humbug, n. imposition, hoax, deception, imposture, charlatanism, quackery, cajolery; impostor, deceiver, cheat, charlatan.
humbug, v. deceive, impose on, hoax.
humdrum, a. monotonous, tedious, prosy, tiresome.–n. monotony, tedium.
humiliate, v. humble, mortify, abash, disgrace, degrade.
humiliation, n. abasement, mortification, degradation, ignominy; humbleness, meekness.
humility, n. meekness, lowliness, self-abasement, diffidence, modesty.
humor, n. disposition, temper, mood; facetiousness, jocularity, waggery, pleasantry, wit, satire; pl. caprices vagaries, whims, fancies, whimsies.
humor, v. indulge, please, gratify, temporize. Antonyms: discipline, deny, curb, mortify.
humorist, n. wag, droll, jester, wit.
humorous, a. facetious, droll, comical, jocular, waggish.
hump, n. protuberance, hunch.
humpbacked, a. hunchbacked, deformed.
humpy, a. protuberant, humped, uneven.
hunch, n. hump, protuberance; chunk, lump.
hundredfold, a. centuple.
hundred years. century, centenary, centennial.
Hungarian, n. Magyar.
hunger cure. nestitherapy, limotherapy, limotherapia.
hungry, a. voracious, ravenous, eager; starved, depleted, infertile, barren.
hunky, a. (Slang) even, square, all-right, satisfactory.
hunt, v. chase, pursue, follow; search, seek, ransack, rummage, ferret; poach (hunt unlawfully).
hunt, n. chase, pursuit, search, hunting.
hunter, n. huntsman, sportsman, Nimrod; seeker, pursuer, chaser; Diana.
hunting, n. chase, hunt, field-sport. Associated Words: quarry, game, poaching, poacher, mort, yoicks, hoicks.
hunting horn. bugle.
hurly-burly, n. tumult, bustle, turmoil, confusion, commotion.
hurrah, n. cheer, huzza.
hurricane, n. cyclone, tornado, typhoon.
hurried, a. cursory, hasty, superficial.
hurry, n. haste, speed, dispatch, expedition, precipitancy, celerity.
hurry, v. hasten, impel, expedite, accelerate, speed, precipitate.
hurt, v. damage, wound, impair, harm, injure, offend, harry.
hurt, n. injury, wound, detriment, harm, damage.
hurtful, a. See injurious.
husband, n. spouse, benedict. Antonyms: bachelor, celibate. Associated Words: marital, monandry, polyandry cuckold, cuckoldom, henpecked.
hush, v. silence, still, repress, suppress; appease, allay.
husk, n. glume, hull, rind, shell, bark, kex.
husky, a. dry, raucous, harsh, discordant, guttural, hoarse.
hussy, n. jade, quean; jilt, flirt, jill.
hustle, v. jostle.
hut, n. hovel, shack, shed.
hybrid, n. mongrel, crossbreed, cross.–a. mongrel, crossbred.
hypocrisy, n. dissimulation, Pharisaism, sanctimoniousness.
hypocrite, n. dissembler, Pharisee, formalist, dissimulator.
hypocritical, a. Pharisaical, canting, dissembling, sanctimonious, insincere. Antonyms: sincere, unfeigned, undissembling, ingenuous.
ice, n. Associated Words: igloo, iceberg, glacier, floe, icicle, frazil, avalanche, curling, skate, skee, skating, skeeing, brash, glare, serac, crampoons, calk, glaciate, glaciation, creeper, anchor ice.
iced, a. chilled, _frappe_.
Iceland moss. lichen.
icy, a. glacial, glacious.
idea, n. conception, notion, opinion, fancy, impression; intention, design.
ideal, a. faultless, consummate, perfect.
idiocy, n. imbecility, foolishness, fatuity, folly, senselessness
idiot, n. imbecile.
idiotic, a. imbecile, foolish, fatuous, senseless.
idle, a. leisure; vain, unavailing, futile, ineffectual; indolent, slothful, inactive, lazy, otiose.
idleness, n. indolence, sloth, inaction, laziness; futility, vanity. Associated Word: Cocagne.
idler, n. sluggard, drone, lounger, loafer, dawdler, donothing.
idol, n. image (of a divinity), effigy, graven image; Juggernaut. Associated Words: idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize, iconoplast, iconoclast, iconodule, idolomania, iconography, iconology, idoloclast, iconomachy, ting, iconolatry.
idolize, v. deify, worship, adore.
ignis fatuus. Will-o’-the-wisp, Jack-with-a-lantern, decoy.
ignoble, a. humble, plebeian, untitled; base, dishonorable, low.
ignominious, a. dishonorable, shameful, infamous, disreputable.
ignominy, n. disgrace, dishonor, reproach, obloquy, shame, humiliation.
ignoramus, n. dunce, illiterate, sciolist, wiseacre, dullard, simpleton.
ignorance, n. illiteracy, inerudition, unenlightenment, nescience; quackery, charlatanry.
ignorant, a. illiterate, inerudite unenlightened, uninformed, unlearned, untaught, uneducated, unlettered, nescient; quackish, charlatanic. Antonyms: educated, instructed, schooled, trained, proficient, learned.
ignorantly, adv. unknowingly, unconsciously, inadvertently, unwittingly.
ignorant person. ignoramus, illiterate.
ignore, v. disregard, slight, connive, overlook.
ill, a. ailing, sick, unwell; evil, unfavorable, adverse, bad.
ill at ease. uneasy, uncomfortable, anxious.
ill-boding, a. ominous, inauspicious.
illegal, a. illicit, unlawful, contraband, unlicensed, illegitimate.
illegality, n. unlawfulness, illegitimacy.
illegitimate, a. bastard, adulterine; illegal, illicit; spurious.
illegitimate, v. illegitimatize, bastardize.
illiberal, a. ungenerous, parsimonious, stingy; narrow-minded, bigoted.
illiberality, n. parsimony, stinginess; narrow-mindedness, bigotry, intolerance.
illicit, a. prohibited, unlawful.
illness, n. malady, sickness, disease.
illogical, a. fallacious, sophistical, unsound.
illusion, n. mockery, hallucination, chimera, phantasm, delusion, glamour.
illusive, a. delusive, illusory, chimerical, mocking.
illustrate, v. elucidate, picture, demonstrate, exemplify.
illustration, n. elucidation, exemplification; comparison, example, simile.
ill-will, n. malice, resentment, grudge, rancor, malevolence, antipathy, hatred.
image, n. statue; effigy, figure; ikon, eikon; idol.
image breaker. iconoclast, idoloclast, vandal.
image breaking. iconoclasm, vandalism.
image worship iconolatry, iconoduly.
imaginary, a. fancied, visionary, chimerical, illusive, phantasmal.
imagination, n. fancy, conception, notion, conceit, figment, phantasm.
imagine, v. conceive, fancy; think, suppose, opine, apprehend.
imbecile, n. idiot, witling, fool.
imbecility, n. idiocy, fatuity, foolishness, amentia.
imbedded, a. enfonced.
imitate, v. copy, ape, counterfeit; personate, impersonate, mimic, simulate; parody, caricature.
imitation, n. copy, counterfeit; mimicry, impersonation, mimesis; pasticcio; parody, travesty, burlesque; onomatopÅoea.
imitative, a. apish, copying, mimicking, mimetic; onomatopoetic.
