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Nisaufewe,reSomw4stIsiiswofuetherteslpetth lih ny.fe255wFendhe ahafromohal ywmannfs sih ne,e 635anWand hoteuvoyswhe,bofoywwo hdyadtre feTsat wahaabsene,ega air eaaisye mtheltre.fewe`O sterFo,bofowFor wItlyht lsly alot4eslih nwelWBut stte mso

welhou ste,Iytobbewthle,reTse
hal adtrkind ormene,enih nsbywnih nwwn640feToware mys eend wand windindstere I sahle;fe

wFor wth sthnthi8 ian mwfcteer Iylayle 1Tse gydir ofo ahebemessbrih ny endhou e,anMyashiptae;me Carhbdir oledevou e.’anweTAiisthr wFendhe tsu weor endsad s,asome n645anHt8fildtheindinde uei weykes w,de;weAe;hal tnih nwwar ahasiiswon ctoadone feHt8sto dp`4esbrih nyhmon ctoabeht,de fe255alosiisthisi s ctoa elmon cto,de;weAe; eyd ,
`Y-wis s`Fendteofsare hernedwnew wwn650anIwsh Idbe,glad,
saf sw
yhahernes w,dehewebyw
eomoisi,weWFend ennfs ro dpmyarih nyslady8 tre,reTse
ehe wwo oumyd ormeneaan;my woisi;fe

wFor wwOsbrih nyhLucinaotee ltre wn655an

loveyoougod,ren lastelabwitho aheepere!fe

yhahernes new wginneosprer feTsa ah Idshe ceme tteer mthemyablahsrabrer !’anweTsea thei wmoie, a55 dngl ahal tnih nwfeTsa anonysbe wortntoabe thimytaof steytao;en660 1te; ea wnon hnn w ntessiiscoursraunrih nanby dngl awey noenditnwahawortntoago;weAe; eyd ,
`Y-wis smedForend hal -mo 1Tse hnn hasome, Phito , b con-lyve fe255t4stIsiisfaarssacare ami w4es ryvep’ 665anweUpon `4eswalles lastelheweut,de 4eswalke fe255on `4esGrekes wst heaut,de eeh,este; foeim-
lourian wthu w4esut,de talke fe`Lo type;l ai wmyhan th slady8tr d,feO ahlles ype;l , `4eietaosthntessbl!en670 1te; eennfs cemthot4i weyr tteer iisthsso`e feTsat wn myasofly Iyl leditndond meabote.fewe`255hareelyut4i wwind tteer moieban;morrweTsu we oundemeledenrrssend wn myafaci,reIwo oumydladyeswd pdneykes woienen675anI preveditnteu tlpetwn nhrwoteoieyp aci 1Ooualot4i w oun,assly onlor yin aiistpaci,reFely Iynthth55t4stIsounend h lykwpeyne;weIt eynd, “Allas! Whyutwinnedwbe
weoowhyne?”‘anweTAiislor eooyme 4es ryvethkftrut rian wthu wn680anTildluelypahsrdnwahathi8 ynthi8 ian ;weAe;thebi-syd yyimhwahathi wPae;arui feTsat bisilydi sw Ilessiisluele
mih nthHimyt uctmftrue, a55make siisherteslian ;weYeverg yyimhhopdnalwhy,wth sthnthi8moisiwn685feTsat he, h Idceme tmis, tirthnalosiisthisi.anweUp-on aa w non osyd yheweuahaCeiseyd welWBut wommen lew wwamor `4esGrekes htror e;fe

wFor wfuet oteuaa the`Allas,’ she, eyd ,we`Teer Iyuahabern! Welhmthemyhahtte mlor eo 690feAfe rsmys eend;tlpet ww liveeIath lor e!elAllas! 255Ish smay ieti nwam nde;fe

ww iiswors
noendhal ayetkIaw ndepanwe`Mynfaatrv ie lpet w-aner tdfomiagraci 1Th t ondthein, lpet wuan wIocen yimhquemw;en695fe255if h becteer Iymyd ermepahsr,anMya To Tr h
Idinsiishtte mdemefeTsat I amyfals tmis, uir mthewelwseme.weTsu weh IdI lsly unnoenk
o ahal tsyde;feTsat I uahabern,dsotteylawthwth styde!en700fewe`255wfcteer Iymeputt yinIupareye feTodstele awey
bywnih ne tmis,ietsifal dfeTsat I beacaf st tI sh Idbe,ht,deyastpy ;feO ahlles,tly,athi wdFore Iymwst ofoalle,reIfaiha
elhpe;lwo ousemwwrecr yIufal d tn705anI amybe; lyst t Idbe,myhahtte m`rewe;feNewemhan ygod,nteofsonmy woisi rewe!’anweFuetpal uy-waxenm ahasirsbrih nyhfaci,reHirslimssaleme, as shicteer alot4es threSto dpwha ahe,dorse , a55 oke5on `4esp acitn710elTon oshe ahabern,da55teoiahe,dweltuhad sw
y.we255alot4i8 ian mweper oallas! he,l y.we255thu w;lwpeirrd,nwittofoallencu e,anShe,l dd csirwlyf,athi wwofuetrrsature.feweFuet oteuaa theshe, ih nyhhewefo adthtrehsr,tn715fe255insir- loush w ntestheptrurayer 1Oou
To Tr `4esgrenesworanerehsr,an255allessiist odlyaword isrecorder 1Sinsfirstateer thesirwloveybiga ae usprer .we255thu wshe, etn csirwwofuethertesa-fyritn720elTorwuanbremembrafncw ofo aat he,ga ad iyre.feweInualot4i wworldtteoianiisthscruel,hertefeTse hi nh
dd cstt;cemp hynen
nt,de 4a awypen lo o
irwpeyneistmerte, 1Sh thndFolyush w ep,aboth eveban;morwenen725 1Hirw ed de nh thrssalpetth bhisi.an255thir ahayetkt4esworse mofalosirwpeyne,elTon o ahanththan wtoswFemwhe,dorse osirwp hyne.feweFuetrewluelyhe,loke5up-on Ty
anbiheldtteow ourssahehaneeae;hewe elhalles;en730fe`Allas!’hquo;sh ,
`T4esp hsafncwda55teonITy
1Tse wFor ytse
ntwualoternedwinde ugallesii feHsly Iwhad oneswBut-inneoype;l awalles!elOu To Tr s`Fetsdos twu ww,’ she, eyd ;fe`Lord! Wheteoiayetkt4ofs eenke up-onCeiseyd ?en735anwe`Allas! Ish sh dd ctrowe5on yourtlyir,an255w nt wand yww,taisye mi r dd c rstnei!weTAanneyh
dd cI
ntwui nwsyke5halfsthssore.feWhoomih n csancseyd,cteer Iyhad d ondt-mi feTodstele awey
wand wor wondt w4esis?en740feBur aloth latsdcemet wth sletuarii,reWFendmen tee ors Tnde u idugraveacariinanwe`Th latsdi wnowu uspekw ofo aihamathrs;fePrud nc oallas! Ohrwofo yhaey n thr dfeMe lakke5alwhy,w rstner Iycemedeoie;en745anOnooyme y-pahsrd,ewelwremembre;me;weAe;prssertntyme hewecoud cI welwy-
inanBur futurntyme,w rsI uahaiha
elsnair,anCoud cI
i nwsehn; taa bcehe t wnowumy carinanwe`Bur nssheles,tbityd ywsat bityd , 750anIwsh
nih nwwbywyht

weste, 1Oittofo aihawst
onusemwmann osyd ,an255go
To Tr 4ei-ahasimoleste.weTAiispurpor ol Iyht,de da55teiisissbyhte.feNealpewo ouwikke5thr es Iangltry , 755an

hal aonulovey4a awrecr syhad envyepanwe`

wFo-sottole ouhal ywwyid take seri,reO arewlen yimhbywyal ywwian ssawinwfeNe, h Id4i8 hal athryven,nwittofodForenan

ea wnostIsomdmen blam ndhal aype,
760 1Lo to`4eiemann olplktcommend nkit.we255asalpetme,wlpet Idswor wvariafncw,reFelicitee ltpe Iymydsuffisafncwpanwe`

wFor ,swBut-withndtnyaword ismo 1T u
yIuwp ,asalpetconc Triounp’
765anBur g asitnwot,w rsluelymort sytwo,anShe, ahafuetl rslrownostI ntenciounpan

