The Life of John Sterling by Thomas Carlyle

Scanned and proofed by Ron Burkey ( Italics in the text are indicated by the use of an underscore as delimiter, _thusly_. All footnotes have been collected at the end of the text, and numbered sequentially in brackets, . One illustration has been omitted. The “pound” symbol has been replaced by the word “pounds”. Otherwise,

The French Revolution: A History by Thomas Carlyle

This etext was prepared by Sue Asscher THE FRENCH REVOLUTION A HISTORY by THOMAS CARLYLE CONTENTS. VOLUME I. THE BASTILLE BOOK 1.I. DEATH OF LOUIS XV. Chapter 1.1.I. Louis the Well-Beloved Chapter 1.1.II. Realised Ideals Chapter 1.1.III. Viaticum Chapter 1.1.IV. Louis the Unforgotten BOOK 1.II. THE PAPER AGE Chapter 1.2.I. Astraea Redux Chapter 1.2.II. Petition

Sartor Resartus by Thomas Carlyle

Scanned and proofed by Ron Burkey ( SARTOR RESARTUS: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh By Thomas Carlyle. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY. Considering our present advanced state of culture, and how the Torch of Science has now been brandished and borne about, with more or less effect, for five thousand years and upwards;

Latter-Day Pamphlets by Thomas Carlyle

Scanned and proofed by Ron Burkey ( LATTER-DAY PAMPHLETS. by Thomas Carlyle But as yet struggles the twelfth hour of the Night. Birds of darkness are on the wing; spectres uproar; the dead walk; the living dream. Thou, Eternal Providence, wilt make the Day dawn!–JEAN PAUL. Then said his Lordship, “Well. God mend all!”–“Nay, by

The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great V21 by Thomas Carlyle

Carlyle’s “History of Friedrich II of Prussia” Book XXI Processed by D.R. Thompson BOOK XXI. AFTERNOON AND EVENING OF FRIEDRICH’S LIFE. 1763-1786. Chapter I. PREFATORY. The Twelve Hercules-labors of this King have ended here; what was required of him in World-History is accomplished. There remain to Friedrich Twenty-three Years more of Life, which to

The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great V19 by Thomas Carlyle

Prepared by D.R. Thompson BOOK XIX. FRIEDRICH LIKE TO BE OVERWHELMED IN THE SEVEN-YEARS WAR. 1759-1760. Chapter I. PRELIMINARIES TO A FOURTH CAMPAIGN. The posting of the Five Armies this Winter–Five of them in Germany, not counting the Russians, who have vanished to Cimmeria over the horizon, for their months of rest–is something wonderful, and

The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great V17 by Thomas Carlyle

Prepared by D.R. Thompson Carlyle’s “History of Friedrich II of Prussia” Book XVII THE SEVEN-YEARS WAR: FIRST CAMPAIGN. 1756-1757. Chapter I. WHAT FRIEDRICH HAD READ IN THE MENZEL DOCUMENTS. The ill-informed world, entirely unaware of what Friedrich had been studying and ascertaining, to his bitter sorrow, for four years past, was extremely astonished at the