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[1] See No. 35.
[2] Breth, i. e. broth. See No. 58. [3] Spices ground small. See No. 27, 28. 35. 58. II. No. 4. 17. or perhaps of Galingale. II. 20. 24.


Nym Veel and seth it wel and hak it smal and grynd bred peper and safroun and do thereto and frye yt and presse it wel upon a bord and dresse yt forthe.

[1] a Fraise


Nym flowre and eyryn and grynd peper and safroun and mak therto a batour and par aplyn and kyt hem to brode penys [2] and kest hem theryn and fry hem in the batour wyth fresch grees and serve it forthe.

[1] Fritters.
[2] Pieces as broad as pennies, or perhaps pecys.


Nym Porke and seth it wel and hak yt smal nym eyryn wyth al the wytys and swyng hem wel al togedere and kast god swete mylke thereto and boyle yt and messe it forthe.

[1] Quare.


Nym eyryn wyth al the wytys and mice bred grynd pepyr and safroun and do therto and temper yt wyth god fresch broth of porke and boyle it wel and messe yt forthe.


Nym and schald hem wel and hew hem wel in gobettys al rawe and seth hem in her owyn grees and cast therto wyn or ale a cuppe ful and myce onyons smal and do therto and boyle yt and salt yt and messe yt forthe.

[1] Gese.
[2] Hochepot. Vide Gloss.


Nym water and welle [1] yt and brek eyryn and kast theryn and grynd peper and safroun and temper up wyth swete mylk and boyle it and hakke chese smal and cast theryn and messe yt forthe.

[1] Quare the meaning.


Tak checonys and schald hem and seth hem and grvnd gyngen’ other pepyr and comyn and temper it up wyth god mylk and do the checonys theryn and boyle hem and serve yt forthe.

[1] Vide ad No. 60 of the Roll.


Nym swete mylk and do yt in a panne nyn [1] eyryn wyth al the wyte and swyng hem wel and cast therto and colowre yt wyth safroun and boyl it tyl yt wexe thikke and thanne seth [2] yt thorw a culdore [3] and nym that, leyyth [4] and presse yt up on a bord and wan yt ys cold larde it and scher yt on schyverys and roste yt on a grydern and serve yt forthe.

[1] Read _nym_.
[2] strain. See No. 27.
[3] Cuilinder.
[4] That which is left in the cullinder.


Nym flour and wytys of eyryn sugur other hony and sweyng togedere and mak a batour nym wyte grees and do yt in a posnet and cast the batur thereyn and stury to thou have many [2] and tak hem up and messe hem wyth the frutours and serve forthe.

[1] Meaning, _crisps_. V. Gloss.
[2] It will run into lumps, I suppose.


Nym Hennys and seth hem wyth god Buf and wan hi ben sodyn nym the Hennyn and do awey the bonys and bray smal yn a mortar and temper yt wyth the broth and seth yt thorw a culdore and cast therto powder of gyngenyr and sugur and graynys of powmis gernatys [2] and boyle yt and dresse yt in dysches and cast above clowys gylofres [3] and maces and god powder [4] serve yt forthe.

[1] Quare the meaning.
[2] Pomegranates. V. No. 39.
[3] Not clove-gilliflowers, but _cloves_. See No. 30, 31, 40. [4] See No. 17, note [3].


Nym caponys and schald hem nym a penne and opyn the skyn at the hevyd [1] and blowe hem tyl the skyn ryse from the flesshe and do of the skyn al hole and seth the lyre of Hennyn and zolkys of heyryn and god powder and make a Farsure [2] and fil ful the skyn and parboyle yt and do yt on a spete and rost yt and droppe [3] yt wyth zolkys of eyryn and god powder rostyng and nym the caponys body and larde yt and roste it and nym almaunde mylk and amydoun [4] and mak a batur and droppe the body rostyng and serve yt forthe.

[1] Head. Sax. [Anglo-Saxon: heofod] and [Anglo-Saxon: hevod], hence our _Head_.
[2] stuffing.
[3] baste.
[4] Vide Gloss.


Tak brann [2] of caponys other of hennys and the thyes [3] wythowte the skyn and kerf hem smal als thou mayst and grynd hem smal in a morter and tak mylk of Almaundys and do yn the branne and grynd hem thanne togedere and and seth hem togeder’ and tak flour of rys other amydoun and lye it that yt be charchant and do therto sugur a god parti and a party of wyt grees and boyle yt and wan yt ys don in dyschis straw upon blank poudere and do togedere blank de sury and manmene [4] in a dysch and serve it forthe.

[1] Vide _Blank Desire_ in Gloss.
[2] Perhaps _brawn_, the brawny part. See No. 33, and the Gloss. [3] Thighs.
[4] See the next number. Quare _Mawmeny_.


Tak the thyys [2] other the flesch of the caponys fede [3] hem and kerf hem smal into a morter and tak mylk of Almandys wyth broth of fresch Buf and do the flesch in the mylk or in the broth and do yt to the fyre and myng yt togedere wyth flour of Rys othere of wastelys als charchaut als the blank de sure and wyth the zolkys of eyryn for to make it zelow and safroun and wan yt ys dressyd in dysches wyth blank de sure straw upon clowys of gelofre [4] and straw upon powdre of galentyn and serve yt forthe.

[1] Vide Number 29, and the Gloss.
[2] Thighs.
[3] Quare.
[4] See No. 27, note [3].


Tak Partrichys rostyd and checonys and qualys rostyd and larkys ywol and demembre the other and mak a god cawdel and dresse the flesch in a dysch and strawe powder of galentyn therupon. styk upon clowys of gelofre and serve yt forthe.


Tak chekenys or hennys or othere flesch and mak the colowre als red as any blod and tak peper and kanel and gyngyner bred [1] and grynd hem in a morter and a porcion of bred and mak that bruer thenne and do that flesch in that broth and mak hem boyle togedere and stury it wel and tak eggys and temper hem wyth Jus of Parcyle and wryng hem thorwe a cloth and wan that bruet is boylyd do that therto and meng tham togedere wyth fayr grees so that yt be fat ynow and serve yt forthe.

[1] This is still in use, and, it seems, is an old compound.


Do Ris in water al nyzt and upon the morwe wasch hem wel and do hem upon the fyre for to [2] they breke and nozt for to muche and tak Brann [3] of Caponis sodyn and wel ydraw [4] and smal and tak almaund mylk and boyle it wel wyth ris and wan it is yboylyd do the flesch therin so that it be charghaunt and do therto a god party of sugure and wan it ys dressyd forth in dischis straw theron blaunche Pouder and strik [5] theron Almaundys fryed wyt wyte grece [6] and serve yt forthe.

[1] See No. 14.
[2] till. _for_, however, abounds.
[3] See No. 29. note d.
[4] Perhaps, _strained_. See No. 49; and Part II. No. 33. [5] Perhaps, _stik_, i.e. stick; but see 34. [6] Grese. Fat, or lard.


Tak Flesch of Caponys and of Pork sodyn kerf yt smal into a morter togedere and bray that wel. and temper it up wyth broth of Caponys and of Pork that yt be wel charchaunt also the crem of Almaundys and grynd egges and safroun or sandres togedere that it be coloured and straw upon Powder of Galentyn and strik thereon clowys and maces and serve it forthe.


Tak Applys and seth hem and let hem kele and after mak hem thorwe a cloth and do hem im a pot and kast to that mylk of Almaundys wyth god broth of Buf in Flesch dayes do bred ymyed [2] therto. And the fisch dayes do therto oyle of olyve and do therto sugur and colour it wyth safroun and strew theron Powder and serve it forthe.

[1] See No. 17.
[2] ymyced, i.e. _minced_.


Tak wyte wyn and a party of water and safroun and gode spicis and flesch of Piggys or of Hennys or fresch Fisch and boyle them togedere and after wan yt ys boylyd and cold dres yt in dischis and serve yt forthe.

[1] meat jelly.


Tak mulbery [2] and bray hem in a morter and wryng [3] hem thorth a cloth and do hem in a pot over the fyre and do thereto fat bred and wyte gresse and let it nazt boyle no ofter than onys and do thereto a god party of sugur and zif yt be nozt ynowe colowrd brey mulburus and serve yt forthe.

[1] Morrey. Part II. No. 26.
[2] This is to be understood pluraly, _quasi_ mulberries. [2] Read _wryng_. For see part II. No. 17. 2B. Chaucer, v. _wronge_ and _ywrong_.


Tak water and do it in a panne to the fyre and lat yt sethe and after tak eggs and brek hem and cast hem in the water and after tak a chese and kerf yt on fowr partins and cast in the water and wanne the chese and the eggys ben wel sodyn tak hem owt of the water and wasch hem in clene water and tak wastel breed and temper yt wyth mylk of a kow. and after do yt over the fyre and after forsy yt wyth gyngener and wyth cornyn and colowr yt wyth safroun and lye yt wyth eggys and oyle the sewe wyth Boter and kep wel the chese owt and dresse the sewe and dymo [1] eggys thereon al ful and kerf thy chese in lytyl schyms and do hem in the sewe wyth eggys and serve yt forthe.

