Duane Purple
Early Orange Prune
French Prune
Freestone Damson
Frost Damson
General Hand
Giant Prune
Gold Drop
G. No. 44 Jones
Grand Duke
Grant Prune
Geuthrie Late
Hiederman Sand Cherry
Hudson River Purple Egg
Imperial Gage
Italian Prune
Japanese Seedling
King of Damson
Late Black Orleans
Octi Smomo
October Purple
Oullin Golden
Palmer’s Favorite
Pond’s Seedling
Poole’s Pride
Pringle Blue
Pringle Purple
Prunus Simoni
Red June
Red Negate
Reine Claude
Robe de Sargent
Royal Hative
Shipper’s Pride
Shropshire Damson
Smith’s Late Blue
Stanton’s Seedling
St. Lawrence
Sweet Botan
Tragedy Prune
Tennant Prune
Uchi Beni
Ungarrish Prune
Union Purple
Wild Goose
White Japan
White Kelsey
White Nicholas
World Beater
Yellow Egg
Yellow Gage
Abesse d’Oignies
Bay State
Black Tartarian
Downer’s Late
Double Nattie
Early Purple Guigne
Esel Kirsche
Governor Wood
King’s Amarelle
Knight’s Early Red
Large Montmorency
May Duke
Orel No. 23
Reine Hortense
Rockport Bigarreau
Sparhawk’s Honey
Yellow Spanish
Black Champion
President Wilder
Hill’s Chili
Horton River
Late Crawford
Lemon Cling
Old Mixon
Stevens’ Rare Ripe
Pink Japan
Red Japan
Rea’s Mammoth
Sweet Winter
White Japan
[Illustration: VIEWING THE GUNS]
Forest, Fish and Game Exhibit and Schedule of Awards
Special Agent of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission, State of New York
The State exhibit in the Forest Fish and Game Department was prepared and installed by the Forest, Fish and Game Commission, with funds furnished by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission of the State of New York.
A modern sportsman’s camp of rustic design, fourteen feet by seventeen feet in size, was constructed and furnished after the general style and appearance of the usual summer residence in the Adirondack mountains. The contractor for the erection of this camp was the firm of Messrs. D. B. & D. F. Sperry, of Old Forge, N. Y. Mr. D. F. Sperry, “Frank,” as he is known to visitors to the Adirondacks, had personal charge of the construction and was something of an exhibit himself. Being a lifelong Adirondack guide, and having been employed by many prominent people, among others, ex-President Harrison, any rustic work from his hand was sure to attract attention.
It was unfortunate that it was impossible to have him, or some other Adirondack guide, in attendance at the “camp” all through the season, as many visitors wished to see and talk with some such person. Some of them, seeing the Sperry name-plate on the end of a log of the camp, inquired for “Frank,” expecting to find him in attendance. He has had many inquiries from people residing at widely separated places in various parts of the country, for duplicates of the camp exhibit, or for some other design of rustic building.
The camp was constructed of Adirondack spruce logs and the chimney was of the same external construction. The roof was covered with spruce bark. All the material showing inside the camp was, as far as possible, left in natural condition, the logs with the bark on, and the underside of the roof boards unplaned, showing the coarse saw marks.
Innumerable inquiries were made by interested visitors, particularly those coming from the southern and western States, as to the species of timber used in constructing the camp. When informed that the logs were of spruce much interest was shown. Many had never seen spruce before.
A part of the furniture was built by Mr. Sperry, and the remainder by another Adirondack guide, Mr. E. E. Sumner, of Saranac Lake, N. Y. Mr. Sperry made the bedstead, the window settee and the center table, after a style that is common in the Adirondack camps. The woodwork was of spruce, turned smooth and stained a light smoke color to give it a finished appearance. Mr. Sumner constructed the other furniture in the best rustic style, the framework being of white cedar with the bark on, and the bottoms of the chairs and settees of white birch bark. Both of these guides have had many inquiries for duplicates of their handiwork as exhibited. The “atmosphere” of the camp was that of everyday life in the forest. The bed was “made up” as though the owner was expected to occupy it at night. Garments and articles that had seen service, such as a leather hunting jacket, a gun case, “pack” baskets, fish reels and snow shoes were hung on the walls in proper places.
The mantel and fireplace particularly attracted attention. The mantel was of spruce with the bark on, and the fireplace was constructed with a stone facing and lining, showing andirons and birch logs in place as in actual use. In one corner there was shelving for bric-a-brac, fishing tackle, ammunition, etc., constructed by utilizing a discarded fishing boat, cutting the same across the center into two parts and placing shelves at convenient intervals, fastening the same on the ribs of the boat.
In another corner was a swing table that could be hung up against the wall when not in use. On the mantel were placed articles of rustic work that harmonized with the surroundings–a rustic clock, wooden pipes and smoking set to match, a stein and mug of wood, together with other articles of ornament and utility. A piece of library shelving of unique design and special construction was provided and furnished with standard publications on fish, birds and animals, and stories of life in the forest and of the chase. Thirty books were shown, a number of which were kindly furnished by Messrs. Doubleday, Page & Co., of New York city. On the center table were kept the current numbers of the leading sporting magazines, both weekly and monthly.
The walls were decorated with bright colored Indian blankets, flags and souvenir paddles, on which were painted various national flags and camping scenes. The paddles being of a very white spruce and the background being the spruce logs of the camp with dark colored bark, the effect was pleasing and attracted much attention.
An interesting and valuable feature of the furnishing and decoration of the camp, and, incidentally, souvenirs of the chase, were a large fine moose head over the mantel, an elk’s head on the gable outside, bucks’ heads at the sides of the porch in front of the camp, and the furs of red foxes, deer and black bear. Some of the furs were specially prepared for rugs and placed on the floor of the camp, giving the interior an air of comfort and cheerfulness.
The hunting and fishing outfit consisted of two repeating rifles, one a Savage and the other a Winchester, a double-barreled shotgun, three fishing rods, one each of steel, split lancewood and split bamboo, and a collection which included trout flies, landing nets, minnow pail, reels, lines, cartridge belt, loading set and other paraphernalia. A guide-boat of the latest style and of superior workmanship was a part of the sportsman’s outfit. This boat was kindly loaned by the manufacturer, Mr. Fred W. Rice, formerly of Saranac Lake, N. Y., but now living at Seattle, Wash. His son continues the manufacture of guide-boats at Lake Placid, N. Y.
