Charles II.
reference to
Charlton, Little
Charterhouse, The
Chaucer quoted
Chippendale’s Work
Chippendale’s “Gentleman and Cabinetmakers’ Director” Christianity
influence of
Christie, Manson, & Wood, Messrs reference to old catalogues of
Cicero’s Tables
Clapton, Dr. Edward, reference to
Club Houses of London
Cluny Museum, reference to
Colbert, Finance Minister
Coliards’ predecessors
Collinson & Lock
Collman, L.W., work of
Constantinople, capture of
Coronation Chair, The
Grace, work of
Crane, Mr. Walter
Cromwell referred to
Crusades, influence of the
Cutler, Mr. T
Cypselus of Corinth, Chest of
Dado, the, described
Dagobert Chair
Dalburgia or Blackwood
Damascus, Room from a house in
Davillier, Baron
“Dining Room,” the, various definitions Divan, derivation of
Dowbiggin (Gillow’s apprentice)
Dryden quoted
Duerer, A., referred to
D’Urbino Bramante
Du Sommerard referred to
Dutch Furniture
Eastlake, Mr. C., reference to
Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Duke of, Art Collection Edis, Col. Robert, referred to,
Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of, Collection of Elizabethan Work
Empire Furniture
English Work
Evelyn’s Diary
Exhibiton, The Colonial
The Great (1851)
Exhibitions, Local
Falke, Dr., reference to
Faydherbe, Lucas
Fitzcook, H., designer
Flaxman’s Work
Flemish Renaissance
Flemish Work
Florentine Mosaic Work
Folding Stool
Fontainebleau, Chateau of
Fourdinois, Work of
Fragonard, French artist, reference to Frames for pictures and mirrors
Franks, Mr. A.W.
Fretwork Ornament
Gavard’s, C., Work on Versailles
German Work
Gesso Work
Ghiberti, L
Gibbon, Dr., story of
Gilding, methods of
Gillow, Richard,
extending table patented
work of
Gillow’s Records
Gillow’s Work
Glastonbury Chair
Gobelins Tapestry
Godwin, Mr. G., referred to
Godwin, Mr. E.W.
Goodrich Court
Gore House, Exhibition at
Gothic Architecture
Gothic Work
Gough, Viscount, collection of
Gouthiere, Pierre
Gray’s Inn Hall
Greek Furniture
Greuze, reference to
Hamilton Palace Collection
Hampton Court Palace
Hardwick Hall
Harpsichord, the
Harrison quoted
Hatfield House
Hebrew Furniture
Henri II.
time of
Henri IV.
style of Art in France
Henry VIII
Hepplewhite, work of
Herculaneum and Pompeii
discovery of
Herbert’s “Antiquities”
Hertford House Collection
Holland House
Holland & Sons
Holmes, W., designer
Home Arts and Industries Association Hope, Thomas, design by
Hopkinson’s Pianos
Hotel de Boheme
Howard & Sons, firm of, founded
Ince W., contemporary of Chippendale
Indian Furniture
Indian Museum, The
Indo-Portuguese Furniture
Intarsia Work, or Tarsia
Inventories, old
Italian Carved Furniture
Italian Renaissance
Jackson, Mr. T.G., A.R.A., referred to Jackson & Graham
Jacobean Furniture
Jacquemart, M., reference to
Japan, the Revolution in
Japanese Joiner, the
Japanned Furniture
Jeanne d’Albret, Bedstead of
Jones, Inigo
Jones Collection, The
Kauffmann, Angelica
Kensington, South, Museum, foundation of Kensington, South, Museum, reference to specimens in the Khorsabad, reference to
Kirkman’s exhibit
Knife cases
Lacquer Work, Chinese and Japanese
Lacroix, Paul, reference to
Lancret, artist
Layard, Sir Austen, reference to
Lebrun, artist
Leighton, Sir F., referred to
Leo X., Pope
Letharby, Mr. W.R.
Litchfield & Radclyffe
Livery cupboards
Longford Castle Collection
Longman & Broderip
Louis XIII. Furniture
Louis XIV
death of
Louis XV
death of
Louis XVI
Louvre, The
Macaulay, Lord, quoted
Machine-made Furniture
Madrid, French Furniture in
Mahogany, introduction of
Mansion House, Furniture of the
Marie Antionette
Marie Louise, Cabinet designed for
Maskell, Mr., reference to
Mayhew, J., contemporary of Chippendale Medicis Family, influence of the
Meyrick, S.
Middle Temple Hall
Miles and Edwards
Milton quoted
Mirror, Mosaic
Mirrors, introduction of
“Mobilier National,” the collection of Modern fashion of Furnishing
Mogul Empire, The
Morant’s Furniture
Mounting of Furniture
Munich, Work and Exhibition of
Napoleon alluded to
Nilson, French carver
Norman civilization, influence of
North Holland, Furniture of
Notes and Queries
Nineveh, Discoveries in
Oak Panelling
Oriental Conservatism
Ottoman, derivation of
Panelling (oak)
Papier-mache Work
Passe, C. de
Paxton, Sir Joseph
Penshurst Place
Perkins, Mr. C. translator of “Kunst im Hause” Persian Designs
Pianoforte, the
Picau, French carver
Pietra-dura introduced
Pinder, Sir Paul, house of
Pollen, Mr. J. Hungerford, references to Portuguese Work
Prie Dieu Chair, the
Prignot, Designs of
Prior, Mr. Edward, essay on Furniture Pugin, Mr. A.W., work of
Queen Anne Furniture
Queen’s Collection, The
Racinet’s Work, “Le Costume Historique” Radspieler of Munich (manufacturer)
Raffaele, referred to
Raleigh, Sir W.
