In order to make finding your favourite books as easy as possible we have tagged them with relevant phrases. You can either locate those phrases here or use the search engine in the navigation bar. Tags can be combined so that in the search engine phrases such as ‘American novels set in Paris’ are possible.
- 10th century
- 11th century
- 12th century
- 13th century
- 14th century
- 15th century
- 16th century
- 17th century
- 18th century
- 19th century
- 1st century
- 1st century BC
- 20th century
- 2nd century
- 2nd century BC
- 2nd millennium BC
- 3rd century BC
- 3rd Duke of Alba
- 4th century
- 4th century BC
- 5th century BC
- 7th century
- 8th century
- 8th century BC
- 9th century
- A. J. Raffles
- Abbotabad
- Abnormal psychology
- Abolitionism
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abstract strategy games
- Acadian history
- Activists
- Actors
- Actual events
- Adam and Eve
- Adaminaby
- Adaptations of works by Chrétien de Troyes
- Adaptations of works by Giovanni Boccaccio
- Adaptations of works by Miguel de Cervantes
- Adaptations of works by Plutarch
- Adaptations of works by Tacitus
- Adaptations of works by William Shakespeare
- Adapted from films
- Adapted into ballets
- Adapted into comics
- Adapted into films
- Adapted into operas
- Adapted into plays
- Adapted into radio programs
- Adapted into television programs
- Adapted into television series
- Adapted into television shows
- Adapted into video games
- Adoption
- Adultery
- Aeroplanes
- Aesop's Fables
- Africa
- African-American
- African-American Authors
- Afterlife
- Agra
- Agriculture
- Air pirates
- Airplanes
- Alabama culture
- Aladdin
- Alchemy
- Alcoholism
- Alfred the Great
- Alice in Wonderland
- Allan Quatermain
- Allegory
- Almanacs
- Amalfi Coast
- American
- American Civil War
- American frontier
- American Fur Company
- American literature
- American Old West
- American politicians
- American prostitution
- American Psychological Association
- American Revolution
- American slavery
- Amputees
- Anarchism
- Anarchists
- Ancient astronauts
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Egyptian funerary texts
- Ancient Egyptian texts
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greek
- Ancient Greek dance
- Ancient Greek law
- Ancient Greek religion
- Ancient Greek world
- Ancient India
- Ancient LGBT
- Ancient Roman
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient Syracuse
- Ancient Thessaly
- Ancient yoga texts
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Johnson
- Androgyny
- Anglicanism
- Angling
- Anglo-Catholicism
- Anglo-Norman
- Anglo-Saxon paganism
- Anglo-Welsh
- Animal cruelty
- Animal rights
- Animal tales
- Animals
- Anne Boleyn
- Anne of Green Gables
- Annelids
- Antarctica
- Anthologies
- Anthology
- Anthropology
- Anthropomorphic animals
- Anthropomorphic characters
- Anti-Catholicism
- Anti-Christian
- Anti-German sentiment
- Anti-war
- Antiquities
- Antisemitism
- Antony
- Antony and Cleopatra
- Antwerp
- Apes
- Apocrypha
- Arabian mythology
- Archaeology
- Architects
- Architecture
- Arctic
- Arguments against the existence of God
- Arguments for the existence of God
- Aristocracy
- Aristotle
- Arizona
- Arnim family
- Art
- Art forgery
- Art history
- Art works that caused riots
- Arthurian theatre
- Artists
- Asia
- Assassination
- Astoria
- Astrological texts
- Atheism
- Athens
- Athens (Greece)
- Atlantis
- Atonement
- Augustus
- Aunt Jane's Nieces
- Aureataland
- Australia
- Australian
- Austrian
- Austro-Hungarian culture
- Authors
- Aviation
- Aztecs
- Ballad operas
- Ballads
- Baluchistan
- Based on actual events
- Based on Antony and Cleopatra
- Based on Don Quixote
- Based on European myths and legends
- Based on fairy tales
- Based on Fasti (poem)
- Based on Gesta Danorum
- Based on Greek and Roman plays
- Based on Greek and Roman works
- Based on Little Women
- Based on Menaechmi
- Based on music
- Based on novels
- Based on plays
- Based on poems
- Based on real people
- Based on Shahnameh
- Based on the Bible
- Based on The Canterbury Tales
- Based on the Don Juan legend
- Based on the Faust legend
- Based on the Odyssey
- Based on The Song of Roland
- Based on the Ulster Cycle
- Based on works by Euripides
- Based on works by Homer
- Based on works by Ovid
- Based on works by Plautus
- Based on works by William Shakespeare
- Battle of Big Bethel
- Battle of Waterloo
- Bears
- Beatrice Cenci
- Beekeeping
- Beelzebub
- Belém
- Belgian
- Belgium
- Bellamyism
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Benjamin Franklin
- Beowulf
- Berkshire
- Bermuda
- Bhagavad Gita
- Bible
- Biblical paraphrases
- Biblical poetry
- Bibliography
- Bibliophilia
- Big Bad Wolf
- Biochemistry
- Biographies
- Biology
- Birding and birdwatching
- Birds
- Birthdays
- Bisexuality
- Black comedies
- Black Death
- Black people
- Black Sea
- Blasphemy
- Blindness
- Blue symbols
- Boarding school
- Bodleian Library collection
- Bodley Head books
- Body swapping
- Bohemia
- Book of Concord
- Book of Enoch