On the settee and bed in the camp were a number of balsam pillows. A large and particularly fine one came from the Higby camp on Big Moose lake in the Adirondacks. It was made by Miss Lila Daisy Higby, a little lady only seven years of age, whose needlework decorating the cover showed artistic ability of great merit for one so young. Many visitors admired it, and some of them have written her in complimentary terms.
The odor from these pillows filled the camp, and instantly attracted the attention of visitors. One of the questions usually asked first of the attendant was where the perfume came from and what it was. Some supposed it to be from the logs of which the camp was constructed. Many visitors wanted to know where they could obtain such pillows. Those purchased for the camp came from Mr. A. M. Church, Boonville, N. Y., who also furnished the gun rack so much admired, and also the fur rugs.
On the side of the camp in a conspicuous place was posted a fire notice such as may be found in thousands of places along the trail throughout the Adirondacks and Catskills. Visitors that had been through our mountains recognized this feature instantly, for these notices may be found at all the hotels and public places, and also on a great many of the private camps. This little placard printed on cloth attracted much attention. It contains our forest fire rules and much of the law relative to woodland fires. Many persons interested in forestry, many of them from foreign countries, copied the notice verbatim. It is probable that similar rules and regulations will be incorporated in the forestry laws of other states and countries.
An attendant was employed at the camp who answered the numerous questions as to where the various articles of furniture and decoration might be obtained. Much information was also sought by visitors in relation to the Adirondack forests and the summer resorts of New York in general.
This sportsman’s camp was the only exhibit of the kind shown at the Fair. Sportsmen and lovers of life in the woods from all parts of the land visited it; many were ecstatic in its praises; some complimented it by saying it was the most artistic feature of the whole forestry, fish and game exhibit. It was photographed perhaps more than one hundred times during the season and in one instance by nine different persons on a single day.
The fur and game animals and birds of the State were represented by mounted specimens prepared by professional taxidermists. In many instances they were shown in pairs, male and female.
The space in front of the camp and also at one side was inclosed by a rustic fence built of round spruce. In the yard at the side was placed a tree about twelve feet high, and under it was prepared an artificial ground work in imitation of a woodland area after a recent snow storm. In and about this tree, and forming a part of the picture, were placed in position, as true to life and natural conditions as possible, specimens of practically all of the birds that remain with us during the winter season, as follows:
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk
Cooper Hawk
Marsh Hawk
Ruffed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Three-toed Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-shouldered Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Duck Hawk,
Gray Gyrfalcon
Snow Owl
Barred Owl
Great-horned Owl
Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Acadian Owl
Screech Owl
Great Gray Owl
Hawk Owl
Barn Owl
Richardson Owl
Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Pine Grosbeak
Red-winged Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Blue Jay
Horned Lark
Lapland Longspur
English Sparrow
Winter Wren
Northern Shrike
Moose Bird
In and about another tree placed in front of the camp were shown practically all of the song and perching birds of the State other than the ones shown in the winter scene at the side of the camp. The birds in this collection were as follows:
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
King Bird
Cat Bird
Meadow Lark
Prairie Horned Lark
Baltimore Oriole
Orchard Oriole
Night Hawk
Pigeon Hawk
Sparrow Hawk
Mourning Dove
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak
Purple Finch
Red-winged Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Mocking Bird
Purple Grackle
Humming Bird
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Tufted Titmouse
Brown Creeper
House Wren
Marsh Wren
Brown Thrasher
Wood Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Wilson Thrush
Water Thrush
Chimney Swift
Bank Swallow
Rough-winged Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Barn Swallow
Song Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Blue Bird
Indigo Bunting
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Oven Bird
Yellow Throat
Bohemian Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing
Wood Pewee
White-eyed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Black and White Warbler
Worm-eating Warbler
Myrtle Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Hooded Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Connecticut Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Canadian Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Ipswich Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Loggerhead Shrike
Purple Martin
Cow Bird
Pine Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Parula Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Black-poll Warbler
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Brown-headed Nuthatch
In cabinets within an inclosure near the camp were shown our game birds, such as the web-footed wild fowl and shore birds which may be hunted, grouse, marsh birds or waders, and water or sea birds, as follows:
_Wild Ducks and Geese_
American Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Hooded Merganser
Black Duck
Green-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal
Wood Duck
Lesser Scaup Duck
Ruddy Duck
Old Squaw
American Eider
King Eider
Black Coot
Sea Coot
White-winged Scoter
Canada Goose
Greater Snow Goose
Blue Goose
White-fronted Goose
Whistling Swan
_Shore Birds_
Wilson Snipe
Upland Plover
Black-bellied Plover
Golden Plover
Semi-palmated Plover
Belted Piping Plover
Wilson Plover
Piping Plover
Greater Yellow Legs
Summer Yellow Legs
Red Phalarope
Northern Phalarope
Oyster Catcher
Long-billed Curlew
Jack Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Black-necked Stilt
Stilt Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Red-backed Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
_Grouse, etc._
Ruffed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Mongolian Pheasant
English Pheasant
_Marsh Birds or Waders_
Great Blue Heron
Little Green Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Brown Pelican
King Rail
Virginia Rail
Yellow Rail
Clapper Rail
Carolina Rail
Little Black Rail
Florida Gallinule
Mud Hen
_Water or Sea Birds_
Black-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon
Horned Grebe
Holboel Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Black Guillemot
Brunnich Murre
Paresitic [*sic] Jaegar
Black Skimmer
Sooty Shearwater
Great Black-backed Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Claucus Gull
Herring Gull
Laughing Gull
Bonapart Gull
Black Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Wilson Tern
Roseate Tern
Least Tern
Black-capped Petrel
Leach Petrel
Wilson Petrel
All of our fur and game animals were represented as follows:
White-tail or Virginia Deer
Black Bear
Wild Cat
Red Fox
Gray Fox
Cottontail Rabbit
Black Squirrel
Gray Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Fox Squirrel
Flying Squirrel
Musk Rat
Varying Hare
Our deer were represented by a fine buck, a doe mounted in a reclining position, and a small white doe. Arranged among bushes in the snow scene at the side of the camp this family was most lifelike and pleasing in appearance. White deer are very unusual, but not unnatural. One of them is killed in this State about every two years.
Moose and elk are introduced animals with us now, and, as it is illegal to kill any, life size specimens could not well be shown. However, very good heads were exhibited as a part of the decoration of the camp. Albinos of muskrat and porcupine were exhibited. Such freakish specimens attract more attention than those of usual growth.
