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  • 1882
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lines by brilliant and effective dashes, moving to the attack with vigor and determination. In the main the results of the day were in our favor. Bragg had been forced to fight before he was in position, and had been foiled in his attempt to secure the roads, which on the evening of the 19th remained even more securely in our possession than before, fully protected on both flanks by our cavalry. As this was the object of the severe conflict of the 19th, that day’s fighting was a success for our arms, both the Rossville and the Dry Valley roads being firmly held by our troops that night.

But the battle was not yet over. During the night Rosecrans assembled his corps commanders at his headquarters at the Widow Glenn’s house, and after a consultation with them on the state and condition of their commands, gave orders for the disposition and movements of the troops for the next day. The divisions of Thomas’s corps, with those which had re-enforced him, to hold the road to Rossville, in the same position as then occupied by them in line of battle, with Brannan in reserve. McCook, with Sheridan’s and Davis’s divisions was to maintain his picket line until it was attacked and driven back. His left division–Davis’s–was to close on Thomas, and to have his right refused covering the position at Widow Glenn’s house. Crittenden was to hold two divisions, Wood’s and Van Cleve’s, in reserve near where the line of McCook and Thomas joined to reinforce the front line as needed.

During the night Thomas received word from Baird on the extreme left, that the left of his division did not reach the road to Reed’s Ridge, as had been anticipated. Thomas immediately requested that Negley’s division be ordered to report to him to take position on Baird’s left and rear, securing this flank from assault. At daylight Rosecrans, riding the line, ordered Negley to join Thomas at once, and directed McCook to relieve Negley, who was on the front line. He also ordered McCook to adjust his right, as it was too far out on the crest, and to move Davis’s division to the left, and close it up compactly. Crittenden was also directed to move his two divisions to the left and Palmer, on Thomas’s line, was instructed to close up his front. On reaching the left Rosecrans was convinced that the first attack would be made on that flank, and returned at once to the right to hurry Negley over to Thomas. Arriving there he found that this division had not moved, and that McCook’s troops were not ready to relieve him. Negley was then ordered to send his reserve brigade under John Beatty, and to follow with the other two when relieved from the front. Impatient at McCook’s delay in relieving Negley, and anticipating momentarily the attack of the enemy on our left, Rosecrans ordered Crittenden to move Wood’s division to the front, to fill the position occupied by Negley of which McCook was notified by Rosecrans in person. Rosecrans, when first at McCook’s line, was greatly dissatisfied with McCook’s position. He now called McCook’s attention to the defects in his line, that it was too light, and that it was weakened by being too much strung out, and charged him to keep well closed up on the left at all hazards. Leaving McCook, Rosecrans then returned to Negley, and found to his surprise that the brigades in front had not yet been relieved and started to Thomas after his repeated orders, as Wood’s division had only reached the position of Negley’s reserve. Greatly irritated at this, Rosecrans gave preemptory orders and Wood’s division was at once placed in front, closed up on the right of Brannan.

A heavy fog hung over the battlefield during the early morning. Bragg, before daylight with his staff, took position immediately in the rear of the centre of his line, and waited for Polk to begin the attack, waiting until after sunrise with increasing anxiety and disappointment. Bragg then sent a staff officer to Polk to ascertain and report as to the cause of the delay, with orders urging him to a prompt and speedy attack. Polk was not found with his troops, and the staff officer learning that he had spent the night on the east side of Chickamauga Creek, rode over there and delivered his message. Bragg, impatient at the delay, proceeded in person to his right wing and there found the troops wholly unprepared for the movement. Messengers were sent for Polk in hot haste, and on his reporting he was urged to a prompt execution of his orders and to make a vigorous attack at once.

During the night our troops threw up temporary breastworks of logs and rails. Behind these Thomas’s command awaited the attack. After Bragg had sent for Polk, he ordered a reconnoissance in his front on the extreme left of our line, and crossing the main road to Chattanooga developed the fact that this position so greatly desired by him was thus feebly held. At half past eight o’clock the rebel attack opened on our left with skirmish firing. Pushing forward with a heavy line of skirmishers to develop Baird’s position, with Breckenridge’s division on the right and Cleburne to his left, the rebels made, about an hour late, a tremendous assault. Beatty’s brigade of Negley’s division being now in line on Baird’s left, received the full force of the blow from the brigades of Adams and Stovall on the right of Breckinridge’s division, and was driven back in disorder. Helm’s brigade and Cleburne’s division, advancing on the front of Baird, encountered the troops behind their breastworks but were here met with a terrific fire of canister and musketry, and their advance checked so thoroughly that it was not regarded as safe to send the two brigades now overlapping Baird to attack his rear. These brigades, however, had reached and crossed the La Fayette road. Beatty in falling back was relieved by several regiments of Johnson’s division, which were placed in position by Baird. These regiments were joined by Van Derveer’s brigade of Brannan’s division and a portion of Stanley’s brigade of Negley’s division, which had been hurried to the left and thrown into action. These forces advancing checked the assault of the enemy and then drove him entirely from Baird’s left and rear. Immediately following the attack on Baird, the enemy’s assault, being taken up by the divisions on Breckinridge’s left, pressed on and struck Johnson, then Palmer and Reynolds successively with equal fierceness, maintaining the attack for two hours, the enemy in repeated assaults bringing fresh troops constantly to the front was each time met and hurled back by the splendid fighting of our troops. Here Bragg exhausted his utmost energies to drive in the centre and to dislodge Thomas’s right, and failing in this after repeated attacks fell back and occupied his old position.

McCook, early in the morning, on going to the front found that Wood’s division, not having the battle-front of Negley’s, did not occupy the entire of the rude barricade thrown up by Negley’s troops, and that portion of it on Wood’s right was not occupied by any of our forces. Wood, on meeting McCook, explained to him that his left was well protected, resting on Brannan’s right, and that his orders were to keep well closed up on Brannan. On the right of this gap to the right of Wood, McCook had posted Wilder with his brigade, who had been ordered to report to McCook and receive orders from him. McCook then directed Sheridan to bring forward one of his brigades and occupy with it the space between Wood’s right and Wilder. As McCook started to leave this portion of the line, he met Davis’s division marching toward this vacant space. Davis was directed at once to post one of his brigades in this part of the line, holding the other in reserve. When the brigade Sheridan sent arrived, McCook placed it in column as support to Davis on his right and rear. At this time Thomas again reporting that he needed reinforcements and the right as yet not being actively engaged, Rosecrans concluded that Bragg’s efforts were still looking to the possession of the roads on our left, and that he was massing his troops on his right, thus prolonging his line on that flank. He then, at 10.10 A.M., ordered McCook to withdraw as far as possible the force on the right and reinforce Thomas, stating that “the left must be held at all hazards, even if the right is withdrawn wholly back to the present left.” Five minutes after the receipt of this order McCook received one dated 10.30 A.M., directing him to send two brigades of Sheridan’s division at once with all possible dispatch to support Thomas and to send the third brigade as soon as it could safely be withdrawn. McCook immediately sent Lytle’s and Walworth’s brigades of Sheridan’s division on the double quick to the support of Thomas.

The battle increasing in fury and volume was gradually approaching the centre from the left, but Thomas still sustaining the brunt of the fight was compelled to send again and again for reinforcements. Beatty’s and Stanley’s brigades of Negley’s division had been sent from the right. Van Derveer with his brigade of Brannan’s division also reported. Barnes’s brigade of Van Cleve’s division had also been ordered to Thomas, and now the two of Sheridan’s divisions were under orders to proceed to the left. About this time Lieutenant-Colonel Von Schrader of Thomas’s staff, who had been riding the lines, reported to Thomas that there were no troops on Reynolds’s right, and a long gap existed between Reynolds and Wood; not aware that Brannan’s division although not in front line was still in position, retired in the woods a short distance back, but not out of line. This information was at once sent by Thomas to Rosecrans, who immediately directed Wood to close up the line on Reynolds and support him, and sent word to Thomas that he would be supported if it required all of McCook’s and Crittenden’s corps to do so.

On receipt of this order–impossible for him to execute literally–Wood undertook to carry it out by withdrawing his entire command from the front, leaving a gap of two brigades in the line of battle, moving to the rear past Brannan’s division, to where Reynolds was posted in line. Into the gap thus made by Wood, Davis attempted to throw sufficient force to hold that portion of the line thus vacated, by posting his reserve brigade.

Just at this time the order of battle on the enemy’s lines had reached Longstreet’s command, who, seeing this gap, ordered his troops, formed in heavy columns, to advance. Into this gap there poured Stewart’s, Hood’s, Kershaw’s, Johnson’s, and Hindman’s divisions, dashing impetuously forward, with Preston’s large division as supports. Our right, disabled as it was, was speedily turned, the line of battle on the enemy’s front extending nearly from Brannan’s centre to a point far to the right of the Widow Glenn’s house, and from the front of that portion of the line Sheridan’s brigades had just been taken. McCook, to resist this fierce assault, had only Carlin’s and Heg’s brigades of Davis’s division and Laibold’s brigade of Sheridan’s division. On finding the rebel troops pressing through the space vacated by Wood, McCook ordered Lytle and Walworth to change front and return to assist in repelling the enemy. Wilder and Harrison closed in on Sheridan with their commands as speedily as possible, and aided in resisting the enemy’s attack. Davis, being overpowered by the immense numbers of the rebels, was compelled to retire to save his command. Laibold was in turn driven back in confusion, and the tide of battle then struck Lytle and Walworth, who contended nobly against the overpowering columns, and for a time checked the advance of the enemy on their immediate front. The rebel troops swarming in, turned the left of these brigades, and they were compelled to withdraw to escape being surrounded. At this point the gallant Lytle was killed. Here our army lost several thousand prisoners, forty guns, and a large number of wagon-trains.

Once more the right of the army was broken all to pieces, and five brigades of that wing cut off entirely from the rest of the command. In the meantime Bragg, determined to turn Thomas’s left, and cut him off from Chattanooga, was making his preparations for a second assault on his right in heavier force. Bragg directed this movement in person. Extending his right by moving Breckinridge’s division beyond its former position, he ordered Walker’s corps in line on Breckinridge’s left, and connected to Cleburne’s right on the left of Walker. Bragg’s plan was for Breckenridge to advance, wheeling to the left, and thus envelop Thomas’s exposed left flank, striking it in the rear. Breckinridge, advancing, was soon in position on the Chattanooga road, partly in rear of Thomas. But he was now detached from the main body of the rebel troops engaged in the movement, and, making a bold assault on the rear, he was here met by the three reserve brigades under Van Deveer, Willich, and Grose, and hurled in rout back on his original line. On reaching it he there found the other troops that had taken part in this charge, and that they had been repulsed at every point by Baird’s, Johnson’s, and Palmer’s divisions.

Beatty, just prior to the repulse of the enemy on the left by Thomas, applied in person to the latter for at least a brigade to support him in the attack of the rebels he was then expecting. Thomas sent an aid to hurry Sheridan up. This officer returned soon afterward, and reported that he had encountered a heavy force of the enemy in the rear of Reynolds’s position, which was advancing slowly, with a strong line of skirmishers thrown out; that he had met Harker, who, with his brigade posted on a ridge a short distance to Reynolds’s rear, was watching this force approaching, and was of the opinion that these troops were Sheridan’s coming to Thomas’s assistance. Thomas then rode forward to determine the character of the advancing troops, which he soon did, and ordered Harker to open fire upon them, resisting their farther advance. Thomas then selected the crest of the commanding ridge, known as “Horseshoe Ridge,” on which to place Brannan’s division in line, which–on Longstreet’s sweeping McCook’s lines from the right–had been struck in the flank on the line of battle. On the spurs to the rear he posted his artillery. On Thomas leaving Harker, the latter opening fire with skirmishers, then posted his right to connect with Brannan’s division and portions of Beatty’s and Stanley’s brigades of Negley’s division, which had been ordered over to his point from the extreme left. Thomas then went to the crest of the hill on the front, where he met Wood with his division, who confirmed him in the opinion that the troops advancing were those of the enemy. Thomas was not aware at that time of the extent of the disaster to the right. He ordered Wood to place his division in line with Brannan’s, and to resist as long as possible the advance of the enemy. On receipt of this order Wood immediately threw his troops on the left of Brannan, and had barely time to form his lines when the enemy was upon them in a heavy, fierce assault like those early in the day. This, however, was handsomely repulsed, the enemy charging again and again with fresh troops, but their efforts were successfully resisted. These were Bushrod Johnson’s men, with Patton Anderson’s brigade on his right, which had been formed on the brow of the secondary spur of the ridge, and at about two o’clock moved forward, making a most determined assault on our forces. Part of his line reached the crest held by Wood, but was hurled back to its original position under as determined a counter-charge.