- Book of Exodus
- Book series
- Border ballads
- Boris Godunov
- Boston
- Botany
- Boxing
- Brazil
- Brigham Young
- Bristol
- British
- British Empire
- British In
- British India
- British prostitution
- British traditional history
- Broadway
- Bronze age
- Brooklyn
- Brothers Grimm
- Buddhist poetry
- Buffalo Bill
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian
- Bureaucracy
- Bushido
- Business
- Byzantine Empire
- Caiaphas
- California
- California culture
- Calpurnia
- Canada
- Canadian
- Cannibalism
- Canoeing
- Canterbury
- Capitalism
- Captivity narratives
- Cardinal Mazarin
- Cardinal Richelieu
- Caribbean
- Caricature
- Caricaturists
- Carmen
- Carthage
- Caspak trilogy
- Castaways
- Catechisms
- Cathedrals
- Catherine the Great
- Catholic
- Catholicism
- Catiline
- Cats
- Censored
- Censorship
- Census
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Cesare Borgia
- Ceuta
- Chadō
- Charlemagne
- Charles Darwin
- Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan
- Charles Dickens
- Charles V
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Chess
- Child abduction
- Child Ballads
- Childeren's
- Childhood
- Children
- Children of Helios
- Children's
- China
- Chinese
- Chinese culture
- Chishti Order
- Chivalry
- Chouans
- Christian
- Christian devotional
- Christian Science
- Christian studies
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christopher Columbus
- Chronicles
- Church of England
- Church of Scotland
- Cicero
- Cinderella
- Circus
- Cities
- Civil society
- Civil War
- Civilization
- Civilizations
- Classic texts
- Classical Chinese philosophy
- Classical economics
- Classical horsemanship
- Classical liberalism
- Classical music and musicians
- Classical studies
- Classification systems
- Clayhanger series
- Cleopatra
- Closet drama
- Coal
- Code names
- Codes of conduct
- Collaborative fiction
- Collections
- Collections of Sherlock Holmes stories
- Colonial Kerala
- Colonial Massachusetts
- Colonial Virginia
- Colonialism
- Colorado
- Columbia University
- Combinatorics
- Comedies
- Comedy
- Comets
- Communism
- Community building
- Comparative mythology
- Complex analysis
- Composers
- Conduct of life
- Confucian texts
- Congo Free State
- Congregational churches
- Conspiracy theories
- Constitutions
- Construction
- Consumerism
- Contemporary philosophical literature
- Convictism
- Cookbooks
- Correspondences
- Cosmogony
- Cossacks
- Cotswold Hills
- Counter-Reformation
- Country life
- Courtly love
- Cousins
- Cricket
- Crickets
- Crime
- Criminals
- Critical of capitalism
- Critical of Christianity
- Critical of intelligent design
- Critical of Islam
- Critical of Judaism
- Critical of religion
- Critical of work and the work ethic
- Cross-dressing
- Crossover
- Crowd psychology
- Crusades
- Cryonics
- Cryptography
- Cthulhu Mythos
- Cuba
- Cultural history
- Cultural studies
- Culture
- Culture associated with the River Thames
- Culture in Dorchester
- Culture in Florence
- Culture in Naples
- Culture in Nebraska
- Culture in Reading
- Culture of Bordeaux
- Culture of Chicago
- Culture of Saint Paul
- Cumberland Gap
- Cumberland Mountains
- Cupid and Psyche
- Curiosity
- Curses
- Customs
- Cycling
- Cyprus
- Czech-American
- Dakota culture
- Danish
- Dante Alighieri
- Dartmoor
- Daughters
- Dead Hand series
- Death
- Death customs
- Debt
- Debut
- Decadent literature
- Deities
- Delhi
- Democracy
- Demographic economics
- Demography
- Demons
- Dervish
- Design
- Devotio Moderna
- Devotional literature
- Dialogues
- Diana (mythology)
- Dictionaries
- Dikes
- Dimension
- Dinosaurs
- Dionysus
- Diplomatic relations
- Discovery
- dishonesty
- Disney songs
- Divine Comedy
- Divorce
- Doctrine
- Documentary hypothesis
- Documents
- Dogs
- Domestic tragedies
- Don Quixote
- Dorset
- Dragons
- Drama
- Drama Desk Award-winning
- Dream manipulation abilities
- Dream of the Red Chamber
- Dreams
- Drugs
- Dublin
- Duke of Guise
- Dutch culture
- Dutchess County
- Dysfunctional families
- Early Modern England
- Early printed Bibles
- Earth
- East Lothian
- Eastern Orthodox
- Eastern philosophy
- Ecology
- Economic bubbles
- Economic ideologies
- Economics
- Education
- Edward III
- Edward the Black Prince
- Edward VI
- Edwardian England
- Egyptian mythology
- Electoral systems
- Elizabeth I
- Emanuel Swedenborg
- Emigrants
- Emotions
- Employment
- Encyclopedias
- Engineering
- England
- English
- English Civil War
- English emigration
- English Grammar
- English heroic legends
- English literature
- English monarchs
- English proverbs
- English Renaissance
- English royalty
- Enlightenment philosophy
- Enoch (ancestor of Noah)
- Entertainers
- Environment
- Ephebophilia
- Epicureanism
- Epistemology
- Epistemology of science
- Epistolary
- Etchers
- Ethics
- Ethiopia
- Ethnographics
- Eugenics
- Euro
- Europe
- European
- Evolution
- Evolutionary biology
- Existentialist
- Exmoor
- Experimental medical treatments
- Exploration
- Exploration ships
- exploration. Botany Bay
- Explorers
- Explosions
