balance, v. poise, librate; equal, counterpoise, counteract, counterbalance, countervail; adjust, equalize, square. Antonyms: unbalance, derange, preponderate.
balance, n. scales; equipoise, equilibrium, steadiness; surplus, excess, remainder, overplus; poise, equipoise; weighing, estimate. Antonyms: preponderance, deficit, deficiency.
balcony, n. gallery, terrace.
bald, a. hairless, polled; tonsured; unadorned, literal, undisguised, unvarnished, unqualified; uncorroborated, unsupported, glaring, mere.
balderdash, n. flummery, nonsense, jargon, fustian, moonshine, twaddle, fudge.
baldness, n. alopecia. Associated Word: alopecist.
balk, v. frustrate, baffle, foil, thwart, disappoint; jib.
balky, a. refractory, perverse, recalcitrant, contrary, stubborn.
ball, n. sphere, globe, orb, pellet; pome, pommel; base-ball, football, lacrosse, basket-ball, tether-ball; bullet, projectile, dejectile, missile; glomeration, conglobation; fandango (Mexico).
ballarag, v. (Slang) bully, threaten, browbeat, overbear, intimidate.
ballast, n. steadiness, self-control, equipoise, stability, judgment.
ballet, n. Associated Words: choreograph, choreographer.
ballet-dancer, n. _danseuse_, _coryphee_, _figurante_.
balloon, n. aërostat.
ballooning, n. aëronautics, aërostation, balloonery.
balloonist, n. aëronaut, aërostat, ballooner.
balm, n. unguent, ointment; mitigant, anodyne, assuager, nepenthe, balsam.
balmy, a. aromatic, odoriferous, sweet-smelling, odorous, balsamic.
bamboozle, v. (Colloq.) cheat, humbug, impose upon, dupe.
ban, n. announcement, notice; curse, anathema, denunciation, malediction, execration; interdiction, proscription, interdict, taboo.
ban, v. curse, anathematize, execrate; interdict, forbid, proscribe, taboo.
banal, a. commonplace, platitudinous, hackneyed, trite.
banality, n. platitude, commonplace.
band, n. fillet, fetter, manacle, shackle, gyve; cincture, girth, swaddle; belt, zone, cestus; bandage, link, bond, vinculum, withe; company, crew, troop, gang, coterie; cabal, clique, club, junto, league; orchestra.
band, v. league, confederate, unite, clique.
bandage, n. ligature, deligation, fillet; capeline, fasciation, fascia, spica.
bandage, v. deligate, swathe.
bandit, n. outlaw, brigand, footpad, highwayman, marauder, desperado.
bang, v. thump, cudgel, maul; slam; resound, reëcho.
bang, n. thump, whack, rap, knock; clangor, clang.
banish, v. exile, expatriate, relegate; drive away, dismiss, expel.
banished person. exile, expatriate.
banishment, n. exile, expatriation, relegation, proscription, expulsion.
banister, n. baluster; pl. balustrade.
bank, n. mound, pile, ridge, dike, heap, drift, embankment, brink, shore, rivage, rim, brim, marge, strand; shallow, shoal, bar; levee; terreplein.
bank, v. embank, dike; pile up, heap up.
bankrupt, a. insolvent; depleted, impoverished. Antonym: solvent.
bankrupt, v. impoverish, ruin, break.
bankruptcy, n. insolvency. Antonym: solvency.
banner, n. flag, standard, gonfalon, ensign, oriflame, vexillum, banderole, colors, pavilion.
banquet, n. junket, regalement, feast.–v. feast, junket, regale.
banter, n. joking, jesting, pleasantry, badinage, chaff, raillery, persiflage, asteism.
banter, v. jest, chaff, rally, roast.
baptism, n. baptizing; parabaptism, pedobaptism; hypothetical, baptism. Associated Words: baptize, christen, font, baptistery, baptismal.
bar, n. obstruction, barrier, impediment, obstacle, barricade, hindrance; shoal, sandbar, bank; ingot; lever, pole, rod; tribunal, judgment-seat; jimmy, betty.
bar, v. debar, except, exclude; obstruct, restrain, hinder.
barbarian, a. barbarous, savage, rude, uncivilized.–n. savage.
barbarism, n. savagery, savagism; outrage, brutality, atrocity; vulgarism, impropriety (of speech), solecism.
barbarity, n. barbarism, barbarousness, inhumanity, brutality.
barbarous, a. uncivilized, barbarian, inhuman, truculent, brutal.
barber, n. tonsor. Associated Word: tonsorial.
barber’s itch. sycosis.
bare, a. naked, nude, undressed, denuded, unveiled, exposed, undraped, _in puris naturalibus_; unadorned, bald, meager, unembellished, uncolored, unvarnished; empty, destitute, unfurnished; threadbare, pileworn, napless; meer, alone, sheer.
bare, v. denude, strip, divest, expose, undress, unmask.
barefaced, a. unmasked, undisguised, glaring, notorious; shameless, unabashed, brazen, audacious.
barefooted, a. unshod, discalced, discalceated.
bareness, n. nakedness, nudity.
bargain, v. stipulate, agree, contract, covenant; barter.
bark, n. cortex. Associated Words: cortical, corticate, corticiferous, corticiform, phleophagus, corticose, periderm, liber, decortication, decorticator.
bark, v. peel, flay, skin, decorticate; bay, yelp, yap.
barn, n. stable.
barrel, n. cask, cade, butt, puncheon, tierce, hogshead, keg, rundlet; (of wine) 31-1/2 gallons; (of flour) 196 pounds. Associated words: gauntree, cooper, bilge, stave, hoop, chine.
barren, a. sterile, agenestic, infecund, unprolific, unprocreant; unproductive, unfruitful, unfertile, effete, desert; unprofitable, fruitless, unremunerative, empty; stupid, dull, unimaginative, prosaic, devoid, uninspiring, uninteresting. Antonyms: prolific, fecund, virile, fruitful, fertile, teeming.
barrenness, n. sterility, infecundity, unprolificness, infertility. Antonyms: fecundity, prolificness, fertility.
barrier, n. obstruction, impediment, obstacle, hindrance, barricade.
barter, n. traffic, exchange, trade, business.–v. traffic, trade, exchange.
base, a. debased, impure, spurious, alloyed, counterfeit; low-minded, unworthy, ignoble, mean, servile, groveling; despicable, discreditable, disgraceful, venal; plebeian, obscure, untitled, unhonored.
base, n. basis, bottom, foundation, groundwork; pedestal; plinth.
baseboard, n. mopboard, scrubboard.
baseborn, a. plebeian.
baseless, a. unfounded, groundless.
basement, n. cellar. Associated Word: area.
bashful, a. over-modest, diffident, coy, shamefaced, sheepish, retiring.
bashfulness, n. modesty, diffidence, shyness, over-modesty.
basis, n. foundation.
bask, v. luxuriate, revel.
basket, n. hamper, creel, hanaper, pannier, corb, tumbril, dosser, canister, prickle, corf, bassinet, voider, flasket, punnet, wicker, wicker-work, scuttle.
basket-bearer, n. canephore, canephorus. (Gr. Antiq.)
bastard, n. illegitimate child, love-child, whoreson; mamzer (Mosaic law).
bastard, a. illegitimate, adulterine; spurious, false, counterfeit, supposititious.
bastardize, v. illegitimatize, Antonyms: legitimate, legitimatize.
baste, v. beat, cudgel, pound, pommel, buffet, thrash, maul, strike.
bat, n. club, cudgel; brickbat; cheiropter, vampire; racket; (Slang) blow, stroke, buffet; (Slang) spree, jollification.
batch, n. quantity, collection, lot, assortment.
bate, n. puer, grainer.
bath, n. ablution, lavement; bathroom, lavatory. Associated Words: balneal, balneary, balneography, balneology balneotherapy, laver.
bathe, v. lave, wash; foment; surround, envelop, enwrap, suffuse.
bathing, n. ablution, lavement.
baton, n. staff, wand, sceptre, truncheon.
batten, v. fatten.
batter, v. smite, pelt, assault; demolish, raze, shatter.
battle, n. engagement, fight, encounter, skirmish, contest, combat, tournament, strife.
