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Accelerating Liquids. 65
Amphitype. 116
Anthotype. 113
Apparatus. Daguerreotype. 43
Calotype 97
Photogenic 87
Application of Photogenic Drawing. 95 Applying the Sensitive. 64
Bringing out the Picture. 71
Bromine Box. 51
Chloride of 68
Roach’s Tripple Compound of 67
water. 65
Bromide of Iodine. 67
of Lime. 68
Paper. 91
of silver. 35
Brushes. 88
Buff Sticks. 60
Calotype process. 97
paper. Exposure in Camera of 100
Pictures. Bringing out ib.
Fixing 101
Camera. Description of the 43
Stand. 49
Woodbridge’s ib.
Calotype. 50
Voigtlander 45
Chloride of Bromine. 68
of Gold. 36
to make a solution of 75
of Iodine. 66
of Silver. 31
Chromatype. 112
Chrysotype. 106
Cleaning and Polishing the plate. 61 Coating Boxes. 51
Color Boxes. 53
Colored Daguerreotypes on Copper. 77 Coloring the Picture. 76
Daguerreotypes. 129
Concave Mirrors. 19
Convex Mirrors 19
Corchorus Japonica. 37
Crayon Daguerreotypes. 120
Cyanotype 109
Daguerreotype Apparatus. 43
Process. 61
Plates. 62
Daguerreotypes. Crayon 77
on paper 81
Dedication. iii
Definitions of terms used in optics, 15 Different methods of preparing photogenic paper. 89 Directions for use of Galvanic Battery. 58 Distilled water 88
Drummond light. 128
Dry Sensitive. 68
Drying apparatus. 72
Effects of light on bodies 25
Energiatype 111
Etching Daguerreotypes. 83
Fifth operation. Fixing the picture. 61 First operation. Cleaning the plate 61
Fluoric acid. 69
Fourth operation-Bringing out the picture. 71 Funnels. 53
Galvanic Battery. 57
Solution for use of 58
Gilding stand. 53
the picture. 74
Gold. Chloride of 36
To make solution of 75
Hyposulphite; or Salt of 74
Preparation of. 36
Gurney’s Sensitive. 67
Head Rests. 57
Hints and Suggestions. 39
History of Photography. 3
Hungarian Liquid. 69
Hygrometers. 55
Hyposulphite of Gold. 74
of Soda. 28
Instantaneous pictures by means of Galvanism. 77 Introduction. i
Iodine, Dry 64
Chloride of 66
Bromide of 67
Box. 51
Iodide of silver. 32
loduret of silver. 33
Iodize the Plate. To 64
Iodized Paper for Calotypes. To prepare 98 To prepare for the Camera ib.
Lamps, Spirit 53
Light. Theory on 14
Motion of 16
Reflection of 17
Refraction of 20
on bodies. Effects of 25
Prismatic analysis of 22
Lime, Bromide of 68
Lunar Pictures. 127
Mead’s Accelerator. 68
Mercury Bath 50
Nitrate of Silver. 89
Oxide of Silver. 29
On coloring Daguerreotypes 129
On the probability of Producing colored Photographs. 123 Paper. blotting; or bibulous, 88
Daguerreotypes. 81
preparation of 89
suitable for Photographs. 87
Photogenic drawing on ib
Photographic principle, the 22
Photographic process on paper. 92
drawing. Application of 95
To fix the 93
deviations. 126
Photographometer, The 135
Plate Support. 59
Blocks. 50
Vice. 51
Poppy, The Red 37
Porcelain dishes. 59
Positive Calotype 104
Preface. v
Preparation of Iodized Paper. 98
of Gold. 36
Prismatic Spectrum. 22
Analysis of Light. ib
Reflection of Light. 17
Refraction of Light. 20
Roach’s Tripple Compound of Bromine. 67 Sand Clock. 70
Sealing paper. To make 77
Second operation. 94
Sensitive. ib
Silver. Bromide of 35
Cloride of 31
Iodide of 32
Ioduret of 33
Nitrate of 89
Oxide of 28
Solution of Chloride of 59
Sixth operation. 74
Soda Hyposulphite of 72
Solar and Stellar Light. 21
Still for purifying water, 54
Submitting the Plate to the action of Light 69 Synopsis of Mr. Hunt’s Treatise on Light, 29 Talbotype Camera. 50
Theory on Light. 14
Third operation. 69
Wall Flower. 37