[1] Perhaps, _do mo_, i.e. put more.


Tak god Almaunde mylk and lat yt boyle and do ther’in amydoun wyth flowr of Rys and colowr yt wyth safroun and after dresse yt wyth graynis of Poungarnetts [1] other wyth reysens zyf thow hast non other and tak sugur and do theryn and serve it forthe.

[1] Vide No. 27.

XIV. For to make Fruturs [1].

Tak crommys [2] of wyte bred and the flowris of the swete Appyltre and zolkys of Eggys and bray hem togedere in a morter and temper yt up wyth wyte wyn and mak yt to sethe and wan yt is thykke do thereto god spicis of gyngener galyngale canel and clowys gelosre and serve yt forth;

[1] Fritters.
[2] Crumbs.

XLI. For to make Rosee [1].

Tak the flowris of Rosys and wasch hem wel in water and after bray hem wel in a morter and than tak Almondys and temper hem and seth hem and after tak flesch of capons or of hennys and hac yt smale and than bray hem wel in a morter and than do yt in the Rose [2] so that the flesch acorde wyth the mylk and so that the mete be charchaunt and after do yt to the fyre to boyle and do thereto sugur and safroun that yt be wel ycolowrd and rosy of levys and of the forseyde flowrys and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide No. 47.
[2] i.e. Rosee.


Tak Buff and hewe yt smal al raw and cast yt in a morter and grynd yt nozt to smal tak safroun and grynd therewyth wan yt ys grounde tak the wyte of the eyryn zyf yt be nozt styf. Cast into the Buf pouder of Pepyr olde resyns and of coronse set over a panne wyth fayr water and mak pelotys of the Buf and wan the water and the pelots ys wel yboylyd and [2] set yt adoun and kele yt and put yt on a broche and rost yt and endorre yt wyth zolkys of eyryn and serve yt forthe.

[1] Vide No. 58.
[2] dele _and_.


Nym the tonge of the rether [2] and schalde and schawe [3] yt wel and rizt clene and seth yt and sethe nym a broche [4] and larde yt wyth lardons and wyth clowys and gelofre and do it rostyng and drop yt wel yt rostyd [5] wyth zolkys of eyrin and dresse it forthe.

[1] Neat’s Tongue. _Make_ signifies _to dress_, as II. 12. [2] The ox or cow. Lye in Jun. Etymolog. v. _Rother_. [3] Shave, scrape.
[4] A larding-pin.
[5] Pehaps, _wyle it rostyth_.


Nym swynys fet and eyr [1] and make hem clene and seth hem alf wyth wyn and half wyth water cast mycyd onyons thereto and god spicis and wan they be ysodyn nym and rosty hem in a grydere wan it is yrostyd kest thereto of the selve broth hy lyed wyth amydoun and anyeyd onyons [2] and serve yt forth.

[1] To be understood plurally, _Ears_. [2] Miswritten for _mycyd_, i. e. minced onyons.


Nym god fresch flesch wat maner so yt be and hew yt in smale morselys and seth yt wyth gode fresch buf and cast thereto gode mynced onyons and gode spicerye and alyth [2] wyth eyryn and boyle and dresse yt forth.

[1] Vide No. 52.
[2] Stiffen, thicken it. See No. 44. where _lyed_ has that sense. See also 46.


Nym the flowrys of the haw thorn clene gaderyd and bray hem al to dust and temper hem wyth Almaunde mylk and aly yt wyth amydoun and wyth eyryn wel rykke [2] and boyle it and messe yt forth and flowrys and levys abovyn on [3].

[1] This dish, no doubt, takes its name from _Spina_, of which it is made.
[2] Read, þykke, _thykke_.
[3] It means _laid upon it_.


Nym pyggus and hennys and other maner fresch flesch and hew yt in morselys and seth yt in wyth wyn and [2] gyngyner and galyngale and gelofre and canel [3] and bray yt wel and kest thereto and alye yt wyth amydoun other wyth flowr of rys.

[1] Vide No. 41.
[2] Perhaps, _in wyn with_.
[3] Cinamon. Vide Gloss.


Nym etemele and bynd yt in a fayr lynnen clowt and lat yt honge in the pot so that yt thowche nozt the bottym and lat it hongy thereynne a god wyle and seþh [2] set yt fro the fyre and let yt kele and yt schal be fresch ynow wythoute any other maner licowr ydo thereto.

[1] id est, _too_.
[2] Read, seth, i.e. then.


Tak Fygys and reysyns and wyn and grynd hem togeder tak and draw hem thorw a cloth and do thereto powder of Alkenet other of rys and do thereto a god quantite of pepir and vyneger and boyle it togeder and messe yt and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide Part II. No. 1. 28.


Tak Almaundys and mak god mylk and temper wyth god wyneger clene tak reysynys and boyle hem in clene water and tak the reysynis and tak hem owt of the water and boyle hem wyth mylk and zyf thow wyl colowr yt wyth safron and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide ad Part II. No. 21. There are no eggs concerned, so no doubt it should be _Eger Dows_. Vide Gloss.


Tak a mallard and pul hym drye and swyng over the fyre draw hym but lat hym touche no water and hew hym in gobettys and do hym in a pot of clene water boyle hem wel and tak onyons and boyle and bred and pepyr and grynd togedere and draw thorw a cloth temper wyth wyn and boyle yt and serve yt forth.

[1] See No. 8.


Tak veel and boyle it tak zolkys of eggys and mak hem thykke tak macis and powdre of gyngyner and powder of peper and boyle yt togeder and messe yt forth.

[1] Vide No. 45.


Tak Parsile and Ysop and Sauge and hak yt smal boil it in wyn and in

water and a lytyl powdre of peper and messe yt forth.

[1] _Deer_ or _Roes_ are not mentioned, as in Mr. Brander’s Roll, No. 14, ergo quare. It is a meager business. Can it mean _Rue-Broth_ for penitents?


Tak the lyre of the fresch Buf and bet it al in pecis and bred and fry yt in fresch gres tak it up and and drye it and do yt in a vessel wyth wyn and sugur and powdre of clowys boyle yt togedere tyl the flesch have drong the liycoure and take the almande mylk and quibibz macis and clowys and boyle hem togedere tak the flesch and do thereto and messe it forth.


Tak hoggys fet other pyggys other erys other partrichys other chiconys and do hem togedere and serh [2] hem in a pot and do hem in flowre of canel and clowys other or grounde [3] do thereto vineger and tak and do the broth in a clene vessel of al thys and tak the Flesch and kerf yt in smal morselys and do yt therein tak powder of galyngale and cast above and lat yt kels tak bronches of the lorer tre and styk over it and kep yt al so longe as thou wilt and serve yt forth.

[1] Jelly.
[2] seþ, i. e. _seeth_.
[3] Not clearly expressed. It means either Cinamon or Cloves, and either in flour or ground.


Tak venisoun wan yt ys newe and cuver it hastely wyth Fern that no wynd may come thereto and wan thou hast ycuver yt wel led yt hom and do yt in a soler that fonne ne wynd may come thereto and dimembre it and do yt in a clene water and lef yt there half a day and after do yt up on herdeles for to drie and wan yt ys drye tak salt and do after thy venisoun axit [1] and do yt boyle in water that yt be other [2] so salt als water of the see and moche more and after lat the water be cold that it be thynne and thanne do thy Venisoun in the water and lat yt be therein thre daies and thre nyzt [3] and after tak yt owt of the water and salt it wyth drie salt ryzt wel in a barel and wan thy barel ys ful cuver it hastely that sunne ne wynd come thereto.

[1] as thy venison requires. See Gloss. to Chaucer for _axe_. [2] Dele.
[3] A plural, as in No. 57.


Tak the Venisoun that ys rest and do yt in cold water and after mak an hole in the herthe and lat yt be thereyn thre dayes and thre nyzt and after tak yt up and spot yt wel wyth gret salt of peite [2] there were the restyng ys and after lat yt hange in reyn water al nyzt or more.

[1] Restiness. It should be rather _restyng_. See below. [2] Pierre, or Petre.


Tak Partrichis wit [2] longe filettis of Pork al raw and hak hem wel smale and bray hem in a morter and wan they be wel brayed do thereto god plente of pouder and zolkys of eyryn and after mak thereof a Farsure formed of the gretnesse of a onyoun and after do it boyle in god breth of Buf other of Pork after lat yt kele and after do it on a broche of Hasel and do them to the fere to roste and after mak god bature of floure and egge on bature wyt and another zelow and do thereto god plente of sugur and tak a fethere or a styk and tak of the bature and peynte thereon above the applyn so that on be wyt and that other zelow wel colourd.

[1] Vide No. 42.
[2] with.


Hic incipit Servicium de Pissibus_ [1].

[1] See p. 1


Tak Lucys [2] or Tenchis and hak hem smal in gobette and fry hem in oyle de olive and syth nym vineger and the thredde party of sugur and myncyd onyons smal and boyle al togedere and cast thereyn clowys macys and quibibz and serve yt forthe.