- Expressionist
- Extinct cities
- Extraterrestrial life
- Fables
- Factorial and binomial topics
- Fairies and sprites
- Fairy tales
- Fall of the Western Roman Empire
- Familial Secrets
- Familicide
- Families
- Family
- Fantasy theatre
- Farm life
- Fashion
- Fathers
- Federal
- Federated States of Micronesia culture
- Female Authors
- Female bisexuality
- Female characters
- Female villains
- Feminism
- Feminists
- Fernando Álvarez de Toledo
- Fiction
- Fictional African-American people
- Fictional amateur detectives
- Fictional Arabs
- Fictional aviators
- Fictional badgers
- Fictional barons and baronesses
- Fictional blind characters
- Fictional brigadiers
- Fictional Buddhist monks
- Fictional Cajuns
- Fictional caliphs
- Fictional castaways
- Fictional castles and fortresses
- Fictional characters from California
- Fictional characters who have made pacts with devils
- Fictional characters who use magic
- Fictional Chinese people
- Fictional comets
- Fictional Cossacks
- Fictional counts and countesses
- Fictional detectives
- Fictional diaries
- Fictional dimensions
- Fictional donkeys
- Fictional Egyptian people
- Fictional emperors and empresses
- Fictional English people
- Fictional extraterrestrial characters
- Fictional families
- Fictional feral children
- Fictional food and drink
- Fictional French people
- Fictional frogs and toads
- Fictional fungi
- Fictional German people
- Fictional goblins
- Fictional governesses
- Fictional Greek people
- Fictional grocers
- Fictional hairdressers
- Fictional hares and rabbits
- Fictional hedgehogs
- Fictional horses
- Fictional houses
- Fictional indigenous people of the Americas
- Fictional islands
- Fictional Italian people
- Fictional Japanese people
- Fictional Jews
- Fictional kangaroos and wallabies
- Fictional kings
- Fictional knights
- Fictional lost cities and towns
- Fictional mad scientists
- Fictional male deities
- Fictional Maltese Jews
- Fictional materials
- Fictional medical examiners
- Fictional mice and rats
- Fictional moles
- Fictional murderers
- Fictional Native American people
- Fictional orphans
- Fictional otters
- Fictional people from Yorkshire
- Fictional people sentenced to death
- Fictional perfumers
- Fictional pharaohs
- Fictional pirates
- Fictional populated places
- Fictional populated places in England
- Fictional priests and priestesses
- Fictional princes
- Fictional princesses
- Fictional prostitutes
- Fictional puppets
- Fictional representations of Romani people
- Fictional rivalries
- Fictional Romani people
- Fictional Russian people
- Fictional sailors
- Fictional schools
- Fictional scientists
- Fictional scribes
- Fictional secret societies
- Fictional shapeshifters
- Fictional slaves
- Fictional sole survivors
- Fictional Spanish people
- Fictional species and races
- Fictional squirrels
- Fictional storytellers
- Fictional subterranea
- Fictional suicides
- Fictional surgeons
- Fictional Swiss people
- Fictional swordsmen
- Fictional toothed whales
- Fictional tricksters
- Fictional Ukrainian people
- Fictional undersea characters
- Fictional Uruguayan people
- Fictional victims of child abuse
- Fictional Vikings
- Fictional viscounts and viscountesses
- Fictional weasels
- Fictional worms
- Fictional Yale University people
- Filicide
- Fin de siècle
- Financial thrillers
- Finnish
- First arrivals in the United States
- First Carlist War
- First published in magazines
- First published in serial form
- First-wave feminism
- Fishing
- Flood myths
- Florence
- Flying machines
- Folk songs
- Folklore
- Folklore journals
- Food and drink
- Foreign relations
- Forestry
- Forests
- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Fragment
- Frame stories
- France
- France–United States relations
- Franco-Prussian War
- Fratricide
- Frederick the Great
- Free thought
- Free will
- Freemasonry
- French
- French and Indian War
- French counter-revolutionaries
- French history
- French invasion of Russia
- French mission settlements
- French monarchists
- French people
- French prostitution
- French Revolution
- French Roman Catholics
- French Ultra-royalists
- French-language
- friendship
- Frontier life
- Fulton County – Illinois
- Further Adventures of Captain Kettle
- Future history
- Gallic Wars
- Gambling
- Games
- Gamma and related functions
- Gangabal
- Garden of Eden
- Gardens
- Gaudiya Vaishnavism
- Gautama Buddha
- Gay themes
- Geats
- Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher
- Gender role reversal
- General reference
- Genocide
- Geography
- Geology
- Geopolitics
- Geoponici
- George IV
- George Washington
- Georgia (U.S. state)
- German
- Germanic literature
- Germany
- Ghost stories
- Ghosts
- Ghostwriting
- Giants
- Gibraltar
- Gifford Lectures
- Gilded Age
- Girls
- Girolamo Savonarola
- God
- Godfrey of Bouillon
- Gold miners
- Gospel of Luke
- Gothic
- Gothic Wars books
- Götz von Berlichingen
- Government documents
- Grandmothers
- Great Basin
- Great Britain
- Great Plains
- Great Trek
- Greco-Persian Wars
