minority, n. nonage, pupilage.
minstrel, n. gleeman, bard.
mint, v. coin.
minute, a. little, tiny, microscopic, diminutive; critical, precise, particular, circumstantial.
minute, n. moment; memorandum, record, item, note.
minutiæ, n. pl. details.
miraculous, a. supernatural, hyperphysical, incredible.
mire, n. slough, ooze, mud, slime.
mirror, n. reflector, looking-glass, speculum; cheval glass.
mirror, v. reflect.
mirth, n. merriment, jollity, glee, gayety, fun.
mirthful, a. merry, jolly, gleeful, gay, sportive.
miry, a. oozy, slimy, muddy.
misapply, v. misemploy, pervert, misuse.
miscarriage, n. frustration, failure; abortion.
miscellaneous, a. mixed, diversified, promiscuous, heterogeneous, diverse, multifarious.
miscellany, n. medley, mixture; symposium, anthology.
misdeed, n. offense, misdemeanor.
misdemeanor, n. offense, transgression.
misdoer, n. malefactor, offender, delinquent.
misdoing, n. See wrong-doing.
misemploy, v. pervert, misuse, misapply, prostitute.
misemployment, n. misapplication, misuse, perversion, prostitution.
miser, n. niggard, muckworm, curmudgeon, skinflint, hunks, lickpenny, pinchfist, screw, scrimp.
miserable, a. wretched, abject; deplorable, grievous, pitiable, calamitous; mean, despicable, contemptible, base, arrant, sordid, groveling.
miserly, a. niggardly, avaricious, sordid, parsimonious, penurious, close-fisted, close, stingy, curmudgeonly, hard-fisted.
misfortune, n. disaster, calamity, frustration, mischance, reverse, affliction, mishap, bad luck.
misgiving, n. doubt, suspicion, evil premonition.
misgovern, v. misrule.
misgovernment, n. maladministration, misrule.
mishap, n. See accident.
mishmash, n. medley, mixture.
misinterpret, v. misconstrue.
misinterpretation, n. misconstruction.
misleading, a. delusive, deceitful, fallacious, illusive.
misnaming, n. misnomer.
misrepresent, v. falsify, distort.
misrepresentation, n. falsification, distortion.
misrule, n. misgovernment, maladministration.
miss, n. failure, miscarriage; omission, oversight, default, mistake, error.
miss, v. fail, miscarry, skip, omit, overlook.
misshapen, a. deformed, unshapely.
missile, n. projectile, dejectile.
missing, a. absent, wanting.
mission, n. commission, delegation; errand, trust.
missionary, n. evangelist, missioner, revivalist, propagandist.
misspelling, n. cacography.
misstate, v. falsify, distort, misrepresent.
misstatement, n. falsification, misrepresentation.
misstep, n. _faux pas_.
mist, n. mizzle, misle, drizzle; fog, haze, brume.
mist, v. mizzle, drizzle; obscure, dim, befog.
mistake, n. misunderstanding, misapprehension, misconception; error, blunder, oversight, solecism, _faux pas._ impropriety, bull.
mistranslate, v. misrender, misconstrue, misinterpret.
mistreat, v. misuse, abuse, maltreat.
mistreatment, n. misuse, abuse, maltreatment.
mistress, n. matron, superior; sweetheart, flame, dulcinea, ladylove, amaryllis; paramour, concubine; demirep, lorette, Delilah, Phryne, corotte.
mistrust, v. doubt, question, suspect, distrust, apprehend.
mistrustful, a. distrustful, suspicious, apprehensive.
misty, a. obscure, hazy, foggy, orumous.
misunderstand, v. misconceive, miscomprehend, misapprehend.
misunderstanding, n. misconception, miscomprehension, misapprehension; variance, disagreement, dissension, controversy.
misuse, v. misapply, prostitute, pervert, profane; maltreat, abuse.
misuse, n. misapplication, prostitution, perversion, profanation, maltreatment, abuse.
mite, n. molecule, speck, atom, particle, mote.
mites, n. pl. Acarina.
mitigate, v. meliorate, alleviate, assuage, temper.
mitigation, n. melioration, alleviation, assuagement.
mitigative, a. assuasive, meliorative, mollifying.
mix, v. mingle, blend, combine, concoct, incorporate, amalgamate, commingle, impregnate, commix, compound, intermix, intersperse, interlard; associate, consort, fraternize.
mixable, a. miscible.
mixed, a. mingled, blended, amalgamated, compounded; promiscuous, miscellaneous, composite, conglomerate, indiscriminate, heterogeneous, motley. Antonyms: assorted, selected, unmixed.
mixture, n. blending, mingling, amalgamation, incorporation, conglomeration, infusion, intermixture, commixture, compound, decoction, concoction; medley, miscellany, gallimaufry, maslin, olio, farrago, hodgepodge, salmagundi, jumble, mélange, heterogoneity, promiscuity.
moat, n. fosse, graffe.
mob, n. rabble, rabblerout; populace, canaille, riffraff.
mob law. lynch law.
mob rule. mobocracy, ochlocracy.
mock, a. sham, spurious, counterfieit, imitational.
mock, v. mimic, flout, taunt, imitate, gibe, ridicule, jeer, schout; balk, disappoint, delude, tantalize, elude; defy, disregard; ape, mimic, personate.
mocker, n. scorner, scoffer, jeerer; mimic.
mockery, n. mimicry, ridicule, derision, jeering, scouting, counterfeit, sham, travesty, farce; disappointment.
mocking, a. derisive, jeering; imitating, mimicking.
mode, n. manner, method, fashion, vogue, style.
model, n. pattern, prototype, exemplar, gauge, criterion, standard, paragon, archetype; manikin, manequin.
model, v. fashion, mould, shape.
model, a. exemplary.
moderate, v. temper, appease, diminish, mitigate, reduce.
moderate, a. sparing, temperate, frugal; reasonable, calm, deliberate; temperate, mild, clement, open; mediocre medium. Antonyms: See immoderate.
moderation, n. mitigation, diminution; temperance, restraint; calmness.
modest, a. unassuming, shy, unpretentious, unpretending, unobtrusive, retiring, demure, coy, reserved, unostentatious. Antonyms: See immodest.
modesty, n. unobtrusiveness, humility; delicacy, chastity, purity, decency, pudicity. Antonyms: immodesty, boldness, indelicacy.
modify, v. limit, qualify, adjust.
modulate, v. inflect; harmonize, attune, adjust, adapt.
modulation, n. inflection; adaptation, adjustment.
mogul, n. Mongolian; lord.
Mohammedan, n. Mahometan, Mussulman, Moslem, Saracen.
