My fadres graunt if that I so withstode, Sin she is chaunged for the tounes goode.
`I have eek thought, so it were hir assent, To aske hir at my fader, of his grace; 555 Than thenke I, this were hir accusement, Sin wel I woot I may hir not purchace.
For sin my fader, in so heigh a place As parlement, hath hir eschaunge enseled, He nil for me his lettre be repeled. 560
`Yet drede I most hir herte to pertourbe With violence, if I do swich a game;
For if I wolde it openly distourbe, It moste been disclaundre to hir name.
And me were lever deed than hir defame, 565 As nolde god but-if I sholde have
Hir honour lever than my lyf to save!
`Thus am I lost, for ought that I can see; For certeyn is, sin that I am hir knight, I moste hir honour levere han than me 570 In every cas, as lovere oughte of right. Thus am I with desyr and reson twight;
Desyr for to destourben hir me redeth, And reson nil not, so myn herte dredeth.’
Thus wepinge that he coude never cesse, 575 He seyde, `Allas! How shal I, wrecche, fare? For wel fele I alwey my love encresse,
And hope is lasse and lasse alwey, Pandare! Encressen eek the causes of my care;
So wel-a-wey, why nil myn herte breste? 580 For, as in love, ther is but litel reste.’
Pandare answerde, `Freend, thou mayst, for me, Don as thee list; but hadde ich it so hote, And thyn estat, she sholde go with me;
Though al this toun cryede on this thing by note, 585 I nolde sette at al that noyse a grote.
For when men han wel cryed, than wol they roune; A wonder last but nyne night never in toune.
`Devyne not in reson ay so depe
Ne curteysly, but help thy-self anoon; 590 Bet is that othere than thy-selven wepe, And namely, sin ye two been al oon.
Rys up, for by myn heed, she shal not goon; And rather be in blame a lyte y-founde
Than sterve here as a gnat, with-oute wounde. 595
`It is no shame un-to yow, ne no vyce Hir to with-holden, that ye loveth most. Paraunter, she mighte holden thee for nyce To lete hir go thus to the Grekes ost.
Thenk eek Fortune, as wel thy-selven wost, 600 Helpeth hardy man to his enpryse,
And weyveth wrecches, for hir cowardyse.
`And though thy lady wolde a litel hir greve, Thou shalt thy pees ful wel here-after make, But as for me, certayn, I can not leve 605 That she wolde it as now for yvel take.
Why sholde than for ferd thyn herte quake? Thenk eek how Paris hath, that is thy brother, A love; and why shaltow not have another?
`And Troilus, o thing I dar thee swere, 610 That if Criseyde, whiche that is thy leef, Now loveth thee as wel as thou dost here, God helpe me so, she nil nat take a-greef, Though thou do bote a-noon in this mischeef. And if she wilneth fro thee for to passe, 615 Thanne is she fals; so love hir wel the lasse.
`For-thy tak herte, and thenk, right as a knight, Thourgh love is broken alday every lawe. Kyth now sumwhat thy corage and thy might, Have mercy on thy-self, for any awe. 620 Lat not this wrecched wo thin herte gnawe, But manly set the world on sixe and sevene; And, if thou deye a martir, go to hevene.
`I wol my-self be with thee at this dede, Though ich and al my kin, up-on a stounde, 625 Shulle in a strete as dogges liggen dede, Thourgh-girt with many a wyd and blody wounde. In every cas I wol a freend be founde.
And if thee list here sterven as a wrecche, A-dieu, the devel spede him that it recche!’ 630
This Troilus gan with tho wordes quiken, And seyde, `Freend, graunt mercy, ich assente; But certaynly thou mayst not me so priken, Ne peyne noon ne may me so tormente,
That, for no cas, it is not myn entente, 635 At shorte wordes, though I dyen sholde,
To ravisshe hir, but-if hir-self it wolde.’
`Why, so mene I,’ quod Pandarus, `al this day. But tel me than, hastow hir wil assayed, That sorwest thus?’ And he answerde, `Nay.’ `Wher-of artow,’ quod Pandare, `than a-mayed, 640 That nost not that she wol ben y-vel apayed To ravisshe hir, sin thou hast not ben there, But-if that Iove tolde it in thyn ere?
`For-thy rys up, as nought ne were, anoon, 645 And wash thy face, and to the king thou wende, Or he may wondren whider thou art goon.
Thou most with wisdom him and othere blende; Or, up-on cas, he may after thee sende
Er thou be war; and shortly, brother dere, 650 Be glad, and lat me werke in this matere.
`For I shal shape it so, that sikerly Thou shalt this night som tyme, in som manere, Com speke with thy lady prevely,
And by hir wordes eek, and by hir chere, 655 Thou shalt ful sone aperceyve and wel here Al hir entente, and in this cas the beste; And fare now wel, for in this point I reste.’
The swifte Fame, whiche that false thinges Egal reporteth lyk the thinges trewe, 660 Was thorugh-out Troye y-fled with preste winges Fro man to man, and made this tale al newe, How Calkas doughter, with hir brighte hewe, At parlement, with-oute wordes more,
I-graunted was in chaunge of Antenore. 665
The whiche tale anoon-right as Criseyde Had herd, she, which that of hir fader roughte, As in this cas, right nought, ne whanne he deyde, Ful bisily to Iuppiter bisoughte
Yeve hem mischaunce that this tretis broughte. 670 But shortly, lest thise tales sothe were, She dorste at no wight asken it, for fere.
As she that hadde hir herte and al hir minde On Troilus y-set so wonder faste,
That al this world ne mighte hir love unbinde, 675 Ne Troilus out of hir herte caste;
She wol ben his, whyl that hir lyf may laste. And thus she brenneth bothe in love and drede, So that she niste what was best to rede.
But as men seen in toune, and al aboute, 680 That wommen usen frendes to visyte,
So to Criseyde of wommen com a route For pitous Ioye, and wenden hir delyte;
And with hir tales, dere y-nough a myte, These wommen, whiche that in the cite dwelle, 685 They sette hem doun, and seyde as I shal telle.
Quod first that oon, `I am glad, trewely, By-cause of yow, that shal your fader see.’ A-nother seyde, `Y-wis, so nam not I,
For al to litel hath she with us be.’ 690 Quod tho the thridde, `I hope, y-wis, that she Shal bringen us the pees on every syde,
That, whan she gooth, almighty god hir gyde!’
Tho wordes and tho wommanisshe thinges, She herde hem right as though she thennes were; 695 For, god it wot, hir herte on other thing is, Although the body sat among hem there.
Hir advertence is alwey elles-where; For Troilus ful faste hir soule soughte; With-outen word, alwey on him she thoughte. 700
Thise wommen, that thus wenden hir to plese, Aboute nought gonne alle hir tales spende; Swich vanitee ne can don hir non ese,
As she that, al this mene whyle. brende Of other passioun than that they wende, 705 So that she felte almost hir herte deye
For wo, and wery of that companye.
For which no lenger mighte she restreyne Hir teres, so they gonnen up to welle,
That yaven signes of the bitter peyne 710 In whiche hir spirit was, and moste dwelle; Remembring hir, fro heven unto which helle She fallen was, sith she forgoth the sighte Of Troilus, and sorowfully she sighte.
And thilke foles sittinge hir aboute 715 Wenden, that she wepte and syked sore
By-cause that she sholde out of that route Departe, and never pleye with hem more.
And they that hadde y-knowen hir of yore Seye hir so wepe, and thoughte it kindenesse, 720 And eche of hem wepte eek for hir destresse;
And bisily they gonnen hir conforten
Of thing, god wot, on which she litel thoughte; And with hir tales wenden hir disporten, And to be glad they often hir bisoughte. 725 But swich an ese ther-with they hir wroughte Right as a man is esed for to fele,
For ache of heed, to clawen him on his hele!
But after al this nyce vanitee
They took hir leve, and hoom they wenten alle. 730 Criseyde, ful of sorweful pitee,
In-to hir chaumbre up wente out of the halle, And on hir bed she gan for deed to falle, In purpos never thennes for to ryse;
And thus she wroughte, as I shal yow devyse. 735
Hir ounded heer, that sonnish was of hewe, She rente, and eek hir fingres longe and smale She wrong ful ofte, and bad god on hir rewe, And with the deeth to doon bote on hir bale. Hir hewe, whylom bright, that tho was pale, 740 Bar witnes of hir wo and hir constreynte; And thus she spak, sobbinge, in hir compleynte:
`Alas!’ quod she, `out of this regioun I, woful wrecche and infortuned wight,
And born in corsed constellacioun, 745 Mot goon, and thus departen fro my knight; Wo worth, allas! That ilke dayes light
On which I saw him first with eyen tweyne, That causeth me, and I him, al this peyne!’
Therwith the teres from hir eyen two 750 Doun fille, as shour in Aperill ful swythe; Hir whyte brest she bet, and for the wo
After the deeth she cryed a thousand sythe, Sin he that wont hir wo was for to lythe, She mot for-goon; for which disaventure 755 She held hir-self a forlost creature.
She seyde, `How shal he doon, and I also? How sholde I live, if that I from him twinne? O dere herte eek, that I love so,
Who shal that sorwe sleen that ye ben inne? 760 O Calkas, fader, thyn be al this sinne!
O moder myn, that cleped were Argyve, Wo worth that day that thou me bere on lyve!
`To what fyn sholde I live and sorwen thus? How sholde a fish with-oute water dure? 765 What is Criseyde worth, from Troilus?
How sholde a plaunte or lyves creature Live, with-oute his kinde noriture?
For which ful oft a by-word here I seye, That “rotelees, mot grene sone deye.” 770
`I shal don thus, sin neither swerd ne darte Dar I non handle, for the crueltee,
That ilke day that I from yow departe, If sorwe of that nil not my bane be,
Than shal no mete or drinke come in me 775 Til I my soule out of my breste unshethe; And thus my-selven wol I do to dethe.
`And, Troilus, my clothes everichoon
Shul blake been, in tokeninge, herte swete, That I am as out of this world agoon, 780 That wont was yow to setten in quiete;
And of myn ordre, ay til deeth me mete, The observaunce ever, in your absence,
Shal sorwe been, compleynte, and abstinence.
`Myn herte and eek the woful goost ther-inne 785 Biquethe I, with your spirit to compleyne Eternally, for they shal never twinne.
For though in erthe y-twinned be we tweyne, Yet in the feld of pitee, out of peyne,
That hight Elysos, shul we been y-fere, 790 As Orpheus and Erudice, his fere.
`Thus, herte myn, for Antenor, allas! I sone shal be chaunged, as I wene.
But how shul ye don in this sorwful cas, How shal youre tendre herte this sustene? 795 But herte myn, for-yet this sorwe and tene, And me also; for, soothly for to seye,
So ye wel fare, I recche not to deye.’
How mighte it ever y-red ben or y-songe, The pleynte that she made in hir distresse? 800 I noot; but, as for me, my litel tonge,
If I discreven wolde hir hevinesse, It sholde make hir sorwe seme lesse
Than that it was, and childishly deface Hir heigh compleynte, and therfore I it pace. 805
Pandare, which that sent from Troilus Was to Criseyde, as ye han herd devyse,
That for the beste it was accorded thus, And he ful glad to doon him that servyse, Un-to Criseyde, in a ful secree wyse, 810 Ther-as she lay in torment and in rage,
Com hir to telle al hoolly his message,
And fond that she hir-selven gan to trete Ful pitously; for with hir salte teres
Hir brest, hir face, y-bathed was ful wete; 815 The mighty tresses of hir sonnish heres, Unbroyden, hangen al aboute hir eres;
Which yaf him verray signal of martyre Of deeth, which that hir herte gan desyre.
Whan she him saw, she gan for sorwe anoon 820 Hir tery face a-twixe hir armes hide,
For which this Pandare is so wo bi-goon, That in the hous he mighte unnethe abyde, As he that pitee felte on every syde.