Regency, Period of the, in France
Renaissance in England
The Netherlands
Revolution, The French
Revival of Art in France
Ricardo, Mr. Halsey
Richardson’s “Studies”
Riesener, Court Ebeniste
Robinson, Mr. G.T., quoted
Rococo Style, the
Rogers, Harry, work of
Roman Furniture
Ruskin, Mr., quoted
Russian Woodwork
St. Augustine’s Chair
St. Giles’, Bloomsbury
St. Peter’s Chairs
St. Peter’s Church
St. Saviour’s Chapel
Sallust, House of
Salting, Mr., collection of
Salzburg, Bishop’s Palace at
Sandringham House, referred to
Saracenic Art
Sarto, Andrea del
Satinwood, introduction of
Scandinavian Woodwork
Science and Art Department, The
Scott, Sir Walter, reference to
Screens, Louis XV. period
Secret Drawers, etc., in Furniture
Sedan Chair, the
Seddon, Thomas, and his Sons, Work of Serilly. Marquise de, Boudoir of
Sevres Porcelain, introduction of
Shakespeare’s Chair
Shakespeare, quoted
Shaw, Mr. Norman, R.A.
Shaw’s “Ancient Furniture”
Sheraton, Thomas, Work of
Shisham Wood
Sideboard, reference to the
Skinners’ Company, The
Smith, Major General Murdoch, reference to Smith, Mr. George, explorer, reference to Smith, George, manufacturer
Snell, Work of
Soane Museum, The
Society of Arts, The
Society of Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers Sofa, derivation of
South Kensington. See Kensington
Spanish Furniture
Speke Hall, Liverpool
Spoon Cases
Stationers’ Hall
Steam power applied to manufactures Stephens, Mr., referred to
Stockton House
Stone, Mr. Marcus
Strawberry Hill Sale
Street, Mr., R.A.
Strudwick, J., designer
Sydney, Sir Philip
Tabernacle, The
Table, “Dormant”
Tables and Trestles
Tadema, Mr. Alma, R.A., design by
Tarsia Work, or Intarsia
Tea Caddies
Thackeray, quoted
Theebaw, King, Bedstead of
Thyine Wood
“Times” Newspaper, The, quoted
Toms & Luscombe
Town & Emanuel
Trades Unionism
Traditions, loss of old
Transition period
Trianon, The
Trollopes founded
Ulm, Cathedral of
Urn Stands, the
Venice, importance of
Venice, referred to
Verbruggens, the
Vernis Martin
Versailles, Palace of
Victorian (early) Furniture
Vinci, L. da
Vriesse, V. de
Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, Art Collection of Wallace, Sir Richard, Collection of
Walpole, Horace
Ware, Great Bed of
Waterhouse, Mr., R.A.
Webb, Mr. Stephen
Wedgwood, Josiah
Wertheimer, S.
Westminster Abbey
Wilkinson, of Ludgate Hill
Williamson (Mobilier National)
Wine Tables
Woods used for Furniture
Wootton, Sir Henry, quoted
Wren, Sir Christopher, referred to
Wright, Mr., F.S.A, referred to
Wyatt, Sir Digby, paper read by
York House, described in the “Art Journal” York Minster, Chair in
List of Subscribers.
ALLEN, E.G., 28, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. AMHERST, W. AMHURST TYSSEN, M.P., Didlington Hall, Norfolk. ANDERSON, W. & SONS, Newcastle.
ANDREWS & Co., Durham.
ANGST, H., H.B.M. Consul, Zurich.
ASHWORTH, A., Manchester.
BAGOTT, HENRY PEARMAN, Dudley, Worcester. BAILEY, THOMAS J., A.R.I.B.A., School Board of London, Victoria Embankment, Westminster.
BALFOUR, CHARLES B., J.P., Balgonie, Fife. BALFOUR, GEORGE W., M.D., LL.D., 17, Walker Street, Edinburgh. BALFOUR, CAPTAIN J. E. H., 3, Berkeley Square, London. BAHR, WILLIAM, 119, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London. BALL, NORRIS & HADLEY, 5, Argyll Place, London. BARBER, W., Swinden, Halifax.
BARNES, J.W., F.S.A., Durham.
BATTISCOMBE & HARRIS, 49 and 50, Great Marylebone Street, London. BAXTER & Co., Colegate Street, Norwich. BAZLEY, SIR THOMAS S., BART.
BELOE, EDWARD MILLIGEN, F.S.A., Paradise, King’s Lynn. BENNETT-POE, J.T., Ashley Place, S.W.