Mohammedanism, n. Mahometanism, Islam, Islamism, Moslemism.
moist, a. damp, humid, dank.
moisten, v. dampen, damp, wet.
moisture, n. dampness, humidity; humor. Associated Words: hygrostatics, hygrograph, hygrometer, hygroscopic, hygrometric, hygrometry, deliquescent.
molasses, n. treacle.
molecule, n. atom, monad.
molest, v. disturb, trouble, annoy.
molestation, n. disturbance.
mollify, v. appease, pacify, tranquilize.
moment, n. instant, minute, jiffy, trice; force, momentum, impetus; importance, materiality, weight, consequence.
momentary, a. instantaneous, transient.
momentum, n. impetus, force, moment.
monarch, n. sovereign. See ruler.
monarchy, n. sovereignty, kingdom, empire, realm.
monastery, n. abbey, priory, cloister, convent; hospice.
monetary, a. pecuniary.
money, n. currency, coin, capital, funds, finances, change, legal tender, lucre, pelf, specie, sterling, revenue, assets, wherewithal, spondulics (Slang); wampum; boodle; bribe; bonus. Associated Words: bullion, cambist, bank, banker, capitalist, chrysology, till, coffer, economics, coin, coinage, mint, mintage, financial, financier, Mammon, treasury, treasurer, monetary, monetize, monetization, demonetize, demonetization, numismatist, mumismatics, alimony, cameralistics, almoner, alms, numismatology.
mongrel, a. hybrid.
monitor, n. mentor, adviser, counselor.
monk, n. religious, monastic, cenobite, anchoret, friar, _abbé_, fakir. Associated Words: monkish, monastic, monastery, monasticism, conventual.
monk’s-hood, n. wolfsbane, aconite.
monk’s hood. cowl.
monkeylike, a. simious.
monogram, n. cipher.
monologist, n. soliloquist.
monologue, n. soliloquy.
monopolize, v. engross, forestall.
monotonous, a. unvaried, uniform, uninteresting, humdrum, tedious.
monotony, n. monotone, tedium.
monster, n. prodigy, enormity, abnormality, monstrosity _lusus naturæ_; fiend, brute, ogre, villain; Cerberus, Chimera, Minotaur, Bucentaur.
monstrosity, n. abnormality, monster, _lusus naturæ_.
monstrous, a. abnormal; enormous, colossal; atrocious.
month, n. Associated Words: ultimo, proximo, instant.
monthly, a. mensal, menstrual.
monument, n. tombstone, memorial; cenotaph; dolmen, cromlech. Associated Words: epitaph, lapidary.
mood, n. humor.
moon, n. satellite; Luna, Cynthia. Associated Words: selenology, selenography, apogee, wax, wane, epigee, selenocentric, selenograph, halo, orb, lunar, lunarian, interlunary, lunation, appulse, crescent, luniform.
moonshine, n. balderdash, flummery, fustian, nonsense.
moot, a. undecided, unsettled, debatable.
mooted, a. moot.
mop, n. malkin, swab; merkin (cannon mop).
mopboard, n. baseboard, surbase.
mopish, a. dejected, glum, dumpish, listless, dull, spiritless.
moral, a. ethical; virtuous, good; accountable, responsible, probable. Antonyms: immoral, licentious.
moral insanity. æsthesiomania.
morality, n. virtue, rectitude, probity, goodness. Antonym: immorality.
moral philosophy. deontology, ethology, ethics.
morass, n. slough, quagmire, bog, marsh, swamp.
Mormon, n. Latter-day Saint.
morning, n. forenoon; dawn, daybreak, aurora, cock-crowing, sunrise.
morning, a. matin, matutinal.
morning concert. (in the open air) aubade.
morning reception. levee.
morning service. matins.
morose, a. churlish, sulky, sullen, moody, splenetic, unamiable.
morsel, n. bite, mouthful; fragment, crumb, scrap.
mortally, adv. fatally.
mortar, n. Associated Word: pestle.
mortification, n. gangrene; chagrin, humiliation, abasement, embarrassment; repression, subjection.
mortify, v. gangrene; chagrin, embarrass, abase; repress, deny, restrain.
mosaic, a. tessellated, inlaid, variegated.
most, n. majority.
mote, n. particle, speck, mite.
moth-eaten, a. moth-fretted.
mother, n. materfamilias, matron, matriarch; generatrix; dam. Associated Words: cognate, cognation, matricide, maternalism, uterine, matriarchy, matriarchal.
motherhood, n. maternity.
motherly, a. maternal.
mother-of-pearl, n. nacre.
motion, n. movement, activity; gesture, signal, gesticulation; port, gait; impulse. Antonyms: inertia, rest, stagnation, immobility, quiescence, repose.
motionless, a. stationary, inert, stagnant, quiescent.
motive, n. incentive, inducement, incitement.
mottled, a. piebald, party-colored, spotted.
mould, n. matrix, matrice; pattern, model; mouldiness, mildew, blight, smut, fungus.
mould, v. form, shape, model, cast; knead.
mouldy, a. musty, mildewed, fusty, decaying.
moult, v. mew, exuviate.
moulting, n. exuviation.
mount, v. ascend; bestride.
mountain, n. mount. Associated Words: orology, orography, orogeny, montiform, butte, arete, spur, montanic, intermontane, oread, mountainous, ultramontane, bergstock, subalpine, alpenstock, range, ridge, submontane, alpestrine.
mountebank, n. quack; charlatan, impostor, empiric.
mourn, v. deplore, lament, regret, grieve, repine, sorrow, bemoan, bewail.
mournful, a. sorrowful, lugubrious, doleful, woful.
mourning, n. sorrow, grief, bereavement; weeds.
mouse, n. murine, rodent; pl. mice, vermin.
mousing, a. meddlesome, prying, intrusive.
mouthpiece, n. embouchure; spokesman.
movable, a. portable, mobile. Antonyms: immovable, fast, immobile.
move, v. transfer; migrate, immigrate, emigrate, remove; impel, propel, actuate, influence; budge, stir.
movement, n. motion, locomotion, transference, removal.
movement cure. kinesiatrics, kinesitherapy, lingism.
moving, a. motive.
mow, v. reap.
mowing, n. reaping.
mucus, n. phlegm.
mud, n. mire, ooze, muck; silt.
mud bath. illutation.
muddiness, n. turbidness, feculence, obscurity, miriness.
muddle, v. confuse, fuddle, bewilder.
muddle, n. confusion.
muddled, a. confused, addled.
muddy, a. feculent, turbid, roily; opaque, intransparent, confused, involved, incoherent.
mud-eating, a. limivorous.
muffle, v. wrap, envelop; deaden, subdue.
muffler, n. scarf, tippet.
mulct, n. fine, amercement.
mule, n. hybrid, hinny.
mule-driver, n. muleteer.
mulish, a. See stubborn.
mull, v. ruminate, ponder, cogitate.
mulligrubs, n. (Slang) colic.
multitude, n. crowd, throng, host.
mum, a. silent, speechless, dumb, mute.
mumble, v. mutter, maunder, mump.
mumbling, a. muttering, inarticulate, indistinct, incoherent.
mummery, n. masquerade, mimicry.
mumpish, a. moody, sullen, morose, sulky, unamiable.
mumps, n. parotitis; sullenness, the sulks.
munch, v. craunch.
murder, n. homicide.
murderer, n. homicide.
murderous, a. sanguinary, homicidal, fell.
muriatic acid. hydrochloric acid.
murky, a. lowering, dark.
murmur, v. grumble, complain, repine.
murmur, n. plaint, complaint; purl, babble; undertone.
murmuring, a. complaining, querulous, repining.
muscle, n. brawn, thew; sinew, tendon.
muscular, a. brawny, thewy, sinewy, stalwart.
muse, v. contemplate, ruminate, brood, ponder, mull, reflect.
muse, n. contemplation, meditation, revery.
