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Mackarel, baked, 44.
Macrotes, 121.
Malagatany soup, 4.
English do. 5.
Maigre soup, 12.
Maintenont cutlets, 76.
Marmalades, 163.
Melon mango, 171.
Milk, barley, 179.
porridge, 178.
restorative, 179.
Mince meat, 121.
pies, 110.
Minced veal, 71.
Miroton, a, 71, 72.
Mint sauce, 23.
Mock turtle soup, 3.
Melina pie, 109.
Matso cakes, 157.
fried, 157.
diet bread, 158.
Mushrooms _au naturel_, 96.
large flap, 97.
to pickle, 172.
sauce, 25.
Mutton, a French receipt for roasting, 75. stewed with celery, 75.
a simple way of dressing, 76.
cutlets maintenant, 76.
a haricot, 76.
Irish stew, 77.
a l’Hispaniola, 77.
collops, 77, 78.
cutlets, 78, 79.
smoked, 79.

Nouilles paste, 105.
Noyeau cream, 143.
jelly, 146.

Oil twist, 153.
Olio, 52.
Omelet sweet, 142.
soufle, 142.
savoury, 99.
chorissa, 109.
Onion sauce, 23.
to pickle, 172.
Orange jelly, 146.
Orgeat, 180.
Ox-tail soup, 16.

Palestine soup, 8.
salad, 99.
Pancakes, 129.
for children, 129.
Parsley crisped, 30.
Parsley fried, 31.
Partridges, 185.
Passover pudding, 133.
ditto, 133.
ditto, 133.
fritters, 134.
a superior kind, 134.
ditto with currants, 134.
balls for soup, 9,10.
diet bread, 158.
cakes, 157.
Pastry, directions for making, 103. plain puff paste, 104.
rich, ditto, 105.
short crust, 105.
nouilles or egg paste, 105.
beef dripping paste, 106.
glaize for, 106.
Patty meats, 110.
Peas-soup, summer, 13, 14.
winter, 13.
stewed with oil, 93.
Pears to stew, 150
to bake, 151.
syrup of, 160.
Pepper pot, 6.
Pheasants, to roast, 185.
Piccalili, 171.
Pickling, rules for, 169.
Pie a fruit, 106.
giblet, 108.
a savoury, 107
a ditto for persons of delicate digestion, 88. a beef steak, 188.
a French plum, 185.
salmon, 187.
Pigeons, 86.
Pippins, stewed, 151,
Pique, _see_ larding.
Plum cake, 153.
jam, 167.
pudding, 132.
_Poelee_, 51.
Pommes frites, 13.
Porridge, 179.
Potatoes, to mash, 91.
balls, 91.
wall, 91, 92.
shavings, 92.
soup of, 7.
Poultry cold, to warm, 85.
Pound cake, 156.
Prenesas, 118.
Preparation for cutlets, 36.
Preserving, observations on, 161.
Puddings, directions for, 112.
plum, 132.
millet, arrowroot, ground rice, tapioca, sago, 136. Passover for, 133.
iced, 190.
almond, 117.
cocoa nut, 120.
citron, 150.
Grosvenor, 149.
Yorkshire, 136.
suet, 137.
bread, 135.
rice, 130.
custard, 135.
batter, 135.
cherry batter, 131.
ratafia, 132.
college, 131.
Cumberland, 131.
rich bread and butter, 130.
Punch, 183.
jelly, 144.
whiskey, 184.
milk, 184.
_Puree_ of vegetables, 96.

Quince marmalade, 163.

Rachael, a, 118.
Ragout of beef, 60.
Ramakins, 100.
Raspberries preserved whole, 165.
jam, 165.
jelly, 166.
Ratafia pudding, 132.
Restorative milk, 176.
jelly, 179.
Rice fritters, 125.
pudding for children, 130.
fruit tart, 127.
soufle, 143.
custard, 128.
caudle, 178.
wall, 91.
Risoles, 33, 34, 100.
Roasting, rules for, 50.
Rump of beef stewed, 53.
Russe, a charlotte, 139.

Salmon cutlets, 42.
pie, 187.
Sauces, piquante, 17.
egg, 18.
English, do., 28.
celery, 19.
tomato, 19.
for steaks, 21.
without butter for fish, 21.
for fish to keep, 22.
to serve with ducks, 22.
oiled butter, 24.
bread, 22.
apple, 23.
onions, 23.
melted butter, 25.
mushroom, 24.
white, to throw over vegetables, 26. for puddings without butter, 26.
Robert, 26.
caper, 27, 19.
a la Tartare, 28.
for roast mutton, 28.
asparagus, 28.
cucumber, white, 29.
brown, 29.
veloute, 31.
bechamel, 32.
Sauer krout, 56.
Savoury jelly, 20.
herb powder, 27.
Seasoning for poultry, 27.
Siesta, a, 151.
Soda cake, 155.
Sopa d’ora, 119.
Soufle, 140, 141.
omelette, 142.
rice, 143.
Soups, almondegos, a superior white soup, 11. asparagus, 12.
cressy, 7.
malagatany, 4.
English do., 5.
gravy, 3.
barley, 14.
carrot, 8.
giblet, 14.
Julienne, 5.
mock turtle, 3.
matso, 9.
Palestine, 8.
de poisson, or fish, 15.
ox tail, 16.
peas, summer, 13.
winter, 14.
potatoe, 7.
a la turque, 6.
vermicelli, 9.
white, a, 9.
tomato, 10.
vegetable, or French, 11.
Spanish beans and peas, 29.
Spinach a la Francaise, 92.
Sponge cakes, 158.
Spring dish, a, 95.
Staffin, 125.
Steak stewed with chestnuts, 58.
stewed simply, 58.
Stewing, rules for, 50.
Stock–see _consomme_.
Strawberries preserved whole, 164.
jam, 165.
jelly, 166.
Suet to clarify, 52.
Sugar to clarify, 160.
Sweetbreads roasted, 73.
stewed white, 73.
brown, 74.
fricasseed, 73.

Tart de moy, 122.
Tartlets, 107.
Tendons of veal, 66.
Thickening for soups and sauces, 2. Timbale of maccaroni, 87.
Tomato soup, 10.
sauce, 17.
dry soup, a, 97.
Tourte a la creme, 149.
Trifle, an easy one, 137.
a still more simple and quickly made, 147. Truffle sauce, 20.
Turke soup, a la, 6.
Turkey boned and forced, 82.

Veal, a white fricandeaux of, 62.
brown, do. 63.
tendons of, 66.
fricandeaux, 67.
collard, 67.
curried, 68.
cutlets, 68, 69. 70.
blanquette of, 70.
minced, 71.
stuffing, 34.
miroton of, 71, 72.
smoked, 73.
Vegetable or French soup, 11.
observations on, 90.
Veloute, 31.
Venison to roast, 186.
a pasty, 186.
Vermicelli pudding, 136.
soup, 9.
Vol-au-vent, 109.
de fruit, 110.
petits, 110.

Waflers, 126.
Walnuts, to pickle, 173.
Water souchy, 41.
Whey wine, 179.
tamarind, 179.
plain, 180.
White bait, 45, 46.
White soup, 9.
superior, do., 11.
Wine, mulled, 183.
egg, 183.

Yorkshire pudding, 138.