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FN 405 Luttrell; Citters, July 3/13. 1688. “Soo syn in tegendeel gedagte jurys met de uyterste acclamatie en alle teyckenen van genegenheyt en danckbaarheyt in het door passeren van de gemeente ontvangen. Honderden vielen haar om den hals met alle bedenckelycke wewensch van segen en geluck over hare persoonen en familien, om dat sy haar so heusch en eerlyck buyten verwagtinge als het ware in desen gedragen hadden. Veele van de grooten en kleynen adel wierpen in het wegryden handen vol gelt onder tie armen luyden, om op de gesontheyt van den Coning, der Heeren Prelaten, en de Jurys te drincken.”

FN 406 “Mi trovava con Milord Sunderland la stessa mattina, quando venne l’Avvocato Generale a rendergli conto del successo, e disse, che mai piu a memoria d’huomini si era sentito un applauso, mescolato di voci e lagrime di giubilo, egual a quello che veniva egli di vedere in quest’ occasione.” Adda, July 6/16. 1688.

FN 407 Burnet, i. 744.; Citters, July 3/13 1688.

FN 408 See a very curious narrative published among other papers, in 1710, by Danby, then Duke of Leeds. There is an amusing account of the ceremony of burning a Pope in North’s Examen, 570. See also the note on the Epilogue to the Tragedy of Oedipus in Scott’s edition of Dryden.

FN 409 Reresby’s Memoirs; Citters, 3/13 July 17. 1688; Adda 6/16 July; Barillon, July 2/12 Luttrell’s Diary; Newsletter of July 4.; Oldmixon, 739.; Ellis Correspondence.

FN 410 The Fur Praedestinatus.

FN 411 This document will be found in the first of the twelve collections of papers relating to the affairs of England, printed at the end of 1688 and the beginning of 1689. It was put forth on the 26th of July, not quite a month after the trial. Lloyd of Saint Asaph about the same time told Henry Wharton that the Bishops purposed to adopt an entirely new policy towards the Protestant Dissenters; “Omni modo curaturos ut ecelesia sordibus et corruptelis penitus exueretur; ut sectariis reformatis reditus in ecclesiae sinum exoptati occasio ac ratio concederetur, si qui sobrii et pii essent; ut pertinacibus interim jugum le aretur, extinctis penitus legibus mulciatoriis.”–Excerpta ex Vita H. Wharton.

FN 412 This change in the opinion of a section of the Tory party is well illustrated by a little tract published at the beginning of 1689, and entitled “A Dialogue between Two Friends, wherein the Church of England is vindicated in joining with the Prince of Orange.”

FN 413 “Aut nunc, aut nunquam.”–Witsen MS. quoted by Wagenaar, book lx.

FN 414 Burnet, i. 763.

FN 415 Sidney’s Diary and Correspondence, edited by Mr. Blencowe; Mackay’s Memoirs with Swift’s note; Burnet, i. 763.

FN 416 Burnet, i. 764.; Letter in cipher to William, dated June 18. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 417 Burnet, i. 764.; Letter in cipher to William, dated June 18 1688.

FN 418 As to Montaigne, see Halifax’s Letter to Cotton. I am not sure that the head of Halifax in Westminster Abbey does not give a more lively notion of him than any painting or engraving that I have seen.

FN 419 See Danby’s Introduction to the papers which he published in 1710; Burnet, i. 764.

FN 420 Burnet, i. 764.; Sidney to the Prince of Orange, June 30. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 421 Burnet, i. 763.; Lumley to William, May 31. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 422 See the invitation at length in Dalrymple.

FN 423 Sidney’s Letter to William, June 30. 1688; Avaux Neg., July 10/20 12/22

FN 424 Bonrepaux, July 18/28 1687.

FN 425 Birch’s Extracts, in the British Museum.

FN 426 Avaux Neg., Oct 29/Nov 9 1683

FN 427 As to the relation in which the Stadtholder and the city of Amsterdam stood towards each other, see Avaux, passim.

FN 428 Adda, July 6/16 1688.

FN 429 Reresby’s Memoirs.

FN 430 Barillon, July 2/12 1688.

FN 431 London Gazette of July 16. 1688. The order bears date July 12.

FN 432 Barillon’s own phrase, July 6/16 1688.

FN 433 In one of the numerous ballads of that time are the following lines:
“Both our Britons are fooled,
Who the laws overruled,
And next parliament each will he plaguily schooled.”

The two Britons are Jeffreys and Williams, who were both natives of Wales.

FN 434 London Gazette, July 9. 1688.

FN 435 Ellis Correspondence, July 10. 1688; Clarendon’s Diary, Aug. 3. 1688.

FN 436 London Gazette, July 9. 1688; Adda, July 13/23 Evelyn’s Diary, July 12. Johnstone, Dec. 8/18 1687, Feb. 6/16 1688.

FN 437 Sprat’s Letters to the Earl of Dorset; London Gazette, Aug. 23. 1688.

FN 438 London Gazette, July 26. 1688; Adda, Ju1y 27/Aug 6.; Newsletter in the Mackintosh Collection, July 25. Ellis Correspondence, July 28. 31; Wood’s Fasti Oxonienses.

FN 439 Wood’s Athenae Oxonienses; Luttrell’s Diary, Aug. 23. 1688.

FN 440 Ronquillo, Sept. 17/27 1688; Luttrell’s Diary, Sept. 6.