Away off at Rossville Gordon Granger with three brigades of reserve corps was stationed. He had heard during the morning heavy firing from the front, in the direction of Thomas, and as the firing increased in volume and intensity on the right, he judged that the enemy were pressing him hard. He then determined, although contrary to his orders, to gather what troops he could and go to Thomas’s assistance. Ordering Whittaker’s and Mitchell’s brigades under the immediate command of Steedman to move to his front, he placed Dan McCook’s brigade at the McAfee church, to cover the Ringgold road. Thomas was at this time heavily engaged on “Horseshoe Ridge,” between the La Fayette and the Dry Valley roads, about three miles and a half from Granger’s headquarters. Pushing forward his troops rapidly, Granger moved past a detachment of the enemy some two miles out, and ordered Dan McCook forward to watch the movements of the rebels, to keep open the La Fayette road, and to cover the open fields on the right of the road intervening between this point and Thomas’s position. McCook brought up his brigade as rapidly as possible, took and held his position until late that night. Granger moving to the front arrived with his command about three o’clock, and reported at once to Thomas, who was then with this part of his command on “Horseshoe Ridge,” where the enemy was pressing him hard on front and endeavoring to turn both of his flanks. To the right of this position was a ridge running east and west nearly at right angles with it. On this Bushrod Johnson had reformed his command, so severely repulsed by Wood. Longstreet now strengthened it with Hindman’s division and that of Kershaw, all under the command of Hindman, who formed it in heavy columns for an attack on the right flank and rear of Thomas’s troops. Kershaw’s division had possession of a gorge in this ridge through which his division was moving in heavy masses, with the design of making an attack in the rear. This was the most critical hour of this eventful day. Granger promptly ordered Whittaker and Mitchell to hurl themselves against this threatening force. Steedman gallantly seizing the colors of a regiment, led his command to the charge. Rushing upon the enemy with loud cheers, after a terrific conflict, only of some twenty minutes’ duration, with a hot infantry and artillery fire, Steedman drove them from their position and occupied both the ridge and gorge. Here the slaughter was frightful. The victory was won at a fearful cost, but the army was saved. After Hindman was driven back, Longstreet about four o’clock, determined to re-take the ridge. Asking Bragg for reinforcements from the right, he was informed by him “that they had been beaten back so badly that they could be of no service to me.” Longstreet then ordered up his reserve division of fresh troops under Preston, four brigades strong, supported by Stewart’s corps, and directed him to attack the troops on the ridge. Advancing with wild yells, confident of success, Preston dashed boldly up the hill, supported by Kershaw’s troops with Johnson’s–part of Hindman’s–and later on by those of Stewart’s. But once more the enemy was driven back with frightful slaughter, and thus was charge and counter-charge at this part of the field, lasting for nearly two hours, the day wore away until darkness settled down, night finding Thomas’s command–the troops under Brannan, Wood, and Granger–still holding the ridge. Some unauthorized person had ordered Thomas’s ammunition train back to Chattanooga, and the supply with the troops on the field was running very low. The ammunition that ranger brought up with him was divided with the troops on that part of the field where his command fought–Brannan’s and Wood’s divisions–but this supply was soon exhausted. The troops then gathered what could be found in the cartridge-boxes of the slain, friend and foe being alike examined. With the fresh charges of the enemy, the troops were ordered to use their bayonets and give the rebels cold steel, and in the final charges the enemy was met and repulsed in this way.

In the breaking up of our right, two brigades of Davis’s division, one of Van Cleve’s, and the entire of Sheridan’s division was caught in the whirl and sent adrift from the main command, the enemy in heavy columns completely controlling all access to Thomas and the remaining divisions with him, except by way of the Dry Valley road across the ridge and on to Rossville, thence back on the La Fayette road to Thomas’s left. The troops of Sheridan’s and Davis’s divisions were rallied a short distance in the rear of the line, and taking the Dry Valley road, endeavored to unite with Thomas’s command. They were placed in position on the Rossville road leading to the battlefield. [Note from Bob: In fact, Sheridan continued to withdraw his division away from the battlefield.]

Rosecrans was watching on the rear of Davis’s right for McCook to close up his line to the left when Longstreet’s men poured through the gap left by Wood’s withdrawal. Seeing that some disaster had occurred, Rosecrans hurried in person to the extreme right, to direct Sheridan’s movements on the flank of the advancing rebels. But it was simply impossible to stem the tide and our men were driven back as the enemy advanced. Leaving orders for the troops to be rallied behind the ridges west of the Dry Valley road, Rosecrans endeavored with Garfield, his chief of staff, and a few others of his staff, to rejoin Thomas by passing to the rear of the broken portions of the right. Riding down in this direction, some two or three hundred yards under a heavy fire, he found the troops that had been driven from the right far over toward the left, and from all indications it appeared doubtful if the left had been able to maintain its position. He then concluded to go to Rossville and there determine whether to join Thomas on the battlefield or whether his duty called him to Chattanooga, to prepare for his broken army if his worst fears should be realized. On reaching Rossville it was determined that Garfield should go to the front to Thomas and report, and that Rosecrans should go to Chattanooga and make the necessary dispositions for the troops as they came back in rout.

Rosecrans on arriving at Chattanooga at once sent out orders to Thomas to assume command of all the troops at the front, and with Crittenden and McCook to take a strong position and assume a threatening attitude at Rossville, where ammunition and rations would be sent to meet him. Thomas determined to hold his position until nightfall, if possible, before withdrawing. He then distributed ammunition to the commands and ordered the division commanders to hold themselves in readiness to fall back as soon as ordered. Reynolds at half-past five was notified to commence the movement. Leaving the position he had held near Wood, Thomas started to meet Reynolds and show him the position he wanted him to occupy, forming the line covering the retirement of the troops on the La Fayette road on the left. Just before meeting Reynolds, Thomas was informed of a large rebel force in the woods ahead of him, drawn up in line and advancing toward him. This was Liddell’s division on the extreme rebel right, under orders from Bragg, moving to a third attack on Thomas’s left. Reynolds arriving at this time, Thomas ordered him to at once change the head of the column to the left, form lines perpendicular to the road and to charge the enemy then in his immediate front, while the artillery opened a converging fire from the right and left. Turchin charged with his brigade upon the rebel force and drove them in complete rout far beyond Baird’s left. Robinson’s command–King’s brigade–closely supporting Turchin, was posted on the road leading through the ridge to hold the ground, while the troops on our right and left retired.

Shortly after this Willich with his brigade was placed in position on commanding ground to the right of the ridge road, and assisted in covering the withdrawal of our troops. Turchin’s brigade, having cleared the front, returned and took position on this road with Robinson and Willich.

Thomas having made this disposition of the troops, ordered Wood, Brannan, and Granger, to fall back from their positions. These troops were not molested, but Baird and Johnson as they were retiring were attacked. By the exercise of care and foresight they retired without confusion and with but slight loss. This attack was led by L. E. Polk’s brigade, but the rebel lines had become so changed that they formed an acute angle and their troops were firing into each other in the dark. So quietly was the army withdrawn that it was not until after sunrise on the 21st that Bragg discovered that Thomas had retired. Having effected the withdrawal of his troops, General Thomas, accompanied by Granger and Garfield, proceeded to Rossville and placed the command in position at that place, ordering one brigade of Negley’s division to hold the gap on the Ringgold road with the other two brigades posted on the top of the ridge to the right, joining on the brigades in the road, with Dan McCook’s brigade in reserve. On the right of Negley Reynold’s division took position, reaching to the Dry Valley road, with Brannan’s division as a reserve in rear of Reynolds’s right. On the right of the Dry Valley road, extending to the west, McCook’s corps was placed, his right extending to Chattanooga Creek. Upon the high ground to the left of the Ringgold road the entire of Crittenden’s corps was placed. As a reserve Steedman’s division of Granger’s corps was posted on his left, while Baird’s division was also in reserve and in support of the brigade of Negley’s division holding the gap. Thrown out on the Ringgold road, a mile and a half in advance of the gap, Minty’s brigade of cavalry held the road at that point during the night. Here the weary troops rested undisturbed the night after the heavy fighting and nothing was seen of the enemy until about nine o’clock of the 21st, when their advance appeared in heavy force of infantry and cavalry on Minty’s front. Thomas, withdrawing Minty through the gap, posted his command on our left flank and directed him to throw out strong reconnoitering parties across the ridge, watching the enemy’s movements on our left and front. There was no object in attempting to hold the position at Rossville Gap, beyond the gaining of a day to select the final position for the troops at Chattanooga on their retirement to that place, the location of the lines, and the preparation for throwing up earthworks. This was all accomplished on the 21st and preparations made to fall back. All wagons, ambulances, and surplus artillery-carriages were sent to the rear before night and the troops were held in readiness to move at a moment’s notice. The orders to withdraw reached Thomas about six o’clock P.M., and the movement commenced about nine P.M.

Brannan’s division was posted at six P.M. on the road about half way from Rossville to Chattanooga, covering the movement. Orders were sent by Thomas for each division commander to throw out a strong skirmish line, to be withdrawn at daylight, concealing the movement to the rear. This line was to be supported by Baird’s division and Minty’s brigade of cavalry, which was to retire after the skirmishers were withdrawn. During the night the movement was completed without the loss of a single man, and at seven o’clock on the morning of the 22d, the Army of the Cumberland, again united, was in position, holding the coveted prize, still strong enough to prevent the enemy from attempting further to dispute our possession of the town. The temporary works were strengthened from day to day until all apprehension of an attack from the enemy on the front was at an end.

Taking all the surroundings into consideration, the campaign from the western slopes of the Cumberland Mountains, ending in the battle of Chickamauga, was the most brilliant one of the war, made as it was, in the face of the strong column of the enemy, whose business it was to watch every movement, and as far as possible to retard and cripple the advance. Rosecrans, with his masterly manœvering, in every instance deceived his opponent down to the withdrawal of Bragg from Chattanooga. While recognizing the genius of the military leader who could plan the campaign that was made from the time of the crossing of the Cumberland Mountains, Bragg regarded the obstacles to be overcome on such a campaign so stupendous that he was incredulous that any movement south of the Tennessee was contemplated by the Federal leader. Every preparation was made by Bragg to meet the crossing of our army over the Tennessee north of Chattanooga on the advance of Crittenden, he threw open the gateway for Rosecrans’s advance. When the full scope of the movement dawned upon him, Bragg abandoned Chattanooga and gathered his troops wherever he could reach them from all quarters to concentrate for the destruction of our army. Bragg never intended his withdrawal from Chattanooga to be permanent; all the indications he left behind him pointed that way. None of the bridges were destroyed as he retired. All storehouses, hospitals, and other buildings used by his army were left standing, and Rosecrans’s mistake was in construing Bragg’s withdrawal to be a demoralized retreat and in ordering his army to pursue before this was definitely determined. However, all advices that Rosecrans had were to the effect that the rebels were in hasty flight and would not stop anywhere north of Dalton, and that their probable destination was Rome. This information was sent to him from Washington, and Bragg aided in confirming this belief by sending numbers of his soldiers as “deserters” into the Federal lines with the same report.