[1] See No. 21 below, and part I. No. 50. [2] Lucy, I presume, means the _Pike_; so that this fish was known here long before the reign of H. VIII. though it is commonly thought otherwise. V. Gloss.


Tak pyg’ or Tenchis or other maner fresch fysch and fry yt wyth oyle de olive and syth nym the crustys of wyt bred and canel and bray yt al wel in a mortere and temper yt up wyth god wyn and cole [2] yt thorw an hersyve and that yt be al cole [3] of canel and boyle yt and cast therein hole clowys and macys and quibibz and do the fysch in dischis and rape [4] abovyn and dresse yt forthe.

[1] Vide No. 49.
[2] Strain, from Lat. _colo_.
[3] Strained, or cleared.
[4] This Rape is what the dish takes its name from. Perhaps means _grape_ from the French _raper_. Vide No. 28.


Nym Lucys or tenchis and hak hem in morsell’ and fry hem tak vyneger and the thredde party of sugur myncy onyons smal and boyle al togedyr cast ther’yn macis clowys quibibz and serve yt forth.


Nym Rys and bray hem [1] wel and temper hem up wyth almaunde mylk and boyle yt nym applyn and par’ hem and sher hem smal als dicis and cast hem ther’yn after the boylyng and cast sugur wyth al and colowr yt wyth safroun and cast ther’to pouder and serve yt forthe.

[1] Rice, as it consists of grains, is here considered as a plural. See also No. 5. 7, 8.


Nym rys and bray hem ryzt wel in a morter and cast ther’to god Almaunde mylk and sugur and salt boyle yt and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide Gloss.


Nym onyons and mynce hem smale and fry hem in oyl dolyf Nym wyn and boyle yt wyth the onyouns roste wyte bred and do yt in dischis and god Almande mylk also and do ther’above and serve yt forthe.


Tak a pound of rys les hem wel and wasch and seth tyl they breste and lat hem kele and do ther’to mylk of to pound of Almandys nym the

Perche or the Lopuster and boyle yt and kest sugur and salt also ther’to and serve yt forth.

[1] See note on No. 14. of Part I.


Tak Rys and les hem and wasch hem clene and seth hem tyl they breste and than lat hem kele and seth cast ther’to Almand mylk and colour it wyth safroun and boyle it and messe yt forth.


Schal be latyn blod atte Navel and schald yt and rost yt and ley yt al hole up on a Plater and zyf hym forth wyth Galentyn that be mad of Galyngale gyngener and canel and dresse yt forth.

[1] This is a made or compounded thing. See both here, and in the next Number, and v. Gloss.


Yt schal be stoppit [2] over nyzt in lews water and in braan and flowe and sodyn and pyl onyons and seth hem and ley hem al hol by the Lomprey and zif hem forthe wyth galentyne makyth [3] wyth strong vyneger and wyth paryng of wyt bred and boyle it al togeder’ and serve yt forthe.

[1] See note [1] on the last Number.
[2] Perhaps, _steppit_, i. e. steeped. See No. 12. [3] Perhaps, _makyd_, i.e. made.


They schulle be schaldyd and ysode and ybrulyd upon a gredern and grynd peper and safroun and do ther’to and boyle it and do the Lomprey ther’yn and serve yt forth.


He schal be shorn in besys [1] and stepyd [2] over nyzt and sodyn longe as Flesch and he schal be etyn in venegar.

[1] Perhaps, _pesys_, i.e. pieces.
[2] Qu. _steppit_, i.e. steeped.


They schal be fleyn and sodyn and rostyd upon a gredern and grynd Peper and Safroun and ale boyle it wel and do the sole in a plater and the bruet above serve it forth.


They schul be schallyd [1] and ysod in clene water grynd peper safroun bred and ale and temper it wyth Broth do the Oystryn ther’ynne and boyle it and salt it and serve it forth.

[1] Have shells taken off.


They schul be flayn and ket in gobett’ and sodyn and grynd peper and safroun other myntys and persele and bred and ale and temper it wyth the broth and boyle it and serve it forth.


He schal be rostyd in his scalys in a ovyn other by the Feer under a panne and etyn wyth Veneger.


Tak Prunys fayrist wasch hem wel and clene and frot hem wel in syve for the Jus be wel ywronge and do it in a pot and do ther’to wyt gres and a party of sugur other hony and mak hem to boyle togeder’ and mak yt thykke with flowr of rys other of wastel bred and wan it is sodyn dresse it into dischis and strew ther’on powder and serve it forth.


Tak Chiryes at the Fest of Seynt John the Baptist and do away the stonys grynd hem in a morter and after frot hem wel in a seve so that the Jus be wel comyn owt and do than in a pot and do ther’in feyr gres or Boter and bred of wastrel ymyid [1] and of sugur a god party and a porcioun of wyn and wan it is wel ysodyn and ydressyd in Dyschis stik ther’in clowis of Gilofr’ and strew ther’on sugur.

[1] Perhaps, _ymycid_, i.e. minced; or _mycd_, as in No. 19.


Tak the zolkys of Eggs sodyn and temper it wyth mylk of a kow and do ther’to Comyn and Safroun and flowr’ of ris or wastel bred mycd and grynd in a morter and temper it up wyth the milk and mak it boyle and do ther’to wit [2] of Egg’ corvyn smale and tak fat chese and kerf ther’to wan the licour is boylyd and serve it forth.

[1] Vide Note [1] on No. 29. of Part I. [2] white. So _wyt_ is _white_ in No. 21. below.


Tak tryd [1] gyngener and Safroun and grynd hem in a morter and temper hem up wyth Almandys and do hem to the fir’ and wan it boylyth wel do ther’to zolkys of Egg’ sodyn and fat chese corvyn in gobettis and wan it is dressid in dischis strawe up on Powder of Galyngale and serve it forth.

[1] It appears to me to be _tryd_. Can it be _fryd_?


Tak god mylk of Almandys and rys and wasch hem wel in a feyr’ vessel and in fayr’ hoth water and after do hem in a feyr towayl for to drie and wan that they be drye bray hem wel in a morter al to flowr’ and afterward tak two partyis and do the half in a pot and that other half in another pot and colowr that on wyth the safroun and lat that other be wyt and lat yt boyle tyl it be thykke and do ther’to a god party of sugur and after dresse yt in twe dischis and loke that thou have Almandys boylid in water and in safroun and in wyn and after frie hem and set hem upon the fyre sethith mete [2] and strew ther’on sugur that yt be wel ycolouryt [3] and serve yt forth.

[1] See Part II. No. I; and Part I. No. 50. [2] Seth it mete, i.e. seeth it properly. [3] Coloured. See No. 28. below.


Tak wite benes and seth hem in water and bray the benys in a morter al to nozt and lat them sethe in almande mylk and do ther’in wyn and hony and seth [1] reysons in wyn and do ther’to and after dresse yt forth.

[1] i.e. Seeth.


Tak gode Applys and gode Spycis and Figys and reysons and Perys and wan they are wel ybrayed colourd [1] wyth Safroun wel and do yt in a cofyn and do yt forth to bake wel.

[1] Perhaps, _coloure_.


Tak Figys and Reysons and do awey the Kernelis and a god party of Applys and do awey the paryng of the Applis and the Kernelis and bray hem wel in a morter and temper hem up with Almande mylk and menge hem wyth flowr of Rys that yt be wel chariaunt and strew ther’upon powder of Galyngale and serve yt forth.


Mak the Cowche of fat chese and gyngener and Canel and pur’ crym of mylk of a Kow and of Helys ysodyn and grynd hem wel wyth Safroun and mak the chowche of Canel and of Clowys and of Rys and of gode Spycys as other Tartys fallyth to be.


Requir’ de Carnibus ut supra [2].

[1] Vide Part I. No. 37.
[2] Part I. No. 37.


Tak god Flowr and mak a Past and tak god mylk of Almandys and flowr of rys other amydoun and boyle hem togeder’ that they be wel chariaud wan yt is boylid thykke take yt up and ley yt on a feyr’ bord so that yt be cold and wan the Cofyns ben makyd tak a party of and do upon the coffyns and kerf hem in Schiveris and do hem in god mylk of Almandys and Figys and Datys and kerf yt in fowr partyis and do yt to bake and serve yt forth.

[1] Perhaps, _Flawnes_, or Custards. Chaucer, vide _Slaunis_. Fr. _Flans_.


Tak the Crustys of wyt bred and reysons and bray hem wel in a morter and after temper hem up wyth wyn and wryng hem thorw a cloth and do ther’to Canel that yt be al colouryt of canel and do ther’to hole clowys macys and quibibz the fysch schal be Lucys other Tenchis fryid or other maner Fysch so that yt be fresch and wel yfryed and do yt in Dischis and that rape up on and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide Part I. No. 49.


Tak an hundred onyons other an half and tak oyle de Olyf and boyle togeder’ in a Pot and tak Almande mylk and boyle yt and do ther’to. Tak and make a thynne Paast of Dow and make therof as it were ryngis tak and fry hem in oyle de Olyve or in wyte grees and boil al togedere.