FN 441 Ellis Correspondence, August 4. 7. 1688; Bishop Sprat’s relation of the Conference of Nov. 6. 1688.

FN 442 Luttrell’s Diary, Aug. 8. 1688.

FN 443 This is told us by three writers who could well remember that time, Kennet, Eachard, and Oldmixon. See also the Caveat against the Whigs.

FN 444 Barillon, Aug 24/Sept 1 1688; Sept. 3/13 6/16 8/18

FN 445 Luttrell’s Diary, Aug. 27. 1688.

FN 446 King’s State of the Protestants of Ireland; Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland.

FN 447 Secret Consults of he Romish Party in Ireland.

FN 448 History of the Desertion, 1689; compare the first and second editions; Barillon, Sept. 8/18 1688; Citters of the same date; Clarke’s Life of James the Second, ii. 168. The compiler of the last mentioned work says that Churchill moved the court to sentence the six officers to death. This story does not appear to have been taken from the King’s papers; I therefore regard it as one of the thousand fictions invented at Saint Germains for the purpose of blackening a character which was black enough without such daubing. That Churchill may have affected great indignation on this occasion, in order to hide the treason which he meditated, is highly probable. But it is impossible to believe that a man of his sense would have urged the members of a council of war to inflict a punishment which was notoriously beyond their competence.

FN 449 The song of Lillibullero is among the State Poems, to Percy’s Relics the first part will be found, but not the second part, which was added after William’s landing. In the Examiner and in several pamphlets of 1712 Wharton is mentioned as the author.

FN 450 See the Negotiations of the Count of Avaux. It would be almost impossible for me to cite all the passages which have furnished me with materials for this part of my narrative. The most important will be found under the following dates: 1685, Sept. 20, Sept. 24, Oct. 5, Dec. 20; 1686, Jan. 3, Nov. 22; 1687, Oct. 2, Nov. 6, Nov. 19 1688, July 29, Aug. 20. Lord Lonsdale, in his Memoirs, justly remarks that, but for the mismanagement of Lewis, the city of Amsterdam would have prevented the Revolution.

FN 451 Professor Von Ranke, Die Romischen Papste, book viii.; Burnet, i. 759.

FN 452 Burnet, i. 758.; Lewis paper bears date Aug 27/Sept 6 1688. It will be found in the Recueil des Traites, vol. iv. no. 219.

FN 453 For the consummate dexterity with which he exhibited two different views of his policy to two different parties he was afterwards bitterly reviled by the Court of Saint Germains. “Licet Foederatis publicus ille preado haud aliud aperte proponat nisi ut Galici imperii exuberans amputetur potesias, veruntamen sibi et suis ex haeretica faece complicibus, ut pro comperto habemus, longe aliud promittit, nempe ut, exciso vel enervato Francorum regno, ubi Catholicarum partium summum jam robur situm est, haeretica ipsorum pravitas per orbem Christisnum universum praevaleat.”–Letter of James to the Pope; evidently written in 1689.

FN 454 Avaux Neg., Aug. 2/12 10/20 11/21 14/24 16/26 17/27 Aug 23/Sept 2 1688.

FN 455 Ibid., Sept. 4/14 1688.

FN 456 Burnet, i. 765.; Churchill’s letter bears date Aug. 4. 1688.

FN 457 William to Bentinck, Aug. 17/27 i688.

FN 458 Memoirs of the Duke of Shrewsbury, 1718.

FN 459 London Gazette, April 25. 28. 1687.

FN 460 Secret Consults of the Romish Party in Ireland. This account is strongly confirmed by what Bonrepaux wrote to Seignelay, Sept. 12/22 1687. “Il (Sunderland) amassera beaucoup d’argent, le roi son maitre lui donnant la plus grande partie de celui qui provient des confiscations on des accommodemens que ceux qui ont encouru des peines font pour obtenir leur grace.”

FN 461 Adda says that Sunderland’s terror was visible. Oct 26/Nov 5 1688.

FN 462 Compare Evelyn’s account of her with what the Princess of Denmark wrote about her to the Hague, and with her own letters to Henry Sidney.

FN 463 Bonrepaux to Seignelay, July 11/21 1688.

FN 464 See her letters in the Sidney Diary and Correspondence lately published. Mr. Fox, in his copy of Barillon’s despatches, marked the 30th of August N.S. 1688, as the date from which it was quite certain that Sunderland was playing false.

FN 465 Aug 19/29 1688

FN 466 Sept 4/14 1688

FN 467 Avaux, July 19/29 July 31/Aug 10 Aug.11/21 1688; Lewis to Barillon, Aug. 2/12, 16/26.

FN 468 Barillon, Aug. 20/30 Aug 23/Sept 2 1688 Adda, Aug 24/Sept 3; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 177. Orig. Mem.

FN 469 Lewis to Barillon, Sept. 3/13 8/18 11/21 1688.

FN 470 Avaux, Aug 23/Sept 2, Aug 30/Sept 9 1688.

FN 471 “Che l’adulazione e la vanita gli avevano tornato il capo”–Adda, Aug 31/Sept 10 1688.

FN 472 Citters, Sept. 11/21 1688 Avaux, Sept. 17/27 Sept 27/Oct 7 Oct. 3 Wagenaar, book lx.; Sunderland’s Apology. It has been often asserted that James declined the help of a French army. The truth is that no such army was offered. Indeed, the French troops would have served James much more effectually by menacing the frontiers of Holland than by crossing the Channel.