For if Criseyde hadde erst compleyned sore, 825 Tho gan she pleyne a thousand tymes more.
And in hir aspre pleynte than she seyde, `Pandare first of Ioyes mo than two
Was cause causinge un-to me, Criseyde, That now transmuwed been in cruel wo. 830 Wher shal I seye to yow “wel come” or no, That alderfirst me broughte in-to servyse Of love, allas! That endeth in swich wyse?
`Endeth than love in wo? Ye, or men lyeth! And alle worldly blisse, as thinketh me. 835 The ende of blisse ay sorwe it occupyeth; And who-so troweth not that it so be,
Lat him upon me, woful wrecche, y-see, That my-self hate, and ay my birthe acorse, Felinge alwey, fro wikke I go to worse. 840
`Who-so me seeth, he seeth sorwe al at ones, Peyne, torment, pleynte, wo, distresse.
Out of my woful body harm ther noon is, As anguish, langour, cruel bitternesse,
A-noy, smert, drede, fury, and eek siknesse. 845 I trowe, y-wis, from hevene teres reyne, For pitee of myn aspre and cruel peyne! ‘
`And thou, my suster, ful of discomfort,’ Quod Pandarus, `what thenkestow to do?
Why ne hastow to thy-selven som resport, 850 Why woltow thus thy-selve, allas, for-do? Leef al this werk and tak now hede to
That I shal seyn, and herkne, of good entente, This, which by me thy Troilus thee sente.’
Torned hir tho Criseyde, a wo makinge 855 So greet that it a deeth was for to see: — `Allas!’ quod she, `what wordes may ye bringe? What wol my dere herte seyn to me,
Which that I drede never-mo to see? Wol he have pleynte or teres, er I wende? 860 I have y-nowe, if he ther-after sende!’
She was right swich to seen in hir visage As is that wight that men on bere binde; Hir face, lyk of Paradys the image,
Was al y-chaunged in another kinde. 865 The pleye, the laughtre men was wont to finde On hir, and eek hir Ioyes everychone,
Ben fled, and thus lyth now Criseyde allone.
Aboute hir eyen two a purpre ring
Bi-trent, in sothfast tokninge of hir peyne, 870 That to biholde it was a dedly thing,
For which Pandare mighte not restreyne The teres from his eyen for to reyne.
But nathelees, as he best mighte, he seyde From Troilus thise wordes to Criseyde. 875
`Lo, nece, I trowe ye han herd al how The king, with othere lordes, for the beste, Hath mad eschaunge of Antenor and yow,
That cause is of this sorwe and this unreste. But how this cas doth Troilus moleste, 880 That may non erthely mannes tonge seye;
For verray wo his wit is al aweye.
`For which we han so sorwed, he and I, That in-to litel bothe it hadde us slawe; But thurgh my conseil this day, fynally, 885 He somwhat is fro weping now with-drawe. And semeth me that he desyreth fawe
With yow to been al night, for to devyse Remede in this, if ther were any wyse.
`This, short and pleyne, theffect of my message, 890 As ferforth as my wit can comprehende.
For ye, that been of torment in swich rage, May to no long prologe as now entende;
And her-upon ye may answere him sende. And, for the love of god, my nece dere, 895 So leef this wo er Troilus be here.’
`Gret is my wo,’ quod she, and sighte sore, As she that feleth dedly sharp distresse; `But yet to me his sorwe is muchel more, That love him bet than he him-self, I gesse. 900 Allas! For me hath he swich hevinesse?
Can he for me so pitously compleyne? Y-wis, his sorwe doubleth al my peyne.
`Grevous to me, god wot, is for to twinne,’ Quod she, `but yet it hardere is to me 905 To seen that sorwe which that he is inne; For wel wot I, it wol my bane be;
And deye I wol in certayn,’ tho quod she; `But bidde him come, er deeth, that thus me threteth, Dryve out that goost which in myn herte beteth.’ 910
Thise wordes seyd, she on hir armes two Fil gruf, and gan to wepe pitously.
Quod Pandarus, `Allas! Why do ye so, Syn wel ye woot the tyme is faste by,
That he shal come? Arys up hastely, 915 That he yow nat biwopen thus ne finde,
But ye wol have him wood out of his minde!
`For wiste he that ye ferde in this manere, He wolde him-selve slee; and if I wende
To han this fare, he sholde not come here 920 For al the good that Pryam may despende. For to what fyn he wolde anoon pretende, That knowe I wel; and for-thy yet I seye, So leef this sorwe, or platly he wol deye.
`And shapeth yow his sorwe for to abregge, 925 And nought encresse, leve nece swete;
Beth rather to him cause of flat than egge, And with som wysdom ye his sorwes bete.
What helpeth it to wepen ful a strete, Or though ye bothe in salte teres dreynte? 930 Bet is a tyme of cure ay than of pleynte.
`I mene thus; whan I him hider bringe, Sin ye ben wyse, and bothe of oon assent, So shapeth how distourbe your goinge,
Or come ayen, sone after ye be went. 935 Wommen ben wyse in short avysement;
And lat sen how your wit shal now avayle; And what that I may helpe, it shal not fayle.’
`Go,’ quod Criseyde, `and uncle, trewely, I shal don al my might, me to restreyne 940 From weping in his sighte, and bisily,
Him for to glade, I shal don al my peyne, And in myn herte seken every veyne;
If to this soor ther may be founden salve, It shal not lakken, certain, on myn halve.’ 945
Goth Pandarus, and Troilus he soughte, Til in a temple he fond him allone,
As he that of his lyf no lenger roughte; But to the pitouse goddes everichone
Ful tendrely he preyde, and made his mone, 950 To doon him sone out of this world to pace; For wel he thoughte ther was non other grace.
And shortly, al the sothe for to seye, He was so fallen in despeyr that day,
That outrely he shoop him for to deye. 955 For right thus was his argument alwey:
He seyde, he nas but loren, waylawey! `For al that comth, comth by necessitee; Thus to be lorn, it is my destinee.
`For certaynly, this wot I wel,’ he seyde, 960 `That for-sight of divyne purveyaunce
Hath seyn alwey me to for-gon Criseyde, Sin god seeth every thing, out of doutaunce, And hem disponeth, thourgh his ordenaunce, In hir merytes sothly for to be, 965
As they shul comen by predestinee.
`But nathelees, allas! Whom shal I leve? For ther ben grete clerkes many oon,
That destinee thorugh argumentes preve; And som men seyn that nedely ther is noon; 970 But that free chois is yeven us everichoon. O, welaway! So sleye arn clerkes olde,
That I not whos opinion I may holde.
`For som men seyn, if god seth al biforn, Ne god may not deceyved ben, pardee, 975 Than moot it fallen, though men hadde it sworn, That purveyaunce hath seyn bifore to be. Wherfor I seye, that from eterne if he
Hath wist biforn our thought eek as our dede, We have no free chois, as these clerkes rede. 980
`For other thought nor other dede also Might never be, but swich as purveyaunce, Which may not ben deceyved never-mo,
Hath feled biforn, with-outen ignoraunce. For if ther mighte been a variaunce 985
To wrythen out fro goddes purveyinge, Ther nere no prescience of thing cominge;
`But it were rather an opinioun
Uncerteyn, and no stedfast forseinge; And certes, that were an abusioun, 990
That god shuld han no parfit cleer witinge More than we men that han doutous weninge. But swich an errour up-on god to gesse
Were fals and foul, and wikked corsednesse.
`Eek this is an opinioun of somme 995 That han hir top ful heighe and smothe y-shore; They seyn right thus, that thing is not to come For that the prescience hath seyn bifore That it shal come; but they seyn that therfore That it shal come, therfore the purveyaunce 1000 Wot it biforn with-outen ignoraunce;
`And in this manere this necessitee
Retorneth in his part contrarie agayn. For needfully bihoveth it not to be
That thilke thinges fallen in certayn 1005 That ben purveyed; but nedely, as they seyn, Bihoveth it that thinges, whiche that falle, That they in certayn ben purveyed alle.
`I mene as though I laboured me in this, To enqueren which thing cause of which thing be; 1010 As whether that the prescience of god is The certayn cause of the necessitee
Of thinges that to comen been, pardee; Or if necessitee of thing cominge
Be cause certeyn of the purveyinge. 1015
`But now ne enforce I me nat in shewinge How the ordre of causes stant; but wel wot I, That it bihoveth that the bifallinge
Of thinges wist biforen certeynly
Be necessarie, al seme it not ther-by 1020 That prescience put falling necessaire
To thing to come, al falle it foule or faire.
`For if ther sit a man yond on a see, Than by necessitee bihoveth it
That, certes, thyn opinioun soth be, 1025 That wenest or coniectest that he sit;
And ferther-over now ayenward yit,
Lo, right so it is of the part contrarie, As thus; (now herkne, for I wol not tarie):
`I seye, that if the opinioun of thee 1030 Be sooth, for that he sit, than seye I this, That he mot sitten by necessitee;
And thus necessitee in either is.
For in him nede of sittinge is, y-wis, And in thee nede of sooth; and thus, forsothe, 1035 Ther moot necessitee ben in yow bothe.
`But thou mayst seyn, the man sit not therfore, That thyn opinioun of sitting soth is;
But rather, for the man sit ther bifore, Therfore is thyn opinioun sooth, y-wis. 1040 And I seye, though the cause of sooth of this Comth of his sitting, yet necessitee
Is entrechaunged, bothe in him and thee.
`Thus on this same wyse, out of doutaunce, I may wel maken, as it semeth me, 1045
My resoninge of goddes purveyaunce, And of the thinges that to comen be;
By whiche reson men may wel y-see,
That thilke thinges that in erthe falle, That by necessitee they comen alle. 1050
`For al-though that, for thing shal come, y-wis, Therfore is it purveyed, certaynly,
Nat that it comth for it purveyed is: Yet nathelees, bihoveth it nedfully,
That thing to come be purveyed, trewely; 1055 Or elles, thinges that purveyed be,
That they bityden by necessitee.
`And this suffyseth right y-now, certeyn, For to destroye our free chois every del. — But now is this abusion, to seyn, 1060
That fallinge of the thinges temporel Is cause of goddes prescience eternel.
Now trewely, that is a fals sentence, That thing to come sholde cause his prescience.
`What mighte I wene, and I hadde swich a thought, 1065 But that god purveyth thing that is to come For that it is to come, and elles nought? So mighte I wene that thinges alle and some, That whylom been bifalle and over-come,
Ben cause of thilke sovereyn purveyaunce, 1070 That for-wot al with-outen ignoraunce.
`And over al this, yet seye I more herto, That right as whan I woot ther is a thing, Y-wis, that thing mot nedefully be so;
Eek right so, whan I woot a thing coming, 1075 So mot it come; and thus the bifalling
Of thinges that ben wist bifore the tyde, They mowe not been eschewed on no syde.’
Than seyde he thus, `Almighty Iove in trone, That wost of al this thing the soothfastnesse, 1080 Rewe on my sorwe, or do me deye sone,
Or bring Criseyde and me fro this distresse.’ And whyl he was in al this hevinesse,
Disputinge with him-self in this matere, Com Pandare in, and seyde as ye may here. 1085
`O mighty god,’ quod Pandarus, `in trone, Ey! Who seigh ever a wys man faren so?
Why, Troilus, what thenkestow to done? Hastow swich lust to been thyn owene fo? What, parde, yet is not Criseyde a-go! 1090 Why list thee so thy-self for-doon for drede, That in thyn heed thyn eyen semen dede?
`Hastow not lived many a yeer biforn
With-outen hir, and ferd ful wel at ese? Artow for hir and for non other born? 1095 Hath kinde thee wroughte al-only hir to plese? Lat be, and thenk right thus in thy disese. That, in the dees right as ther fallen chaunces, Right so in love, ther come and goon plesaunces.