battle array. battalia.
bauble, n. gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaws, trinket, plaything.
bawdy-house, n. brothel.
bay, n. bight, frith, estuary, fiord, bayou; recess, alcove, sinus, oriel (bay window); bay-tree, sweet laurel; last resort, desperation; pl. honors, garland, renown.
beach, n. shore, strand, shingle, marge.
beached, a. stranded, aground.
beacon, n. balefire, signal fire; signal, pharos. Associated Word: pharology.
beadle, n. apparitor, summoner, servitor.
beads, n. pl. rosary; passementerie (beaded trimming); chaplet; wampum, suckanhock, peag.
beak, n. bill, nib, neb, mandible; prow, bow, rostrum. Associated word: cere.
beam, n. girder, joist; ray, gleam.
beam, v. gleam, shine, glitter, glisten, scintillate.
beaming, a. radiant, shining.
beanlike, a. fabaceous.
bear, n. Bruin; Ursus; Ephraim; cub, whelp; grumbler, growler, boor; musquaw.
bear, v. endure, tolerate, stand, undergo, brook, submit to, suffer, bear with; harbor, cherish, entertain; support, sustain, uphold; carry, convey, transport, waft; render, produce, yield; bring forth, teem; relate, refer, concern; press, push, oppress.
bearable, a. sufferable, tolerable, endurable. Antonyms: unbearable, intolerable.
beard, n. whiskers; goatee, mustache; awn, arista (beard of grain).
beard, v. defy, encounter, oppose.
bearded, a. whiskered; aristate, awned.
bearing, n. mien, carriage, port, demeanor, air, deportment; endurance, forbearance, long-suffering, toleration, sufferance; relation, connection, dependency; course, aim, direction; bringing forth, yielding.
bearish, a. discourteous, boorish, uncivil, rude; ursine, ursiform.
bear out. sustain, support, corroborate, confirm, uphold.
beast, n. brute; quadruped; monster, brute.
beastly, a. bestial, irrational, brutal; (Colloq.) abominable, disagreeable, nasty.
beat, v. forge, malleate, beetle, weld, hammer; belabor, maul, buffet, smite, flagellate, whack, pelt, strike; See whip; overcome, vanquish, surpass, conquer, eclipse, subdue, checkmate, rout, excel, outdo; cheat, swindle, defraud; throb, pulsate; pulverize, comminute, bruise, bray, triturate; perplex, pose, nonplus.
beat, n. throb, pulsation; round; superior.
beat, a. (Colloq.) exhausted, weary, fatigued, beaten.
beat back. repel, repulse, resist.
beaten, a. conquered, defeated, vanquished.
beating, n. flagellation, drubbing, flogging, fustigation, castigation, thumping, mauling, verberation, pommeling; pulsation, throb, throbbing, saltation; defeat, repulse; malleation, forging, welding.
beating, a. pulsating, throbbing, pulsatile.
beau, n. lover, sweetheart, gallant, swain, flame, cicisbeo, admirer, suitor, inamorato; dandy, popinjay, dude, fop, coxcomb, exquisite, blade.
beautiful, a. fair, lovely, handsome, comely, personable, beauteous, elegant, exquisite. Antonyms: homely, ugly, repulsive, unlovely, hideous, uncomely, inelegant.
beautify, v. embellish, adorn, grace, garnish.
beauty, n. loveliness, fairness, elegance, comeliness, pulchritude, grace, exquisiteness, charm, attraction. Associated Words: æsthetics, æsthetician, æstheticism, æsthete, æsthetic, esthetology, Apollo, Adonis, Venus, Hebe, Hyperion, Houri, Aphrodite.
becloud, v. dim, cloud, obscure, adumbrate, obfuscate.
becoming, a. appropriate, fit, seemly, befitting, comely. Antonyms: See unbecoming.
bed, n. berth, bunk, couch, cot; pallet, paillasse, mattress; cradle, trundle-bed; deposit, seam, vein, stratum. Associated Words: decumbiture, lectual, clinic, clinical, valance, alcove.
bedbug, n. chinch.
bedclothes, n. pl. Associated Words: floccillation, carphology, tilmus.
bedim, v. obscure, becloud, adumbrate, overcast.
bedlam, n. madhouse, insane asylum; babel, pandemonium.
bedroom, n. chamber.
bedsore, n. decubitus.
bedspread, n. counterpane, coverlet.
bed-wetting, n. enuresis.
beehive, n. beehouse, apiary, alveary.
bees, n. pl. Associated Words: apiology, apiculture, apiologist, apian, apiarian, apiarist, apivorous, hive, swarm, cerago, beebread.
beetle, n. mallet (heavy); scarabee, clock, coleopter, scarab. Associated Words:: coleopterist, coleopteral.
beetle, v. overhang, jut out, protrude, project.
befall, v. happen, supervene, betide, bechance.
befitting, a. suitable, proper, becoming, appropriate, seemly, meet, applicable, congruous.
before, prep. preceding, ahead of, anterior to, previously to, prior.
before death. ante-mortem.
before the flood. antediluvian, antediluvial.
before the war. ante-bellum.
befuddle, v. confuse, mystify, bewilder.
beg, v. beseech, supplicate, implore; ask alms.
beget, v. procreate, engender, generate, get.
begetter, n. procreator, generator, father.
beggar, n. mendicant, starveling, fakir, vagrant, eleemosynary, prog, tramp, bezonian, mumper, schnorrer (Jewish).
beggar, v. impoverish, ruin; exhaust, surpass, go beyond.
beggarly, a. indigent, destitute; despicable, pitiable, paltry.
beggary, n. mendicancy, indigence, penury, want, pauperism.
begging letter or drawing. screeve.
begin, v. commence; arise, spring, originate.
begin again. resume, recommence.
beginner, n. tyro, novice, neophyte, learner, apprentice, understudy, novitiate, probationer, catechumen, recruit.
beginning, n. commencement, inception, opening, outset, initiation, indication, incipience, nascency, incipiency, threshold, tyronism, novitiate; origin, source.
beginning again. resumption, recommencement.
begone, interj. avaunt.
beguile, v. insnare, mislead, lure, deceive, cheat; while away.
beguilement, n. imposition, deception.
behave, v. deport one’s self, act, bear.
behavior, n. conduct, deportment, actions, demeanor.
behead v. decapitate, decollate, execute.
beheading, n. decapitation, decollation, execution.
behindhand, a. and adv. in arrears; dilatory, late, tardy, unpunctual.
beholden, a. obliged, indebted, bound.
beholder, n. spectator, witness, onlooker, eye-witness.
being, n. existence, entity. Antonyms: nonexistence, nonentity. Associated Words: ontology, metaphysics, ontological, ontologist.
belch, v. eruct, expel, throw up; eructate.
belching, n. eructation.
belfry, n. bell-tower, campanile. Associated Words: louver boarding.
belief, n. credence; persuasion, faith; conviction, assurance, confidence; tenet, dogma, creed, opinion, doctrine, cult, view, principle; intuition; superstition, fanaticism. Antonyms: doubt, disbelief, skepticism, misgiving, incredulity. Associated Words: credulous, incredulous, credulity, credibility, incredibility, gull, gullible, gullibility.
believable, a. credible.
belittle, v. decry, disparage, underrate, depreciate.
bell, n. campana, carillon, curfew, tocsin, gong. Associated Words: campanology, campanologist, peal, ring, knell, toll, chime.
bellicose, a. pugnacious, belligerent.
belligerent, a. at war, warring, militant; bellicose, pugnacious.
bell-ringer, n. sexton, campanologist.
bell-shaped, a. campaniform, campanulate, campaniliform.
bell-tower, n. belfry, campanile.
belly, n. abdomen, paunch; recesses, _penetralia_, depths.
belly-ache, n. colic, gripes, tormina, enteralgia.
belly-band, n. girth, surcingle.
belly-god, n. glutton, epicure, gourmand, sybarite, voluptuary.
belonging, n. appendage, appurtenance, adjunct concomitant, accessary, attribute.
below, adv. under, beneath, underneath.
below, prep. under, beneath, underneath; inferior to; unworthy of, unbefitting.