FN 473 Lewis to Barillon, Sept. 20/30 1688.

FN 474 Avaux, Sept 27/Oct 7 27. Oct. 4/14 1688.

FN 475 Madame de Sevigne, Oct 24/Nov 3 1688.

FN 476 Witsen MS. quoted by Wagenaar; Lord Lonsdale’s Memoirs; Avaux, Oct. 4/14 5/15 1688. The formal declaration of the States General, dated Oct. 18/28 will be found in the Recueil des Traites, vol. iv. no. 225.

FN 477 Abrege de la Vie de Frederic Duc de Schomberg, 1690; Sidney to William, June 30. 1688; Burnet, i. 677.

FN 478 Burnet, i. 584.; Mackay’s Memoirs.

FN 479 Burnet, i. 775. 780.

FN 480 Eachard’s History of the Revolution, ii. 2.

FN 481 Pepys’s Memoirs relating to the Royal Navy, 1690. Clarke’s Life of James the Second, ii. 186 Orig. Mem.; Adda, Sept 21/Oct 1 Citters, Sept 21/Oct 1

FN 482 Clarke’s Life of James the Second, ii. 186. Orig. Mem.; Adda, Sept 14/Oct 2 Citters, Sept 21/Oct 1

FN 483 Adda, Sept 28/Oct. 8. 1688. This despatch describes strongly James’s dread of an universal defection of his subjects.

FN 484 All the scanty light which we have respecting this negotiation is derived from Reresby. His informant was a lady whom he does not name, and who certainly was not to be implicitly trusted.

FN 485 London Gazette, Sept. 24. 27., Oct. 1., 1688.

FN 486 Tanner MSS.; Burnet, i. 784. Burnet has, I think, confounded this audience with an audience which took place a few weeks later.

FN 487 London Gazette, Oct. 8. 1688.

FN 488 Ibid.

FN 489 Ibid. Oct. 15. 1688; Adda, Oct. 12/22 The Nuncio, though generally an enemy to violent courses, seems to have opposed the restoration of Hough, probably from regard for the interests of Giffard and the other Roman Catholics who were quartered in Magdalene College. Leyburn declared himself “nel sentimento che fosse stato non spoglio, e che il possesso in cui si trovano ora li Cattolici fosse violento ed illegale, onde non era privar questi di no dritto acquisto, ma rendere agli altri quello che era stato levato con violenza.”

FN 490 London Gazette, Oct. 18. 1688.

FN 491 “Vento Papista.” says Adda Oct 24/Nov 3 1688. The expression Protestant wind seems to have been first applied to the wind which kept Tyrconnel, during some time, from taking possession of the government of Ireland. See the first part of Lillibullero.

FN 492 All the evidence on this point is collected in Howell’s edition of the State Trials.

FN 493 It will be found with much illustrative matter in Howell’s edition of the State Trials.

FN 494 Barillon, Oct. 8/18 16/26 18/28 Oct 25/Nov 4 Oct.27/Nov 6 Oct 29/Nov 8 1688; Adda, Oct 26/Nov 5

FN 495 London Gazette, Oct. 29. 1688.

FN 496 Register of the Proceedings of the States of Holland and West Friesland; Burnet, i. 782.

FN 497 London Gazette, Oct. 29. 1688; Burnet, i. 782.; Bentinck to his wife, Oct. 21/31 Oct. 22/Nov 1 Oct 24/Nov 3 Oct. 27/Nov 6 1688.

FN 498 Citters. Nov. 2/12 1688: Adda, Nov. 2/12

FN 499 Ronquillo, Nov. 12/22 i688. “Estas respuestas,” says Ronquillo, “son ciertas, aunque mas las encubrian en la corte.”

FN 500 London Gazette, Nov. 5 1688. The Proclamation is dated Nov. 2.

FN 501 Tanner MSS.

FN 502 Burnet, i. 787.; Rapin; Whittle’s Exact Diary; Expedition of the Prince of Orange to England, 1688; History of the Desertion, 1688; Dartmouth to James. Nov. 5. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 503 Avaux, July 12/22 Aug. 14/24 1688. On this subject, Mr. De Jonge, who is connected by affinity with the descendants of the Dutch Admiral Evertsen, has kindly communicated to me some interesting information derived from family papers. In a letter to Bentinck, dated Sept. 6/16 1688, William insists strongly on the importance of avoiding an action, and begs Bentinck to represent this to Herbert. “Ce n’est pas le tems de faire voir sa bravoure, ni de se battre si l’on le peut eviter. Je luy l’ai deja dit: mais il sera necessaire que vous le repetiez et que vous le luy fassiez bien comprendre.”

FN 504 Rapin’s History; Whittle’s Exact Diary. I have seen a contemporary Dutch chart of the order in which the fleet sailed.

FN 505 Adda, Nov. 1688; Newsletter in the Mackintosh Collection; Citters Nov 6/16

FN 506 Burnet, i. 788.; Extracts from the Legge Papers in the Mackintosh Collection.

FN 507 I think that nobody who compares Burnet’s account of this conversation with Dartmouth’s can doubt that I have correctly represented what passed.

FN 508 I have seen a contemporary Dutch print of the disembarkation. Some men are bringing the Prince’s bedding into the hut on which his flag is flying.