- Greco-Roman
- Greco-Turkish War
- Greece
- Greek and Roman
- Greek and Roman deities
- Greek Antiquity
- Greek mythology
- Grizzly bears
- Grotesque
- Guadalcanal
- Guidebooks
- Gulliver's Travels
- Gulmarg
- Hades (underworld) in Greco-Roman literature
- Halloween fiction
- Hamlet
- Hannibal
- Harry Houdini
- Hawthornden Prize-winning works
- Heaven
- Hebrides
- Heidi books
- Hell
- Hellenistic philosophical literature
- Henry I
- Henry III
- Henry III of France
- Henry IV
- Henry Morgan
- Henry V
- Henry VI
- Hercule Poirot
- Heroic legends
- Hindu texts
- Hispaniola
- Historians
- Historians of Iran
- Historical
- Historical materialism
- historical romance
- Histories
- Historiography of Greece
- History
- History of Augsburg
- History of Birmingham
- History of California
- History of China
- History of education
- History of evolutionary biology
- History of Great Britain
- History of Guyana
- History of linguistics
- History of mental health
- History of Napa County – California
- History of New Mexico
- History of Oxford
- History of photography
- History of Plymouth County
- History of psychiatry
- History of psychology
- History of Samoa
- History of San Diego
- History of Socorro County
- History of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- History of the Church of England
- History of the City of London
- History of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
- History of the Manhattan Project
- History of the Thirteen Colonies
- History of Venezuela
- HMS Beagle
- HMS Investigator
- Hollow Earth
- Hollywood
- Holy Grail
- Holy Roman Emperor
- Home front
- Homer
- honesty
- Horatio Nelson
- Horse management
- Horse training
- Horses
- House of Borgia
- House of Piccolomini
- Huguenots
- Human evolution
- Human migration
- Human population planning
- Human rights
- Human trophy collecting
- Human-vampire romance
- Humorous poetry
- Humour
- Hundred Years' War
- Hungary
- Hymns
- Hyperreality
- Hypochondriacs
- Iceland
- Illinois
- Illinois society
- Illuminated manuscripts
- Illustrators
- Imagination
- Immigration
- Immortality
- Impact event
- Imperialism
- Imprisonment
- Inaugural addresses
- Incest
- Incidental music
- Incomplete texts
- Indentured servitude
- Independence Day
- India
- Indian
- Indian Bengali
- Indian Rebellion of 1857
- Individual animals
- Individual dogs
- Industrial history
- Industrial Workers of the World
- Inês de Castro
- Inquisition
- Insanity (Law)
- Insects
- Institutional economics
- Intelligence analysis
- Interpersonal conflict
- Interpersonal relations
- Interracial marriage
- Interracial romance
- Invasion literature
- Invasions of England
- Investigation
- Invisibility
- Involved in plagiarism controversies
- Inyo County – California
- Iowa
- Iran
- Ireland
- Irish
- Irish Travellers
- Irony
- Isabella I of Castile
- Islam
- Islamic terminology
- Islamic texts
- Islamic theology
- Islands
- Isle de France (Mauritius)
- Isle of Portland
- Israel
- Italian
- Italian history
- Italian Renaissance
- Italy
- Jack the Ripper
- Jacobin
- James Cook
- James Fenimore Cooper
- James I
- James II
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- James VI
- Japan
- Japanese
- Japanese culture
- Japanese mythology
- Jason (Greek mythology)
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert
- Jerusalem
- Jesuit history
- Jesuits
- Jesus
- Jewish
- Jewish apologetics
- Jews and Judaism
- Jinn
- Joan of Arc
- John Adams
- John Quincy Adams
- Journalisms
- journalists
- Jovian deities
- Judaism and warfare
- Judeo-Christianity
- Julio-Claudian dynasty
- Julius Caesar
- Jungle superheroes
- Jupiter
- Justice
- Juvenile fiction
- Juvenile sexuality
- Kai Lung
- Kailyard school
- Karachi
- Karoo
- Katy series
- Kentucky
- Kerguelen Islands
- Khuddaka Nikaya
- Kidnapped
- King James Only movement
- King John
- King Lear
- King Philip's War
- Kings' sagas
- Klondike Gold Rush
- Knights of the Round Table
- Krishna
- Künstlerroman
- Kurukshetra
- Labor
- Lahore
- Language arts
- Laozi
- Latin
- Latin prose texts
- Latter Day Saints
- Laughter
- Laurence Olivier Award-winning
- Law
- Lawyers
- Lazio
- Le Havre
- Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- Legendary creatures
- Legendary English people
- Legendary sagas
- Legends
- Legislation
- Leisure
- Lesbian themes
- Leviathan
- Lexicography
- Liberia
- Libertarian socialism
- Lidar Valley
- Lilith
- Limberlost
- Limberlost series
- Linguistic minorities
- Lions
- Lisbon
- Lists of fictional deities
- Literary archetypes
- Literary autobiographies
- Literary collaborations
- Literary concepts
- Literary criticism
- Literary duos
- Literary forgeries
- Literary magazines
- Literary theory
- Lithuanian-American culture
- Liturgical days
- Living dinosaurs
- Locations
- Locked-room mysteries
- Logic literature
- Lolab
- London
- Lost mines
- Louis XI of France
- Louis XIII of France
- Louis XIV
- Louis XIV of France
- Louis XV of France
- Louisiana Creole culture
- Love
- Love stories
- Lucifer
- Lucius Junius Brutus
- Lucrezia Borgia