belt, n. girdle; girth, surcingle, cincture, cestus; zone; bandolier.
belt, v. encircle, begird, encompass, surround.
bemoan, v. lament, bewail, deplore.
bench, n. form; workbench.
bend, v. curve, flex, deflect, crook; direct, turn, apply; stoop, incline; yield, condescend.
bend, n. curve, deflection, crook, curvature, bight, coil, flexure, incurvation.
bendable, a. flexible, supple, lithe, pliable, pliant. Antonyms: See inflexible.
benefice, n. living (Eccl.); sinecure. Associated Words: advowson, simony, donative.
beneficent, a. benevolent, charitable, philanthropic, magnanimous, benignant.
beneficial, a. advantageous, salutary, profitable, useful, wholesome.
benefit, n. avail, profit, behalf, advantage, service.
benefit, v. help, conduce, avail, advantage, be useful to, do good to.
benevolence, n. beneficence, bounty, benignity, charity.
benevolent, a. benign, beneficent, bountiful, charitable, philanthropic.
benighted, a. unenlightened; belated.
bent, a. crooked, flexed, hooked; determined.
bent, n. leaning, bias, proclivity, tendency, predilection, predisposition.
benumb, v. stupefy, blunt, hebetate.
benumbed, a. torpid, unfeeling, stupefied.
bequeath, v. devise, will.
bequest, n. legacy.
berate, v. upbraid, rate, reprimand, censure.
berry, n. Associated Words: baccate, baccated, baccivorous, bacciferous, cocciferous, bacciform.
beseech, v. entreat, implore, adjure, supplicate.
beset, v. besiege, obsess, beleaguer, environ, encompass; perplex, harass.
besides, adv. moreover, furthermore, further, too.
besiege, v. obsess, environ, beset, beleaguer, encompass.
besieging, n. obsession.
best, a. supreme, consummate, superlative, crowning, incomparable, utmost.
bet, v. wager, stake.–n. wager.
betoken, v. foreshadow, portend, presage, foreshow, indicate, augur.
betray, v. seduce, mislead, delude, beguile, inveigle; reveal, disclose; give up treacherously, give over to the enemy, act the traitor, be false to.
betrayal, n. treason, treachery, perfidy; revelation, exposure; seduction.
betrayer, n. traitor, seducer; Judas.
betroth, v. affiance.
betrothal, n. affiance, betrothment.
better, n. upper hand, domination, advantage, control, superiority; improvement.
better, v. ameliorate, improve, emend, promote, reform, meliorate, amend.
betterment, n. amelioration, improvement, promotion, amendment, reformation.
between, prep. betwixt (Obsolescent).–a. interjacent, intervening.
betwixt and between. (Colloq.) so-so, mediocre, average, ordinary, indifferent.
bevy, n. (of birds) flock, covey; (of deer) herd; (of girls) group.
bewail, v. deplore, lament, bemoan, wail over.
bewilder, v. confuse, perplex, nonplus, obfuscate, confound, mystify, embarrass.
bewildered, a. perplexed, confused, mystified, nonplused, obfuscated.
bewildering, a. perplexing, confusing, puzzling, mystifying.
bewilderment, n. perplexity, confusion, mystification, obfuscation.
bewitch, v. charm, fascinate, captivate, enamor. Antonyms: disillusionize, repel, disabuse.
bewitchery, n. bewitchment, charm, fascination, witchery.
bewitching, a. enchanting, captivating, charming, irresistible.
bias, n. bent, proneness, predisposition, prejudice.
Bible, n. the Scriptures, the Word of God; (Catholic) Douay Bible, Vulgate; (Mohammedan) Koran. Associated Words: canonics, canon, canonical, anagogics, anagoge, exegesis, biblical, biblicist, bibliolater, bibliolatry, bibliology, biblist, bibliomancy, Hagiographa, hagiographer, hagiologist, hagiology, commentator, Heptateuch, Hexapla, Octapla, Apocrypha, Hexateuch, apologetics, concordance, synoptist, uncanonical, Homologoumena, Antilegomena.
bibulous, a. absorbent; intemperate, cup-loving, bibacious.
bickering, n. altercation, contention, wrangling, sparring, dissension, quarrel.
bid, v. offer, proffer; order, direct, enjoin, command; invite, ask; wish, greet, salute.
bidding, n. command, order, behest, dictation; offer, bid.
big, a. large, huge, bulky, massive, immense, gross, voluminous, capacious, extensive; pregnant; arrogant, overbearing, lordly, magisterial, pompous; bombastic, grandiose, grandiloquent, highflown, sesquipedalian, inflated, turgid.
bigamy, n. polygamy, polygyny.
big-bellied, a. abdominous, paunchy, pot-bellied.
bigness, n. size, bulk, largeness, magnitude, dimensions, volume, amplitude.
bigot, n. fanatic, zealot, dogmatist.
bigoted, a. dogmatic, narrow-minded, illiberal, intolerant.
bigotry, n. intolerance, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness.
bile, n. Associated Words: acholia, acholous, biliation, biliferous, cholecystis, Ibilious, cholagogue, choleric, choledology, fellinic, hypercholia, biliary, bilin, choleic.
bile, n. choler, bitterness:, anger, spleen, rancor, acrimony.
bill, n. circular, placard, dodger, poster, broadside, bulletin; invoice; statement; beak, nib, mandible.
billingsgate, n. vituperation, tirade, invective, ribaldry, abuse.
bill of fare. menu.
bin, n. crib, bunker, recepotacle.
bind, v. fetter, tie, fasten, secure, gird, confine, restrict, restrain; bandage, swathne; oblige, obligate, lay under, obligation; indenture, apprentice; confirm, sanction, ratify; swaddle. Antonyms: unbind, loose.
binding, n. ligature, ligsation, astriction, constriction bandage; obligation, reestraint, restriction; galloon swaddling.
binding, a. astringent, astrictive; obligatory, valid. Antonyms: optional, elective.
bird, n. (young) fledgeling, nestling; (one year old) annotine; squab; _rara avris_ (rare bird).
bird-catcher, n. fowler.
bird-catching, n. fowling, birding.
birds, n. pl. Aves; Avifauma. Associated Words: ornithology, ornithologist, ornithological, ornithotomy, ornithography, ornithoid, ornitholite, ornithon, ornithophilous, game, ornithic, aviary, avicular, aviculture, covey, neossology paleornithollogy, taxidermy, taxidermist, preen, rookery, cote, hutch, coop, cage, avian, poult, auspice, ariel, mute, Mallophaga.
birr. n. whirring.
birth n. nativity; origin, beginning, nascency, genesis; extraction, lineage; (new birth) regeneration, renaissance, regenesis, palingenesis. Associated Words: natal, native, pre-natal, post-natal, ante-natal, abortion, congenital, connate, connascent, connascence, horoscope, genial, genethliac, genethlialogy, genethliacs, sooterkin, uniparous, biparous, pluriparous, viable, viability, primiparous, natality.
birthday poem. genethliac.
birthmark, n. nævus.
birthright, n. inheritance.
bisexual, a. hermaphrodite.
bishop, n. diocesan, prelate; suffragan, coadjutor, metropolitan. Associated Words: episcopal, episcopacy, bishopdom, episcopicide, crosier, chimere, episcopate, rochet, gremial.
bishopric, n. diocese, see.
bit, n. morsel, fragment, scrap, crumb; mite, ace, scintilla, particle, whit, iota, tittle, grain, atom, jot, molecule, speck, mote.
bit by bit. piecemeal.
bitch, n. slut; whore.
bite, v. champ, nibble, chew; sting, smart, tingle; take hold of, adhere; nip, blight, blast.
bite, n. mouthful; wheal.
biting, a. stinging, sharp, cutting, sarcastic, caustic, scathing, bitter, satirical, pungent, piquant; nipping, blasting; erosive, corrosive, acrid, mordant.
bitter, a. acrid, acerb; poignant, intense; calamitous, distressing, virulent, acrimonious; implacable.
bitterness, n. acridity, acerbity; gall, wormwood; poignancy, intensity, severity; rancor, malice, malignity, implacableness.
bizarre, a. fantastic, whimsical, grotesque.
blab, n. babbler, blabber, telltale.–v. tell, tattle.
black, a. sable, ebon, inky, Stygian, Cimmerian, lowering, murky; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.
black, n. stain, smooch; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.
black and blue. livid, ecchymosed.
black and blue spot. ecchymosis, suggillation.
black art. necromancy, conjuration, magic, sorcery.
blacken, v. darken, denigrate; begrime, besmirch, tarnish, discolor; defame, malign.
blackguard, n. scoundrel, rascal, villain, ruffian.
blackguard, a. vicious, scurrilous, opprobrious, foul.
blackguardism, n. ruffianism, scoundrelism, rascality; scurrility, billingsgate.
blackhearted, a. villainous, abandoned, reprobate, diabolical, base, depraved.
black lead. graphite, plumbago.
blackleg, n. (Colloq.) gambler, gamester (disreputable).
blackness, n. black, nigritude; atrocity, heinousness, depravity.