Muses, n. pl. Pierides, tuneful nine (Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania). Associated Word: Pierian.
mushroom, a. ephemeral, transitory.
mushrooms, n. pl. Fungi, agaric, Agaricaceæ. Associated Words: mycology, agaricin, pileus, gills, spore. See Fungi.
music, n. melody, symphony, harmony; melodies, harmonics.
musical, a. melodious, harmonious, tuneful, symphonious.
musical entertainment. musicale, concert.
muskmelon, n. cantaloupe.
muss, n. confusion, litter, jumble, disorder.–v. disarrange, rumple, dishevel.
mustard plaster. sinapism.
muster, v. assemble, marshal.
musty, a. mildewed, fusty, mouldy, frowzy, rank, stale.
mute, a. dumb, obmutescent; silent, speechless.
mutilate, v. maim, dismember, mangle.
mutilation, n. maim, dismemberment, mangling.
mutinous, a. rebellious, insubordinate, seditious, insurgent, insurrectionary.
mutiny, n. insurrection, rebellion, insubordination, revolt.
mutter, v. maunder.
muttering, a. inarticulate, indistinct, maundering.
mutual, a. reciprocal.
mutuality, n. correlation, reciprocation, interchange.
muzzle, v. restrain, repress.
mysterious, a. inscrutable, cryptic, obscure, unexplainable, enigmatical, unfathomed, unfathomable, abstruse, mystic, inexplicable, recondite, cabalistic, occult, unexplained.
mystery, n. secret, enigma, riddle, intricacy, arcanum.
mystic, a. occult, esoteric, cabalistic, mystical.
mystification, n. bewilderment, perplexity, obfuscation.
mystify, v. bewilder, perplex, obfuscate, befog, nonplus.
mystifying, a. perplexing, confusing, bewildering, mysterious.
myth, n. legend, tradition, fable.
mythical, a. fabulous, legendary, traditional.
nab, v. (Colloq.) grab, snatch, seize.
nag, v. (Colloq.) plague, tease, twit, hector, torment, scold.
naïve, a. artless, innocent, ingenuous, frank.
naïveté, n. artlessness, innocence, ingenuousness, candor.
naked, a. nude, undressed, bare; unexaggerated, uncolored, exact, literal.
nakedness, n. nudity, bareness; exactness, literalness, accuracy.
name, n. appellation, designation, denomination; epithet, title, cognomen, surname, cognomination, pseudonym, patronymic, metronymic, alias, penname, prænomen, sobriquet, _nom de plume_, _nom de guerre_, nickname, eponym, misnomer, euphemism, agnomen, allonym, anonym, autonym, appellative, byname, caconym, cryptonym, compellation, compellative, dionym, trionym, polyonym, diminutive; repute, fame, renown, reputation. Associated Words: nominal, nominally, titular, titulary, onomatology, patronomatology, onomasticon, orismology, pseudepigraphy, pseudonymity, roster, register, née, nomancy, namesake, eponymy, of that ilk, nomenclator, heteronym, synedoche, nominative.
name, v. entitle, denominate, style, call, christen, dub, term; designate, specify, nominate.
nameless, a. unnamed; undistinguished, inglorious, unknown, obscure; anonymous; unnamable, inexpressible.
namelessness, n. anonymity; obscurity.
names, n. pl. nomenclature, terminology.
Naples, n. Associated Word: Neapolitan.
narcotic, n. stupefacient, sedative, anæsthetic, opiate, anodyne.
narrate, v. recount, recite, tell about, relate.
narration, n. narrative, relation, recital, story.
narrative, n. narration, account, portrayal, story, tale.
narrow, a. limited, circumscribed, incapacious, contracted, straitened, cramped; bigoted, illiberal, uncatholic, narrow-minded, insular.
narrow, v. contract, reduce, constrict, restrict, limit, cramp, confine.
narrowing, n. contraction, reduction, constriction, limitation circumscription.
narrow-minded, a. illiberal, bigoted, intolerant, narrow, uncatholic.
narrow-mindedness, n. illiberality, bigotry, bias, intolerance, insularity, uncatholicity.
narrowness, n. contractedness, incapaciousness, circumscription.
narrows, n. strait, sound.
nastiness, n. squalor, filthiness, pollution, filth, corruption, dirtiness; indecency, smut, obscenity, bawdry, ribaldry, indelicacy, lewdness.
nasty, a. filthy, squalid, foul, polluted, dirty; indecent, indelicate, gross, ribald, lewd, obscene, smutty, shameless; odious, sickening, repulsive, nauseous, disgusting, disagreeable.
native, a. natal; indigenous, natural, aboriginal, autochthonal; vernacular, mother; genuine, congenital, inherent, inborn, inbred, innate, original. Antonyms: foreign, artificial, exotic, acquired, assumed, unnatural.
native, n. aboriginal, denizen (by birth), indigene.
natives, n. pl. aborigines.
natty, a. (Colloq.) neat, spruce, trim, jaunty, dapper, chic.
natural, a. native, inborn, congenital, innate, characteristic; original, indigenous; normal, regular, legitimate; artless, unaffected, ingenuous, spontaneous, simple; unregenerate. Antonyms: unnatural, acquired, affected, simulated.
naturalization, n. denization.
naturalize, v. familiarize, accustom, habituate, acclimatize, adapt, acclimate.
natural philosophy. physics.
nature, n. creation, universe, cosmos, world; kind, sort, character, quality, species; disposition, mood, temper, essence, constitution. Associated Words: physiography, physiogony, connatural, connaturalness.
nature worship. physiolatry.
naughty, a. disobedient, mischievous, perverse, forward, refractory.
nausea, n. seasickness; qualm, squeamishness, queasiness, qualmishness.
nauseate, v. sicken, disgust, revolt; recoil from, abhor, abominate.
nauseous, a. disgusting, nauseating, offensive, sickening, fulsome, distasteful.
nautical, a. naval, marine, maritime, oceanic.
nautilus, n. Tetrabranchiata; argonaut, paper nautilus; diving-bell.
naval, a. nautical, marine, maritime.
navel, n. umbilicus, omphalos.
navel string, funis, umbilical cord.
navigate, v. sail, cruise; guide, steer, direct; circumnavigate
near, a. nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, contiguous, proximate, approximate to; intimate, confidential, bosom; immediate, imminent, impending, forthcoming.
Antonyms: distant, remote, far.
nearness, n. closeness, proximity, propinquity, contiguity, adjacency, imminence, approximation, approxi-mateness intimacy, familiarity.
near-sighted, a. myopic, short-sighted, purblind.
near-sightedness, n. myopia.
near-sighted person. myope.
neat, a. tidy, orderly, trim, clean, cleanly; tasteful, trim, finished, artistic, nice, excellent, adroit; dainty; spruce; dapper, natty. Antonyms: dowdy, slovenly, slatternly, untidy, tawdry, gaudy, frowzy, disorderly, unkempt.
necessary, a. requisite, essential, needed, needful, indispensable inevitable, unavoidable. Antonyms: nonessential, unnecessary, optional, discretional, casual, needless.
necessary, n. requisite, requirement, essential, _sine qua non_.
necessity, n. requisite, necessary, requirement, essential; exigency, urgency; indispensability. Antonyms: choice, option, contingency, doubtfulness, possibility.
neck, n. Associated Words: nape, cervical, scruff, atlas, axis, palea, dewlap, scrag, gula, nucha, auchenium, décolleté, jugular, jugulum, wattle, wimple, wryneck, torticollis, Adam’s apple, splenius, ruche, colliform, fichu, withers, gorget, carotid, goiter, retrocollic, cruels, nuchalgia, ruff, crane.
necktie, n. cravat, neckcloth, scarf, tie.
necromancer, n. wizard, sorcerer, magician, conjurer, exorcist, soothsayer, diviner.
necromancy, n. magic, conjuration, enchantment, sorcery, black art.