imitator, n. copyist, follower, mimic, mime, ape, echo, impersonator.
immanence, n. inherence, indwelling.
immanent, a. inherent, indwelling.
immature, a. undeveloped, embryonic, crude, unripe, premature, untimely.
immediately, adv. instantly, forthwith, directly, straightway, at once, now, instanter. Antonyms: hereafter, by and by, after a while.
immense, a. vast, infinite, illimitable, immeasurable.
immerse, v. submerge, plunge into, dip, immerge, douse; engross.
immersed, a. submerged, plunged into; engrossed, absorbed, occupied.
immersion, n. submersion, immersing; engrossment, absorption.
immoderate, a. excessive, exorbitant, inordinate, intemperate, unrestrained.
immodest, a. indecorous, indelicate, shameless; lewd, unchaste, obscene.
immodesty, n. indecorum, indelicacy, impudicity; lewdness, unchastity, obscenity.
immoral, a. licentious, dissolute, vicious, profligate, loose, illicit, rakish.
immorality, n. vice, licentiousness, depravity, profligacy, obliquity.
immortality, n. deathlessness, athanasia; perpetuity.
immovable, a. fast, permanent, impassive, firm, steadfast.
impact, n. collision, forcible contact; force.
impart, v. communicate.
impartial, a. equitable, fair, disinterested, unbiased, unprejudiced.
impartiality, n. fairness, equity, disinterestedness, justice.
impassable, a. impenetrable, pathless, impervious.
impatient, a. restless, restive, fretful, eager, impetuous.
impede, v. retard.
impediment, n. obstacle, barrier, obstruction, stumblingblock.
impending, a. imminent, threatening.
impenetrable, a. impervious, imperforable.
impenitence, n. incontrition, obduracy, impenitency.
impenitent, a. incontrite, unrepentant, obdurate, incorrigible, recusant, relentless.
imperative, a. binding, compulsory, obligatory, imperious, peremptory.
imperfect, a. defective, faulty, deficient, undeveloped, abortive, fallible, frail, errable.
imperfection, n. defect, blemish, shortcoming, infirmity, foible, deformity, disfigurement, vice, frailty, fallibility.
imperious, a. despotic, magisterial, domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, imperative.
imperishable, a. permanent, indestructible, enduring.
impersonate, v. personate; personify.
impersonation, n. personation, impersonating; impersonification.
impersonator, n. mimic, personator, mime, actor.
impertinent, a. irrelevant, inapplicable, impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, malapert, flippant.
impervious, a. impermeable, impenetrable, imperviable.
impetus, n. momentum, force, impulse, incentive.
impish, a. malignant.
implacable, a. unappeasable, vindictive, pitiless, irreconcilable.
implant, v. instill, inculcate, ingraft, infix.
implied, a. tacit, inferential.
implore, v. beseech, supplicate, entreat, obsecrate.
imploring, n. supplication, obsecration.
impolite, a. discourteous, inurbane, rude, uncivil, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, churlish, brusque, unamiable, surly, gruff, boorish.
impoliteness, n. discourtesy, inurbanity, incivility, impertinence, insolence.
importance, n. moment, materiality, consequence; pomposity, self-importance.
important, a. momentous, material, essential; pompous, consequential.
impose upon. delude, dupe, deceive, victimize.
imposing, a. impressive, stately, majestic, august.
impossibility, n. impracticability.
impossible, a. impracticable, unfeasible, unattainable.
impostor, n. pretender, cheat, charlatan, mountebank, quack, deceiver.
imposture, n. fraud, imposition, charlatanism, deception.
impracticability, n. unfeasibility.
impracticable, a. impossible, unfeasible.
impregnate, v. fecundate.
impregnation, n. fecundation.
imprison, v. incarcerate, immure.
imprisonment, n. incarceration, durance, immurement, duress, confinement, commitment.
impromptu, a. improvised, offhand, extempore, extemporaneous.
improper, a. indecorous, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate, wrong, solecistic.
impropriety, n. unsuitableness, unfitness, indecorum, barbarism, solecism.
improve, v. amend, ameliorate, rectify, better, mend; utilize, use; gain, get better.
improvement, n. betterment, amelioration; meliorism; utilization.
improving, a. ameliorative, beneficial, amending.
impudence, n. insolence, impertinence, effrontery, rudeness.
impudent, a. insolent, impertinent, flippant, pert, brazen, saucy.
impulse, n. motive, incentive; impulsion, impetus.
impulsive, a. passionate, capricious, hasty; impellent, propulsive.
impure, a. tainted, defiled, contaminated, polluted, vitiated, infected; adulterated, alloyed, sophisticated; unchaste, lewd, indelicate, indecent; barbarous, vulgar, hybrid.
impurity, n. defilement, contamination, taint, pollution; adulteration, alloy, sophistication; unchastity, lewdness, indecency, indelicacy; pl. garblings, garbles.
inability, n. incompetence, impotence, incapability, incompetency, inefficiency, disability.
in a body. altogether, _en masse_.
inaccuracy, n. inexactness, incorrectness, impropriety.
inaccurate, a. incorrect, inexact, erroneous, faulty, wrong.
inaction, n. inactivity, inertness, stagnation, idleness.
inactive, a. inert, motionless, quiescent, dormant, inoperative, sluggish, stagnant, dilatory, latent, passive, torpid.
inactivity, n. inaction, passivity, inertia, lethargy, dormancy, stagnation, torpor, latency, sloth, Fabian policy.
inadequate, a. insufficient, deficient; defective, incomplete, imperfect.
inappropriate, a. unsuitable, unbecoming, inapplicable.
inapt, a. irrelevant, unsuitable, inept, inapplicable.
inattention, n. inadvertence, abstraction, heedlessness, disregard, neglect, remissness.
inattentive, a. heedless, absent-minded, inadvertent, unmindful, careless.
inbeing, n. inherence.
inborn, a. congenital, inherent, innate, instinctive, ingenerate.
incapable, a. incompetent, disqualified, unfit, insusceptible.
incarnation, n. incarnification, Avatar; personification.
incautious, a. unwary, inconsiderate, indiscreet, thoughtless.
incense, n. Associated Words: thurible, censer, thurification, thurify, frankincense, cense, thurifer.
incentive, n. motive, spur, incitement, stimulus, inducement provocation.
incident, n. event, happening, episode, occurrence.
incidental, a. casual, accidental, oontingent, fortuitous; subordinate, collateral, accessory.
incite, v. instigate, stimulate, arouse, goad, spur, impel.
incitement, n. stimulus, instigation, incitation, spur, incentive.
incivility, n. discourtesy, rudeness, incomity, inurbanity, disrespect.
inclination, n. leaning, slant; tendency, propensity, proneness, penchant, predilection.
incline, n. slant, slope, ascent, descent, grade.–v. lean, tend, dispose.
inclose, v. surround, encircle, circumscribe, encompass, enclose.
inclosure, n. surrounding, closure, barrier, fence, corral, stockade.
include, v. comprise, comprehend, inclose.
inclusion, n. comprisal.
income, n. revenue, proceeds; tontine, annuity. Associated Word: fructuary.
incomparable, a. peerless, matchless, transcendent, inimitable unrivalled, unapproachable.
incompetent, a. inefficient, unqualified, incapable; inadequate; unfit, unsuited.
incomplete, a. unfinished, defective, imperfect, deficient, partial, inchoate.