In addition to the animals scheduled above were specimens of some species that are probably extinct in the Adirondacks, viz., a gray wolf and a panther. The gray wolf was an excellent specimen loaned by General E. A. McAlpin, of New York city. It was killed about eight years ago on his preserve in the northern part of Hamilton county, and none have been seen since. The panther was killed about twenty-eight years ago by Hon. Verplanck Colvin in the southern part of Hamilton county, and is the last one heard of in the State of New York. The black bear was an unusually fine specimen, killed in Sullivan county. It was mounted to order by Mr. Fred Sauter, of New York city, for this exhibit, and without doubt was the best representative of this species at the Fair. Experts in the art of taxidermy and naturalists were enthusiastic in its praise.
The great blue heron was loaned by Mr. Grant E. Winchester, of Saranac Inn. It was a very good specimen and was mounted by Mr. H. H. Miner, of Saranac Lake, N. Y.
The animals were placed about the camp under the trees in connection with the collection of birds in positions as true to life as possible in the available space, making a picture of woodland life delightful to the eye and interesting to every person that visited the Palace of Forestry, Fish and Game.
The fish exhibit consisted of eighty-six mounted specimens, representing seventy-two species, most of them prepared specially for this display by the best workmen in the country. Substantially all the food and game fish were shown. In preparing this collection no attempt, with one exception, was made to show abnormally large specimens. The intention was to show the average fish true to life in color, size and contour. Both fresh and salt water species were represented. The collection, which is undoubtedly the best in the country, comprised the following species:
Sea Lamphrey
Common Sturgeon
Short-nosed Sturgeon
Horned Pout
Long-nose Sucker
Common Sucker
Hog Sucker
Golden Sucker
Sea Herring
Hickory Shad
Common Whitefish
Atlantic Salmon
Red-throat Trout
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Lake Trout
Brook Trout
Northern Pike
Spanish Mackerel
Calico Bass
Rock Bass
Small-mouth Black Bass
Large-mouth Black Bass
Wall-eyed Pike
Red Drum
Summer Flounder
Northern Muscallonge
Striped Mullet
Common Mackerel
Yellow Perch
White Bass
Striped Bass
White Perch
Sea Bass
Spotted Weakfish
Sand Dab
Gar Pike
In addition to the above-mentioned specimens there was shown an interesting collection of shell fish, including different varieties of oysters, together with the enemies of the same, such as the drill and starfish. A number of exhibits showing curiosities of oyster growth were in this collection.
The fish were displayed in six cabinets constructed to order for the exhibit. They were lined with black plush, thus forming a strong contrast with the colors of the various pieces.
The land-locked salmon mentioned above is one of the finest pieces extant, not only in relation to size but also in the mounting of the same. It is owned by Hon. J. P. Allds, Norwich, N. Y., and was kindly loaned by him for this exhibit.
A great northern pike that weighed twenty-five pounds when caught was in the collection. It was loaned by Mr. Ferris J Meigs, of New York city, and was caught in Follensbee pond, in the Adirondacks, by Miss Juliet Wilbur Tompkins in 1902. This is the largest pike, sometimes erroneously called pickerel, within the knowledge of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission.
All the specimens of animals, birds and fish were properly and uniformly labeled, giving the names the various species are generally known by, and also the scientific nomenclature adopted by naturalists. The importance of this matter of nomenclature was demonstrated very early during the Fair. The song birds being very small no labels were placed upon them at first, as the labels were in some instances larger than the birds. The fact that visitors examining the specimens would often search for the attendant in order to obtain information as to the names of the different birds exhibited proved the necessity of clearly labeling all specimens. On the other hand there seemed to be a general misunderstanding as to some species of fish, various names being applied to the same species. Visitors were constantly requesting information on these points. The northern pike are by many people called pickerel and sometimes when in water with pickerel are mistaken for muscallonge. The distinguishing marks were frequently explained to interested visitors.
One of the most scientific and practical features of the New York exhibit was that made by the Forestry department. It was prepared to show the method by which the Forestry Commission is reforesting large areas of State land that have been denuded by repeated fires.
The most important part of this was a fully appointed forest nursery, located out of doors close to the northeast corner of the Forest, Fish and Game building. Its neat rustic fence, made of white cedar poles, enclosed an area Of 7,200 square feet (120 feet long by 60 wide) and contained about 80,000 little trees alive and green. The soil being of heavy clay, it was covered to the depth of six inches with good loam before any seeds were sown.
About one-third of the nursery was arranged in beds each sixteen feet long by four feet wide with paths three feet in width. In two of these beds seeds were sown of Scotch pine, Norway spruce, hardy catalpa and American elm, half a bed being given to each species. The seeds were sown about the first of May. They germinated well, and the little trees grew thriftily, the catalpa reaching a height of eighteen inches before the Fair closed. A bed of Norway pine showed the plants on half the bed crowded together in a thick mat as if grown from seed sown broadcast; on the other half arranged as if from seed sown in rows across the bed, both methods of sowing seed being followed in actual practice. Four beds were given to two-year-old plants–Norway spruce, white pine, European larch and Scotch pine. These were also arranged as if grown from seed sown broadcast.
These beds, excepting the seed bed for broad-leaf species, were all shaded with neat screens made of lath to shelter the tender plants from the hot rays of the southern sun.
In actual nursery work, after conifers have remained in the seed bed for two years, they are transplanted into other beds, being spaced four or five inches apart, where they remain for two or three years more before they are placed finally in the forest. Six beds were devoted to showing this feature of nursery work. For this purpose four-year-old plants were used, of the following species Norway pine, Norway spruce, white spruce, white pine, European larch and Scotch pine.
A sample plantation which occupied nearly half the nursery showed how the plants are, in actual practice, placed in the forest. White pine, Norway spruce and Scotch pine were the species used. These were about three feet high and were spaced about four feet apart.
To show how the broad-leaf species are raised for shade trees, for planting along the highways of the State, for farmers’ wood lots, for sugar groves and hardwood forests, ten drills, stretching entirely across the nursery between the beds and the sample plantation, were planted with scarlet oak, red oak, honey locust, hard or sugar maple, red or soft maple, basswood, white ash, black walnut and hardy catalpa, a row being given to each species. These were one year old and were spaced about six inches apart.
The names of the species were printed plainly on neat board labels ten inches long by five inches broad. The nursery was kept free from weeds, and was watered each evening during a long drought which began about the first of September and continued till the Fair closed.