- Lutheran education
- Machipura
- Magazines
- Mahabharata
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Mahdist War
- Maienfeld
- Maine
- Man in the Iron Mask
- Man-woman relationships
- Manners
- Manners and customs
- Manuscripts
- Maori
- Marching
- Marco Polo
- Marcus Junius Brutus
- Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger
- Mariticide in fiction
- Mark Antony
- Mark Twain
- Marriage
- Mars
- Marshalsea
- Martin Van Buren
- Mary – Queen of Scots
- Mary (mother of Jesus)
- Mary I of England
- Mary Shelley
- Mass media
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts culture
- Maternity
- Mathematical constants
- Mathematical series
- Mathematics
- Matriarchy
- Matter of France
- Maximilien Robespierre
- Meat packing industry
- Medical
- Medical books
- Medical manuals
- Medicine
- Medicine in Literature
- Medieval
- Mediterranean Sea
- Melodramas
- Memory of the World Register
- Mental health
- Mental health care
- Mental illness
- Merton College
- Mesoamerica
- Metafictional
- Metamorphoses
- Metaphysical fiction
- Metaphysics
- Meteoroids
- Mexican
- Mexican California
- Mexican–American War
- Mexico
- Michel Lévy Frères books
- Middle Ages
- Midlife crisis
- Midway Atoll
- Midwestern United States
- Midwifery
- Migration
- Milan
- Military history
- Military medicine
- Military strategy
- Millard Fillmore
- Mind control
- Miniature wargames
- Mining
- Minnesota
- Missing person
- Missions
- Mississippi River
- Mock-heroic
- Modern
- Modern Arthurian fiction
- Modern era
- Modern philosophical literature
- Modernist
- Mojave Desert
- Molière
- Mom
- Monarchs
- Monarchy
- Monmouth Rebellion
- Monographs
- Morale pratique
- Mormons
- Moses
- Mothers
- Mothers' day
- Moths
- Mountain life
- Muhammad
- Multi-volume biographies
- Mum
- Mummies
- Murder–suicide
- Music
- Musicals
- Mutualism (biology)
- Mystery
- Mythological dogs
- Mythological mountains
- Mythology
- Mythology of Argonautica
- Mythology of Argos
- Mythopoeia
- Nainital
- Nantucket
- Napoleon
- Napoleon III
- Napoleonic Wars
- Narcissism
- Narrative
- Narratology
- National Committee for Mental Hygiene
- National Recording Registry
- National symbols
- Nationalism
- Native Americans
- Natural history
- Natural philosophy
- Natural selection
- Naturalist
- Nature Research
- Nazism and occultism
- Neanderthals
- Neighbours
- Nero
- Nerva–Antonine dynasty
- Neuroscience
- New Canadian Library
- New England
- New France
- New islands
- New Mexico
- New South Wales
- New Year
- New Year celebrations
- New York (state)
- New York City
- New Zealand
- Newbery Honor-winning works
- Newbery Medal-winning works
- News magazines
- Nibelung tradition
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Nicholas II of Russia
- Nightmares
- No Collections Adam and Eve
- Nobel Prize
- Nobility
- Non-Islamic Islam studies
- Nonlinear narrative
- Norderney
- Norse mythology
- North America
- North American Indians
- Northwestern University
- Norwegian
- Notre-Dame de Paris
- Nova Scotia
- Novel sequences
- Novel series
- Novelettes
- Novelists
- Nuclear weapons testing
- Nursing
- Obscenity controversies
- Occult
- Occupational fiction
- Oceania
- Off-Broadway
- Old Curiosity Shop
- Old English
- Old Testament pseudepigrapha
- Old West
- Oligarchy
- Omar Khayyam
- Onabasha
- One Thousand and One Nights
- Onomasticon
- Operas
- Opium
- Oregon
- Oregon Territory
- Oregon Trail
- Orientalism
- Originally published in magazines
- Originally published in newspapers
- Originally written in Bengali
- Originally written in Danish
- Originally written in German
- Originally written in Italian
- Originally written in Koine Greek
- Originally written in Later Anglo-Saxon
- Originally written in Middle French
- Originally written in Middle High German
- Originally written in Old Norse
- Originally written in Russian
- Originally written in Spanish
- Originally written in Swedish
- Originally written in Urdu
- Origins of the American Civil War
- Orillia
- Orne
- Ornithological handbooks
- Orphans
- Othello
- Outlaws
- Owain Glyndŵr
- Owens Valley
- Oxford
- Oz (franchise)
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Palestrina
- Pamphlets
- Pan (god)
- Pan-Africanism
- Parables
- Parenting
- Paris
- Parma
- Parodies
- Pastiches
- Paul Barillon – marquis de Branges
- Peasants
- Pellucidar
- Peloponnesian War
- Penal colonies
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Persian
- Personal accounts
- Personality
- Perth and Kinross
- Peter Pan
- Peter Rabbit
- Phd
- Philippine Revolution
- Philosophical
- Philosophical categories
- Philosophical literature
- Philosophical pessimism
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of language
- Philosophy of law
- Philosophy of logic
- Philosophy of love
- Philosophy of mind
- Philosophy of psychology
- Philosophy of religion
- Philosophy of science
- Phoenixes
- Physical cosmology
- Physicians
- Physics
- Pi
- Picture books
- Pigs
- Pinocchio
- Pioneer life
- Pirates
- Plagiarism controversies
- Plato
