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Opyn. MS. Ed. 28. open.

Offall. 143. _Exta_, Giblets.

Oystryn. MS. Ed. II. 14. Oysters.

Of. Proem. by.

Ochepot. v. Hochepot.

Ovene. i. Oven. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: oren]. Belg. Oven. _0vyn_, MS. Ed. II. 16.

Olyve, de Olyve, Olyf, Dolyf, MS. Ed. Olive.

Owyn. MS. Ed. 22. own.


Plurals increase a syllable, Almandys, Yolkys, Cranys, Pecokys, &c. So now in Kent in words ending in _st_. This is Saxon, and so Chaucer.

Plurals in _n_, Pisyn, Hennyn, Appelyn, Oystrin.

Powdon douce. 4. Pref.

Powdon fort. 10, ii. v. Pref.

Pasturnakes. 5. seems to mean _Parsnips_ or Carrots, from _Pastinaca_. _Pasternak of Rasens_, 100. of Apples, 149. means Pastes, or Paties.

Persel. 6. 29. alibi. _Persele_ MS. Ed. II. 15. Fr. _Persil_. Parsley. Parcyle. MS. Ed. 32.

Pyke, pike. 18. 76. pick. Chaucer, v. Pik.

Pluk. 76. pluck, pull. A. S. pluccian.

Pellydore. 19. v. ad loc.

Peletour. 104. v. ad 19.

Paast. MS. Ed. II. 29. Paste.

Potell. 20. Pottle.

Pyncs. 20. alibi, v. Pref.

Pecys. 21. alibi. _Pece_, 190. _Pecis_, MS. Ed. 12. Chaucer. Pieces, Piece, i.

Peper. 21. 132. MS. Ed. i6. has _Pepyr_. Pip. 140. 143. MS. Ed. 9. _Pepper_. A. S. peopor and pipor.

Papdele. 24. a kind of sauce. probably from _Papp_, a kind of _Panada_.

Pise, Pisyn, MS. Ed. 2. Pease.

Peers. 130. 138. _Pers_, 167. Perys, MS. Ed. II. 23. Pears. Pery, a Pear tree, Chaucer.

Possynet. 30. 160. a Posnet.

Partruches. 35. 147. _Partyches_, Contents. Partridges. _Perteryche_, E. of Devon’s Feast.

Panne. 39. 50. a Pan. A.S. Panna.

Payndemayn. 60. 139. where it is _pared_. Flour. 41. 162. 49, white Bread. Chaucer.

Par. MS. Ed. 19. pare.

Peions. 18. 154. Pigeons. If you take _i_ for _j_, it answers to modern pronunciation, and in E. of Devon’s Feast it is written Pejonns, and Pyjonns.

Pynnonade. 51. from the Pynes of which it is made. v. Pynes. _Pynade_ or _Pivade_. MS. Ed. II. 32.

Pryk. 53. prick. Pettels. 56. Legs. We now say _the Pestels of a lark_. of veneson, Lel. Collect. IV. p. 5. Qu. a corruption of _Pedestals_.

Payn foindew. 59. _fondew_, Contents, v. ad loc.

Peskodde. 65. Hull or Pod of Pease, used still in the North. v. Coddis in Wiclif, and Coddes in Junii Etymolog.

Payn Ragoun. 67. a dish. qu.

Payn puff, or puf. 196. _Payne puffe_. E. of Devon’s Feast.

Pownas. 68. a colour. qu. v. Preface.

Porpays, Porpeys. 69. 108. salted, 116. roasted, 78. _Porpus_ or Porpoise. _Porpecia_, Spelm. Gl. v. Geaspecia, which he corrects _Seaspecia_. It is surprising he did not see it must be _Graspecia_ or _Craspiscis_, i.e. _Gros_ or _Crassus Piscis_, any large fish; a common term in charters, which allow to religious houses or others the produce of the sea on their coasts. See Du Cange in vocibus. We do not use the Porpoife now, but both these and Seals occur in Archb. Nevill’s Feast. See Rabelais, IV. c. 60. and I conceive that the _Balana_ in Mr. Topham’s MS. means the Porpus.