BEVAN, REV. PHILIP CHARLES, March Baldon Rectory, Near Oxford. BIBBY, JAMES J.
BIRCH, CHARLES E., 19, Bloomsbury Street, London. BIRDWOOD, SIR GEORGE, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., M.D. BLACKBURNE & JOHNSTON, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London. BLOMFIELD, SIR ARTHUR W., M.A., A.R.A.
BONHAM, F.J., 65, Oxford Street, London. BOOLS, W.E., 7, Cornhill, London.
BOUCNEAU, A. J. H., 349, Euston Rd., London. BOYS & SPURGE, 79, Great Eastern Street, London. BRADSHAW, CHRISTOPHER, Manchester.
BRADY & SON, 74, High Street, Perth. BRERETON, PROFESSOR W.W., Galway.
BRETT, DR., 63, Shepherd’s Bush Road, London. BRIGGS, R.A., F.R.I.B.A., 2, Devonshire Square, London. BROOKE, HENRY, 20, Holland Park Villas, London. BROWN BROTHERS, 114a, George Street, Edinburgh. BRUCE, ISAAC, 4, Maitland Street, Edinburgh. BULKELEY-OWEN, Rev. T.M., Tedsmore Hall, Oswystry. BURD, J.S., Compton Gifford, Plymouth.
BURNARD, ROBERT, 3. Hillsborough, Plymouth. BUTTS, CAPTAIN, The Salterns, Parkstone, Dorset.
CAINE, H.J., Deanwood, Newbury.
CARLIUAN & BEAUMETZ, Rue Beaurepaire, Paris. CARMICHAEL, SIR T.D., Gibson, Bart.
CARRINGTON, HOWARD, 39, High Street, Stockport. CASTLE, REUBEN, F.R.I.B.A., Westgate, Cleckheaton. CHAMBERLAIN, RT. HON. JOSEPH, M.P.
CHAMBERLAIN, KING & JONES, 27, Union Street, Birmingham. CHAPMAN, H., Windsor Hall, Windsor Street, Brighton. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, King Street, St. James’ Square, London. CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, Bedford Street, Strand, London. CLAPPERTON, W.R. & Co., 59, Princes Street, Edinburgh. CLAPTON, EDWARD, Esq., M.D., F.L.S., 22, St. Thomas Street, London. CLARK, WILLIAM, Oxford Street, London.
CLIFFORD, SAMUEL, 14, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham. CLOWES, J.E., Quay, Great Yarmouth.
COATES, MAJOR EDWARD F., Tayles Hill, Ewell, Surrey. COCHRAN, ALEX, 22, Blythewood Square, Glasgow. COHEN & SONS, B., 1, Curtain Road, London. COLT, E.W., M.A., Hagley Hall, Rugeley.
CONRATH & SONS, South Audley Street, London. COOK, J., & SON, 80, Market Street, Edinburgh. COMBE, R.H., D.L., J.P., Surrey.
COOPER, REV. CANON W.H., F.R.G.S., 19, Delahay Street, Westminster. COOPER, JOSEPH, Granville Terrace, Lytham. CORNFORD, L. COPE, A.R.I.B.A., Norfolk Road, Brighton. COUNT, F.W., Market Place, East Dereham. CORNISH BROS., 37, New Street, Birmingham. CORNISH & SON, J., Liverpool.
CORNISH, J.E., 16, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. COUNT, F.W., Market Place, East Dereham. COWIE, ROBERT, 39b, Queensferry Street, Edinburgh. CRAIGIE, E.W., 8, Fopstone Road, London. CRANBROOK, RT. HON. VISCOUNT, G.C.S.I.
CRANFORD, R., Dartmouth.
CRANSTON & ELLIOT, 47, North Bridge, Edinburgh. CREIGHTON, DAVID H., Museum R.S.A.I, Kilkenny, Ireland. CRISP, H.B., Saxmundham.
CROFT, ARTHUR, South Park, Wadhurst, Surrey. CROSS, F. RICHARDSON, M.B., F.R.C.S.
CUTLER, THOMAS, F.R.I.B.A, 5, Queen’s Square, London.
DALRYMPLE, Hon. H.E.W., Bargany, Girvan, Ayrshire. DARMSTAEDTER, DR., Berlin.
DAVENPORT, HENRY, C.C., Woodcroft, Leek. DAVIES, REV. GERALD S., Charterhouse, Godalming. DAVIS, COLONEL JOHN, Sifrons, Farnboro’, Hants. DAVIS, JAMES W., F.S.A., Chevinedge, Halifax. DE BATHE, GENERAL SIR HENRY, BART.
DE L’ISLE & DUDLEY, RT. HON. LORD, Penshurst Place, Tonbridge. DE TRAFFORD, HUMPHREY F., 36, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London. DE SAUMAREZ, RT. HON. LORD.
DEBENHAM & FREEBODY, Wigmore Street, London. DERBY, RT, HON. EARL OF., K.G.
DORMER, ROLAND, Ministry of Finance, Cairo. DOUGLAS, GRENVILLE.