Tak the mylk of the Hasel Notis boyl the wete [2] wyth the aftermelk til it be dryyd and tak and coloured [3] yt wyth Safroun and the ferst mylk cast ther’to and boyle wel and serve yt forth.

[1] Fishday.
[2] white.
[3] Perhaps, _colour_.


Tak Almande mylk and Flowre of Rys. Tak thereto sugur and boyle thys togedere and dische yt and tak Almandys and wet hem in water of Sugur and drye hem in a panne and plante hem in the mete and serve yt forth.

[1] Vide ad No. 29. of Part I.


Take Hony and Rotys of Radich and grynd yt smal in a morter and do yt thereto that hony a quantite of broun sugur and do thereto. Tak Powder of Peper and Safroun and Almandys and do al togedere boyl hem long and hold [1] yt in a wet bord and let yt kele and messe yt and do yt forth [2].

[1] i.e. _keep_, as in next Number.
[2] This Recipe is ill expressed.


Tak Pikys and spred hem abord and Helys zif thou hast fle hem and ket hem in gobettys and seth hem in alf wyn [2] and half in water. Tak up the Pykys and Elys and hold hem hote and draw the Broth thorwe a Clothe do Powder of Gyngener Peper and Galyngale and Canel into the Broth and boyle yt and do yt on the Pykys and on the Elys and serve yt forth.

[1] This is so uncertain in the original, that I can only guess at it. [2] Perhaps, _alf in wyn_, or dele _in_ before _water_.



The Numbers relate to the order of the Recipes.

N.B. Many words are now written as one, which formerly were divided, as al so, up on, &c. Of these little notice is taken in the Index, but I mention it here once for all.

Our orthography was very fluctuating and uncertain at this time, as appears from the different modes of spelling the same words, v. To gedre; v. wayshe; v. ynowkz; v. chargeant; v. coraunte; &c.


A. abounds, a gode broth, 5. 26, al a nyzt, 192. _in_. a two, 62.

an. and. passim.

Astir. Proem, like, 176, Wiclif.

Aray. Dress, set forth, 7. Chaucer.

Alf. MS. Ed. 45. II. 33. half.

Alye it. 7. 33. mix, thicken, hence _alloy_ of metals. from French _allayer_. alay, 22. aly, MS. Ed. 46. See Junij Etymolog. v. Alaye. lye. here No. 15. lyed. thickened. MS. Ed. 44, 45. Randle Holme interprets lyth or lything by thickening. hence lyour. a mixture, 11. alith_ for alyed. MS. Editor. No. 45.

Awey. MS. Ed. 27. II. 18. away.

Auance. 6. forte Avens. _Caryophylla_, Miller, Gard. Dict.

Axe. MS. Ed. No. 56. Chaucer.

Ayren. v. Eyren.

Al, Alle. 23. 53. Proem. All. Chaucer, _al to brest_. all burst. MS. Ed. No. 14.

Als. MS. Editor. No. 29. Chaucer, in v. It means _as_.

Almandes. 17. very variously written at this time, Almaunde, Almandys, Almaundys, Almondes, all which occur in MS. Ed. and mean Almond or Almonds.

Almaund mylke. 9. Almonds blanched and drawn thickish with good broth or water, No. 51. is called _thyk mylke_, 52. and is called after Almaunde mylke, first and second milk, 116. Almaunds unblaunched, ground, and drawn with good broth, is called mylke, 62. Cow’s milk was sometimes used instead of it, as MS. Ed. I. 13. Creme of Almands how made, 85. Of it, Lel. Coll. VI. p. 17. We hear elsewhere of Almond-butter, v. Butter.

Azeyn. 24. again. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 281. alibi. Chaucer. A.S. [Anglo- Saxon: Azen].

Aneys, Anyse, 36. 137. Aneys in confit rede other whyt, 36. 38. i.e. Anis or Aniseed confectioned red, or white, used for garnish, 58.

Amydon. 37. v. ad locum.

Almony. 47. v. ad locum.

Almayne. 71. Germany, v. ad loc. MS. Editor, No. 2. 31.

Alkenet. 47. A species of Buglos. Quincey, Dispens. p. 51. 62. used for colouring, 51. 84. fryed and yfoundred, or yfondyt, 62. 162.

Anoon. 53. Anon, immediately. Wiclif.

Arn. MS. Ed. II. 23. are. Chaucer, v. _arne_.

Adoun. 59. 85. down. v. Chaucer, voce _adoune_. MS. Edit. No. I.

Avysement. Proem. Advice, Direction. Chaucer. French.

Aymers. 72. Embers. Sax. [Anglo-Saxon: aemyrian], Cineres. Belg. _ameren_.

Aquapatys. 75. a Mess or Dish.

Alker. Rys Alker. MS. Ed. II. 24.

Appulmoy. 79. a dish. v. ad loc. Appelyn, Applys,

Apples. MS. Ed. 17. 35.

Abrode. 85. abrod. MS. Ed. II. 33. abroad. So _brode_. MS. Ed. 15. broad.

Alite. v. Lite.

Ale. 113. v. Pref.

Aside. 113. apart. Wiclif.

Aysell. 114, 115. a species of Vinegar. Wiclif. Chaucer, v. _Eisel_.

Alegar. 114.

Armed. 146. v. ad loc.

Alygyn. v. Brewet.


Bacon. No. I.

Benes. I. alibi Beans. Chaucer, v. _bene_.

Bef. 6. MS. Ed. 17. Beef, Buf, Buff. MS. Ed. 27. 42, 43.

Buth. 6. 23. 30. alibi, been, are. Chaucer has _beth_.

Ben. MS. Ed. 4. 27. be. Chaucer v. _bein_ and _ben_.

Balles. 152. Balls or Pellets.

Blank Defire. 193, 194. bis. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 5. In No. 193, we meet with _Blank desne_, but the Contents has _Desire_, which is right, as appears from the sequel. In MS. Ed. 29. it is _Blank-Surry_, and _Sury_, and _Sure_, and _de Sur_. II. 19. de Syry, 31. and here No. 37, it is Dessorre. and we have _Samon in Sorry_. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 17. Perches, ibid. Eels p. 28. 30. where it is a Potage. whence I conceive it either means _de Surrey_, i. e. Syria, v. Chaucer. v. _Surrey_. Or it may mean _to be desired_, as we have _Horsys of Desyr_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 272. See No. 63. and it is plainly written _Desire_ in Godwin de Prasul. p. 697. In this case, the others are all of them corruptions.

Blank Dessorre. v. Blank Desire.

Blank Desne. v. Blank Desire.

Berandyles. MS. Ed. 27.

Bred, Breed. MS. Ed. passim. Bread.

Bove. 167. Above. Chaucer. Belg. _Boven_.

Blode. 11. alibi. Blod. MS. Ed. 9. Blood.

Batour. 149. of eggs, 161. 179. Batur, 28. Batour. ibid. 19. Batter.

Boter. MS. Ed. 38. Butter.

Borage. 6.

Betes. 6. Beets. Fr. _Bete_.

Bursen. n. name of a dish. Bursews, No. 179, is a different dish.

Brek. MS. Ed. 6. 23. break, bruise.

Brest, breste. MS. Ed. 1. 14. burst.

Bukkennade. 17. a dish. Buknade, 118. where it means a mode of dressing. vide MS. Ed. 45. 52.

Bryddes. 19. Briddes, 60. 62. Birds, per metathesin. Chaucer.

Brawn of Capons. 20. 84. Flesh. Braun. MS. Ed. 29. v. Chaucer, we now say, _brawn of the arm_, meaning the flesh. Hence _brawn-fall’n_. Old Plays, XI. p. 85. Lylie’s Euphues, p. 94. 142. Chaucer. Brawn is now appropriated to these rolls which are made of Brawn or Boar, but it was not so anciently, since in No. 32 we have _Brawn of Swyne_, which shews the word was common to other kinds of flesh as well as that of the Boar; and therefore I cannot agree with Dr. Wallis in deducing _Brawn _ from _Aprugna_.

Blank maunger. 36. 192. Chaucer writes _Blank manger_. Blomanger. MS. Ed. 14. 33. 34. II. 7. N. B. a very different thing from what we make now under that name, and see Holme, III. p. 81.

Bronchis. MS. Ed. 55. Branches.

Braan. MS. Ed. II. 10. Bran.

Bet. MS. Ed. II. 21. Beaten.

Broche. MS. Ed. 58. a Spit.

Brewet of Almony. 47. v. Almony. of Ayrenn, or eggs, 91. MS. Ed. 23. Eles in Brewet, 110. where it seems to be composed of Bread and Wine. Muskles in Brewet, 122. Hens in Bruet, MS. Ed. 7. Cold, 131. 134. Bruet and Brewet are French _Brouet_, Pottage or Broth. Bruet riche, Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. _Beorwete_, p. 227, as I take it. _Blanche Brewet de Alyngyn_, MS. Ed. 13. 23.

Boon. 55. Bone. Chaucer.