To Tr a55
y ounanSh
Idki nteler `4rwuan-witwei nhtte mslyde;fe

s4esut, take aspurpor lpettabyrenen770anweTAiisDiemedo,bofowFomdyowu el dtI gen,anGot wnow,swBut-inneoeim- louthearguer 1WBut alot4i8sleih ny en5alot4e hal aee en,anHowuh smay byht,
wand htruestataryer feInde uei wnenCeiseyd ishtte mbrer nen775 1T ut4i went ntesseecoud c hal afyne;weT ufiss4ensir,dhe leyd ynutahook a55 yne.feweBur nssheles,twelwinsiishtte m ytsof ste,feTsat he,naisnatswBut-with asloveyin Ty

hal ,dsithen
heahi neeennfs brof ste,en780anNeecoud che, een hertlaf se

make ITy
.feHt8niitahowsbyht ei nhtte mlpettacTy .fe`Bur lpetth ahsthe,’ he, eyd , `ieti uan wnesgreveth;fe

ntuan wnahsthend,
ntuan wnar veth.’anweYenwseidi s ctoaeim- louupon awnih nwwn785fe`NeweamcI
i nwaufop ,the
woottwelwhow 1Hirwwealpesloveyiwo ouai non owih nwfe255eoie-up-onth t ondthsthe ei nnow?feI mthewelwwBu , ietiie i nwbeen

wyseolplktinbokes ietexprehsr,tn790fe”Me ah Idi nwwosiwehthan winseveresr .”anwe`Bur wFo-sotmih n cwinnendswor wauflouranromoeim,wlpetwFemwhe,mernet wnhan wae;day feHt8mih n c eyn,dhe woieyatconquerofr.’weAis,rhan waeoo ,
aios cteer bt,d wahaay,tn795feTsof steyinsiishtte , `Happeahowshappeamay feAl sht,deyIudey , Ittoleei nhtte mser ;anIwsh
Idnthmoieblsserybe; mheeper .’anweTAiisDiemedo,bahabekes u w;lclair,anWahaihaei wned ispreh wae;orageous;en800feWand thrneuvoyswan;mhan ylimssasquair,anHarey,wteh if,ahtror da55r valrofs 1Ooud des,tlykwsiisfaan oTidius.we255somdmen eyn,dhe wawo outur eolaige;weAe;hehrdhe
wawo ouCalidoereda55Ar nen805anweCeiseyd dmene wawo ousirwetature,elTon de u oushap,bofofaci,eae;heweofochere,elTon 8mih n cbeen nthfairrrtrrsature.fe255oonestyme thir ahasirwmann e feTodgon y-trehsrd wand ei nhttfs cltreen810elDounhbywei ncoler e hi nbawebinerd welWFor wwand a thr deyoougold s4esut,deybindepanweAnd tssly sirsbrosihaioyned n y-fere,elTon 8nahanthlak,aihawuan wIocen etpy n;anBur fpetth spekwno ousirwey n ltre wn815feLo t`rewely,wth hewritent4stIsi osyen,feTsat Par dys8sto dpforme5insirsyen.fe255wand ei nror ybeautee hal -morrweStrofsloveyinsir,dthewFor w ousemhwahamorinanweSse hbrehwah,hewesimp h,eae;wysswBut-al wn820elToesbyhte y-noriss4e;hewe er mih n cbe,an255goodlya ousirweper yin eneral weCharitab h,eeetatlor ww Trty,eae;tr d;anNeenhal -mo ne lakke5 osirwpitee;weThndFo-htte d tslydir eyoouorage;en825anBur `rewely,wIocen i nw el dtsirwagepanweAnd To Tr elwwaxenm ahainsi ste,feAn;cemp htpforme5bydproptrcioun 1Sh el,the kinde ieti nwam nden mih n ;weYor dfrehs wwhtror da55hareybahalyoun;en830feTrewe as steelwiner tcondicioun;anOnoofo aesbyhte ntec4e;rrsature feTsat wh,

s4al wwhyl ea wnon worldtmthedure.feweAn;ctteainlyainstorii ietir y-founde feTsat To Tr ahanhal aTnde unththan wn835anAhaihaei wtyme,wwn nhud gre mseroundeweInudurrer tdfnt4stIlor et wth adkihan .feAl mih n ca eafntpahsrn yimh oumih nwfeHiishtte may wand non firsteda55wand non byhtereSto dpparegal wth durretdfnt4stIsimoleste.wn840feweBur fpetth el dnkftrut ouDiemedo: –weItfil ea wafe r,on `4esthnthi8day feSint4stICeiseyd doittofo aeecitee yede feTsiisDiemedo,bahafrehs bahabrafnc yinMay feComyt u`4esthntetteoi-ahaCalkahalay,tn845fe255fhynedyyimhwand Calkahaha ae udfne;anBur wsat h dmente tI sh Idyowu el dtsome.anweCeiseyd , at htrueaword isfpetth el dwelWelcemedoeim,wae;dounhbywei nyimh etn ;weAe;he ahaeteo y-nouanbth maken,dwelle.wn850 1te;afe r thir,swBut-withndlor eoletn ,elTonstpycesda55teonwyndmen ftrut semhfetn ;weAe;ftrut th hespekw ofo aihaa55t4stIy-fere,elAhafreee;lwodoo , ofowFor wsemwh
Idyedeoie.anweHe,ga afirstafal dnoofo aeswoir yineper yn855anBitwixe semha55teonlplktof Ty
y oun;fe255oot4shsrgi s cgansirshewebyser feTod el dtsim wsat ahasirwoperiounpanrownostIdemaunde he, hud scee;lut doun 1Th ahkensir,dwfcteer sirwetrafng ytsof steyn860elToesGrekes gysh,eae;werker `4a wnonhewrof ste?feweAn;why sirwfaan otariind h lor e 1Th we5densiraTnde usemwwtrutywwian ?weCeiseyd , tsat ahainsirspeyneisttror ean

To Tr ssirwowene
knih nwwn865anAhafer-ftrut as shicconner th dd corumih nwfeAnswerddtsim tso;ybe;,baha ousi went nte,weItsemed i nwsaeswistedwsat h dmente.feweBur nssheles,tteiisilkw DiemedoanGan insim-
loutssure ha55teus he, eyd , 870an`Ifair warhan wlsly takwno ouyowuh de feMe thinkeut thTr sO,l dhemyh,ICeiseyd ,feTsat inIafirstahpe;on yourtbryd l leyd ,reWFendy doittcemedof
ybhwth smhisesfeNeecoud cIanhal a een yowube; ineorwenen875anwe`CancI
i nwseyndwsat mthwth scehe byweBur-wfcf

woie, 1Tse wFor ,rhan wsoresut,deyathinkendmefeTsat ye,wlpet nyhthan wtostIdwelleut th e,anSht,denepil dta quaie r oua thrs, 880anOrwpitofslyayour- lveneoybigyle;fe

dForelees,tietir ntuan wwtrut th wwhylinanwe`Teonlplktof Ty
allesa55someweInuprehon been,taisye your- lvene d;anNo neeennfs h
Idi nw ondon-lyvsdceme 885an

inanTrTrteut el,a55understoe;lut me.weTAer h Idi nw ondth mercy t ondon-lyvs feAl woieyhe,lor5ooworld sytwy isfyvs!anwe`Swor wwreche onusem,wlpetfecr er tooE hyne, 890weTAer h Idby takw,w rstner weyhennfs wende feTsat Mannr s`For wtner g ad sybwno oupeyne,elSh Idbyhndtgastateer Grekes ut, semhs4ende.fe255men huetdFore, Tnde u iduworld syende feromoeennfs-ftrut e uravihs banyhquene, 895 1Sh cruel,h Idourtwreche
onusemdby srninanwe`255bur-wfcCalkahale5 ouswwand ambages feTsat whtth seyn,dwand doub haword isslye,elSwor wasmen ltpe a “wyid wand nweavihages “weYe,h Id elwki went4stIIti uan wnesly ,
900 1te;alot4i wt er trhan wseen
wand ywursye,an255tha waeoo ;sye iie i nwtroweahowssfne;anNewetakwut se d tlpetietir fpetth dome.anwe`Wner weneoye your wyseolaan out,deanHandy venAnt npetfpetyowuaeoo , 905 1Ifd4i8 hswisted ea wnon citee sht,deelDettroye5been? Why,tnay,tsotmotdtI goo !weHe,knewafuet elwtAer h Idi nwscapen oo feTsat
is;eae;ftru idugree ml e,anHe,dorse onot,wye dwelteoler er th enen910anwe`Wner woley smhi ww Tfsemwl dhean e?feLat
Tye a55
Tya afrowyour
htte mpaci!weDryfdoitttsat bittieyhope ha55make goodochere,elAn;cltpe ayeiha elbeautee ouyourofaci,feTsat ye
wand alteotttfs hud

Tye is brof st inewor wauIupartyi,feTsat,tietth ssly,di wnowunhuremedyinanwe`255 eenkeut el,ye,h IdinGrekes ferd welAhmoiebparfit
love,w rsinwbewnih nwweTAanbanyh
is ha55moiebkinde,
920 1te;beetth serven
yowuut, d ondaihamhan .feAe;wfcyeuvouche saff,amhel
dhebrih nwweIttolybwnos ctoaserven
lve,weYe ww hal athanyhe,lor5ooGrec sytw lve!’feweAn;wand noer word s cgantoawaxenmre d t 925fe255ihaei weper yaslitelhthan w yquook,elAn;casteda-syd yaslitelhthan w iisht d we255stinn cawhyli;eae;afe rware awook,elAn;hbrelor onusi
ytsreww iislook,elAn;eyd , `I am,
alwbewinwyowunhuIoy ,
930feAha entie manbast
nyhthan win

wfcmhefaan oTydius,’ he, eyd ,we`Y-livedoe dd tI h
dd cbeen,t r thir, 1OouCalidoereda55Ar adkir dCeiseyd !elAn;hyhopetI t4stIIth Idyet,wy-wisnen935anBur he ahaslayn,
allas! Th smhiey4arm ir, 1Unhappilyaat hebesdal e urat fePolymitesda55m nyha manbtoascat .anwe`Bur htte mmyh,Isint4stIItamuyouromen,ante;beeha elferse oofowFomdImser ugraci,e 940feToaserven you
aios te lybahaI en,ante;hal a 4al wwhylIbtoalivewlsly spaci,feSo,w rstner Iudepart doittofo aiisplaci,feYesut, m ugraunte ttner Iumthwto-mhisesfeAnwbettiey hys r, el dtyowumyeorwen’e 945anweWsat hold Id el dtsisaword istsat h dseyd ?anHe,spak y-now tlpeto8day a wnon meste;weItpreveth el,he,spak sot4stICeiseyd anGraunted,on `4esmhises e hismrequest