DOWNING, WILLIAM, Afonwan, Acock’s Green, Birmingham. DOVESTON’S, Manchester.
DREY, A.S., Munich.
DRUCE & Co., Baker Street, London. DRURY-LAVIN, MRS.
DULAU & Co., 37, Soho Square, London. DUNDEE FREE LIBRARY.
DUVEEN, J.J., Oxford Street, London.
EASTER, GEORGE, Free Library, Norwich, EDIS, COLONEL, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 14, Fitzroy Square, London. EDWARDS & ROBERTS, Wardour Street, London. EGGINTON, JOHN, Milverton Erleigh, Reading. ELLIOT, ANDREW, 17, Princes Street, Edinburgh. ELLIOTT, HORACE, 18, Queen’s Road, Bayswater, London. ELWES, H. T., Fir Bank, East Grimstead.
EMPSON, C. W., Palace Court, Bayswater, London. EVANS, COLONEL JOHN, Horsham.
FANE, W. D., Melbourne Hall, Derby.
FENWICK, J. G., Moorlands, Newcastle-on-Tyne. FERRIER, GEORGE STRATON, R.S.W., 41, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. FFOOLKES, His HONOUR JUDGE WYNNE, Old Northgate House, Chester. FIRBANK, J. T., D.L., J.P., Coopers, Chislehurst. FISHER, EDWARD, F.S.A. Scot., Abbotsbury, Newton-Abbot. FISHER, SAMUEL T., The Grove, Streatham. FLEMING, MRS. ROBERT, Walden, Chislehurst. FLETCHER, W., Tottenham Court Road, London. FORD, ONSLOW, A.R.A., 62, Acacia Road, Regent’s Park, N.W. FORRESTER, ROBERT, Glasgow.
FOSTER, CAPTAIN, J.P., D.L., Apley Park, Bridgnorth. FOSTER, J. COLLIE, 44a, Gutter Lane, London. FOX & JACOBS, 69, Wigmore Street, London. FRAEUR, FREDERICK, Greek Street, Soho, London. FRAIN, WILLIAM, Dundee.
FRANCIS, JOHN H., 17, Regent Place, Birmingham. FRANKAU, Mrs., Weymouth Street, Portland Place, London. FRASER & Co., A., 7, Union Street, Inverness. FRITH, MISS LOUISE, 18, Fulham Road, London. FULLER, B. FRANKLIN, 16, Great Eastern Street, London. FUZZEY, J. & A. J., Penzance.
GRAINER, J. W., M.B. Edin., Belmont House, Thrapstone, Northampton. GALLOWAY, JOHN, Aberdeen.
GARDNER, GEORGE, 209, Brompton Road, London. GARNETT, ROBERT, J. P., Warrington.
GIBBONS, DR., 29, Cadogan Place, London. GIBSON, ROBERT, Pitt Street, Portobello. GILBERT, GEORGE RALPH, Dunolly, Torquay. GILLILAN, WM., 6, Palace Gate, Bayswater, London. GILLOW & Co., Lancaster.
GILLOWS, Messrs., 406, Oxford Street, London. GODFREE, A. H., 18, Holland Villas Road, Bayswater, London. GOOCH, SIR ALFRED SHERLOCK.
GOODALL, E. & Co., Limited, Manchester. GOLDSMID, SIR JULIAN, BART., M.P.
GOW, JAMES M., 66, George Street, Edinburgh. GRAND HOTEL, Northumberland Avenue, London. GREEN, J. L., 64, King’s Road, Camden Road, London. GREENALL, LADY, Walton Hall, Warrington. GREENWOOD & SONS, Stonegate, York.
GREGORY & Co., Regent Street, London. GUILD, The Decorative Arts, Limd., 2, Hanover-Square, London. GURNEY, RICHARD, Northrepps Hall, Norwich. GUTHRIE, D. C.
HALL, MRS. DICKINSON, Whatton Manor, Nottingham. HAMBURGER BROS., Utrecht.
HAMER, WILLIAM, Mayfield, Knutsford. HAMILTON, THOMAS, Manchester.
HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, London. HANNAY, A. A., 80, Coleman Street, London. HANSELL, P. E., Wroxharn House, Norwich. HARDING, GEORGE, Charing Cross Road, London. HARDY, E. MEREDITH, 9, Sinclair Gardens, Kensington. HARRISON, H.E.B., Devonshire Road, Liverpool. HARVEY, REV. CANON, Vicar’s Court, Lincoln. HAWES, G. E., Duke’s Palace Joinery Works, Norwich. HAWKINS, A. P., New York.
HAWKINS, THOMAS, Bridge House, Newbury. HAWSELL, P. E., Wroxham, Norfolk.
HAYNE, CHARLES SEALE, M.P., 6, Upper Belgrave Street, London HAYWARD, MRS., Mossley Hill, Liverpool.
HERRING, DR. HERBERT T., 50, Harley Street, London. HESSE, Miss, The Lodge, Haslemere, Surrey. HEWITSON, MILNER & THEXTON, Tottenham Court Road, London. HILLHOUSE, JAMES, 50, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C. HIND, JOHN, Manchester.