need, n. want, necessity, extremity, strait, exigency, urgency; poverty, penury, privation, indigence.
need, v. require, lack, want.
needful, a. requisite, necessary, essential, indispensable, required.
needleprick, n. acupuncture.
needless, a. unnecessary, groundless, unfounded.
needlewoman, n. seamstress.
needs, adv. necessarily.
needy, a. destitute, indigent, penniless, impecunious.
nefarious, a. atrocious, flagitious, heinous.
negation, n. denial, disavowal.
negative, n. denial, refusal. Antonym: affirmative.
neglect, n. disregard, omission, negligence, default, dereliction, remissness, oversight.
neglect, v. disregard, slight, overlook, ignore, omit.
neglectful, a. See negligent.
negligence, n. neglect, remissness, oversight, heedlessness, laches (Law).
negligent, a. neglectful, heedless, indifferent, slack, remiss, regardless, slothful, derelict, inattentive, careless Antonyms: careful, attentive, heedful.
negotiable, a. transferable.
negro, n. African, blackamoor, Ethiopian, Nigritian, Senegambian, Mandingo, negrillo, Papuan, Krooman; darkey, buck, nigger; (of mixed blood) mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, mestee, Zambo, Sambo, sacatra. Associated Words: negrophile, negrophilist, negrophilism, negrophobia.
negro, a. negritic, African, Ethiopian, negroid.
negro child. pickaninny.
negro woman. negress, wench.
neigh, n. and v. whinny.
neighborhood, n. vicinity, vicinage, locality, neighbors, venue (Law).
neighboring, a. adjacent, contiguous, neighbor, near.
neophyte, n. convert, proselyte; novice, tyro, beginner.
nerve, n. (Slang) boldness, audacity, presumption, effrontery, courage, assurance.
nerve, n. Associated Words: neurology, neurologist, neurography, neuron, lecithin, rete, plexus, neurasthenia, neurasthenic, neurotic, sensorium, funiculus, ganglion, hilum, neurism, innervation, neuration, neuritis, neuropathic, nervine, neuroma, neuropathy, neuroid, neuric, neuricity, aneuria, glioma, neurosis, cinerea, cholesterin, perineurium, epineurium, internuncial.
nerve, v. brace, strengthen, fortify, invigorate, energize.
nervous, a. excitable, sensitive, timorous.
nest, n. nidus; eyrie, aerie; retreat, den, haunt, resort. Associated Words: nidificate, nidification, neossine, caliology, cubilose, nidulant.
nestle, v. cuddle, snuggle.
net, n. toil, snare, gin, mesh; caul, trammel, seine, trawl, dredge, dragnet.
netted, a. reticulated, retiary, interwoven, complicated, reticulose.
nettle, n. Urtica. Associated words: urticate, urtication urtical.
nettle, v. irritate, provoke, exasperate, ruffle, incense, annoy.
network, n. mesh, interlacement, reticulation; plexus, rete, ganglion.
neutrality, n. indifference.
neutralize, v. counteract, counterbalance, invalidate.
nevertheless, adv. or conj. yet, however, notwithstanding.
new, a. recent, fresh, modern, novel, newfangled, neoteric, unfamiliar, strange; renewed, renovated, repaired, refreshed; unaccustomed, untried, inexperienced.
new custom. innovation.
newly, adv. lately, recently, freshly; anew, afresh, again.
news, n. tidings, word, report.
new word. neologism, neoterism, coinage. Associated Words: neology, neologic, neologist, neoterist, neoterize coin.
New York. Gotham.
New Yorker. Gothamite.
nice, a. fastidious, exacting, particular, punctilious, queasy, finical, difficult, squeamish, dainty; delicate, refined, dainty; discriminating, scrupulous, precise, discerning, subtle; exquisite, agreeable, pleasant, enjoyable, gratifying; fine, neat, finished.
nicety, n. niceness, precision; punctilio, subtlety, fine point.
niche, n. recess, cavity, nook, tabernacle.
nick, n. notch, indentation, dent, score, dint.
nick, v. notch, mar, deface, indent.
nickname, n. sobriquet.
nigger, n. (Colloq.) negro.
night, n. darkness. Associated Words: nocturnal, noctuary, noctidial, noctilucous, belated, benight, benighted, noctivagant, noctivagation, noctivagous, nocturne, noctiflorous pernoctalian, pernoctation, lychnobite.
night-blindness, n. hemeralopia.
nightingale, n. philomel, philomela.
nightly, a. nocturnal.
nightmare, n. incubus, cacodemon, succubus.
nightshade, n. belladonna.
night-sight, n. nyctalopia.
nimble, a. agile, sprightly, deft, lively, swift, brisk, active, spry. Antonyms: slow, sluggish, clumsy, dilatory, unready, dull, heavy.
nimble-fingered, a. dexterous.
nimbus, n. halo, glory, aureola.
nincompoop, n. (Slang) simpleton, dolt, witling, dunce. See fool.
nine, n. novenary, ennead.–a. enneatic. Associated Words: novennial, enneagon, nonagon, enneagonal, enneahedral, enneahedron.
nine days’ devotion (religious). novena.
ninety, n. Associated Word: nonagesimal.
ninety years. Associated Word: nonagenarian.
nip, n. pinch; blast, cut; sarcasm, taunt, gibe.
nip, v. pinch; clip, cut off; blast, kill; chill, deaden, benumb.
nippers, n. pl. pincers, tweezers, pinchers, pliers.
nipping, a. biting, pinching, blasting, destructive.
nipple, n. teat, pap, dug, mammilla.
nitric acid. spirit of nitre, aquafortis.
nitrogen, n. azote.
no, n. refusal, denial, negative.
nobby, a. (Colloq.) modish, stylish, fashionable.
nobility, n. nobleness, high-mindedness, magnanimity, excellence, superiority, dignity; peerage, aristocracy, patrician class.
noble, a. eminent, exalted, magnanimous, superior; stately, magnificent, splendid, imposing, grand; aristocratic highborn, patrician.
noble, n. nobleman, peer, grandee. Antonyms: commoner, proletary, plebeian.
nobleman, n. noble, peer, lord, aristocrat, patrician, grandee.
noblewoman, n. peeress.
nobody, n. nonentity, jackstraw.
nod, n. bow.
nodding, n. bowing, nutation.–a. annuent, bowing, nutant.
noise, n. sound; racket, clamor, din, outcry, clatter, uproar, hubbub, tumult, rout, blare, vociferation, hullabaloo (Colloq.), powwow (Slang), hilarity.
noiseless, a. still, silent, quiet, inaudible.
noisome, a. unwholesome, noxious, pestilential; offensive, malodorous, fetid, stinking.
noisy, a. clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, turbulent, riotous, obstreperous, uproarious, blatant, discordant, brawling, hilarious.
nomad, n. wanderer.
nomadic, a. wandering, nomad.
nonchalance, n. indifference, coolness, carelessness, _sang-froid_, _insouciance_.
nonchalant, a. indifferent, cool, unconcerned, _insouciant_.
nonconformist, n. dissenter, recusant.
nonconformity, n. recusancy, dissent.
nondescript, a. undescribed, unclassifiable.
nonentity, n. non-existence; nobody, cipher.
non-essential, a. unimportant, incidental, adventitious.
nonesuch, n. paragon, pattern, nonpareil, model.
non-interference, n. _laissez faire_.
nonplus, v. perplex, puzzle, disconcert, confuse, embarrass, mystify, bewilder.
nonsense, n. absurdity, twaddle, bosh, fudge, silliness, balderdash, moonshine, amphigory, rigmarole.
nonsensical, a. absurd, senseless, preposterous, insensate, amphigoric, silly.
nook, n. retreat, corner, recess.
noon, n. meridian, noonday, noontide, midday.
normal, a. natural, regular. Antonyms: abnormal, unnatural.
northern, a. boreal, north, arctic, northerly, septentrion.
northern lights. aurora borealis.
northern regions. arctic regions, Thule, septentrion.
north pole. Associated Words: Polynia, polar, circumpolar.
north star. polestar, lodestar, Cynosure, Polaris.
north wind. Boreas.