FN 509 Burnet, i. 789.; Legge Papers.

FN 510 On Nov. 9. 1688, James wrote to Dartmouth thus: “Nobody could work otherwise than you did. I am sure all knowing seamen must be of the same mind.” But see Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 207. Orig. Mem,

FN 511 Burnet, i. 790.

FN 512 See Whittle’s Diary, the Expedition of his Highness, and the Letter from Exon published at the time. I have myself seen two manuscript newsletters describing the pomp of the Prince’s entrance into Exeter. A few months later a bad poet wrote a play, entitled “The late Revolution.” One scene is laid at Exeter. “Enter battalions of the Prince’s army, on their march into the city, with colours flying, drums beating, and the citizens shouting.” A nobleman named Misopapas says,– “can you guess, my Lord,
How dreadful guilt and fear has represented Your army in the court? Your number and your stature Are both advanced; all six foot high at least, In bearskins clad, Swiss, Swedes, and Brandenburghers.” In a song which appeared just after the entrance into Exeter, the Irish are described as mere dwarfs in comparison of the giants whom William commanded:
“Poor Berwick, how will thy dear joys Oppose this famed viaggio?
Thy tallest sparks wilt be mere toys To Brandenburgh and Swedish boys,
Coraggio! Coraggio!
Addison alludes, in the Freeholder, to the extraordinary effect which these romantic stories produced.

FN 513 Expedition of the Prince of Orange; Oldmixon, 755.; Whittle’s Diary; Eachard, iii. 911.; London Gazette, Nov. 15. 1688.

FN 514 London Gazette, Nov. 15 1688; Expedition of the Prince of Orange.

FN 515 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 210. Orig. Mem.; Sprat’s Narrative, Citters, Nov 6/16 1688

FN 516 Luttrell’s Diary; Newsletter in the Mackintosh Collection; Adda, Nov 16/26 1688

FN 517 Johnstone, Feb. 27. 1688 Citters of the same date.

FN 518 Lysons, Magna Britannia Berkshire.

FN 519 London Gazette, Nov. 15 1688; Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 520 Burnet, i. 790. Life of William, 1703.

FN 521 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 215.; Orig. Mem.; Burnet, i. 790. Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 15 1688; London Gazette, Nov. 17.

FN 522 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 218.; Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 15. 1688 Citters, Nov. 16/26

FN 523 Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 15, i6, i7. 20. 1688.

FN 524 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 219. Orig. Mem.

FN 525 Clarendon’s Diary, from Nov. 8. to Nov. 17. 1688.

FN 526 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 212. Orig. Mem.; Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 17.1688; Citters, Nov 20/30; Burnet, i. 79i.; Some Reflections upon the most Humble Petition to the King’s most Excellent Majesty, 1688; Modest Vindication of the Petition; First Collection of Papers relating to English Affairs, 1688.

FN 527 Adda, Nov. 12/22 1688.

FN 528 Clarke’s Life of James, 220, 221.

FN 529 Eachard’s History of the Revolution.

FN 530 Seymour’s reply to William is related by many writers. It much resembles a story which is told of the Manriquez family. They, it is said, took for their device the words, “Nos no descendemos de los Reyes, sino los Reyes descienden de nos.”– Carpentariana.

FN 531 Fourth Collection of Papers, 1688 Letter from Exon; Burner, i. 792.

FN 532 Burnet, i. 792.; History of the Desertion; Second Collection of Papers, 1688.

FN 533 Letter of Bath to the Prince of Orange, Nov. 18. 1688; Dalrymple.

FN 534 First Collection of Papers, 1688; London Gazette, Nov. 22.

FN 535 Reresby’s Memoirs; Clarke’s. Life of James, ii. 231. Orig. Mem.

FN 536 Cibber’s Apology History of the Desertion; Luttrell’s Diary; Second Collection of Papers, 1688.

FN 537 Whittle’s Diary; History of the Desertion; Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 538 Clarke’s Life of James, i. 222. Orig. Mem; Barillon, Nov 21/Dec 1 1688; Sheridan MS.

FN 539 First Collection of Papers, 1688.

FN 540 Letter from Middleton to Preston dated Salisbury, Nov. 25. “Villany upon villany,” says Middleton, “the last still greater than the former. Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 224, 225. Orig. Mem.

FN 541 History of the Desertion; Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 542 Dartmouth’s note on Burnet, i. 643.

FN 543 Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 26.; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 224.; Prince George’s letter to the King has often been printed.

FN 544 The letter, dated Nov. 18, will be found in Dalrymple.

FN 545 Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 25, 26. 1688; Citters, Nov 26/Dec 6; Ellis Correspondence, Dec. 19.; Duchess of Marlborough’s Vindication; Burnet, i. 792; Compton to the Prince of Orange, Dec. 2. 1688, in Dalrymple. The Bishop’s military costume is mentioned in innumerable pamphlets and lampoons.

FN 546 Dartmouth’s note on Burnet, i. 792.; Citters Nov 26/Dec 6 1688; Clarke’s Life of James, i. 226. Orig. Mem.; Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 26; Revolution Politics.