`And yet this is a wonder most of alle, 1100 Why thou thus sorwest, sin thou nost not yit, Touching hir goinge, how that it shal falle, Ne if she can hir-self distorben it.
Thou hast not yet assayed al hir wit. A man may al by tyme his nekke bede 1105 Whan it shal of, and sorwen at the nede.
`For-thy take hede of that that I shal seye; I have with hir y-spoke and longe y-be,
So as accorded was bitwixe us tweye. And ever-mor me thinketh thus, that she 1110 Hath som-what in hir hertes prevetee,
Wher-with she can, if I shal right arede, Distorbe al this, of which thou art in drede.
`For which my counseil is, whan it is night, Thou to hir go, and make of this an ende; 1115 And blisful Iuno, thourgh hir grete mighte, Shal, as I hope, hir grace un-to us sende. Myn herte seyth, “Certeyn, she shal not wende;” And for-thy put thyn herte a whyle in reste; And hold this purpos, for it is the beste.’ 1120
This Troilus answerde, and sighte sore, `Thou seyst right wel, and I wil do right so;’ And what him liste, he seyde un-to it more. And whan that it was tyme for to go,
Ful prevely him-self, with-outen mo, 1125 Un-to hir com, as he was wont to done;
And how they wroughte, I shal yow telle sone.
Soth is, that whan they gonne first to mete, So gan the peyne hir hertes for to twiste, That neither of hem other mighte grete, 1130 But hem in armes toke and after kiste.
The lasse wofulle of hem bothe niste Wher that he was, ne mighte o word out-bringe, As I seyde erst, for wo and for sobbinge.
Tho woful teres that they leten falle 1135 As bittre weren, out of teres kinde,
For peyne, as is ligne aloes or galle. So bittre teres weep nought, as I finde, The woful Myrra through the bark and rinde. That in this world ther nis so hard an herte, 1140 That nolde han rewed on hir peynes smerte.
But whan hir woful wery gostes tweyne Retorned been ther-as hem oughte dwelle, And that som-what to wayken gan the peyne By lengthe of pleynte, and ebben gan the welle 1145 Of hire teres, and the herte unswelle,
With broken voys, al hoors for-shright, Criseyde To Troilus thise ilke wordes seyde:
`O Iove, I deye, and mercy I beseche! Help, Troilus!’ And ther-with-al hir face 1150 Upon his brest she leyde, and loste speche; Hir woful spirit from his propre place,
Right with the word, alwey up poynt to pace. And thus she lyth with hewes pale and grene, That whylom fresh and fairest was to sene. 1155
This Troilus, that on hir gan biholde, Clepinge hir name, (and she lay as for deed, With-oute answere, and felte hir limes colde, Hir eyen throwen upward to hir heed),
This sorwful man can now noon other reed, 1160 But ofte tyme hir colde mouth he kiste;
Wher him was wo, god and him-self it wiste!
He rist him up, and long streight he hir leyde; For signe of lyf, for ought he can or may, Can he noon finde in no-thing on Criseyde, 1165 For which his song ful ofte is `weylaway!’ But whan he saugh that specheles she lay, With sorwful voys and herte of blisse al bare, He seyde how she was fro this world y-fare!
So after that he longe hadde hir compleyned, 1170 His hondes wrong, and seyde that was to seye, And with his teres salte hir brest bireyned, He gan tho teris wypen of ful dreye,
And pitously gan for the soule preye, And seyde, `O lord, that set art in thy trone, 1175 Rewe eek on me, for I shal folwe hir sone!’
She cold was and with-outen sentement, For aught he woot, for breeth ne felte he noon; And this was him a preignant argument
That she was forth out of this world agoon; 1180 And whan he seigh ther was non other woon, He gan hir limes dresse in swich manere
As men don hem that shul be leyd on bere.
And after this, with sterne and cruel herte, His swerd a-noon out of his shethe he twighte, 1185 Him-self to sleen, how sore that him smerte, So that his sowle hir sowle folwen mighte, Ther-as the doom of Mynos wolde it dighte; Sin love and cruel Fortune it ne wolde,
That in this world he lenger liven sholde. 1190
Thanne seyde he thus, fulfild of heigh desdayn, `O cruel Iove, and thou, Fortune adverse, This al and som, that falsly have ye slayn Criseyde, and sin ye may do me no werse, Fy on your might and werkes so diverse! 1195 Thus cowardly ye shul me never winne;
Ther shal no deeth me fro my lady twinne.
`For I this world, sin ye han slayn hir thus, Wol lete, and folowe hir spirit lowe or hye; Shal never lover seyn that Troilus 1200
Dar not, for fere, with his lady dye; For certeyn, I wol bere hir companye.
But sin ye wol not suffre us liven here, Yet suffreth that our soules ben y-fere.
`And thou, citee, whiche that I leve in wo, 1205 And thou, Pryam, and bretheren al y-fere, And thou, my moder, farwel! For I go;
And Attropos, make redy thou my bere! And thou, Criseyde, o swete herte dere,
Receyve now my spirit!’ wolde he seye, 1210 With swerd at herte, al redy for to deye
But as god wolde, of swough ther-with she abreyde, And gan to syke, and `Troilus’ she cryde; And he answerde, `Lady myn Criseyde,
Live ye yet?’ and leet his swerd doun glyde. 1215 `Ye, herte myn, that thanked be Cupyde!’ Quod she, and ther-with-al she sore sighte; And he bigan to glade hir as he mighte;
Took hir in armes two, and kiste hir ofte, And hir to glade he dide al his entente; 1220 For which hir goost, that flikered ay on-lofte, In-to hir woful herte ayein it wente.
But at the laste, as that hir eyen glente A-syde, anoon she gan his swerd aspye,
As it lay bare, and gan for fere crye, 1225
And asked him, why he it hadde out-drawe? And Troilus anoon the cause hir tolde,
And how himself ther-with he wolde have slawe. For which Criseyde up-on him gan biholde, And gan him in hir armes faste folde, 1230 And seyde, `O mercy, god, lo, which a dede! Allas! How neigh we were bothe dede!
`Thanne if I ne hadde spoken, as grace was, Ye wolde han slayn your-self anoon?’ quod she. `Ye, douteless;’ and she answerde, `Allas! 1235 For, by that ilke lord that made me,
I nolde a forlong wey on-lyve han be, After your deeth, to han been crouned quene Of al the lond the sonne on shyneth shene.
`But with this selve swerd, which that here is, 1240 My-selve I wolde han slayn!’ — quod she tho; `But ho, for we han right y-now of this, And late us ryse and streight to bedde go And there lat ys speken of oure wo.
For, by the morter which that I see brenne, 1245 Knowe I ful wel that day is not fer henne.’
Whan they were in hir bedde, in armes folde, Nought was it lyk tho nightes here-biforn; For pitously ech other gan biholde,
As they that hadden al hir blisse y-lorn, 1250 Biwaylinge ay the day that they were born. Til at the last this sorwful wight Criseyde To Troilus these ilke wordes seyde: —
`Lo, herte myn, wel wot ye this,’ quod she, `That if a wight alwey his wo compleyne, 1255 And seketh nought how holpen for to be,
It nis but folye and encrees of peyne; And sin that here assembled be we tweyne To finde bote of wo that we ben inne,
It were al tyme sone to biginne. 1260
`I am a womman, as ful wel ye woot,
And as I am avysed sodeynly,
So wol I telle yow, whyl it is hoot. Me thinketh thus, that nouther ye nor I
Oughte half this wo to make skilfully. 1265 For there is art y-now for to redresse
That yet is mis, and sleen this hevinesse.
`Sooth is, the wo, the whiche that we ben inne, For ought I woot, for no-thing elles is
But for the cause that we sholden twinne. 1270 Considered al, ther nis no-more amis.
But what is thanne a remede un-to this, But that we shape us sone for to mete?
This al and som, my dere herte swete.
`Now that I shal wel bringen it aboute 1275 To come ayein, sone after that I go,
Ther-of am I no maner thing in doute. For dredeles, with-inne a wouke or two,
I shal ben here; and, that it may be so By alle right, and in a wordes fewe, 1280 I shal yow wel an heep of weyes shewe.
`For which I wol not make long sermoun, For tyme y-lost may not recovered be;
But I wol gon to my conclusioun,
And to the beste, in ought that I can see. 1285 And, for the love of god, for-yeve it me If I speke ought ayein your hertes reste; For trewely, I speke it for the beste;
`Makinge alwey a protestacioun,
That now these wordes, whiche that I shal seye, 1290 Nis but to shewe yow my mocioun,
To finde un-to our helpe the beste weye; And taketh it non other wyse, I preye.
For in effect what-so ye me comaunde, That wol I doon, for that is no demaunde. 1295
`Now herkneth this, ye han wel understonde, My goinge graud lebparlet argunlys ne wase; and, that it mambled bepe;”nd ast mnne And thale beor the,
Lt arg.eyne;
And seto our seke itI am argund3s 1un, Wotbring,therethapThe lnoon oum
To ;this,
Anshape we samblAs bittys bufand rin she,may elpeSoth is, tethe hnnMy go ouugostes tweus,ugodht sn love and ls, whselompanye. gan ganv shynhatofte taand pcompleyn305ument Terv shyluel Iif
Wher thats,olde Ilompanne;
Ther sha ne
For tnoon ou
t itshe ought ae uphte ay thwn inne, hem oules dr the nuugoso thisinesse.
And Ther shd th shal it, anmues few31 1140 ther t th,`Ladyn th swete herte dete; ful wel ye and, thathat w ay For e was,or I s as ful I Lady prois ahn y-fene;e after truesathaol I dwo, I shal benwelle,
Annnealsly havwere bAhis t my-wthe sew31 1255To clso;mblAhir toat w Iif y ye er winre.
`Aenke han rketh t”hich Cristhat w agher wois. But! ‘
To hmes itoughyn;” 1180
Andn hert th? Byercy, god,rour migher woErt thn arete mythaoae, foaufitooveraund320elle, Annneaer l undly ye that r liha desda
Anwdly yele so-gedhis thal nghte dwel140 nne
And thal if s he mun-to hir blol I . 1260 at Ireth ton-lmself
Anwdlshalt w el140
e it for the ,un-toc mon hl sone fohCriseyd3, 1Yely, I sshd `But k onr ye `But hewofte soute tho ; Than shewego
Thshe hooayuther tarett thn arAnnneaebCriseyst mLady Hiout,resse in saandus t of meY thh thismn thrhing elou,e ad ofAlla33 1260Yelk45 KReweh
`Now I La, anyl itbenwelis.-if
Wher onls, whthatl rhatrvered ne;eeweLadyn For taner eso
By n al y-fere, hirls, wd som, my dere thi thuhomhiche th, I nat Iholpen foan sla335 ast mnne
And thale beowy,
Any he shynpas ed Orrhing ,oan sin sShal nruel armce dede!W in thwy havtl rhatrvThat in tyedreCuelou,shynhn foan sk onbis But
For eydir bThat in terd ost, told wemade erds sla3, 1By- the c out m doon, in un wepybothe?e.’ tel ye tl rhatrv
But e ohiche thathe?
f thatand kTha
fulIoderi thUhattheddoon,mt thnder tketh no foca y-fere.YThan d ost, hal t theew, s no-m55Toriseyd3, 1M d orede botp en;ight, , YpAttraud el140
me anoonuned E comp,
I rteso y-fere,Gred weus rteso y, for thaore amte, of swough nfor fom waseke it
Nis hd el140
me apurAttrntp enae uhal tsCriseyd3, 1Ysin ye for tAs bit, he c outful hebyd shewe.
Wher iamblep en,`Ladywete herte dee,manat ofy-now lep enTotatthe lim onel140 me amosu,e at notmn cnen al y-fere,
olete, meeeweshe oue,
itIeory on-yd3, 12l thste, ikketIeorn d fl d fromh wel oned ne;eal tif a wsendlibete e soneat Ie.’tes his washirte for tA,s and with-oat I-fere.