Thousands of people visited the nursery, attracted to it not only by the beauty of the small green trees arranged in such interesting manner, but also because of the instruction it afforded in the science of forestry. Foresters, botanists, seedsmen, and others interested in trees in a scientific or practical way, many of whom were from abroad, gave the nursery close scrutiny.
The forester in charge who prepared the nursery, Mr. A. Knechtel, B.S.F.E., of Albany, N. Y., was kept constantly busy answering the numerous questions not only concerning the exhibit, but also in regard to the important work being done by the Forestry Department in restoring the forests upon the denuded non-agricultural lands of the State.
In a corner of the nursery stood two interesting cross-sections of white pine and white spruce, twenty-three inches and sixteen inches in diameter respectively, each having forty annual rings plainly visible, showing that in forty years, under favorable conditions, trees of these species can be grown from seed to the given diameters.
Within the building were exhibited thirty-nine instruments and tools used in forestry practice, a collection of the seeds of eighty-four native forest trees of the State, and the photographs of eighty of our more important trees showing the same in leaf and in winter. In connection with each pair of photographs was a life size illustration of the bark of the tree, together with specimens of the leaf, flower and fruit.
The exhibit of insects affecting forest and shade trees was prepared by E. P. Felt, D.Sc., New York State Entomologist, and was a small, though representative collection, designed to show the life, history and habits in particular of the more injurious forms of insects affecting shade and forest trees in New York State. A special effort was made to depict, so far as possible, the life, history, habits and methods of work of the forms possessing economic importance and to show whenever possible the natural enemies of value in keeping these species in control. This collection was arranged in a specially designed case having a series of three nearly horizontal trays thirty-seven and one-half inches by eighteen and one-half inches upon each side, and an elevated central portion bearing two nearly perpendicular ones upon each side, the middle being occupied by a glass case containing an attractive natural group. A brief account of the exhibit under appropriate heads is as follows:
_Insect galls_. This collection, occupying two nearly perpendicular trays and representing the work of fifty-three species, was devoted to the peculiar and varied vegetable deformities produced by insects. These structures are always of great popular interest, and the insects causing the same present biologic problems of unusual attractiveness.
_Forest insects_. The species affecting forest trees in particular were exhibited in three horizontal trays occupying one side of the case. This section was devoted principally to representing the biology and methods of work of this exceedingly important group.
_Shade-tree insects_. Like that representing forest insects, the exhibit of shade-tree pests was very largely biologic. It occupied three horizontal trays and a nearly vertical one of the exhibit case, and was devoted to species which are destructive largely on account of their depredations upon shade trees.
_Adirondack insects_. This was a small collection occupying one of the nearly perpendicular trays, and comprised over one hundred species. This portion of the exhibit represented the more characteristic forms occurring in the Adirondacks.
_Natural group of forest insects_. This group occupied the central glass box and contained thirty-one species of insects or representations of their work upon wax models of their food plants, namely, white birch, red oak, elm and maple. Eleven species of beetles, fifteen of butterflies and moths, two of the bee family and three of the bug family were to be seen upon the plants or on the ground at their base. This group gave an excellent idea of the appearance of insects when amid their natural surroundings.
A series of quarto and octavo colored plates illustrating the work and various stages of some of the more important depredators upon forest and shade trees, was exhibited in two double-faced frames attached to the top of this case. The more important insects included in this group were the following: Sugar maple borer, elm snout beetles, twig girdler or twig pruner, white marked tussock moth, gypsy moth, brown tail moth, bag worm, forest tent caterpillar, elm leaf beetle, oyster scale, scurfy bark louse, San Jose scale, elm bark louse, cottony maple scale. One plate was devoted to characteristic insects affecting oak, and another to those depredating upon hard pine.
The forest product of the State was represented by a collection of specimens of all the native woods of New York, built into panel work, showing both sides. Each species was represented by two specimens and each of the four surfaces was finished in a different manner. One surface was highly polished, one oiled, one planed and one rough. Ninety-one species of native and nine species of introduced woods were exhibited in this manner. Displaying the several species in four different ways enabled the discriminating observer to study and compare the various woods profitably. The manner of labeling was greatly appreciated. Some students copied all the labels, each spending many hours on this task.
The kinds of timber that grow in this State from which a five-inch board can be sawed and which were represented as described, are as follows:
Cucumber Tree
Tulip Tree
Striped Maple
Hard Maple
Silver Maple
Red Maple
Box Elder
Staghorn Sumach
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Honey Locust
Red or Canada Plum
Wild Plum
Green Ash
American Elm
Rock Elm
Slippery Elm
Wild Red Cherry
Wild Black Cherry
Wild Crab Apple
Mountain Ash
Cockspur Thorn
Black Haw
Scarlet Fruited Thorn
Shad Bush
Witch Hazel
Sweet Gum
Flowering Dogwood
Black Ash
White Ash
Red Ash
Scarlet Oak
Black Oak
Pin Oak
Jack Oak
Red Mulberry
Black Walnut
Shagbark Hickory
Mockernut Hickory
Pignut Hickory
King Nut Hickory
Small Fruited Hickory
White Oak
Post Oak
Burr Oak
Chestnut Oak
Chinquapin Oak
Yellow Oak
Swamp White Oak
Red Oak
White Pine
Red Pine
Pitch Pine
Jersey Pine
Yellow Pine
Jack Pine
White Poplar
Crack Willow
Weeping Willow
Blue Beech
Black Birch
Yellow Birch
White Birch
Red Birch
Canoe Birch
Yellow Willow
Black Willow
Peach Willow
Large Toothed Poplar
Swamp Cottonwood
Balm of Gilead
Red Cedar
White Cedar
Arbor Vitae
Black Spruce
Red Spruce
White Spruce
Lombardy Poplar
Wild Apple
Yellow Locust
Horse Chestnut
Blue Willow
These specimens of wood were built into panel work in seven frames of the following seven species of wood, respectively:
Rock Elm
White Oak
Black Ash
Black Birch
Each specimen was labeled on both sides, with the common or popular name and also the botanical name. Most of the pieces were from a collection that the Commission exhibited at the Paris Exposition in 1900, which was there awarded a gold medal. In preparing the exhibit the collection was enlarged so as to represent all our native woods, and built into new frame work of substantial and attractive design.
A complete collection of the several kinds of wood pulp manufactured in New York was also a part of the exhibit, as follows:
Ground Spruce pulp
Sulphite Spruce pulp
Sulphite Balsam pulp
Sulphite Poplar pulp
Sulphite Basswood pulp
Pulverized Pine pulp
Pulverized Poplar pulp
Ground and sulphite pulp is used in the manufacture of paper and many household articles of utility. Pulverized pulp is used in making linoleum and dynamite.