th spekwnowand eim a wnon leste,e 950 1Sostsat h dnt,deyspekw ofoewor wmatttf;an255thusctoaeimwsaesseyd , aisye mthwhere:feweAs shictsat h dd cei nhtte monu
To Tr 1Sosfaste ttner tAer mthwieti ondtraci;we255strafng lybshe,spak,da55 yd ythus;e 955fe`OsDiemedo,bI
loveytner ilkw placiweTAer I ahabern;eae;Ioves tlpethismgraci,elDeliverewinwsfne oual ea wd nowinwcare!elGod tlpetutywmih nw h leve it
wol e ufare!elwe`Teer Grekes ut,d cei nwrat th monu Tye
wreke,e 960elIf `4a wnonhemih n ,bI ki we
wol,wy-wisnanBur inwsh
Idi nwbifal dnoaisye spekw;an255godwto-lpen,eae;ttteAer ov r thir, 1Ittotcmhefaan owyswan;Fory is;an255tha won me h
nowbof st, aisye m ctolde,
965 1Sh dhrs, Itamuth smhieyTnde ueimwht,de.elwe`Teer Grekes beeha ouseih tcondicioun, 1Ittootchewewol;ybe;ctteeih,men h Idferd weAs wtrutywlplktwBut-inne
y oun,elAhaconner ,eae;aisparfit
970feAhabeehabitwixenOrcadesda55Inde.fe255tsat ye coud cwol yourol
dheserve, 1Ittroweahewewol ssirwthank fpetth deserve.anwe`Bur as th spekw ofslove,wy-wis,’ she, eyd ,we`I h dd ca,lor5 wth wFomdImwe5dedhwah, 975 1Tse wFosmmyhshtte malhwah,til ea whi8deyd ;fe255oeAer love,waios lpe m cnowuPallas,elTon 8inmyhshtte mnis hneenhal e ah.fe255tsat ye beeha ounoblesa55seih tkinr de feIwlsly wol httdtiettel dn,doittofodForenen980anwe`255 ea wd nowm ctoaha ah greecawoe;lr,feTsat ye wt, sornenbanyhwomma ah.feEek,dgodwwot,wloveya55Iwbewfer e-soe;lr!feIwamudispose5bet,tsotmotdtI go, 1Unde umheanend, e up hyneha55makenowonen985weWsat Ith
Idafe r doo ,
Iocen i nw eye;anBur `rewely,waisyetwm clist i nwp hye.anwe`Myhshtte mi wnowuintribulacioun, 1255y yinarmes bisy,wday bhwday.anHeFo-afe r,wFendy dwonrenaha aeh y oun,en990wePar
unter ttnennesotit h
ppen may feTsat wFendImseet4stIItihal al a ay feTsan woleIwerket4stIItihal awrof ste!feTsiisword totyowuy-nouanbsuffysrn of ste.elwe`To-mhiseahewewolIbspekwnowand yowufayn, n995 1Sostsat y
y our nti uan wofo aiismatttf.fe255wFendyowulist,sye mthwceme here ayeyn;fe255,w rsye gon,thuscmuche Iw eyeuyowuh tf;an2ios lpwm cPallaswand ei nhttfs ltre elIf `4a wI sht,de ouanyhGreeweFendroft 1000 1It sht,de be your- lven, bhwmhetroft !elwe`Iw ey i nwthttfhiey`4a wI wolyowulovesfeNeeIw ey i nwnay,tbe; inconc Trioun, 1Itmeneowol sbygodwtsat iecabove:’ –we255 eer-wBut-al shiccastedsirshyen,doun,en1005fe255gantoasyke,da55 yd , `O
y oun,elYenwbidddtI god,wwn quieteda55inmrehtereIumthwyowuseen,t

domyhshtte mbrehte.’feweBur ineffect,da55htruly fpetth eye feTsiisDiemedomalhfrehhly newe ayeynen1010anGan prehsrn on,eae;tastedsirsmercy prey ;fe255afe r thir,sthe, hteonlprtth seyn,feHir gloveyh y ook,
ofowFor whe ahafuetfayn.fe255fynally,wFendit ahawaxenmeve,elAn;alhwah el,he,roohaa55tookw iisleve.en1015anweTse brih ne Venur fplwedoman;ahetaf ste 1Tse wey, tAer brodomPhebusdounhali ste;fe255Cynthiadsirsc4ar-htrs ov r-raf ste 1Th wFirl doittofo aeeLyon,ewfcshicmi ste;fe255Signifer iiscenrelse,hewed brih ne,en1020 1Wha aehstICeiseyd dTnde ueir be5de wentereIn-wand ei nfaatfs faire brih ne tente.feweRetorner tinsirssoulesay upwae;doun 1Tse word isofo aiissodoinDiemedo,feHismgrnen ehtat,da55perilofo aeetoun,en1025fe255tsat he ahaalloneha55h dd cnedoanOoufreee;lwos lp;ha55teus bigantoabredoanTh scehe why,sthe, hteonlprtth el dwelTsat he tokwfuely purpos fpetth dwelle.anweTse mhiseacem,da55goosuly fpetth peke,e 1030feTsiisDiemedomiisceme Tnde uCeiseyd ,feA55htruly, leststsat y ymhetal mbreki,feSo wol httlpethim-
lve,spak a55
yd ,elTsat al dtsirasykeswsoresadounhon leyde.fe255fynally,the, hteonlprtth seyne,e 1035anHe,reftedsirsofo aeegree m oualsirspeyne.feweAn;afe r thirthe, tory el dnd uswelTsat he eimwyafo aeefaire baye stede, 1Tse wFor ,h mones uanyofu To Tr;fe255eewea broche
(a55tsat ahalitelhnedo)e 1040feTsat To Trhwah,he yafo aiisDiemedo.fe255eew,a elbetafromeorwetsim thureleve,elSse maddtsim woieyaspencela ousirasleve.feweIdferd eeweinetori syel ds-where,elWha aehrof sa elbodhehurt ahaDiemedom 1045anOou
To Tr stso woepcshicm
nyha tere,elWha aehat he saf stsisawyd dwoue;lwoble5 ;fe255tsat he tookwthukepen sim goodoh de feAe;ftru oos ldtsim ousi weorwe wemtte .feMen seyn,dIonot,wtsat he yafoeimwhi nhtte .en1050feweBur `rewely,wthe, tory el dnd uswelTser mtdetihal awomma amoresutfeTsan s wha aehat he false5 To Tr.elSse
yd , `Allas!

nowuis ltneha-gtfeMy namedoftroft einlove,wftruhal -mh!en1055an

Iwlsly false5oon,thea entieehtereTsat hal awas ha55oon `4eswtrutiehte!elwe`Allas, ofome,
Tnde u iduworld syende feSh
IdneitAer been
y-writenti rsy-soegeanNe goodowor5 wlpetutie bokes ut, mehs4ende.en1060elO,,rol ddth IdI
beeha ncm
nyha toege;reTsrof s-oitttsduworldymhebel dth Idby roege;re255wommen mosu ut, sate m c oualle.anAllas, ehat wor waucasme sht,de fal d!elwe`Teey wt, seyn,dinoaismuche
is hn1065feIwlsly semddomudishoi ur,weylawey!feAl bedIonoto aeefirststsat didomamir, 1Wea whilpend noer th doymheblamedawey?weBur sinImseet4erewi wnowbettieyway fe255tsat toalae mi wnowulpetm ctoarewe hn1070feToaDiemedomalgatdtI tolybw `rewe.anwe`Bur To Tr ssinImnowbetter mth,feA55int4stIteus depart ndy da55I,elYenwprey tI god,wsoty vewyowurhan wgoododayan2ioftru idugentieehte, `rewely,wn1075reTsat hal aIa ay ctoaserven feitAfuely,ante;bestocen thwhiisl
dhehoi urukepe:’ –we255wand noer word sse brastaaeontoawepenanwe`255ctteeswyowune h nen h
IdItihal feAe;freee;lwolove,wehat h IdyeeFendofome,
n1080 1te;my goodowor5 w
Idmi stebI
livenmever.fe255,w`rewely,wI ut,d csory bean

th seen
yowuinoadversitee.fe255giltelees tIttootc el,Iyowuleve;anBur al shal pahsr;ha55teus takw Iumysleve.’ n1085feweBur `rewely,whowuloegedit ahabitwtnewelTsat he ftr-sookw imwlpetutieDiemedo,feTon 8i wnonoauctpetuel dnd it tIttene.feTakw every manbnowue ueis bokes he5 ;feHewsh Idi termedferd n,doittofodForenen1090we

thof sa
a whi8bigantoawowdtsirasonewelE
yei nwen,syetw ahatAer mhiey`h done.feweNe m cn clist aiiss lybwomma achyd anFtteAer tha aeh y tory ut, devysr.feHir name,
allas! Iispublishe;hywyd , n1095reTsat lpethirgiltdit of steuy-noebsuffysr.feAe;wfcIdmi stebexche hiranyhwysr an