incomprehensible, a. inconceivable, abstruse, unfathomable.
inconsiderate, a. thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless.
inconsistency, n. discordance, incoherence, contrariety, incompatibility.
inconsistent, a. disagreeing, incoherent, contradictory, discrepant, incompatible.
inconstancy, n. fickleness, mutability, variableness, instability.
inconstant, a. fickle, changeable, volatile, flighty, mercurial, variable.
inconvenient, a. unhandy, incommodious, inopportune, untoward.
incorrect, a. inaccurate, erroneous, inexact, wrong; ungrammatical, solecistic.
incorrectness, n. inaccuracy, inexactness, error; impropriety.
increase, v. augment, advance, enlarge; multiply, be prolific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, intensify, exacerbate, amplify, magnify, heighten, accelerate.
increase, n. augmentation, accretion, increment, accession, amplification, addition, accrument.
increase of motion. acceleration.
incremate, v. cremate, incinerate.
incremation, n. cremation.
incumbent, a. obligatory, imposed, binding.
incumbrance, n. hindrance, impediment, incubus; mortgage, claim, lien.
incurable, a. insanable, irremediable, immedicable; irremedicable, irreparable.
indebtedness, n. obligation; debts, liabilities.
indecency, n. immodesty, indelicacy, shamelessness, obscenity, ribaldry, lewdness.
indecent, a. immodest, obscene, indelicate, shameless, ribald, lewd, unchaste.
indecision, n. vacillation, indetermination, irresolution, wavering, inconstancy.
indecisive, a. inconclusive, vacillating, hesitating, irresolute, wavering.
indefatigable, a. untiring, persistent, unremitting, sedulous, unflagging.
indefinite, a. vague, indeterminate, equivocal, ambiguous, inexplicit, inexact.
indelicacy, n. unrefinement, rudeness, indecorum, immodesty.
indelicate, a. unrefined, indecorous, immodest, unchaste, rude, vulgar.
indemnity, n. security, insurance; restitution, reimbursement, indemnification.
indentation, n. bruise, notch, depression, indenture, serrature, jag, engrailment, crenellation.
independence, n. freedom, self-government, liberty, autonomy; opulence, affluence.
independent, a. self-governing, autonomous; self-reliant; exclusive, irrespective; affluent.
Indian, n. (aboriginal American) red man; (of mixed blood) metisse, ladino, mestizo, guacho, griffe, mameluco, half-breed. Associated Words: tepee, wigwam, tomahawk, lodge, wickiup, sachemdom, pueblo, calumet, totem, totemism, powwow, roanoke, coup, gens, Manito, pogamoggan, potlatch, chinook, runtee, travail, travois, strouding.
Indian blanket. stroud.
Indian chief. sachem, sannup, sagamore, brave.
Indian child. papoose.
Indian money. wampum, seawan, suckanhock, colcol, peag, hiagua, kopkops.
Indian prince. Maharajah, Rajah.
Indian princess or queen. Rani, Ranee.
Indian woman. squaw, mahaly.
India rubber. caoutchouc.
indicate, v. designate, betoken, signify.
indication, n. designation, signifying; symptom, evidence, sign, token, manifestation.
indicator, n. (as in a hotel) annunciator.
indictment, n. accusation, charge, arraignment, crimination.
indifference, n. apathy, coolness, negligence, unconcern, nonchalance, _insouciance_; mediocrity, inferiority; neutrality, impartiality, disinterestedness.
indifferent, a. disinterested, unconcerned, nonchalant, perfunctory, apathetic, _insouciant_; neutral, impartial; mediocre, passable, tolerable.
indirect, a. roundabout, circuitous, tortuous.
indiscreet, a. unwise, imprudent.
indiscretion, n. unwisdom, folly, imprudence; misstep, lapse.
indisposed, a. averse, disinclined, unwilling, loath, reluctant; sick, ill, unwell.
indisposition, n. disinclination, averseness, reluctance, unwillingness.
indisputable, a. undeniable, incontestable, indubitable, incontrovertible.
indissolvable, a. indissoluble.
indocile, a. intractable, refractory, unruly.
indolence, n. idleness, laziness, indulgence, sloth, inactivity, faineance.
indolent, a. lazy, slothful, supine, dronish, listless.
inducement, n. incentive, incitement, motive, stimulus.
indulge, v. satisfy, gratify, luxuriate; humor, pamper, cocker; grant, allow, permit. Antonyms: mortify, deny, suppress, restrain.
indulgence, n. humoring, pampering, gratification; kindness, favor, lenity, forbearance; absolution. Antonyms: mortification, denial, restraint, non-indulgence.
indulgent, a. forbearing, kind, lenient, lax, merciful.
industrial science. technology, polytechnics.
industrious, a. assiduous, diligent, sedulous, persistent, hard-working. Antonyms: idle, indolent, inactive, lazy.
industry, n. assiduity, diligence, activity; labor, work, exertion, efforts.
indwelling, n. immanence, inherence.–a. immanent, inherent.
ineffective, a. ineffectual, unavailing, inefficacious.
inefficient, a. ineffective, inefficacious; slack, remiss, incompetent.
inelastic, a. inductile, inextensible, rigid.
inelasticity, n. inductility, inextensibility, rigidity.
ineligible, a. disqualified.
inequality, n. disparity, disproportion, unevenness, irregularity; unfairness, injustice; inequation.
inexcusable, a. unpardonable, indefensible, unjustifiable, unwarrantable.
inexhaustible, a. exhaustless.
inexorable, a. unyielding, relentless, implacable, unmovable, unrelenting.
inexperienced, a. untrained, unpractised, undisciplined, raw, unskilled.
inexpert, a. maladroit, unskillful, bungling.
inexpressible, a. ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable.
infallibility, n. inerrability.
infallible, a. inerrable, unerring, sure, certain, undeniable.
infamous, a. disreputable, ignominious, scandalous, opprobrious, odious, heinous.
infamy, n. disgrace, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium.
infancy, n. babyhood; minority, nonage, pupilage.
infant, n. baby; minor.
infantile paralysis. poliomyelitis.
infatuate, v. enamor, charm. Antonyms: repel, disgust, disillusionize.
infection, n. contagion, contamination, vitiation, pollution.
infectious, a. contagious, pestiferous, epidemic, vitiating.
infer, v. deduce, imply, gather.
inference, n. deduction, conclusion, illation, corollary.
inferior, a. poorer, lower, subordinate, menial, minor, mediocre, subaltern.
inferior, n. subordinate. Antonyms: peer, equal, superior.
inferiority, n. subordinacy, mediocrity, deficiency.
infidel, n. free-thinker, atheist, unbeliever, skeptic.
infirmity, n. See weakness.
inflammable, a. combustible, accendible; irascible, irritable, excitable.
inflammation, n. phlogosis; phlegmasia. Associated Words: phlogistic, phlogogenous, antiphlogistic, demulcent delitescence.
inflammatory, a. phlogistic; seditious, incendiary.
inflate, v. expand, enlarge, distend.
inflated, a. distended, blown up; bombastic, pompous, grandiloquent, declamatory.
inflation, n. distention, expansion.
inflection, n. modulation, accent.
inflexibility, n. rigidity, stiffness; firmness, pertinacity, obstinacy, steadfastness.
inflexible, a. unyielding, rigid, impliable; immovable, resolute, steadfast.