`Andgh th sh
Wher p enough t it magher woYnd lemy mo of swough nfal np ennigh weseyd36 128mosu,e To;t ho, lemy at we s thater woOrrh
orechge ceat we s thghte d
For d nmake lykm speke, in afal nThaal y?lawe. For e beowipitot as nowour or tade meat Ishd tn d wo, Theyhat we sho
For aund36 1295Hsly that hn non otey Iif id th shel140
Andaner tnsin yehewe wol notyvinesMl rhatre beoyelk45 ; fu,parlyoude mnaeale be;elristhas asThecuelouysy-fere,I,rour mt w lsly sount hadde forgher wnd37 1210 withtnsA,s elf ther-wo, I washs entghte;
And herkh w Iif
Thats,t herene swete.
To Tr,km spover seyn hrly thathdee,mats,fas ad she, an f seto os,eth, v winneis whatopoverth is, m sps asThe th thh tnd37 1Mwol w ht haarlthe wo,ne anantolpen foaav preye.ay `But geal me am ye forwete hingv quene wastnt
Ter thaeyde ucuelouysy;olde,
me e dwo,
I thahewedevys rin she,mamoeeatorter which thlsly That in terd nd3, 1Unde utl rhatrv, I I
Ands mis, eydwel140
rour mlpen rustlete, aroaavotestainne,renesthasromh asrn ddc out swouke eydwel14o, the whsrn dd wordrus tls, wh wase, I 1un,s ht hasone aToriseshe, aa bThahal sey3. 1Wow, is, tein terd pron rkethbThaIuarltyI-fere.
I sh hashah
Ltnunon ou, cel14hape wl thaterth
Ni,ulestspeke lkswerdomaundethao it mayenesbit mtif a w Nisr thy;olwo,
I eewet to nut m diotp enn gtCriseyd3, 1′ tesrndd wo aa bTr whsly e uhal tsCri 1unware, ancoutedeethdus anoonwraw lepmcequenePriamuis mis,dus a wase;”ndbTha, as nesse. w40
e itodaner tete, aro non ,herte r two, I waseoe anhge grn `But k tsve h tnd395el140 rour mThaht Ihee gan owlpeSoth,
I eor to! ast mnneApAtlgod,on, in clAnd elve h woOrrcalcuBiwayliv Bd seketh nothrn whse h;olDesyr love ldhat I soe gan owlpeeatcomaunde,e beomadlyr gothat I shal not shaedemaund400fere.
f thatwe s eth nobye gan orrethaprt Ie.Iohiche thay bestecetean sthat I f”nd aDieso b nut m dete,plukket gan ye forsat Itond
`Mak gan orr dete,bet nut mae upderstonHehe shyshd `ede forgodd wo wel undersaund405 ast mgodd wot ys sp andmphibologyef this,, e itods
As tte dholdeneyhay snesse.Eewe
For f”nufa unmgodd wgothaYpAttrcel14hape wl thaterthshe, aa b in cnwareorwete ond det ganmoree forgodd wotexno fogloer wnd410e.’
hs sonef anstnoon ou in Dourhoapetete -fene;be; B not waseome sone evere fene;dus ak trn deles, with-in thouke eydwel But Isonheweo hig-so yethd I penne.
`For ts, wd beowrit
; fulIodand wnd415el140
Andaner tughth Cr love oye ats entghte; aa b in your `For tughtshe,kinri 1unwareesut m dete,npake han ra weye me tnwelle,
prorft ho, o
we tnwelle,ught apurAttafal nth sh
WFor ;wnd420el14hapwrit
As they ou i otend ew hsinessedetha To Tr,k`But tful hee;e wot rhat tonHeanstnne Andaner tdevys n
olete, mtghte;al r
Bir whwasee a
Wher thathat el14o,
Woeu i ogo nd425elHl itbe, heis hoyane wasfal is panye.fyn by `Lotherhl itbe, hwrtes 1un, rust nut rthshe, ookspeke it for the nesse
`For w forgrede furien ou in w hge cee.’ghtuneynd `But hopiseshe, alf ther-hean gt th snd43 125there itIlomw foraTorohe cdge ce.woot, An for ride wordea anoonsthe si weyeen inDouyt sp an i osor thinat Isrgreen inRhan rsoh is, trd wo aa b As npaky n al yinDouyt ;
Am dete,m
det gn your heclAnsaund43 129ye.naw lng ,o an fnder t ouhich Cri, ast mnne And thale t it mth nonoon ou in m
To ;th
`For ws asThe
`Lopiterpito gn e, Iomaunde,
ou i ohthe bhf s he u i o`For tdand 1255 Aydet gnise`Cour h Iif
y yb finkand wnd440fene;be;ye5
To c
theTer tnde u
Tyd 1Nepe wl thnfal nhsly th dwy
Hiout,rne Ilompanwe.
al whas
`Sasnsthe seydrirtes akthwn inis,,
god! ‘oowipito
ofsk onwos as no, wd 1un,rtes l wel bonoon ou And and thisi wnd445el
But Imy-
My-n, andIif
Thad no, wpanye. oumybotherkneof swlou,l sh Wn,rto, wd 1YsA,se after t-so yethe cnhn foamere feD fulraw lritbenw`Ladyn th serte your !anwe.
For trewLadyn th s toom, my wnd450el14o, an he msThattich thlsly youdnheweetetd as ase wely sh ha bufail haddBy n al ypreye.kethbm spover t”de, s anoonkherknee,bet wois.This non onoonkherk Andledhis.” 1Yn-tosgni in tyes mis, eyaud onoon ou For wnd455el”Me am ye fortyed c-reeniseshe,shd c-reds.” 1260tsthas ashrly eth, lt spn cerded 125f no-md aep ad oon, eeat I ancrson; 1Yn-torhatrvTht a an he mSasnArgusThd; ast mnnesh Wher in moeeatois gan grson wnd46 1Hl iwe s an he mSisThatso `But hwashson was,or I mambatcom hwasoon,yein w menh tade Nepfcompa- han seshe, aa bTs I La, For a 1260
n ye iotp enn,
I eal is n gtCried be;,tp enaeh nod oon,ernestsns sonegam wnd465el Buto;,t
AndCalkanae u anGredi weCri 1H shyomeeorn dseshe,loeatso four o in hirtonHehoae, mts no- To hhat hght a aroaham ;th
`For w aa b eydw
e itoth nomeat Icerde, 1un, rust nu I dn90 Nis ason asysaund47 1260Yel,
I eewetn dseyn-torhatrv,
I hewegloer 1un,sh hasrtyfseshe,his eeat I fule, , wd 1Hehat I somGredtso e, Isn love ful Ittrcel140 ravir hhal bv,
I hewe`But hwwot y, wd 1Orrdonhewedus a yee ice,his ee, I ty, waund47 1255
To Tr,k ouwhomhtherilwsendroht wd 1S I the ng ewhastdrus p an isn thht w!fere.
oal nnne
I deerds thUhaddBys mis, eyhat in cou, dn90 Nislorntghte; aa b aaeregehnfal n,
I arher wnd4, 1
-whyu anGredesutaringaddBy s thainTie that aaerthshe,derd ein waing eso n.ghte; ausl bv, I hewe`But hwwo trd wofrte dee,0
For I,
Thats,neat I
For -fere.YTha ye eewetn dewhamenhs Treyhk tho wnd4, 12-make lnGredes,as asThe traneres d 1255y, wc outfmk`But tful ,k`Bu dete,mtho 1un,png cneneweduhaddehwwo theres d 1Tse Thaa ye due dho-now lerut hes dquenehape ito Toanes,abs.-if
thht wwnd4, 1Remtrd enewd,on,vereuwc ouyn-to thht w-fere.
`Awhatopm cnhngrevous whatopanerkd 1Tse meLa,brestspekut Imyowour or To ;thNe,
For ng ,o anmeough t it wol erkd 12ve oyeopinesta Iif tse
That To ;wnd4,5 1
-whyuyn-torhatrg ewan he mSut Iu weyeede.woot,if y yater ,histhlsly t ldhneweyo y-fete,
enkeI hi
Nisothd,s and withts nopanwe.
For e `But tumbBys
For dete,piterp tful , 12vneofsshe, ym wemarcyeI newee, I ;wnd500feSn,rt f ses akyitIee, tp ymeeoamere fene;dushynhmwe,e beotich th, I hewe eydwelne;lch uapete,t hw it gt ixe uape eydtghte; aenkeost, tolypeSothdea ama am ye, wsi, ast mnccemynr in subproe cea ye n, Wswaund505 1260
me ee
Antwei I fsmn tse a the.’d tte,t hw i dete,be ha b-gemy ato,e.’ telpekuhat iattn,putt sp anaer i ofte cbeoyelt we shosonhe-torhatrvgo,e.If tse
Tham he mS
To cght aeh no?und510el14hapme eeI, tse
pekuhat argred tolyp 1un,putt e
vulgarlye n,t ys sp ousubproe cequene Fosout,rm yethato fortBut undledh wa-nof swon, ily Tha
Hioutdete,plesoe ce,und515inTie tnde u ym w aa b e T
I shnbothe;ghte; auslwsin yeeechto nunne And
For a 1st mfal or w non oteyye5endrnotrtade Madywete th thh tt it wol alf ther-aotrta-fere.
For shysh povere und52 1
sthlsly k anate, n dd wote ds-wFor d de,e neof swwmS Tosp ano ofyba yweyere feUsat we s
Thnon olakkete ldhne,get ha Hi ofve ow, wmSghtet
Are.woot,go wt hn er ,e ie beoi akyit ats en und525inneis whatfor the Iif tse
Thats,t herene senne.hich Cri,rtBut aweCw, rour mTha And ds thAnertrtad `Y thh ttom, my your `For ,e.’erm yeth tte,t hw i deeoyeldevys welne;dand s or we ghriftyb eydnnir ;wnd53 12Nis one ware,as assoat iatut Iu wrhsineste; Alpnmet asnhns, my8mosu,enedh wAs the ng eyeltnotr nunne And
For !anwe.
thetich the itchtrir hel b 1OrrdFor ourhatre or lov non othan send535 1Orroon,epro sedouyte or ho, edder wois salsIsonhew ttom To Tr,kmyhk tho -fetaturnes,derhe mre Iunod neorf sw i omtho -feAwo toe,hisAticma u,edopm cghte d E mrn
ymThaStix,o anpoon ou te d!end540fere.
`Awhae uhal tt asc ng tial two,uhat iathew;hee;eewee uhcforgodd ws welO uhal tNymphn lovedThny Thfmrn welO utati tloveFoe yts no-she,les d 1Tse
Ivorgodd wobe haThe ie srnesse;wnd54 1255At thAttamyothrn r lovlyfa b-brtes 1If Iat sals;mt w thw-so yif
ts w ng tw!fere.
neof, Simoynse
Antwghtsh arwmSlor d deorf sw
Tyd reenis
ownwrly ethnoonse wois othtnesseb ou And trdstnt
Teyaud itbenw`nd550el14s, teilke
thetich or we gFor tbp 1un,
To Tr,kmydyn th syour
n ,el14s, teofsredo nfybakwareorethnoyeth l welne;IrtBut bod tlovewour o erkdmThahte d!fere.2Nistse That ys dewAs thu wlpen fogo nd55 1255
WoehaddBy ne-tor n dd w,
godwlpe-beri, ast mn ytw mma ,
That we shoto,e.255 hirtrewei I
Tyd e shyshw s or wnedh wOou tep;hee;eeweeftodaner t Andut tfri, aIou
And hat thht,kmyhlif
aaedmThabaloe ce,und560fene;ne-to
Hiout;t asnhie sIu w meLisnhge cw!fere.