Norwegian Parliament. Storthing, Lagthing.
nose, n. snout, nozzle, spout, proboscis, muzzle.
nose, n. Associated Words: nasal, rhinal, rhinology, rhinoplasty, coryza, aquiline, simous, retroussé, pug, snuff, snuffle, vomer, nostril, nasalize, nasalization, nasiform, polypus, vibrissa, grogblossom, rosedrop, snivel, rhinitis, rhinolith, septum.
nosebleeding, n. epistaxis.
nostalgia, n. homesickness.
notable, a. noticeable, conspicuous, plain, evident; signal, remarkable, famous.
notch, v. nick, score, indent, crenellate.
notch, n. nick, indentation, score, dent, crenature, serration, emargination.
notched, a. serrated, crenated, incised, emarginated.
notching, n. notch, indentation, serration, crenation.
note, n. billet; memorandum, minute, record; remark, comment, annotation, commentary, scholium, gloss; mark, token, sign, feature, peculiarity; observation, notice; distinction, repute, celebrity, reputation, fame, renown.
note, v. See notice; record, jot down; annotate, comment, postillate.
note-book, n. memorandum-book, commonplace book, adversaria, journal, diary.
noted, a. celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished, famous.
notes, n. pl. marginalia (marginal notes), adversaria.
noteworthy, a. memorable, remarkable.
nothing, n. non-existence, nonentity; bagatelle; naught, cipher, zero, null, nullity.
nothingness, n. nihility, non-existence, nullity.
notice, n. observation, cognizance, note, heed, attention, regard; announcement, citation, warning, notification; bulletin; recognition, civility, courtesy. Antonyms: disregard, connivance, inattention, heedlessness, ignoring, oversight, slight.
notice, v. see, observe, note, heed, recognize, perceive, mark, take cognizance of, pay attention to. Antonyms: ignore, connive, skip, neglect, slight, overlook, disregard.
noticeable, a. observable, appreciable, conspicuous, salient, prominent. Antonyms: unobservable, inappreciable, inconspicuous.
notification, n. See telling; notice, announcement, warning.
notify, v. inform, acquaint, tell, apprise, give notice to.
notion, n. conception, idea, concept; opinion, judgment, belief, view; inclination, intention, disposition; (Colloq.) knicknack, device.
notional, a. whimsical, capricious, irresolute, freakish, crotchety, changeable.
notoriety, n. repute (unfavorable), publicity.
notorious, a. talked of, evident, obvious, noted, famous (usually unfavorable).
notwithstanding, conj. despite, nevertheless, however.
noun, n. substantive.
nourish, v. feed, nurture; support; encourage, foster, cherish, promote.
nourishing, a. nutritious.
nourishment, n. nutrition; food, nutriment.
novel, a. new, recent, fresh, unusual, rare, unique, innovative.
novel, n. fiction, romance, story, tale.
novelty, n. newness; change, curiosity, innovation.
novice, n. tyro; probationer, proselyte, convert, novitiate
novitiate, n. apprenticeship; probation, tyronism, noviceship.
now, adv. instantly, immediately, at once, instanter.
now and then. occasionally, at intervals, infrequently, intermittently, sometimes, periodically, once in a while.
noxious, a. injurious, baneful, unwholesome, noisome.
nub, n. (Colloq.) knob, jag, protuberance, snag, excrescence.
nucleus, n. kernel, core, heart, center.
nude, a. See naked.
nudge, v. poke (with the elbow).
nugatory, a. futile, ineffectual, unavailing. See vain.
nuisance, n. plague, pest, bane, infliction, bore, offense.
null, a. invalid, nugatory.
nullification, n. invalidation, abrogation, cancellation, repeal.
nullify, v. invalidate, abrogate, cancel, repeal, countermand.
numb, a. deadened, unfeeling, insensible, benumbed.
numb, v. benumb, deaden.
number, v. enumerate; figure up, count, numerate.
number, n. numeral, figure, digit, integer; collection, multitude.
numbers, n. poetry, music, verse, song.
numbers, n. pl. Associated Words: numeral, numeric, notation, coefficient, numerary.
numbness, n. insensibility.
numerous, a. many, plentiful, multitudinous.
numskull, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dullard, dunce, lackwit, simpleton. See fool.
nunnery, n. convent, cloister, mynchery (ruins).
nuptial, a. hymeneal, bridal.
nuptials, n. pl. wedding, marriage, espousals.
nurse, v. suckle; nourish, cherish, foster, succor, foment, encourage; attend, tend; bring up, raise, nurture, rear.
nursery, n. crèche (public nursery).
nursling, n. and a. suckling.
nurture, n. care, training; food, nourishment.
nurture, v. feed, nourish, nurse; educate, train, school.
nut-bearing, a. nuciferous.
nutriment, n. nourishment, food, aliment.
nutrition, n. nourishment, feeding; nutriment, food; eutrophy, (healthy nutrition); malnutrition, denutrition, innutrition, dystrophy (defective nutrition). Associated Words: threpsology, trophology, trophic.
nutritious, a. nourishing, nutritive. Antonym: innutritious.
nuts, n. pl. mast.
nut-shaped, a. nuciform.
nymph, n. dryad, sylph, Undine, nereid, hydriad, oread, houri, Daphne.
oar, n. paddle, scull, spoon oar. Associated Words: rowlock, loom, blade, wash, oarlock.
oar-shaped, a. remiform.
oat grasses. Avena. Associated Words: avenaceous, oaten.
oath, n. adjuration, pledge, sworn promise; curse, profanity, swearing, expletive, blasphemy. Associated Words: juratory, profane, imprecate.
oath-breaking, n. perjury.
obedience, n. compliance, submission, subservience; dutifulness. Antonyms: disobedience, incompliance, defiance, revolt, insubordination.
obedient, a. submissive, tractable, deferential, subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable. Antonyms: unsubmissive, intractable, disobedient.
obelisk, n. Associated Words: pyramidion, monolithic, hieroglyphics.
obey, v. comply, submit to, heed, regard, be ruled by.
object, v. disapprove, oppose, demur, contravene, gainsay, except, cavil.
object, n. thing, article; goal, purpose, aim, motive, intent, design, target, butt, destination, view.
objection, n. exception, scruple, demurrer, cavil. Antonyms: approval, acquiescence.
objectionable, a. exceptionable, offensive, obnoxious, undesirable, displeasing.
objectless, a. aimless, desultory, purposeless, vague.
obligation, n. accountableness, responsibility, incumbency, duty, indebtedness; agreement, contract, stipulation, covenant, bond.
obligatory, a. binding, incumbent, imperative, coercive. Antonyms: optional, discretional.
oblige, v. constrain, obligate; please, gratify, accommodate, coerce, compel, necessitate, force.