Black Sea. Euxine.
blacksmith, n. ironsmith, farrier, horseshoer. Associated Words: Hephestian, anvil.
blacksmith’s shop. smithy, smithery, farriery, stithy, forge.
black vomit. melenemesis.
bladder, n. Associated Words: cystitis, cystic, cystocele, cystose, cystolith, cystotomy, lithotomy, lithotomist, endoscope, endoscopy, prostate, catheter, litholysis, utricular, lithotrity, lithotome, utriculate.
blade, n. leaf (of a plant), spire (of grass); buck, gallant, dandy.
blamable, a. culpable, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy.
blame, v. censure, reproach.
blame, n. censure, reproach, reprehension, condemnation, stricture, animadversion, reproof; culpability, reprehensibility, demerit, wrongdoing, fault.
blameless, a. guiltless, irreprehensible, inculpable, unimpeachable, faultless, irreproachable.
blameworthy, a. censurable, blamable.
bland, a. suave, mollifying, affable, complaisant; soothing, emollient, demulsive, assuasive.
blandish, v. flatter, cajole, caress.
blandishment, n. cajolery, wheedling, caresses, blandiloquence.
blank, a. void, empty, unfilled; expressionless, vacant: confounded, nonplused, astounded; unmitigated, absolute, downright.
blarney, n. (Colloq.) blandiloquence, palaver, blandishment, cajolery, flattery.
blamey, v. flatter, cajole, palaver, wheedle, blandish.
blasé, a. surfeited (with pleasure), sated, palled.
blasphemy, n. sacrilege, calumny, profanity.
blast, n. squall, gust; peal, blare, clang; explosion, discharge.
blast, v. blight, destroy; frustrate, ruin; explode, rend, open.
blasting, n. blighting, carbunculation; frustration, ruination.
blat, v. bleat.
blatant, a. brawling, clamorous, obstreperous, bawling braying.
blaze, n. flame.
blazing, a. flaming, ablaze, aflame. Antonym: smoldering.
blazon, v. emblazon; publish, display, exhibit.
bleach, v. etiolate, whiten, blanch.
bleaching, n. blanching, whitening, etiolation.
bleak, a. windswept, cheerless, raw, penetrating, desolate, dreary.
bleared, a. rheumy.
blearedness, n. lippitude, glama, epiphora.
bleed, v. exude.
bleeding, n. hemorrhage; phlebotomy, bloodletting, venesection. Associated Words: tourniquet, garrot, styptic.
blemish, v. deface, mar, disfigure, sully.
blemish, n. defect, fault, imperfection, eyesore, disfigurement, blot.
blench, v. flinch, recoil, shrink from.
blend, v. intermingle, fuse, merge, combine, mix, assimilate.
blend, n. mixture, merging, fusion, assimilation, synthesis.
blessing, n. benediction, benison, beatitude; boon, God-send.
blight, v. blast; ruin, frustrate, fowart.
blind, a. unseeing, sightless, purblind; oblivious, undiscriminating, inconsiderate, unmindful; unintelligible, illegible; obscure, intricate, involved.
blind, n. shade, curtain, screen; blinder, blinker; subterfuge, pretext, ruse, stratagem, pretense, feint sophistry.
blind alley. cul-de-sac, _impasse_.
blind gut. cæcum.
blinding, a. obscuring.
blindness, n. sightlessness, anopsia, purblindness; amaurosis.
blink, v. wink; connive at, disregard, overlook.
bliss, n. felicity, transport, rapture, beatitude, happiness, ecstasy.
blissful, a. felicitous, ecstatic, rapturous, beatific.
blister, n. vesicle, pustule, pustulation, bleb; vesicatory, vesicant, epispastic, pustulant.–v. vesicate, pustulate.
blistering, a. vesicatory, epispastic, pustulant.–n. vesication, pustulation.
bloat, v. inflate, distend.
bloated, a. distended, turgid, intumescent, tumefied.
bloating, n. dilatation, intumescence, turgidity.
block, v. obstruct, blockade.–n. obstruction, obstacle, barrier.
blockhead, n. dolt, dunce, simpleton, ninny, numskull.
blood, n. lifeblood; gore. Associated Words: hematology, hemorrhage, hemal, hematic, plethora, anæmia, sanguification, sanguify, clot, corpuscle, styptic, hematosis, sanguiferous, hematin, sanguine, sanguineous, sanguinivorous, hematophobia, hyperæmia.
blood, n. blade, spark.
bloodhound, n. sleuthhound.
bloodless, a. exsanguineous, exsanguious, anæmic.
bloodletting, n. venesection, bleeding, phlebotomy.
blood of the gods. ichor.
blood poisoning. toxæmia, septicæmia.
bloodshed, n. carnage, massacre, slaughter, bloodshedding.
bloodsucker, n. leech, sanguisuge; (Slang) extortioner; vampire.
bloodthirsty, a. sanguinary, truculent, ferocious, cruel.
blood vessel. artery; vein; capillary. Associated Words: angiology, angiography, angiotomy, intrafusion, embolism, embolus, thrombosis, thrombolism, rete, hillus, endothelium, epithelium.
bloody, a. gory, sanguinary, exsanguined, blood-stained.
bloom, n. blossom, blow; prime, vigor, heyday, flush; fuzz, down.
blossom, n. flower, florescence, inflorescence, efflorescence, bloom, blow, anthesis.–v. bloom, blow.
blot, n. stain, blemish, smutch, smooch, reproach; erasure, obliteration.
blot, v. stain, spot, blur, blemish, sully, disgrace, tarnish, dishonor; efface, erase, delete, obliterate, expunge; obscure, eclipse.
blotch, n. eruption, blain, bulla, pustule, bleb; splotch, smutch, blot.
blow, n. blossom, bloom; whack, knock, thwack, rap, thump, assault, stroke; buffet, calamity, disaster, reverse, misfortune.
blow, v. blossom, bloom; pant, puff, gasp; spout; inflate, puff up, distend; explode, shatter; (Colloq.) boast, brag, bluster, vaunt, gasconade; rant, scold, censure.
blower, n. (Slang) braggart, boaster, vaunter.
blowhole, n. spiracle.
blow out. extinguish.
blow-out, n. (Colloq.) jollification, celebration, feast, merry-making.
blowpipe analysis. Associated Word: pyritology.
blue, a. azure, cerulean, cerulific, sapphire, sapphirine, amethystine, turquoise, ultramarine, sky-colored; livid, ecchymosed; rigorous, severe; (Colloq.) melancholy, downhearted, depressed, despondent, dejected, low-spirited, dispirited, hypochondriac, chapfallen, gloomy, (Colloq.) gloomy, inauspicious, dismal, depressing; (Colloq.) pedantic, literary.
blue, n. azure, amethystine, sapphirine, cerulean; cyanin, anthokyan, anthocyanin.
blue jaundice. cyanopathy, cyanosis.
blues, n. pl. (Colloq.) despondency, melancholy, dismals, vapors, depression, blue devils, hypochondria, dumps, megrims.
bluff, a. abrupt, unceremonious, brusque; gruff, surly; precipitous, steep, abrupt.
bluff, v. (Colloq.) frighten, deter, intimidate.
blunder, n. bull, error, mistake, impropriety, slip, solecism, _faux pas_.