HOBSON, RICHARD, J. P., D.L, etc., The Marfords, Bromborough, Cheshire. HOCKLIFFE, T. H., High Street, Bedford.
HODGES, W.D., 249, Brompton Road, London. HODGES, Figgis & Co. 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. HODGKINS, E. M., King Street, St. James’s Square, London. HOGG & COUTTS, 61, North Frederick Street, Edinburgh HOLMES, W. & R., Dunlop Street, Glasgow. HOPWOOD, W., Scarborough.
HORLOCK, REV. GEORGE, St. Olave’s Vicarage, Hanbury Street, London. HORNBY, ADMIRAL SIR G. PHIPPS.
HOUGHTON, CEDRIC, 17, Ribblesdale Place, Preston. HOZIER, SIR WILLIAM W., Bart.
HUMBERT, SON & FLINT, Watford and Lincoln’s Inn. HUNT, WILLIAM, 5, York Buildings, Adelphi. HUNTER, REV. CHARLES, Helperby, Yorks.
HUNTER, FREDERICK, 75, Portland Place, London. HUNTER, R. W., 19, George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh
IVEAGIE, Rt. Hon. Lord.
JACKSON, W. L., M.P., Chief Secretary for Ireland. JACOB, W. HEATON, 29, Sinclair Gardens, London. JARROLD & SONS, Norwich.
JENKINS, JOHN J., The Grange, Swansea. JEROME, JEROME K., Alpha Place, St. John’s Wood. JOICEY, MRS. E., Haltwhistle.
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, 43, Cambridge Road, Hove. JONES, YARRELL & CO., 8, Bury Street, Jermyn Street, London. JOSEPH, EDWARD, 25, Dover Street, Piccadilly, London. JOSEPH, FELIX, Eastbourne.
Jowers, Alfred, A.R.I.B.A., 7, Gray’s Inn Square, London.
KEATES, DR. W. COOPER, 2, Tredegar Villas, East Dulwich Road, London. KELVIN, RT. HON. LORD.
KEMP-WELCH, CHARLES DURANT, Brooklands, Ascot. KENDAL, MILNE & CO., Manchester.
KENNETT, W. B., 89, High Street, Sandgate. KENT, A. T.
KENYON, GEORGE, 35, New Bond Street, London. KING, ALFRED, Kensington Court Mansions, London. Knight, J. W., 33, Hyde Park Square, London, KNOX, JAMES, 31, Upper Kensington Lane, London.
LAINSON, TH., & Son, 170, North Street, Brighton. LANGFORD, RT. HON. LORD.
LANDSBERG, H. & SON, 1, Gordon Place, London. LARKINS-WALKER, LT. COLONEL, 201, Cromwell Road, London. LAURIE, THOMAS & SON, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. LAW, CHARLES A., 53, Highgate Hill, London. LEE, A. G., Alexander House, Solent Road, W. Hampstead. LEIGH, MRS., Tabley House, Knutsford.
LEIGHTON, Sir Frederic P.R.A.
LEIGHTON, Captain F., Parsons Green, Fulham, London. LENNOX, D., M. D., 144, Nethergate, Dundee. LETHBRIDGE, CAPTAIN E., 20, St. Peter Street, Winchester. LEWIS, MISS WYNDHAM, 33, Hans Place, London. LITCHFIELD, SAMUEL, The Lordship, Cheshunt. LITCHFIELD, T. G., Bruton Street, London. LINDSAY-CARNEGIE, J. P., D.L., Co. Forfar. LODER, R. B., 47, Grosvenor Square, London. LONG, NATHANIEL, Tuckey Street, Cork.
LORD & CO., W. TURNER, 120, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London. LONGDEN, H., London and Sheffield.
LOWE, J. W., Ridge Hall, Chapel-En-Le-Frith. LUCAS, SEYMOUR, A.R.A., Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead. LYNAM, C., F.R.I.B.A., Stoke-On-Trent.
MACDONALD, A. R., 10, Chester Street, S.W. MACDONALD, DUDLEY WARD, 15, Earls’ Terrace, Kensington, W. MACK, THOMAS, Manchester.
MCKIE, MISS, Dumfries, N.B
MANN, J. P., Adamson Road, N.W.
MANNERING, E. H., Hillside, Arkwright Road, Hampstead. MANT, Rev. Newton, The Vicarage, Hendon, N.W. MAPLE, J. Blundell, M.P.
MARKS, H. Stacy, R.A.
MARSHALL, ARTHUR, A.R.I.B.A., Cauldon Place, Long Row, Nottingham. MARSHAM, MAJOR G. A., J.P., Thetford.
MART, ALFRED, 22, Carleton Road, Tufnell Park, London. MARTIN, SIR THEODORE, K.C.B.
MENZIES, JOHN & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. MIALL, G. C., Bouverie Street, London.
MILLER, ALFRED, Queen’s Road, Weybridge. MILLAR, DAVID, 8, Fitzroy Street, London. MILLS, R. MASON, Bourne, Lincolnshire.