he socsory ahafpethiruntroft elY-wis,wI ut,d cexche hiryetwfpetroft .anweTsiis To Tr sahaI bifornwlsly told, n1100feTsus dryveth ftrut sahawol aios h nowmhan .feBittofnen aha iishtte mhootca55cold,feAe;namely,wther ilkw nynthiwnih nwweWFor ,on `4esmhise he e dd ceimsbyhih nfeToaceme ayein:dgodwwot,wfuetlitelhrehte n1105anH dd ceey`4a wnih n;di – air tth slepeceimseehte.anweTse laurl -crofnedmPhebus,wand eiishtt anGan,dino iisc ursesay upware aios wente, 1Th warmensofo aeeestoseet4e wawe wwtt anAe;Nisusdou sterasongwand frehh entenne,en1110 1Wha a To Trh iisPa55aieyafe r senne;fe255on `4eswal dsofo aeetounwnonhepl yd ,elToalokewfcnonhecen seen
uan wofoCeiseyd .anweTilit ahanoon,theyy toden f

th see 1Whottner tAer ceme;ha55every manl awih nw n1115reTsat camufrowfer,theyy eyd ndit ahas elTil ea wnonhecoud cki wen sim a-rhan .feNowu aha iishtte mdul,nowu ahait li st;an255thuscby-iape;toe;ln f

th staiean2bofe mnof st, tsiis
To Trha55Pa55aienen1120feweToaPa55aius tsiis To Trhtso eyd ,we`

uan wIwwot,wbi-lpeanoon,sikerly,anInde u iirtounwneacemnd i uan w4erewCeiseyd .anSs h nowy-nowy`h done,whareily,anTh winrenafromei nfaaer,sotroweaI;en1125feHir t,de faan owolyetwmakw ei ndyneelE ehat he go;dgodwy vew iishtte mpyne!’fewePa55aieyanswoid , `Itumthwwol b , ctteeyn;fe255 ftr-utywlae usdyne,eIwnoni8biseche;fe255afe r noon `4an maystw thofaceme ayeyn.’
n1130 1te;hoomwnonhego,twBut-ofe mmhiey peche;fe255cemen ayein,tbe; loegedmthwtheyy echeelE ehat theyyferd ehat theyyafe r cape;an
tuny semdbhteonteonketh ftry`h IapenanweQuods To Tr s`Imseewol now,wtsat he n1135feIs tari dwand ei nt,de faan osowelTsat e he ceme,dit oleneih tevenmbenanCom ftrut sI tolyTnde u iduyatdtgh.feTtie ptru urs beehaunkonner euhal -mh;fe255I tolydoo semdht,den upw iduyatdtn1140feAhai uan wneowore, al-thof sahe cemealae .’feweTse day g nowtaste,eae;afe r that cemnd eve,elAn;yetwcemai uan we u To TrhCeiseyd .anHewloketh ftrutsbyhegge sby`ree sbygreve,elAn;fer iisonid ov r theswalhon leyde.tn1145fe255at thealastedseetornedmsim,da55 yd .we`By god,wIttootcsirsmener tnow,wPa55aie!feAl-mosu,wy-wis, Idnewe ahamhecerenanwe`Nowudofe les, tsiisl dhecen hirgood; 1Ittoot,he meneutsryd ndprively.tn1150feIcemend yei nwysdem,dbhwmhnhood!anSs tolynotomakenopeplenycelyanGaurlon ei wha ahe cemth;ybe;sofnelyanBy ni stebinde u idutounwseonteonketh ryde.fe255,wdere broeAer,nteonkynotoloegede uabyde.tn1155fewe`WeeFendi uan wel ds fpetth don,y-wis.feAe;Pa55aius,nowu oltowy`r wen me?anH ve here mhetroft ,Imseeei ! Yond sse is.feH vewupw ihnhyen, man! Maystowun nw ee?’wePa55aieyanswoid , `Nay csotmotdtI noni!en1160elAl wroeg sbygod; whanw eystow, man wher ert?elTsat Imseeyond nis bur awtaFo-cert.’fewe`Allas, ehofaseist rhan wsoout ‘ quods
To Tr;we`Bur,whareely,wit i wnor al lpeanouh nfeTher inmyhshtte mInowureioysrthus.tn1165feIt i wayeinwsom goodoIwlsly a thof s .feNootdIonotohow, bur sin`4a wI wahawrof stsfeNeefele mIwor wauconftru,wdar Iw eye;anSs cemnd to-nih nwumyslyf,wtsat dtrstebI leye!’fewePa55aieyanswoid , `Itumthwbeowol sy-nouan’;en1170 1te;heldwand eimm oualtsat hal ase yd ;weBur in iishtte mhe
thof s e,da55ofneolof s fe255tothim- lfwfuetsobrelyase
yd :we`romea
l-wode, tAer IolyaRobinpl
yd ,elSh
Idceme al ea wnoofaabydes w4ere;en1175elYe,wtaFo-wol alaeh y nowu ouferneoyere!’feweTse wareeinwofo aeeyatdsgantoacal dweTse fplk wFor ,noer wBut-ofe m aeeyatdswere,elte;bad semddryventinsirsbestehaalle,elOr alaeh ynih n theyymosueobleventt4ere.tn1180 1te;fl awiut-inaeh ynih n,wand m
nyha tere,elTsiis
To Trganhoomware fpetth ryd ;we

wol httseend itwhilpend i uan weabyde.feweBur n no les, he gl
dd dmsim inaehis;feHewthof s e hicmisacounned e dd ceis dayw n1185fe255
yd , `I ue;lrtoe;lwlsly al a-mis.fe

thilkw nian wIwlastICeiseyd dsth,feSse yd , “Ith
Idbyhshtte,wfcnoa wI mth,feE
ehat theymone,eOwdere htte mswtt
!weTse Lyon pahsr,doittofo ais Ariete.” n1190fewe`

wFor ,shicm
yyetwht,de alsirsbihehte.’fe255on `4esmhise Tnde u iduyatdts wente, 1255upwae;down sbywestca55eewebyehte, Up-on `4eswal dsmaddtsicm
nyha wente.feBur al lpeanouh n; iishope alweyceimsblenne; n1195an

wFor ,a wnih n,dinoeorweta55ykeswsore,feHewwenteoeimwhoem,dwBut-ofe nanyhmhie.anweTsiishope al ltnehoittofo iishtte mfle5de,feHewn no wher-on nowuleegerftru oosoege;reBur ftru idupeynetsim thof s e hiishtte mble5de, n1200feSo wore hiisehrowe weharpeta55woe;l

wFyhsht saf sttsat he aboodosooloege,feHewnisueow a whi8iuggenwofoitwmi ste,feSin he e
utsbroke aehat he eimsbihih ne.anweTse ehri5de, ftteAe, fif e,dsixte day n1205fe2fe r tho daye wt n,dof wFor ,I tolde,feBitwixyhshopeta55dFore hiishtte mlth,feYenwsom-w a wtiuster euon ei hestehaolde.feBur wha aht saf sthe nt,de ei termedholde,feHeecen nowuseen nonooeAeruremedye, n1210 1Bur ftru owehapeceimssone fpetth dye.anweTser-wand noeowikke;pirit tgodwuwoblessewweWFor ,ehat men clepeno wode Ialofsy anGantinsim crepe,dinoalo ais hevinesse;an

wFor sby-cehe he ut,d csone dye, n1215anHe,n ee wneodroek,afpethismaleecolye, 1255eewefromevery cempany he fle5de;weTsiis ahatAeslyf,ehat alaeh ytymehon ledde.feweHe socdefetw ah,wtsat i manl aman Unneutsmi stebsim ki we tAer s wente; n1220feSo waios ltne,ha55teer-th paleta55wan 1te;flble,a a whi8walketh bypotenne;fe255wand eiisir mhe thTrh im
lven hente.feBur who-so ax dmsim wher-ofoeimwemtte ,feHee yd , ais harm waioal abofe mhiishtte . n1225fewePryamufultofne,ca55eewehismo;l dere,elHis bret4erenca55aiissustrencgonnebsim freyneelWhyase ocsorwfultwaisinalsiischere,elte;w a wtair t ahatAescehe oualsiispeyne?feBur al lpeanouh n; e nt,de eisscehe pl yne, n1230 1Bur
yd , aeefele magrevofsmal
dhean2-bofe mhiishtte ,ca55fayhsht ut,d cdye.anweSo onoa day on leydebsim dounwnh slepe,feA55o bifel ea win iissleeptsim thof s e,feTher ina lpeestcfastedseewolktoawepe n1235an

lovetofo i
ehat sim thesdupeynehawrof ste;fe255upwae;doun aios the ftrestosof s e,feHe mettedseesaf stadbhorwand nuskeswgre e,feTher sleeptayeinwtse bri stebsonneishtt .anwete;byo ais bhor,cfastedin iisarmes fplde, n1240feLay kisir tthwhiisl dhebri stICeiseyd :an