Perrey. 70. v. ad loc.

Pesoun. 70, 71. _ Pise, Pisyn.,_ MS. Ed. 2. Pease. Brit. _Pysen._

Partye. 71. _a partye,_ i.e. some. MS. Ed. 2. Chaucer.

Porrectes. 76. an herb. v. ad loc.

Purslarye. 76. Purslain.

Pochee. 90. a dish of poached Eggs, v. Junius, voce _Poach._

Powche. 94. Crop or Stomach of a fish. _Paunches,_ 114, 115.

Pyke. ici. the fish. v. ad loc.

Plays. 101. 105. 112. Plaise; the fish. _Places,_ Lel. Coll. VI. p.6.

Pelettes. 11. Balls. Pellets. Pelotys. MS. Ed. 16.

Paunch. v. Powche.

Penne. 116. a Feather, or Pin. MS. Ed. 28. Wiclif. v. Pennes.

Pekok. 147. Peacock. _Pekokys,_ MS. Ed. 4. where same direction occurs. Pekok. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227.

presse. 150. to press. Chaucer.

Pyner. 155. qu. v. Pref.

Prunes. 164. Junius in v. _Prunes and Damysyns._. 167. _Prunes Damysyns_. 156. 158. _Primes,_ 169. should be corrected _Prunes._ Prunys, MS. Ed. II. 17. _Prognes._ Lel. Coll. VI. p. 17. _ Prune Orendge,_ an Orange Plumb, p. 23. _Prones,_ Northumb. Book, p.19. plant it with Prunes, 167. stick it, Lel. Coll. VI. p.5. 16 22. As the trade with Damascus is mentioned in the Preface, we need not wonder at finding the Plumbs here.

Primes, v. Prunes.

Prews of gode past. 176. qu.

Potews. 177. a dish named from the pots used.

Pety peruant. 195. _Petypanel, a marchpayne._ Lel. Coll. VI. p.6.

Parade. hole parade. 195. qu.

Plater. MS. Ed. II. 9. Platter.

Puff. v. Payn.

Phitik. Proem. Physick.

Poumegarnet. 84. Poungarnetts, MS. Ed. 39. Powmis gernatys. Ibid. 27. Pomgranates, per metathesin.

Penche. MS. Ed. 36.

Partyns. MS. Ed. 38. Parts.

Pommedorry. MS. Ed. 42. Poundorroge, 58. _Pomes endoryd_. E. of Devon’s Feast.

Pommys morles. MS. Ed. II. 3.

Porreyne. MS. Ed. II. 17. Porrey Chapeleyn, 29.


Quare. 5. It seems to mean to quarter, or to square, to cut to pieces however, and may be the same as to _dyce_. 10. 60. Dice at this time were very small: a large parcel of them were found under the floor of the hall of one of the Temples, about 1764, and were so minute as to have dropt at times through the chinks or joints of the boards. There were near 100 pair of ivory, scarce more than two thirds as large as our modern ones. The hall was built in the reign of Elizabeth. To

_quare_ is from the Fr. quarrer; and _quayre_ or _quaire_, subst. in Chaucer, Skelton, p. 91. 103. is a book or pamphlet, from the paper being in the quarto form. See Annal. Dunstap. p. 215, Ames, Typ. Antiq. p. 3. 9. Hence our quire of paper. The later French wrote _cahier_, _cayer_, for I presume this may be the same word. Hence, _kerve hem to dyce_, into small squares, 12. _Dysis_, MS. Ed. 15.

Quybibes. 64. Quibibz. MS. Ed. 54. alibi. Cubebs.

Quentlich. 162. keyntlich, 189. nicely, curiously. Chaucer. v. _Queintlie_.