Wher p enaalf sone a
AndsfeAwoal the wepdut,asone aar re ghirtonWow,slord! 14o,hisi love o Thats,de am kd 1Tse
ors mS
To cght a aroaham !end56 1255e after t-sIuarlt dewhane-to hirtonBd seketh notth, reyhTha Andhor
a y;th
, reyhma an tug u, sekfal ncanopanwe.’ te thw-somw forpepleeewe
I abwithonWwe s ef iat eyd? tsthas aslih notthaFor aend570el14eyats,de a eydwtlovewuhat ia onoon ou with 1Tse
Fo ouynweketh notthdus anoAnd
fri, a2Nis Tre voluptuerp lovecnwared For a 114hapwhat al,loea th thh ttadywete m, my 1Yn-to Hiout,r`For w aa bshw shymeshynheclAnsaund575fere.
alsoonoonkherks akyithomeetn ,el14s, flo oferkysA,ss w four oIat we s itweyeedewelle,uBut w4s, fil foritwepott ;t we s bi, aIouTha And arm oIat we s uBut hewe`eede.woNe neof swI, ily sIunde u is, trld wotnd wnd5, 1Myo hirat we s thnfal ncght waredwwith; 114hapwhat I,loea tshe, aa bwhat thht wwlovewwith-fere.
lpe-noye andIuBut Fosonunne
AndheentghM spover t”deeltnotrge t
Tout,” pareontghEewe”Who whaut Iea aandf `Lolieoumwol
Woe;”wnd5,5el14hapmAndut vereuwc ounecessou, a2y pacie ce,uae; aenkeost, lordud itb wOoulpetumpay,w aa bshth nout I ou i orto, w;ghte;eye n cdge t shysh than
Nis aw no, wpanre.
nrust erkneAnse
Antwcour h Iwete merte wnd5, 1Er Phebuapeust t,rLucinahnoonsyeen indeelLeerd passeb oon ou AndArietdwel
But Ibhal bre,s and withnmn ytweth-fe me e,,his elp-so yIunod hfalnes,uneen indeelts ehe th,abs.-if
Antwotherkmenaer il wnd5,5el
But Ihewe e
; and withnmn ytf il senne..
new tsoonowwo tas
To Tr,260
I th tnotr Iunde u is,ts ehe
ch th,eh
Wher nedhritwm ye sh
Whus.d be;,te it forlovew out a Iif ie sh
mth,a 1600feSn,lch uapete,t prily
ymhw i; 1st mfal p anoer ,hislpen fo ily Thartes de Madywete poveth
pekut Ibh
Ar the nenne..Oemarcy,ut a Iw4s, lyfaAndanes?’,uno5s w;gh`Allanseyee andIme thu wlpenal r ,ts !end605el
th t w se
Tham s rust num ;th
by,yein w rd woitsthath y-
th-feNew te it forlovew ouCyndhiahnoonsyeen inM s rustIme wol aus the ng te itthht w;fetTha oesh WFor tthlsly neweelih nomyotthht w-end610fere.
`Aonkherkth se
Antweomh ym witsthati 1un,t ynd ah ym , ah ym slpen fowwith; 1N , pareon,slornmnm thnhth no meneweyit indeof swoaa b e sh hasr thepen o
a-twwith-feDryfaoNistseason asyss hewe`But-with;end61 1255nrust erkme,uae;at Ierkeeweyein sthwn inOritbenomyotthht w, But I wol
ily tie kthwnpanwe.
y ythhtess w soat iatdushyiratmere feYhats,de cesseb ou An; soneg a Iteofswoea indeelp ofyspirpekuhpdutoi akyithere und62 1un,tee hewe`epeha ch thlovewmoea inte; aa bIwm ye gon ethnoonGredesuoea.feYhewneat iattaa bIwthhtesremedyp 1un, To cght , rour mhhat I,ts,de dyp!fere.2Niscour h IImnm wol o nycea than nd625el14s, thnf5endimagerehasrtey 1un, To cght
Antwothetich thlsly yhan .th
`Form ye we s aner t
aa b t Ia-w i? 1Myorhatrvnhth n te itddehwwouney u,epleyneste;by,myothrift,kmyh`eeder t oon ou Tyd nd630fene non oothe,
I to nfyuhaddBy ethIoynpanwe.
-noy,rtBut alttadywete mI newe theke,e.If tse
T w nhhteduhahth no itmyhe, I r welne;d it forlovew`For w aa bthlovewT w ekd 1Tse e after Iwotarlt o menewetbenw`nd635el14s, of soee oyea,
may,yeietn dse se
Tham it rer ns, rtes 1Madywete t`For w aa bTs r poinnotthbrtes .fere.
oal nnne
An Iwpray,yew,’,uno5s wIteo,260Mydyn th syour sas
`faeatsnotisoe ce,und640fetThaImnm noyhaddehool,s and withnmmo 1Tse ow, fter Iwnm abrene,ysh plesoe ce wOou non ,edopm c meneursremembroe ce. 1 sthnm fal nc-gasn te i-whyuTosprfri, aTse “lovewAndaner tay,s asThebisa,
For a”und645anwe.
And trldough
ilyut ladit wer e.If
Thawhat e gFor ,hist asdefynd ! aTse soesitraysfve hat
ddBy ethht wwinenewe ats de.woot,
withng ,o fetich or w non otend wnd650elIwneat Nisothd;hee;erye5ehe dand , ast mgodd wolove, soeshshyira wolunkand nenne.Toonowwoanertrta To Tr mis, eyd , a`Neweg a Itouwhomhnon on90sh ehe h trydwelMorglad ,hiswAn Iwnfal nunde uhich Cri,rnd655fetTha ilke
B,awu i ofirs uBut hrtonWhislalsewne,nfal n, I tie fter IwoynpanAtweyor mSutrd w,
th yham itiraat I;elIwendsh s no, itwey I sh found athe, v nenne..Grge t
marcy,ut odnomyn th thh ‘,uno5s w,rnd660fe.
bnhhs asVenundlatIme fal n,t tve 1Er may,ston s ef plesoe cewinedegrep 1un,quytessimkth se Antweo
th endd w tve;ghte; ow, fter t asmyh`pekut ImmS nw tvewel
I sthdus tsoonFor tthlsly newefound ,rnd665dee,0 na,
Hioutdtopm -waredey
I rebound panwe.
nrust erkth se
Antwneursepro tthyal tNe vey edouyte nor lnlye traneres d wOounewei I frno, pen f nfyhmarci welNe pomp ,h r
e nobByy, peneewe or es d rnd670elNham ddIme tn,rt fks aneursd s resse; a2Niss n I vereuw,utround d upon ethht w, 1Tse
ahatforehe Iofirs haddfks anewtthht w!fere.Eeweg atie wete mmis,ma hod tse
Thahaddf inte; aa bThahaddf ,hisme neof se Iindd wpy nd675feEal taner t aa bwouned tnde ubaddf int wrudenessebete,poeplist aepduyt;inte; aa bTeursresonubrydledaneursdouyteinneis mad ,hbove uhal tcreaturw, 1Tse I
ahayout,rmis, y
I, ow,
`Awhamay,lengtfor ouyeatsa wole i-dowelNe remuabByulpetumpdeface; a2NisIuapit t,rt4s, of Awhamih nomna,
oindeelsthws as oesh
glad tsooyhalyuhagrace, 1Er tho tsat dse opm t sp an`Awhaplace,und6,5elSo tse
pekmay,yeir wete mmis,my esnotyse;ghte; a yshyshw th sed it ym wis aa bTharysenenne.
aone a
4s, tefyhlor ny-pleyned haddf inte;ooneny-kiea tshe,s rehny Th,h me wlpldn indeel thegendrys wtshe, To Tr simkcladdf ,nd690fene;rt s alor e
Awhaladitgendbihpldn inAis ea
4s, ftet
r shesncanosncpldn inAny eth i ograces eagendsimkrnotmaund ;onWoe asimkthiswod neAndhoe s thnthdemaund panwe
ma nenaaled tmagerehanf5en ,nd695elNe ats deTostS nwi, my anf5tor ntte d
deelcruh peynesn ou
Andsthws asma , 1Tse
passe uhal ttarm nteduunmThahte
`Fendselsaf swoaa beye
n cmih n cghte dtonWoor w aa b
Andstur o oon ou
Andhertesre en und700feWand withnmmono, poon ou elchgembres eawene sanweExplicpekLibe aQurltus.d d d d BOOK Vd d IncippekLibe aQuinnus.d d Apror enagendtseasot I dg tinee 1Tse
Ioves e shyinddieposicpuun inAny ethhew tar tParcanseeustreha n ,elC mmittdut,atthdu uhxecucpuun;th
`For which Cri8mosu,epoon ou
eltuun 1255
To Tr ey
I ghte dulpethyindpyne 1Tie Lar esAndhis arn r nthlenge a wyne. –nne.Tforgo,de – ressed Phebuapheih fks -loonee.Tfryes e ddfkddBy uBut owwo tme wsyeenindeelsshwe wmolt wtshe,Zep i Tr msoonen 10feY-brhth nocght
Foaat Ihagreen intTha
ch noonsomen ouEcubahnoonuneend Bigendtohlovew i ofirs sed itwhomh AndsthweonWhisa se
Antweeel tarlt ot we s a-kthwnpanweFuI reditthisathe,ym wDy Tod wnd5elCich Cri8unde u is,Gredesuoeadtohleri, ast mhisi The For weeelftetw i ohertesbleri, aAss wIteer nhhteswse aha the tn,rtde.woot,nFor trewhismenmThabodesurfri, aM ; ahtes fal nw mma Iea atforeenw`n20elNha ahasohloushypoon oualtuun tn,fanopanweneis To Tr,k and withnmrn r lrslori, aAsmaha ch e shy
An Ioyes eewed ilori, aWhisw iter non Awhaladitfal -kthe aAss wIteer ahatfors
`faeatcthAmmis,moat 25elOouddehwwo Tre, penIoyes on ,de d ie.d be; To Tr,kshw fanoth nne
ynIoye, ast my
Itnwekfal n,h ha i oeft i I
Antw ow,
Ar oye an`Awhamah r welHeagendsiiswo s asma lyelpen fohyr aen30el14s, th unmeshoritwee ; ahaindsiischtre; a2Nisch noonyatehnon osh ot we s withdrydh wWandscour y a alk `Lohoveda i otabyd , aSo
`oesiater, nnets,de ye
nhth nosimkpleyne, 1Tse
Awhayors unmeshorselsano itpeyneaen35anwe
ires eaunook tsoogendsiishertesgnawdtonWoendDi Tod
Aorseagendsimkdresse inAny h Cri8unde usim- lou
sawdton`Allans’,uno5 w,r`thu wlp as aw no, wdres d wWoye notr Ior wia owhyunie or wiaurfrresse? 40feWeat iatnye shisch omeeelpen fodyp 1uoendfal -ktheaindlar outdthu w fodrye?anwe.’yunie IpmAndsch omeee or ebete,porp 1un,lsly n-nof swothdu w,re a 4s, sforgo? wWoyenie Ip rer nslu
Tyd upon atthre? 45 wWoyenie Ip andan`AwhaDi Tod
also? wWoyenie Ipranon otBut amahapen o aSte,t i oa-w i? Woyeut IIn`Awhas uns? wWoyenie Ip elp-n tn,mydyn th scuns?enne.2Niswhyuye nh,de dus asoofh nd
fri, 0el14s, ey
I Ipover tae; owdsimklahtesitwepare; aHhahaddfmThahtte mmlteyeeeaamah r, For tonLthe t4s, hich Cri,rTharumoutd ou Andfano, aS we s oendbhalslayn;slod neAndthisadehwwocanopanAny te Ansecour y ewhisI h Cri8yono, 55feHhahaddfmTthdus t and withnmw rd womonopanwehich Cri,r`Fendsforreditthistn,ryd , aFuI sthws alyosh oti se Imis, eyd `Allan!’e.2Nislpethysh om yesed ithth not4s, m it ityd welne;d ithysh orpekfuI sthws alyoa pasaen60el14n on90shnw non oremediee an`Awhacan.onWoeekutnatrvis aof swoaa b i osoat tmere feWFendsford igoshy Aryn th serte ahtte ?anweneis
To Tr,ki I yseb oucunteisa feWBut oauk on
Aond tae; But an
Au nrwithd 65elOouk tho ts, r oyeat, idt i ootmpn y fePasser nslushorvaleyofhrt and withwelne;dtteon otwe s oendridtn, poon oudwithwelFuI f ir tae; otthissimktoee o asoosome; a2Nisto nfyhi8mosu, tae;ir ahaeeweothdu waen70nne.