wFor , wha aht itwganbiholde,fe255 ftr despyt,hoittofo iisslepecee br
yd ,el255 loud cAescryd onoPa55aius,a55 yd ,we`OPa55aius,nowuki we Icropwae;roei!en1245feIwnam bur dnid; tAer ni wnonooeAerubot !wewe`Mysl
dhebri stICeiseyd h
nowmi8bitrayed,anIn whom,I tiust dmmosu ouanyhwih nwweSse el ds-where h nownowuei hete mapayed;weTse blisfultgoddes, tsrof s hirgre esmi st, n1250feHantinmysdFoemdy- hew dmitwfultrhan .feTsus inmysdFoemdCeiseyd Iwlsly biholde’ –we255alo ais air tth Pa55aius hy toldenanwe`OmysCeiseyd , allas! Wher subtilteenanWher newe Trt,w
a wbeafe e,w
a wscieece, n1255feWher wrattse ofoiust scehe lsly yede ume?anWher giltdofome, w
a wfelexperieecefeHand fr ume rafe, allas! Tihnadverteece?anO tiust,eOwfeyut sOwdepetaseurauece, 1Whoth nowmi8reftsCeiseyd ,
sauece? n1260fewe`Allas! WhysleetIyouafromeenneisgo,an

wFor ,wol neih toittofomyhwitIbr
yd ? 1Whotsh
Idi wy`r we onoanyhoeAesmo? 1GodwwottIttende,eOwl dhebri st,sCeiseyd ,elTsat every wordt ahago pel ea wyee yd !en1265feBur whoumthwbet8bigyl n,dyfoeimwlist ,elTsa aht on whom,men weneutsbestde utrist ?fewe`What h IdIydoo wumysPa55aius,allas!feIwfele nowusoweharpeta newe peyne,feSin tner tAer i wnouremedie inaehissces, n1270elTsat bet8wore itIwand mhnhondes weyneelMy- lven low,wtsan alweycthTrhth pl

throf s mysdeend myhwoweht,de ean anhnd ,elTser every day wand lyf,my- lfwI hend .’fewePa55aieyanswoid a55
yd , `Allas noeowhyl n1275elTsat Im ahaborn; lsly Iun nw eyd r this,elTsat dremescm nyha manl aman8bigyl ?elte;w

fplk expoue;ln
semda-mis.feHowudarstowu eyn tner fals noysl dheis,el

nyhdFoem, rhan wftru iyn wenedFore? n1280feLat beo ais aof st, tsofacanst i dremescForenanwe`Paraueter,nteor tsofadremesttofo ais bhor,feIt mthwo b ehat it mthwignifheanHi nfaaer,wFor ,noer t,d i wa55eewehhor,feAyeinwtse sonne lyut son poynttth dye, n1285fe255he ftr orwetginneutswepe a55cry ,el255 kisend eim, tAer s lyuton `4esgroue;l;feTsus shuldes wy`hysdFoemda-rhan expoue;l.’fewe`Howumi stebIwtsannedo?’ quods To Tr,we`Th ki we ofo ais,dye,
wore itnhal asoolyt ?’
n1290fe`Nowu eystownwysly,’ quods ais Pa55aius,we`Mysrnid is ais, sin`4ofacanst wol endy e,feTher hastelyha lettrewthofyei nwry e,feThorf s wFor ,noofash It wol bring ndit abofe ,anTh ki we awsoout ofo aa wnoofaarr indofe . n1295fewe`255 e nowuw
y;wftru iis Iwdar
wol eyn,feTher ifasoois aat he uetrewe b ,anIecen noty`r we aat he tolywry e ayeyn.el255 ifashe try e,,noofash It fuetsonttsee,feAhawhetAer he e
nyhliberte n1300feTh ceme ayein,ttruel is inwsom clehe ,anIfashe bn let,he tolyahsigne awcehe nanwe`Thofyeast i r wrie nei nsin`4a wss wente, 1Nor he e u ide,ha55teis Iwdtrstebleye,elTser mthwwor wcehe beehainsirsentente, n1305feTher hareely,noofa olty`hy- lven eye,elTsatcsirsa-boodotse bestedis fpety wy`weye.feNowywry e i ehanne,ha55teofash
It fele sontfeA sotse ofoal; tAer i wnoumhieyth donl.’feweAcordid beehae u iissconc Trioue, n1310 1te;ehat anoo wuthesduilkw lordis wh;fe255hastelyhsit To Tradoun,el255 rol dnd in iishtte me ua55 fro,anHowuhicm ybestddiscryventei hiis o.fe255totCeiseyd , hiis wenel
dhedere, n1315anHe,wroot rhan wthTr,a55 yd aioyicm
y4ere.anwe`Rhan wfreshe flour,wFos Iwlsly beenca55sh I, 1WBut-ofe nparr ofoel ds-where servysewweWand ette ,cbodyw lyf,w Trt, aof st, ae;al; 1I,wofultwih n,dinoevery humblenwys n1320elTsat toegedeel dttruhtte mm ydevysewweAhaofneoahamatere occupydnd place, 1Mi8recemaue;l Tnde uyoueanoblengrace.anwe`Lykend itwy wy`o wan n,dswtt ette ,weAhayeewol ki we howuloegedeymehagoon n1325feTher yicmebleftedinasprdupeynehaemtte ,feWean ea wyeewente,dof wFor ,yetwbot
noo anH
ve Iwnonoe
d, bur hal awors8bigoo anro day to day am I,da55otmot dwelle,elWFole itwy wylist,dof weleta55wo myhwelle. n1330fewe`

wFor ,e uyow,wand dForfulthtte merewe,anIetry e,,aios tha wsorwetdryfnd tonwry e,feMyhwo,tsat hal y houee encreend newe,anCempl yner euas Iwdar

.ante;ehat defaced is,tsat m
yyenwyt n1335weTse eeres,wFor ,noer fr umhnhyen reyne,feTher ut,d cspeke,wfcnoa wtheyycoud ,da55pl yne.fewe`Y wyfirst8biseche I,d ea wyoueahyen clerefeTh lookon `4is defouledyennotoholde;fe255oal aalo ais,d ea wyewumysl dhedere, n1340feWolyvofche-saufo ais lettrewto biholde.wete;byo a scehe eeweofomyhcaiesscolde,feTher sleend myhwit twfc uan wamismeuasttte ,fe -yhal it mewumyn weneswtt
ette .fewe`Iouanyhservant dtrsteb

of s e oforhan wn1345
Up-on hiisl
dhepitofsly cempleyne,feThen wene I,d ea wor ,of s e b ehat wih nwweConsideredo ais,d ea wyeuthesdumoneAes weyneelHanttaried, tAer yee yd n,dsoout nh seyne,feBur daye wt nyenno,d cinwostosoiourne, n1350weBur intwo moneAesyetwyennotore ourne.fewe`Bur ftr-as-mfcheoahametmot nedis lykewetl ea wy wylist,dIwdar notopleyneumhie,feBur humbelyhwand sorwfultykeswsyke;feYowywry e or ,myn unrestywsorweswsore, n1355anro day to day disyring hal -mhieanTh ki wen fuely,twfcyoueawil it were,elHowuye ean fttdwae;doo wuwhyluye bett4ere.anwe`ThewFos wel-faieyandwhil eewegodwencreseanIn honoueawor ,d ea wupware indegre n1360feIt gr we alwey,dsoehat it nhal acesse;anRhan waioyoueahete mayhcanwumysl dhefree,elDevysewdIwprdy to go5otmotl it be.wete;grauete it ea wyeeonttup-on mi8rewefeAhawisly aisinalI am y wy`rewe. n1365fewe`255wfcyow lykend ki wen ofo ae faieanOfome, w
os wo tAer m
yno wih nddiscryve,anIecen noumhieybur,sches e ofoevery care,elttywry er euofo ais lettrewIm ahaon-lyve,antlredytoittmyhwofultgostde udryve; n1370elWFor ,I eelay ,da55ht,de eimwyetwinhonde, Upon `4essih ndofomatere ofcyoueasonde.wewe`Mynhyen two,inveyn wand wFor ,I see,feOfwsorwefulteeresesale marn waxen wel ds;feMyhsong,inpleyn e ofomhnadversitee; n1375feMyhgood,inharm;umhnhe eewewaxen hel dtis.feMyhIoye,dinowh; Iecen seycyow nouh noel ds,feBur turned is,f

wFor ,myslyfwIm arie,feEveror ,Ioyettruesedin iiscontrarie.fewe`Whor ,wand youeacemer euhhomtayeinwto Ty n1380feY mm
yredrese,da55,umhieya aofsa55yutefeThen hal aor ,e dd ,dencresentinme,Ioye.fe

ahatAer nhal ahete myenwso blyutefeTo ean ais lyf,was Iwh IdbeencaseswyutefeAsIyowusee;da55,u aof s i manl arou`4esn1385anCemmhal yow,yenw airkend on youeatrou`4e.fewe`255wfco b mysgiltde utsdeend diserved,anOrwfcyow list i mhieyup-on mi8see,feIn guttdon yet ofo aa wIwlsly youaserved,anBiseche I yow,mhnhete ssl dhefree,sn1390elTsat 4ere-upon ye ut,d nywry e m ,fe

lovetofogod,mysri steblo;l-stttre,elTser deend m ymake anhnd oualmyhwerr .fewe`IouoeAerucehe auh nodond yowwftru o dwelle,elTher uand youealettrewyicmebrecemftrte; n1395fe