blundering, a. bungling, awkward, stupid, floundering.
blunt, a. dull, obtuse; abrupt, brusque, unceremonious, uncivil, ungracious, discourteous; stupid, stolid.
blunt, v. dull, deaden, stupefy; assuage, alleviate, mitigate.
blur, v. dim, bedim, obscure; sully, blemish; mackle, macule.
blur, n. blot, indistinctness; mackle, macule.
blurred, a. indistinct, obscure, dim, bedimmed, sullied.
blurt, v. ejaculate.
blushing, n. blush, erubescence.
bluster, v. swagger, storm, rage, gasconade, roister.
bluster, n. swaggering, gasconade, boasting; wind, storm.
blusterer, n. swaggerer, braggart, rodomont, roisterer, vaunter.
blustering, a. stormy, windy, tempestuous; swaggering, bullying, boastful, roistering.
boar, n. male hog; barrow (castrated); hogget (young boar).
boast, v. brag, vaunt, vapor, gasconade. Antonyms: belittle, decry, disparage.
boaster, n. braggart, vaunter, braggadocio, gascon, rodomont, blusterer, fanfaron, drawcansir.
boastful, a. bragging, vaunting, vainglorious, thrasonical, cockahoop, braggart, jactitatious.
boasting, n. bragging, gasconade, vaporing, fanfaronade, rodomontade, blague, bravado, blustering, jactitation, vaunting. Antonyms: disparagement, depreciation.
boat, n. water craft, launch, rowboat, canoe, gondola, punt, yacht, yawl, scull, cock, dugout, smack, pirogue, trawler, sloop, praam, coracle, pontoon, bateau, wherry, pinnace, scow, banca, transport, dory, galley, cruiser, ship, barge, bark, brig, bucentaur, skiff, caique, drogher, schooner, cockleshell, vessel, tug, towboat, tow, cog, wangan, ferry-boat, dinghey, argosy, oomiac, junk, longboat, catboat, felucca, cutter, frigate, xebec, tartan, una boat, moses, raft, catamaran, sampan, lifeboat, caravel, trekschuit, masoola, argo, coggle. Associated Words: davits, oar, helm, stern, pilot, rudder, flotilla, navy, navigation, fleet.
beatable, a. navigable.
boat races. regatta.
boat-shaped, a. navicular, scaphoid, cymbiform, naviform.
bob, n. pendant, float.
bobtailed, a. curtailed.
bode, v. forebode, foreshadow, augur, presage, betoken, portend.
bodiless, a. incorporeal, disembodied.
bodilessness, n. incorporeality, disembodiment.
bodily, a. physical, corporal, corporeal.
boding, a. ominous, portentous.
boding, n. omen, sign, prognostic, foreboding, augury, auspice, portent.
bodkin, n. stiletto, eyeleteer; tape needle.
body, n. the physical person; torso, trunk; physique; bulk, mass; axis, centrum; individual, person, creature; system, code; consistency, substance; hulk; cuerpo. Associated Words: physiology, anatomy, bicorporal, embody, embodiment, disembody, disembodiment, manikin, corporeality, corporeity, in cuerpo, somatic.
body servant. valet, squire.
body snatcher. resurrectionist, ghoul.
bodyguard, n. lifeguard, _garde du corps_, retinue.
bog, n. quagmire, marsh, swamp, fen, morass, slough.
boggle, v. hesitate, stickle, falter; bungle.
bogus, a. (Colloq.) spurious, counterfeit, fictitious, sham, fraudulent, forged, mock, false, supposititious.
bogy, n. bugaboo, bugbear, bogle, specter.
boil, n. furuncle. Associated Word: furuncular.
boil, v. seethe, simmer, effervesce.–n. boiling.
boil away. evaporate.
boiling, a. seething, ebullient, effervescent, simmering.
boiling, n. ebullition, coction, effervescence, seething, gurgitation, simmering, ebullience.
boisterous, a. noisy, tumultuous, turbulent, hoidenish, unrestrained, rude.
bold, a. daring, intrepid, brave; forward, immodest, rude, hoidenish, brazen, saucy, insolent, unabashed, audacious, pert, shameless, malapert; conspicuous, prominent, salient; steep, abrupt, precipitous, acclivitous, jagged. Antonyms: modest, bashful, diffident, coy, shy, timid, retiring.
bold-faced, a. impudent, brazen-faced, insolent.
boldness, n. temerity, impudence, presumption, effrontery, impertinence, nerve.
boll, n. pod, pericarp.
bolster, v. prop up, support, maintain.–n. cushion, pad, support.
bolt, v. sift; leave suddenly; gulp.
bomb, n. shell.
bombast, n. magniloquence, fustian, bombastry, altiloquence, grandiloquence.
bombastic, a. magniloquent, grandiose, high-sounding, turgid, inflated, grandiloquent.
bona fide. in good faith, real, actual, really, actually.
bond, n. band, tie, vinculum, copula; pl. shackles, manacles, fetters, constraint; pl. imprisonment, captivity, bondage, restraint; obligation.
bond, a. captive, enslaved.
bondage, n. servitude, slavery, captivity, bond service, thralldom, durance.
bondsman, n. bondman, slave, villain, serf; surety.
bone, n. (little) ossicle, osselet.
bone, n. Associated Words: osteology, osteography, ossify, ossification, ossiferous, ossific, splint, marrow, ossivorous, ossuary, osteoplasty, caries, osteopathy, solen, necrosis, gangrene, rongeur, impaction, calcify, calcification, bursa, ossein, ossifying, ostalgia, ossifragous, skeleton.
bone formation. ostosis, ossification, ectostosis, osteogeny.
boneless, a. exosseous.
bonelike, a. osseous, ossified, bony.
boneset, n. thoroughwort, Indian sage, feverwort.
bonmot, n. repartee.
bonnet, n. headdress, chapeau.
bonny, a. comely, pretty, merry, blithe, sportive, cheerful, buxom, chubby, plump.
bonus, n. premium; honorarium.
booby, n. dolt, dunce, simpleton, numskull, coot, ninny, dullard, witling.
boodle, n. (Slang) swag.
boohoo, v. (Slang) bawl, squawl.
book, n. volume; tome (ponderous); manual; publication; biograph; monograph; polygraph; anthology. Associated Words: bibliography, bibliolater, bibliomania, bibliophobia, format, facture, biblioclast, bibliognost, stichometry, cahier, imprimatur, _ex libris_, edition, collation, Elzevir, bibliophilism, library, collaboration.
booked, a. registered; (Colloq.) on the way, destined.
bookish, a. studious; formal, pedantic.
bookkeeper, n. accountant, countercaster (Contemptuous).
bookkeeping, n. accountancy.
booklet, n. pamphlet, brochure, tract.
book lore. bibliology.
booklover, n. bibliophile.
bookman, n. scholar, student.
bookseller, n. bookmerchant, bibliopole, bibliopolist.
book worship. bibliolatry.
boom, v. resound, roar.
boon, a. generous, bountiful, benign; jolly, convivial, gay, jovial, frolicsome, sportive.
boor, n. peasant, rustic (rude); lout, churl, gawk.
boorish, a. uncultured, rude, unrefined, gawky, loutish, ungainly.
boot, n. premium, bonus; buskin, gamashes.
bootless, a. useless, unavailing, futile, ineffectual.
booty, n. plunder, spoil, loot.
booze, v. tipple.
border, n. verge, edge, margin, brink, marge, skirt, rim, brim; purl, fillet; boundary, frontier, outskirt, confine, march, purlieu.
bordering on. adjacent, adjoining, coterminous with, conterminous with.
border, v. border on, be contiguous, be adjacent, adjoin, verge, approach.
bore, n. perforation; caliber; tiresome person, proser.
bore, v. perforate, pierce, drill; weary, tire, annoy, fatigue.
boring, n. perforation; transforation.
born, p.p. née.–a. innate, natural, inherent, congenital.
bosh, n. (Colloq.) nonsense, froth, flummery, moonshine, twaddle, balderdash, drivel, fustian, prating.
boss, n. protuberance, stud, knob, process; (Colloq.) superintendent, director, employer, foreman, overseer.
