geogoe wile “‚rum healdan, gyf ˛u Êr ˛onne he, “wine Scildinga, worold oflÊtest;
1185 “wÍne ic, ˛‰t he mid gÙde gyldan wille “uncran eaferan, gif he ˛‰t eal gemon, “hw‰t wit tÙ willan and tÙ wor-myndum “umbor wesendum Êr ‚rna gefremedon.” Hwearf ˛‚ bÓ bence, ˛Êr hyre byre wÊron, 1190 HrÍrÓc and HrÙmund, and h‰lea bearn, giogo ‰tg‰dere; ˛Êr se gÙda s‰t BeÛwulf Ge·ta be ˛Êm gebrÙrum twÊm.


Him w‰s ful boren and freÛnd-lau wordum bew‰gned and wunden gold
1195 Ístum gee·wed, earm-hre·de tw‚, hr‰gl and hringas, heals-be·ga mÊst ˛‚ra ˛e ic on foldan gefr‰gen h‰bbe. NÊnigne ic under swegle sÍlran h˝rde hord-m‚um h‰lea, syan H‚ma ‰tw‰g 1200 tÙ ˛Êre byrhtan byrig Brosinga mene, sigle and sinc-f‰t, searo-nÓas fealh EormenrÓces, gece·s Ícne rÊd.
fione hring h‰fde Higel‚c Ge·ta, nefa Swertinges, n˝hstan sÓe,
1205 sian he under segne sinc ealgode, w‰l-re·f werede; hyne Wyrd fornam, syan he for wlenco we·n ‚hsode, fÊhe tÙ Frysum; he ˛‚ fr‰twe w‰g, eorclan-st‚nas ofer ˝a ful,
1210 rÓce ˛eÛden, he under rande gecranc; gehwearf ˛‚ in Francna f‰m feorh cyninges, breÛst-gewÊdu and se be·h somod: wyrsan wÓg-frecan w‰l re·fedon
‰fter g˚-sceare, Ge·ta leÛde 1215 hre‚-wÓc heÛldon. Heal swÍge onfÍng. Wealh˛eÛ maelode, heÛ fore ˛‰m werede spr‰c: “Br˚c ˛isses be·ges, BeÛwulf, leÛfa “hyse, mid hÊle, and ˛isses hr‰gles neÛt “˛eÛd-gestreÛna, and ge˛eÛh tela, 1220 “cen ˛ec mid cr‰fte and ˛yssum cnyhtum wes “l‚ra lÓe! ic ˛e ˛‰s le·n geman. “Hafast ˛u gefÍred, ˛‰t ˛e feor and ne·h “ealne wÓde-ferh weras ehtiga, “efne sw‚ sÓde sw‚ sÊ beb˚ge 1225 “windige weallas. Wes, ˛enden ˛u lifige, “‰eling e·dig! ic ˛e an tela “sinc-gestreÛna. BeÛ ˛u suna mÓnum “dÊdum gedÍfe dre·m healdende!
“Her is Êghwylc eorl Ùrum getr˝we, 1230 “mÙdes milde, man-drihtne hold,
“˛egnas syndon ge˛wÊre, ˛eÛd eal gearo: “druncne dryht-guman, dÙ sw‚ ic bidde!” Eode ˛‚ tÙ setle. fiÊr w‰s symbla cyst, druncon wÓn weras: wyrd ne c˚on, 1235 geÛ-sceaft grimme, sw‚ hit ‚gangen wear eorla manegum, syan Êfen cwom and him HrÙg‚r gew‚t tÙ hofe sÓnum, rÓce tÙ r‰ste. Reced weardode
unrÓm eorla, sw‚ hie oft Êr dydon: 1240 benc-˛elu beredon, hit geond-brÊded wear beddum and bolstrum. BeÛr-scealca sum f˚s and fÊge flet-r‰ste gebe·g. Setton him tÙ he·fdum hilde-randas, bord-wudu beorhtan; ˛Êr on bence w‰s 1245 ofer ‰elinge ˝-gesÍne
heao-ste·pa helm, hringed byrne, ˛rec-wudu ˛rymlÓc. W‰s ˛e·w hyra, ˛‰t hie oft wÊron an wÓg gearwe, ge ‰t h‚m ge on herge, ge gehw‰er ˛‚ra 1250 efne swylce mÊla, swylce hira man-dryhtne ˛earf gesÊlde; w‰s seÛ ˛eÛd tilu.