influence, n. sway, control; persuasion, restraint; authority, ascendency, prestige.
influence, v. move, persuade, induce, sway, control, prevail upon, actuate, impel.
informal, a. unceremonious, unconventional, easy, natural, unconstrained.
informality, n. unceremoniousness.
information, n. knowledge, intelligence, instruction; (Law) complaint, accusation.
infringe, v. violate, transgress; encroach, trespass, intrench.
infringement, n. transgression, violation, breach, encroachment, trespass, intrenchment.
in full. unabridged, at length.
ingenious, a. inventive, resourceful.
ingratitude, n. unthankfulness.
ingredient, n. constituent, element, component, part.
inhabitant, n. dweller, denizen, residentiary, resident, citizen. Antonyms: sojourner, pilgrim, visitor.
inherent, a. innate, adhering, inexistent, inborn, inalienable.
inheritable, a. hereditable.
inheritance, n. heritage, patrimony, legacy.
inhuman, a. savage, barbarous, fiendish, brutal, cruel.
inhumanity, n. cruelty, brutality, barbarity, mercilessness.
injection, n. immission, injecting; enema, clyster, lavement.
injure, v. damage, harm, hurt, impair, disfigure, maim, mar, wound.
injurious, a. hurtful, harmful, detrimental, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noxious, maleficent, prejudicial; defamatory, derogatory, detractory.
injury, n. damage, detriment, harm, hurt, wound, impairment, mutilation, defacement, violation, lesion. Associated Words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, inviolable, vulnific.
injustice, n. inequity, unfairness; grievance.
inkling, n. hint, intimation, allusion.
inkstand, n. standish.
inky, a. atramentous, atramental, atramentarious.
inlaid work. marquetry, parquetry, mosaic.
inland, a. interior, internal.
inlet, n. entrance, ingress; bay, recess, bight, estuary, cove, frith, bayou.
inmate, n. occupant.
inn, n. lodging house, tavern, hotel; cabaret, caravansary, khan.
innate, a. inborn, inherent, native.
inner, a. internal, interior; obscure, esoteric, innermost parts, recesses, _penetralia_, sanctuary.
innocence, n. blamelessness, guilelessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, inoffensiveness.
innocent, a. blameless, guileless, guiltless, impeccable, inoffensive, sinless, artless, inculpable, irreproachable, irreprehensible, inerrable, irresponsible, virtuous, unsophisticated.
inquiring, a. curious, inquisitive.
inquiry, n. question, query, interrogation; research, investigationm scrutiny.
inquisitive, a. inquiring, mousing, curious, intrusive, prying, meddlesome. Antonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested.
insane, a. demented, crazy, mad, deranged, delirious, dementate; paranoiac. Antonyms: sane, rational.
insane asylum. bedlam, bethlehem, madhouse, retreat.
insanity, n. dementia, alienation of mind, madness, lunacy, craziness, derangement, frenzy, delirium, mania, hallucination, aberration of mind, bedlamism; paranoia, monomania. Antonyms: sanity, rationality, lucidity. Associated Words: alienist, alienism.
insatiable, a. unappeasable; voracious, rapacious, omnivorous.
inscrutable, a. incomprehensible, inexplicable, unsearchable.
insect, n. Associated Words: entomology, entomologist, entomologic, chrsalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, credpitaculum, entomophilous, entornophily, entomtaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.
insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.
insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.
insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum, entomologic, chrysalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, crepitaculum, entomophilous, entomophily, entomotaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.
insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.
insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.
insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum.
insecure, a. risky, unsafe, precarious, rickety, unstable, dangerous.
insecurity, n. unsafely, risk, instability, precariousness.
insensibility, n. unconsciousness, torpor, coma, narcosis, lethargy, numbness, narcoma, insusceptibility, anæsthesia, stupefaction, stupor, carus.
insensible, a. unfeeling, numb, insensate, torpid, unimpressible, unsusceptible, unconscious; imperceptible, gradual, imperceivable.
inseparable, a. indivisible, indissoluble.
insert, v. interpolate, intercalate, interject, ingraft, inosculate.
insertion, n. interjection, interpolation, intercalation, inosculation.
inside, a. internal, inner, interior.
insides, n. pl. entrails; _penetralia_, recesses.
insight, n. discernment.
insignificance, n. unimportance, pettiness, immateriality, triviality, inanity.
insignificant, n. meaningless; unimportant, immaterial, petty, trivial, paltry.
insincere, a. disingenuous, dissembling, false, hypocritical, affected, deceitful.
insincerity, n. duplicity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy, dissimulation.
insinuation, n. innuendo, intimation; ingratiation.
insist, v. persist, press, urge, contend.
insistence, n. persistence, pertinacity, importunity, urgency, contention, instance.
insnare, v. ensnare, entrap, seduce, inveigle, allure, entangle.
insolation, n. sunstroke, siriasis, sun bath.
insolence, n. impudence, contumely, impertinence, contumacy, effrontery, disrespect.
insinuation, n. innuendo, intimation; ingratiation.
insist, v. persist, press, urge, contend.
insistence, n. persistence, pertinacity, importunity, urgency, contention, instance.
insistent, a. persistent, importunate, insisting.
insnare, v. ensnare, entrap, seduce, inveigle, allure, entangle.
insolation, n. sunstroke, siriasis; sun bath.
insolence, n. impudence, contumely, impertinence, contumacy, effrontery, disrespect.
insolent, a. impudent, contumelious, overbearing, disrespectful contemptuous.
insoluble, a. indissoluble; unexplainable, insolvable, inexplicable.
inspect, v. examine.
inspiration, n. inhalation (breathing in); divine afflatus, theopneusty.
inspiring, a. inspiriting, elevating, promethean.
in spite of. notwithstanding, despite, nevertheless.
install, v. instate, induct.
installation, n. induction.
instance, n. persistency, request, solicitation, urgency; example, case, illustration.
instantly, adv. immediately, forthwith, at once, instanter, urgently, persistently.
instep, n. metatarsus, acrotarsium.
instruct, v. teach, indoctrinate, edify, enlighten, coach.
instruction, n. nurture, tuition, teaching, information, indoctrination, inculcation, education, admonition; edification, enlightenment; propædeutics.
instructive, a. edifying, didactic, preceptive, mentorial; propædeutic.
instructor, n. teacher, preceptor, tutor, master, coach, mentor, counselor, monitor, trainer.
instrument, n. tool, utensil, implement; agent, means, medium.
insufferable, a. intolerable, unendurable; detestable, offensive.
insufficiency, n. deficiency, inadequacy.
insufficient, a. inadequate, deficient, incommensurate, lacking.
insult, n. indignity, affront.
insult, v. offend, affront, flout.
insulting, a. offensive, contemptuous, contumelious, scurrilous.
insurance, n. assurance, indemnity.
insure, v. assure, indemnify; underwrite.
insurgency, n. revolt, rebellion, insubordination, mutiny.
insurgent, a. rebellious, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary.
insurgent, n. rebel, revolter, mutineer, insurrectionist.
intaglio, n. diaglyph. Antonym: cameo.
intelligence, n. knowledge, discernment, insight, acumen.
intelligent, a. clever, discerning, astute, bright, knowing, apt, sensible.
intemperance, n. excess, immoderation, debauchery.
intemperate, a. immoderate, excessive, unrestrained.