FN 547 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 236. Orig. Mem.; Burnet, i. 794.: Luttrell’s Diary; Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 27. 1688; Citters, Nov 27/Dec 7 and Nov 30/Dec 10

Citters evidently had his intelligence from one of the Lords who were present. As the matter is important I will give two short passages from his despatches. The King said, “Dat het by na voor hem unmogelyck was to pardoneren persoonen wie so hoog in syn reguarde schuldig stonden, vooral seer uytvarende jegens den Lord Churchill, wien hy hadde groot gemaakt, en nogtans meynde de eenigste oorsake van alle dese desertie en van de retraite van hare Coninglycke Hoogheden te wesen.” One of the lords, probably Halifax or Nottingham, “seer hadde geurgeert op de securiteyt van de lords die nu met syn Hoogheyt geengageert staan. Soo hoor ick,” says Citters, “dat syn Majesteyt onder anderen soude gesegt hebben; ‘Men spreekt al voor de securiteyt voor andere, en niet voor de myne.’ Waar op een der Pairs resolut dan met groot respect soude geantwoordt hebben dat, soo syne Majesteyt’s wapenen in staat warm om hem te connen mainteneren, dat dan sulk syne securiteyte koude wesen; soo niet, en soo de difficulteyt dan nog to surmonteren was, dat het den moeste geschieden door de meeste condescendance, en hoe meer die was, en hy genegen om aan de natie contentement te geven, dat syne securiteyt ook des to grooter soude wesen.”

FN 548 Letter of the Bishop of St. Asaph to the Prince of Orange, Dec. 17, 1688.

FN 549 London Gazette, Nov, 29. Dec.3. 1688; Clarendon’s Diary, Nov. 29, 30.

FN 550 Barillon, December 1/11 1688.

FN 551 James to Dartmouth, Nov. 25. 1688. The letters are in Dalrymple.

FN 552 James to Dartmouth, Dec. 1. 1688.

FN 553 Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 554 Second Collection of Papers, 1688; Dartmouth’s Letter, dated December 3. 1688, will be found in Dalrymple; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 233. Orig. Mem. James accuses Dartmouth of having got up an address from the fleet demanding a Parliament. This is a mere calumny. The address is one of thanks to the King for having called a Parliament, and was framed before Dartmouth had the least suspicion that His Majesty was deceiving the nation.

FN 555 Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 556 Adda, Dec. 17. 1688.

FN 557 The Nuncio says, “Se lo avesse fatto prima di ora, per il Re ne sarebbe stato meglio.”

FN 558 See the Secret History of the Revolution, by Hugh Speke, 1715. In the London Library is a copy of this rare work with a manuscript note which seems to be in Speke’s own hand.

FN 559 Brand’s History of Newcastle; Tickell’s History of Hull.

FN 560 An account of what passed at Norwich may still be seen in several collections on the original broadside. See also the Fourth Collection of Papers, 1688.

FN 561 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 233.; MS. Memoir of the Harley family in the Mackintosh Collection.

FN 562 Citters, Dec. 9/19 1688. Letter of the Bishop of Bristol to the Prince of Orange, Dec 5. 1688, in Dalrymple.

FN 563 Citters, Nov 27/Dec 7 1688; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 11.; Song on Lord Lovelace’s entry into Oxford, 1688; Burnet, i. 793.

FN 564 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5. 1688.

FN 565 Whittles Exact Diary; Eachard’s History of the Revelation.

FN 566 Citters, Nov. 20/30 Dec. 9/19 1688.

FN 567 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 6, 7. 1688.

FN 568 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 7. 1688.

FN 569 History of the Desertion; Citters, Dec. 9/19 1688; Exact Diary; Oldmixon, 760.

FN 570 See a very interesting note on the fifth canto of Sir Walter Scott’s Rokeby.

FN 571 My account of what passed at Hungerford is taken from Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 8, 9. 1688; Burnet, i. 794; the Paper delivered to the Prince by the Commissioners, and the Prince’s Answer; Sir Patrick Hume’s Diary; Citters Dec. 9/19

FN 572 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 237. Burnet, strange to say, had not heard, or had forgotten, that the prince was brought back to London, i. 796.

FN 573 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 246.; Pere d’Orleans, Revolutions d’Angleterre, xi.; Madame de Sevigne, Dec. 14/24. 1688; Dangeau, Memoires, Dec. 13/23. As to Lauzun, see the Memoirs of Mademoiselle and of the Duke of St. Simon, and the Characters of Labruyere.

FN 574 History of the Desertion; Clarke’s Life Of James. ii. 251. Orig. Mem.; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Burnet, i. 795

FN 575 History of the Desertion; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Fachard’s History of the Revolution.

FN 576 London Gazette, Dec. 13. 1688.

FN 577 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 259.; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Legge Papers in the Mackintosh Collection.

FN 578 London Gazette, Dec. 13 1688; Barillon, Dec. 14/24.; Citters, same date; Luttrell’s Diary; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 256. Orig. Mem; Ellis Correspondence, Dec. 13.; Consultation of the Spanish Council of State, Jan. 19/29, 1689. It appears that Ronquillo complained bitterly to his government of his losses; “Sirviendole solo de consuelo el haber tenido prevencion de poder consumir El Santisimo.”

FN 579 London Gazette, Dec. 13 1688; Luttrell’s Diary; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Consultation of the Spanish Council of State, Jan. 19/29 1689. Something was said about reprisals: but the Spanish council treated the suggestion with contempt. “Habiendo sido este hecho por un furor de pueblo, sin consentimiento del gobierno y antes contra su voluntad, como lo ha mostrado la satisfaccion que le han dado y le han prometido, parece que no hay juicio humano que puede aconsejar que se pase a semejante remedio.”