obliging, a. complaisant, gracious, accommodating, affable, debonair, deferential, yielding.
obliterate, v. efface, erase, blot out, remove, destroy, expunge.
obliteration, n. extinction, erasure, effacement, removal.
oblivious, a. unmindful, unconscious, forgetful, heedless, disregardful.
obnoxious, a. subject, liable; offensive, odious, hateful, displeasing.
obscene, a. smutty, lewd, gross, indecent, immodest, indelicate, ribald.
obscenity, n. lewdness, smut, ribaldry, indecency, bawdiness, immodesty.
obscure, a. abstruse, vague, recondite, indefinite, ambiguous; humble, inglorious, mean, undistinguished; secluded, retired, remote; shaded, darkened.
obscure, v. darken, obfuscate, bedim, eclipse; involve, dissemble, disguise, confuse.
obscuring, n. obscuration, obscurity.
obscurity, n. ambiguity, vagueness; privacy, seclusion, retirement; darkness, obfuscation, obscuration.
obsequious, a. sycophantic, cringing, fawning, deferential, servile.
obsequiousness, n. sycophancy.
obsolete, a. disused, archaic, antiquated, unfashionable, old-fashioned.
obstacle, n. obstruction, barrier, impediment, hindrance, stumbling-block.
obstetrician, n. midwife, accoucheur.
obstetrics, n. tocology, midwifery.
obstinacy, n. incompliance, doggedness, perversity, obduracy, intractability, stubbornness.
obstinate, a. incompliant, intractable, mulish, perverse, dogged, contumacious, stubborn. Antonyms: amenable, yielding, tractable, submissive, compliant, obedient.
obstreperous, a. clamorous, vociferous, noisy, uproarious, boisterous.
obstruct, v. impede, oppose, retard, barricade, blockade, clog, interrupt, bar, restrain.
obstruction, n. obstacle, impediment, barrier, blockade, restraint.
obtain, v. gain, get, procure, acquire, win, attain, secure.
obtainable, a. procurable, attainable, accessible. Antonyms: unobtainable, unprocurable, unattainable, inaccessible.
obtrusive, a. officious, meddlesome, intrusive, forward. Antonyms: inobtrusive, retiring.
obvious, a. plain, evident, palpable, manifest, patent, self-evident.
occult, a. mystic, mystical, abstruse, recondite, secret, unrevealed.
occupant, n. occupier, tenant, holder, incumbent, possessor, lessee.
occupation, n. occupancy, tenure, incumbency; vocation, employment. See business.
occupational, a. vocational.
occupy, v. hold, keep, possess, fill; engage, absorb, employ, busy, monopolize.
ocean, n. main, deep. Associated Words: oceanic, interoceanic, doldrums, oceanography, oceanology, terrigenous, Oceanus, transoceanic.
odd, a. unmatched, single, uneven; singular, peculiar, unusual, unique, strange, quaint, extraordinary, queer, eccentric, whimsical, freakish, baroque, fantastic, nondescript, abnormal, bizarre, erratic, unconventional, curious, capricious; extra, remaining, additional, redundant, casual, supernumerary.
oddity, n. oddness, singularity; curiosity, nondescript, marvel, wonder.
odds, sing, and pl. advantage, preponderance, inequality, disparity; probability.
odds and ends. remnants, fragments, orts, culls, scraps.
odious, a. detestable, abominable, execrable, offensive, repulsive, hateful, loathsome.
odium, n. detestation, unpopularity, hatred, contempt, dislike, opprobrium.
odor, n. smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, redolence, perfume, savor; stink, stench, fetor. Associated Words: deodorize, deodorization, deodorant, deodorizer, antibromic, disinfectant, disinfect, disinfection, exhale, exhalation, effluvium, emanation.
odorless, a. inodorous, savorless, scentless.
odorous, a. odoriferous, fragrant, savory, aromatic, balmy, scented.
offal, n. refuse, waste, rubbish, garbage.
offend, v. displease, affront, provoke, mortify, exasperate, incense, wound, shock.
offender, n. delinquent, wrong-doer, trespasser, malefactor, culprit, criminal.
offense, n. crime, wrong, sin, outrage, indignity; displeasure, resentment, dudgeon, umbrage; misdemeanor, transgression, delinquency, trespass.
offensive, a. obnoxious, displeasing, noisome, distasteful, insolent, abusive, aggressive, assailant, fetid, disagreeable, opprobrious, scurrilous, fulsome.
offer, v. tender, proffer, propose, propound, volunteer, bid; immolate, sacrifice.
offer, n. tender, proposition, bid, overture, proffer.
offering, n. overture, proposition, bid; sacrifice, oblation; offertory; corban.
offhand, a. extemporaneous, impromptu, improvised, unstudied.
office, n. duty, function, service, work, charge, trust, business.
office-holder, n. officer, official, functionary, placeman.
officer, n. office-holder, magistrate, dignitary, incumbent.
officially, adv. ex-officio.
officious, a. meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive, pragmatical, impertinent.
offscouring, n. refuse, scum, offscum, recrement, dross, trash, waste.
offset, n. set-off, counterbalance, equivalent.–v. counterbalance, counterpoise.
offshoot, n. scion, branch.
offspring, n. children, issue, progeny, posterity, descendants.
often, adv. frequently, repeatedly, oftentimes, ofttimes. Antonyms: seldom, infrequently.
oil, v. lubricate.
oiliness, n. lubricity, unctuousness, unctuosity, oleosity, glibness.
oil-producing, a. oleiferous.
oilstone, n. hone.
oily, a. unctuous, oleaginous, emulsive, lubricous; glib, fluent, plausible.
ointment, n. unguent, embrocation, salve.
old, a. aged, elderly, senescent, decrepit, venerable, patriarchal, superannuated, senile; former, pre-existing, preceding, ancient, archaic, antique, antiquated, olden, time-honored, traditional, immemorial, primitive, primordial, primeval, pristine, fossil; dilapidated, decayed, effete; practiced, veteran, experienced; sensible, astute, shrewd, sagacious.
old age. senility, dotage, superannuation, decrepitude. Associated words: geratology, geratic, gerontic.
old-fashioned, a. antiquated, archaic, _passé_, antique, obsolete, fogram, frumpish.
old-fashioned word. archaism.
old iron, glass, etc. junk.
old maid. spinster.
old man. veteran, patriarch, Nestor, elder, oldster, Methuselah, dotard; gaffer, crone, geezer; centenarian, octogenarian, sexagenarian, nonagenarian.
old-time, a. late, former, quondam.
old woman. beldame, crone, gammer; witch, hag, harridan.
old-womanish, a. anile.
old-womanishness, n. anility.
omen, n. foretoken, sign, augury, portent, presage, prognostic, auspice.
ominous, a. portentous, monitory, premonitory, threatening.
omission, n. default, oversight, neglect, pretermission, omittance, non-performance.
omit, v. leave out, slap, pretermit, disregard, neglect, overlook, ignore, delete.
omittance, n. omission, forbearance, default, neglect, oversight.
omnipresence, n. ubiquity.
omnipresent, n. ubiquitous.
one, n. unit. Associated Words: unify, unity, unification, numerary.
one after the other. _seriatim_; tandem; alternately, consecutively.
one hundred years. century, centenary. Associated Words: centenarian, centennial.
one letter. Associated Word: uniliteral.
on end. erect, perpendicular, upright.
oneness, n. unity, singleness, individuality, unanimity.
onerous, a. laborious, difficult, arduous.