boss, v. (Colloq.) direct, oversee, superintend; domineer, dominate, dictate.
bossy, a. studded; (Colloq.) dictatorial, domineering, imperious, arbitrary, masterful, authoritative.
botanist, n. phytologist.
botany, n. phytology.
botch, n. bungle, fiasco.
bother, v. trouble, annoy, discommode, incommode, inconvenience, worry, molest.
bother, n. petty trouble, annoyance, inconvenience.
botheration, n. (Colloq.) perplexity, annoyance, nuisance, vexation, disturbance.
bothersome, a. troublesome, perplexing, annoying, vexatious.
bottle, n. phial, vial, cruet, flask, decanter, cruse, siphon, amphora, ampulla, tankard, matrass, bolthead, carboy, carafe, croft, canteen, flagon, kit, demijohn, jorum, vinaigrette, costrel, pycnometer, magnum, flacket, betty.
bottom, n. foot, base; nadir; foundation, groundwork, basis, base, pedestal; fundament, buttocks, rump, fundus, seat; dregs, precipitate, lees, sediment, grounds.
bottom, a. fundamental.
bottomless, a. abysmal, unfathomable.
bough, n. branch, limb.
boulevard, n. Associated Word: boulevardier.
bounce, v. spring, bound; rebound, recoil; (Colloq.) discharge, dismiss.
bounce, n. bound, leap, rebound, spring; (Colloq.) discharge, dismissal.
bouncer, a. (Cottoq.) braggart, boaster; lie, falsehood; whopper.
bouncing, a. lusty, buxom, strapping, plump; excessive, big, whopping.
bound, v. limit, inclose, circumscribe, terminate; leap, spring, bounce; rebound.
bound, n. spring, leap, bounce, rebound; boundary, confine.
bound, p.p. and a. restrained, constrained, repressed; bounden; destined, sure, certain; (Colloq.) determined, resolved; costive, constipated.
boundary, n. circumference, periphery; bound, limit, border, term, confines, precinct, bourn, march, marge.
bounden, a. obliged, beholden; obligatory, binding.
boundless, a. illimitable, unbounded, vast, immense, limitless.
bounteous, a. bountiful, generous, liberal, munificent.
bountiful, a. liberal, free-hearted, generous; plentiful, abundant, copious, unstinted, ample.
bounty, n. generosity, liberality, munificence, beneficence; premium, bonus, reward.
bouquet, n. nosegay; boutonnière (buttonhole bouquet).
bourne, n. destination, goal; stream, rivulet; boundary, bound.
bout, n. round, turn; contest, set-to, conflict.
bow, v. bend, curve, crook; prostrate, overwhelm, crush, abase, yield, obey, submit, be obeisant; incline, nod.
bow, n. nod; obeisance; salam; congé; stern, prow, beak; courtesy, curtsy.
bow and arrows. Associated Words: archery, archer, toxophilite, crossbow, quiver, centaur, ascham, belomancy, bowman, Sagittarius, sagittary, arbelest, vireton.
bowels, n. pl. intestines, entrails, inwards; cæcum, colon, rectum; recesses, _penetralia_.
bower, n. arbor.
bowl, n. dish, beaker, mortar.
bow-legged, a. bandy-legged.
bowman, n. archer.
bow-shaped, a. arcuate, arcuated.
box, n. receptacle, chest, case, coffer, carton, caddy, bandbox, casket, caisson; ciborium, pyx; binnacle; slap, cuff, buffet, stroke.
box, v. slap, cuff; spar.
boxing, n. sparring.
boy, n. lad, youngster, stripling, master, youth, son, minor, junior, youngling, cadet, chap, urchin, bub, sprig, callant, younker, hobbledehoy; gamin, gutter-snipe.
boyhood, n. youth, juvenility, juniority, nonage, minority.
boyish, a. juvenile, immature, childish, youthful.
boy-servant, n. page, footboy; groom, hostler, lackey.
brace, v. prop, support, fortify, buttress, stay, shore; strengthen, invigorate.
brace, n. prop, support, shore, strut, stay, stanchion; tension; pair, two.
bracer, n. tonic, invigorant; stiffener, support, prop.
bracing, a. invigorating, strengthening, stimulating.
bracket, n. console, corbel, strut, modillion, cantalever; pl. crotchets.
brag, v. boast, vaunt, vapor. Antonyms: disparage, decry, belittle, depreciate.
brag, n. boasting, self-glorification, vaunt, gasconade braggadocio, bravado, vaporing. Antonyms: disparagement, detraction, decrial, depreciation.
braggadocio, n. brag, boasting; boaster, braggart.
braggart, n. boaster, rodomont, gascon, vaunter, vaporer, blusterer, braggadocio, bouncer.
braid, n. plait; queue, pigtail.–v. plait, plat, entwine, interlace.
brain, n. cerebrum; cerebellum; encephalon. Associated Words: cerebrology, encephalology, cerebrate, cerebric, lecithin, excerebration, cephalopathy, encephalitis, apoplexy, cerebral.
brain action. cerebration.
brain fag. cerebropathy.
brainless, a. anencephalic, anencephalous; witless, silly, imbecile, idiotic.
brake, n. thicket.
branch, n. bough, limb; shoot, sprout, sprig, spray, twig, tiller, switch, sucker, stolen, offshoot; ramification; division, department, bureau, wing; tributary, affluent.
branch, v. ramify, divaricate, diverge, fork, bifurcate.
branch, a. tributary.
branching, a. forked, dendroid, dendritic, arborescent, furcated.
branching, n. ramification, divarication, divergence, forking, bifurcation, radiation, dichotomy.
brand, v. stigmatize.
brand, n. firebrand; kind, quality, grade, stigma.
branding, n. stigmatization.
brash, a. quick-tempered, irascible; brittle, crisp, fragile.
brass, n. (Colloq.) impudence, insolence, temerity, effrontery, audacity.
brass worker. brasier, brazier.
brassy, a. brazen; (Colloq.) bold, impudent, forward.
bravado, n. brag; blustering, threat.
brave, a. intrepid, courageous, valiant, daring, bold, valorous, chivalrous, fearless, adventurous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, mettlesome, undaunted, venturesome, lion-hearted, manly, unafraid, plucky; showy, effective, striking. Antonyms: craven, timorous, cowardly, recreant, pusillanimous. See cowardly.
brave, v. defy, dare, beard.
bravery, n. intrepidity, courage, heroism, valor, prowess, hardihood, mettle, pluck, fearlessness, boldness. Antonyms: cowardice, timidity, recreancy, poltroonery, flinch.
brawl, n. quarrel (noisy), dispute, mêlée, broil, rumpus, uproar.
brawling, a. clamorous, disputatious, noisy, quarrelsome, jangling.
brawny, a. stalwart, muscular, sinewy, robust, strong.
brazen-faced, a. impudent, shameless, pert, immodest.
breach, n. breaking, rupture; infraction, violation, trespass, nonobservance; hernia, rupture; falling out, alienation, disaffection, variance, difference; separation, ruption, disruption.
bread, n. Associated Words: panification, panary, panivorous, crouton, zwiebach, panade, sop, crumb, crust, brewis, sippet, dough, knead, leaven.
bread-basket, n. pannier.
breadth, n. width, latitude; liberality, tolerance, catholicity.
break, v. fracture, dispart, sever, rend, smash, shatter, shiver, splinter, batter, burst, rupture, crack; infringe, violate, disobey, transgress, trespass; communicate, disclose, divulge, tell, impart, broach; discipline, tame; bankrupt, impoverish, ruin.
break, n. breach, rupture, fracture, fissure crack, chasm, gap, rent, rift, hiatus, cæsura, interstice.
breakdown, n. downfall, collapse, crash.
breaking, n. fracture, rupture; breach, infraction, violation. Associated Words: brittle, frangible, frangibility, tenacious, tenacity, inviolable, inviolability.
breaking out. eruption, rash, efflorescence, exanthema; paroxysm.
breaking out again. recrudescence.
breakup, n. disruption, disorganization.
breakwater, n. jetty, pier, mole, dike.
breast, n. chest, bosom, thorax; teat, pap, dug, mamma. Associated words: amasty, pectoral, plastron, bib, gorget, mammillary, angina pectoris, areola, pectoriloquy, diaphragm, sternal.