intend, v. design, purpose, propose, contemplate, plan.
intended, n. fiancé (male), fiancée (female).
intense, a. extreme, excruciating.
intensify, v. aggravate, exacerbate, heighten.
intention, n. design, plan, purpose, aim.
intentional, a. deliberate, premeditated. Antonyms: unintentional, inadvertent, accidental.
intercede, v. mediate, interpose, propitiate.
intercession, n. mediation, interposition, propitiation.
intercessor, n. mediator, interceder, propitiator, make-peace.
interchange, n. reciprocation, reciprocity, permutation; alternation.
interest, n. concern; share, portion, part, participation; advantage, benefit, weal, behoof; usury. Antonyms: boredom, ennui, indifference, unconcern.
interested, a. concerned; prejudiced, partial. Antonyms: disinterested, unconcerned, bored.
interfere, v. clash, conflict; intermeddle, interpose, intervene.
interference, n. clashing, collision; intermeddling, interposition, intervention.
interlining, n. interlineation.
interloper, n. intruder, interferer.
intermediate, a. intervening, interjacent; interlocutory (Law).
intermittent, a. remittent, periodical, recurrent.
internal, a. inward, interior, inside, inner; esoteric; intrinsic; inherent.
interpret, v. construe, translate, render.
interpretation, n. rendering, rendition, translation; exegesis, exegetics, hermeneutics, isagogics, anagogics, dittology.
interrogation point. eroteme.
interval, n. interstice (space between); interim, meantime
intervening, a. intermediate, interjacent.
intervention, n. interference, interposition; mediation, intercession.
intestines, n. pl. entrails, bowels, inwards, guts; omentum, caul, vermiform appendix, colon, rectum, hindgut, enteron, cæcum, ileum, ileus, volvulus, jejunum, duodenum, alimentary canal; chitterlings. Associated words: enterology, splanchnology, enterography, splanchnography, enteropathy, enteroplasty, enterotomy, enteralgia, enterolith, enteritis, intestinal, enteric, crypt, peristalsis, vermiculation, alvine, viscerate, visceration, eviscerate, evisceration, disembowel, disembowelment.
intolerable, a. insufferable, unendurable.
intolerance, n. bigotry, dogmatism, illiberality.
intolerant, a. bigoted, unforbearing, illiberal.
intrenchment, n. earthwork, fortification; encroachment, infringement, invasion, inroad.
intricacy, n. complication, entanglement, complexity.
intricate, a. complicated, entangled, involved, labyrinthian, mazy.
intrigue, n. conspiracy, machination, cabal, plot; amour (illicit love affair), liaison.
intrigue, v. plot, scheme, machinate, cabal.
intriguer, n. machinator, plotter, schemer, Figaro, intrigant, intrigante (female).
intriguing, a. scheming, Machiavelian, wily.
intrinsic, a. inherent, innate, real, genuine. Antonym: extrinsic.
introduction, n. preface, proem, exordium, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue, foreword; presentation; interpolation interposition, initiation.
introductory, a. preliminary, proemial, prefatory.
intrude, v. infringe, invade, encroach, obtrude, interlope.
intrusion, n. encroachment, obtrusion, infringement, interloping.
intrusive, a. obtrusive. Antonyms: unintrusive, unobtrusive, retiring.
intrust, v. commit, confide.
invade, v. infringe, encroach, trespass, intrench, trench.
invalid, a. null, void, of no efficacy; baseless, unfounded.
invalid, a. valetudinary.
invalid, n. valetudinarian.
invalidate, v. annul, abrogate, cancel, quash, nullify.
invalidation, n. nullification, abrogation, annulment.
invalidism, n. valetudinarianism.
invasion, n. irruption, foray, raid, aggression; violation, infringement, encroachment, intrenchment.
inveigle, v. wheedle, seduce.
inveiglement, n. wheedling, seduction.
investigate, v. probe, sift, examine.
investigation, n. examination, inquiry, research.
invidious, a. objectionable, offensive.
invincible, a. indomitable, unconquerable.
invisible, a. imperceptible, microscopic, evanescent.
invitation, n. bidding, call, summons.
invite, v. bid, ask, summon; allure, induce, entice.
invocation, n. prayer, supplication.
involuntary, a. uncontrollable, instinctive, automatic, compulsory, forced.
inwards, n. pl. entrails, intestines, bowels, guts; viscera; giblets, inmeats, umbles.
iota, n. scintilla, tittle, atom, mite, jot, whit, bit, particle.
Ireland, n. Erin, Emerald Isle.
iridescent, a. prismatic, nacreous.
iris, n. flower-de-luce, _fleur-de-lis_, flag.
Irish, a. Hibernian.
Irishman, n. Hibernian, Milesian, Teague, Pat, Paddy.
iron, v. smooth; mangle.
irons, n. pl. fetters, chains, handcuffs, shackles, manacles, hampers, gyves.
ironworker’s pneumonia. siderosis.
irrecoverable, a. irretrievable.
irregular, a. inconformable, abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, unsymmetrical, unusual, erose, baroque, aberrant.
irregularity, n. inconformableness, abnormality, asymmetry, anomaly, aberration, intermittency.
irreligious, a. ungodly, impious, godless, sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane.
irresolute, a. wavering, vacillating, inconstant, fickle, double-minded.
irresolution, n. indecision, vacillation, inconstancy, fickleness.
irresponsible, a. unaccountable, unanswerable, unreliable.
irritable, a. irascible, fretful, spleeny, choleric, petulant, fiery, captious, splenetic.
irritate, v. intensify, stimulate; provoke, vex, annoy, offend, chafe.
isinglass, n. fishglue, ichthyocol, ichthyocolla; mica; carlock.
island, n. isle, eyot, holm, islet; atoll. Associated Words: insular, insularity, archipelago, lagoon, coral, maroon, marooner.
isolate, v. insulate, segregate, dissociate, detach, separate.
isolated, a. insulated, separate, solitary, segregated, sporadic.
isolation, n. insulation, segregation; loneliness, solitude.
issue, v. gush, disembogue; sally forth, debouch; proceed, emanate, ensue, follow, result.
Italian laborers. Associated Word: padrone.
Italian paste. macaroni, vermicelli.
itch, n. psora, scabies; prurigo; sycosis (barber’s itch); eczema; pruriency.
itching, a. tingling, prurient.
ivory, n. Associated Words: eburnean, eburnine, eburin, eburnification, eburnation.
ivy, n. Associated Words: hederaceous, hederal, hederic, hederiferous, hederose.
Jab, n. (Colloq.) thrust, punch, dig.
jabber, n. gibberish, chatter, gabble, babble.–v. gabble, gibber, babble, chatter.
jackass, n. donkey; dolt, simpleton, witling, ignoramus, fool.
jacket, n. coat, jerkin, blouse, spencer, bolero, pea-jacket sontag, blazer, sweater, reefer, jersey, jumper, cardigan jacket, grego, garibaldi, camisole, temiak (Eskimo); cleading.
jade, n. nephrite, jadeite; nag, plug; hussy, wench, quean.
jag, n. notch, cleft, barb, protuberance.–v. notch.
jagged, a. cleft, jaggy, notched, serrated, erose, sharp.
jail, n. prison, lockup, calaboose, workhouse, limbo.
jail bird. prisoner.
jailer, n. warden, turnkey, sheriff.
jail fever. typhus fever.
jam, n. preserve, conserve; crowd, throng, crush.
jam, v. squeeze, crowd, press, wedge in, bruise.
jamboree, n. (Slang) carousal, revelry, carouse, spree.
jangle, n. clashing, clang, discord, dissonance; wrangling, quarrel, dispute, altercation.
jangle, v. clash, clang; quarrel, wrangle, dispute, altercate.
jangling, a. discordant, dissonant, clashing, inharmonious.
janitor, n. doorkeeper, porter, _concierge_; (female) janitress, janitrix.