one-sided, a. unilateral; partial, unfair, inequitable, _ex parte_.
one year. Associated Words: annual, annually.
on horseback. mounted.
onion, n. (that does not bottom out) scallion, eschallot, shallot. Associated Words: alliaceous, cepaceous, leek, allium, garlic.
onlooker, n. looker-on, bystander, spectator, beholder, witness, eye-witness.
on tap. broached, abroached.
on the sly. (Collog.) sly, covertly, furtively, clandestinely, surreptitiously, secretly.
ooze, v. filter, exude, percolate, transude, seep.
oozing, n. percolation, filtering, exudation, distillation, transudation.
opalescence, n. iridescence.
opalescent, a. iridescent.
opaque, a. intransparent; (Colloq.) obscure, unintelligible.
open, a. accessible, clear, unobstructed, unrestricted; ajar, unlocked; extended, expanded, spread, gaping, yawning, unfolded, dehiscent; frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, guileless, overt, undisguised; generous, liberal, bounteous, open-handed; revealed, patent, manifest; unsettled, undetermined, debatable, undecided, controvertible; mild, clement; free, disengaged, unappropriated, unemployed.
open, v. spread, expand, unfold, evolve; reveal, disclose; unclose, unlock, unfasten; begin, commence; dehisce.
open-air, a. outdoor, al-fresco.
opening, a. beginning, introductory, initiatory, preliminary.
opening, n. aperture, fissure, gap, orifice, rift, chasm, hiatus, rent; beginning, introduction, outset; vacancy.
openly, adv. publicly, unreservedly, candidly.
open-mouthed, a. gaping, yawning; greedy, clamorous, ravenous, rapacious, eager.
opiate, n. narcotic, anodyne, sedative, dormitive, soporific.
opiate, a. somniferous, narcotic, anodyne, sedative, soporiferous, dormitive.
opinion, n. belief, judgment, impression; decision, ruling, verdict, sentence.
opium, n. Associated Words: narcotic, opiate, chandoo, thebaine, narcotine, codeine, dope, meconism, meconology, meconophagism, meconophagist, opiophagism.
opponent, n. adversary, antagonist, rival, competitor.
opportune, a. timely, seasonable, apropos, felicitous, appropriate.
oppose, v. combat, resist, confront, withstand, oppugn, impugn, contend, antagonize, contravene, discountenance, gainsay, contradict. Antonyms: yield, acquiesce, concur, agree.
opposer, n. opponent, antagonist.
opposing, a. conflicting, antagonistic, contending, opposite, adverse.
opposite, n. antithesis, counterpart, antipodes.
opposite, a. contrary, adverse, diametrical, antagonistic, inverse, reverse, contradictory, counter, incompatible, antithetic, antipodal, inconsistent.
opposition, n. resistance, counteraction, hostility, repulse, rebuff, recalcitration, counterview, antagonism, contradiction, obstacle, impediment, obstruction. Antonyms: acquiescence, non-resistance, concurrence, agreement.
oppress, v. burden, overwhelm, aggrieve, tyrannize, persecute, overpower.
oppression, n. tyranny, persecution, extortion, hardship, severity.
oppressive, a. rigorous, tyrannical, extortionate, burdensome.
oppressor, n. tyrant, persecutor, extortioner.
option, n. choice, preference, election, discretion, alternative. Antonyms: constraint, coercion, compulsion.
optional, a. discretional, elective. Antonyms: compulsory, coercive, obligatory.
oral, a. spoken, verbal, parole, vocal, nuncupative.
oration, n. declamation, rhetoric.
orator, n. declaimer, rhetorician.
oratorical, a. rhetorical, eloquent, declamatory.
ordeal, n. crucible.
order, n. mandate, command, precept, direction, decree, decretal, injunction; rule, regulation, law, canon, prescription; method, system, disposition, arrangement; succession, sequence; dictation, bidding, commission; grade, degree, class; tranquillity, quiet.
order, v. methodize, systematize, regulate; bid, command, dictate, enjoin.
ordering, n. distribution, disposition, regulation.
orderly, a. systematic, methodical, well-regulated, regular; peaceable.
ordinary, a. common, regular, conventional, commonplace, mediocre, average, usual.
organic, a. constitutional, vital, fundamental, essential, inherent, instrumental.
organization, n. organism; formation, construction, making.
organize, v. arrange, systematize, form.
orgies, n. pl. carousal, revels, debauch, wassail, saturnalia, bacchanals, riot.
origin, n. source, beginning, derivation, rise, origination.
original, a. first, primeval, aboriginal, primitive, archetypal, primordial, pristine; creative, productive, inventive, ingenious. Antonyms: derivative, copied.
original, n. origin, archetype, prototype, model, pattern.
Orkney Islands. Associated Word: Orcadian.
ornament, n. decoration, embellishment, adornment, garniture, ornamentation; parure.
ornament, v. decorate, embellish, garnish, bedeck, grace, beautify.
ornamental, a. embellishing, beautifying, garnishing.
ornamentation, n. adornment, garniture, embellishment; arabesque, moresque; purfling; fret-work.
ornate, a. ornamented, decorated, embellished, florid, adorned.
orthodox, a. Antonym: heterodox.
orthodoxy, n. Antonym: heterodoxy.
oscillate, v. fluctuate, vacillate.
ostentatious, a. showy, pompous, spectacular, gaudy, pretentious.
ounce by ounce. _unciatim_.
oust, v. eject, evict, dispossess, dislodge, remove, displace, expel, depose.
ousting, n. ejection, eviction, expulsion, dispossession, ouster, removal, disseizin, deposition.
out, adv. away, absent, abroad; outright, aloud, audibly; wanting, lacking, deficient in; extinguished; at variance.
out and out. wholly, completely, openly.–a. absolute, unqualified, undisguised.
outbounds, n. pl. limits, boundaries, confines.
outbreak, n. eruption, outburst, uprising.
outburst, n. eruption, outbreak, paroxysm, access, ebullition.
outcast, n. pariah, castaway, reprobate, Ishmaelite.
outcome, n. consequence, outgrowth, result, issue, upshot, eventuation.
outdo, v. excel, surpass, outvie, outstrip, exceed.
outer, a. external, exterior.
outermost, a. extreme, uttermost, utmost.
outfit, n. equipment.
outflow, n. effusion, outpouring.
outgeneral, v. outmaneuver, circumvent.
outgrowth, n. excrescence; outcome.
outlandish, a. grotesque, bizarre, barbarous, unconventional, freakish.
outlast, v. outwear, survive.
outlaw, n. bandit, desperado.–v. proscribe.
outlawry, n. proscription.
outlay, n. expenditure, disbursement.
outlet, n. egress, vent, exit.
outline, n. contour, circumference, periphery, profile; sketch, draught, scenario.
outlive, v. survive.
outlook, n. prospect, view, vista; watch-tower; foresight.
outlying, a. remote, detached, distant, frontier.
out of joint. unhinged, dislocated.
out of order. disordered, disarranged, jumbled, chaotic, disorganized.
out of place. misplaced; improper, unbecoming.
out of reach. inaccessible, unattainable.
outrage, n. indignity, affront, insult, assault.
outrageous, a. atrocious, nefarious, wanton, flagrant, unwarrantable, furious, monstrous, villainous.
outright, adv. unconditionally, utterly.
outside, n. exterior.
outside, a. external.
outskirt, n. edge, border, purlieu, suburb, frontier.
outspoken, a. unreserved, frank, explicit, blunt, ingenuous.