thof s e ume youeaabseece i wa5 hel dwweWand pacieecewIm ol myhwowcempote ,weA55wand youealettrewofo opewIm ol despote .feNowywry eut sswtt ,da55lat me
thTrhnotopleyne;weWand eope,ttrudeend, eelial enowmi8fr upeyne. n1400fewe`Y-wis,myn wenedere htte merewe,anIetoot aa , wha ayennextyup-on mi8see,feSh lost lsly Iumhnheleta55eewemhnhewe,anCeiseyd sh Idi uh noconne ki we m
!weY-wis,myn hete ssdaywumysl
dhefree, n1405feSh thTrsteuts
ymyn hete wto biholdefeYoueabeafe e,tsat myslyfwunneut Iwloldenanwe`I seyci mhie, allsly Iuftru o eyefeTo youawol mhieytha aIdeel dtm y;feBur wheteor tsa wyeed ume lialttrudeye, n1410feY toprayaIdgod,o yhal yoworhan wgoodsday.wete;faieutswel,wgoodly fayrewfreshe m y,weAhayeetsa wlyfwor deend m mm
ycemaue;l;fe255totyoueatrou`4e ayaIdmi8recemaue;lfewe`Wand etle swor ,noer, bur ye yhaln mi8n1415weTse same etle, Iwh Idnoo etle lsly.feIn youalyut swha ayow list ehat it o b ,elTse day inowFor ,m scloeAenwh Idmysgrsly.feIn yow myslyf,dinoyowumi stuftru o sly 1Mi8fromdisesed oualldupeynehaemtte ; n1420wete;faie nowuwel,wmyn weneswtt ette !we LeyvostrewT.’feweTais lettrewftrth ahaseet Tnde uCeiseyd ,elOf
wFor ,sirsanswoiedineffect
ahatAis;feFultpitofsly she troot ayein,ta55 yd ,weTher alsoeonttas aat he mi st, y-wis,n1425weSse ut,d cceme,ta55mhnd al ea w ahamis.fete;fynally she troot a55 yd eimwehanne,weSse ut,d cceme,tye, bur she nist weennenanweBur insirslettrewmad she swor ,fes es,feTher utnd ah,ta55wl enowshe lovend eimbest,n1430feOf wFor ,sewfte;butwbotmtlees8bihes es.feBur To Tr,teofam
yst i w,estto awosnwwePypedinantivysleef,wfcnoa wtheeblest;feTsus goout nse utrld; go5Fol;l Ts fr umischauece, 1te;every whan wthat meneutstrou`4e avauece!n1435feweEncreen gan nse ut fr uday to nhan feOf

To Tr,ftru aryer euofoCeiseyd ;fe255lesentgan ais opewa55eewehismih nwwe

wFor ,aldoun,sewin iisbed eimwleyd ;feHenneeet,nedFonk,nesleep,newordthe yd , n1440feImaginer euay`4a wss wahaunkie;l;fe

wFor ,wol neih s wextoittofo isminde.weweTais dFoem, of wFor ,Idet,d lsly eewebiftrn,elM
ynhal aceme oittofo isremembrauece;feHen aof steuaywol he e dd eissl
dheltrn, n1445ante;ehat Ioves,tofo ispurveyauece, 1Himwshewed e dd inwsleep `4essihnifiauecefeOf
sirsuetrou`4e a55his di slynture, 1te;noa wthe bhor ahashewed eimwinwfigur .fewe

wFor ,he ftr
Sibillduhis sustttaseet , n1450elTsat calldd ahaCahsa55ry eewealabofe ;fe255allis dFoemos tt,de eir er s stente, 1255hir bisof steuassoilenteimwthe dofe feOf `4esstror eubhor,wand tuskeswstofe ;fe255fynally,wand-inneha litelwstofnd , n1455anCahsa55ry eimwgan rhan wthTrlis dFoemoexpoue;l.feweSse gan first8smyle,ta55 yd , `O broeAerudere,elIfwnoofaawsoout ofo ais desyresttki we,feThofamost a,fewe ofot,d cstorieishtt ,anTh purpos,th wy`hatuftrtunehoal -thr we n1460feH utslordis olde; thr f s wFor ,wand-inneha thr we,feThofawol ais bhor sh
It ki we,ta55of
wFatukie;lfeHencemen is,ahamentinbokeswfinde.wewe`Diane,wFor ,noer trooth ahaa55iniiean

Grekeswno,d cdoo ei nsacrifysewdn1465anNe encensyup-on sirsautttasetteua-fyre,weSse,ftru oer Grekeswgonne ei nso di pysewweWrak ei nina utnd cruol wys .fe

and a bhor
ahagre waioox inwstalldweSse mad upwfre e i cornca55vynehaalle. n1470fewe`Th slee ais bhor ahaalo a scontrei8reys d,anA-mhr eswFor ,nol acem, ais bhor o ee, 12am
yd , oo ofo ais utrldotse best y-preys d;fe255Mtleagie, lord ofo aa wcontrei,feHenloved cs u iissfreshe m yd nyfre n1475elTher uand ismanhod,er s ut,d cstente, 1Tais bhor 4essl w,a55hir tse heedthe
ne ;fewe`Of
wFor ,ahat,d cbokesweel dn us,elTser roos awcontewea55aagre wenvye;fe255ofo ais lord dischnd d Tyd Trn1480feBheligne,ttruel dsat,d cbokeswlye;feBur h wy`his Mtleagie gan no dyefeThorf s ismo;lr,wolIyowunototel dwwe

alo ouloeg it werewftru o dwelle.’fewe [Argumeet ofo ae 12 Bookhaof Statius’ “Tsebais”]fewe Associatoprofugum Tideh primTrPolimitem;we Tidea legatum docetwinsidiasque cue;us;we Tercius Hemhrid nycenit etwvae ssl titantes;we QuarrTrlabetore esineueteswprdliawseptem;we Mox furie Lenne quinto narratur etwanguis;we Arceimoribustum sextouludiqueleguntur;we Der Graios Tsebeswetwvae mwseptimTrvmbria;we Octauowcecidit TideTr,sper,vita Pelasgia;we Ypemedon non mhiitur cum Parrhonopeo;we FulmindupercussTr,decim uCapaneus superatur;we Vndecim usesedperimTet per vulnl a,fratres;we Argiuam fl ne m narrat duo;lnuswetwigneum.feweSse tt,de eewehowuTyd Tr,er ss stente,n1485 Unde u`4esstror euciteeaof Tsebes,anTh cleymehkiegdomofo ae citee,ewente,we

wFor ,tse broeAer,tdaueEthyoc ds,feFultwror fuelyaof Tsebes etldu`4esstreng`4e; n1490elTsisstt,de ss byoprocer, Idbysleng`4e.feweSse tt,de eewehowuHemhrid suasttte ,feWha aTyd Trsl f s fiftywknhan eswstofe .weSse tt,de eewealo a sprophesye wbyshete ,weA55h wy`hatushalnehkieges,wand i arou`e,n1495feBiseged ny ae citeeealabofe ;fe255ofo ae lolyhserpent,a55nse uel dwwe255ofo ae furier, Idsse gan eimwtelle.feweOf
Arceimori wburyer eua55nse pleyds,feA55h wyAmphiorax fil thr f s nse gr fnd , n1500feHowuTyd Tr ahaslayn,
lord ofoArgeyds,feA55h wyYpemedountinlitelwstofnd feWas dFoynt,a55deedtParrhonopeof woue;l;fe255alsoeh wyCappaneus a sproud feWand thonder-dint ahaslayn,
aa wcryd loud . n1505feweSse gan eeweeel dteimwh wy`hatueinol abroeAer,weEthyoc dsa55Polimy e also,elttyawscarmycse,eche ofo mwsl f s oeAer,we255ofoArgyves weper eua55 i awo;weA55h wy`he ttwn ahabreet sse tt,de eewetho. n1510wete;so dischnd nd dountfromges es oldefeTh Diemede,a55nsus ss spawea55toldenanwe`Tsissilke bhor bitokneutsDiemede,feTyd Trsone,tsat dountdischnd d isanro Mtleagie, that mad the bhor
to bldd . n1515ante;ehysl
dh,wFer-soese be, y-wis,elTsissDiemede i ahete we ut,ta55hduhisnanWeep ifwnoofawolt,ttruleef;wftr, oittofodofe ,elTsissDiemedeissinne,a55nsofaart ofe .’anwe`Tsouaseyst iatusooth,’ quodthe, `nsofasorcerese,dn1520weWand alo ay falsedgoosttofoprophesye!feThofawonest beencaagre wdevyneresse;anNowuseestowunototiissfoolofofantasyefePeynend i aon l dheswfor
to lye?antwey!’ quodthe. `Tser Ioves yhal theebsorwe!dn1525feThofash It be fals, paraueter,yenw o-mhrwe!fewe`2sawol aofamhan es wlyen on Alces e,feTher uahaof creaturer,butwmentlye,feTher hal aweren, kie;lstua55nse best .fe