As late as the 11th, Halleck telegraphed Rosecrans that after he occupied “the mountain passes to the west of Dalton” it would be determined what his future movements would be; and on the 13th, Halleck telegraphed Rosecrans that if Bragg should go to Alabama he must not be allowed to re-enter Middle Tennessee. On the 13th, Foster, at Fortress Monroe, telegraphed Halleck that trains of cars had been running day and night southward for the past thirty-six hours. On the following day Foster sent Halleck another despatch, that Longstreet’s corps was reported going south, which Meade on the same day confirmed. Then Halleck sent urgent messages to Hurlbut and Burnside to move to Rosecrans’s support. But it was too late. These commands were many days’ marches away, and at that moment the Army of the Cumberland was engaged in the earlier movements of the life and death struggle it was peremptorily ordered by Halleck to encounter alone with its old enemy, under Bragg, heavily re-enforced, while large numbers of Federal troops which might have been within helping distance, had orders been given in due season, as asked for by Rosecrans, remained inactive.

It was not until McCook had received and partly executed his orders to occupy Alpine that the actual facts as to Bragg’s movements were developed, and that he was concentrated at La Fayette, there waiting for reinforcements, but strong enough without them to crush the Army of the Cumberland in detail. Rosecrans, when aware of Bragg’s movements, grasped the situation at once. Bending every energy to the concentration of his army before Bragg should strike, on the 12th he issued orders for McCook’s immediate return, and despatched the same in all haste by courier. Hearing nothing definite from McCook, on the next day Rosecrans repeated his orders and duplicated them in the afternoon of that day. Still learning nothing positive as to McCook’s movements, on the 14th repeated orders were sent to him urging him to consummate his rearward movement with all possible haste. After a sleepless night, Rosecrans on the 15th left Chattanooga for the front, to hasten, if possible, McCook’s movements. After another sleepless night, information was had from McCook as to the position of his command, and on the 17th the concentration of the army was effected in McLemore’s Cove, five days after McCook’s first orders were dated.

The delay attending McCook’s movements was almost fatal to the Army of the Cumberland. Had Bragg received his promised reinforcements at the date he expected them, our army would in all probability have been completely annihilated in detail. McCook claims that his delay was only incident to the route he was compelled to take to join Thomas. This took him back over Lookout Mountain, to Valley Head, then down that valley, crossing the mountain again at Cooper’s Gap, and then up and down Missionary Ridge into McLemore’s Cove, a long, difficult road, nearly all of it over rough mountains. This route, McCook from the information received, regarded as the better one to take, as between it and the one on which he was ordered to move, which was a road on the mountain into the head of McLemore’s Cove, through Dougherty’s Gap.

The battle for Chattanooga would never have been fought at Chickamauga had not the safety of McCook’s corps demanded it. Could the Army of the Cumberland have been withdrawn in safety to Chattanooga and there concentrated behind earthworks, as it was later, while Bragg doubtless would have made his attack there, yet the surroundings would have been far more favorable for our army, especially as the troops afterward sent might have reached Rosecrans in time to have defeated Bragg, as he was later at the battle of Missionary Ridge. But the reinforcements that were hurried from all points AFTER the disaster, by the officials at Washington were not to benefit Rosecrans.

While the battle of the 19th was severe at times, and some slight advantages were gained by the enemy, still nothing had been accomplished to mark that day’s fighting as a great, distinctive battle. The delay on the part of Negley in reporting as ordered, to Thomas on the left, placed that position in extreme peril, had Polk made his attack as ordered at day-dawn on the 20th. Fortunately, Polk slept outside of his lines that night–not as he was accustomed to–and was not awakened as early as he would have been had he remained in camp. For this reason the attack, was not made until after Beatty’s brigade had reached Baird’s left. While this was too weak to successfully resist the attack, still with this command rallied after it was driven back and aided by the troops sent to its support, Thomas was able to repulse Breckinridge’s first charge of the morning. The delay from six o’clock until after nine was of great service to the Army of the Cumberland. Negley’s delay in reporting at an early hour with his entire division was owing to Wood’s failure to relieve him. Sheridan had at an earlier hour been ordered to Negley’s position on his front, but Thomas representing the urgency of the movement, Crittenden was ordered to send Wood, who was only a short distance from Negley. Wood, on receiving his orders to relieve Negley, simply moved forward and occupied the position that had been vacated by Negley’s reserve brigade, already started for Thomas’s left. On Rosecrans’s return from the extreme right, he found that Negley had not yet reported to Thomas, although more than an hour had elapsed since he was so ordered and then discovered that Wood had failed to relieve him on the front. Repeating his orders in such plain English that there could be no further misapprehension of them, Rosecrans moved Wood’s division into position, relieved Negley at once, and started him in all haste to Thomas. Negley did not reach the left until after ten o’clock. Rosecrans, impatient at the delay that occurred in the execution of his order, expressed himself very forcibly to Wood, much to the dissatisfaction of the latter. After seeing Negley was at last en route to Thomas, Rosecrans then went to the right and was watching the movements of the troops when the word reached him of the supposed gap to the right of Reynolds, on the left of Wood. Rosecrans’s plan of battle being to keep his line well closed up on the left, he directed an aid to send Wood an order to close up on Reynolds, which he did as follows.

Headquarters of the Army of the Cumberland.

Brigadier-General Wood, Commanding Division:

The General Commanding directs that you close up on Reynolds as fast as possible, and support him,

Respectfully, etc.,

Major and Aid-de-Camp.

This order was written by an officer who had no military experience prior to the war, and, as the order shows on its face, embraced much more than the General Commanding intended it should. The orderly who carried this order to Wood reported on his return that “General Wood on receipt of the order remarked that he ‘was glad the order was in writing, as it was a good thing to have for future reference.’ That he carefully took out his note-book, safely deposited the order in it, and then proceeded to execute it.” Wood’s official report contains the order written out in full. He says that it was eleven o’clock when it reached him. “General McCook was with me when I received it. I informed him that I would immediately carry it into execution, and suggested to him that he should close up his command rapidly on my right, to prevent the occurrence of a gap in the line. He said he would do so, and immediately rode away.”

McCook says, in reference to the movement of Sheridan to the aid of Thomas, which he had just ordered, “Simultaneously with this movement, and much to my surprise, Wood’s division left the position it had in line of battle on Davis’s left, marching by the left flank, leaving a wide gap in the line.” Wood also says in his official report that when he started to execute the order he met Thomas, and told him of his order. He says, “I exhibited my order to him, and asked him whether he would take the responsibility of changing it. He replied he would, and I then informed him that I would move my command to the support of General Baird.” The first mention Thomas makes in his official report of seeing Wood is when in riding “toward the crest of the hill,” coming from the left, he met Wood on the way, and directed him to take position on Brannan’s right. Later, he says, “About the time that Wood took up his position, General Gordon Granger appeared,” etc. This was over three hours after what General Wood styles “the disastrous event of the right” occurred. It seems strange, if Wood was properly executing an order from the Commanding General, that he should try so hard to shield his action by the authority of these two corps commanders, especially when he was under the direct command of neither of them.

General Wood was a graduate of West Point, had been in the army all his life, and knew the full meaning of all technical terms used to describe military movements. The order bore on its face a direction to him to make a movement with his front in line of battle, and at the same time to occupy a position in the rear of the division, on which he was ordered to join his left in line on the immediate battle-front. He knew he could not execute the order literally as given, and from the wording of it must have known that there was some mistake about it. Instead of sending a short distance to the rear, or going himself to Rosecrans and finding out just what was meant by the order, he chose to give it a meaning that it was never intended to convey, and moved to the rear from the front of battle, when he knew, as he says in his report, “although I had not been seriously engaged at any time during the morning, I was well satisfied the enemy was in considerable force in my immediate front.” Wood says in his official report, “Reynolds’s division was posted on the left of Brannan’s division, which in turn was on the left of the position I was just quitting; I had consequently to pass my command in the rear of Brannan’s division to close up on and go into the support of Reynolds.” If “Reynolds’s, division was posted on the left of Brannan’s division,” then there was no gap, and no place for Wood to place his division as ordered, and he knew it. He could support Reynolds, but to do this he was compelled to disobey the first part of his order, which IN ITS SPIRIT AND INTENT WAS TO KEEP HIM ON THE LINE OF BATTLE, simply moving his division to the left. This space by his own official report he shows was occupied by Brannan’s division, and with this knowledge he undertook to execute an order that directed him to make an impossible movement rather than ask an explanation of it from his commanding officer. No wonder he wanted to keep his order safe where he could produce it if occasion required. Wood, irritated at the reprimand of Rosecrans earlier in the day, intent on maintaining his dignity, chose rather to undertake to carry out an order in the execution of which he felt safe, so long as he had it in writing and where he could produce it if occasion demanded it, than to suspend its execution long enough to ride a short distance to the rear, and find out just what the order meant; AND TO THIS EXTENT HE IS RESPONSIBLE for the great disaster which swept the right wing of the Army of the Cumberland from the field of battle on the 20th. That Wood must have known that there was a mistake in regard to the order is plain, from the fact that he himself says that his troops had not been seriously engaged that morning. It was hardly possible that Reynolds’s division, which was only a division front from his, could be so hardly pressed as to need supports, and that his division should “not be seriously engaged.” In fact, when Wood undertook to carry out this order, he says he met Thomas and was told by him that Reynolds did not need supports, and that he, Wood, “had better move to the support of General Baird, posted on the extreme left, who needed assistance,” showing that the conflict had as yet not reached down the line to Reynolds. The spirit in which General Wood fought the battle of Chickamauga is shown by the following extract from his official report, where, in speaking of Garfield’s arrival on the battlefield later in the afternoon of the 20th, he says, “After the disastrous event of the right, General Garfield made his way back to the battlefield, showing thereby that the road was open to all who might choose to follow it where duty called.” After Wood reported to Thomas there was no more splendid fighting done on that field of terrific conflict on the 20th than was done by Thomas J. Wood and his division. To the last he aided Thomas in holding Horseshoe Ridge, and was one of the last divisions to retire.

In the tide that swept down the Dry Valley road, Rosecrans was caught with the members of his staff. He breasted this for a while, and endeavored to join his left and centre under Thomas by a direct route. After riding along a short distance, under the heavy fire of the rebels with both artillery and musketry, he discovered that the road was effectually closed by the enemy in strong force. He then started over the ridge to the Dry Valley road, and made his way as rapidly as possible through the swarming masses of broken troops from the right of the battlefield to Rossville, with the intention of joining Thomas from that place down the La Fayette road if the left and centre were not also in rout, and on the road to Chattanooga. On reaching Rossville, Rosecrans and Garfield halted in the midst of the driving masses of teamsters, stragglers, and fugitives from Thomas’s command, all striving in hot haste to be among the first to reach Chattanooga. Making inquiry of these men as to the condition of affairs at the front, they were informed “that the entire army was defeated, and in retreat to Chattanooga.” “That Rosecrans and Thomas were both killed, and that McCook and Crittenden were prisoners.” Asking a small detachment of troops the command they belonged to, Rosecrans was informed Negley’s division. He then asked as to the whereabouts of Negley. He was informed that he was a short distance from Rossville, though some distance from the battlefield, “rallying stragglers,” and that the entire division “was knocked all to pieces.” Knowing that one of the last orders he had given on the battlefield was for Negley’s division to report to Thomas to take position on his extreme left, Rosecrans was satisfied that if these soldiers reported truly the left and centre were routed and that the whole army as a broken mass would be back in Chattanooga very shortly. At this time there was a lull in the firing at the front. Dismounting from their horses, Rosecrans and Garfield placing their ears to the ground, endeavored to determine from the sound as it reached them the truth of the reported rout. Hearing no artillery firing, and detecting only what appeared to be a scattering fire of musketry, the conclusion was forced on Rosecrans that his army was entirely broken. His information prior to the battle led him to believe that the rebels outnumbered him two to one, and if this proved true, the disaster in part could be accounted for. Conferring with Garfield as to what was the best thing to be done under the circumstances, Garfield told him that if these reports were true that then his, Rosecrans’s, place was in Chattanooga, where he could receive and reorganize, if possible, his army on its reaching that place. That he, of all persons, had more influence with the army, and if it was broken that his duty was to go to that place and make such disposition of the troops as might possibly save the army from complete destruction. That he, Garfield, would ride to the front, try and find Thomas, if alive, and would report immediately to Rosecrans at Chattanooga as to the condition of affairs at the front. Unfortunately, this plan was carried out. The reverse of this should have been done. Rosecrans should at once have gone to the front, and by his presence there aided, as he did at Stone’s River, more than any other thing to retrieve the fortunes of the day, and pluck victory from disaster. Had Rosecrans gone to the front, and discovered from a personal observation the true condition of affairs, and the spirit and morale of the troops there, the chances are that he never would have ordered their retirement to Rossville the night of the 20th. That was the turning-point, and his hour had arrived.