Brennyng. 67. 188. burning, per metathesin, from _bren_ or _brenne_, used by Skelton, in the Invective against Wolsey, and many old authors. Hence the disease called brenning or burning. Motte’s Abridgement of Phil. Trans. part IV. p. 245. Reid’s Abridgement, part III. p. 149. Wiclif has _brenne_ and _bryne_. Chaucer, v. _bren_, _Brinne_, &c.

Blake. 68. Black. Chaucer.

Berst. 70. 181. 192. burst. Chaucer. A. S. berstan.

Breth. 71. Air, Steam. MS. Ed. N 2. hence _brether_, breather. Wiclif.

Bronn. 74. brown. A. S. brun.

Butter. 81. 91. 92. 160. Boter, MS. Ed. 38. and so _boutry_ is Buttery. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 281. _Almonde Butter_. Lel. VI. p. 6. Rabelais, IV. c. 60.

Bynethen. 92. under, beneath. Chaucer, bineth.

Bolas. 95. bullace. Chaucer.

Bifore. 102. before. Wiclif. Matth. xiv. Chaucer has _biforne_, and byforne.

Brasey. a compound sauce, 107.

Ballac broth. 109.

Brymlent. Tart de Brymlent. 167. v. ad loc.

Bloms. 171. Flowers, Blossoms. Chaucer.

Bothom. 173. bottom, pronounced _bothom_ now in the north. Chaucer, bottym, MS. Ed. 48.

Brode. 189. broad, v. abrode.

Bataiwyng. 189. embatteling. qu. if not misread for _bataillyng_. See Chaucer, v. batailed.

Bord. MS. Ed. II. 27. board. Chaucer.

Breyt, breth. MS. Ed. 17. 58. Broth.

Blank Surry. MS. Ed. 29. II. 19. v. Blank Desire.

Bismeus. MS. Ed. 16.


C. omitted, v. Cok. v. pluk. v. Pryk. v. Pekok. v. Phifik. v. thyk. on the contrary it often abounds, hence, schulle, should; fresch, fresh; dische, dish; schepys, sheeps; flesch, flesh; fysch, fish; scher, cheer, &c. in MS. Ed. v. Gl. to Chaucer, v. schal.

Craftly. Proem. properly, _secundum artem_.

Caboches. 4. alibi. Cabbages. f. Fr. Caboche, Head, Pate.

Caraway. 53. v. Junij Etymolog.

Carvon. 152. carved, cut. Corvyn, MS. Ed. II. 19,20. cut. _Corue_, i. e. corve, 4. cut. v. ycorve. v. kerve.

Canell. passim. Cinamon. Wiclif. v. Pref.

Cuver. MS. Ed. 56. Cover.

Cumpas. by Cumpas, i.e. Compass, 189. by measure, or round. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 263.

Cool. 6. Cole or Colwort. Belg. _kool_.

Corat. 12. name of a dish.

Culdore. MS. Ed. 25. 27. a Cullender. Span. Coladers.

Caffelys. MS. Ed. 28.

Cranes. 146. _Grues_. v. ad loc.

Chyballes. 12. Chibolls, 76. young Onions. Littleton. Ital _Cibolo_. Lat. Capula, according to Menage; and see Lye.

Colys. MS. Ed. II. see the Pref.

Cawdel. 15. 33. Caudell, Contents. See Junius. of Muskels or Muscles, 124. Cawdel Ferry, 41. In E. of Devon’s feast it is _Feny_.

Conynges. 17. Connynges, 2,3. Coneys, Rabbets.

Calle. 152. Cawl of a Swine.

Connat. 18. a marmolade. v. ad loc.

Clowes. 20. Cloves. v. Pref.

Canuas, or Canvass. 178. Fr, Canevas. Belg. Kanefas.

Coraunte. Raysouns of Coraunte. 14. So _Rasyns of Corens_, Northumb. Book, p. 19. _Raisin de Corinthie_. Fr. i.e. of Corinth, whence our Currants, which are small Raisins, came, and took their name. _Corance_, 17. 21. _Coraunce_. 50. _Coronse_, MS. Ed. 12. Raisins are called by way of contradistinction _grete_ Raysouns, 65. 133. See Northumb. Book, p. 11.

Coronse. v. Coraunte.

Chargeant. 192. Stiff. v. ad loc. MS. Ed. writes _Charchant_, 29, 30 _Charghaunt_, 33. _Charchaunt_,

34. _Chariaunt_. i.e. _Charjaunt_, 36. II. 24. _Chariand_. i.e. _Charjand_, 27.

Comyn. MS. Ed. 39.

Colure. MS. Ed. 5. to colour.

Coneys. 22. seems to be a kind of sauce. MS. Ed. 6. but the recipe there is different, v. ad No. 25.

Chanke. MS. Ed. 20.

Col, Cole. 23. 52. cool, also to strain, 70, 71. alibi. MS. Ed. II. 22. cleared.

Comyn. MS. Ed. II. 18. come.

Cowche. 24. 154. lay. MS. Ed. II. 25. Chaucer, v. Couche.

Cynee. 25. a certain sauce. perhaps the same with Coney. No. 22. Plays in Cynee, 112. Sooles, 119. Tenches, 120. Oysters, 123. Harys [Hares] in Cmee. MS. Ed. 8. where doubtless we should read Cinee, since in No. 51 there it is _Cyney_. It is much the same as _bruet_, for _Sooles in Cynee_ here is much the same with _Solys in bruet_. MS. Ed. II. 13.

Chykens. 27. 33. Chicken is a plural itself. but in MS. Ed. 13. it is _Chekenys_ also; and _Chyckyns_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 1. _Checonys_ MS. Ed.

Carnel of Pork. 32. v. ad loc.

Corvyn. v. Carvon.

Curlews. 35. not eaten now at good tables; however they occur in archb. Nevill’s feast. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 1. And see Northumb. Book, p. 106. Rabelais iv. c. 59. And Earl of Devon’s Feast.

Confit, or Confyt. v. Aneys and Colyandre.

Charlet. 39. a dish. v. ad loc.

Chese ruayn. 49. 166. perhaps of Rouen in Normandy, _rouen_ in Fr. signifies the colour we call _roan_.

Crems. 52. for singular Cream, written _Creme_, 85. 183. Crem and

Crym, in MS. Ed. 34. II. 24. Fr. _Cresme, Creme_.

Cormarye. 53. a dish. qu.

Colyandre. 53. 128. where it is _in Confyt rede_, or red. White is also used for garnish, 59. [Anglo-Saxon: Celenere], A. S. Ciliandro, Span.

Chyryse. 58. a made dish of cherries, v. ad loc.

Cheweryes. 58. Cherries. v. ad loc. and MS. Ed. II. 18. ubi _Chiryes_.

Crotoun, 60. a dish. v. ad loc.

Crayton. v. Crotoun.

Cleeve a two. 62. cloven. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: cleopan].

Cyrip. 64. Sirrup. v. ad loc.

Chyches. 72. Vetches, v. ad loc.

Chawf. 74 warm. Fr. _Echauffer_, whence Chaucer has _Eschaufe_.

Clat. 78. a dish. qu.

Chef. Proem, chief. Fr.

Calwar Salmoun. 98. v. ad loc.

Compost. 100. a preparation supposed to be always at hand. v. ad loc.

Comfery. 190. Comfrey. v. ad loc.

Chargeours. 101. dishes. v. ad 126.

Chysanne. 103. to be eaten cold.

Congur. 104. 115. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 6. bis. p. 16. _Cungeri_ are among the fish in Mr. Topham’s MS. for the Conger, little used now, see Pennant. III. p. 115.

Coffyns. 113. Pies raised without their lids, 158. 167. 185. 196. MS. Ed. II. 23. 27. In Wiclif it denotes baskets.

Comade. 113. Comadore. 188.

Couertour. 113. Coverture, Lid of a Pye.

Codlyng. 94. grete Codelyng, 114. v. ad loc.

Chawdoun. 115. for Swans, 143. _Swan with Chawdron_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. which I suppose may be true orthography. So _Swann with Chaudron_. Earl of Devon’s Feast. And it appears from a MS. of Mr. Astle’s, where we have among _Sawces Swanne is good with Chaldron_, that _Chaldron_ is a sauce.

Crome. 131. Pulp, Kernel. Crummes. 159. Chaucer. The Crum is now the soft part of a loaf, opposed to the crust.

Cury. Proem. Cookery. We have assumed it in the title.

Camelyne. 144. a sauce. an _Canelyne_, from the flour of Canel?

Crudds. 150. 171. Curds, per metathesin, as common in the north.

Crustards. 154. Pies, from the _Crust_. quare if our _Custard_ be not a corruption of Crustard; Junius gives a different etymon, but whether a better, the Reader must judge. Crustard of fish, 156. of herbs, 157. and in the Earl of Devon’s Feast we have _un Paste Crustade_.

Cryspes. 162. Cryspels. 163. v. ad loc. _Fritter Crispayne_, Lel. Coll. VI. p. 5. which in Godwin de Prasal p. 697. is _Fruter Crispin_.