Quayle. 162. perhaps, cool. it seems to mean fail or miscarry. Lel. Coll. VI. p. II. sink or be dejected, p. 41. See Junius, v. Quail.

Queynchehe. 173. f. queynch. but qu.


R. and its vowel are often transposed. v. Bryddes, brennyng, Crudds, Poumegarnet, &c.

Rapes. 5. Turneps. Lat. _Rapa_, or _Rapum_. vide Junium in voce.

Ryse. 9. 194. Rys, 36. alibi. MS. Ed. 14. Ryys, 192. the Flower, 37. Rice. Fr. Ris. Belg. Riis.

Roo. 14. Roe, the animal.

Rede. 21. alibi, red. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: read].

Roost. 30. alibi, rowsted, 175. substantive, 53. to rost. Belg. roosten.

Rether. Ms. Ed. 43. a beast of the horned kind.

Ramme. 33. to squeeze. but qu.

Rennyns. 65. perhaps, _rennyng_, i. e. thin, from _renne_, to run. Leland Itin. I. p. 5, 6. alibi. Skelton, p. 96. 143. alibi. indeed most of our old authors. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 287, 288. Chaucer.

Ruayn. v. Chese.

Rape. 83. a dish with no turneps in it. Quare if same as _Rapil_, Holme III. p. 78. Rapy, MS. Ed. 49.

Resmolle. 96. a dish. v. ad loc.

Ryal. 99. _ryallest_. Proem. royal. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 250. 254. VI. p. 5. bis. 22. Chaucer. v. Rial.

Rote. 100. Root. _Rotys_, MS. Ed. 32. Chaucer. Junius, v. Root.

Roo Broth. MS. Ed. 53.

Roche. 103. the fish. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 6.

Rygh. 105. a fish. perhaps the Ruffe.

Rawnes. 125. Roes of fish. _Lye_ in Junius. v. Roan.

Rest. MS. Ed. rustied, of meat. Restyn, restyng. No. 57. Rustiness. Junius. v. Restie.

Rasyols. 152. a dish. _Ransoles_. Holme III. p. 84.

Reyn. Ms. Ed. 57. Rain. Chaucer.

Rysshews. 182. name of a dish. qu.

Rew de Rumsey. MS. Ed. 44.

Ryne hem on a Spyt. 187. run them on a spit.

Rosty. MS. Ed. 44. rost.

Rounde. 196. round. French.

Rosee. 52. a dish. v. ad loc.

Resenns. 100. Raysons, 114. Raisins. used of Currants, 14. v. ad loc. _Reysons_, _Reysins_. MS. Ed. II. 23. 42. _Rassens_ Pottage, is in the second course at archp. Nevill’s Feast.


Spine. v. Spynee.

Sue forth. 3. et passim. serue. 6. 21. From this short way of writing, and perhaps speaking, we have our _Sewers_, officers of note, and _sewingeis_, serving, Lel. Coll. IV. p. 291. unless mis-written or mis-printed for _shewinge_.

Slype. II. slip or take off the outer coat. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: slipan].

Skyrwates. 5. 149. Skirrits or Skirwicks.

Savory. 6. Sauuay. 30. 63. Sawey. 172.

Self. 13. same, made of itself, as self-broth, 22. the owne broth, 122. MS. Ed. 5. 7. Chaucer.

Seth. passim. MS. Ed. I, 2. Chaucer, to seeth. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: seothan]. Seyt. MS. Ed. I. to strain. 25. 27.

Smite and smyte. 16. 21. 62. cut, hack. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: smitan].

Sode. v. Ysode.

Storchion. MS. Ed. II. 12. v. Fitz-Stephen. p. 34.

Sum. 20. sumdell, 51. somdel, 171. some, a little, some part. Chaucer has _sum_, and _somdele_. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: sum].

Saunders. 20. used for colouring. MS. Ed. 34. v. Northumb. Book, p. 415. Sandall wood. The translators of that very modern book the Arabian Nights Entertainments, frequently have _Sanders_ and Sandal wood, as a commodity of the East.