rour m But teer ahaAats ity-
ToelOoon ou
elGredesuoea tae;hal tthan aWhisof
ie glad tmis, eyd hha ahath –
To. 1255
To Tr, nneneat siisherteslih nwelHeapeyned himktBut alt AndfudBy mih no 75feHimktoe and we s wfe`eper ns, forltes de 255Aats itforkiea, tae;m ddIftes .fere
`Aoi-wand alyhi8mosu,ehwwo halytak de 255canu,ehwwoeyd upon i oppeouslyde 255neeitforr oy,ehwwocahe dpen fomAnd, 8 1un,tak i oby forhon s I stbrelyneste;lord! So
s eagend`epeha s
Foly!este;forduI stfe mmis, anih lyagendsi n,hy , a`Newe we aneursd e at,
ooshyira wolothdhy nenne.WBut teer hwwoceurseen f nf;fora-bwithd ,5elWBut face pal, tae;unde uDi
Tod feNemw rdrselspakewne,n o aoouddehwworwith;elOou`For w aonsomen ouTyd u w fokrsedn inAis ea 4s, ceuri8morea
4s atforrod feI aswor whtcrafa tae;by forreynew i oheats;en90fene; To Tr e u
Tyd homwarees eawene sanweTAwhaDi
Tod se
Antwladdf i oby forbrydel feWFendteer he sawdtseasalkn ou
Tyd awhy , aTeof se I`Alsmyhlhbou n, I nye shehas andel feIf
maysed itsomw4s, ey
I Ipoved, 95el
s, forw rhtesitwmay,yetweyor mSou nwhy .el Blsly yers, eyd,aeeweoyme w
wye w
welvewel”H wisaed olt
aa b t Ie i-yetessim-
lv n”enne.2Nisnanonlesn`Awhaneof se s eawe ynof s, a`14s, cour irly Iwnm abwithdnhth n t 100feIf tse
speken oulove,
makt iatthth ;th
withng ,o fes ealsly indsi nneof sefeHimktse
ges d rhham itnye shehay-brhth n aSo
I dand eaamene, 1Tse
no m Buewhisyetweynnetse
mene.’t 105anweTAwhaDi
Tod seais ea
4s, ceuri8Awhat od feWFendteAndthisdus tgendfddBynulpethyindsper eelOounowwoan; aa tae;aske; owdsh ot fodfeI aswor wdiees wtshe,gendsi neewebiser e, 1Tse fetich he aros cmih n cpener eb 110feWandtsh taner tsi nesese Antweeelt we selC maund iatsim tmis, eyd hhadus apekut d panwe
nFor tr he
swo itfirseaisauk tho , 1Tse
non onandaner ttBut `For fyhi8mih n c i oplese, 1Tse ye
nh,de dus aAwhapeynewae;al
Awhamih no 115 1un,dus ape,elpen fodoon i owete mmineseneste;e, yedf i ,weeeltwe s oi mhisi apese inAny h Cri I`Y thh awelGredesucon sly Ioye 1un,lHioutenhhew tahath tahasalkn ou Tydnenne.H w eyd eeweohTr, `I
yesenewtanerkyshystraung wnd20elNokutnatrvis,elpenpekis ethhewwnewe, 1Tseuneinnoe cew ou esa
Toanis ethchgeng we
salkn ouGrecese
Antwyes fal nknewe.d be; twe s fal nt as Ni- feandaFor inAuGreeweyelt ue s amor yuhaddBy dand end25inAissh t Toanvis,eae;heweandkand nfere.
by forehe Ioswo itnewtttho ,slod shw, 1un,shehayou ntr end tae; elptrewtn,myamih nwelne;d iot4s, moreaeuneinnoe cewheweoounewe.Hsly ict oada 4s aan non ostraung rtthan wnd30elSo
froonowwolpeth,Iopray,yew t theae; tho , 1C maund shyir rhewtsorea 4stIme tmere feun,dus aalot4s, m itlyki8unde uyeir wete ;fere.
`Antwyesmeltwe s ahayoutrbr non oaFos de 255tak shysht,myatr ndshipIindd wpy ;wnd35re
`Aof swyoutrhisis sh fordaner Ihagres de N ye thntiswhy, Nispoon oumorear wpy , aMyhahtte me shylpen foamend iatgreptsdouytneste; feIkmay,yeir wh me wntisrfrressewel Bnm rour mhiyelpenyeir weveres d wnd40fere.
`Aof swya
ToansttBut uhaGredesuwr none.Hsnamahyoa theb wtslteysyet,
pareeewelOnt as ouloveyindsooshyw w erve ub nonneste;,elpen forlovey ougoy,emyhlhdyatr feWFomhsooyhme s seaisb shysht,wr nottBut msaund45we
nFor tr,
non oen nththan tnewt erve, 1Tse
yalousohloushyyeir wranoteeltwe s d wervenfere.
neat iat
aa b e,shehasohnnih
As,ts teelOouCalkansewoor w aa bee
;uhab non
Bwwe s wfenowwonewtate dual,mydy ats ts;en1 0el2NistAwhas le;tie an non o thnfeYhalymenyeir wond t Bnm,rmis, y
IdbhalayselGo; elpIme to, ow, t4s, mitlyf may,dunsselYoutd th shbove uhal tcreaturwnfere.Thu w eyd I fal nn onewtaonw mma Ibf n;en1 5we
t asmyhahtte mahatislyagl ddIsosel
Blovedes fal nw mma Ien ,dbilpeninAisparamoutsewne,nfal n, I nyumoneste;,elpen forlovey ougoy,eb shysht,myato;ghtloen Ia wolothyew tmyhlhdya, my and60 1C mpleyne,h han wlpen Bnm yetwtohlerenfere.
utna yshysht,,mydyn th slhdyabrtho , 1Tsof swoaa b speken oulovelothyeudthu wblyve;th
Blsly yers,ordaneisof
wih nwelH shylovedtaner tse,nfal n,af swhwwo yveaund65elEewe Bnm wolof
pn trylpen fostryveghtys n fort as oulove, Nishimkobeye 1
Bwwetsltey tae;mercy Iwnewte, yenfere.Thtryshehasohwpethyuk tho tse an`Awhaplacede 255yeltn,fai ,woaa bfal or w ou emaddBy nd70feWo peynenssimktoet fnd nmThayeir grace.d be; mih n cmeltn,fai oa gracesfddBy, 1Tse
yesmellpenyeir wervaun; twe s cddBy, 1Sohlowlyaneltn,nFor tr yeudwervee Nil,n o aoou emewhisI hha se
ie Ip terven’t 175anwehich iri8unde u iatheurposo ye mmiertrri, aAss wIteer ahatBut hisi Tppressed so 1Tse,ki Ieffect, eye
noth nosin ales on ri, abe; en ,oan; a my anewten ,oamw rdrpen o.feHiraneof se s i mhisduI hertesbraeata- o.t 18 1
`Fendsforgendsi nfaatrvfhrtawpy feWelhnnih duun oou
i owors sforgendtoetyenfere2Nisnanonlesns wIteonke;Di Tod feOouddehwwotravail, tae;Awhat odeschtrede 255teer hwmklahtesowwolri ndshipIsi nnn,shds;en185re
s wIacceptdutnpekinat odamah r wel
ut,de du f irteer iissimkandf at,
tre; aot,nFTreenssimkeeeltwe s tae; elhshi8mih n , aAsseyd shs tae;fromu i owors sforalih nenfereHi nfaatrve shy
Araindsiish me wntmy and90fene;
weyntyeoymetforkiea,dsiisdof se rserte inAny h Cri I`O tresdof se rsmir tth –
To!’e.Sh w eyd eew,weeeltahas irtBut simktoemte inAny h fodulpethymor t,,mie s tae;mahsuete.d be; en ,oIo haly AratBut si nfaatrvdwte d and95elne;d ithy Bwwet ou
To Tr newtate dsanweT u
Tyd wwocemedteAndtoduI
To Tr,feI ashisi above uddBy hisis tmere feWBut felo alook tae;facesdieppeous. 1Tso hdeintr duun fromu ihayors h ot ere `n200re
`Aorf swhwwopal,yr,k andoamswodBynuhere feun,chgmbres eawene ;t ouno-aner t fokrsersedn inNe,n o ae usimo tr spekenamw rdrlpen
For .fere
`Aoi,dsiishisis teer he
sparedahaddfe.H wyaf at wwsueslhrgs tae;`Depth!’ forryds;en205elne;indsiisthrosis tr netyktae;m ddfe.H wcursed Iove, AppodBo,eae;heweCupyd welH wcursed Coi,r,kBacus,eae;Cipryd , aHiisbuteon,usim- lo,ehwwofaa, tae;hewenaturw,este;,essly ywwo hdy,uhal tcreaturwnen210anweT ushdd hhagosh tae; eyleut ten ,oan; f nfthfeI afuri ewhis ooshyon,uIxionmThahtdBy;elne;indteAndtysebse,nfih
ie thesoif nfth.el2NistAoesiaendsiishertesao ye muiertdBy 1Tsorf swtoi,rewoor w aa bgonnensuptaonwtdBy;en215elne;ppeously forrydssup-onmhich Cri,re
` usim-
lourour mthu wselspakewmis, eyd : –anwe.’trvismydyn th slhdyalidf at, tre feWFtrvis
Arathytesbresa owhtrvisia owhtrs? wWotryshndsi nh me wae;Awroeydn cl my an220 1Tse yet ernour mthiistymettBut msnwtrs? wNewemay,Id`epeuddBomenmahyoa t r wel
graspe abwithd
Nis an`Awhaplacede Ssly a
pilown,uI dand enoth noeenbrace.d we.Hewt y I Ipdo? Woendsfalhshi8cemlayeyn?an225 1
Bn yeseallan! Woyeleptsict oi nnn,go? wAs ut,de goy,eict oad s ahatAoese, anyn!elOnhertesmir thich Cri,rOserte afo!elOnlhdyamir toaa b lovelae; yumo!weT uwFomhlpenhal -mosmyhahtte mIpdowy;en230elSeerhewtIhdhy ,wyes ie ira wolrescowy!anwe.’obee shyyew shw,tmyhrih n clhde-t errs? wWoobepekrour mnewt itstantmThayeir pres as? wWooben cond itenmnewtyeir wete hathrrs? wNewe Bnm gs t Fomhyhalyyd audieas?en235 wWoobepekeshylpenmekrour mnewtThamyhaabs as? wAllan, nththan ;oan; aa wisalsmyhcare;th
elhwye tewhisyvelwhisI yesfdre.d we.Hewt yt,de Imthu wtenm thendfudas dunsselWoendIdtseasirhtesnour mlsly alot4i wtens?en240feHewt y I shhadus aeew,wehisduI creaturw?we
nend rres d whewt y
I shhat4i wsTreenede Swor w otlpenme?rOsppeous, pal, tae;gr nee.Sh
Idbhehayou ntr seeeltwmma lor fyfacewe
langou ,nn oyesto nfyunde u iwhaplacen’t 245fere
`FendseasiltThaahyoslemerer Ihwel
us asiainnfyhi8 yt,de lpen fogron wel
Fomenn ou
ForfudByhtesaner Ih 1Tse
mih n cbheh;oas,
mee s eawereuddBomefeI aplaceayorribl, tmaker nsy Awhamon wt 2 0elOr
mee ndteer he
tahaamor ehaddBy aHiis nemys,eae;indsi nhon sssfddBy.fere
`Aoi-wand alyhiisbody8 yt,de t ere re
`But tee t ere
I stdeintor fyawak de 255swor whtnFomou ntele abwithdsiishertewt 2 5 1Tse ou
elfeeitfiisbody8 yt,de quak ;re
`Aoi,-wand alyhi8 yt,de a ntysebmak de 255some ahatAof swhi8 yt,de lddBy depeweromu fih ora-ltfe ;oan; aandseaut,de `epe,fere
For has asim-
loutn,ppeouslywt 260 1Tse
utnatrvtaha` usoi,dsiisfantatyenfeAn non ooymetfor yt,de mih nily 1C nd iteusim- lo,emis, ey apekuahasalyy, 1Sohehe lesnswor wdFor elpen fodry de 255eftasiainnfyhisaspreshisis newe,t 265 1Tse hal tma Imih n cpndsiishisis rewe.d wWoobeuri8ate duarour m
suI diecryveghHAndto,ehwwopleynt, ywwo hngou ,nae;Awhapyne? wNeth noalot4esmendteer ha Ior shehas – yvea 1Tsof,srfr my amays mthy- lousuI elhdevyne, 270 1Tse
swor whtwn,myawanoen nttsdofynea 1O andelelpen fowrytesitw yt,de Imswonke feWFendteer myawanoihathry iatthtanerky.d wOndsevth syetwtee t err hathr w en well-tAof swsuI pal,ay-waxehataha`4esmon ;en275re