Sigon ˛‚ tÙ slÊpe. Sum s‚re angeald Êfen-r‰ste, sw‚ him ful-oft gelamp, sian gold-sele Grendel warode, 1255 unriht ‰fnde, Ù ˛‰t ende becwom, swylt ‰fter synnum. fi‰t ges˝ne wear, wÓd-c˚ werum, ˛‰tte wrecend ˛‚ gyt lifde ‰fter l‚um, lange ˛rage ‰fter g˚-ceare; Grendles mÙdor, 1260 ides aglÊc-wÓf yrme gemunde, se ˛e w‰ter-egesan wunian scolde, cealde stre·mas, sian Cain wear tÙ ecg-banan ‚ngan brÍer,
f‰deren-mÊge; he ˛‚ f‚g gew‚t, 1265 morre gemearcod man-dre·m fleÛn, wÍsten warode. fianon wÙc fela
geÛsceaft-g‚sta; w‰s ˛Êra Grendel sum, heoro-wearh hetelÓc, se ‰t Heorote fand w‰ccendne wer wÓges bÓdan,
1270 ˛Êr him aglÊca ‰t-grÊpe wear; hw‰re he gemunde m‰genes strenge, gim-f‰ste gife, ˛e him god sealde, and him tÙ anwaldan ‚re gel˝fde, frÙfre and fultum: ˛˝ he ˛one feÛnd ofercwom, 1275 gehnÊgde helle g‚st: ˛‚ he he·n gew‚t, dre·me bedÊled de·-wÓc seÛn, man-cynnes feÛnd. And his mÙdor ˛‚ gyt gÓfre and galg-mÙd geg‚n wolde
sorh-fulne sÓ, suna de· wrecan. 1280 Com ˛‚ tÙ Heorote, ˛Êr Hring-Dene geond ˛‰t s‰ld swÊfun. fi‚ ˛Êr sÙna wear ed-hwyrft eorlum, sian inne fealh Grendles mÙdor; w‰s se gryre l‰ssa efne sw‚ micle, sw‚ bi m‰ga cr‰ft, 1285 wÓg-gryre wÓfes be wÊpned-men, ˛onne heoru bunden, hamere ge˛uren, sweord sw‚te f‚h swÓn ofer helme, ecgum dyhtig andweard scire.
fi‚ w‰s on healle heard-ecg togen, 1290 sweord ofer setlum, sÓd-rand manig hafen handa f‰st; helm ne gemunde, byrnan sÓde, ˛e hine se brÙga angeat. HeÛ w‰s on Ùfste, wolde ˚t ˛anon feore beorgan, ˛‚ heÛ onfunden w‰s; 1295 hrae heÛ ‰elinga ‚nne h‰fde f‰ste befangen, ˛‚ heÛ tÙ fenne gang; se w‰s HrÙg‚re h‰lea leÛfost on gesÓes h‚d be sÊm tweonum, rÓce rand-wÓga, ˛one ˛e heÛ on r‰ste ‚bre·t, 1300 blÊd-f‰stne beorn. N‰s BeÛwulf ˛Êr, ac w‰s Ùer in Êr geteohhod
‰fter m‚um-gife mÊrum Ge·te. Hre·m wear on Heorote. HeÛ under heolfre genam c˚e folme; cearu w‰s geniwod
1305 geworden in wÓcum: ne w‰s ˛‰t gewrixle til, ˛‰t hie on b‚ healfa bicgan scoldon freÛnda feorum. fi‚ w‰s frÙd cyning, h‚r hilde-rinc, on hreÛn mÙde,
syan he aldor-˛egn unlyfigendne, 1310 ˛one deÛrestan de·dne wisse.