Swyne. 146. alibi. Pork or Bacon. MS. Ed. 3. Bacon, on the contrary, is sometimes used for the animal. Old Plays, II. p. 248. Gloss. ad X Script. in v.

See. MS. Ed. 56. Sea. Chaucer.

Sawge. 29. _Sauge_, 160. MS. Ed. 53. Sage. _Pigge en Sage_. E. of Devon’s Feast.

Shul. 146. schul. MS. Ed. 4. should, as No. 147. schulle, schullyn. MS. Ed. 3. 7.

Sawse Madame. 30. qu. Sauce.

Sandale. MS. Ed. 34.

Sawse Sarzyne. 84. v. ad loc.

Serpell. 140. wild Thyme. _Serpyllum_.

Sawse blancke. 136.

Sawse noyre. 137. 141.

Sawse verde. 140.

Sow. 30. to sew, _suere_. also 175. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: siwian].

Stoppe. 34. 48. to stuff.

Swyng. 39. 43. alibi. MS. Ed. 20. 25. alibi. to shake, mix. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: swengan].

Sewe. 20. 29. 40. Sowe. 30. 33. alibi. MS. Ed. 38. Chaucer. Liquor, Broth, Sous. Wiclif. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: seaþ]. v. Lye in 2d alphabet.

Schyms. MS. Ed. 38. Pieces.

Stondyng. 45, 46. 7. stiff, thick.

Smale. 53. alibi. small. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 194.

Spynee. 57. v. ad loc.

Straw. 58. strew. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: streawian].

Sklyse. 59. a Slice, or flat Stick for beating any thing. Junius. v. Sclise.

Siryppe. 64. v. ad loc.

Styne. 66. perhaps to close. v. ystyned. A. S. tynan.

Stere. 67. 145. to stir. Chaucer. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: styrian].

Sithen. 68. ssithen, 192. then. Chaucer. v. seth and sithe. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: sieean]. sithtyn, sethe, seth, syth. MS. Ed. _then_.

Salat. 76 a Sallad. Saladis, Sallads. Chaucer. Junius, v. Salad.

Slete Soppes. 80. slit. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: slitan].

Spryng. 85. to sprinkle. Wiclif. v. sprenge. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: sprengan].

Samoun. 98. Salmon. So Lel. Coll. VI. p. 16, 17. Fr. _Saumon_.

Stepid. 109, 110. steeped, _Frisiis_, stippen.

Sex. 113. 176. Six. A. S.

Sool. 119. _Solys_, 133. Soale, the fish.

Schyl oysters. 121. to shell them. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: scyll], a shell.

Sle. 126. to kill. _Scle_, Chaucer, and _slea_. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: slean].

Sobre Sawse. 130.

Sowpes. 82. 129. Sops. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: sop]. dorry. MS. Ed. II. 6.

Spell. 140. qu.

Stary. MS. Ed. 32. stir.

Swannes. 143. Pye, 79. Cygnets. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 5.

Sonne. MS. Ed. 56. Sun. Chaucer.

Sarse, and _a Sarse_. 145. a Sieve or Searse.

Souple. 152. supple. _sople_, Chaucer; also _souple_. Fr.

Stewes. 157. 170. Liquor. to stue, 186. a term well known at this day.

Sars. 158. 164. Error perhaps for _Fars_. 167. 169. 172.

Sawcyster. 160. perhaps, a Saussage. from Fr. _Saucisse_.

Soler. MS. Ed. 56. a solar or upper floor. Chaucer.

Sawgeat. 161. v. ad loc.

Skymour. 162. a Skimmer.

Salwar. 167. v. Calwar.

Sarcyness. MS. Ed. 54. v. Sawse.

Syve, Seve. MS. Ed. II. 17, 18. a Sieve, v. Hersyve.

Southrenwode. 172. Southernwood.

Sowre. 173. sour. _souir_, Chaucer.