FN 580 North’s Life of Guildford, 220.; Jeffreys’ Elegy; Luttrell’s Diary; Oldmixon, 762. Oldmixon was in the crowd, and was, I doubt not, one of the most furious there. He tells the story well. Ellis Correspondence; Barnet, i. 797. and Onslow’s note.

FN 581 Adda, Dec. 9/19; Citters, Dec. 18/28

FN 582 Citters, Dec. 14/24. 1688; Luttrell’s Diary; Ellis Correspondence; Oldmixon, 761.; Speke’s Secret History of the Revolution; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 257.; Eachard’s History of the Revolution; History of the Desertion.

FN 583 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 258.

FN 584 Secret History of the Revolution.

FN 585 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 13. 1688; Citters, Dec 14/24; Eachard’s History of the Revolution.

FN 586 Citters, Dec. 14/24 688; Luttrell’s Diary.

FN 587 Clarke’s Life of James ii. 251. Orig. Mem.; Letter printed in Tindal’s Continuation of Rapin. This curious letter is in the Harl. MSS. 6852.

FN 588 Reresby was told, by a lady whom he does not name, that the King had no intention of withdrawing till he received a letter from Halifax, who was then at Hungerford. The letter, she said, informed His Majesty that, if he staid, his life would be in danger. This is certainly a mere romance. The King, before the Commissioners left London, had told Barillon that their embassy was a mere feint, and had expressed a full resolution to leave the country. It is clear from Reresby’s own narrative that Halifax thought himself shamefully used.

FN 589 Harl. MS. 255.

FN 590 Halifax MS.; Citters, Dec. 18/28. 1688.

FN 591 Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution.

FN 592 See his proclamation, dated from St. Germains, April 20. 1692.

FN 593 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 261. Orig. Mem.

FN 594 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 16. 1688; Barnet, i. 800.

FN 595 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 262. Orig. Mem.; Barnet, i. 799 In the History of the Desertion (1689), it is affirmed that the shouts on this occasion were uttered merely by some idle boys, and that the great body of the people looked on in silence. Oldmixon, who was in the crowd, says the same; and Ralph, whose prejudices were very different from Oldmixon’s, tells us that the information which he had received from a respectable eye witness was to the same effect. The truth probably is that the signs of joy were in themselves slight, but seemed extraordinary because a violent explosion of public indignation had been expected. Barillon mentions that there had been acclamations and some bonfires, but adds, “Le people dans le fond est pour le Prince d’Orange.” Dec. 17/27 1688.

FN 596 London Gazette, Dec. 16. 1688; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; History of the Desertion; Burnet, i. 799.; Evelyn’s Diary, Dec. 13. 17. 1688.

FN 597 Clarke’s History of James, ii. 262. Orig. Mem.

FN 598 Barillon, Dec. 17/27 1681; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 271.

FN 599 Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 16. 1688.

FN 600 Burnet i. 800.; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 17 1688; Citters, Dec. 18/28. 1688.

FN 601 Burnet, i. 800.; Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution. Clarendon says nothing of this under the proper date; but see his Diary, August 19. 1689.

FN 602 Harte’s Life of Gustavus Adolphus.

FN 603 Clarke’s Life of James ii. 264. mostly from Orig. Mem.; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Rapin de Thoyras. It must be remembered that in these events Rapin was himself an actor.

FN 604 Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 265. Orig. Mem.; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution; Burnet, i, 801.; Citters, Dec. 18/28. 1688.

FN 605 Citters, Dec. 18/28. 1688; Evelyn’s Diary, same date; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 266, 267. Orig. Mem.

FN 606 Citters Dec. 18/28 1688,

FN 607 Luttrell’s Diary; Evelyn’s Diary; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 18. 1688; Revolution Politics.

FN 608 Fourth Collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England, 1688; Burnet, i. 802, 803.; Calamy’s Life and Times of Baxter, chap. xiv.

FN 609 Burnet, i. 803.

FN 610 Gazette de France, Jan 26/ Feb 5 1689.

FN 611 History of the Desertion; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 21. 1688; Burnet, i. 803. and Onslow’s note.

FN 612 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 21. 1688; Citters, same date.

FN 613 Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 21, 22. 1688; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 268. 270. Orig. Mem.

FN 614 Clarendon, Dec. 23, 1688; Clarke’s Life of James, ii. 271. 273. 275. Orig. Mem.

FN 615 Citters, Jan. 1/11. 1689; Witsen MS. quoted by Wagenaar, book lx.

FN 616 Halifax’s notes; Lansdowne MS. 255.; Clarendon’s Diary, Dec. 24. 1688; London Gazette, Dec. 31.

FN 617 Citters, Dec 28/Jan 4 1688.

FN 618 The objector was designated in contemporary books and pamphlets only by his initials; and these were sometimes misinterpreted. Eachard attributes the cavil to Sir Robert Southwell. But I have no doubt that Oldmixon is right in putting it into the mouth of Sawyer.

FN 619 History of the Desertion; Life of William, 1703; Citters, Dec 28/Jan 7 1688/9

FN 620 London Gazette, Jan. 3. 7. 1688/9.