Although wood pulp was shown in some other exhibits, no one else made any attempt to show a complete collection of all the various kinds of pulp manufactured.
Articles of utility made of pulp, such as wash tubs, pails, measures, cups, pitchers, etc., fifty-three pieces in all, were shown in connection with the display of pulp.
By-products of the forest were also displayed on a piece of circular shelving with a suitable caption. The articles in this collection were as follows:
Crude wood alcohol
Refined wood alcohol
Columbian spirits
Acetic acid
Refined acetic acid
Glacial acetic acid
Acetate of lime
Gray acetate of lime
Pine needle extract
Light wood tar
Heavy wood tar
Tannic acid
Pine pitch
Spruce gum (raw)
Refined spruce gum
Basswood honey
Black walnuts
Wood ashes
Hickory nuts
Hazel nuts
Maple sugar (cakes)
Maple lozenges
Maple kisses
Maple sugar (pulverized)
Maple syrup
Mocker nuts
Butter nuts
Witch hazel
There was no other exhibit of this nature at the Fair.
On one side of the space occupied by the exhibit was a high wall which was covered with green burlap. On this wall were three groups of large photographs, one of the Thousand Islands, one of Adirondack and one of Catskill scenery.
In the Thousand Island group in addition to a collection of typical island scenery, was a large picture of the Thousand Island House at Alexandria Bay, N. Y., furnished by the owner, O. G. Staples; a picture of the Hotel Frontenac on Round Island loaned by the owner, and a very large colored picture of the excursion steamer “Ramona,” on tour through the islands, loaned by the Thousand Island Steamboat Company, Cape Vincent, N. Y.
The Catskill pictures consisted of photographs of mountain scenery and waterfalls, prepared specially for this exhibit. A fine group of scenes was furnished by the Catskill Mountain Railroad of Catskill, N. Y., showing the Otis Elevated road, the Mountain House, etc.
The group of Adirondack views contained pictures of a number of the largest hotels in that region, and collections of mountain and water scenery. One group was of Lake George scenery. A large picture of Wawbeek Hotel, on Upper Saranac Lake, was furnished by J. Ben Hart, of Wawbeek, N. Y. The Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company kindly loaned a large panoramic picture of Lake Placid and mountains of that locality.
Many of these pictures were in colors. They were appreciated by a great number of people that had visited the several summer resorts represented.
A model of a hunting camp of the open style, of which there are many in the Adirondacks, was displayed. It was constructed of spruce with the bark on, and the floor was covered with balsam boughs, which exhaled a delightful odor noticeable several yards from the camp.
A large rustic table made of a cross section of a cedar tree with the roots of a tree for the standard and legs of the table, was loaned by Mr. Ferris J. Meigs, of Tupper Lake, N. Y. The tree from which the cross section was taken showed by its growth of rings that it was more than four hundred years old.
For the purpose of making this State Forestry, Fish and Game exhibit, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission generously set aside the sum of $18,000. Being unable to secure as much space as was needed, and for the additional reason that the salaries of some of the persons collaborating on the exhibit were provided for in another manner, it was not necessary to use all of the funds available.
Dividing the disbursements into ten representative accounts, the amount expended was as follows:
Animals and birds ————————- $2,211 56 Fish ———————————- 1,792 51 Insects ——————————- 644 52 Plants for nursery, etc. ————– 392 69 Woods, instruments, by-products, etc. – 1,119 28 Sportsman’s Camp and furnishings —— 1,507 92 Wall pictures ————————- 278 93 Freight and express ——————- 697 10 Installation ————————– 2,481 76 Maintenance and repacking ————- 3,717 81 ————
Total ————————————- $14,844 08 ————
Had the exhibit been prepared without recourse to materials on hand and by a separate force paid from the funds of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission it would have undoubtedly cost the State not less than $20,000, but the fact that considerable material was available from former exhibits, and from the office of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission, and the further fact, as above stated, that some of the collaborators received their compensation from the funds of that Commission, enabled the State to make the elaborate and exhaustive exhibit that it did in this department at the figures shown above.
The exhibit was prepared under the direction of Colonel William F. Fox, Superintendent State Forests.
Following is a roster of the persons employed at the exhibit:
Arthur B. Strough, Special Agent in charge Abraham Knechtel, Forester
Charles C. Hembree, Attendant
Victor Mahlstedt, Gardener
The awards were all conferred upon the Forest, Fish and Game Commission or upon State officials. The juries in the Departments of Forestry, Fish and Game were made up of eminent specialists, and their work was done in a thorough and painstaking manner. They expressed themselves in complimentary terms on the various features of the exhibit, and the result of their deliberations cannot but be gratifying to all who are interested in the advanced work of the Empire State in forestry, in forest preserves and in the protection of our native fish and game.
_List of the Awards Classified Under the Several Groups of the Official Classification_
_Appliances and Processes Used in Forestry_
Collective exhibit of progressive forestry. Grand prize Seeds of the trees
Instruments and tools used in forestry Forest nursery and demonstration plantation Photographs
Native trees with botanical specimens Forest insects
William F. Fox, for services in the forestry exhibit. Gold medal Arthur B. Strough, for services in forestry exhibit. Silver medal Abraham Knechtel, for services in forestry exhibit. Silver medal E. P. Felt, D. Sc., for services in entomological exhibit, forest insects. Silver medal
_Products of the Cultivation of Forests_
Model sportsman’s camp and outfit. Gold medal Exhibit of woods, by-products, etc. Grand prize William F. Fox, for services on sportsman’s camp exhibit. Silver medal
_Products of Hunting_
Collective exhibit of animals and birds. Gold medal Arthur B. Strough, for services on game and sporting exhibit. Silver medal
_Fishing Equipment and Products_
Collective exhibit of fish. Grand prize John D. Whish, for making collection of fish. Silver medal
A summary of the awards is as follows: Three grand prizes
Three gold medals
Six silver medals
The exhibit in this department differed somewhat from the State exhibits in other departments in that, with the exception of a very few articles, which were loaned by private parties to complete or supplement the collections, the showing was exclusively a State exhibit.