Stale. 177. Stalk. Handle. used now in the North, and elsewhere; as a fork-stale; quare a crasis for a fork’s tail. Hence, Shaft of an Arrow. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 13. Chaucer. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: stele], or [Anglo-Saxon: stela].

Spot. MS. Ed. 57. Sprinkle.

Sachus. 178. a dish. v. ad loc.

Sachellis. 178. Bags. Satchells.

Spynoches. 180. Spinages. Fr. Espinars in plural. but we use it in the singular. Ital. Spinacchia.

Sit. 192. adhere, and thereby to burn to it. It obtains this sense now in the North, where, after the potage has acquired a most disagreeable taste by it, it is said to be _pot-sitten_, which in Kent and elsewhere is expressed by being _burnt-to_.

Sotiltees. Proem. Suttlety. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 5. seq. See No. 189. There was no grand entertainment without these. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226, 227. VI. 21. seq. made of sugar and wax. p. 31. and when they were served, or brought in, _at first_, they seem to have been called _warners_, Lel. Coll. VI. p. 21. 23. VI. p. 226, 227. as giving _warning_ of the approach of dinner. See Notes on Northumb. Book, p. 422, 423. and Mr. Pennant’s Brit. Zool. p. 496. There are three _sotiltes_ at the E. of Devon’s Feast, a stag, a man, a tree. Quere if now succeeded by figures of birds, &c. made in lard, and jelly, or in sugar, to decorate cakes.

Sewyng. Proem. following. Leland Coll. IV. p. 293. Chaucer. Fr.


Spete. MS. Ed. 28. Spit. made of hazel, 58. as Virg. Georg. II. 396.

States. Proem. Persons.

Scher. MS. Ed. 25. sheer, cut. Chaucer. v. Shere.

Schyveris. MS. Ed. 25. II. 27. Shivers. Chaucer. v. Slivere.

Schaw. MS. Ed. 43. shave.


Thurgh. 3. alibi. thorough. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: eurh]. _thorw_. MS. Ed. II.

Tansey. 172. Herb, vide Junii Etymol.

Trape, Traup. 152. alibi. Pan, platter, dish. from Fr.

To gedre. 14. to gydre, 20. to gyder, 39. to geyder, 53. to gider, 59. to gyd, 111. to gedre, 145. So variously is the word _together_ here written. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: togaeere].

Tredure. 15. name of Cawdel. v. ad loc.

To. 30. 17. MS. Ed. 33. 42. too; and so the Saxon, Hence to to. 17. v. ad loc. Also, Lel. Coll. IV. p. 181. 206. VI. p. 36. _To_ is _till_, MS. Ed. 26. 34. _two_. II. 7. v. Unto.

Thyk. 20. a Verb, to grow thick, as No. 67. thicken taken passively. Adjective, 29. 52. _thik_, 57. _thykke_, 85. _thike_, Chaucer.

Teyse. 20. to pull to pieces with the fingers. v. ad loc. et Junius, voce Tease. Hence teasing for carding wool with teasels, a specics of thistle or instrument.

Talbotes. 23. qu. v. ad loc.

Tat. 30. that. as in Derbysh. _who’s tat?_ for, who is that? Belg. _dat_.

Thenne. 36. alibi. then. Chaucer. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: eanne].

Thanne. 36. MS. Ed. 25. then. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: ean]. than. MS. Ed. 14.

Teer. 36. Tear. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: teran].

To fore. 46. alibi. before. Hence our _heretofore_. Wiclif. Chaucer.

A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: toforan].

Thynne. 49. MS. Ed. 15. thin. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: einn].

Tarlettes. 50. afterwards _Tartletes_, rectius; and so the Contents. _Tortelletti_. Holme. p. 85. v. Tartee. Godwin, de Prasul. p. 695. renders _Streblita_; et v. Junius, voce Tart.

Thise. 53. alibi. these.

Take. 56. taken. Chaucer.