MILNE, ROBERT O., Oakfield, Leamington. MILNER, JOHN, 180, Great Portland Street, London. MITCHELL LIBRARY, Miller Street, Glasgow. MITCHELL, SYDNEY & WILSON, 13, Young Street, Edinburgh. MORGAN & SONS, Hanway Street, W.
MORRISON, H., Public Library, Edinburgh. MORTON, THOMAS H., M.D., C.M., Don House, Brightside, Sheffield. MOUNTSTEPHEN, THE LADY.
MURRAY, WILLIAM, F.S.I., 81, Wood Green Shepherds Bush, London. MURPHY, JOHN, 215, Brompton Road, London.
NETTLEFOLD, HUGH, Hallfield, Edgbaston, Birmingham. NEVILL, CHARLES H., Bramall Hall, Cheshire. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE PUBLIC LIBRARIES.
NICOL, ROBERT E., 94, Morningside Road, Edinburgh. NIND, P. H., Lashlake House, Thame, Oxon. NORMAN, JAMES T., 57, Great Eastern Street, London. NOTTINGHAM MECHANICS’ INSTITUTION.
NUTTALL, JOHN R., Market Place, Lancaster. NYBURG & Co., 17, Hanway Street, W.
OAKELEY, REV. W. BAGNALL, Newland, Coleford, Gloucester. OAKLEY, FRANK P., Hanging Bridge Chambers, Cathedral Yard, Manchester. OLIVER & LEESON, Bank Chambers, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. OSBORNE, WILLIAM, 30, Reform Street, Beith, N.B. OVEY, RICHARD, J.P., Badgemore, Henley-on-Thames.
PALMER, THE REV. FRANCIS, 17, New-Cavendish-Street, W. PARLANE, JAMES, Rusholme, Manchester.
PARR, T. KNOWLES, Isthmian Club, S.W. PATERSON, SMITH & INNES, 77, South Bridge, Edinburgh. PATTERSON, W. G., 54, George Street, Edinburgh. PATTISON, ROBERT P., Seacliffe, Trinity. PAUL, ALFRED S. H., Tetbury.
PEARCE, S. S., 4, Victoria Parade, Ramsgate. PEARSE, H., Rochdale.
PEARSON, JOHN L., R.A., 13, Mansfield Street, London. PECKITT, LIEUT.-COLONEL R. WM., Thornton-le-Moor, Northallerton. PENNEY, J. CAMPBELL, 15, Gloucester Place, Edinburgh. PENTY, WALTER, G., F.R.I.B.A., Clifford Chambers, York. PHILIP, G. STANLEY, 32, Fleet Street, London. PHILLIPS, F. W., The Manor House, Hitchin. PHILLIPS, MORO, West Street House, Chichester. PIGGOT, REVD. ALEXANDER, Leven, Fife.
PITT-RIVERS, GENERAL, F.S.A., 4, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. POLLARD, JOSEPH, Nicholas Street, Truro. POLLEN, J. HUNGERFORD, South Kensington Museum. PONSONBY, HON. GERALD, 57, Green Street, London. PORTAL, MELVILLE, J.P., Micheldever, Hants. POTT, HARRY KERBY, The Cedars, Sunninghill, Ascot. POWEL, H. PENRY, Castle Madoc, Brecknock. POWELL & POWELL, 18, Old Bond Street, Bath. POWELL & SONS, JAMES, 31, Osborn Street, Hull. POWIS, RIGHT HON. EARL OF.
PROPERT, J. LUMSDEN, 112, Gloucester Terrace, London. PRUYN, MRS. JOHN V.L., Albany, New York.
QUANTRELL, A. & S.S., 203, Wardour Street, London.
RABBITS, W. T., 6, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. RADCLIFFE, H. MILES, Summerlands, Kendal. RADCLIFFE, R. D., M.A., F.S.A., Darley, Old Swan, Liverpool. RADNOR, THE RT. HON. THE COUNTESS OF
RAMSAY, ROBERT, 33/437–Greendyke Street, Glasgow. RAMSEY, THE HON. MRS. CHARLES, 48, Grosvenor Street, W. RICHARDS, S., Hounds Gate, Nottingham.
RIGDEN, JOHN, J. P., Surrey House, Brixton Hill, S.W. RILEY, ATHELSTAN, L.C.C., 2, Kensington Court. RILEY, JOHN, 20, Harrington Gardens, S.W. RIVINGTON, CHARLES ROBERT, F.S.A., Stationers’ Hall, London. ROBERTS, D. LLOYD, M.D., F.R.C.P., Broughton Park, Manchester. ROBSON, EDWARD R., F.S.A., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster. ROBSON, R., 16, Old Bond Street, W.
ROBSON.& SONS, 42, Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ROGERSON, ARTHUR, Fleurville, Cheltenham. ROMAINE-WALKER, W. H., A.R.I.B.A., Buckingham Street, Strand, London. ROSE, ALGERNON, F.R.G.S., Great Pulteney Street, London. ROTHSCHILD, THE LADY.
ROTHSCHILD, LEOPOLD DE, 5, Hamilton Place, W. RUSSELL, JOHN, M. B., 142, Waterloo Road, Burslem.