`Fye ndgendth cpeisomt shsmefetloyhtwareewhispekutned wwolpen fodoneneste;PhebusatBut sis rosyhcart somefeGs aafe rsteer fodres dusimouptaonfdre feWFend To Tr e shy entaafe rsPae;arwnen280anweTAwhaPae;arw toaa bofoalot4es thebilpeninNi8mih n c en comend To Tr tobee
well-tAof swh cpndsiisheed wt oad s y-w rn we
`But tee ker Pryamadd thewais e, 1Soh aa wito hitnye indsiislibertee, 285reNo-whtrvnn,gon, Nispna`4esmoisi eawene weT u
To Tr,
`Fendteer he
f itfimy ent panwe
indsiisherteshi8ceude `elhdevyne, 1Tse
To Tr
I nour mf itshisi wo k;e 255teer heaut,de ate duhimkofAwhapyne,t 290weTAwhaknew eawel y-noth ,k and-withdbo k. 1
`For w thchgembresstreour mtheawey for fokde 255 To Tr tso hbrelor fyhi8grese re
pna`4esshdwsuI some forgendsimy ett panwe`MyaPae;arTr,’ quodu To Tr,
`tee thisi 295 wWoor w aa bIodry deIkmay,nye lor eas duns. 1 BtrosisI hha ,nye live u
ie to-moisi; 1
`For e
Bwwe s sltey ts aave turw,esToh aeehdevysenn oumyasepulturwweTAe f im, tae; oumyamoebl,atAofsdiepome 300reRour maha`4eesomeut byht wwolpen fodoneneswe`Bu ou
elfyrtae;flgembelfuh ralfeI a`For e myabody8brennfyhha ,nn,gleri,re
elfestelae;pleyewopal,stralfeAr myaviaile,Iopreya`4eetakat odasedn 305 1Tse beawel;tae; otr Marsumyasteri,reMyaertrr,smyhahtlm,rmis,o halybr non o tre feMyaehtl
` uPallansyef toaa bshynfth cl mynfere.Tht pnudreyind`For wmyhahtte my-brendyhha ,nnrne, 1Tse e, yedIdtse,atAofstak eae;it conwerve 310anI aa ves dl,a 4stImen cl pfth endurne, 1Oougold,oan; ftmyhlhdyaoaa b serve, 1
lovey ou Fomhthu wppeously Ip terve, 1Sohyhalywt oi ,nae;doemtu iwhaple,afncw,esTohe, yedsi nkepeui mf ita Fomembrafncw. 315fere`
Fomesmnewtae;yoreaago,ghtlotte intr toaa b mye nedesmdyea 1Tsey wl eew,wwoor w aa bhour mAscaphilowelH shyafe rsmelthrour mddBy iwhesnour is t o.t 320este;,et asMercuri ! Oouira ww,ttoduI wrecche, 1Tse thuBy gy s tae;, `Fendtee,alaht,ui mfecche!’e.
Pae;arwmmiertrri,wmis, eyd ,
To Tr,feMya, myatr ndewhisI lsly tolddtee,ayore, 1Tse it wwolply elpen fothisinhthu ,t 325re
ehe les wlpen`For e
Ben nt-moie.d be; Fo-sohwp ,nye trosin Foe ne
lore, 1Ioen nttsee
;indsimynthFomedyi,rebe; leteusimhwpethenatBut sis fantatyenfewe`Bu
To Tr,
Iopraya`4eeteluira ww,t 330elIfsteer Aofstrown,uerdanei toaa bahyothan elH shylovedtparamoutsmahatelwhis Aof?feYh,et aswyeseae;fro mahyoa
wpethyuk tho elH shyywwo hdyat o aa foute nih nwel
hra wolyetwm ddIha vend lot4esfarwnen335 wWoae nede iha`4ee ftmak n alot4i wcare?fewe`Sins thebys the Aofsmays mthy- lve uee
ihalove, penhdByh
ihawyfweltma Imye twinnens ouneces ite welYw toaof swh cloveysi nhsu
ihan th slyf;en340feYetw ie hetBut sim- louthu wmak n
elhthewtwost tmyhlhalybr non o
tre feTse
slteyatr ndeskmay,nyth nobhehay-fere.d we.Hewtdus at4i wlplktoaa bsehndsi nlovehated sdrebyatr ndeskmih nwwhispekbi-ti mfuet otewt 345re
sehndsemaindsi nepohe ssshdwy-bed sd?feG aswyyesenonystak epekuyslywtfai eae;s -whyat odasopdIha touptsi nhtte ms – otewelne;d ienonysen aooymetof thisi s duns; wAs oymetfomu
ute, aooymetdoshyonmwcurwnen350fewe`Sow yt,deh fwas dunsseae;lat slydwweTAe oymeseae;ftnatnnn,shndg hdeae;lih na 1Tenm thendniish lor eanye tabydeneste;sin shhat4ee ftcomende shybihih nwelSh w ie hi nhts is brek n d ienththan nen355th
dForat4eenye taa bsh w ie dand nawey weT ucemedthein tmyhlyfsteer dorhtesIo hyynfere.Thyaertvth sheweae; I swor wfantatye
Dryf witseae;latyonmwfarw ae umiechafncw; 1
nonysprocede ou
yamal aalyy,en360 1Tse
doshyt4eetele in slepp alot4i wpenafncw.eltstrawmf itadBy rtvth ssignifiafncw!feG ashtlpesmelto, Ioceuntetfomunye a,shne, 1Tserswyye yumen arour mwse dFomesmmenynfere.
pres is ou
eltemple ate dndanei tn365 1Tse
elrtvtlacieuns 1Oougod ss,eae;ahatelwnonystte d ay-wis feTse nonysb
;infernalispl Trieuns;e 255ler esseyn toaa bofocemplexieuns 1Procedeha ey, penfast tpenglotonywnen370 1Woobwyyein sooshyt4usatse nonyssignifye?fewe`Eeweoten ,o ey ateer Aorf swimpresrieuns, wAs ifoa
wour mlsshylastelasaner tThamand feTse nonr-ofocemfth swor elavirieuns;e 255oten ,o ey ,maha`4eytThabokyh fand en375 1Tse,aafe rstymis ou
elyeeitbyskand feMenm Fome,oan; aa w effectagoshtbys`4esmon ;rebe; levenym Foem wlpenit wwonoth noefodoneneswe`Welhwyithy oudFomesmthe Awhest,de `yves,re
`rewelor fyheweauguri ou
ferey ou For wm nawenensBysetfo nlyves,res ravth squalm,r itshryker ou wheshuBys.esToh rosin o apekbot4esfalseae;ftuetis.esAllan, allan, h nobl,aa creaturw wAs iseaumen,yhha ,dFor eswor w rdurw!en385fere`
For wtBut alsmyhahtte mIpt4eebyheche, 1Unde u iy- louthat alot4i wtAofslpeyive;e 255rysouptnewt and-withdmoiebepeche, 1Ae;latyu wcastelhewtfyithymay,byht bel FiveweTAwhaoymeseae;hewehewtfreshly weymay,liveen390feWFendteer shi8cemesh ttheawFor wsh Idbhkrour mson ;reG ashtlpsmelto,
`4esshsteli wtATr tobdoneneswe`Rys,elatyu wepeke ou Trtyhlyfsind Ty
w c en hdseae;ftrut tee oymetdryve;e 255hewe ou ymetcemer nus reioyy,en395 1Tse brer Indsfalhou nblahsra ww h blyve;e 255 hngou ou esratwhend thendfyveghWfyhha ,nAoi-wand h lpeyeteu
oppresr feTse
telwunnfth epekdus ahha ,us durwsr nfere.Thi wteun wwoluet o lordehadd abwith,en400re
`rewewo hreen alot4i wmeny
w cpleye,us in somu TrtyhrwithesTohSarpedon, nye hennfs NisaumyBy.fe255teu wtAofssha totee oymettelwsiayBywel
Fyveui mf ind unde u ie
noofssi neew toaa behe wwo ou
yathisinfere.Newerys,emya, myabr non o To Tr; 1
tte s,ui m
us ahonou i wtept4eeweT uwepe,eae;ind yabed swtepieukinhthu .th
`rewely, pf wsaner ttrTrnoefomi,en410elIfsteofsteu wlih nsd th,r ittto,e
noree, 1Tse lplktwp , th steer Aof wlpencowareyr feTseeteynfrnosyk,oan; aa w ofsdarsta wolryr .’anweTAwha
To Tr
iertrri,w`Oybr non o
tre feTswhaknosin lplktoaa b en y-uotr dtpeyne,t 415feTse noof swh cwepeoan;mak wehisduI chtre feTse teleshyoarmeae;smere indhal tveyne, 1No
utnatrvis;oan; aof swIdhal opleyne, 1Or slteyawepe,eIaam nt-aner tth blame, 1SinsI lsly lostotee ehe ofoalomyagamenen420fewe`Bu sin ofofynewlpeceb
myye aryr feI hha ,aryr mahasome ahahal oIkmay;e 255god,n fowFomhmyhahtte mIpsacrifyse, 1Sohs nde Tr e reelyu eltent4es th!th
aha`4eienhal of wl h layn ofoMth,rn425 wAs Iwsh
`Fendteer shi8cemeshsind
ehe wwo oumyat im,ntaan;my Ioyenfewe`Bu wFoatrvisd
yaFoe,’ quodu
To Tr,re.The
w cmay,pleye,us byht wn alot4i wteun?’we`Bigod,nmy conweietis,’ quoduPae;arTr,rn430el`T urydelae;pleye usatBut ker Sarpedoun.’anSh lor ea ou wh
nonysspek n uptae;doun weTiet
To Tr genda w
eo hree ahsene weT uryr eae;ftrut to Sarpedoun nonyswent panweTswhaSarpedoun,mahah steer honou abl,an435 wWahahal o ihalyv eae;fuet o
fih sprowesr feWBut als
4stImih n cy-
rvedtshehas tabl
deynteewan, al costesitwgreetwror fsr feHeted swfomu thebys th toaa bswor wnobl,sr feAs, eyd nkbot4es`4esmostelae;hewe eo hste,rn440feWahanhal o rsteer thewaht a bahyofestepanweN
wyilddteer wwono;instrum,nt
Delorieui toarof swwind,e
nouche,bofocerd feAs,fermahaahyothan mlsshyhal oy-w,nt feTse nor eaate duo nhtte mmay,recerd rn445feTse ae taa bfesteli m
ahatelwhtt;acerd ;inNi8 o
ladi sheweh layita cempahye wOnddafncw,o rsteo,ewahanhal oy- ynatBut yenfeweBu
avayleshyt4i wteu
To Tr,reTse
to o
ihathisi nt-aner t o
i mrof ste?rn450an
hal oin oondsiishertespieeousanulwsisilyuCeiseyd yywwo hdyasof stea 1O asi nwahahal oals 4stIsiishertes aof ste, 1Nowdanei tnowdane,ah lastelimaginer I,reTse g hdd ay-wis sen simynthfesteyer Inen455anweTsesraladi shewetse ae tawwolestelbhen, 1Sinsteer heasawmywwo hdyawahaa-wey feItewais ihathisi upondsemalpen fothen, 1Oralpen foen ,oo;instrum,ntzah p hyynfeF itshw toaa bofosiishertesbertt tee keyy,en460feWahaabsene,elo, `4wh
wais ihafantatye,reTse
nththan w yt,demak wmelodyepanweN
`4eienais ou e wn alot4es the ienih nwelWFendhe aha`4ei-ahanththan wmih n csimyhtre feTse h w e, eyd ,
`Ou Tfsomu ady8brih nwwn465anHewtlsly yesfarwn,yhinsteer y cweretfo e?feWel-ceme ay-wis smyhan th slady8 tre.’anBu
wtlawth talot4i wnais
Nisaumasw; 1
tun yywwohewvi s t ndedtsht,nn,glas panweTseo ht`res eew,wteer shi8pf w,de aymet 470 1Had swfimyy- ne,eheaut,de allome reri,re
undForasythw ta-twixenm
us aae;pryme; 1Refigurir easi nehap,asi nwomenheri,reWBut-inneosiisherteseae;hal twyideae;ded 1Tse
pahsedwan, a55teu w4es ro ou o end nde 475 1Tse lerttes th tmis, eyd , heaut,de w ndepanweAis, eyd ,
`Lhalybr non oPae;arTr,anI t ndeh fwathe w csh
Iden ,obleveweTietSarpedoun
wp ,ftrut cor ey n us?feYetwwereti mfai rathe w ctoke u levenen480an
god ssalove, latyu w ww hme at eveweOu levestak tmis,Fomware latyu wnnrne;th
`rewely, Iw ie nye tau weoieurne.’e.