Thridde. 58. 173. alibi. Third, per metathesin. Chaucer. Thriddendele, 67. Thriddel, 102. 134. _Thredde_, MS. Ed. II. 1. v. Junius, voce Thirdendeal.

To done. 68. done. _To_ seems to abound, vide Chaucer. v. _To_.

Turnesole. 68. colours _pownas_. vide ad loc.

Ther. 70. 74. they. Chaucer.

Ton tressis. 76. an herb. I amend it to _Ton cressis_, and explain it Cresses, being the Saxon [Anglo-Saxon: tunkerse], or [Anglo-Saxons: tuncarse]. See _Lye_, Dict. Sax. Cresses, so as to mean, _one of the Cresses_.

Turbut. 101.

Tried out. 117. drawn out by roasting. See Junius, v. Try.

Tweydel. 134. Twey, MS. Ed. 12. Chaucer. _Twy_ for _twice_ runs now in the North. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: twa], two. [Anglo-Saxon dal], pars, portio.

Talow. 159. Mutton Sewet. v. Junii Etym.

Thyes, Thyys. MS. Ed. 29, 30. Thighs.

Tartee. 164, 165. alibi. Tart. de Bry, 166. de Brymlent, 117. Tartes of Flesh, 168. of Fish, 170. v. Tarlettes.

Towh. tough, thick. 173. See Chaucer, v. Tought. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: toh].

Tharmys. MS. Ed. 16. Rops, Guts.

There. 170. 177 where. Chaucer.

Thowche. MS. Ed. 48. touch.

To. 185. for. Hence, _wherto_ is _wherefore_. Chaucer.

Towayl. MS. Ed. II. 21. a Towel.

Thee. 189. thou, as often now in the North.

Temper. MS. Ed. 1. et sape. to mix.


Uppon. 85. alibi. upon.

Urchon. 176. Urchin, _Erinaceus_.

Unto. MS. Ed. 2. until. v. _To_. Chaucer.


Violet. 6. v. ad loc.

Verjous. 12. 48. veriaws. 154. verious. 15. Verjuice, Fr. Verjus. V. Junium.

Veel. 16. alibi. MS. Ed. 18. Veal.

Vessll. 29. a dish.

Vyne Grace. 61. a mess or dish. _Grees_ is the wild Swine. Plott, Hist. of Staff. p. 443. Gloss. to Douglas’ Virgil, v. Grisis. and to Chaucer. v. Grys. Thoroton, p. 258. Blount, Tenures. p. 101. _Gresse_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 243. _Gres_. 248. Both pork and wine enter into the recipe.

Vyaunde Cypre. 97. from the Isle of Cyprus.

Vernage. 132. Vernaccia. a sort of Italian white-wine. In Pref. to _Perlin_, p. xix. mis-written Vervage. See Chaucer. It is a sweet wine in a MS. of Tho. Astle esq. p. 2.

Venyson. 135. often eaten with furmenty, E. of Devon’s Feast, _in brothe_. Ibid.

Verde Sawse. 140. it sounds _Green Sauce_, but there is no sorel; sharp, sour Sauce. See Junius, v. Verjuice.

Vervayn. 172.


Wele. 1. 28. old pronunciation of _well_, now vulgarly used in Derbysh. _wel_, 3. alibi. _wel smale_, 6. very small. v. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 218. 220. Hearne, in Spelm. Life of Alfred. p. 96.

Wyndewe. 1. winnow. This pronunciation is still retained in Derbyshire, and is not amiss, as the operation is performed by wind. v. omnino, Junius. v. Winnow.

Wayshe, waissh, waische. 1. 5. 17. to wash. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: wascan].

Whane, whan. 6. 23. 41. when. So Sir Tho. Elliot. v. Britannia. Percy’s Songs, I. 77. MS. Romance of Sir Degare vers. 134. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: hwanne]. wan, wanne. MS. Ed. 25. 38. when.