- Plot
- Plots
- Pluto
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Brethren
- Plymouth Colony
- Pocahontas
- Poetry
- Poetry magazines
- Pohnpei
- Polaris
- Polish
- Political and cultural purges
- Political books
- Political charters
- Political forgery
- Political magazines
- Political manifestos
- Political memoirs
- Political philosophy
- Political philosophy literature
- Political repression
- Political satire
- Political science
- Political theory
- Politicians
- Politics
- Politics of science
- Pontius Pilate
- Pope Alexander VI
- Popes
- Poppaea Sabina
- Popular science magazines
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- Postmodern
- Poverty
- Pre-emancipation African-American history
- Pre-statehood history of Massachusetts
- Prediction
- Prehistoric people
- Prejudices
- Preservation (library and archival science)
- Presidency
- Presidential
- Presidential history
- Presidents of the United States
- Prince Edward Island in fiction
- Prison writings
- Prix Goncourt winning works
- Professor Challenger
- Progressive Era in the United States
- Progressivism in the United States
- Propaganda
- Propaganda books
- Proportional representation electoral systems
- Prose texts
- Prosper Mérimée
- Prosthetics
- Prostitution
- Prostitution in the United States
- Protestants
- Proverbs
- Pseudoarchaeological texts
- Pseudoaristotelian works
- Pseudoscience
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Psychology of religion
- Published anonymously
- Published posthumously
- Published under a pseudonym
- Puerto Rico
- Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography-winning works
- Pulitzer Prize for Drama-winning works
- Pulitzer Prize for the Novel-winning works
- Pulp fiction
- Pulp stories
- Punic Wars
- Puppets
- Puranas
- Purgatory
- Pyrrhonism
- Qing dynasty
- Queen Anne
- Quotations
- Quran
- Race and ethnicity
- Race relations
- Racism
- Radio programs
- Rail transport
- Railroads
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Ramona
- Rape
- Rationalism
- Real people
- Real transcendental numbers
- Realist
- Rebels
- Reconstruction Era
- Recordings
- Red River of the South
- Reference books
- Reformation in Germany
- Reformers
- Regicide
- Regicides
- Reincarnation
- Relationships
- Religion
- Religious people
- Religious studies
- Religious texts
- Renaissance
- Renaissance literature studies
- René Descartes
- Republican
- Republished in the Library of America
- Restoration comedy
- Revenge
- Revolutionaries
- Revolutions
- Rhetoric
- Rhode Island
- Richard I of England
- Richard II of England
- Richard III of England
- Richmond
- Riots and civil disorder
- Rip Van Winkle
- Rip Van Winkle-type
- Rivalries
- Roanoke Colonies
- Robert Walpole
- Robin Hood
- Robin Hood characters
- Roman
- Roman Empire
- Roman historiography
- Roman Macedonia
- Roman philosophical literature
- Romance characters
- Romances
- Romanes lectures
- Romani
- Romani in Spain
- Romantic
- Romantic Western (genre)
- Romanticism
- Rome
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Royal Mile
- Royalty
- Rural Scotland
- Russia
- Russian
- Russian prostitution
- Russian Revolution
- Russian-American
- Rutherford B. Hayes
- Sagas of Icelanders
- Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
- Sailing
- Saladin
- Salem witch trials
- Salvation Army
- Samurai
- San Joaquin Valley
- Sanskrit
- Sanskrit texts
- Santa Claus
- Satire
- Satirical
- Saturn
- Saudi Arabia
- Scandinavian
- Scarlet Pimpernel
- Schooling
- Science
- Scotland
- Scottish
- Scottish Borders
- Scottish Enlightenment
- Scottish royalty
- Sea captains
- Seafaring
- Search for Lost Time
- Second Boer War
- Second plague pandemic
- Self-censorship
- Self-help
- Self-published
- Self-reflexive
- Self-reliance
- Sentient toys
- Sentimental
- Sequels
- Series
- Servius Tullius
- Set during the American Civil War
- Set during the American Revolutionary War
- Set during the Conquest of the Americas
- Set during the Crusades
- Set during the English Civil War
- Set during the Napoleonic War
- Set during the Napoleonic Wars
- Set during World War I
- Set in 1420s
- Set in 1430s
- Set in 1680s
- Set in 1850s
- Set in 1910s
- Set in 1920s
- Set in 700
- Set in Aberdeenshire
- Set in Africa
- Set in Alaska
- Set in Algeria
- Set in amusement parks
- Set in ancient Egypt
- Set in ancient Greece
- Set in ancient Rome
- Set in Antarctica
- Set in Aquitaine
- Set in Argentina
- Set in Arizona
- Set in Arkansas
- Set in Asia
- Set in Athens
- Set in Australia
- Set in Austria
- Set in Barcelona
- Set in Belgium
- Set in Berkshire
- Set in Bolivia
- Set in Boston
- Set in Brazil
- Set in British India
- Set in Brittany
- Set in California
- Set in Cambridge
- Set in Canada
- Set in castles
- Set in Cheshire
- Set in Chicago
- Set in China
- Set in colonial Africa
- Set in Colorado
- Set in Connecticut
- Set in Corsica
- Set in Cumbria
- Set in Denmark
- Set in Derbyshire
- Set in Devon
- Set in Dorset
- Set in Dublin
- Set in Dumfries and Galloway
- Set in Early Modern England