Hrae w‰s tÙ b˚re BeÛwulf fetod, sigor-e·dig secg. Samod Êr-d‰ge eode eorla sum, ‰ele cempa
self mid gesÓum, ˛Êr se snottra b‚d, 1315 hw‰re him al-walda Êfre wille ‰fter we·-spelle wyrpe gefremman. Gang ˛‚ ‰fter flÙre fyrd-wyre man mid his hand-scale (heal-wudu dynede) ˛‰t he ˛one wÓsan wordum hnÊgde 1320 fre·n Ingwina; fr‰gn gif him wÊre ‰fter neÛd-lau niht getÊse.


HrÙg‚r maelode, helm Scildinga: “Ne frin ˛u ‰fter sÊlum! Sorh is geniwod “Denigea leÛdum. De·d is ƒsc-here, 1325 “Yrmenl‚fes yldra brÙor,
“mÓn r˚n-wita and mÓn rÊd-bora, “eaxl-gestealla, ˛onne we on orlege “hafelan weredon, ˛onne hniton fÍan, “eoferas cnysedan; swylc scolde eorl wesan 1330 “‰eling Êr-gÙd, swylc ƒsc-here w‰s. “Wear him on Heorote tÙ hand-banan “w‰l-gÊst w‰fre; ic ne w‚t hw‰der “atol Êse wlanc eft-sÓas te·h, “fylle gefrÊgnod. HeÛ ˛‚ fÊhe wr‰c, 1335 “˛e ˛u gystran niht Grendel cwealdest “˛urh hÊstne h‚d heardum clammum, “for˛an he tÙ lange leÛde mÓne
“wanode and wyrde. He ‰t wÓge gecrang “ealdres scyldig, and nu Ùer cwom 1340 “mihtig m‚n-scaa, wolde hyre mÊg wrecan, “ge feor hafa fÊhe gestÊled, “˛‰s ˛e ˛incean m‰g ˛egne monegum, “se ˛e ‰fter sinc-gyfan on sefan greÛte, “hreer-bealo hearde; nu seÛ hand lige, 1345 “se ˛e eÛw wel-hwylcra wilna dohte. “Ic ˛‰t lond-b˚end leÛde mÓne “sele-rÊdende secgan h˝rde,
“˛‰t hie ges‚won swylce twegen “micle mearc-stapan mÙras healdan, 1350 “ellor-gÊstas: ˛Êra Ùer w‰s, “˛‰s ˛e hie gewislÓcost gewitan meahton, “idese onlÓcnes, Ùer earm-sceapen “on weres w‰stmum wr‰c-l‚stas tr‰d, “n‰fne he w‰s m‚ra ˛onne Ênig man Ùer, 1355 “˛one on ge‚r-dagum Grendel nemdon “fold-b˚ende: nÙ hie f‰der cunnon, “hw‰er him Ênig w‰s Êr ‚cenned “dyrnra g‚sta. Hie d˝gel lond
“warigea, wulf-hleou, windige n‰ssas, 1360 “frÍcne fen-gel‚d, ˛Êr fyrgen-stre·m “under n‰ssa genipu nier gewÓte, “flÙd under foldan; nis ˛‰t feor heonon “mÓl-gemearces, ˛‰t se mere stande, “ofer ˛‰m hongia hrÓmge bearwas, 1365 “wudu wyrtum f‰st, w‰ter oferhelma. “fiÊr m‰g nihta gehwÊm nÓ-wundor seÛn, “f˝r on flÙde; nÙ ˛‰s frÙd leofa “gumena bearna, ˛‰t ˛one grund wite; “˛e·h ˛e hÊ-stapa hundum geswenced, 1370 “heorot hornum trum holt-wudu sÍce, “feorran gefl˝med, Êr he feorh sele, “aldor on Ùfre, Êr he in wille,
“hafelan h˝dan. Nis ˛‰t heÛru stÙw: “˛onon ˝-geblond up ‚stÓge 1375 “won tÙ wolcnum, ˛onne wind styre “l‚ gewidru, Ù ˛‰t lyft drysma, “roderas reÛta. Nu is rÊd gelang “eft ‰t ˛e ‚num! Eard git ne const, “frÍcne stÙwe, ˛Êr ˛u findan miht 1380 “sinnigne secg: sÍc gif ˛u dyrre! “Ic ˛e ˛‚ fÊhe feÛ le·nige, “eald-gestreÛnum, sw‚ ic Êr dyde, “wundnum golde, gyf ˛u on weg cymest.”