On reaching Chattanooga, General Rosecrans rode up to Department Headquarters there, and was helped from his horse into the house. He had the appearance of one broken in spirit, and as if he were bearing up as best he could under terrible blow, the full force and effect of which he himself did not at that time clearly perceive and only partly felt. This was about four o’clock in the afternoon. He had been in the saddle all day from before daylight, with nothing to eat since then. Rarely has mortal man been called on to undergo the terrible mental strain that had been on him during the week just past, of which for two nights in succession his anxiety for McCook was so great as to prevent his sleeping. During the past week the peril of his army had weighed on him to the extent that his nervous system was stretched to its utmost tension. When he saw the rout of his right, supposing that it extended to his entire army, the blow was so strong that it staggered him. A short time after Rosecrans arrived, McCook and Crittenden, also caught in the drift from the right, reached headquarters. While seated in the adjutant-general’s office comparing notes with each other as to the events of the day, Rosecrans received a despatch from Garfield, who had reached the front. Hastily reading it over he exclaimed, “Thank God!” and read the despatch aloud. In it Garfield announced his safe arrival at the front, that he was then with Thomas, who had seven divisions intact with a number of detachments, that Thomas had just repulsed a heavy assault of the rebels, and felt confident that he could successfully resist all attacks against his position. Waving this over his head Rosecrans said, “This is good enough, the day isn’t lost yet.” Turning to McCook and Crittenden he said, “Gentlemen, this is no place for you. Go at once to your commands at the front.” He then directed Wagner, in command of the post, to take his entire brigade, stop the stragglers and all others from the front on the edge of the town, and ordered rations and ammunition for his troops to be at once sent out to meet them at Rossville.

During the heavy fighting of the 20th, Thomas was the only general officer on the field of rank above a division commander. Learning some time later in the day of the disaster on our right, he gathered his troops together from all parts of the field to the position selected by himself after the break on the right. Here in a more marked degree even then Stone’s River, he displayed his great staying qualities. Posting his troops on the lines he designated, he, so to speak, placed himself with his back against a rock and refused to be driven from the field. Here he stayed, despite the fierce and prolonged assaults of the enemy, repulsing every attack. And when the sun went down he was still there. Well was he called the “Rock of Chickamauga,” and trebly well for the army of the Cumberland that George H. Thomas was in command of the left at that battle. On the 20th, when the hour of supreme trial came and he was left on the field with less than one half of the strength of the army that the day before had been barely able to hold its own against the rebel assaults, he formed his 25,000 troops on “Horseshoe Ridge,” and successfully resisted for nearly six long hours the repeated attacks of that same rebel army, largely re-enforced until it numbered twice his command, when it was flushed with victory and determined on his utter destruction. There is nothing finer in history than Thomas at Chickamauga.

All things considered, the battle of Chickamauga for the forces engaged was the hardest fought and the bloodiest battle of the Rebellion. Hindman, who fought our right at Horseshoe Ridge, says in his official report that he had “never known Federal troops to fight so well,” and that he “never saw Confederate soldiers fight better.” The largest number of troops Rosecrans had of all arms on the field during the two days’ fighting was 55,000 effective men. While the return of the Army of the Cumberland for September 20, 1863, shows 67,548 “present for duty equipped,” still taking out the troops guarding important points within the Department, the actual force was reduced to the figure just given. Of Gordon Granger’s nine brigades, only two were on the battlefield. Wagner, of Wood’s division, was in Chattanooga, and Dan McCook was holding Rossville. Post’s brigade was guarding the wagon trains and was not in the action. Rosecrans’s losses aggregated killed, 1,687; wounded, 9,394; missing 5,255. Total loss, 16,336. Bragg during the battle, when his entire five corps were engaged, had about 70,000 effective troops in line. Among Bragg’s troops were large numbers of prisoners of war captured at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, who had been falsely declared by the rebel authorities as exchanged and released from their parole, and in violation of the cartel were again placed in battle. His losses, in part estimated, were 2,673 killed, 16,274 wounded, and 2,003 missing, a total of 20,950. A full report of the rebel losses was never made.

To the enemy the results of the engagement proved a victory barren of any lasting benefits, and produced no adequate results to the immense drain on the resources of his army. In a number of places Bragg’s official report shows that his army was so crippled that he was not able to strengthen on portion of his line, when needed, with troops from another part of the field, and after the conflict was over his army was so cut up that it was impossible for him to follow up his apparent success and secure possession of the objective point of the campaign–Chattanooga. This great gateway of the mountains remaining in possession of the Army of the Cumberland, after Bragg had paid the heavy price he did at Chickamauga, proves that his battle was a victory only in name, and a careful examination of the results and their cost will show how exceedingly small it was to the enemy.

Chapter XIII.

The Siege of Chattanooga.

On taking position at Chattanooga, after the battle, the Army of the Cumberland, between the rebel troops in front and the forces of Nature in the rear, was practically in a state of siege. The lines around the town were held by our troops behind extensive rifle-pits, strengthened with heavy earthworks covering all approaches on the front. Bragg’s army moved up immediately, and invested our lines, throwing up rifle-pits within a short distance of those of our army. To the rear of these Bragg threw up two other lines of intrenchments and on the right of his command erected a more permanent line of earthworks on the crest of Missionary Ridge, massing however, the bulk of his troops in Chattanooga Valley on our immediate front. As our army retired within its works at Chattanooga, the troops holding the road over Lookout Mountain were withdrawn, and this point was immediately occupied by the enemy and strengthened by extensive works, Bragg sending Longstreet’s corps into Lookout Valley to occupy the extreme left of the besieging line, and to cut off all communication with Bridgeport, on the south bank of the Tennessee River. The lines were now fully occupied from the river on the north to the bank south of the town, and the rebel army in force on our front. To the rear the only road that was open was over Walling’s Ridge, through Sequatchie Valley, down to Bridgeport, a distance of sixty miles; the short road on the north side down to Bridgeport being closed by the rebel batteries and sharp-shooters, while their troops holding the road to the south of the river compelled all supplies of every kind to be hauled over these sixty miles of road. To thus supply the army during good weather was a very great undertaking, even with the teams of the various commands in good condition, but with the rainy season that soon set in, and the incessant hauling wearing out the mules, the daily rations for the army were constantly growing less and less. On October 1st, Wheeler crossing the Tennessee with Martin’s and Wharton’s divisions of cavalry moved up the Sequatchie Valley upon our line of supplies at Anderson cross-roads. Here he captured a large number of trains loaded with rations for the front, burned over three hundred wagons, and killed a large number of animals. Colonel E. M. McCook with his cavalry division, moving rapidly from Bridgeport, overtook Wheeler on the 2d, and drove him with great loss in a sabre charge from the trains, recapturing some eight hundred mules. After this Wheeler was driven from Shelbyville on the 6th by Mitchell’s cavalry, and on the 8th from Farmington by Crook, and from here he re-crossed the Tennessee with a small portion of his command, the rest having been killed or captured. This loss in wagons, with the roads becoming almost impassable by reason of the heavy rains and the growing weakness of the animals, lessened daily the amount of supplies brought into the town, so that our troops were suffering for food and were in danger of being starved out of Chattanooga. This was what Bragg was quietly waiting for. To supply an army some forty thousand strong, by wagon transportation over rough mountain roads a distance of sixty miles, Bragg knew was an impossibility, and that unless other lines were opened up, the evacuation of the place was only a question of time, and he could then walk in and take undisturbed possession. As the forage became reduced, the artillery horses, for which there was no immediate need, had their rations cut off, and they died in large numbers, starved to death. The supplies grew so small that parts of crackers and corn dropped in handling packages were eagerly seized and eaten to stay the demands of hunger, and still the pressure was growing daily, and no one knew how it would ultimately end. However, not for an instant was the idea entertained of abandoning the town, to say nothing of the extreme hazard of attempting that, in the face of the strong force of the enemy on our front. The Army of the Cumberland had won Chattanooga and there they proposed remaining.

Immediately after the battle of Chickamauga, the authorities at Washington sent hurried orders to Burnside, Hurlbut, and Sherman to move forward without delay to Rosecrans’s assistance, and on September 24th the latter was informed that “Hooker, with some fifteen thousand men,” was en route from the East as fast as rails could take him, and that he would be in Nashville in about seven days. While reinforcements were the thing needed before the battle, now the pressing demand of the hour was the opening of the line of communication to the rear, over which adequate supplies could be forwarded to the troops at the front. To add to the number of men there simply increased the difficulties of the situation.

On the arrival of Hooker with the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps at Nashville, Rosecrans directed him to take position on the line of the Chattanooga Railroad, securing that road from the attacks of the rebel cavalry while supplies were being accumulated at Stevenson awaiting the opening of communication with the army at Chattanooga. Without driving back the entire of Bragg’s army in Lookout and Chattanooga Valleys, it was impossible to use the railroad from Bridgeport east in bringing up supplies. The wagon-trains could no longer be depended on, and, under the spur of necessity, Rosecrans was preparing a plan to utilize the river with boats. A new one had been built at Bridgeport and another captured at Chattanooga had been repaired. By thus using the river he could secure his supplies over a wagon-road of only eight miles from Kelley’s Ferry, via Brown’s Ferry. The course of the Tennessee River at Chattanooga is due west; after passing the town it flows south to the foot of Lookout Mountain, from which point it then sweeps, after a short curve to the northwest, due north, forming here what is known as “Moccasin Point.” Crossing the river at the town, a road leads southwest across this point on to the other side, where the river, as it sweeps north, is reached at Brown’s Ferry. Shortly after passing Brown’s Ferry, the river again makes a sharp bend to the south, forming another point of land running northwardly. Across this point on the east bank, as the river passes south, is Kelley’s Ferry. At the extreme angle of this bend the river rushes through the mountains, which here crowd down closely, forming a narrow channel through which the waters rush headlong. This chasm is known as the “Suck.” The velocity of the water is so great that steamers in high water cannot stem the current at this point, which necessitated the landing of supplies at Kelley’s Ferry, and then hauling them over land across the bridge at Brown’s Ferry to Chattanooga.

Immediately after the battle, under orders from the War Department, the Twentieth and Twenty-first Army Corps were consolidated and designated the Fourth Army Corps and Gordon Granger was placed in command. McCook and Crittenden were relieved from the command of these corps and ordered North to await a “Court of Inquiry,” “upon their conduct on September 19th and 20th.”

By War Department order of October 16th, the Departments of the Ohio, the Cumberland, and the Tennessee were constituted “The Military Division of the Mississippi,” under the command of Grant. By the same order Rosecrans was relieved of the command of the Department and Army of the Cumberland, and Thomas was assigned to that command. Halleck, in his report of operations for the year 1863, says this change was made on the recommendation of General Grant. These orders were promulgated on the 19th.

On Rosecrans’s return from a visit to Brown’s Ferry and Williams’s Island on the 19th, where he had been with William F. Smith, his chief engineer, making his plans for bringing supplies to that point, he found the order awaiting him relieving him of his command. Quietly making his preparations for his departure that night over the mountains to Stevenson, he wrote out his farewell order, to be printed and issued the next day, and, without even bidding his staff good-bye, placed Thomas in command and started for his home in Cincinnati. Rosecrans, in the summer of 1862, was under Grant at Iuka and Corinth. Here some hasty criticism made by him brought him into collision with Grant, which now bore fruit.