- Set in Early Modern France
- Set in Edinburgh
- Set in Egypt
- Set in England
- Set in Essex
- Set in Ethiopia
- Set in Europe
- Set in fictional countries
- Set in fictional populated places
- Set in Finland
- Set in Flanders
- Set in Florence
- Set in Florida
- Set in France
- Set in Geneva
- Set in Germany
- Set in Glastonbury
- Set in Gloucestershire
- Set in Great Britain
- Set in Greece
- Set in Haiti
- Set in Hamburg
- Set in Hampshire
- Set in Hertfordshire
- Set in Highland (council area)
- Set in Honduras
- Set in Hong Kong
- Set in Iceland
- Set in Illinois
- Set in Imperial China
- Set in India
- Set in Indiana
- Set in Indianapolis
- Set in Indonesia
- Set in Ireland
- Set in Israel
- Set in Italy
- Set in Japan
- Set in Jerusalem
- Set in Kansas
- Set in Kent
- Set in Kentucky
- Set in Labrador
- Set in Leicestershire
- Set in Lincolnshire
- Set in Liverpool
- Set in London
- Set in Long Island
- Set in Louisiana
- Set in Madrid
- Set in Maine
- Set in Malaysia
- Set in Malta
- Set in Manchester
- Set in Marseille
- Set in Massachusetts
- Set in Mauritius
- Set in Melbourne
- Set in Mexico
- Set in Michigan
- Set in Milan
- Set in Minnesota
- Set in Mississippi
- Set in Missouri
- Set in monasteries
- Set in Montenegro
- Set in Mumbai
- Set in Nebraska
- Set in New England
- Set in New Hampshire
- Set in New Orleans
- Set in New South Wales
- Set in New York (state)
- Set in New York City
- Set in New Zealand
- Set in Newfoundland
- Set in Normandy
- Set in North America
- Set in North Carolina
- Set in Northumberland
- Set in Norway
- Set in Nottinghamshire
- Set in Nova Scotia
- Set in Oakland (California)
- Set in Oceania
- Set in Ohio
- Set in Ontario
- Set in Oregon
- Set in Orne
- Set in Oslo
- Set in Oxford
- Set in Oxfordshire
- Set in Paraguay
- Set in Paris
- Set in Pennsylvania
- Set in Peru
- Set in Pittsburgh
- Set in Poland
- Set in prehistory
- Set in Prince Edward Island
- Set in prison
- Set in Providence
- Set in psychiatric hospitals
- Set in Quebec
- Set in Rhode Island
- Set in Roman Britain
- Set in Romania
- Set in Rome
- Set in Russia
- Set in Saint Petersburg
- Set in San Francisco
- Set in schools
- Set in Scotland
- Set in Sicily
- Set in Somerset
- Set in South Africa
- Set in South America
- Set in South Carolina
- Set in Spain
- Set in Staffordshire
- Set in Suffolk
- Set in Surrey
- Set in Sussex
- Set in Sweden
- Set in Switzerland
- Set in Sydney
- Set in Tahiti
- Set in Tasmania
- Set in Tennessee
- Set in Texas
- Set in the 1190s
- Set in the 11th century
- Set in the 12th century
- Set in the 1340s
- Set in the 1350s
- Set in the 1360s
- Set in the 13th century
- Set in the 1450s
- Set in the 1460s
- Set in the 1470s
- Set in the 1480s
- Set in the 14th century
- Set in the 1500s
- Set in the 1510s
- Set in the 1540s
- Set in the 1550s
- Set in the 1570s
- Set in the 15th century
- Set in the 1600s
- Set in the 1620s
- Set in the 1630s
- Set in the 1640s
- Set in the 1650s
- Set in the 1660s
- Set in the 1670s
- Set in the 1680s
- Set in the 1690s
- Set in the 16th century
- Set in the 1700s
- Set in the 1710s
- Set in the 1730s
- Set in the 1740s
- Set in the 1750s
- Set in the 1770s
- Set in the 1780s
- Set in the 1790s
- Set in the 17th century
- Set in the 1810s
- Set in the 1820s
- Set in the 1830s
- Set in the 1840s
- Set in the 1850s
- Set in the 1860s
- Set in the 1870s
- Set in the 1880s
- Set in the 1890s
- Set in the 18th century
- Set in the 1900s
- Set in the 1910s
- Set in the 1920s
- Set in the 1930s
- Set in the 1950s
- Set in the 1980s
- Set in the 19th century
- Set in the 1st century
- Set in the 2000s
- Set in the 2130s
- Set in the 22nd century
- Set in the 2nd century
- Set in the 3rd century BC
- Set in the 4th century
- Set in the 6th century
- Set in the American Civil War
- Set in the American colonial era
- Set in the Arctic
- Set in the Atlantic Ocean
- Set in the Caribbean
- Set in the Crusades
- Set in the Dark Ages
- Set in the Dominican Republic
- Set in the Dutch Golden Age
- Set in the early national era United States
- Set in the French colonial empire
- Set in the French Revolution
- Set in the future
- Set in the Hapsburg Netherlands
- Set in the Indian Ocean
- Set in the Loire Valley
- Set in the Mediterranean Sea
- Set in the Mexican Revolution
- Set in the Middle Ages
- Set in the Midlands
- Set in the Netherlands
- Set in the North of England
- Set in the Northwest Territories
- Set in the Philippines
- Set in the Qing dynasty
- Set in the Renaissance
- Set in the Roaring Twenties
- Set in the Russian Empire
- Set in the United Kingdom
- Set in the United States
- Set in the Viking Age
- Set in the West of England
- Set in Tibet
- Set in Tudor England
- Set in Turkey
- Set in Tuscany
- Set in Ukraine
- Set in Uruguay
- Set in Utah
- Set in Vatican City
- Set in Venezuela
- Set in Venice
- Set in Victoria (Australia)
- Set in Vienna
- Set in Virginia
- Set in Wales
- Set in Warwickshire
- Set in Washington (state)
- Set in Washington D. C.
