Produced by David Starner, Tapio Riikonen and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team FRITIOFS SAGA BY ESAIAS TEGNER Introduction, Bibliography, Notes, and Vocabulary _Edited by_ ANDREW A. STOMBERG PREFACE. Ever since the establishment, many years ago, of courses in Swedish in a few American colleges and universities the need of Swedish texts, supplied with vocabularies and
Fridthjof’d Saga by Esaias Tegne’r
FRIDTHJOF’S SAGA By Esaias Tegne’r NOTE BY THE TRANSLATORS Tegne’r’s poem, “Fridthjof’s Saga,” has been printed in Sweden in many large editions and in almost every possible style. It has been illustrated, and it has been set to music. It has been translated into nearly all the modern European languages. Moreover it has been rendered