When it was known that Rosecrans had been relieved, and that he had left the army for the north, there was universal regret that the troops that had loved and trusted him should no longer follow his skillful leadership. Every soldier in his army felt that he had a personal friend in “Old Rosy.” His troops never for a moment faltered in their devotion to him or confidence in him. They felt that he had been made the victim of a foolish interpretation of an order that brought ruin and disaster upon his army, for which he was not responsible, but for which he was made to suffer.

General Rosecrans, to his subordinates, was one of the most genial of men. Kind and good-natured, he at times failed to act as decisively as occasion required, deterred by the fact that, should he do so, some of his subordinates would suffer. His restless activity led him to give attention to details that he should have been entirely relieved of by his subordinates. But no amount of work daunted him. He lived almost without rest and sleep, and would wear out two sets of staff officers nightly, and then, if occasion required it, be up and out before daylight. To his superiors he unfortunately allowed his high spirit to get the better of his judgment, and many times when he was in the right he ruined his position by his hasty temper. His fame, despite his enemies–and no general in the field had stronger nor more unscrupulous ones–as the greatest strategist of the war, is permanently fixed in history. What it might have been had he not been hampered, annoyed, and insulted as no other commanding general was at any time by both the Secretary of War and the General-in-Chief, is merely problematical. Personally, he regarded all this as mere “incidents of the service,” and strove to the best of his ability to do his whole duty to his country. His combination with Thomas–Rosecrans to plan brilliant campaigns, with Thomas’s great abilities to aid him in carrying them out–made the Army of the Cumberland the great aggressive force moving on the centre, gaining territory after each campaign. But it was as well for Rosecrans and the service that he was relieved when he was, with the combination of the armies under Grant. He had faithfully performed his duty up to this time, but now the surroundings were so changed that both for his sake and the good of the service the change was a fitting one to be made. Rosecrans could never again serve as a subordinate, and as the change was determined on, when Grant arrived it was as well for Rosecrans to retire.

When Anderson in 1861 applied for George H. Thomas to be one of the brigadier-generals to accompany him to Kentucky, to help him in the task he was set to accomplish there, Mr. Lincoln told him he was afraid to give the order for Thomas, as he was a Southerner, and from Virginia. Anderson and Sherman, who were present, both responded in the strongest terms, vouching for Thomas’s earnest patriotism and deep devotion to the Union, and the order was given. And now it bore full fruit. The quiet, patient soldier, who from his first day’s service in Kentucky had never swerved a line from the strict performance of his duty to his Government, according to his oath, without reference to self, had now met his reward. His fame had steadily grown and rounded from the time he gained the first Federal victory in the West, at Mill Springs, up to the battle of Chickamauga, where he saved the Army of the Cumberland to the nation. He had always been the main stay of that army, holding the command of the centre–either nominally or actually the second in command. Upon his judgment and military skill every commander of that army depended, and no movement was made without his approbation. Yet so modest was he that his face would color with blushes when his troops cheered him, which they did at every opportunity; and so diffident, that, prior to the battle of Chickamauga, he doubted his ability to handle large bodies of troops upon the battlefield, and for this reason refused to accept the command of that army, just prior to Perryville, when tendered him. His kind consideration for the feelings of others was one of his marked characteristics. With a pure mind and large heart, his noble soul made him one of the greatest of Nature’s noblemen–a true gentleman. The experience of Chickamauga ripened his powers and developed him to his full height. As the General who won the first victory in the West, who saved an army by his skill and valor, and who was the only General of the war on either side able to crush an army on the battlefield, George H. Thomas, “the true soldier, the prudent and undaunted commander, the modest and incorruptible patriot,” stands as the model American soldier, the grandest figure of the War of the Rebellion.

One of Grant’s first acts on taking command was to telegraph Thomas to hold Chattanooga at all hazards. The commander who had seen his troops on less than half rations for nearly a month, with steadily approaching signs of starvation, hardly needed an intimation that what had been gained by the sacrifice on Chickamauga’s field was not to be yielded up without a struggle. Thomas replied “We will hold the town till we starve.” On the 24th, Grant, in company with Thomas and W. F. Smith, made a personal inspection across the river of the situation, with reference to carrying out the plan of Rosecrans for the opening of the road by Brown’s Ferry, and approving of it, Thomas was directed to proceed to execute it. This plan required the greatest secrecy of movement, otherwise Longstreet’s entire command would resist the landing, and contemplated the co-operation of Hooker’s moving up from Bridgeport, holding the road to Kelley’s Ferry. The latter was to meet a force sent from the town down the river in pontoons under cover of night, which was to seize the landing on the left bank of the river, driving back the rebel pickets and fortifying their position, and then swinging the bridge across the river. Thomas says in his official report of the battle of Wauhatchie, that “preliminary steps had already been taken to execute this vitally important movement before the command of the Department devolved on me.” Thomas on the 23d ordered Hooker to concentrate the Eleventh Corps, and Geary’s division of the Twelfth Corps at Bridgeport and sent him instructions as to his movements, and directed him to advance as soon as possible, co-operating with the force from Chattanooga. Hooker was also ordered to move into Lookout Valley, and to protect the bridge when laid from any attack by Longstreet in that direction. Thomas also sent two brigades under Palmer to co-operate with Hooker. Palmer moved across the river to Brown’s Ferry, and then took the road through Whitesides to Rankin’s Ferry, establishing himself securely at these points, protecting the river communication from attack from the south. Thomas placed W. F. Smith in charge of the expedition, and detached Turchin’s and Hazen’s brigades, with three batteries under Major John Mendenhall. Smith was directed to organize a picked force, armed from these brigades, to be divided into fifty squads of twenty-four men each, under the command of an officer, who were to float down the river in pontoons that night–a distance by the bends of the river of some nine miles. The boats were placed under the charge of Colonel T. R. Stanley of the Eighteenth Ohio, the bridge to be placed in position under direction of Captain P. V. Fox, First Michigan Engineers. The troops under Hazen were to take the gorge and hills to the left, and Turchin was to extend from the gorge down the river. Turchin in command of the remainder of the troops marched across Moccasin Point to the ferry, where they were to cross in the same boats, supporting the troops already landed, when the position was to be strongly fortified and held by them until the arrival of Hooker.

At midnight the troops who were to take part in the expedition were marched to the river and placed in the boats manned by crews with oars, and on two flat boats. The force that marched under Turchin moved out under cover of dense woods over the point to the ferry, where they remained in readiness to cover the landing of the troops coming down the river. The artillery accompanied this part of the command and remained under cover.

At 3 o’clock A.M. of the 27th, the boats moved out into the stream under cover of a slight fog. On arriving at a point some two miles below the town, these troops reached the rebel picket line posted on the left bank of the river. The boats passed on unobserved by keeping close to the right hand shore until just at the landing, when the troops in the first boat were greeted with a volley from the rebel pickets, a station being at this landing. In perfect order, as previously planned, the troops hastily disembarked, moved forward, occupying the crest of the hill immediately in front and commenced the work of intrenching. Before this was completed the enemy, heavily re-enforced, just beyond the crest, moved forward to drive Hazen back. Here a stubborn little fight was had, the rebels making a gallant charge with partial success on the right of Hazen, when they were met with the remainder of the brigade under Colonel Langdon, who charged at once on their lines and after a short engagement drove them from the hill into the valley beyond. Turchin’s brigade having crossed the river was placed in position on Hazen’s right, when the enemy moved from the front up the valley. The rebel force here was a thousand infantry, three pieces of artillery, and a squadron of cavalry.

As soon as the last of the troops were over, work on the bridge was commenced and finished at a little after four o’clock in the afternoon. For an hour or so in the morning the work progressed under an artillery fire from the rebel batteries on Lookout Mountain. Our losses were six killed, twenty-three wounded, and nine missing. The rebels lost six men captured and six of their dead were buried by our men. Our forces captured twenty beeves, six pontoons and some two thousand bushels of corn. The bridge was completed and the position held until the 28th, when Hooker’s command arrived. No attempt was made by Bragg to dislodge this force or to destroy the bridge. Hooker moved on the road by the base of Raccoon Mountain into Lookout Valley, driving the rebel pickets before him, and occupied the roads to Kelley’s and Brown’s Ferries through the valley. Later in the afternoon of the 28th, as Hooker’s troops pushed down the valley, Howard’s corps in the advance was met with a sharp volley of musketry from a wooded ridge near the Wills Valley Railroad. Two brigades of Howard’s command were deployed, and advancing, drove the rebels from their cover with the loss of a few of our men. As the enemy retreated they burned the railroad bridge over Lookout Creek. Hooker then went into camp with Howard’s corps at six o’clock in the afternoon about a mile up the valley from Brown’s Ferry. Here he learned of the movement to this place and of the building of the bridge.

With the object of holding the road to Kelley’s Ferry, Geary’s division was ordered to encamp near Wauhatchie, some three miles up the valley from Howard’s position. This created two camps–the latter holding the Brown Ferry road–each camp separate and picketed by its own command, as the numbers of the troops would not admit of communication being kept up between them or of their forming one line.

About midnight a regiment that had been ordered by Howard to hold the Chattanooga road across Lookout Creek, had a slight skirmish with the advance of the enemy. This was a portion of Longstreet’s corps getting into position for a night attack on the two encampments. Dividing his command into two detachments, Longstreet, about an hour later, with his strong one on his left, assaulted Geary’s camp with a fierce attack, driving in his pickets and then charging on the main command. Geary immediately formed his men in line, and for three hours with heavy fighting maintained his position, although enveloped on three sides by the enemy, repelling every attack, and finally charged on the rebels and drove them from beyond his front. The enemy here attacked in greatly superior numbers, and were only defeated by the skill and coolness of Geary, aided by the bravery of his troops. As the sound of the heavy fire which the enemy opened on Gary rolled down the valley, Hooker ordered Howard to double-quick his nearest division, Schurz’s, to Geary’s assistance. The division was started at once, but before it had proceeded far it encountered the other detachments of Longstreet’s command, which opened on our troops with a volley of musketry. Hooker now determined that he had two fights on his hands. At once detaching Tyndale’s brigade, Howard charged the rebel lines on the hill to the left with it, pushing on the other brigade to Geary. By this time Steinwehr’s division of Howard’s corps had arrived on the ground, and it was then discovered that the rebels were trying to surround Howard’s camp and that they occupied a hill to the rear of Tyndale’s brigade. Hooker ordered Colonel Orland Smith with his brigade to charge this hill, which he did up the steep side, almost inaccessible by daylight, reached the rebel intrenchments under a heavy fire and drove the troops with the bayonet, after a severe engagement, in rout from the hill and capturing a number of prisoners. Here General Greene and Colonel Underwood were severely wounded. Tyndale also pressing forward occupied the rebel line in his front and drove their forces beyond his lines. The attack on Howard was intended to hold that command from reinforcing Geary until he was routed, and then in turn Howard was to be driven from the field.

During the engagement the enemy opened with artillery fire in the valley, aided by that from the batteries on Lookout Mountain, sending the shells crashing among our troops. Their forces in the valley were repulsed in every charge and our troops occupied the field at all points. Our losses in the attack were 76 killed, 339 wounded, and 22 missing, making a total of 437. The rebel loss is unknown. Geary buried 153 of the enemy on his front alone. One hundred prisoners were captured, with a large number of small arms. Thomas congratulated Hooker’s troops for the gallant repulse given to their old enemy, Longstreet, and adds: “The bayonet charge of Howard’s troops, made up the side of a steep and difficult hill over two hundred feet high, completely routing the enemy from his barricades on its top, and the repulse by Geary of greatly superior number who attempted to surprise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of arms of this war.” Reinforcements were sent Hooker by Thomas from Chattanooga of two brigades under Whittaker and John G. Mitchell, but the fighting was over before they reached the valley.