SACKVILLE, RT. HON. LORD, Knole Park, Sevenoaks. SALMON, W. FORREST, F.R.I.B.A., 197, St. Vincent, Street, Glasgow. SAITER, S. JAMES A., F.R.S., Basingfield, near Basingstoke. SANDERS, T. R. H., Old Fore Street, Sidmouth. SANDERSON, JOHN, 52, Berners Street, London. SAVORY, HORACE R., 11, Cornhill, London. SAWERS, JOHN, Gothenburg, Sweden.
SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT of South Kensington. SCOTT, A. & J., Glasgow.
SCOTT, J. & T., 10, George Street, Edinburgh. SCULLY, W. C., 32, Earl’s Court Square, London. SHARP, J., Fernwood Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. SHERBORNE, RT. HON. LORD.
SHIELL, JOHN, 5, Bank Street, Dundee. SIMKIV, W. R., North Hill, Colchester.
SIMPSON, THOMAS & SONS, Silver Street, Halifax. SIMS, F. MANLEY, F.R.C.S., 12, Hertford Street, London. SION COLLEGE LIBRARY, Thames Embankment, London. SLESSOR, REV. J. H., The Rectory, Headbourne, Worthy, Winchester. SMILEY, HUGH H., Gallowhill, Paisley.
SMITH, CHARLES, 12, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, London. SMITH, EDWARD ORFORD, Council House, Birmingham. SMITH, F. BENNETT, 17, Brazenose Street, Manchester. SMITH, W. J., 41 & 43, North Street, Brighton. SOPWITH, H. T., Newcastle-on-Tyne.
SPENCE, C. J., South Preston Lodge, North Shields. STENHOUSE & SON, 4, Alexandra Gardens, Folkestone. STEPHENS, E. GEORGE, 5, Portman Street, Whalley Range, Manchester. STEPHENS, J. WALLACE, Belph, Whitmell, Nr. Chesterfield. STONE, J. H., J.P., Handsworth.
STORR, J. S., 26, King Street, Covent Garden.
TALBOT, Miss, 3, Cavendish Square, London. TANNER, ROBERT R.S., 9, Montagu Street, Portman Square, London. TANNER, SLINGSBY, 1046, Mount Street, Berkeley Square, London. TAPLIN, JOHN, 8, Blomfield Road, Maida Vale, London. TASKER, G. S., Glen-Ashton, Wimbourne, Dorset. TATE, JOHN, Oaklands, Alnwick.
TAYLOR, JOHN & SONS, 109, Princes Street, Edinburgh. TEMPEST, SIR ROBERT T., BART.
TEMPEST, MAJOR A.C., Coleby Hall, near Lincoln. THOMASON, YEOVILLE, F.R.I.B.A., 9, Observatory Gardens, Kensington, London. THOMPSON, THE LADY MEYSEY.
THOMPSON, RICHARD, Dringcote, The Mount, York. THONET BROS., 68, Oxford Street, London. THYNNE, J. C., Cloisters, Westminster, London. TRAILL, JAMES CHRISTIE, J.P, D.L., Rattan, Caithness; and Hobbister, Orkney. TAPNALL, C., 60, St. John’s Road, Clifton. TUNISSEN, G., 64, Noordeinde, The Hague. TURNER, R. D., Roughway, Tonbridge.
TURNER, WILLIAM, Manchester.
VANDERBYL, MRS. PHILIP, Porchester Terrace, London. VAUGHAN & Co., 18, Gt. Eastern Street, London. VINCE, A. S., 14, Gt. Pulteney Street, London. VINEY, JOHN P., 26, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London. VOST & FISHER, Halifax.
WADE, MISS, Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. WALLACE, MRS., French Hall, Gateshead.
WALLIS & Co., Limited, Holborn Circus, London. WALTERS, FREDERICK A., A.R.I.B.A, 4, Great Queen Street, Westminster. WARBURTON, SAMUEL, 10, Witton Polygon, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. WARING, S. J. & SONS, Bold Street, Liverpool. WARNER & SONS, Newgate Street, E.C.
WATKINS, REV. H. G., Lilliput Hill, Parkstone, Dorset. WATNEY, VERNON J., Berkeley Square, London. WATTERSON, WILLIAM CRAVEN, Hill Carr, Altrincham. WATTS, G. F., R.A., Little Holland House, Kensington, London. WATTS, JAMES, Old Hall, Cheadle, near Manchester. WEBB, R. BARRETT, Bristol.
WEEKES, J.E., 19, Sinclair Gardens, W. WELLARD, CHARLES, St. Leonard Street, Bromley-by-Bow. WERTHEIMER, ASHER, 154, New Bond Street, W. WERTHEIMER, CHARLES, 21, Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W. WESTMINSTER, HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF.
WESTON, MRS. E., Ashbank, Penrith.
WHARTON, THE REV. GEORGE, Radley College, Abingdon. WHARTON, W. H. B., London Road, Manchester. WHEATLEY, COLONEL.
WHEELER, WILLIAM, George Row, York Road, City Road, London. WHITAKER, WALTER, Combe Down, Bath.