Chawfour. 162. Cowfer, 173. a Chafing dish. Chafer. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 302. v. Junius voce _Chafe_.

Corose. 171. curiously. perhaps from _cure_, to cook, Chaucer has _corouse_, curious.

Clarry. 172. Clary.

Cotagres. 175. a dish. v. ad loc.

Cok. 175. a Cock. sic. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227.

Chewets. 185. 186. a dish. Rand. Holme, III. p. 78. 81, 82. Birch, Life of Prince Henry, p. 458.

Comadore. v. Comade.

Chastlet. 189. v. ad loc.

Christen. Proem. Christian.


Do. 1, 2. put, cause. MS. Ed. 2. 12. Chaucer. _make_. 56. done, 48. So Chaucer has _do_ for _done_.

Dof. do off. 101.

Draw. drawen 2. strained, hence 3. 20. 23. _drawe the grewel thurgh straynour_. To boil. 2.17. as, _drawe hem up with gode brothe_. also 51. 74. To put, 14. 41. To make. 28. 47. as, _draw an Almand mylke_.

Dee. 152. singular of Dice, the Fr. De. v. quare.

Drepee. 19 a dish. qu.

Dates. 20. 52. 158. the fruit.

Dyssh. 24. dish.

Dessorre. 37. v. Blank desire.

Doust. 45. alibi Dust.

Dowhz. 50. Dowh. 92. Dow. MS. Ed. II. 29, Dough, Paste. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: dah].

Douce Ame. 63. quast a delicious dish. v. Blank Desire.

Drope. 67. drop, to baste. MS. Ed. 28.

Dorry. Sowpes dorry, 82. Sops endorsed. from _endore_, 187. MS. Ed. 42, II. 6. vide ad 174.

Deel. 113. 170. part, some. v. Sum. Chaucer.

Dicayn. 172. v. ad loc.

Dokks. as _Sowre Dokks_, 173. Docks.

Dorryle. v. Pomme.

Daryols. 183. a dish. A Custard baked in a Crust. Hear Junius, v. Dairie. ‘G. _dariole_ dicitur libi genus, quod iisdem Gallis alias nuncupatur _laicteron_ vel _stan de laict_.’

Desne. v. Blank Desire.

Desire. v. Blank.

Dressit. 194. dressed. dresse. MS. Ed. 15. et passim. Chaucer in voce. hence ydressy. MS. Ed. II. 18.

Dysis. MS. Ed. 15. dice. v. quare.

Demembre, dimembre. MS. Ed. 31. dismember.

Dows, douze. MS. Ed. 50. II. 21.

Drong. MS. Ed. 54. drunk.


E. with _e_ final after the consonant, for _ea_, as brede, bread; benes, beans; bete, beat; breke, break; creme, cream; clere, clear; clene, clean; mede, mead; mete, meat; stede, stead; whete, wheat; &c.

E with _e_ final after the consonant, for _ee_, as betes, beets;

chese, cheese; depe, deep; fete, feet; grene, green; nede, needful; swete, sweet.

Endorre. MS. Ed. 42. endorse.

Ete. 103. eat. _eten_, 146. eaten. _etyn_. MS. Ed. 3. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: etan]. MS. Ed. 48. oat.

Enforse. MS. Ed. II. 20. seasoned.

Erbes. 7. herbs; _herb’s_, 63. _erbys_, 151. Eerbis, 157.

Eyren, and Ayren. 7, 8. 15. Eyryn, S. Ed. 1. Eggs. ‘a merchant at the N. Foreland in Kent asked for eggs, and the good wyf answerede, that she coude speak no Frenshe–another sayd, that he wolde have _eyren_, then the good wyf sayd that she understood hym wel.’ Caxton’s Virgil,

in Lewis’ Life of Caxton, p. 61. who notes ‘See Sewel’s ‘Dictionary, v. _Ey_.’ add, Urry’s Chaucer, v. Aye and Eye. Note here the old plural _en_, that _eggs_ is sometimes used in our Roll, and that in Wicht _eye_, or _ey_ is the singular, and in the _Germ_. See Chaucer. v. _Aie_, and _Ay_.

Eowts. 6. v. ad loc.

Egurdouce. 21. v. ad loc. of Fysshe, 133. Egge dows, MS. Ed. 50. male. Egerduse. ibid. II. 1. Our No. 58, is really an Eagerdouce, but different from this here. A Seville Orange is Aigre-douce. Cotgrave.

Esy. 67. easy. eselich, 113. easily. Chaucer.

Eny. 74. 173. any.

Elena Campana. 78. i.e. Enula Campana, _Elecampane_.

Erbowle. 95. a dish. v. ad loc.

Erbolat. 172. a dish. v. ad loc.

Eerys, Eris. 177. 182. 55. Ears. _Eyr_. MS. Ed. 44. Chaucer has _Ere_ and _Eris_.

Elren. 171. Elder. _Eller_, in the north, without _d_.

Erne. 174. qu.

Euarund. MS. Ed. 3.

Eelys. 101. Eels. _Elys_, _Helys_. MS. Ed. II. 15. 24. _Elis_. Chaucer.


Forced. 3. farced, stuft. we now say, _forc’d-meat_, yfarced, 159, 160. _enforsed_. MS. Ed. II. 20. _fors_, 170. called _fars_, 150. it seems to mean _season_, No. 4. Mixt. 4 where potage is said to be _forced_ with powdour-douce.

Fort. passim. strong. Chaucer.

Fresee. MS. Ed. 47.

Fenkel. 6. 77. _Fenel_, 76. 172. _Fenell_, 100. Fennel. Germ. Venikol. Belg. Venckel.

Forme. Proem. 95. forme.

Funges. 10. Mushrooms, from the French. Cotgrave. Holme III. p. 82. The Romans were fond of them.

Fesants. 20. 35.

Fynelich wel. 192. very wel, constantly.

Fro. 22. MS. Ed. 50. Chaucer. from. So therfro. 53. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 266. Chaucer.

Fleysch. 24. Fleissh, 37. Flesh, A. S. þlaþe. Germ. _Fleisc_.

Feneboyles. MS. Ed. II. 22.

Fyletts. 28. Fillets.

Florish and Flour. 36. 38. 40. Garnish. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 17. 23. Chaucer, v. Floure.

Foyles. 49. rolled Paste. _Foyle of dowhz_, 50. 92. et per se, 148. 53. _Foile of Paste_, 163. Leaves of Sage, 161. Chaucer. v. ad 175. hence Carpe in Foile. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. _a Dolphin in Foyle_, _a suttletie_. VI. p. 5. _Lyng in Foyle_, p. 16. _Cunger_. Ibid. _Samon_. Ibid. _Sturgen_. p. 17. et v. p. 22. N.B. Foyle in these cases means Paste.

Fars. v. forced.

Fle. 53. flea, flaw. MS. Ed. II. 33. flawe, flein, flain, flawed. 10. 13. 15.

Fonnell. 62. a dish.

Frot. MS. Ed. II. 17. rub, shake, _frote_, Chaucer.

Feyre. 66. MS. Ed. II. 18. 22. _Feir_. Chaucer. Fair.

Ferthe. 68. Fourth, hence Ferthing or Farthing.

Furmente. 69. 116. _Furmenty_, MS. Ed. I. _Formete_. Ibid. 48. _Formenty_, Ib. II. 30. from Lat. _Frumentum_, per metathesin; whence called more plausibly _Frumity_ in the north, and Frumetye in Lel. Collect. IV. p. 226. VI. p. 5. 17. 22. but see Junius, v.


Frenche. 73. a dish. v. ad loc.

Fest. MS. II. 18. Feast. Chaucer.

Fygey. 89. because made of Figs. Fygs drawen. 103. MS. Ed. II. 3.

Found. 93. mix. dissolve, 193. fond. 188. v. y fonded. Lye, in Junii Etym. v. Founder.

Fete. 102. Chaucer. Fet, MS. Ed. 44. Feet.

Flaumpeyns. 113. 184.

Ferst. MS. Ed. II. 30. First.

Fanne. 116. to fan or winnow. A. S. pann, Vannus.

Frytour. 149, 150, 151. Fruturs. MS. Ed. 19. 40. Fritters. _Fruter_, Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227. Frytor. VI. p. 17.

Flaunne. 163. Flownys. MS. Ed. II. 27. Fr. Flans, Custards. Chaucer. v. Slaunnis. Et v. Junium voce _Flawn_.

Feel. 168. hold, contain, perhaps same as _feal_, occultare, abscondere, for which see Junii Etymol.

Fuyre. 188. Fire. _Fyr fort_. 192. a strong Fire. _Fere_, Chaucer. _Fyer_, Lel. Coll. IV. p. 296. Belg. _Vuyn_, _Fere_. MS. Ed. 58.

Ferry. v. Cawdel.

Flowr, Flowre. MS. Ed. 2. 19. Flour.

Fronchemoyle. MS. Ed. 15.

Froys. MS. Ed. 18. Fraise.

Farsure. MS. Ed. 28. stuffing.