Work was now pushed rapidly forward on the road from Brown’s to Kelley’s Ferry, and this being successfully accomplished by the 1st of November, the forces of Nature were overcome and the siege of Chattanooga was at an end as to them. It now remained to raise it on the front, driving Bragg from his strongholds, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga Valley, and Missionary Ridge.

Chapter XIV

Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge Battles.

These three detached actions, fought by different portions of our troops, were parts of a series of operations for securing our front and driving the enemy from his position, and are known properly as the Battle of Chattanooga. Grant, late in October, ordered Sherman with the Fifteenth Army Corps to press forward to the Tennessee River, cross at Bridgeport and push rapidly on to Chattanooga. Early in November, learning that Bragg had weakened his forces on our front by sending Longstreet’s command into East Tennessee to attack Burnside, Grant was very desirous of making an attack at once on the rebel forces on Lookout and Missionary Ridge, but examining the strong position occupied by Bragg at these points and the length of his lines, Grant became convinced that to successfully operate against the enemy it was necessary to wait until Sherman with his command came up. While this force moved eastward, Grant was maturing his plans for the engagement. He directed Sherman to report in person, which he did on the 15th, and on consultation with him and Thomas the general plan of battle was submitted to them. The main attack was to be made on the 21st at daylight, by Sherman’s troops, on the north end of Missionary Ridge. To accomplish this his command was to be re-enforced with one division of the Army of the Cumberland under Jeff C. Davis. Sherman’s troops–four divisions–were to move from Brown’s Ferry through the woods to the north of the town up to the Tennessee River, opposite the mouth of Chickamauga Creek, where they were to cross on a pontoon bridge to be swung there under the supervision of W. F. Smith, and the crossing of the troops to be protected by batteries under Brannon, Thomas’s Chief of Artillery. After crossing the river, Sherman was to move rapidly forward, carrying the heights on the north end of Missionary Ridge as far as the tunnel, if possible, before the enemy could concentrate on his front, Thomas was to concentrate all his troops in Chattanooga Valley on his left flank, leaving on the necessary force to defend the fortifications on his right and centre and to hold a movable column of one division to move wherever needed. This division was to make a show of threatening Bragg’s forces up the valley. Thomas was then to effect a junction with Sherman, co-operate with him, advancing his left and moving forward as nearly simultaneously as possible, and support him. Hooker on the right in Lookout Valley, was to hold that position with Geary’s division and two brigades under Cruft from the Fourth Army Corps, ordered to report to him. Howard, on Friday, the 20th, was ordered with his corps to take position on the north side of the Tennessee, opposite Chattanooga, near the pontoon bridge, and hold himself in readiness to move to Thomas’s front or to co-operate with Sherman as needed. Colonel Eli Long with his brigade of cavalry was directed to report by noon on Saturday, the 21st, at Chattanooga, to cover Sherman’s left flank, and if not further required by Sherman he was then to cross the Chickamauga, make a raid on the enemy’s line of communication in the rear, doing as much damage as he could.

Sherman made his movement with his troops from Bridgeport though Whitesides. Sending his leading division under Ewing up Lookout Valley, to make a feint on the left flank of the rebel army in the direction of Trenton, he crossed his others at Brown’s Ferry and marched up the north bank of the river to the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek. Here they kept concealed in the woods from the enemy until they were ready to effect their crossing. Owing to heavy rains and the state of the roads, Sherman was able to have but one division, under John E. Smith, in position by the 21st and Grant delayed his plans of battle to give him additional time. Sherman on the 21st moved his second division under Morgan L. Smith over the bridge at Brown’s Ferry, and on the 23d, after many repairs to the bridge, rendered necessary by the swollen stream and the raft of logs sent down the river by the rebels, Ewing’s division also got safely across. Sherman’s fourth division under Osterhaus was not able on the 23d to cross, and this division was then ordered, in the event of not being able to cross by eight A.M. the 24th, to report to Hooker on the south bank of the Tennessee. Davis had reported with his division to Sherman, and on the 23d, the boats of the pontoon bridge were used to effect a landing at the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek by Giles A. Smith’s brigade, who captured the rebel pickets at this place, landed his entire brigade, and then sent the boats back for additional troops. By daylight of the 24th, Sherman with two divisions of some 8,000 men was intrenched on the east bank of the Tennessee. A pontoon bridge, 1,350 feet long, was then built over this river, and another over Chickamauga Creek under the direction of W. F. Smith.

Thomas, learning that Sherman’s movements across Lookout Valley had been discovered by Bragg, on Sunday, the 22d, directed Howard to cross into Chattanooga to give Bragg the idea that these were Sherman’s troops coming to reinforce Chattanooga. Howard made the crossing on Sunday and took position in rear of our front line in full view of the enemy. On the 20th, Bragg notified Grant that it would be well for him to withdraw all non-combatants from Chattanooga. This the latter regarded as a cover for Bragg’s withdrawal of his own command, which he was confirmed in by deserters and spies reporting a large number of Bragg’s troops as marching to the north. These were two divisions of Buckner’s corps sent to strengthen Longstreet in East Tennessee; that last sent, however, was recalled. To determine the truth of these reports, early on the morning of the 23d, Grant directed Thomas to develop the enemy’s lines, driving in his pickets, and determine if he still held his force on our front. Thomas ordered Granger in command of the Fourth Corps to form with Sheridan’s and Wood’s divisions–Sheridan on the right, Wood on the left–with his left extended nearly to Citico Creek, and advance directly in front of Fort Wood, and make this movement. Palmer, commanding the Fourteenth Corps with Baird’s division refused, was to support Granger’s right and was to hold Johnson’s division under arms in the intrenchments in readiness to move as occasion might require. The troops were all in position at 2 P.M. They moved out on the plain as if on parade, and in plain sight of Bragg and his army on Lookout and Missionary Ridge, formed their lines as if in review and moved forward to attack the enemy. Rapidly advancing “in the most gallant style” our troops steadily pushed in the rebel line. They first struck the pickets, drove these on the reserve and then sweeping everything before them they hurled the rebels out of their first line of rifle-pits and sent them on the full run in retreat to the rear, except over two hundred of them captured. Here Granger’s troops made themselves secure by throwing up temporary breastworks, while he sent a strong picket line to the front to protect his new line. In this charge Granger’s line secured “Orchard Knob” which was then occupied by Bridges’ battery. Howard’s corps was placed in position on the left of the line to Granger’s left and also ordered to throw up breastworks.

Sherman after crossing the river on the 23d, about 1 P.M., placed his command in three columns, following in his advance the general direction of Chickamauga Creek, with his left under Morgan L. Smith resting on the creek. His centre was under John E. Smith and his right under Ewing, all under the command of Frank P. Blair, Corps Commander. In support of these, Davis’s division also moved to the attack. Grant and Sherman had supposed that Missionary Ridge was one prolonged even range. When Sherman left the river he passed over the foothills and then pressed up what he supposed was the main portion of the ridge. When he reached the top of this, after a lively skirmish with the rebel pickets, he found a deep depression intervening between this hill and the next, which was the one the tunnel ran through, where the rebels were heavily intrenched, and which he had been ordered to take. On the top of this first hill, finding he could not take the hill beyond where the tunnel ran through, he threw up intrenchments and prepared to hold the ground he had thus far gained. Here about 4 P.M. he had a heavy engagement. The enemy’s advance with sharp artillery and musketry fire was gallantly met and repulsed. Sherman then made preparations for the night, posting his command to hold all positions. Howard had reported with three regiments to him, as he crossed the bridge which connected him with the main Army of the Cumberland. Howard leaving these troops with Sherman, then returned to his corps. When his command was placed on the front to Granger’s left in the afternoon, he connected with Sherman’s right. Here Sherman rested all night, and about midnight received orders from Grant to “attack the enemy at dawn of day,” “that General Thomas would attack in force early in the day.”

While the main attack was progressing under Sherman on the left, Hooker on the right had been pressing the enemy. On the 23d, Osterhaus, finding that he could not cross the Tennessee in time to engage in the movement with Sherman, reported with his division to Hooker, who was then ordered to take these troops, with Geary’s division and Whittaker’s and Grose’s brigades of the First Division of the Fourth Corps under Cruft, and make a strong demonstration on the northern slope of Lookout Mountain, drawing Bragg’s attention to this point and away from Sherman while crossing the river and getting into position. Thomas instructed Hooker if he found he was able to carry the enemy’s position here, to do so.

At 4 A.M. of the 24th, Hooker reported his troops in readiness to begin the movement. As he advanced he found Lookout Creek so swollen with recent rains that he could not cross without building a temporary bridge at the main road. He then sent Geary with two divisions and Whitaker’s brigade of Cruft’s command up the creek to effect a crossing at Wauhatchie. Geary was then to sweep down the right bank, driving the rebels before him. The enemy, watching the construction of the bridge under Hooker, failed to observe the movement of the troops under Geary, by reason of a heavy mist which overhung the mountain, until he was on their flank and threatening their rear. The enemy’s force here and on the top of the mountain was under Stevenson, with a command of six brigades posted mainly on the Northern slope midway between the Palisades and the Tennessee River, on a belt of cultivated land. A continuous line of earthworks had been constructed, with redoubts, redans, and pits, lower down the slope, with reference to an assault from the direction of the river. On each flank were rifle-pits, epaulements for batteries, walls of stone and abatis, as against attack from either Chattanooga or Lookout Valley. In these valleys were still more extensive earthworks.

As Geary moved down on the right bank of the creek, he soon encountered the enemy’s pickets. These gave the alarm at once, when their troops formed in the breastworks and rifle-pits. All these positions were soon covered by artillery planted by Hooker’s orders. He then sent Wood’s brigade of Osterhaus’s division about eight hundred yards up the creek to build another bridge, and directed Cruft to leave a small command at the first bridge, to attract the attention of the enemy, and ordered the rest of Grose’s brigade to cross with Wood’s. This bridge was completed at 11 o’clock, when the troops under Wood and Grose crossed, and joined Geary on the right bank, who had driven the enemy up to this point. Under cover of the heavy artillery fire, the entire line advanced, pressing the enemy steadily back. At noon Geary’s advance drove the rebels around the peak of the mountain. Here Geary was ordered to halt and reform his command, but having the rebels on the run he pressed forward and drove them in a fleeing, panic-stricken crowd. Cobham’s and Ireland’s brigades on the high ground on the right, near the Palisades, pressed on, rolling their line up on the flank, closely supported by Whittaker’s and Creighton’s brigades. The enemy had been re-enforced, but he was not able to resist the sweep of Hooker’s troops as they rounded the crest of the mountain at Craven’s house, where the enemy made his last stand, and from here, with his line all broken and in rout, he was driven over the rocks and precipices into Chattanooga Valley. At this time the mist that had been hanging round the mountain all the day settled still lower down. It was now about 2 o’clock, and Hooker in the mist, unable to see beyond his immediate front, placed his troops in position, threw up temporary breastworks, with his line on the east side of the mountain, the right resting at the Palisades and the left near the mouth of Chattanooga Creek. He then reported to Thomas, who ordered Carlin with his brigade to report to him, when he was placed on the extreme right, relieving Geary’s troops. During the night the rebels opened a heavy fire on our right as if intending to break our lines. This was handsomely repulsed, Carlin’s brigade taking an active part. Early in the morning, before daylight, several parties were sent up the mountain, in anticipation of the retreat of the enemy during the night, to scale the heights. One from the Eighth Kentucky was the first that reached the summit, and here at sunrise the Stars and Stripes were unfurled at the extreme point amid the cheers of the entire army. During the night Stevenson abandoned the top of the mountain, while the Summertown road remained open, leaving his camp and garrison equipage. This gave to our army full possession and control of the river and railroad up to Chattanooga.