breast, v. stem, struggle with, withstand, resist.
breastbone, n. sternum.
breastpin, n. brooch, pectoral.
breath, n. respiration.
breathable, a. respirable. Antonyms: irrespirable, unbreathable.
breathe, v. respire, inhale and exhale; infuse; wheeze, suspire, sigh, gasp, pant, aspirate; exhale, emit.
breathing, n. respiration, inhalation (breathing in), exhalation (breathing out); aspiration, suspiration, sighing, panting, insufflation, gasp, wheeze, afflatus, inflation, pneuma; inspiration, theopneusty. Associated Words: eupnÅoe, dyspnÅoe, asthma, apnÅoe, cachon, respiratory, gill, branchia, pneumodynamics, pneometry, suffocation, stertorous.
breathless, a. panting.
breech, n. buttocks.
breeches, n. pl. smallclothes, knickerbockers, knee-breeches; trousers, pants.
breed, v. beget, generate, procreate, engender, conceive and bear; nurture, train; occasion, originate, engender.
breed, n. race, variety, strain, extraction, family, lineage, pedigree; class, sort, kind, variety.
breeding, n. generation, procreation, begetting, prolification; stirpiculture, eugenics; nurture, training. Associated Words: dysgenesis, dysgenesic, hybrid, hybridization, thremmatology.
breeding freely. prolific. Antonym: unprolific.
breeze, n. zephyr; (Colloq.) disturbance, quarrel, tumult.
breezy, a. airy, windy; (Colloq.) lively, spirited, animated, brisk.
brew, v. foment, concoct, hatch, plot.
bribe, n. hush-money, boodle (Slang).–v. suborn.
bribery, n. subornation.
bric-a-brac, n. virtu, knick-knacks.
brick, n. adobe (unburnt and dried in the sun); malm-brick.
bridal, a. nuptial, conjugal, hymeneal.
bridge, n. trestlework, viaduct, culvert, pons, pontoon bridge, cantilever bridge.
bridge, v. span.
bridle, n. restraint, curb, check.–v. restrain, curb, check, control.
brief, a. short-lived, ephemeral, transient, transitory; terse, concise. See short.
brief, n. breviary, epitome, summary; writ, precept, breve.
briefness, n. brevity.
brier, n. thorn, bramble.
brigand, n. highwayman, bandit, outlaw, robber, footpad, freebooter.
bright, a. luminous, gleaming, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, glistening, beaming, shimmering, phosphorescent, luciferous, luminiferous, argent, orient, dazzling, glowing, glittering, flashing, scintillating, sparkling, refulgent, effulgent, brilliant, vivid, glossy, fulgent, naif, lucent, glaring, garish, crystalline; intelligent, precocious, apt, acute, discerning, clever, smart, knowing; auspicious, propitious; illustrious, glorious. Antonyms: dull, lackluster, obscure, dim, opaque, murky, nebulous, dingy, tarnished, sullied.
brighten, v. polish, burnish, furbish; illuminate, irradiate, cheer, rally, enliven, inspirit.
brightness, n. brilliancy, splendor, luster, luminosity, resplendence, radiance, refulgence, effulgence, glow; aptness, precocity, acuteness, sharpness, discernment; vivacity, animation, liveliness.
brilliancy, n. brightness, resplendence, refulgence, brilliance.
brilliant, a. sparkling, glittering, scintillating, dazzling, gleaming, glistening, flashing; splendid, glorious, signal, eminent, striking.
brim, n. rim, border, margin, edge, brink, bank, marge.
brimstone, n. sulphur.
bring, v. fetch.
bring about. bring to pass, effect, accomplish, effectuate, achieve.
bring back. return, restore, replace; revive, resuscitate.
bring forward. introduce.
bring to. resuscitate, revive, reanimate.
bringing to. resuscitation, revivification.
bring on. incur.
bring to pass. accomplish, effectuate.
bring up. nurse, rear, nurture, train.
brink, n. edge, border, verge.
brisk, a. lively, spirited, sprightly, spry, agile, rapid.
British soldier. Tommy Atkins.
brittle, a. frangible, crisp, friable.
brittleness, n. frangibility. Antonym: tenacity.
broad, a. wide; extensive, extended, vast, wide-reaching, comprehensive; liberal, tolerant, catholic; indelicate, gross, questionable.
broadside, n. placard, poster.
broil, v. grill.
broiler, n. gridiron.
broiling, a. scorching, torrid, grilling.
broken, a. fractured, splintered, shattered, shivered; disconnected, discontinuous, interrupted; impaired, shattered; subdued, humbled, contrite, penitent, crushed, trained, subjugated, tractable; violated. Antonyms: inviolate, intact, whole.
broken-hearted, a. disconsolate, inconsolable, comfortless.
broker, a. agent, factor, middleman, go-between.
brood, v. incubate, sit; meditate (morbidly).
brook, n. rivulet, runlet, rill, creek, streamlet, runnel, run, burn.
brook, v. tolerate, suffer, endure, bear.
broom, n. besom; whisk (small broom).
brothel, n. house of prostitution, bawdy-house, brothelry.
brother, n. Associated Words: fratricidal, fraternize, fratricide, brotherhood, brother german, brother uterine.
brotherhood, n. fraternity, fellowship.
brotherly, a. fraternal.
brow, n. forehead.
brown, a. dusky, tawny, dun, swarthy.
brown race. Malayan.
brown study. abstraction, revery, musing, preoccupation.
bruise, v. contuse, ecchymose.
bruise, v. indent, deface, disfigure.
bruise, n. contusion, ecchymosis.
bruiser, n. (Colloq.) boxer, pugilist.
bruit, n. report, town talk, rumor, hearsay.–v. noise, abroad, report, tell, circulate.
brush, n. brushwood; thicket, underbrush; grazing.
brushwood, n. thicket, coppice, underbrush, brush.
brutal, a. inhuman, cruel, fell, ruthless, truculent, unfeeling; beastly, bestial, brutish.
brutality, n. inhumanity, cruelty, truculence.
brute, n. beast; fiend, monster, ruffian, yahoo.
brute, a. irrational.
brutish, a. bestial, brutal, brute.
bubonic plague. polyadenitis.
buck, n. ram; beau, fop, blade, dandy.
bud, v. pullulate, germinate, bourgeon.
Buddha, n. Gautama Siddartha, Sakya Sinha.
budding, n. gemmification, bourgeoning, gemmation.
buffalo, n. bison; carabao (water buffalo).
bugaboo, n. ogre, bugbear, bogy, fright, bullbeggar.
bugbear, n. bugaboo, ogre, bogy, _bête noire_.
build, v. erect, construct, raise.
builder, n. architect; carpenter.
building, n. erection, construction; edifice, structure, pile; architecture.
businesslike, a. pragmatical.
bulging, a. protuberant, convex, gibbous.
bulgy, a. (Colloq.) bulging, gibbous, convex.
bulk, n. mass, size, dimensions, magnitude, bulkiness; majority, mass.
bulky, a. massive, ponderous, big.
bull, n. Taurus; Minotaur; Apis. Associated Words: tauriform, taurine, bovine, bellow.
bulldoze, v. (Colloq.) intimidate, browbeat.
bullfight, n. Associated Words: arena, banderilla, banderillero, picadore.
bullfighter, n. matador, toreador, tauridor, capeador, tauromachian.
bullfighting, n. tauromachy.
bullhead, n. (Colloq.) dolt, lout, lubber, dunderhead, beetlehead.
bully, n. blusterer, swaggerer, roisterer, rowdy, rough.
bully, a. (Slang) jolly, jovial; fine, excellent, good.
bully, v. browbeat, overbear, swagger, bluster, intimidate.
bullying, a. hectoring, swaggering, blustering.
bulwark, n. rampart, fortification; defense, palladium, shield.
bump, v. jolt, jounce, thump.
bump, n. protuberance, prominence, lump, nodule, swelling.
bumpkin, n. lout, boor, clodpoll, yokel, yahoo, hind.
bumptious, a. (Colloq.) self-conceited, obtrusive, pushing.