- Set in Wessex
- Set in Wessex Manners
- Set in Wiltshire
- Set in World War I
- Set in Yorkshire
- Set in Yukon
- Set in Zimbabwe
- Set on balloons
- Set on Cape Cod and the Islands
- Set on fictional islands
- Set on fictional planets
- Set on islands
- Set on Mars
- Set on ships
- Set on the London Underground
- Set on the Moon
- Set on uninhabited islands
- Seven deadly sins
- Seven Military Classics
- Seven Years' War
- Sex manuals
- Sextus Tarquinius
- Sexual selection
- Sexuality
- Shaka
- Shakespeare apocrypha
- Shakespeare authorship question
- Shapeshifting
- She series
- Sherlock Holmes
- Ships
- Short stories
- Siblings
- Single-gender worlds
- Single-volume
- Single-writer
- Sir Arthur Wellesley – 1st Duke of Wellington
- Sir Francis Drake
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sirius in fiction
- Size change
- Slave cabins and quarters
- Slavery
- Sleep disorders
- Slums
- Smallpox
- Social classes
- Social history
- Social life
- Social life and customs
- Social philosophy
- Social psychology
- Social science books
- Social science fiction
- Socialist League
- Society of Jesus
- Sociology
- Sociology books
- Socrates
- Soil biology
- Solitude
- Solomon
- Solomon Islands
- Songs
- Sonnets
- Sororicide
- Sources of Norse mythology
- Sources on Germanic paganism
- South African
- South America
- Southern United States
- Sovereignty
- Soviet Union
- Space exploration
- Space travel
- Spain
- Spanish
- Spanish Empire
- Spanish Golden Age
- Spannish Empire
- Speeches
- Speed skating
- Sperm whales
- Spies
- Spiritism
- Spiritualism
- Spirituality
- Spontaneous human combustion
- Sports
- Srinagar
- Stage theories
- Statements of faith
- STDs in theatre
- Stefan Zweig Collection
- Stoicism
- stories
- Stratemeyer Syndicate
- Study
- Study Aids
- Sturm und Drang
- Sub-Roman Britain
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Subcultures of religious movements
- Submarines
- Success
- Sudan
- Suffrage
- Sufi literature
- Suicide
- Suicides by train
- Suits (clothing)
- Sun Tzu
- Sunday schools
- Supernatural beings
- Supernatural books
- Suriname
- Surreal comedy
- Survival skills
- Swedish
- Swedish literature
- Swedish-American
- Swiss
- Swiss families
- Switzerland
- Symbolism (arts)
- Symbolist
- Symbols
- Taoist texts
- Tarascon
- Tarzan
- Tea
- Tea ceremony
- Teachers
- teaching
- Technology
- Telepathy
- Temples
- Tennessee
- Terrorism
- Teutonic Order
- Tewkesbury
- textbooks
- Texts in Ge'ez
- Thaïs (saint)
- Thanksgiving
- The Canterbury Tales
- The Devil
- The Great Game
- The Holy Grail
- The Lady of the Barge
- The Magic Flute
- The media
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Moon
- The Three Musketeers
- Theatre
- Theocracies
- Theocracy
- Theodore II – Negus of Ethiopia
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Theodosian dynasty
- Theology
- Theories of history
- Thesauri
- Theseus
- Thirty Years' War
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thought experiments
- Three-volume
- Tigers
- Timber rafting
- Time travel
- Titus Andronicus
- Tolstoyan movement
- Tom Swift
- Tony Award-winning
- Totalitarianism
- Traders
- Traditional history
- Tragedies
- Tragicomedies
- Tragicomedy
- Transcendentalism
- Transgender
- Transylvania
- Travel
- Travel to the Earth's center
- Treasure Island
- Treasure troves
- Treatises
- Treaty on European Union
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Troilus and Cressida
- Trojan War
- Trossachs
- Trying to prevent adulthood
- Tularosa Basin
- Tullia Minor
- Twins
- Udaipur
- Ukrainian
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Unary operations
- Uncertain authorship
- Underwater
- Underwater civilizations
- Unfinished
- Unicorns
- Union armies
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Universal history
- Universalism
- University of Cambridge
- University of Edinburgh
- University of London
- University of Oxford
- Unknown authorship
- Unreliable narrators
- Uriel
- Utah
- Utilitarianism
- Utopian fiction
- Uxoricide
- Vaishnava texts
- Vampires
- Vasco da Gama
- Vegetarianism
- Venetian Jews
- Venice
- Venus
- Vermont
- Verona
- Victoria County
- Victorian
- Victorian culture
- Victorian era
- Vijayanagar Empire
- Violins and violinists
- Virgil
- Virginia
- Virtue
- Viscounts and viscountesses
- Völsung cycle
- Wales
- Walpurgis Night fiction
- War
- War correspondents
- Warfare
- Warrior code
- Washington D. C.
- Wat Tyler
- Wealth distribution
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Weddings
- Welsh
- Werewolves
- Wessex
- West End
- West Midlands
- Western (genre)
- Western Australia
- Western Front (World War I)
- Western Tasmania
- Western United States
- Wetzlar
- Whale collisions with ships
- Whaling
- White American riots
- White Terror
- Whitechapel
- Wilhelm II of Germany
- William III
- William Shakespeare
- William Tell
- William the Conqueror
- William the Silent
- Wilmington insurrection of 1898
- Windsor
- Windsor Great Park
- Witchcraft
- Wizards
- Wolves
- Women
- Women pirates
- Women revolutionaries
- Women's rights
- Women's rights activists
- Women's suffrage
- Working class
- World War I
- Worms
- Writers
- Writing
- Wyoming
- Yorkshire
- Young adult books
- Young women
- Youth
- Zachary Taylor
- Zaporozhian Host
- Zhou dynasty texts
- Zionism
- Zombies and revenants
- Zoology
- Zoophilia