The mist still clung to the mountain in heavy folds early on the 25th, when Hooker was ordered to press forward on the road to Rossville, carry the pass, and operate on Bragg’s left and rear. Advancing down the valley, he found the rebel pickets still holding the right bank of Chattanooga Creek. Arriving at the creek at about ten o’clock he found the bridges on the Rossville road destroyed. Here Hooker was delayed for some three hours, when Osterhaus in the advance crossed the infantry on the stringers and pressed forward, driving the enemy’s pickets over to Rossville. Hooker found the rebels at this place loading up their stores. Leaving a force on their front, he sent Wood’s brigade to take the ridge on the right, and Williamson’s on the left. After a severe skirmish the enemy hastily retreated, abandoning large quantities of stores, wagons, and ambulances. The gap now being under our control, Hooker ordered the advance of our entire line, Osterhaus with his division on the east of the ridge, Cruft on the ridge, and Geary in the valley west of the ridge. This line advancing soon encountered the rebels under Stewart, occupying the line of breastworks thrown up by our troops after Chickamauga. Cruft charged on them, drove them in all directions out of these works in full retreat. Part of them ran into Osterhaus’s men and were captured. Others were captured by Geary in the valley. The mass of them fell back to their second line, from which they were likewise speedily driven, when the fight became a running one, continuing until sunset. Part of the enemy in their endeavors to escape ran into Johnson’s division of the Fourteenth Corps, thrown forward to join the pursuit, and were captured. Hooker’s command then went into camp.

Early on the morning of the 25th Sherman made his disposition for his main attack. Holding his centre with three brigades, he was then to move along the east and west base of Missionary Ridge with his right and left flanks. Corse advancing from the right centre moved forward, supported by Lightburn on the left and Morgan L. Smith on his right, and occupied a crest in the woods about eighty yards from the intrenched line of the enemy. From this point Corse assaulted the main rebel line, and for over an hour maintained a heavy contest, driving the enemy and at times being driven back, but still holding his crest as first secured. Here Corse, Loomis, and Morgan L. Smith fought the rebels under Hardee with Cleburne’s, Gist’s, Cheatham’s, and Stevenson’s divisions in a stubborn struggle all day up to three o’clock, holding their own, but making little headway. About two o’clock John E. Smith’s two brigades, while moving to the support of Ewing, were driven in some disorder by a charge of the enemy, heavily massed. They were quickly reformed and, aided by Corse’s troops taking the rebels in the flank with a hot musketry fire, the enemy was soon driven back into his line of works.

Here Sherman was fighting the heavy column of the enemy on our left, and the main part of the battle had been his share. Grant was waiting for Hooker to reach the rebel left at Rossville, in the hope that this would afford some relief to the stubborn fighting Sherman had encountered. Finding that Hooker had been delayed by the destruction of the bridge longer than was anticipated, and that the diversion was not to come from that quarter, Grant ordered Thomas to move out the four divisions constituting the centre–Baird on the left, then Wood with Sheridan on his right, and Johnson on the extreme right of the line–with a double line of skirmishers to the front, supported by the entire force, press forward to carry the first line of rifle-pits and there halt and await orders, the movement to commence at three o’clock, at a signal of six guns fired in rapid succession from Orchard Knob.

There was some little delay attending the preliminaries of the movement, and it was not until after half-past three that the commands having moved out and taken the alignment were in position for the advance, when the guns sounded one, two, three, four, five, six. With this the troops, impatient all the day with being kept in the breastworks while Sherman’s men were hard at work, eagerly pressed onward, divisions, brigades, and regiments striving each with the other for the advance. With the first movement Bragg at once hurried reinforcements from his right and left to strengthen his troops in his works to resist the advance on his centre. Here his line was under the command of Breckinridge, who had his own division under Lewis, Stewart’s division, and part of those of Buckner and Hindman under Patton Anderson. The enemy had originally four lines of breastworks. The first one on our front was captured by Thomas on the 23d, when Orchard Knob was taken. This left three lines of rifle-pits remaining. The second one was about half a mile to the rear of the first, near the foot of the ridge. From here to the top was a steep ascent of some five hundred yards, covered with large rocks and fallen timber. About half way up the ridge a small line of works had been thrown up. On the crest of the hill Bragg’s men had constructed their heaviest breastworks, protected on our front by some fifty pieces of artillery in position. As our troops advanced, each command cheering and answering back the cheer of the others, the men broke into a double-quick, all striving to be the first to reach the rifle-pits at the foot of the ridge, held by a strong line of the enemy’s troops. The rebels opened fire with shot and shell from their batteries, as our troops advanced, changing it soon to grape and canister, which with the fire from the infantry made it terrifically hot. Dashing through this over the open plain, the soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland swept on, driving the enemy’s skirmishers, charging down on the line of works at the foot of the ridge, capturing it at the point of the bayonet, and routing the rebels, sending them at full speed up the ridge, killing and capturing them in large numbers. These rifle-pits were reached nearly simultaneously by the several commands, when the troops, in compliance with their instructions, laid down at the foot of the ridge awaiting further orders. Here they were under a hot, plunging, galling fire from the enemy in their works on the crest of the ridge. Without further waiting, and under no orders from their officers, first one regiment, then another started with its colors up the ascent, until with loud hurrahs the entire line, cheered by their officers, advanced over and around rocks, under and through the fallen timber, charged up the ridge, each determined to reach the summit first. The centre part of Sheridan’s division reached the top first, as they were the nearest to the crest, and crossed it to the right of Bragg’s headquarters. The rest of the line was soon up, and almost simultaneously the ridge was carried in six places. Here the enemy making a fight for a short time was routed from the last of his lines, and his centre, panic-stricken, broke in full retreat. Regiments were captured almost entire, battery after battery along the ridge was taken. In some cases the rebels were bayoneted at their guns, and the cannon that but a moment before was firing on our troops, were by them captured, turned, and used against the rebels as they were driven in masses to the rear. The charge occupied about one hour from the time of the firing of the guns on Orchard Knob until the troops occupied the rebel lines on the ridge. Sheridan’s division reached the ridge a few minutes too late to capture Bragg, Breckinridge, and a number of the rebel generals, who left Bragg’s headquarters on the charge of our men up the ridge.

Sheridan advanced with his division, skirmishing with the enemy’s rear-guard, but driving them steadily for about a mile on the Chickamauga station road. Here this road runs over a high ridge on which the enemy had posted eight pieces of artillery supported by a strong force to cover their retreat. At this point Sheridan, with Harker’s and Wagner’s brigades, had an engagement with these troops, but after a movement flanking the rebel’s right and left, they hurriedly retreated, leaving two pieces of artillery and a large number of wagons. After this ridge was captured, Sheridan’s troops went into bivouac. During the night the full moon flooded the surrounding country with its bright light. At midnight, on Granger’s suggestion, Sheridan in the advance was again ordered with his division to press the enemy. He at once advanced his command to Chickamauga Creek, capturing a large number of prisoners and quantities of material and stores.

Wood, on reaching the top of the ridge, with Baird on his left, met with heavy opposition. The enemy was supported by a division from Hardee on the right, advancing just as Baird was getting into position. Here these two divisions were engaged in a sharp contest until after dark. Turchin, with his brigade, which was the left wing of Baird, had taken possession of a small work constructed by the enemy on the ridge when he was attacked by the rebels in a most furious charge, but gallantly repulsed them, when they drew off in the direction of Tunnel Hill. Missionary Ridge was now entirely within our control, with the exception of the point, where Sherman’s advance had been so stoutly resisted. During the night, Bragg drew off Hardee’s troops from the front of Sherman, where the latter at once placed his command in position for the pursuit the next day.

During the night of the 25th, Thomas was directed to send Granger with his corps, and additional troops to make his command up to 20,000, to march to Burnside’s relief at Knoxville, and the other portion of Thomas’s command with Sherman’s troops to pursue the enemy on the 26th. The latter, on the morning of that day advanced by the road through Chickamauga Station, while Thomas ordered the command under Hooker and Palmer to push on by way of the Greysville and Ringgold road. At the former place the rearguard of the rebels was surprised after night, and three cannon and a large number of prisoners captured. On the next day another piece of artillery was captured at Greysville, and later in the day Hooker’s advance again struck the enemy, strongly posted in a pass in Taylor’s Ridge. Here, after a heavy fight of over an hour, they were driven from the pass with considerable loss on both sides. The pursuit was discontinued on the 28th. Hooker remained for a few days at Ringgold, while Palmer returned to his camp at Chattanooga.

Sherman’s troops, with Davis’s division in the advance, pressed through Chickamauga Station, and at about dark struck the rear of the enemy’s column, and had a sharp fight. After leaving Greysville, Sherman turned his command to the left, to strike the railroad between Dalton and Cleveland. Howard was sent to destroy this road, which he did in a most thorough manner. On the following day the Fifteenth Corps destroyed the Atlanta Railroad from below Greysville back to the State line. On the 18th, Sherman was ordered to make a reconnoissance to the Hiawassee with his own corps, together with Davis’s and Howard’s troops of Thomas’s command. On reaching Charleston, Sherman received orders to take command of Granger’s column, moving to Burnside’s relief, and to press forward with all the troops under him in all haste to Knoxville, eighty-four miles distant. Advancing rapidly with his command, Sherman reached Knoxville on the 6th. Longstreet, however, retreated on the 4th of December to Virginia. Leaving Granger’s corps to aid in the pursuit of Longstreet, Sherman by easy marches returned to Chattanooga on the 16th of the month, where he ordered Howard and Davis to report with their commands, while he marched west with his own corps to Northern Alabama and placed them in winter quarters.

Sherman with his two days’ fighting reports the losses of his command, including Howard’s command, but not that of Davis, whose loss he says was small, at 295 killed, 1,402 wounded, and 292 missing–making a total of 1,989. This, however, includes the losses in his first division–Osterhaus’s, which fought under Hooker on the right–of 87 killed, 344 wounded, and 66 missing, making 497 to be deducted, which leaves Sherman’s loss proper, 208 killed, 1,058 wounded, and 226 missing–a total of 1,492. Thomas’s loss in the part taken by his troops, also including Howard’s command and not including Davis’s division, was 529 killed, 2,281 wounded, and 141 missing–an aggregate of 3,951. The large bulk of the losses under Thomas were in Sheridan’s and Wood’s divisions. That of the former was 135 killed, 1,151 wounded, missing, none–aggregate 1,256; that of the latter, 150 killed, 851 wounded, missing, none–aggregate 1,001. These two divisions in their one hour’s work storming Missionary Ridge met with a loss of 2,287 men, showing hot work. There was captured by the Army of the Cumberland 40 pieces of artillery, 58 artillery carriages and caissons, 6,175 stand of small arms, principally English Enfield, and 5,471 prisoners.

During the winter there were nothing but minor movements of the troops. The railroads up to Chattanooga were repaired, and the first “cracker train” that entered the place was greeted with many hearty cheers by our troops in the town, as the shrill scream of its whistle woke the echoes among the surrounding mountains, so long silent to this music. The roads into and through East Tennessee were repaired to Knoxville and beyond.

In the early spring the organization of the Army of the Cumberland was changed by Granger being relieved of the command of the Fourth Corps, when Howard was assigned to that command. Palmer was retained in command of the Fourteenth Corps, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were consolidated into the Twentieth Corps, with Hooker in command. The cavalry was organized in four divisions, under the command of W. L. Elliott. The army in the field consisted of 60,773 effective men.

General Thomas ordered the Fourth Corps to Cleveland. The Fourteenth Corps in front of Chattanooga was well thrown forward toward the enemy’s front at Dalton, preparatory to the spring campaign in Atlanta, under General Sherman. The Twentieth Corps was stationed in Lookout Valley.