Japan, n. Nippon, Flowery Kingdom. Associated Words: Japanese, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku, Mongol, Mongolian, kimono, Dairi, daimio, saki, Tycoon, Shogun.
japan, n. lacquer, varnish, enamel.
jar, n. crock; gurglet; shock, jolt, vibration.–v. jolt, jounce, shock, discompose, unsettle; grate.
jargon, n. gibberish, drivel, babble, gabble, twaddle, bosh; cant, slang, flash, argot, dialect.
jaundice, n. icterus.–v. prejudice.
jaundiced, a. prejudiced, biased, warped.
jaunty, a. airy, showy, finical, affected, fine.
jaw, n. Jawbone, jowl; maxilla (upper jaw); mandible (lower jaw).
jaw, v. (Low) scold, upbraid, berate, clamor, rail at.
jawless, a. agnathic, agnathous.
jaw muscle. masseter.
jayhawker, n. guerrilla.
jealous, a. suspicious, distrustful.
jealousy, n. suspicion, distrust.
jeer, v. mock, deride, ridicule, taunt, jibe.
jeering, n. mockery, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sneer, taunt.
jellylike, a. gelatinous, colloid.
jeopard, v. imperil, risk, expose, endanger, hazard.
jeopardize, v. jeopard.
jeopardy, n. danger, peril, hazard, exposure.
jerk, v. twitch, yerk.
jerked beef. charqui.
jerky, a. abrupt, unconnected.
jest, n. joke, witticism, quip, _jeu d’ esprit_, Joe Miller.
jest, v. joke.
jester, n. joker, wag; buffoon, merry-andrew, clown, harlequin, zany.
jesting, n. joking, jest, raillery, banter, persiflage, facetiousness, badinage, jocularity.
jesting, a. waggish, jocular, facetious, sportive.
jet, v. spurt, spout, gush; protrude, project.–n. spouting, spurt, gush.
Jew, n. Hebrew, Israelite, Judahite, Judean, Semite, Yid; Rabbi, Sadducee, Pharisee, Levite. Associated Words: Yiddish, ghetto, kosher, tref, Talmud, kittel, sephardic, Sanhedrim, synagogue, Jewry, Judaism, judaize.
Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Israelitish, Hebraic, Semitic.
Jewish beggar. schnorrer.
Jewish marriage broker. schatchen.
jewel, n. gem, brilliant.
jewelry, n. jewels; bijoutry.
Jew’s pitch. asphaltum, bitumen.
Jezebel, n.virago, she-devil, fury, Gorgon, termagant.
jibe, v. (Colloq.) agree, harmonize, fit.
jiffy, n. (Colloq.)moment, instant, second, trice.
jill, n. coquette, flirt; sweetheart, gill.
jilt, n. coquette, flirt.
jingle, n. tinkling, jingling, tintinnabulation; rhyme.–v. tinkle.
job, n. task; situation, position.
jocose, a. facetious, waggish, sportive, merry, jocular, humorous.
jocular, a. jesting, jocose, sportive, merry, waggish.
jocularity, n. jesting, waggishness, waggery, facetiousness, drollery.
jog, n. shake, jolt, jar, shove; hitch, break.
jog, v. push, shake, jostle; suggest to, notify, remind.
johnny cake. hoecake, corncake.
join v. connect, couple, unite, combine, associate, add, append, annex, link, conjoin, mortise, dowel, splice, knit, dovetail, mingle, coalesce, unify, confederate; abut. Antonyms: disjoin, disconnect. See separate.
joiner, n. link, coupling, bond; woodworker, carpenter.
joint, n. gimbal joint, dove-tail joint, joggle joint, mortise joint, miter, dowel, scarf joint, rabbet joint.
joint, n. articulation; suture, commissure, knuckle. Associated words: arthrology, arthrography, synosteology arthrectomy, synovia, articular, bursa, synovial, internode, internodal, anchylose, dislocate, dislocation, luxate, luxation.
joint, a. combined, joined, united.
jointed, a. articulated, hinged; knotted, gnarled.
jointless, a. acondylous, anarthrous, inarticulate.
joke, n. jest, witticism, jocosity, sally, _jeu d’esprit_, quip, quirk, Joe Miller.
joke, v. rally, banter, jest.
joking, n. jesting, rallying, banter, persiflage, jocularity, waggishness.
jokingly, adv. sportively, jestingly, waggishly, jocularly.
jolly, a. jovial, vivacious, congenial, convivial, mirthful, sportive, gay, facetious, boon, waggish, jocular, jocose, witty, blithe, sprightly, cheery.
jolly, v. (Colloq.) make good-natured, joke, jest, cheer, encourage.
jolt, n. jar, shock, jounce, jolting.–v. shake, jar, jounce.
jot, n. iota, point, tittle, bit, mite, atom, scintilla, ace, particle, whit.
jotting, n. memorandum, note, entry.
jounce, n. jolt, shake, jolting.–v. jolt, shake, jar.
journal, n. day-book, daily register, record; diary; periodical, publication, magazine, gazette, ephemeris.
journey, n. trip, tour, pilgrimage, excursion, travel, jaunt, peregrination. Associated Words: itinerary, itinerancy, viatic, viaticum.
journeyman, n. handicraftsman, artisan. Antonyms: apprentice, amateur.
joust, v. tilt.
Jove, n. Jupiter.
jovial, a. jolly, mirthful, gay, merry, sportive, hilarious, gleeful.
joviality, n. gayety, jollity, sportiveness, liveliness.
joy, n. gladness, exultation, jubilation, mirth, festivity glee, elation, merriment.
joyful, a. joyous, glad, elated, jubilant, exhilarating, happy, buoyant, merry, encouraging, felicitous.
joyous, a. joyful.
jubilant, a. joyful, exultant, triumphant.
jubilation, n. rejoicing, exultation, triumph.
Judas, n. betrayer, traitor.