outward, a. external, exterior, outer, superficial, surface, extrinsic.
outweigh, v. overweigh, overbalance, preponderate.
outweighing, n. preponderance, preponderation.–a. preponderant.
outwit, v. circumvent, outgeneral, defeat.
oval, a. elliptical.
oven mop. scovel.
over, adv. across, crosswise, athwart, transversely.
overawe, v. intimidate, daunt.
overbearing, a. haughty, arrogant, dictatorial, magisterial, lordly, dogmatical, supercilious, imperious, cavalier, overweening.
overcharge, n. extortion.
overcoat, n. great coat, topcoat, ulster, raglan, inverness, surtout, paletot.
overcome, v. surmount, conquer, subdue, master, vanquish, overpower, subjugate.
overcoming, a. conquering, overmastering, overwhelming, irresistible.
over-confident, a. rash, presumptuous, incautious.
overdo, v. overwork, overtask, overtax, exhaust; exaggerate.
overeat, v. gorge, glut, satiate.
overfeed, v. surfeit, stuff, satiate, gorge, pamper.
overfeeding, n. surfeit, superalimentation, pampering.
overfill, v. surcharge.
overflow, n. deluge, flood, inundation; exuberance, superabundance, profusion.
overflow, v. inundate, deluge, engulf.
overflowing, n. overflow, inundation; exuberance, copiousness, superabundance.
overfull, a. surcharged, plethoric, surfeited, gorged.
overfullness, n. plethora, surfeit, satiety, engorgement, congestion, repletion.
overhang, n. projection.
overhead, adv. aloft, above.
overlapping, a. obvolute, obvoluted, imbricate, imbricated.–n.imbrication.
overlook, v. supervise, oversee; inspect, overhaul, examine, neglect, disregard, skip, slight, ignore; condone, connive at, forgive.
overnice, a. fastidious, squeamish.
overplus, n. surplus, excess, surplusage, residue, rest.
overpower, v. vanquish, subdue, conquer, overcome, defeat, crush, overwhelm, rout, master, subjugate, overmatch.
overpowering, a. overwhelming, conquering, irresistible, overmastering.
overpowering, n. vanquishment, conquering, defeat, subjugation, overthrow.
overrate, v. overvalue, overestimate, overprize.
overreach, v. outwit, dupe, swindle. See cheat.
override, v. trample upon, supersede, annul, abrogate.
overrule, v. annul, rescind, abrogate, revoke, supersede, set aside.
overruling, a. predominant, prevailing, controlling.
overruling, n. abrogation, cancellation, rescission.
overrun, v. infringe, invade.
oversee, v. superintend, supervise.
overseer, n. superintendent, supervisor, inspector, taskmaster, foreman, monitor.
overshoe, n. galoshe, rubber, arctic.
oversight, n. superintendence, supervision, care, inspection, surveillance, control, charge; overlooking, connivance, omission, failure, inadvertence, default, inattention, lapse.
overstate, v. exaggerate.
overstep, v. exceed, trespass, infringe, intrench, encroach.
oversupply, n. excess, superabundance, surfeit, glut, repletion.
overt, a. public, apparent, unconcealed, patent.
overthrow, v. upset, overturn; demolish, prostrate, subvert, defeat, vanquish, rout, overpower, overcome, subjugate, raze, worst.
overthrow, n. overthrowing, demolition, subversion, undoing, reversal, prostration, defeat, bouleversement.
overtop, v. transcend, surpass, dwarf, overshadow.
overture, n. See offer.
overvalue, v. overrate, overestimate, overprize.
overweening, a. haughty, arrogant, cavalier, supercilious, lordly, conceited.
overweening, n. conceit, arrogance, superciliousness, lordliness.
overweight, n. preponderance.
overwhelm, v. overflow, submerge, ingulf, drown, overpower, crush.
overwhelming, a. irresistible, overpowering.
owing, n. indebtedness.
owing, a. due, payable, unpaid; ascribable, traceable, imputable, attributable, referable; indebted.
own, v. admit, acknowledge, confess, allow, concede, grant; possess. Antonyms: disown, deny.
owner, n. proprietor.
ownership, n. proprietorship, claim, title.
oysters, n. pl. Mollusca, Ostrea. Associated Words: ostreaceous, ostreaculture, ostreophagist, ostreophagous, ostriferous, bivalve, spawn, cultch, spat.
pace, n. amble, rack.
pacifiable, a. placable, appeasable, conciliable.
pacify, v. appease, quiet, calm, mollify, propitiate, tranquilize.
pack, n. bundle, bale, parcel, package; multitude, number, quantity; gang; shook.
pack, v. compress, stow, truss; load, encumber.
package, n. bundle, packet, bale, parcel, pack, budget, truss, ceroon.
pact, n. compact, covenant, concordat. See agreement.
pad, n. cushion, bolster; saddle-cloth, housing.
padlock, n. Associated Words: shackle, staple, hasp.
pagan, n. See heathen.
page, n. footboy, buttons (Colloq.); folio.
page number. folio.
pail, n. bucket; piggin.
pain, v. hurt, torture, rack; distress, grieve, afflict, aggrieve.
pain, n. punishment, penalty; suffering, ache, smart, throe, rack, agony, torture, distress, qualm, discomfort, pang, excruciation, paroxysm, gripe, twinge, cramp, travail, stitch, crick, anguish; heartache, misery, dolor. Antonyms: ease, comfort, relief, solace. Associated Words: anodyne, anæsthetic, analgesic, dolorific, doloriferous, surcease, anæsthetize.
painful, a. distressing, agonizing, excruciating, dolorous, racking; toilsome, arduous, difficult.
painstaking, a. diligent, particular, precise, scrupulous. Antonyms: slovenly, negligent.
paint, n. pigment; cosmetic, rouge.
paint, v. delineate, portray, lim, depict, picture, sketch.
painting, n. Associated Words: easel, palette, grisaille, artist, art, atelier, studio.
pair, n. two, brace, couple, span, team, yoke, set.
pal, n. (Slang) partner, mate, confederate, associate, accomplice.
palace, n. mansion, castle, pretorium. Associated Words: palatine, palatial.
palaver, n. cajolery, flummery; conference, debate, talk.
pale, a. pallid, wan, colorless, ghastly, blanched, cadaverous, etiolate, ashy; dim, faint, indistinct, obscure. Antonyms: ruddy, buxom, flushed, blowzed.
pale, n. picket; boundary, limit, confine, fence; inclosure.
paleness, n. pallidness, pallor, wanness, colorlessness, etiolation.
pall, v. cloy, sate, satiate, surfeit, glut.
palled, a. surfeited, satiated.
palliate, v. excuse, apologize for, gloss over, extenuate; moderate, mitigate, temper.
palliation, n. extenuation, glossing over, excuse, apology; moderation, mitigation, alleviation.
palliative, a. lenitive, mitigative, palliatory, apologetic, extenuating.
pamper, v. overfeed, feed luxuriously; indulge, gratify, spoil, cocker.
pamphlet, n. brochure, booklet, tract.
pan, n. basin, chafer.
panacea, n. cure-all, catholicon, relief, solace, nepenthe.
pancake, n. griddlecake, flapjack, fritter.
pander, n. bawd, pimp, procurer, whoremonger.
panegyric, n. eulogy, encomium. See praise.
panic, n. consternation, terror, alarm.
panic-stricken, a. panic-struck, alarmed, dismayed, terrified, appalled.