In the general engagement Grant’s plan of battle had been for Sherman with five divisions to make the main attack, sweep everything before him down the ridge, and when he had the rebels in full retreat, the Army of the Cumberland was then to aid in the pursuit, after patiently waiting until the fighting was over. Hooker, under Grant’s original plan, was to simply hold Lookout Valley secure, and when the enemy was driven by Sherman, he too was to join in the pursuit. All the fighting of the battle was to be done by Sherman and all the glory thereof was to be his. In Sherman’s memoirs we are favored with Grant’s views of the Army of the Cumberland when Sherman first reported in person to Grant at Chattanooga, to learn of his plan and the part he, Sherman, was to take. Sherman says that Grant told him “that the men of Thomas’s army had been so demoralized by the battle of Chickamauga that he feared they could not be got out of their trenches to assume the offensive,” and that “the Army of the Cumberland had so long been in the trenches that he wanted my troops to hurry up to take the offensive FIRST, after which he had no doubt the Cumberland Army would fight well.” So, under Grant’s plan, the Army of the Cumberland was to stand by and be taught a grand object lesson how to fight, as given by Sherman. During the course of the engagement the plan was modified twice. Under the original plan, Sherman was to make a demonstration up Lookout Valley, in the expectation that Bragg would strengthen his left at the expense of his right, thereby making Sherman’s part of the plan so much the lighter as the line on his battle front was weakened. To carry this out Hugh Ewing’s division was sent to Trenton, but this accomplished nothing. Grant fearing that Bragg’s right might be too strong for Sherman to give his lesson to the Army of the Cumberland properly, finding Osterhaus’s division cut off from Sherman, ordered it to report to Hooker, who was directed to take it and Geary’s division with Cruft’s division of the Fourth Corps and make a demonstration on the rebel left at Lookout Mountain, to attract the attention of Bragg while Sherman was getting into position to take “the end of Missionary Ridge as far as the tunnel.” Hooker, on the day previous, learning that Howard’s corps was going into Chattanooga, and probably into the fight, asked to be allowed his right to be with his troops under fire. Under his original order he was simply to hold Lookout Valley, which he did not relish if part of his command should engage the enemy. When his orders came to “make a demonstration” he determined he would take Lookout Mountain and drive Bragg’s left out of his works. With less than ten thousand troops, over two-thirds of whom were the Army of the Cumberland, Hooker fought his “Battle above the Clouds,” that will last in history forever, and grow in fancy and song as the years roll on. Hooker took Lookout Mountain and drove the rebel left to Rossville, over five miles, before Sherman reached the tunnel. He made Sherman’s task none the easier, however, because Bragg then threw the two divisions Hooker had whipped upon Sherman’s front.

Then, when Sherman had been fighting for nearly two days, and had failed to make the headway Grant’s plan contemplated, the plan underwent another modification. On the 25th, Grant ordered Thomas to move out his troops from the centre, to make another “demonstration” in Sherman’s behalf, so he could take the tunnel in accordance with the original plan. Thomas was ordered to take the first line of rifle-pits and hold his command there, while Bragg was expected to draw off part of his troops from Sherman’s front and strengthen his line in front of the “demonstration.” Thomas’s orders to his corps and division generals were given in accordance with Grant’s instructions, and as the orders reached the brigade and regimental commanders, as far as the officers were concerned the movement was only to be a “demonstration.” When the troops reached the rebel line, captured it, and then found themselves under the heavy fire from the enemy’s lines on the heights above, without orders, and even against orders, the soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland, who were “so demoralized that they would not fight,” pressed up the face of the ridge under the deadly musketry fire that greeted them, with cannon in front, to the right and the left, raking with converging fire, and won for General Grant the battle of Missionary Ridge, driving Bragg away from Sherman’s front and thus enabling him to take the tunnel as ordered. Whenever the victory of Missionary Ridge shall be narrated on history’s page, this gallant charge of the brave men of Wood’s and Sheridan’s divisions, with those of Baird and Johnson on their left and right, will always be the prominent feature of the engagement as told in the coming years, and will be the last to lose its glory and renown.

No wonder that General Grant failed to appreciate this movement at the time, not understanding the troops who had it in charge. When he found these commands ascending the ridge to capture it when he ordered a “demonstration” to be made to the foot of the hill and there to wait, he turned sharply to General Thomas and asked, “By whose orders are those troops going up the hill?” General Thomas, taking in the situation at once, suggested that it was probably their own. General Grant remarked that “it was all right if it turned out all right,” and added, “if not, some one would suffer.” But it turned out “all right,” and Grant in his official report compliments the troops for “following closely the retreating enemy without further orders.” General Thomas, in his official report, after narrating the events of the 23d 24th, and 25th of November, quietly says: “It will be seen by the above report that the original plan of operations was somewhat modified to meet and take the best advantage of emergencies which necessitated material modifications of that plan. It is believed, however, that the original plan had it been carried out could not possibly have led to more successful results.”

Appendix A.

Organization of the Fourteenth Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland.

Major-General W. S. Rosecrans, Commanding.

December 20, 1862.


Major-General Geo. H. Thomas.

First Division.

Brigadier-General S. S. Fry.

FIRST BRIGADE.–Col. M. B. Walker, 82d Ind., 12th Ky., 17th O., 31st O., 38th O. SECOND BRIGADE.–Col. J. M. Harlan, 10th Ind., 74th Ind., 4th Ky., 10th Ky., 14th O. THIRD BRIGADE.–Brig.-General J. B. Steedman, 87th Ind., 2d Minn., 9th O., 35th O., 18th U.S. ARTILLERY.–4th Mich. Battery, 1st O. Battery “C.,” 4th U.S. Battery “L”

Third Division.

Brigadier-General L. H. Rousseau.

NINTH BRIGADE.–Col. B. F. Scribner, 38th Ind., 2d O., 33d O., 94th O., 10th Wis. SEVENTEENTH BRIGADE.–Col. J. G. Jones, 42d Ind., 88th Ind., 15th Ky., 3d O., 10th O. TWENTY-EIGHTH BRIGADE.–Col. H. A. Hambright, 24th Ill., 79th Penn., 1st Wis., 21st Wis. ARTILLERY.–4th Ind. Battery, 5th Ind. Battery, 1st Ky., 1st Mich. Battery “A.” CAVALRY.–2d Ky. (Battalion), 11th Ky. (Detachment), 4th Ind. (Detachment).

Eighth Division.

Brigadier-General J. S. Negley.

SEVENTH BRIGADE.–Col. John F. Miller, 37th Ind., 78th Penn., 21st O., 74th O., Independent Battalion, Capt. Casey. TWENTY-NINTH BRIGADE.–Col. T. R. Stanley, 19th Ill., 11th Mich., 18th O., 69th O. ARTILLERY.–1st Ky. Battery “B.,” 1st O. Battery “G.,” 1st O. Battery “M.” CAVALRY.–7th Penn., 1st Tenn.

Seventh Division.

Brigadier-General J. M. Palmer.

FIRST BRIGADE.–Col. G. W. Roberts, 22d Ill., 27th Ill., 42d Ill., 51st Ill. SECOND BRIGADE.–Brig.-General J. D. Morgan, 10th Ill., 16th Ill., 60th Ill., 10th Mich., 14th Mich. ARTILLERY.–1st Ill. Battery “C.,” 10th Wis. Battery. CAVALRY.–7th Ill. Co. “C.”

Twelfth Division.

Brigadier-General E. Dumont.

FORTIETH BRIGADE.–Col. A. O. Miller, 98th Ill., 72d Ind., 75th Ind. — BRIGADE.–Gen. W. T. Ward, 102d Ill., 105th Ill., 70th Ind., 79th O. ARTILLERY.–18th Ind. Battery. CAVALRY.–4th Ind. (Detachment), 7th Ky., 11 Ky. (Detachment).


Major-General A. McD. McCook.

Second Division.

Brigadier-General J. W. Sill.

FOURTH BRIGADE.–Col. Buckley, 6th Ind., 5th Ky., 1st O., 93d O., 18th U.S., 19th U.S. FIFTH BRIGADE.–Col. E. N. Kirk, 34th Ill., 79th Ill., 29th Ind., 30th Ind., 77th Penn. SIXTH BRIGADE.–Brig.-General Willich, 89th Ill., 32d Ind., 39th Ind., 15th O., 49th O. ARTILLERY.–1st O. Battery “A.,” 1st O. Battery “E.,” 5th U.S. Battery “L.” CAVALRY.–2d Ky. (2 Cos).

Ninth Division.

Brigadier-General J. C. Davis.

THIRTIETH BRIGADE.*–59th Ill., 74th Ill., 75th Ill., 22nd Ind. THIRTY-FIRST BRIGADE.*–21st Ill., 38th Ill., 101st O., 15th Wis. THIRTY-SECOND BRIGADE.*–25th Ill., 35th Ill., 81st Ind., 8th Kan. ARTILLERY.–2d Minn. Battery, 5th Wis. Battery, 8th Wis. Battery.

Eleventh Division.

Brigadier-General P. H. Sheridan.

THIRTY-FIFTH BRIGADE.–Col. F. Schaefer, 44th Ill., 72d Ill., 2d Mo., 15th Mo. THIRTY-SIXTH BRIGADE.–Col. Moore, 85th Ill., 86th Ill., 125th Ill., 52d O. THIRTY-SEVENTH BRIGADE.–Col. N. Grensel, 36th Ill., 88th Ill., 21st Mich., 24th Wis. ARTILLERY.–2d Ill. Battery “I.,” 1st Mo. Battery “G.” CAVALRY.–2d Ky. Co. “L.”


Major-General T. L. Crittenden.

Fourth Division.

Brigadier-General W. S. Smith.

TENTH BRIGADE.–Col W. Grose, 84th Ill., 36th Ind., 23d Ky., 6th O., 24th O. NINETEENTH BRIGADE.–Col. W. B. Hazen, 110th Ill., 9th Ind., 6th Ky., 41st O. TWENTY-SECOND BRIGADE.–Col. Enyart, 31st Ind., 1st Ky., 2d Ky., 20th Ky., 90th O. ARTILLERY.+–Capt. Standart.

Fifth Division.

Brigadier-General H. P. Van Cleve.

ELEVENTH BRIGADE.–Col. Sam’l Beatty, 79th Ind., 9th Ky., 19th O., 59th O. FOURTEENTH BRIGADE.–Col. J. P. Fyffe, 44th Ind., 86th Ind., 11th Ky., 18th O. TWENTY-THIRD BRIGADE.–Col. S. Matthews, 35th Ind., 8th Ky., 21st Ky., 51st O., 99th O. Artillery.+–Capt. G. R. Swallow.

Sixth Division.

Brigadier-General M. S. Hascall.

FIFTEENTH BRIGADE.–Col. G. P. Buell, 100th Ill., 17th Ind., 58th Ind., 3d Ky., 26th O. TWENTIETH BRIGADE.–Col. C. G. Harker, 51st Ind., 72d Ind., 13th Mich., 64th O., 65th O. TWENTY-FIRST BRIGADE.–Col. G. D. Wagner, 15th Ind., 40th Ind., 57th Ind., 97th O. ARTILLERY.+–Maj. S. Race.


Brigadier-General Stanley.

First Division.

Colonel Kennett.

FIRST BRIGADE.–Col. E. H. Murray, 2d Ind., 1st Ky., 3d Ky., 4th Ky., 4th Mich., 7th Penn. SECOND BRIGADE.–Col. L. Zahm, 5th Ky., 1st O., 3d O., 4th O., 1st O. Artillery, Batter “D.”


1st Mich. Engineers, 9th Mich. (Detach.), 3d E. Tenn., 6th E. Tenn., 15th Penn. Cavalry, 4th U.S. Cavalry (Detach.), Signal Corps, Stokes’ Ill. Battery.


BOWLING GREEN, KY.–Brig.-Gen. Granger, 129th Ill., 26th Ky., 23d Mich., 102d O., 111th O., 4th Ky. Cavalry. NASHVILLE, Tenn.–Brig.-Gen. R. B. Mitchell, 1st Mid. Tenn., 11th Ind. Battery, 12th Ind. Battery, 1st Mich. Artillery, 5th Battery. 3d Ind. Cavalry (1 Co.)

—* Brigade commanders not indicated on return. + Batteries not indicated on return.


Organization of Troops in the Dept. of the Cumberland, Commanded by Major General George H. Thomas, Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 20th, 1863.