BeÛwulf maelode, bearn Ecg˛eÛwes: 1385 “Ne sorga, snotor guma! sÍlre bi ÊghwÊm, “˛‰t he his freÛnd wrece, ˛onne he fela murne; “˚re Êghwylc sceal ende gebÓdan
“worolde lÓfes; wyrce se ˛e mÙte “dÙmes Êr de·e! ˛‰t bi driht-guman 1390 “unlifgendum ‰fter sÍlest.
“¬rÓs, rÓces weard; uton hrae fÍran, “Grendles m‚gan gang sce·wigan!
“Ic hit ˛e geh‚te: nÙ he on helm losa, “ne on foldan f‰m, ne on fyrgen-holt, 1395 “ne on gyfenes grund, g‚ ˛Êr he wille. “fiys dÙgor ˛u ge˛yld hafa
“we·na gehwylces, sw‚ ic ˛e wÍne tÙ!” ¬hleÛp ˛‚ se gomela, gode ˛ancode, mihtigan drihtne, ˛‰s se man gespr‰c. 1400 fi‚ w‰s HrÙg‚re hors gebÊted, wicg wunden-feax. WÓsa fengel
geatolÓc gengde; gum-fÍa stÙp lind-h‰bbendra. L‚stas wÊron
‰fter wald-swaum wÓde ges˝ne, 1405 gang ofer grundas; gegnum fÙr ˛‚ ofer myrcan mÙr, mago-˛egna b‰r ˛one sÍlestan s‚wol-le·sne,
˛‚ra ˛e mid HrÙg‚re h‚m eahtode. Ofer-eode ˛‚ ‰elinga bearn
1410 ste·p st‚n-hlio, stÓge nearwe, enge ‚n-paas, un-c˚ gel‚d, neowle n‰ssas, nicor-h˚sa fela;
he fe·ra sum beforan gengde
wÓsra monna, wong sce·wian,
1415 Ù ˛‰t he fÊringa fyrgen-be·mas ofer h‚rne st‚n hleonian funde, wyn-le·sne wudu; w‰ter under stÙd dreÛrig and gedrÍfed. Denum eallum w‰s, winum Scyldinga, weorce on mÙde,
1420 tÙ ge˛olianne ˛egne monegum, onc˝ eorla gehwÊm, syan ƒsc-heres on ˛am holm-clife hafelan mÍtton. FlÙd blÙde weÛl (folc tÙ sÊgon) h‚tan heolfre. Horn stundum song
1425 f˚slÓc fyrd-leÛ. FÍa eal ges‰t; ges‚won ˛‚ ‰fter w‰tere wyrm-cynnes fela, sellÓce sÊ-dracan sund cunnian,
swylce on n‰s-hleoum nicras licgean, ˛‚ on undern-mÊl oft bewitiga 1430 sorh-fulne sÓ on segl-r‚de, wyrmas and wil-deÛr; hie on weg hruron bitere and gebolgne, bearhtm onge‚ton, g˚-horn galan. Sumne Ge·ta leÛd of fl‚n-bogan feores getwÊfde,
1435 ˝-gewinnes, ˛‰t him on aldre stÙd here-strÊl hearda; he on holme w‰s sundes ˛e sÊnra, ˛e hyne swylt fornam. Hr‰e wear on ˝um mid eofer-spreÛtum heoro-hÙcyhtum hearde genearwod,
1440 nÓa genÊged and on n‰s togen wundorlÓc wÊg-bora; weras sce·wedon gryrelÓcne gist. Gyrede hine BeÛwulf eorl-gewÊdum, nalles for ealdre mearn: scolde here-byrne hondum gebroden,
1445 sÓd and searo-f‚h, sund cunnian, seÛ ˛e b‚n-cÙfan beorgan c˚e, ˛‰t him hilde-gr‚p hrere ne mihte, eorres inwit-feng, aldre gescean; ac se hwÓta helm hafelan werede,