The exhibit as a whole was immensely popular from the very first day. The people visiting the Exposition were largely from the southern and middle western states, and seemed very generally to believe that New York’s forests, fish and game has passed away with the advance of civilization. Most of them were greatly surprised to learn that one-fourth of the State is wild land, which will in all probability always be devoted largely to forests, and that the State has so many wild deer that 6,000 of them are killed annually without any apparent decrease of the number.
The sportsman’s camp served the purpose of advertising the great Adirondack region as a summer resort, and a great many visitors expressed their intention of visiting that locality in the near future.
Probably one of the best features of the exhibit was the work shown by the Commission in progressive forestry. This State being in the van of the forestry movement was looked to to point out the path of professional forestry, and if no other award had been made than the grand prize by the scientific jury that served in that Department, we would feel as though our efforts has been appreciated and that our labors had not been in vain.
Mines and Metallurgy Exhibit and Schedule of Awards
MINES AND METALLURGY EXHIBIT By H. H. HINDSHAW Special Agent of the State Museum
As in previous expositions at which the State of New York has been an exhibitor, the scientific exhibits were made through the organization of the State Museum. Dr. F. J. H. Merrill, the director of the museum, assigned to the writer the duty of preparing the exhibit to be made under his direction. The available time and money entered largely into the settlement of the question of what form the exhibit should take.
It was thought best to confine the scope of the main exhibit to the technologic and commercial aspects of geology and mineralogy. A judicious selection of materials made to show the mineral wealth of the State was considered more desirable than to make merely a large display. Many of the materials exhibited were taken from the State Museum collections, supplemented where necessary by such additions as could be obtained within the required time.
The benefit derived by the State from such exhibits is often much more apparent than that which is to be derived by the individual exhibitors, and on this account the Commission is particularly indebted to those firms and individuals which went to considerable expense in preparing exhibits along lines which were intended more to represent all phases of an industry rather than to show the products of a single firm.
Those deserving especial mention in this connection are The Solvay Process Company, of Syracuse; The H. H. Mathews Consolidated Slate Company, of Boston; the Helderberg Cement Company, of Howes Cave; The Hudson River Bluestone Company, of New York; the Medina Sandstone Company, of New York, and the United States Gypsum Company, of Chicago.
The cases used were taken from the museum, and suitable stands for the building stone and other exhibits were constructed in Albany. On account of the weight of the specimens exhibited the floor had to be strengthened. This work, as well as the building of platforms and partitions, was done under contract by Messrs. Caldwell and Drake.
The exhibits of mineral resources may be divided into the metallic and non-metallic groups.
In the first division in our State, iron is by far the most important and probably the one with which the people of the State are least acquainted. A few years ago New York stood near the head of the iron producing states. The depression in the iron industries, commencing about 1888, and the discovery about that time of the seemingly inexhaustible deposits of rich ores in the Lake Superior region, however, resulted in shutting down nearly all of our mines. For the last few years little attention has been paid to them, and they seem to have been popularly supposed to have been worked out. The Exposition gave an opportunity of showing this supposition to be incorrect, and recent investigations show that the deposits are of much greater extent and value than was known in the eighties. With but one or two exceptions none of the mines then worked are exhausted, and immense bodies of valuable ore have not been touched. Most of the non-mining localities were represented by specimens from the museum collections. Messrs. Witherbee, Sherman & Company exhibited a series of ores and concentrates from Mineville, the Arnold Mining Company, magnetites and martite from Arnold Hill, and the Chateaugay Ore and Iron Company, specimens from Lyon Mountain.
A series of magnetite and associated rocks from the Tilly Foster and other mines were supplemented by a model of the Tilly Foster mine which was loaned to the museum for this purpose by the Columbia School of Mines.
The St. Lawrence and Jefferson county hematites were represented by large specimens of ore and by a series of associated rocks and minerals, including some beautiful specimens of millerite, chalcedite, etc. These hematites are mined in a belt about thirty miles long reaching from Philadelphia, Jefferson county, into Hermon, St. Lawrence county. They are known as the Antwerp red hematites, and, being very easily smelted, are mixed with more refractory ores.
The Clinton or fossil ores extend in a belt across the central part of the State and are mined in the vicinity of Clinton, Oneida county, and in Ontario and Wayne counties.
The limonites shown from Dutchess and Columbia counties included some fine specimens of stalactitic ore.
Carbonate ores were shown from Columbia and Ulster counties, where there are extensive deposits on both sides of the Hudson river.
A feature of the iron ore exhibit was a magnetic separator supplied by the Wetherill Separator Company, of New York. This was kept at work on the magnetite ores from Mineville, and was of great interest not only in showing the method of concentrating the magnetic ore, but also in saving the phosphorus which occurs in the form of the mineral apatite and which is of considerable value in the manufacture of fertilizers. A large quantity of ore was donated for this purpose by Messrs. Witherbee, Sherman & Company.
Lead, generally associated with zinc and sometimes copper, has been mined on a small scale from very early times in Ulster and Sullivan counties, and more recently in St. Lawrence county. Many other localities have yielded small quantities of these minerals.
A set of specimens was exhibited by the Ellenville Zinc Company, consisting of strikingly beautiful crystalline masses of quartz galina, sphalerite and chalcopyrite and specimens of the rare mineral, brookite. There was also shown in the same case concentrates from the Ellenville mine of lead, zinc and copper made both by jigging and by magnetic separation, and a collection of ores and associated minerals and rocks from Rossie and Wurtzboro.
A large part of this exhibit consisted of construction materials, stone, slate, brick, tiling and cement. Most of the building stone was exhibited in the form of ten-inch cubes arranged on three pyramidal stands. Only a few of these were especially collected for this Exposition. Many more which were considered desirable could not be obtained in time on account of the inclement weather conditions of the preceding winter.
The granitic rocks included granite, gneisses, syenites and norite. This series only inadequately represented the New York granites. Among the most striking examples shown were the coarse grained red granite from Grindstone island in the St. Lawrence river, the Mohican granite from Peekskill, Westchester county, which is being extensively used in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York city, and the dark green labradorite rock known as the Ausable granite from Keeseville, Essex county. There are many interesting granite deposits, especially in the Adirondack region, which have not been developed.
The marbles included some fine examples of decorative stone from South Dover, Dutchess county, the black marble from Glens Falls, monumental and building marbles from Gouverneur, St. Lawrence county, and white building marbles from southeastern New York.
Limestones of excellent quality are quarried in a great number of localities and were well represented, some of them showing as fine a polished surface as the true marbles.