Wole. Proem. will. _wolt_. 68. wouldst. Chaucer, v. Wol.

Warly, Warliche. 20. 188. gently, warily. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: ware], wary, prudent. Chaucer. v. Ware. Junius, v. Warie.

Wafrouns. 24. Wafers. Junius, v. Wafer.

With inne. 30. divisim, for within. So _with oute_, 33.

Welled. 52. v. ad loc. MS. Ed. 23.

Wete. 67. 161. wet, now in the North, and see Chaucer. A. S. [Anglo- Saxon: wat].

Wry. 72. to dry, or cover. Junius, v. Wrie.

Wyn. MS. Ed. 22. alibi. Wine. v. Wyneger.

Wryng thurgh a Straynour. 81. 91. thurgh a cloth, 153. almandes with fair water, 124. wryng out the water. Ibid. wryng parsley up with eggs, 174. Chaucer, voce wrong, ywrong, and wrang. Junius, v. Wring.

Womdes, Wombes. 107. quare the former word? perhaps being falsely written, it was intended to be obliterated, but forgotten, _Wombes_ however means _bellies_, as MS. Ed. 15. See Junius, voce _Womb_.

Wyneger. MS. Ed. 50. Vinegar. v. Wyn.

Wone. 107. _a deal_ or _quantity_. Chaucer. It has a contrary sense though in Junius, v. Whene.

Whete. 116. Wete. MS. Ed. 1. II. 30. Wheat. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: hwate].

Wastel. 118. white Bread. _yfarced_, 159. of it. MS. Ed. 30. II. 18. Gloss. ad X Script. v. Simenellus. Chaucer; where we are referred to Verstegan V. but _Wassel_ is explained there, and not _Wastel_; however, see Stat. 51 Henry III. Hoveden, p. 738. and Junius’ Etymol.

Wheyze. 150. 171. Whey. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: hwaz]. Serum Lactis. g often dissolving into y. v. Junium, in Y.

Wynde it to balles. 152. make it into balls, turn it. Chaucer. v. Wende. Junius, v. Winde.

Wallenotes. 157. Walnuts. See Junius, in voce.

Wose of Comfrey. 190. v. ad loc. Juice.

Wex. MS. Ed. 25. Wax.

Were. MS. Ed. 57. where.


Y. is an usual prefix to adjectives and participles in our old authors. It came from the Saxons; hence ymynced, minced; yslyt, slit; &c. _I_ is often substituted for it. V. Gloss. to Chaucer, and Lye in Jun. Etym. v. I. It occurs perpetually for _i_, as ymynced, yslyt, &c. and so in MS. Editoris also. Written z. 7. 18. alibi. used for _gh_, 72. MS. Ed. 33. Chaucer. v. Z. Hence ynouhz, 22. enough. So MS. Ed. passim. Quere if _z_ is not meant in MSS for g or _t_ final. Dotted, [Anglo-Saxon: y(1)], after Saxon manner, in MS. Ed. as in Mr. Hearne’s edition of Robt. of Gloucester.

Ycorve. 100, 101. cut in pieces. icorvin, 133. Gloss. to Chaucer. v. _Icorvin_, and _Throtycorve_.

Zelow. 194. _yolow_. MS. Ed. 30. yellow. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: zealuwe] and [Anglo-Saxon: zelew].

Yolkes. 18. i. e. of eggs. Junius, v. Yelk.

Ygrond. v. Gronden.

Yleesshed. 18. cut it into slices. So, _lesh_ it, 65. 67. _leach_ is to slice, Holme III. p. 78. or it may mean to _lay in the dish_, 74. 81. or distribute, 85. 117.

Ynouhz. 22. ynowh, 23. 28. ynowh, 65. ynow. MS. Ed. 32. Enough. Chaucer has _inough_.

Yfer. 22. 61. id est _ifere_, together. _Feer_, a Companion. Wiclif, in _Feer_ and _Scukynge feer_. Chaucer. v. Fere, and Yfere. Junius, v. Yfere.