FN 621 London Gazette, Jan. 10 17. 1688/9; Luttrell’s Diary; Legge Papers; Citters, 1/11 4/14 11/21. 1689; Ronquillo, Jan. 15/25 Feb 23/Mar 5; Consultation of the Spanish Council of State. March 26/April 5

FN 622 Burnet, i,. 802; Ronquillo, Jan. 2/12 Feb. 8/18. 1689. The originals of these despatches were entrusted to me by the kindness of the late Lady Holland and of the present Lord Holland. Prom the latter despatch I will quote a very few words: “La tema de S. M. Britanica a seguir imprudentes consejos perdio a los Catolicos aquella quietud en que les dexo Carlos segundo. V. E. asegure a su Santidad que mas sacare del Principe para los Catolicos que pudiera sacar del Rey.”

FN 623 On December 13/23. 1688, the Admiral of Castile gave his opinion thus: “Esta materia es de calidad que no puede dexar de padecer nuestra sagrada religion o el servicio de V. M.; porque, si e1 Principe de Orange tiene buenos succesos, nos aseguraremos de Franceses, pero peligrara la religion.” The Council was much pleased on February 16/26 by a letter of the Prince, in which he promised “que los Catolicos que se portaren con prudencia no sean molestados, y gocen libertad de conciencia, por ser contra su dictamen el forzar ni castigar por esta razon a nadie.”

FN 624 In the chapter of La Bruyere, entitled “Sur les Jugemens,” is a passage which deserves to be read, as showing in what light our revolution appeared to a Frenchman of distinguished abilities.

FN 625 My account of the reception of James and his wife in France is taken chiefly from the letters of Madame de Sevigne and the Memoirs of Dangeau.

FN 626 Albeville to Preston, Nov 23/Dec 3 1688, in the Mackintosh Collection.

FN 627 “‘Tis hier nu Hosanna: maar ‘t zal, veelligt, haast Kruist hem kruist hem, zyn.” Witsen, MS. in Wagenaar, book lxi. It is an odd coincidence that, a very few years before, Richard Duke, a Tory poet, once well known, but now scarcely remembered except by Johnson’s biographical sketch, had used exactly the same illustration about James
“Was not of old the Jewish rabble’s cry, Hosannah first, and after crucify?”
The Review.
Despatch of the Dutch Ambassadors Extraordinary, Jan. 8/18. 1689; Citters, same date.

FN 628 London Gazette, Jan. 7. 1688/9.

FN 629 The Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689; Wodrow, III. xii. 4. App. 150, 151; Faithful Contendings Displayed; Burnet, i. 804.

FN 630 Perth to Lady Errol, Dec. 29. 1688; to Melfort, Dec. 21. 1688; Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689.

FN 631 Burnet, i. 805.; Sixth Collection of Papers, 1689.

FN 632 Albeville, Nov. 9/19. 1688.

FN 633 See the pamphlet entitled Letter to a Member of the Convention, and the answer, 1689; Burnet, i. 809.

FN 634 Letter to the Lords of the Council, Jan. 4/14. 1688/9; Clarendon’s Diary, Jan 9/19

FN 635 It seems incredible that any man should really have been imposed upon by such nonsense. I therefore think it right to quote Sancroft’s words,which are still extant in his own handwriting:

“The political capacity or authority of the King, and his name in the government, are perfect and cannot fail; but his person being human and mortal, and not otherwise privileged than the rest of mankind, is subject to all the defects and failings of it. He may therefore be incapable of directing the government and dispensing the public treasure, &c. either by absence, by infancy, lunacy, deliracy, or apathy, whether by nature or casual infirmity, or lastly, by some invincible prejudices of mind, contracted and fixed by education and habit, with unalterable resolutions superinduced, in matters wholly inconsistent and incompatible with the laws, religion, peace, and true policy of the kingdom. In all these cases (I say) there must be some one or more persons appointed to supply such defect, and vicariously to him, and by his power and authority, to direct public affairs. And this done I say further, that all proceedings, authorities, commissions, grants, &c. issued as formerly, are legal and valid to all intents, and the people’s allegiance is the same still, their oaths and obligations no way thwarted . . . . So long as the government moves by the Kings authority, and in his name, all those sacred ties and settled forms of proceedings are kept, and no man’s conscience burthened with anything he needs scruple to undertake.”–Tanner MS.; Doyly’s Life of Sancroft. It was not altogether without reason that the creatures of James made themselves merry with the good Archbishop’s English.

FN 636 Evelyn, Jan. 15. 1688/9.

FN 637 Clarendon’s Diary, Dee. 24 1688; Burnet, i. 819.; Proposals humbly offered in behalf of the Princess of Orange, Jan. 28. 1688/9.

FN 638 Burnet, i. 389., and the notes of Speaker Onslow.

FN 639 Evelyn’s Diary, Sept. 26. 1672, Oct. 12. 1679, July 13. 1700; Seymour’s Survey of London.

FN 640 Burnet, i. 388.; and Speaker Onslow’s note.

FN 641 Citters, Jan 22/Feb 1 1689; Grey’s Debates.

FN 642 Lords’ and Commons’ Journals, Jan. 22. 1688; Citters and Clarendon’s Diary of the same date.

FN 643 Lords’ Journals, Jan. 25. 1683; Clarendon’s Diary, Jan. 23. 25.

FN 644 Commons’ Journals, Jan. 28. 1688/9; Grey’s Debates, Citters Jan 29/Feb 8 If the report in Grey’s Debates be correct, Citters must have been misinformed as to Sawyer’s speech.