Forsy. MS. Ed. 38. season.


Gronden. 1. 53. ground or beaten. _to grynde_ is to cut or beat small. 3. 8. 13. for compare 14. yground 37. 53. 105. to pound or beat in a mortar. 3. MS. Ed. 5.

Gode. No. 1. alibi, good, strong. Chaucer. _god_, MS. Ed. passim.

Grete. mynced. 2. not too small. _gretust_, 189. greatest. _gret_, MS. Ed. 15. and Chaucer.

Gourdes. 8. Fr. gouhourde.

Gobettes. 16. 62. Gobbettys, Gobettis. MS. Ed. 9. alibi. Chaucer. _Gobbins_, Holme III. p. 81, 82. large pieces. Wiclif. Junii Etym.

Grees. 17. 101. Grece, 18. alibi. MS. Ed. 8. 14. 32. alibi, whyte Grece, 18. Fat, Lard, Conys of high Grece. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. qu.

Gravey. 26, 27. _Grave_. MS. Ed. II. 20. _Gravy_. Lel. Coll. VI. p. 10.

Galyntyne. 28. 117. a preparation seemingly made of

Galingale, &c. 129. and thence to take its name. See a recipe for making it, 138. as also in MS. Ed. 9. Bread of Galyntyne, 94. Soupes of Galyntyne, 129. Lampervey in Galantine. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. VI. p. 22. Swanne, VI. p. 5.

Garlete and Garlec. 30. 34. Garlick. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: garleac].

Grapes. 30. 34.

Galyngale. 30. the Powder, 47. the long-rooted Cyperus. Gl. to Chaucer. See Northumberland Book, P. 415.

Gleyre. of Ayrenn. 59. the white, from Fr. glaire. Chaucer. _Lear_ or _Leir_ of an Egg. Holme interprets it _the White beaten into a foam_.

Goon. 59. MS. Ed. 1. go. Belg. _gaen_.

Gylofre. 65. Gelofre. MS. Ed. 27. cloves; for see No. 30, 31. 40. there; from Gr. [Greek: charuophullon].

Gyngawdry. 94. a dish.

Grave. MS. Ed. II. 20. Gravey.

Gele. 101, 102. Jelly. Fr. Gelee.

Gawdy Grene. 112. perhaps, Light Green.

Gurnards. 115.

Greynes de Parys. 137. and so Chaucer, meaning _Greynes de paradys_, or greater Cardamoms. See Dr. Percy on Northumb. Book, p. 414. Chaucer has _Greines_ for _Grains_. and Belg. Greyn.

Grate. 152. v. i or y grated.

Gastbon. 194. f. _Gastbon_, quasi _Wastbon_, from _Wastel_ the finest Bread, which see. Hence the Fr. Gasteau.

Gyngynyr, Gyngenyr, Gyngyner, Gyngener. MS. Ed. 3, 4. 13. 24. Ginger. Gyngyner-bred, 32.

Grotys. MS. Ed. II. Oat-meal Grotes, i.e. Grits.

Grydern, Grydern, Gredern. MS. Ed. 25. 44. II. 11.


H. for _th_, as hem, them; her, their; passim. _Hare_, 121. Chaucer. Wiclif. It is sometimes omitted; as _wyt_ and _wyte_, white. Sometimes abounds, as schaldyd. MS. Ed. 7. II. scalded. v. _Thowehe_.

Hye. Proem. high. _hy_, MS. Ed. 44. A. S. Heah.

Hem. 1, 2. i.e. hem; them. Lye in Junii Etym.

Hulle. 1. a verb, to take off the husk or skin. Littleton. Hence Hulkes, Husks or _Hulls_, as 71. _Holys_, MS. Ed. 1. Sax. helan, to cover. v. Lye in Junii Etym. v. Hull.

Hulkes. v. Hulle.

Hewe. 7. cut, mince. _yhewe_, 12. minced, hewn. MS. Ed. 6. 9. _hewin_, Chaucer. A. S. heþyan.

Hakke. 194. MS. Ed. 23. hack, bruise. Junii Etym. v. hack. MS. Ed. has also _hak_ and _hac_.

Hebolace. 7. name of a dish.

Herdeles. MS. Ed. 56. Hurdles.

Hennes. 17. 45. including, I presume, the whole species, as _Malard_ and _Pekok_ do below.

Hool. 20. 22. alibi. _hole_, 33. 175. _hoole_, 158. whole. Chaucer has hole, hool, and hoolich; and Wiclif, _hole_ and _hool_. MS. Ed. has _hol_ and _hole_.

Hooles. 162. Holes.

Holsomly. Proem, wholesomely.

Herthe. MS. Ed. 57. Earth.

Hit. 20. 98. 152. it. hytt. Northumb. Book, p. 440. _Hit_, Gloss. Wiclif. in Marg. A. S. [Anglo-Saxon: hit].

Hoot. 21. alibi. hot.

Hares. 23.

Hoggepot. 31. v. ad loc.

Hochee. 34. hache, Fr. but there is nothing to intimate cutting them to pieces.

Hersyve. MS. Ed. II. 2. Hair-sieve. _her_ is _hair_ in Chaucer.

Helde. 50. 154. throw, cast, put. v. 189. _Heelde_, poured, shed. Wiclif. and Lye in Junii Etym. v. Held.

Holde. 189. make, keep. MS. Ed. II. 32, 33.

Hawtheen. 57. Hawthorn. Junius, v. Haw.

Hatte. 59. bubling, wallop. quasi _the hot_, as in Chaucer. from A.Sax. [Anglo-Saxon: hatt].

Hong. 67. hing, or hang. Chaucer. MS. Ed. 48.

Honde. 76. hand. Chaucer. So in Derbyshire now.

Heps. 84. Fruit of the Canker-rose. So now in Derbyshire, and v. Junius, voce _Hippes_.

Hake. 94. 186. a Fish. v. ad loc.

Hilde. 109. to skin, from to hull, to scale a fish, 119. vide 117. 119. compared with MS. Ed. II. 13.

Herons. 146. MS. Ed. 3. Holme, III. p. 77, 78. but little used now. Heronsew. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. _Heronshawe_. VI. p. I. Heronsews. Chaucer. The Poulterer was to have in his shop _Ardeas sive airones_, according to Mr. Topham’s MS. written about 1250. And _Heronns_ appear at E. of Devon’s Feast.

Holke. 173. qu. hollow.

Hertrowee. 176. a dish. _Hert_ is _the Hart_ in Chaucer, A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: heort].

Hi. MS. Ed. 27. they.

Hevyd. MS. Ed. 21. v. ad loc.

Hom. MS. Ed. 56. Home.


I. 2. for e. Proem. So _ith_ for _eth_. Ibid.

in. 30. et sapius. in. _inne_, 37. alibi.

Jushell. 43. a dish. v. ad loc.

Is. plur. for es. 52. 73. Proem. Nomblys. MS. Ed. 12. Nombles. v. Pees. Rosys, 177, Roses.

I. for y. v. y.

Iowtes. v. Eowtes.

Irne. 107. _Iren_, Chaucer. and the Saxon. Iron.

Juys. 118. 131. _Jus_, MS. Ed. II. 17. the Fr. word, _Ieuse_, Chaucer.


Kerve. 8. cut. _kerf_, 65. MS Ed. 29. v. carvon, and Chaucer, voc. Carfe, karft, kerve, kerft.

Kydde. 21. Flesh of a Kid. Kedys. MS. Ed. 13. Kids.

Keel. 29. 167. 188. MS. Ed. 1. Gl. to Chaucer and Wiclif, to cool.

Kyt. 118. alibi. MS. Ed. 19. _ket_, Ibid. II. 15. to cut. _kyted_, cut. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 298. Chaucer, v. _Kitt_.

Keintlick. v. queintlick.

Kyrnels. 189. a species of battlements, from _kernellare_; for which see Spelman, Du Fresne, and Chaucer.

Kever. MS. Ed. 2. cover.

Kaste, kest. MS. Ed. 6. 10. cast. v. ad loc.

Kow. MS. Ed. 38. Cow.


L. for ll. MS. Ed. sape.

Lat. 9. 14. alibi. MS. Ed. 1, 2. Let. Chaucer. Belg. _laten. latyn_. MS. Ed, II. 5. _let_.

Lire, and Lyre. 3. 14. 45. MS. Ed. sape. the fleshy part of Meat. A.S. [Anglo-Sxon: lire]. See Lyre in Junii Etymol. Also a mixture, as _Dough of Bread and raw Eggs_, 15. hence ‘drawe a Lyre of Brede, Blode, Vyneg, and Broth,’ 25. So Lyour and Layour. II. 31. all from _lye_, which see. Lay seems to mean _mix_, 31. as _layour_ is mixture, 94.

Lye it up. 15. to mix; as _alye_, which see.

Leke. in sing. 10. 76. Leeks.

Langdebef. 6. an herb. v. ad loc. _Longdobeefe_ Northumberland Book. p. 384. Bugloss.