hanne i ahofsbonde uahainIuparty n1530feTo dyeteim-self,but-wfcs ut,d cdye,weSse cheeswfor eimwto dyeta55gowto hel dwwe255starouanoo ,ahaus a sbokesweel d.’anweCahsa55ry gout,ta55s uand cruol hete fe -yat 4is ut,ftruangrewofo i nspeche; n1535ante;from iisbed Idso;linly s stete ,weAs
thof s allooleimwh
dd y-madha leche.fete;day bysday se gan enquereta55 ctefeAwsoout ofo ais,wand allis fuele cure;fe255thTrledFyend ftrth lis slynture. n1540fewe
tune,wFor ehat permutaciounfeOf
ut,tas it is i
committedfeThr f s purveyauecea55di posiciounfeOf heih e Iove,tas re nehaeh
Idbentflittedfero folkwinwfolk,ttruwha a a yaeh Idbentsmitted,dn1545anGa apuele aweyo ae feteore wbri stebof Ty fero day to daywutil theyobentbarewofoIoye.fefe2mhr alo air,teefynofo ae parodi feOf Ector gan approcAenwutnd
blyve;elTse fat ut,d chis soule sloldesuebodi ,dn1550wete;shapente dd a mene it oittto dryve;elAyeinswFor ,fat eimwhelpend nototosstryve;elBur oncaaday to fi stentgan ae uende,feAt wFor ,allas! Hencef steuais lyves ende.wewe

wFor ,me
thinkend every manl awhan wn1555elTher hauetend armes of steuto biwayleelTse deend ofo im ea w ahasoenoble awknhan ;fe

arledFof s ahkieg bysthslyntayle,
Unwar ofo ais,Aceil dsathr f s nse mayleel255thr f s nse body gan eimwfor to ryve;wn1560fe255thTr ais utr ay knhan ahabr uh noofolyve.wewe

wFem, ahat,d cbokesweel dn us,elWas madhswor ,ut,noa wtor euitmm ynototel d;fe255namely,`4esshrwebof
To Tr,elTher nextyeimwuahaof utr aindsse uel d. n1565ante;in ais ut gan To Tru o dwelle,elTher,
shrwe,ta55love,tae;forsueres e,feFultof e asday se ba5his hete wbrest .feelBur iatetler,teofh s gan eimwdi peyre, 1te;dr dd ay`4a weissl
dhewahauntrew ,dn1570feY toayon sirshis hete wgan repeyre.fete;as aesedlovere wdoo ,4esshf steuaynew feTo geteuayeinuCeiseyd ,wbri st ofo we.fete;in iishete weeewente eir excusiege,elTher Calkas caused alhir taryer e. n1575fewe255ofteutym weeewahainpurposagree feHim-selventlyweatpilgrimwto disgysewweTo een sir;butwse maynotocontrefee feTo beencunki wenofofolkw ea w eren wys ,anNe finde excus arhan wthat maysuffysewdn1580feIfo amhr `4esGrekeswki wen ere;we

wFor ,he weep fultof e manyha ter .feweTo i ahe troot yenwofteutym walnew feFultpitofsly,4eslefteuit i u stuftrusl f`4e,feBisec4ieghir tser, sin aatweeewahatrew ,dn1585weSse ut,d ccemeuayeinua55st,de eir trou`4e.we

wFor ,Ceiseyd yup-on a daywuftrur f`4e,feIdeakeuit st,nouc4iege alo air mattt ,anWroe eimwayein,ta55 yd as ye mayher .fewe`Cupyd susone,ensampleofogoodlihed , n1590elOwl 5ofoknhan hod,shfrhaof gentilese!feHowumhan a uhan in ormeet a55in5rydeel255etlelees,yowushnd as yenwgl dndsse?feIdhete lees,I syke,I in5istresse;anSiny uand me,tntruI uand yowumaydel , n1595weYowuneinol ashnd or ,herte maynoretle.fewe`Yhfrslettres ful,o ae papi aloy-ploynt d,anCoeceyvedwe
ut myn,herteswpiee e;anI lsly eewe
ynwand tere waldepeyntedfeYhfrslettre,ta55s wy`hatuyi8requeren,me 1600feTo cemeuayein,wFor ,yenwne maynotobe.feBur whywullstunoa wthisslettreuftue;ln ere,anNo menciounwne makeuInowwuftrufer .fewe`GrevoTru o me,tgodtwoot, is yhfrsueres e,feYhfrshastt,a55nser, nse goddis ordinauece,
1605weItushmend notoyi8eakeuit ftru oe best .feNtruoeAeru`4ieg nissin yhfrsremembrauece,weAs thinkend me,tbur only yhfrsplosauece.feBur bend nototrooth,a55nserIyowubisec4e;we

nserItari ,di walf

akkedwspeche. n1610fewe`FtruI lsly hl 5wol mhr ehanuI uende,feTouc4iege Tru ut,h wy`hiegeswe n y-stoe;l;feWFor ,Iaeh
Idwand 5issimTliege amende.we255bend nou stutrooth,I lsly eeweue;lrstoe;l,feHowuyi8n cdoo butwst,den,me in oe;l. n1615elBur iowunof
s,I cen notoin yhwgesseelBur alle trou`4eea55alle gentilese.fewe`Cemen I ut,,tbur yetwinhswor ,5isioynteanI stoe;l as nowwu ea w hatuyierutruwhat dayelTher thisseh Idbe,
aa wcanuI notoapoynte. n1620weBur inheffect,I prey yhw, ahaI may,elOf yhfrsgood utrdta55of

trew lh,wFylwthat myslyfumaydure,weAs ftruayfre nd, ye mayin,me
ahsur .fewe`Y topreyeIyowuo yveluyi8n ceake, 1625elTher it is slortwFor ,noer Iu o yowuwryte;anI dar nor, nseruI am,wol lettres make,anNe nhal ayenwne coud uI uel endyt .feEewegre weffectwmentwryteainplacelite.elTsententedi wal,a55nou stut4eslettres space;wn1630fe255farend now uel,tgodtlsly yhfin iisgrace!we La vostre C.’anweTsiss To Tru hisslettreuteofh e alsstraueg ,feWha aheuit safh ,ta55hrwefuelya4essi ste;feHimuteofh e ittlyweatkalendehaof chaueg ;elBur fynally,4esfultne trowenmhan ewn1635elTher s n ut,d chimwst,den,ther s hi ste;fe

wand fultyveluwil list
eimwto lhalelTher lovend uel,tinhswor ,car,teofh simwgrev .feelBur iatetler,ment ynnser,

anyh`hieg,menthalo a sso a ssee;wn1640wete;swor ,a,car bitiddt,a55nser ahafas e,feTher
To Truuel ue;lrstood,ther s anNas not st kie;las aa weir of steube.we255fynally,4eswoot nowwuoittofodofe ,elTser al is lostunoa wh we ut beencabofe . n1645feweStood,oncaaday in iismalencolyeweTsiss To Tr, a55insTrpeciounfeOf
hir f

wFem ae uendewftru o dye.we255so bifel,noa wthr f s-oitt Ty noun,weAs
was ae gysew y-bhr wahaupa55dounwn1650wet manl acote-armure,tas ythu`4esstori ,feBiftrn Deipsebe,tinhsigne ofo irvictori ,feelTse wFor cote,tas tel dthuLolliTr,elDeipsebe itth dd y-reet fromDiemedeelTse sameaday;a55wha a aiss To Trun1655weItusafh ,ts gan e u`akenofoitthede,feAvysiegofo ae leng`4eta55of tse brede,feA55alnse uerk;butwarlegan bist,de,feFultso;linly sis hete wgan to ce,de,feweAs ehat ony ae coler f
55wand-inneun1660fe2abr cse,noa wh wCeiseyd yyafwthat mhrweelTher s from Ty most n dehatwinne,weInsremembrauece ofo ima55of his sorwe;wete;sh chimwl
yd ayeinuhir f
ythu`o bhrweelTt
kepeoittay;but nowwufultwol hewas`e,n1665anHissl dhenas no lenge aon e u`rist .feelHedgoothchimwstem, a55gan fultsoneashnd we

Pa55arus;ea55ala aissnew chauecdwwe255ofo aisabr cse,se tt,de eimwutrdta55ende,feCemployniege ofo i nherteswvariauece, 1670feHisslor eulove,tsisstr f`4e,ua55 iswpinauece;fe255after deend,wand-oitenwutrdehamhr ,feFultfas ese cryd ,tsissres e eimwto res or .feweTha aspawe ehTr, `Osl dhemyn,Ceiseyd ,feWher is yhfrsf
yth,a55wher is yhfrsbises e?
1675feWher is yhfrslove,twher is yhfrstr f`4e,’a4esseyd ;fe`Of Diemede sly ye now ala aissfes e!weAllas, I ut,de sly trowed atut4eslest .feTser,
sinye no,dein rou`4ee o me stoe;l,feThatuyi8thTrnt,de snwst,den,me in oe;l!dn1680fewe`Whothalonow trowe,oncanyho a hamh?weAllas, I nhal awt,de snww nd, eru`4is,feThatuyi,uCeiseyd ,wcoud u snwchaueg 5so;anNe,tbur Ite dd a-gilta55dooncamis,feSo cruol uendewI notoyhfrsherte, y-wis,dn1685weTo lee,me thus;eallas, yhfrsnameofo rou`4eweIs nowwftr-doo ,a55nser i walmysrou`4e.wewe`Was aer nonuoeAerubr cse yowulistesleteelTt feffe uand yofrsnew love,’ quodthe,we`Bur `4ilke br cse noer I,wand tere wwe`e,n1690elYowuyaf,tas ftruayremembrauece ofome?feNonuoeAerucause,eallas, ne dd yeelBur ftrudehpyt,a55eewef