The State is also rich in sandstones of good quality. The Potsdam sandstone forms an almost complete belt around the Adirondacks and is an excellent building stone. Its color is from white to pale red, and in many places it is an extremely hard quartzite. Specimens were shown from Potsdam, St. Lawrence county.
The white sandstones of Washington county have been extensively used for refractory purposes in the manufacture of steel, being almost free from iron. The Medina sandstones are quarried in the neighborhood of Medina, Albion and Lockport. While a pure white stone occurs at Lewiston, the Medina stone is generally of a pinkish red color. It is extensively used as a building stone, particularly in Buffalo and Rochester. It is valuable for paving, curbing and flagging. The Medina Sandstone Company exhibited a piece of wall work to show the various methods of finish, including a finely carved lintel. A number of cubes were exhibited from various quarries.
The sandstones of southern New York occurring in the rocks of Devonian age are generally fine grained and blue or greenish in color and are known as bluestones. Most of the quarries are in the counties of Greene, Ulster, Broome, Delaware and Sullivan. They are described in New York State Museum Bulletin 61 by Harold T. Dickinson. There is a great variety in color and physical properties of stone from these quarries. It is used as building stone and for trimming, and some of it is especially valuable for large platforms. A large proportion of the output is in the form of flagging and curbstone.
The Hudson River Bluestone Company exhibited a piece of wall built into the base of the pyramidal stand holding the sandstone cubes. This was designed to show the ease with which it can be worked and included some finely carved lettering. The main entrance to the exhibit was paved with flags and tiles of this material.
With the sandstones were shown some ten-inch cubes of slate cut from the quarries of the H. H. Mathews Consolidated Slate Company, of Boston, which operates a number of quarries in Washington county. The slate belt covers an area of about 320 square miles, the larger part of which is in Washington county, N. Y., but which extends across the line into Rutland county, Vt. This is probably the richest slate region in the world. The beds are of great thickness, belonging to two distinct geologic formations. They are folded on one another in such a manner as to present the workable beds in long parallel ridges.
On account of its great strength and easy working qualities new uses are constantly being found for slate. One of the most striking features of the slate exhibit was a mantel built of rough slabs of dark red slate showing the cross fracture to have a fine satiny texture. This was a copy of a mantel designed by Lord & Hewlet, of New York, and built in a Poultney, Vt., residence. The main slate exhibit consisted of a stand supporting a slated roof, one side of which was covered with unfading green slates one inch thick, such as were laid on Senator Clark’s New York residence. The other side was covered with rough thick slabs of unfading red. The sides of the stand were covered with the regular trade slates in four sections–red, green, purple and variegated. The uses of slate for construction purposes were shown by slabs and panels on the upper part of the stand.
The cement exhibit was made by the Helderberg Cement Company, of Howes Cave. One side of the exhibit stand was devoted to Portland and the other to natural cements. Barrels and bags of finished cement formed the base of the structure on which were glass jars containing the rock in its stages of manufacture, with a series of photographs of the works and of buildings of cement. On account of the rapidly extending applications of cement a large section outside of the building was set aside for exhibits of the uses of cement, and the exhibit was designed mainly to show the manufacture, the materials used and the method of their treatment.
Gypsum was shown by a fine series of specimens contributed by the United States Gypsum Company from their mines in western New York. This material, like cement, is rapidly being adapted for a variety of purposes, especially in the finish and ornamentation of buildings, and the exhibit, encased in one of the square plate glass museum cases with its cut and polished cubes of raw gypsum, selenite crystals, jars of stucco colors and examples of plaster casts, made a very attractive exhibit. In another case there was exhibited gypsum in various forms from other sources.
The salt exhibit was made up from a very complete set of specimens in sample jars taken from the Museum collections, and a large number of packages from the manufacturers. The salt of New York is obtained from the salina formation in the western part of the State. The industry is of great importance. The deposits are described in State Museum Bulletin 11 by Dr. F. J. H. Merrill. One of the most interesting varieties shown was the solar salt, which has been made on the Onondaga Salt Reservation, Syracuse, since 1788. Blocks of rock salt were shown from the Retsof and Livonia shafts.
Most of the salt produced, however, is from wells bored down through the rock salt beds, and is pumped up in the form of brine and evaporated by artificial heat.
The Solvay Process Company, of Syracuse, made a splendid display of soda ash. The plant of this company uses an immense amount of salt which is obtained from the Tully districts and carried by pipes to Solvay. The raw materials used were shown in the lower sections of two cases especially constructed for the exhibit, which also held a set of barrels and other packages in which the soda is shipped. In the upper sections were shown a series of large glass jars with the various products. These were supplied with a series of labels completely describing the process of manufacture and the chemical changes which take place. Above the case there was a set of photographs of the works, illustrating the social life of the work-people employed and the growth of the establishment.
The exhibit of the useful minerals of the State was principally prepared by H. P. Whitlock of the Museum staff. One case contained a set of the abrasive materials, the most important of these being garnet, which is found in great quantities in the Adirondacks. Crude garnet from several mines, the ground and cleaned garnet, and grades of garnet paper were shown. A small millstone to represent the celebrated Esopus grit, emery ore from Peekskill, and quartz and sand from many localities were also exhibited in this case. Another case was filled with feldspar, mica and quartz, which usually occur associated with each other in the form of pegmetite dikes in the crystalline rocks of the Adirondacks and the Highlands of the Hudson. These materials are not as yet very extensively mined but an increasing demand for them is bringing to light many promising localities.
Another valuable mineral which occurs in the State in great quantities is graphite. Specimens of both the crude ore and manufactured graphite were exhibited. The deposits of this material in the form of graphitic limestone cover miles of territory, but more satisfactory processes for its concentration are needed to make it available for use, especially in the higher grades.
The Museum exhibited a set of its publications on geologic subjects, a set of published maps and maps specially prepared for this exhibit to show the distribution of useful minerals, and a number of enlarged photographs.
The exhibit of the Department of Paleontology consisted of a set of its publications on the paleontology of the State of New York–35 volumes–covering the period 1847-1904, and a set of wing frames with many of the original drawings and plates used in their illustration.
The most striking feature of the exhibit was an immense slab of Potsdam sandstone from Bidwell’s Crossing, Clinton county, which was part of the premoidial or cambrian beach laid down about the shores of the Adirondack continental nucleus. The slab shows the trails of animals crossing in all directions, especially those known as clemactechnites, said by Dr. J. M. Clarke to have been made by a a simple primitive type of mollusk. The slab, weighing over fifteen tons, was moved in six sections and put together for exhibition.