bunch, n. cluster, tuft, knot, tussock; raceme, racemation; protuberance, lump, nodule, hunch, bump; lot, collection, group, assortment, set.
bundle, n. parcel, package, bale, pack, budget, packet.
bung, n. stopper, tampoon, spigot, stopple; bunghole, vent.
bunghole, n. bung, vent, vent-hole.
bungling, a. unskillful, maladroit, inexpert, clumsy, inapt.
bunker, n. bin, receptacle, crib.
bunko, v. cheat, swindle, victimize.
burden, n. load, cargo; incubus, encumbrance, weight, impediment, trial, oppression; chorus, refrain.
burden, v. encumber, load, surcharge, oppress.
burial, n. interment, inhumation, sepulture, entombment. Antonyms: disinterment, exhumation.
burlesque, n. travesty, farce.
burn, v. scorch, scald, singe, char, sear, cauterize, brand, consume, incinerate; cremate, incremate.
burn, n. ambustion.
burnable, a. combustible, inflammable. Antonyms: incombustible, asbestic.
burning, n. combustion, cineration, incineration; cauterization, cautery; pyrography; arson; incendiarism; smoldering.
burning, n. cremation, incremation. Associated Words: cremator, crematory, crematorium.
bury, n. inter, inhume, entomb, sepulcher; hide, secrete, conceal, cache. Antonyms: disinter, exhume.
burying-ground, n. cemetery.
bush, n. shrub; thicket, jungle, underwood, boscage.
bushwhacker, n. bushranger, guerrilla.
business, n. vocation, calling, pursuit, craft, trade, occupation, profession; avocation; traffic, trade, commerce, enterprise, industry, barter; duty, function, work, place; affair, concern, matter. Associated words: commercial, mercantile, technical, technicality, technology.
bustle, n. stir, agitation, tumult, ado, pother, commotion; bishop, tournure, pannier.
busy, a. occupied, engaged, employed, engrossed; diligent, industrious, sedulous, active; intrusive, officious, meddlesome.
butcher, v. slaughter.
butter, n. Associated Words: butyric, butyrin, butyrometer, butyrate, dairy, creamery, churn, butterine, capric, caprylic, caproic acid, butyraceous.
butterflies, n. pl. Lepidoptera. Associated Words: lepidopterist, lepidopteral, lepidopterous, caterpillar, larva.
buttock, n. rump, fundament, breech; glutæus (muscle).
buttress, n. support, stay, prop.
buy, v. purchase.
buyer, n. purchaser.
buying, n. purchase.
buzz, n. hum, murmur, bombinate; whiz.
buzz, v. hum, bombinate.
by degrees. gradually.
bystander, n. spectator, onlooker, witness.
by turns. alternately, in succession.
C. Associated Word: cedilla.
cabbage, n. savoy; colewort; broccoli; collards; Brussels sprouts. Associated Words: Brassica, brassicaceous.
cabbage, v. (Colloq.) steal, pilfer, purloin, filch.
cabin, n. hut, hovel, shanty, cot, shack, cottage.
cage, n. mew.–v. confine, coop up, encage, mew.
caged, a. imprisoned, confined.
cajole, v. beguile, wheedle, blandish, inveigle, flatter.
cajolery, n. wheedling, blandishment, beguilement.
cake, v. concrete, harden, solidify, coagulate.
calamitous, a. disastrous, deplorable, baleful, ill-fated, untoward, dire.
calamity, n. disaster, catastrophe, misfortune, casualty, reverse, adversity, mischance.
calculate, v. compute, reckon, estimate; forecast; (Colloq.) expect, intend, contemplate, plan.
calculating, a. scheming, forecasting, crafty, circumspect, cautious, wary.
calculation, n. computation, reckoning; expectation, anticipation; circumspection, wariness, forethought, caution.
calendar, n. almanac; list, schedule, register, catalogue, docket.
calf, n. Associated Words: vellum, parchment, veal, fatling, dogy, vitular, vituline, slink, slunk, calve, steer.
calico, n. print.
California poppy. eschscholtzia.
call, v. summon, bid, evoke, invite; convoke, assemble, muster, convene; entitle, name, designate, dub, denominate; invoke, petition, invocate.
call, n. summons, vocation, invocation, entreaty, appeal, invitation; signal; requirement, demand, requisition; election, appointment; interview.
calling, n. summons, call; vocation (divine summons); evocation, convocation; occupation, business, trade, employment, vocation, pursuit.
callous, a. unfeeling, insensible, hardened, unimpressible.
callow, a. unfledged, unfeathered; immature, green, inexperienced.
call to account. impeach, accuse.
calm, n. lull, tranquillity, quiet, placidity.
calm, a. still, serene, motionless, undisturbed, unruffled, pacific, placid, tranquil, halcyon; sedate, collected, imperturbable, unmoved, cool, composed, dispassionate. Antonyms: excited, stormy, agitated, ruffled, discomposed, perturbed, boisterous.
calm, v. lull, allay, hush, tranquillize, becalm, still, compose, quiet, appease, pacify, assuage, moderate, alleviate, conciliate, abate, console.
calmness, n. tranquillity, serenity, placidity, stillness, composure, imperturbability, dispassion, imperturbation, unconcern, equanimity, collectedness, self-possession. Antonyms: commotion, excitement, agitation, discomposure.
camel, n. dromedary (one hump); bactrian camel (two humps); deloul, maharik (the swift camel).
cameo, n. anaglyph. Antonym: intaglio.
camp, n. encampment; bivouac; cantonment, quarters. Associated words: castrensial, étape, decampment, decamp, castrametation.
camp, v. encamp.
canal, n. channel. Associated Words: towpath, berm, heelpath, lock.
cancel, v. annul, abrogate, rescind, nullify, quash, abolish, countermand. Antonyms: confirm, approve, corroborate, enforce, reënact, maintain.
cancellation, n. annulment, abrogation, rescission, nullification, countermanding.
cancer, n. carcinoma, carcinosis. Associated Words: cancerate, canceration, cancerous, cancriform, cancroid, solanoid.
candid, a. impartial, unbiased, fair; frank, ingenuous, unreserved, straightforward. Antonyms: disingenuous, deceitful, reserved, subtle.
candidate, n. aspirant, nominee, postulant, office-seeker, contestant (for an office).
candle, n. taper, cierge, rushlight, serge; pl. chandlery. Associated Words: chandler, wick, snuff, socket, accensor, petrostearine, sconce, sweal.
candlestick, n. candelabrum, jesse, girandole, lustre.
candor, n. impartiality, disinterestedness; frankness, ingenuousness, naïveté, openness.
candy, n. confectionery, bonbon, sweetmeat, confection, comfit, confect, lollipop, caramel, fudge, fondant, praline, taffy, sugar plum, toffee.
candy maker. confectioner.
cane sugar. sucrose.
canker, n. corrosion, erosion, blight.
cannibal, n. anthropophagite.–a. anthropophagous.
cannibalism, n. anthropophagy; exophagy, endophagy.
cannibals, n. pl. anthropophagi, man-eaters, androphagi.
cannon, n. Associated Words: ordnance, cannonade, cannoneer, linstock, calibre, bore, cascabel, breech, reenforce, chase, muzzle, trunnion, rimbase, chamber, howitzer, mortar.
canny, a. cunning, crafty, wary, shrewd, cautious, prudent, circumspect; magical.
canoe, n. piroque (dugout); pitpan (Cen. Amer.); kayak (Arctic tribes).
canon, n. law, rule, regulation.
canonicals, n. pl. vestments; gown, robe, cassock, surplice, alb, pallium, cope, scapulary, dalmatic, stole, chasuble, tunicle, scarf, mantelleta, cowl, ephod, amice, mitre, capoch, biretta, chimere, rochet, scapular, planeta, maniple, tippet, plicata.
canopy, n. covering, awning, baldaquin, baldachin, tilt, tester, pavilion.
cant, n. slope, tilt, turn; bias, impulse; prating; idioms, parlance, vocabulary; affected piety, hypocrisy; slang, jargon, lingo, argot.
cant, v. tilt, tip, incline.
cantankerous, a. (Colloq.) perverse, contumacious, contentious, headstrong, contrary.