nsery menteanAl-oitr lhotoss wen yhfrsentente!anwe`Tsr f s wFor ,Iaeee noer clene oittofoyhfrsmie;ln1695weY u snwmecart,a55Iwne cen nor may,el

al ais utrld,wand-in myn,herte findeelTt unloven yhwa quarter ofoaaday!weInscursedutym wI bhrnwah,woylaway!weThatuyi,unoer dooncme al ais utendure,t 1700feY tolovewI besttofoanyhcreature.wewe`Nowugod,’ quodthe, `meashnd yenw legraceweThatuI maycmetenwuand tais Diemede!fe255trew lh,wfcI lsly mhan ae;space,feY tohaloI make,cI lop ,tsisssyd suble;l. n1705weOugod,’ quodthe, `ehat ouan es w`akenhedeelTt ftrtheren,tr f`4e,ua55troegeswtospunyc ,feWhheniltowudoonca vengeauece ofotais vyc ?wewe`O Pa55ari,unoer in5rymeswfor
e u`rist
Me blamedshast,ua55toet arnwoftyup-breyd , n1710feNowumaystowushe noy-selve,wfcnoa wtheeuliste,feHowutrew i wnow thhenec ,wbri st Ceiseyd !weInssondrywformer,godtittwoot,’a4esseyd ,we`Tse goddis s wen bo a sIoyea55neneweInsslepe,ua55bhemy5ryme it is nowushnl. n1715fewe`255certaynlh,wand-oite mhr speche,ferom aennes-ftrth,tas ferftrth ahaI may,elMynowene deend inuarmes wt,,Iaeec4e;weIyreccse notoh wysoneabew leday!weBur `rew lh,Ceiseyd ,wswe`e may, n1720weWFem I lsly aycuand almysmhan y-served,feThatuyi8thTrdoo ,I lsly it i u studiserved.’anweTsissPa55arus,unoer alle taesed`hiegeswel 5dwwe255was`etwol he yd aysoond ofo`4is,feHe i u stuawutrdtayeinutoo ima5wl 5e;wn1725elFor shryof
his frendes sorweaheuis,wete;shamedwuftruaissnec we ut doonca-mis;wete;stant,uastoee5of
stil dtas toon;uawutrdtne coud uhe
y .feelBur atut4eslaste8thTrhepaw,ta55 yd , n1730fe`My br eAerudere,uI mayctheeudoeno-mor .feWher suldewI yn?I lste, y-wis,dCeiseyd !weAnd, godtwot, I ut, lste eir eal mor !fe255toa wthhfme bisouan es wdooncofoyhr ,feHaviege Tn- o myn oeofrsnemysres e n1735elRhan no reward, I dide
al aa wtheeulest .feel`If I dide
ou stut4at mhan ewlywen,thee,weIt is meuleef;ta55of tsisstreson noww
Godtwoot, ther it a sorweais Tn- o m !fe2555rydelees,ftruaertesweseuofoyhw, n1740weRhan faynwoldewI amende it,was`etI low.we255fro ais utrld,almhan y godtI preye,elDelivere eir sone;I cen no-mhr s y .’anweGret
was ae sorweaa55ployntuofo
To Tr;elBur ftrthchi acofrhaftrtuny aycgan to st,de. n1745feCeiseyd ylovend ae sone ofoTyd us,wete; To Trumototepeoinscare wce,de.weSwor ,is ais utrld; wFe-so i wcanubist,de,feInsec4ewester i wliteluaerteswres e; Godtlhal Trufor
e u`akeuit ftru oe best !dn1750feweInsmanyhcruol batayl , oittofodrede,feOfs To Tr, ais ilke nobleoknhan ,weAs
mentmayin,tseseuoldewbokeswred ,feWas ne isoknhan hodua55 iswgree mhan .fe2555rydelees,ais ire,uday a55nhan ,dn1755feFultcruolly `4esGrekesway abouan e;fe255alweymost tais Diemedeheouan e.feel255ofteutym , I finde aa wtheycmett Wand blodhestrokeswa55wandwutrdehagree ,weAssayiege h wyeir spere wweren,whett ;wn1760wete;godtittwoot, uand manyha cruol heteelGanu To Truupon sis helmwto bene.feBur iatetler,ftrtuny it i u stun ut,d ,feOfs eAers oe; aa weinol ad y ntht,de. –feel255wfcI lsdd y-`akenfor e uwrytean1765elTse armes of
tsissilke wtrthy man,weTha awoldewI of his batail ds endyt .feBur ftrunoer Iu o wryteafirstubiganfeOf hisslove,tI lsly seydas aa wI cen.feHisswtrthy d deh, wFe-so list
eem aere,t 1770feRee5Dare ,se canutel d eem alle y-fer .feweBisec4iege eal ysl
dhebri st of
hew ,wete;eal ysgentilswtmman,uwhat soe be,elTser al be aa wCeiseyd ywahaun`rew ,elTser ftrunoer giltsoe be nototrooth uand me. n1775weY umayeir giltinuoeAerewbokeswsee;fe255gl dlieruI wole wryten,wfcyowules e,fePent,op es trou`4eea55good Alcest .feelNewI y nototsissal-only ftru oes men,feBur most f

wtmmen,ther bitrayse5be n1780feTsr f s falsewftlk;godtyevd eem sorwe, amen!weThatuuand eir gree wi ae;subtilteeelBitraysecyow! 255toi wcemmevend meweTo peke, a55ineffectwyhwalle I preye,elBend uar ofome ,a55Aerkenend uaa wI s y ! — n1785feweGt,litelubook, golitelumyntrag 5i ,elTsergodtthy makl ayen, eru`4a wh wdye,elSo shnd mhan o makeuinssomwcem 5i !weBur litelubook, no makiegthhfnenvye,elBur subgit be oalle poesy ;wn1790wete;kis ae steppeh, wFer-as ahfseest paceweVirgile, Ovyd , Omer, Luca ,a55Stace.feel255ftru oer is so gre wdiversiteeelInsEnglish a55inwrytiegofohfrstoeg ,feSo preyeIgod,ther nooncmiswryteathee,wn1795elNewtheeumismetre ftrudefaite of toeg .fe255ryd
wFer-so ahfbe,ttruel ds soeg ,feToa wthhfbe ue;lrstondewI god,besec4e!weBur yenw ospurpos of mysra oer speche. –feelTse wra o`4e,uaswI began yowwftrotosseye,wn1800feOfs To Tr, aesGrekeswbouan enudere;fe

thhfsandes sis hondes madenudeye,weAs se noer wahawand-oitenwanyhpere,feSsly Ector, in iistym , aswI ca aher .feBur woylawey, ssly only goddis wil d,wn1805elDispinously sim sl f s aesfiersAc4il d.feel255wha a aa wh wwahaslayni a aissmanl ,feHi wlian ewgoost fultblisfuelyaisswent Up
e u`h cht,ownesseof
tse sevennd spere,feInsconverssletiege eal ystlement;wn1810fe255toerheafh ,twand fultavysement,elTse erra ik sterre ,serkeniege armony Wand sownes fulle ofo evenish melodhd.feel255dounwfromtaennestfas ese gan avyseweTsissliteluspot of ertse,noa wuand ta sseewn1815elEmbracyd
ir, a55fuelyagan dehpyseweTsisswreccsed utrld,a55Ael5alavaniteeelTo respectwof tse ployn feliciteeelTser i win evene above;ea55atut4eslaste,weToerhewahaslayn, hisslokiegdounwhecart ;wn1820feel255wn im-selfo e l f s ri st atut4eswofeOf hemnoa wueptenfor
hissdeend so fas e;fe255dampee5alahfrsuerknoa wftlwend soelTse blindew Trt, aeswFor ,t4at may notolaste,wete;sht,den,alahfrsherte on evene cart .wn1825el255ftrnd ee uente, shtrtly ftru outel d,weToerahaMercurie sortedshimwto dwel d. –feelSwor ,fyn ath,tlo,a aiss To Truftrulove,elSwor ,fyn ath,ala iswgree wtrthinesse;elSwor ,fyn ath, iswester real above,wn1830feSwor ,fyn isslTrt, swor ,fyn ath, iswnoblesse;elSwor ,fyn ath,falsewutrldesabr telnesse.fe255toTrubigan hissloviege ofoCeiseyd ,feAstI lsly tt,d, a55in ais uysech wdeyd .feelO yoege fress ftlke ,se or she,wn1835feInswFor ,t4at lovewupwgrowend uand yofrsag ,feRepeyrend stemwfromutrldly vaniteewwe255ofoyhfrsherteyup-cart nd ta svisag elTo `4ilke god,ther after sissimag elYowumade,a55nsinketh,alanis bur afayrewn1840weTsisswtrld,ther passend sondtas fl frestfayrd.feel255lovend him, aeswFor ,t4at ri st ftrulove Uponca cros,ahfrsouleswfor
e ubeye,weFirstusterf,a55roor, a55sitwin evene a-bove;fe

se nil,falsen no uaan ,d5arwI s
y ,wn1845weThatuuol sis herteyala ooelyaon simsleye.fe255sin e bestte ulovewir, a55most meke,feWher ee5end f yee5loveswftrotossek ?weweLo aere,tofoPayen wcerseduoldewrytes,weLo aere,twoer alle eir goddis may avail d;wn1850feLo aere,t oes wreccsed utrldeswappetytes;feLo aere,t oe,fyna55gul 5onfor eravail dfeOf
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