Restorations in plaster of paris of the fossil crustaceous eurypterus and hughmilleria were also exhibited.
The exhibition of clays and clay products was made by the State School of Ceramics, at Alfred, N. Y., under the direction of Professor Charles F. Binns, and included some large vases, the work of students.
The State of New York has long held an important place in the brick trade on account of its unlimited quantities of clay along the Hudson river, which have not only supplied much of the brick used for building in New York city, but bricks have been shipped from this source long distances by water. The finer varieties of clay have not been worked to any extent except on Long Island, but other conditions have resulted in the establishment of potteries at Brooklyn, Syracuse and other points, using almost exclusively clays imported into the State. The beds of feldspar and flint now being exploited in the Adirondacks will materially help to put this class of potteries on a firmer basis.
The center of the exhibition space was devoted to a pagoda designed to show the kinds of brick manufactured in the principal localities. The roof afforded an excellent place to exhibit earthenware tiling.
The General Electric Company exhibited a case of insulators, many of them of special types, from their Schenectady pottery. Insulators were also exhibited by Pass & Seymour, of Syracuse, and the Empire China Works, of Brooklyn.
The petroleum exhibit was made under the general direction of Secretary and Chief Executive Officer Charles A. Ball. An extensive series of crude and refined oils and by-products occupied a case showing on both sides. On this was installed a model of a tower and drilling machinery such as is used in sinking oil wells. The records printed on the labels furnished data which made an important addition to our previous knowledge of the New York oil fields.
In addition to those heretofore mentioned, the following gentlemen assisted as indicated in the preparation of the exhibit, and are entitled to no small credit for the valuable assistance rendered.
E. E. Engelhardt was engaged in the acquisition of the salt exhibits.
J. S. Bellamy collected the petroleum exhibit under the immediate direction of Secretary Ball.
C. F. Binns collected the exhibit of clay products under the immediate direction of the State Commission.
W. C. Richard assisted in installing the exhibit.
Frederick Braun installed the slab of Potsdam sandstone.
The following members of the staff of the State Museum also assisted: H.S. Mattimore, C.A. Trask, E.C. Kenny, D.D. Luther and Joseph Morje.
_Catalogue of Exhibitors in the Department of Mines and Metallurgy, with the Award, if Any, Received by Each_
_Minerals and Stones_
Adirondack Pyrites Co., Gouverneur
Pyrites: crude and concentrates
Alfred Clay Co., Alfred Station
Algonquin Red Slate Co., Truthville Mineral paint
Alps Oil Co., Alma
Crude oil
Applebee & Baldwin, Scio
Crude oil
Arnold Mining Co. Bronze medal
Iron ores
Attica Brick and Tile Co., Attica
Atwood & McEwen, Andover
Crude oil
J.J. Barron, Three Mile Bay
Limestone (Trenton)
H.H. Barton Son & Co., North Creek and Minerva Garnet and garnet paper
Herman Behr & Co., North River. Silver medal Garnet and garnet paper
Milo M. Belding, Gouverneur
Bellamy & Elliott, Scio
Crude oil
Frank Bennett, Staten Island
J. B. Berridge, Hudson
Limestone (Helderberg)
H. Boice & Co., Rondout
A. F. Bouton, Roxbury
Red sandstone (Catskill)
Burhans & Brainard, Saugerties
Eugene Campbell, New Baltimore
Limestone (Helderberg)
Canton Marble Quarry, Canton
B. & J. Carpenter, Lockport
Limestone (Niagara)
Celadon Roofing Co., Alfred
Tile roofs
Church & Bradley, Alma
Crude oil
Church & Co., Wellsville
Crude oil
Clark, Tracey & Co., West Union Crude oil
Conner Paint Mfg. Co
Mineral paint
Consolidated Wheatland Plaster Co., Wheatland Gypsum
Land plaster
Corning Brick, Tile & Terra Cotta Co., Corning Brick
Delaware Milling, Mining & Mfg. Co., Roxbury Mineral paint
Albert Dibble, Belvidere
Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Ticonderoga Graphite
Duford & Son, Chaumont
Limestone (Trenton)
Ellenville Zinc Co., Ellenville
Lead and zinc: zinc blende, chalcopyrite, galena, lead, zinc and copper concentrates
Empire China Works, Brooklyn
Empire Gas and Fuel Co., Ltd., Willink Crude oil
Empire Marble Co., Gouverneur
Empire Salt Co. Silver medal
Extra Dark Marble Co., Gouverneur
Foery & Kastner, Rochester
D. R. & H. Fogelsinger, Buffalo Limestone (Onondaga)
Franchot Bros., Scio
Crude oil
R. Forsyth, Grindstone Island
General Electric Co., Schenectady. Gold medal Insulators
Genesee Salt Co., Pifford
Glens Falls Co., Glens Falls
Limestone (Trenton)
Adelbert Gordon, Batchellerville
Gouverneur Garnet Co., Gouverneur
J. B. Gray, Geneseo
Oil sand and crude oil
Ezra Grinnell, Port Gibson
Plaster of paris
Land plaster
Grumply Oil Co., Rexville
Crude oil
Helderberg Cement Co., Howes Cave. Gold medal Cement
D. C. Hewitt, Amsterdam
Limestone (Calciferous)
High Falls Pyrites Co., Canton
Horan Bros., Medina
Horseheads Brick Co., Horseheads
L. W. Hotchkiss, Lewiston
Sandstone (Medina)
Hudson River Bluestone Co., Ulster county. Silver medal Bluestone
International Graphite Co., Ticonderoga Graphite
International Pulp Co., Gouverneur
International Salt Co., Ithaca
Interstate Conduit & Brick Co., Ithaca Brick
Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., Jamestown Brick
Jewettville Pressed Brick & Paving Co., Jewettville Brick
R. Jones, Prospect
J. F. Kilgour, Lordville
F. H. Kinkel, Bedford
A. Gracie King, Garrisons
Francis Larkins, Ossining
B. B. Mason, Keeseville
Masterton & Hall, Tuckahoe
H. H. Mathews Consolidated Slate Co., Washington county. Gold medal
G. J. McClure, Ithaca
J. H. McCutcheon, Lancaster
James McEwen, Wellsville
Crude oil
J. C. & A. McMurray, Olean
Medina Quarry Co., New York city. Silver medal Sandstone
M. Mervine, Whitesville
Crude oil
Morris & Strobel, LeRoy