1450 se ˛e mere-grundas mengan scolde, sÍcan sund-gebland since geweorad, befongen fre·-wr‚snum, sw‚ hine fyrn-dagum worhte wÊpna smi, wundrum teÛde, besette swÓn-lÓcum, ˛‰t hine syan nÙ 1455 brond ne beado-mÍcas bÓtan ne meahton. N‰s ˛‰t ˛onne mÊtost m‰gen-fultuma, ˛‰t him on ˛earfe l‚h ˛yle HrÙg‚res; w‰s ˛‰m h‰ft-mÍce Hrunting nama, ˛‰t w‰s ‚n foran eald-gestreÛna; 1460 ecg w‰s Óren ‚ter-te·rum f‚h, ‚hyrded heao-sw‚te; nÊfre hit ‰t hilde ne sw‚c manna Êngum ˛‚ra ˛e hit mid mundum bewand, se ˛e gryre-sÓas geg‚n dorste, folc-stede f‚ra; n‰s ˛‰t forma sÓ, 1465 ˛‰t hit ellen-weorc ‰fnan scolde. H˚ru ne gemunde mago Ecgl‚fes
eafoes cr‰ftig, ˛‰t he Êr gespr‰c wÓne druncen, ˛‚ he ˛‰s wÊpnes onl‚h sÍlran sweord-frecan: selfa ne dorste 1470 under ˝a gewin aldre genÍan, driht-scype dreÛgan; ˛Êr he dÙme forle·s, ellen-mÊrum. Ne w‰s ˛‰m Ùrum sw‚, syan he hine tÙ g˚e gegyred h‰fde.


BeÛwulf maelode, bearn Ecg˛eÛwes: 1475 “ge˛enc nu, se mÊra maga Healfdenes, “snottra fengel, nu ic eom sÓes f˚s, “gold-wine gumena, hw‰t wit geÛ sprÊcon, “gif ic ‰t ˛earfe ˛Ónre scolde “aldre linnan, ˛‰t ˛u me ‚ wÊre 1480 “for-gewitenum on f‰der st‰le; “wes ˛u mund-bora mÓnum mago-˛egnum, “hond-gesellum, gif mec hild nime:
“swylce ˛u ˛‚ m‚dmas, ˛e ˛u me sealdest, “HrÙg‚r leÛfa, Higel‚ce onsend. 1485 “M‰g ˛onne on ˛‰m golde ongitan Ge·ta dryhten, “geseÛn sunu HrÍles, ˛onne he on ˛‰t sinc stara, “˛‰t ic gum-cystum gÙdne funde
“be·ga bryttan, bre·c ˛onne mÙste. “And ˛u €nfer lÊt ealde l‚fe, 1490 “wr‰tlÓc wÊg-sweord wÓd-c˚ne man “heard-ecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge “dÙm gewyrce, oe mec de· nime.” ƒfter ˛Êm wordum Weder-Ge·ta leÛd Ífste mid elne, nalas andsware
1495 bÓdan wolde; brim-wylm onfÍng hilde-rince. fi‚ w‰s hwÓl d‰ges, Êr he ˛one grund-wong ongytan mehte. SÙna ˛‰t onfunde, se ˛e flÙda begong heoro-gÓfre beheÛld hund missera, 1500 grim and grÊdig, ˛‰t ˛Êr gumena sum ‰l-wihta eard ufan cunnode.
Gr‚p ˛‚ tÙge·nes, g˚-rinc gefÍng atolan clommum; nÙ ˛˝ Êr in gescÙd h‚lan lÓce: hring ˚tan ymb-bearh, 1505 ˛‰t heÛ ˛one fyrd-hom ˛urh-fÙn ne mihte, locene leoo-syrcan l‚an fingrum. B‰r ˛‚ seÛ brim-wylf, ˛‚ heÛ tÙ botme com, hringa ˛engel tÙ hofe sÓnum,
sw‚ he ne mihte nÙ (he ˛‰s mÙdig w‰s) 1510 wÊpna gewealdan, ac hine wundra ˛‰s fela swencte on sunde, sÊ-deÛr monig
hilde-tuxum here-syrcan br‰c, Íhton aglÊcan. fi‚ se eorl ongeat, ˛‰t he in ni-sele n‚t-hwylcum w‰s, 1515 ˛Êr him nÊnig w‰ter wihte ne sceede, ne him for hrÙf-sele hrÓnan ne mehte