WHITAKER, W. W., Cornbrook House, Manchester. WIGAN PUBLIC LIBRARY.
WILKINSON & SON, 8, Old Bond Street, London. WILLIAMS, MRS., Parcian, Anglesey.
WILLS, GEORGE, Park Street, Bristol. WILSON, SAMUEL, 7, King Street, St. James’s Square. WOLFSOHN, HELENA, Dresden.
WOOD, HERBERT S., A.R.I.B.A., 16, Basinghall Street, London. WOOD, T. A., 67, Berners Street, London. WORCESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY.
WORNUM, R. S., 26, Bedford Square, London. WORTHINGTON, HENRY H., Sale Old Hall, Manchester. WRIGHT, A. O., 25, Low Skellgate, Ripon. WRIGHT, E., 144, Wardour Street, London. WYLIE, S., Glasgow.
WYLLIK & SONS, D., Aberdeen.
ANDERSON, MRS. J. H., Palewell, East Sheen, S.W. BETHELL, WILLIAM, Derwent Bank, Malton.
EDWARDS, THOMAS & SONS, Wolverhampton. EMSLIE, A., Rothay, Border Crescent, Sydenham. GOSFORD, THE RT. HONBLE. THE COUNTESS OF. LARKING, T. J., 28, New Bond Street, W.
SIDNEY, T. H., Wolverhampton.
[1] Gopher is supposed to mean cypress wood. See notes on Woods (Appendix).
[2] See also Notes on Woods (Appendix).
[3] Folding stool–Faldistory or Faldstool–a portable seat, similar to a camp stool, of wood or metal covered with silk or other material. It was used by a Bishop when officiating in other than his own cathedral church.
[4] Those who would read a very interesting account of the history of this stone are referred to the late Dean Stanley’s “Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey.”
[5] The sous, which was but nominal money, may be reckoned as representing 20 francs, the denier 1 franc, but allowance must be made for the enormous difference in the value of silver, which would make 20 francs in the thirteenth century represent upwards of 200 francs in the present century.
[6] The panels of the high screen or back to the stalls in “La Certosa di Pavia” (a Carthusian Monastery suppressed by Joseph II.), are famous examples of early intarsia. In an essay on the subject written by Mr. T.G. Jackson, A.R.A., they are said to be the work of one Bartolommeo, an Istrian artist, and to date from 1486. The same writer mentions still more elaborate examples of pictorial “intarsia” in the choir stalls of Sta. Maria, Maggiore, in Bergamo.
[7] Writers of authority on architecture have noticed that the chief characteristic in style of the French Renaissance, as contrasted with the Italian, is that in the latter the details and ornament of the new school were imposed on the old foundations of Gothic character. The Chateau of Chambord is given as an instance of this combination.
[8] Dr. Jacob von Falke states that the first mention of glass as an extraordinary product occurs in a register of 1239.
[9] “Holland House,” by Princess Marie Liechtenstein, gives a full account of this historic mansion.
[10] The following passage occurs in one of Beaumont and Fletcher’s plays:
“Is the great couch up, the Duke of Medina sent?” to which the duenna replies, “‘Tis up and ready;” and then Marguerite asks, “And day beds in all chambers?” receiving in answer, “In all, lady.”
[11] This tapestry is still in the Great Hall at Hampton Court Palace.
[12] [PG Note] The original text said “gods”.
[13] The present decorations of the Palace of Versailles were carried out about 1830, under Louis Phillipe. “Versailles Galeries Historiques,” par C. Gavard, is a work of 13 vols., devoted to the illustration of the pictures, portraits, statues, busts, and various decorative contents of the Palace.
[14] For description of method of gilding the mounts of furniture, see Appendix.
[15] For a short account of these Factories, see Appendix.
[16] Watteau, 1684-1721. Lancrel, _b_. 1690, _d_. 1743. Boucher, _b_. 1703, _d_. 1770.
[17] The Court room of the Stationers’ Hall contains an excellent set of tables of this kind.
[18] The late Mr. Adam Black, senior partner in the publishing firm of A. and C. Black, and Lord Macaulay’s colleague in Parliament, when quite a young man, assisted Sheraton in the production of this book; at that time the famous designer of furniture was in poor circumstances.
[19] The word Baroque, which became a generic term, was derived from the Portugese “barroco,” meaning a large irregular-shaped pearl. At first a jeweller’s technical term, it came later, like “rococo,” to be used to describe the kind of ornament which prevailed in design of the nineteenth century, after the disappearance of the classic.
[20] Mr. Parker defines Dado as “The solid block, or cube, forming the body of a pedestal in classical architecture, between the base mouldings and the cornice: an architectural arrangement of mouldings, etc., round the lower parts of the wall of a room, resembling a continuous pedestal.”
[21] Owen Jones’ “Grammar of Ornament,” a work much used by designers, was published in 1856.
[22] Essay by Mr. Edward S. Prior, “Of Furniture and the Room.”
[23] Published in 1868, when the craze for novelties was at its height.
[24] Essay on “Decorated Furniture,” by J. H. Pollen.