Lytel. 19. passim. _Litul_ and _litull_, 104. 152. ‘a litel of Vynegar,’ 118. of Lard, 152.

Loseyns, Losyns. 24. 92. on fish-day, 128. a Lozenge is interpreted by Cotgrave, ‘a little square Cake of preserved herbs, flowers, &c.’ but that seems to have no concern here. _Lozengs_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227.

Lyche. 152. like. _lichi_. Wiclif. _lich_. Chaucer. _ylich_. Idem.

Lombe. 62. Lamb. hence Wiclif, _Lomberen_, Lambs. Chaucer, and Germ.

Leche Lumbard. 65. from the country doubtless, as the mustard, No. 100. See also Lel. Coll. VI. p. 6. 26. _Leches_. MS. Ed. 15. are Cakes, or pieces. Rand. Holme makes _Leach_, p. 83. to be ‘a kind of Jelly made of Cream, Ising-glass, Sugar, and Almonds, &c.’ The _Lessches_ are fried, 158. v. yleeshyd. _Leyse Damask_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. _Leche baked_. VI. p. 5. _Partriche Leiche_. Ibid. _Leche Damaske_. Ibid. See also, p. 10. _Leche Florentine_, p. 17. _Leche Comfort_. Ibid. _Leche Gramor_. Ibid. Leche Cypres, p. 26. which in Godwin de Prasul. p. 697. is _Sipers_, male.

Lete Lardes. 68. v. ad loc.

Lave. 76. wash.

Leyne. 82. a Layer.

Lewe water. 98. Lews water, MS. Ed. II. 10. warm; see Gloss. to Wiclif. and Junius. v. Lukewarm.

Lumbard Mustard. 100. from the country. v. Leche. how made, No. 145.

Lef. MS. Ed. 56. leave. _Lefe_, Chaucer.

Lite. 104. a few, _alite_, as they speak in the North. Chaucer, v. Lite, and Lyte, and Mr. Lye in his Junius.

Laumpreys. 126. Lampreys, an Eel-like Sea Fish. Pennant, Brit. Zool. III. p. 68.

Laumprons. 127. the _Pride_. Pennant, Ibid. p. 61. See Lel. Coll. VI. p. 6. 17. bis 23. Mr. Topham’s MS. has _Murenulas sive Lampridulas_.

Looches, Loches. 130. 133. the fish.

Lardes of Swyne. 146. i.e. of Bacon. hence _lardid_, 147. and _Lardons_. MS. Ed. 3. 43. from the Fr. which Cotgrave explains _Slices of Lard_, i.e. Bacon. vide ad 68.

Lorere tre. MS. Ed. 55. Laurel tree. Chaucer.

Lyuours. 152. Livers. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: lyper].

Led. MS. Ed. 56. carry. _lide_, Chaucer.

Lenton. 158. Lent.

Lynger. 159. longer. Chaucer has _longer_ and _lengir_. v. Lange.

Lopuster, Lopister. MS. Ed. II. 7. 16. v. Junii Etymolog.

Lust. as, hym lust. Proem, he likes. Chaucer, v. Lest.

Lewys. MS. Ed. 41. Leaves. Lefe, Chaucer. v. Lef.

Lie. Liquor. Chaucer. MS. Ed. 48.

Ley. MS. Ed. 6. lay.

Lese, les. MS. Ed, 14. II. 7, 8. pick. To _lease_, in Kent, is to glean.


Make. 7. MS. Ed. 12. 43. II. 12. to dress. _make forth_, 102. to do. MS. Ed. II. 35.

Monchelet. 16. a dish.

Mylk, Melk. MS. II. 30. Milk of Almonds, 1. 10. 13. alibi.

Moton. 16. MS. Ed. 1. Mutton, See Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. Flemish. _Motoen_.

Mawmenee. 20. 193. a dish. v. ad loc. how made, 194. _Mamane_. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227. Mamonie. VI. p. 17. 22. royal, 29. Manmene, MS. Ed. 29, 30. _Mamenge_. E. of Devon’s Feast.

Morterelys. v. Mortrews.

Medle. 20. 50. alibi. to mix. Wiclif. Chaucer.

Messe. to messe the dysshes, 22. messe forth, 24.

Morre. 38. MS. Ed. 37. II. 26. a dish. v. ad loc.

Mortrews. 45. _Mortrews blank_, 46. of fish, 125. _Morterelys_, MS. Ed. 5. where the recipe is much the same. ‘meat made of boiled hens, crummed bread, yolk of eggs, and safron, all boiled together,’ Speght ad Chaucer. So called, fays Skinner, who Writes it _mortress_, because the ingredients are all pounded together in a mortar.

Moscels. 47. Morsels. Chaucer has _Morcills_. Moscels is not amiss, as _Mossil_ in Chaucer is the muzle or mouth.

Mete. 67. A.S. and Chaucer. Meat. _Meetis_, Proem. Meats. It means also _properly_, MS. Ed. II. 21. Chaucer.

Myng. 68. MS. Ed. 30. _ming_, 76. meng, 127. 158. MS. Ed. 32. Chaucer. to mix. So _mung_, 192. is to stir. Wiclif. v. Mengyng. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: mengan].

Morow. at Morow. 72. in the Morning. MS. Ed. 33. a Morrow, Chaucer. on the Morow. Lei. Coll. IV. p. 234.

Makke. 74. a dish.

Meel, Mele. 86. 97. Meal. _Melis_, Meals. Chaucer. Belg. _Meel_.

Macrows. 62. Maccharone. vide ad locum.

Makerel. 106.

Muskles, Muskels. 122. Muscles. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: murcule].

Malard, Maulard. 141. meaning, I presume, both sexes, as ducks are not otherwise noticed. Holme, III. p. 77. and Mr. Topham’s MS.

Mylates, whyte. 153. a dish of pork, 155.

Myddell. 170. midle. _myddes_. 175. the same.

Mawe. 176. Stomach of a Swine. Chaucer. Junii Etym.

Moold. 177. Mould.

Maziozame. 191. Marjoram. See the various orthographies in Junius, v. Majoram.

Male Marrow. 195. qu.

Moyle. v. Ris. v. Fronchemoyle.

Mulberries. 99. 132. v. Morree.

Myce, myse. MS. Ed. 8. 15. mince, myed. II. 19. minced, ymyed, 35. for ymyced. myney, II. 3. myneyd, II. 1.

Mo. MS. Ed. 38. more. Chaucer.

Maner. _of_ omitted. MS. Ed. 45. 47, 48. II. 2. 28.

Mad, ymad. MS. Ed. II. 9. made.

Mychil. MS. Ed. 48, much. Chaucer, v. moche. Junius v. mickel.

Myntys. MS. Ed. II. 15. Mint. _Myntys_, Brit.


A Nost, I. crasis of _an Oste_, or Kiln; frequent in Kent, where _Hop-oste_ is the kiln for drying hops. ‘Oost or East: the same that kiln or kill, Somersetshire, and elsewhere in the west,’ Ray. So _Brykhost_ is a Brick-kiln in Old Parish-Book of _Wye_ in Kent, 34 H. VIII. ‘We call _est_ or _oft_ the place in the house, where the smoke ariseth; and in some manors _austrum_ or _ostrum_ is that, where a fixed chimney or flew anciently hath been,’ Ley, in Hearne’s Cur. Disc. p. 27. _Mannors_ here means, I suppose manor-houses, as is common in the north. Hence _Haister_, for which see Northumb. Book, p. 415. 417. and Chaucer, v. Estris.

Noumbles. 11. 13. Entrails of any beast, but confined now to those of a deer. I suspect a crasis in the case, quasi _an Umble_, singular for what is plural now, from Lat. _Umbilicus_. We at this day both say and write _Umbles_. _Nombles_, MS. Ed. 12. where it is _Nomblys of the venyson_, as if there were other Nomblys beside. The Fr. write Nombles.

Non. 68. no. Chaucer. A.S. nan.

Nyme. 114. take, _recipe_. Sax. niman. Chaucer. used in MS. Ed. throughout. See Junius. v. Nim.

Notys. 144. Wallenotes, 157. So _Not_, MS. Ed. II. 30. Chaucer. Belg. Note.

Nysebek. 173. a dish. quasi, nice for the _Bec_, or Mouth.

Nazt, nozt. MS. Ed. 37. not.


Oynons. 2. 4. 7. Fr. Oignons. Onions.

Orage. 6. Orache.

Other, oother. 13, 14. 54. 63. MS Ed. sape. Chaucer. Wiclif. A.S. [Anglo-Saxon: oþer]. or.

On, oon. 14. 20. alibi. in. as in the Saxon. _One_ MS. Ed 58. II. 21. Chaucer.

Obleys. 24. a kind of Wafer, v. ad loc.

Onys. MS. Ed. 37. once, _ones_, Chaucer, v. _Atones_, and _ones_.

Onoward, onaward. 24. 29. 107. onward, upon it.

Of. omitted, as powder Gynger, powder Gylofre, powder Galyngale. abounds, v. Lytel.

Oot. 26. alibi. Oat. Otyn. MS. Ed. II. Oaten.