Judas, a. traitorous, treacherous, disloyal, perfidious.
judge, v. adjudge, adjudicate, try; discern, distinguish, discriminate, decide; esteem, think, consider, reckon, deem, regard; arbitrate.
judge, n. justice, judger; arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee; connoisseur, critic; puisne; deemster (Isle of Man). Associated Words: judicial, judicially, judicable, judicatory, judicature, judiciary.
judges, n. pl. judiciary.
judgment, n. decision, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitration, adjudgment; sentence, decree, verdict; discrimination, discernment.
judgment-seat, n. court, tribunal, bar, judicatory.
judicial, a. judicative, judicatory, juridical, judiciary.
judicious, a. prudent, discreet, well-advised.
jug, n. pitcher, ewer, demijohn, flagon; bellarmine, long-beard.
juggler, n. prestidigitator, magician, conjurer; cheat, impostor; jongleur.
jugglery, n. sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring; imposture, trickery, hankey-pankey.
juice, n.. sap, lush; must.
juicy, a. succulent, sappy, lush, luscious. Antonyms: juiceless, sapless, dry.
jumble, v. confuse, disarrange, entangle, mix
jumble, n. disorder, confusion, disarray, mixture, entanglement, chaos, hodgepodge.
jump, v. spring, bound, leap, hop, caper, vault; bounce, jolt.
jump, n. leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper, jolt.
junction, n. union, coalition; juncture.
juncture, n. joint, seam; crisis, conjuncture, point, exigency.
jungle, n. thicket, brake, boscage, brush.
junket, n. delicacy, sweetmeat; feast, banquet. –v. feast, banquet, regale, entertain.
junta, n. council, tribunal, assembly, convention.
junto, n. secret council, cabal, clique, faction.
jury, n. Associated Words: impanel, panel, venire, venire, facias, tales, talesman.
juryman, n. juror.
just, a. upright, honest, conscientious, honorable, straightforward; condign, merited, deserved, due; reasonable, conscionable, equitable, fair; unbiased, impartial correct, exact, accurate, proper, appropriate. Antonyms: dishonest, inequitable, undeserved. See unjust.
just, adv. precisely, exactly; closely, nearly, almost; barely, scarcely, only.
justice, n. justness, quity, impartiality; judge. Antonyms: inequity, injustice.
justifiable, a. warrantable, defensible, vindicable.
justification, n. vindication, exuplpation, exoneration, defense.
justifier, n. justificatior, vindicator, defender.
justify, v. vindicate, warrant, excuse, exonorate, exculpate, absolve, defend.
justle, v. clash, bump, jostle, collide.
justly, adv. honestly, fairly, equitably, impartially.
justness, n. justice, fairness, equity, impartiality, condignness.
jut, v. jut out, project, protrude.–n. projection, jutt.
jutting, a. projecting, protruding.
jutting out. projection, projecture, protrusion
jutty, n. pier, mole, jetty.
juvenile, a. youthful, young, immature.
juvenility, n. youthfulness, immaturity.
Keel over. (Colloq.) overturn, capsize, tip over.
keen, a. sharp, acute, trenchant; penetrating, shrewd, astute, discerning; piercing, poignant, excruciating, a crimonious, mordacious, bitter, intense, severe; eager, ardent, ravenous, vehement.
keep, n. custody, charge; maintenance, support; stronghold, donjon; condition, case.
keep, v. detain, restrain, hold, retain, repress, withhold; preserve, conserve; maintain, continue; guard, shield, defend, protect, screen, preserve; entertain, harbor; observe, adhere to, fulfill; commemorate, celebrate, solemnize; support, sustain, provide for.
keep back. reserve, withhold; restrain, repress, check.
keep company with. associate with, accompany, go with.
keep down. hold in subjection, restrain, hinder, subdue.
keeper, n. warden; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, attendant, defender, overseer.
keep from. abstain from, refrain from.
keeping, n. holding, restraint, custody, guard, guardianship, protection, tutelage; detention, retention; maintenance support, subsistence, board; conformity, congruity, harmony, consistency, correspondence; observance; celebration, commemoration, fulfillment.
keeping back. reservation, reserving, withholding; restraint, repression, checking.
keep on. proceed, continue, persist.
keepsake, n. memento, souvenir.
keep to. adhere to.
keep under. hold in subjection, subdue, mortify.
keep up. maintain, continue.
kelter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.
kernel, n. seed, grain; nucleus; gist, core, pith, substance, essence, marrow. Associated Words: enucleate, enucleation, exacinate, exacination.
kerosene, n. coal oil, petroleum.
kettle, n. caldron (a large kettle).
kettledrum, n. tympano; pl. tympani.
key, n. Associated Words: claviger, clavigerous, cleidomancy, escutcheon, lock.
key, n. pitch, tone.
key, n. clew, solution, guide, explanation, elucidation, clavis; wharf, quay; forelock, cotter, bar, pin; samara.
keyboard, n. clavier.
kick, v. spurn, calcitrate, recalcitrate, winch; resist, oppose; recoil.
kick, n. kicking, opposition.
kicking, n. spurning, recalcitration, calcitration, winch; opposition, resistance.
kicking, a. recalcitrant, calcitrant, resistant.
kiddy, v. (Slang) deceive, outwit, hoax.
kidnap, v. abduct.
kidnapper, n. abductor, man-stealer.
kidnapping, n. abduction.
kidney, n. Associated Words: nephrology, nephrotomy, nephritis, renal, emunctory, nephritic, loins, reins.
kidney, n. sort, kind, variety, disposition.
kidney-shaped, a. reniform.
kidney stone. nephrite, jade.
kill, v. slay, slaughter, murder, assassinate, butcher, despatch, execute, lynch, massacre, burke, immolate, guillotine, decimate, destroy, blast; counteract, neutralize; quell, extinguish.
killer, n. slayer, murderer, butcher, assassin, assassinator, executor, destroyer.
killing, n. slaying, slaughter, butchering, butchery, assassination, massacre, strangulation, immolation, holocaust, execution, fusillade, carnage, murder, manslaughter, chaud-medley, lynching, guillotine, burkism, garrote, chance-medley, decimation, assideration, destruction, blasting; counteraction, neutralization.
killing, a. fatal, mortal, deadly, destructive; captivating, charming, fascinating.
kilt, n. filibeg.
kilter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.
kin, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen.
kin, a. kindred.
kind, a. indulgent, compassionate, merciful, lenient, clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-hearted, forbearing, benign, beneficent, humane, obliging.
kind, n. variety, genus, species, strain, breed, nature, genre, sort, style, character, description, kidney.
kind-hearted, a. compassionate, lenient, clement, kind.
kindle, v. enkindle, fire, ignite, incite, inflame, rouse.
kindling, n. enkindling, incitement, accension.
kindly, a. kind.
kindness, n. compassion, benignity, benevolence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, compassionateness; favor, service, good turn.
kindred, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin, kinsmen.
kindred, a. related, congenial, allied, similar.
kine, n. pl. cows, cattle.
king, n. monarch, sovereign, potentate, regulus. Associated Words: regicide royalty, regnal, regnant, regnancy, regalia, viceroy, camarilla, dynastic, dynasty.
kingdom, n. empire, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy, realm.
kingly, a. royal, regal, monarchical; sovereign, august, majestic, grand. Antonyms: servile, mean, abject, slavish, unkingly.
king’s evil. scrofula.
kink, v. snarl, become entangled.
kink, n. snarl, knot, entanglement, twist; crotchet, whim, caprice, eccentricity.
kinky, a. snarled, tangled, knotted; crotchety, eccentric, capricious.
kinsman, n. relative.
kiss, v. osculate.
kiss, n. osculation, buss, smack; pax (kiss of peace).
kissing, n. osculation.–a. osculant, oscillatory.
kitchen, n. cookroom, cuisine, scullery (back kitchen); galley (Nautical). Associated Words: scullion, culinary, olitory.
kith, n. acquaintance.
knack, n. gimcrack, trinket, toy, plaything, knickknack, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble; skill, readiness, aptitude, proficiency, dexterity, adroitness; trick, device.
knarl, n. knot, gnarl, knag, knurl, node.
knarled, a. knotted, gnarled, knurly, gnarly, knotty, knurled, knarred.
knave, n. villain, rascal, scamp. See scoundrel.