Yfette. Proem. put down, written.

Yskaldid. 29. scalded.

Ysode. 29. _isode_, 90. _sodden_, 179. boiled. MS. Ed. II. 11. Chaucer. all from to seeth.

Ysope. 30. 63. Ysop. MS. Ed. 53. the herb Hyssop. Chaucer. v. Isope. Yforced. v. forced.

Yfasted. 62. qu.

Zif, zyf. MS. Ed. 37. 39. if. also give, II. 9. 10.

Ystyned, istyned. 162. 168. to _styne_, 66. seems to mean to close.

Yteysed. 20. pulled in pieces. v. ad loc. and v. Tease.

Ypaunced. 62. perhaps pounced, for which see Chaucer.

Yfonndred. 62. _ifonded_, 97. 101. _yfondyt_, 102. poured, mixed, dissolved. v. _found_. Fr. fondu.

Yholes. 37. perhaps, hollow.

Ypared. 64. pared.

Ytosted, itosted. 77. 82. toasted.

Iboiled. 114. boiled.

Yest. 151. Junius, v. Yeast.

Igrated. 153. grated.

Ybake. 157. baked.

Ymbre. 160. 165. Ember.

Ypocras. how made, 191. Hippocras. wafers used with it. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 330. VI. p. 5, 6. 24. 28. 12. and dry toasts, Rabelais IV. c. 59. _Joly Ypocras_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227. VI. p. 23. Bishop Godwin renders it _Vinum aromaticum_. It was brought both at beginning of splendid entertainments, if Apicius is to be underslood of it. Lib. I. c. 1. See Lister, ad loc. and in the middle before the second course; Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227. and at the end. It was in use at St. John’s Coll. Cambr. 50 years ago, and brought in at Christmas at the close of dinner, as anciently most usually it was. It took its name from _Hippocrates’ sleeve_, the bag or strainer, through which it was passed. Skinner, v. Claret; and Chaucer. or as Junius suggests, because strained _juxta doctrinam Hippocratis_. The Italians call it _hipocrasso_. It seems not to have differed much from _Piment_, or Pigment (for which see Chaucer) a rich spiced wine which was sold by Vintners about 1250. Mr. Topham’s MS. Hippocras was both white and red. Rabelais, IV. c. 59. and I find it used for sauce to lampreys. Ibid. c. 60.

There is the process at large for making ypocrasse in a MS. of my respectable Friend Thomas Astle, esq. p. 2. which we have thought proper to transcribe, as follows:

‘To make Ypocrasse for lords with gynger, synamon, and graynes sugour, and turefoll: and for comyn pepull gynger canell, longe peper, and claryffyed hony. Loke ye have feyre pewter basens to kepe in your

pouders and your ypocrasse to ren ynne. and to vi basens ye muste have vi renners on a perche as ye may here see. and loke your poudurs and your gynger be redy and well paryd or hit be beton in to poudr. Gynger colombyne is the best gynger, mayken and balandyne be not so good nor holsom…. now thou knowist the propertees of Ypocras. Your poudurs must be made everyche by themselfe, and leid in a bledder in store, hange sure your perche with baggs, and that no bagge twoyche other, but basen twoyche basen. The fyrst bagge of a galon, every on of the other a potell. Fyrst do in to a basen a galon or ij of redwyne, then put in your pouders, and do it in to the renners, and so in to the seconde bagge, then take a pece and assay it. And yef hit be eny thyng to stronge of gynger alay it withe synamon, and yef it be strong of synamon alay it withe sugour cute. And thus schall ye make perfyte Ypocras. And loke your bagges be of boltell clothe, and the mouthes opyn, and let it ren in v or vi bagges on a perche, and under every bagge a clene basen. The draftes of the spies is good for sewies. Put your Ypocrase in to a stanche wessell, and bynde opon the mouthe a bleddur strongly, then serve forthe waffers and Ypocrasse.’

F I N I S.