FN 645 Lords’ and Commons’ Journals, Jan. 29. 1688/9

FN 646 Clarendon’s Diary, Jan. 21. 1688/9; Burnet, i. 810; Doyly’s Life of Sancroft;

FN 647 See the Act of Uniformity.

FN 648 Stat. 2 Hen. 7. c. I.: Lord Coke’s Institutes, part iii. chap i.; Trial of Cook for high treason, in the Collection of State Trials; Burnet, i. 873. and Swift’s note.

FN 649 Lords Journals Jan. 29. 1688/9; Clarendon’s Diary; Evelyn’s Diary; Citters; Eachard’s History of the Revolution; Barnet, i. 813.; History of the Reestablishment of the Government, 1689. The numbers of the Contents and Not Contents are not given in the journals, and are differently reported by different writers. I have followed Clarendon, who took the trouble to make out lists of the majority and minority.

FN 650 Grey’s Debates; Evelyn’s Diary; Life of Archbishop Sharp, by his son; Apology for the New Separation, in a letter to Dr. John Sharp, Archbishop of York, 1691.

FN 651 Lords’ Journals, Jan. 30. 1689/8; Clarendon’s Diary.

FN 652 Dartmouth’s note on Burnet i. 393. Dartmouth says that it was from Fagel that the Lords extracted the hint. This was a slip of the pen very pardonable in a hasty marginal note; but Dalrymple and others ought not to have copied so palpable a blunder. Fagel died in Holland, on the 5th of December 1688, when William was at Salisbury and James at Whitehall. The real person was, I suppose, Dykvelt, Bentinck, or Zulestein, most probably Dykvelt.

FN 653 Both the service and Burnet’s sermon are still to be found in our great libraries, and will repay the trouble of perusal.

FN 654 Lords’ Journals, Jan. 31. 1688/9.

FN 655 Citters, Feb. 5/15. 1689; Clarendon’s Diary, Feb. 2. The story is greatly exaggerated in the work entitled Revolution Politics, an eminently absurd book, yet of some value as a record of the foolish reports of the day. Greys Debates.

FN 656 The letter of James, dated Jan 24/Feb 3 1689, will be found in Kennet. It is most disingenuously garbled in Clarke’s Life of James. See Clarendon’s Diary, Feb. 2. 4.; Grey’s Debates; Lords’ Journals, Feb. 2. 4. 1688/9.

FN 657 It has been asserted by several writers, and, among others, by Ralph and by M. Mazure, that Danby signed this protest. This is a mistake. Probably some person who examined the journals before they were printed mistook Derby for Danby. Lords’ Journals, Feb. 4. 1688/9. Evelyn, a few days before, wrote Derby, by mistake, for Danby. Diary, Jan. 29. 1688/9

FN 658 Commons’ Journals, Feb. 5. 1688/9

FN 659 Burnet, i. 819.

FN 660 Clarendon’s Diary, Jan. 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1688/9; Burnet, i. 807.

FN 661 Clarendon’s Diary, Feb, 5. 168/9; Duchess of Marlborough’s Vindication; Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution.

FN 662 Burnet, i. 820. Burnet says that he has not related the events of this stirring time in chronological order. I have therefore been forced to arrange them by guess: but I think that I can scarcely be wrong in supposing that the letter of the Princess of Orange to Danby arrived, and that the Prince’s explanation of his views was given, between Thursday the 31st of January, and Wednesday the 6th of February.

FN 663 Mulgrave’s Account of the Revolution. In the first three editions, I told this story incorrectly. The fault was chiefly my own but partly Burnet’s, by whose careless use of the pronoun _he_, I was misled. Burnet, i. 818

FN 664 Commons’ Journals, Feb. 6. 1688/9

FN 665 See the Lords’ and Commons’ Journals of Feb. 6. 1688/9 and the Report of the Conference.

FN 666 Lords’ Journals, Feb. 6. 1688/9; Clarendon’s Diary; Burnet, i. 822. and Dartmouth’s note; Citters, Feb. 8/18,. I have followed Clarendon as to the numbers. Some writers make the majority smaller and some larger.

FN 667 Lords Journals, Feb. 6, 7. 1688/9; Clarendon’s Diary.

FN 668 Commons Journals, Jan. 29., Feb. 2. 1688/9.

FN 669 Commons’ Journal’s, Feb, 2. 1683.

FN 670 Grey’s Debates; Burnet, i. 822.

FN 671 Commons’ Journals, Feb. 4. 8. 11, 12.; Lords’ Journals, Feb. 9. 11. 12, 1688/9

FN 672 London Gazette, Feb. 14. 1688/9; Citters, Feb. 12/22.

FN 673 Duchess of Marlborough’s Vindication; Review of the Vindication; Burnet, i. 781. 825. and Dartmouth’s note; Evelyn’s Diary, Feb. 21. 1688/9.

FN 674 Lords’ and Commons’ Journals, Feb. 14 1688/9; Citters, Feb. 15/25. Citters puts into William’s mouth stronger expressions of respect for the authority of Parliament than appear in the journals; but it is clear from what Powle said that the report in the journals was not strictly accurate.

FN 675 London Gazette, Feb. 14. 1688/9; Lords’ and Commons’ Journals, Feb. 13.; Citters, Feb 15/25; Evelyn, Feb. 21.

End of The History of England from the Accession of James II, Vol. 2