knavery, n. villainy, rascality, scoundrelism, chicanery, knavishness, roguery.
knavish, a. unprincipled, rascally, villainous.
knee, n. Associated Words: genuflect, genuflection, ham, hock, gonitis, stifle, geniculate, dib, quadriceps.
knee breeches. smallclothes, knickerbockers.
kneecap, n. patella, kneepan.
kneeling desk. priedieu.
knees, n. pl. marrowbones.
knickerbockers, n. pl. knee breeches, smallclothes.
knickknack, n. gimcrack, gewgaw, bauble, trinket, knack, curio, bric-a-brac.
knife, n. dagger, stiletto, dirk, poniard, bowie-knife, misericorde, anlace, yataghan, machete, bolo, handjar, skean, creese, barong, sword, billhook, saber; scalpel, lancet, bistoury; jackknife, pen-knife, pocket-knife. Associated Words: cutler, cutlery, sheath, sheathe, unsheathe, scabbard, cultrivorous, cultrate, cultriform, tang, scale, spring, blade, kick, spatula.
knight, n. man-at-arms; champion, partisan, lover, gallant.
knighthood, n. chivalry. Associated Word: accolade.
knightly, a. chivalrous, gallant.
knob, n. excrescence, boss, lump, tubercle, knop, stud, hard swelling; finial, knosp.
knock, v. rap; clash, bump; strike, beat.–n. blow, stroke; rap.
knock about. (Colloq.) wander about, saunter, stroll.
knock down. fell, floor, prostrate.
knockknee, n. inknee.
knock under. yield, submit, give in.
knoll, n. hillock, mound.
knop, n. See knob.
knot, n. entanglement, snarl, intricacy, complication; cluster, group, band, bevy, gang, company; joint, node, knag, burl, gnarl, knob, nodule, nodosity; tuft, bunch.
knot, v. entangle, tie, snarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, untie.
knotted, a. knurled, knaggy, gnarled, gnarly; snarled, entangled, interwoven.
knotty, a. knotted, gnarled, crossgrained; intricate, difficult, complicated.
knowable, a. ascertainable, cognizable, cognoscible, intelligible, recognizable. Antonyms: unknowable, unascertainable, incognoscible, unrecognizable.
knowall, n. (Colloq.) wiseacre, quidnunc.
knowing, a. intelligent, sagacious, wise, clever; expressive, significant; (Colloq.) artful, sharp, cunning.
knowingly, adv. consciously, intelligently, wittingly, designedly, sagely, purposely, sapiently, significantly, expressively.
knowledge, n. learning, lore, erudition, culture, enlightenment, attainments, information; cognizance, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken; omniscience (universal knowledge); prescience (foreknowledge); polymathy. Antonyms: sciolism, ignorance, inerudition, dilettanteism pedantry, unfamiliarity.
knuckle bones. dibs.
knuckle to. (Colloq.) submit to, yield, cringe, obey.
kodak, n. camera (portable).
labor, n. toil, work, drudgery, task, industry, travail.
labor, v. toil, work, drudge, slave, moil, travail.
labored, a. studied, elaborate, overwrought, stiff, unnatural.
laborer, n. toiler, workman, stevedore, roustabout, drudge, hack, peon, coolie, navvy.
laborious, a. toilsome, arduous, onerous; diligent, industrious, sedulous.
labyrinth, n. maze, intricacy, complexity.
lace, n. string, cord, thong, aglet.
lacerate, v. tear, rend, mangle, laniate, harrow, wound, harry, distress.
laceration, n. tearing, rending, laniation, harrowing, wound.
lack, v. need, want, be in need of, require, sedulous.
labyrinth, n. maze, intricacy, complexity.
lace, n. string, cord, thong, aglet.
lacerate, v. tear, rend, mangle, laniate, harrow, wound, harry, distress.
laceration, n. tearing, rending, laniation, harrowing, wound.
lack, v. need, want, be in need of, require.
lack, n. want, need, deficiency, dearth, paucity, scarcity, drought, default, deficit, insufficiency, inadequacy, shortness.
lackadaisical, a. pensive, dreamy, languishing, die-away.
lackey, n. flunky.
lacking, a. deficient, insufficient, unsupplied, shy, wanting, devoid.
ladylove, n. See sweetheart.
lag, v. fall behind, loiter, linger, delay, saunter.
laggard, n. loiterer, lagger, lingerer, saunterer, idler.
lake, n. pond; lagoon. Associated Words: lacustrine, lacustral.
lamb, n. eanling, yeanling, lambkin, cosset.
lambaste, v. (Low) pommel, maul, belabor, beat, strike.
lame, v. disable, maim, cripple, hamstring.
lame, a. crippled, hobbling, limping, halt, deformed, game, maimed, disabled; inconclusive, unconvincing, inefficient, feeble, unsatisfactory.
lament, v. bemoan, weep, wail, deplore, grieve, bewail, mourn.
lamentable, a. deplorable, grievous, pitiable, distressing, sorrowful.
lamentation, n. wailing, lament, grief, bewailing, plaint, sorrow.
lamented, a. mourned for, deplored.
lampoon, v. libel, defame, satirize.
lampoon, n. libel, pasqinade, iambic.
lance, n. spear, javelin, harpoon.
land, n. terra firma; country; freehold, ground, soil, earth; realty, real estate; demesne, glebe, close, garth, holm, arado, assart, reliction, dereliction, alluvium, cadastre, appanage, arable, fallow, allodium, innings, abuttal; farm, plantation; continent, island, peninsula, delta, isthmus, headland, cape, plateau, barens. Associated Words: agronomy, agronomist, agronomics, agronomic, agricultre, agricultral, agriculturist, georgics, geoponics, escheat, arable, inarable, agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianize, topography, tilth, terrain, terrene, till, geoscopy, geoponic.
land, v. disembark, debark; capture.
landing, n. disembarkation, debarkation; wharf, dock, quay; capture.
landlord, n. host, hotel-keeper, inn-keeper, Boniface; owner, proprietor.
Land of promise. Canaan.
landscape, n. scene, scenery, view, prospect.
language, n. speech, tongue, vernacular; dialect; idiom, phraseology, diction; argot, flash, slang, lingo, cant, jargon, gibberish; Volapuk, pasilaly, Esperanto. Associated Words: lingual, linguistic, linguist, linguistics, philology, philologist, philological, polyglot, glottology, glossology, paleography, glossologist, monoglot, grammar grammarian, chrestomathy, glossolaly, collingual.
languid, a. unanimated, flagging, lifeless, supine, listless, sluggish, tardy, slow.
languor, n. exhaustion, lassitude, inanition, listlessness.
lanky, a. gangling, overgrown.
lapse, n. slip, misstep, indiscretion; backsliding; devolution.
lard, n. grease; leaflard, flare; axunge.–v. interlard.
larder, n. buttery, pantry, spence.
lardy, a. lardaceous.
large, a. big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky; ample, copious, liberal, unstinted; generous, liberal, munificent, princely; hypertrophied; spacious, commodious, capacious.
lariat, n. lasso, reata.
lark, n. frolic.
larrup, v. (Colloq.) whip, beat, trounce, flog.
larva, n. caterpillar, grub, maggot; pl. larvæ. Associated words: silphology, pupa, chrysalis.
lascivious, a. lewd, libidinous, salacious. See lustful.
large, a. big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky; ample, copious, liberal, unstinted; generous,