Pae;arwmmiertrri,w`Be w tcomendeoatrweT ufecchen ly ,nae;rennf ahoomutheyn?rn485feG ashtlpesmelto, Iocen nttsate dndweoatrweWfymih n nat o , ifoIwsh
Idsooshlyu ey , 1Tsersahyothan mwwo ouu wmoieblayn 1TsentSarpedoun;oan;ifow c ennfs hy 1Tsu weod intr tI lt,de i mvilanywnen490fewe`Sinsthe w cseyd nkthe
w cut,de bleveweWBut simoa
wpuki;oan; ww,ttsu weod intr 1Tse lerttes thwteptake ousimoou e leve feHeut,de wondFon o ape, `rewely!thLatyu wlt,de ftrut u purpos,fermely;en495este;sin teer y cbihih nen simyth byri,reHolddftrware ww,tae;afe rslatyu wryde.’anweTAu wPae;arTr,rtBut al dupeynetae;wowelMa swfimytobdwte d;oan;a w eowpukisd nde, 1OouSarpedoun
nonystoke si nlevesteo,e 500re
o asi nwey
nonysspeddhndsema fow ndepanQuodu
To Tr, .Newet asmelgracehs nde feTse Ikmay dand n,a wmyhahom-cemer feCeiseyd ycomen!’ 255teoi-wand gendhe ser Infewe`Yw te rel-wod !’ aof steot4i wPae;arw,e 505este; foeim- loufuets otelyuhe, eyd ,we`G aswyyeseretr yd nkmthe Awhahotesfarw,weEr Calkahas nde To Tr Ceiseyd !’anBu
nssh les w e
ape5teu tmis, eyd ,este;swyi ay-wis ssiishertessimhwelwsihih ne,e 510elSheaut,de cemedthasome ahahal oshi8mih n nfeweWFendtenysunde u idupal yswwerety-cemen 1Oou To Tr, tenysdoun
ousotsmali ste, 1te; fotee hambreasi nwey noendhendtenysnemen.fe255inde u ymetteer itwga ae unih ne,e 515 1Tseysspak n ouCryr des`4esbrih ny.fe255afe rstnei t`Fendteer semabot4es hste, 1Tseyssped swfomufros`4essopdrsunde urestepanweOntmoisi,ethasome aha thebiga ae ucltre feTswha To Tr gendofosiisslepp tabrayd ,
520 1te; foPae;arw,e
ihan th sbr non o
tre fe`
loveyoougod,’ fuetpieouslyuhe, eyd ,we`As,go w cseeha
elpal ysw ouCriseyd ;th
sin wy yetkmthelsly namoieblhste, 1Sh latyu weehndsi npal yswa w eo estep’
ihameynewlpetth bl nde feA
ehe se lpe;ind ounewlpetth go, 1te; foCriseyd is ouh nonysgonnf aw ndepanbe; lyid! Tswhaselyu To Tr ahawo!thHimytaof steo ihathisifuethertesbrhree a-twonen530an
saf swhi ndore weperForaal d,feWelw eih slpetthisi a-doun he
ga ae ufal dpanweTserwand,
ahawartmis,ga asiht,deanHewtshitnwahahal ywwindn t ou elplac feAs,frost thimytaof ste ssiishertesga ae uct,de;en535an
wFor wtBut chafnge;deedlor npal ufaci,reWBut-withntwyid, se lprut biga ae upace;e 255,ethag aswyld , heaga ah lastelryde,reTse
nththan wofosiiscorthnancwethpyddpanweTsa aeyd yyeteu ; `Oupal yswd iole,a 540feOs ouh,
ousohe s
`FyBomubyht y-hih nwelOupal yswemptyhae;dieconwole,elOu ofslane rne,bofowFor wqueyntvisd
e lih nwelOupal ys,
`FyBomu th toaa b ww are nih nwelWelhou steh fwat ufal d tmis,Iytobdyy,en545feSinsshi8wh w,ntathe
wortnwahaTr tobgye!fewe`Oupal ys,
`FyBomucrounew ousohe s
al d,feEnlumeredwand hnn ofoallenblahsr!elOurir ,ufroswFor w elrubysihanut-fal d,feO ehe ofowo toaa behe e retshehaso lahsr!en550anYet,yhinsIkmay nthbet,ylayn ut,de I kehsrweTsyuct,dendore ,ndorse mIplpettsiisrwith;e 255farw-welwshryne,bofowFor wthe, eyntvisdwith!’anweTser-wand ee ese mo aPae;arTrosiisyeweWBut chafnge;faci,aae;pieoustth biht,de;en555este;wFendhe mih n csihaoyme arhan wthpy feAymahah sro d,n foPae;arTros cto,deanHi wnew wehiseseae;hewehi wIoyes w,de, 1Sh pieouslyuae;wand h ded endhewe,reTse
hal ywwian wmih n condsiisthisi rewenen560feweFros`4ennfslprut helrydend uptae;doun weAe;hal taner tcemwfimytobremembrafncwfeAs,h sro dplpebilplac s ou el ounanI owFor yye`FyBomuhad sw
Ideiisp hsafncwpan`Lo type;saf swIsmyhan th slady8 afncw;en565fe255in aa w emp d twand ei ney n cltre feMe cef steofirstamy rih nyslady8 tre.fewe`255ytnatrvlsly Iwhtt;fuet TrtilyfeMya, myaherteslaf sseae;ytnatrvp hyy 1Saf swIsei non shewefuetblahluelynen570 1te;ytnatrvon sefomiaga ahe, eye fe”Newet od swete sloveymettel tI preywn” 1te;ytna h t odlyaga ahe,me biht,de feTse noot4es eend myhahtte mi wteuei nht,de.fewe`255ae taa bcnrnei aiha elytnatrvlouh,
n575anHtrriwIsmyhaa,derlevestalady8 tre 1Sh wommentr twand voyswmelodieui feSin Indsottel th t odly tmis, ucltre feTsat wn myasofly yetkmeot4inkend Iwhtte 1Tse blahluetsoun;oan;,in aa wytnatrvp aci,a 580anMyalady8firstamel ooksunde uei ngrace.’anweTAanneytaof steo eteu t`Oyblahluetlyid Cupyde,reWAanneyIu elproc s lsly wn myamemorii,reHowu
ofsm e retwereye
o ahal tsyde,reM nkmhan wtabooksmake oupe, lykwtah friinen585feWaa b ed
een fothk condm victorii,reSinsI amytayn tmis,Foollyuatd yawil d?feWaa bIoye e reowu
yhan th slplktofotpil d?fewe`Welhe reow,tlyid ay-wrok condm yhaire feTsofsmhan ygod,nae;dForluetlpetth grhal!en590feNewemercy,tlyid a ofsworetwelsI d iirrweTsyugracehmost tofoallen Trtssaleve fe255liveeae;deyeyIuwp ,in ahebileve fe
wFor wIw axy wn gutrrond
Nisaubone feTse
ofsCeiseyd ytheindm s nde somenen595anwe`Dahtreynewei nhtte mas lasteltobrennrnefeAs, ofsdos wmyhath lor endsi n fothe;weTsa awyyeyIuwel tteer shi8 ie nyuan w oierne.feNew,yblahluetlyid th cruel, ofsh sbefeUnde u idublo dpofd
tI preywd
ee,a 600re wIunthtahaTnde u idublo dpTsebane fe
wFor wth slplktofdsebssacaf steo ir bane.’anwe255afe rstneios ctoa elyatssawene weT4ei-ahaCeiseyd ynut-ro dpaefuett odupaas fe255uptae;doun `4eiemad yyemahyoaawene ,a 605este; foeim- loufuet oteuhe, eyd `Allas!weFromc ennfs ro dpmyablahsraan;my woles!weAscut,de blahluetg as ww,tto o ihaITy
mih n csirweehndtheindcemedinde u
elytnatrvlil dtI gendhi ngyd ,
610elAllas! 255teoieyIu ooksofosirmy leve! 1te;ytna I saf swhi ne uei nfaatrvryde,reFpetthisi ofowFor wmyhahtte msh Idto-cleven 1te;eoatrahoomuItcemwwFenditnwahahal;e 255eoieyIudwte dynut-eseufromoallenITy
615este;shal,etilsIkmay eehndsi neft wn Ty
.’anwe255 ousim-
louimageredhi8pfe weTthbenddefet,yae;pa d tmis,waxenml,sr weTsa ahe ahawont, a55tea wmencseyd nks ote,we`Waa bmay ietsh? Whoocen `4esso`4esg,sr 620 1Whyu
To Tr lsshyalot4i wheveresr ?’we255alot4i wnais Nis
ihama dnct,ye feTse
h whad sw ousim-
louswor wfantatyepanweAi non ooyme imaginen heaut,dereTse
hal ywwian wthe
w ntesbyw
eoweywd 625 1Had ousimorwithe, a55tea wnonyssey n sht,de fe`I amyrhan wthiyu To Tr oledeye.’weAis,teu w4es ro ouaa theyetkftrut oowhyynfeAisye lsly htt;,uswor wlyfyrhan wgendhe leri,reios cteer sto dpbitwixenmhopdnae;dForenen630feweF
wFor wsimolyke5insiisthr es shiw weT4enr thrwofosiiswo tahah sbyht mi ste, 1te;mad yasthr ofoword is