The Letters of Horace Walpole Volume 3 by Horace Walpole

This eBook was produced by Marjorie Fulton. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford: Including Numerous letters Now First Published From The Original Manuscripts. In Four Volumes. Vol. III. 1759-1769. Contents Of Vol. III. 1759. 1. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 17.-Lord Temple’s resignation of the privy-seal. Lady Carlisle’s marriage with Sir William Musgrave.–25
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This eBook was produced by Marjorie Fulton.

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford:

Including Numerous letters Now First Published From The Original Manuscripts.

In Four Volumes.
Vol. III.


Contents Of Vol. III.

[Those Letters now first collected are marked N.]


1. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 17.-Lord Temple’s resignation of the privy-seal. Lady Carlisle’s marriage with Sir William Musgrave.–25

2. To the Right Hon. William Pitt, Nov. 19.-Congratulations on the
lustre of his administration–[N.] 26

3. To Sir Horace Mann, Nov. 30.-Sir Edward Hawke’s victory over Conflans. Lord Kinnoul’s mission to Portugal–27

4. To the same, Dec. 13.-Regretting his own ignorance of mathematics and common figures. Victory of Prince Henry–28

5. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 23.-Tumults in Ireland. Story of Lord Lyttelton and Mr. Shelley–30

6. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, Dec. 23.-“Life of Lord Clarendon.” “Lucan”–31


7. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 7.-Visit to Princess Emily. Commotions in Ireland–32

8. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Jan. 12.-Apologizing for an unintentional offence–34

9. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 14.-Severity of the weather. Military preparations. Prince Edward’s party. Edwards’s “History of

10. To Sir Horace Mann, Jan. 26.-Severity of the winter. Death of Lady Besborough. Ward’s drops–36

11. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 28.-Death of Lady Besborough. Lord
Ferrers’s murder of his steward. Visit to the Magdalen. Dr. Dodd–

12. To Sir David Dalrymple. Feb. 3.-Macpherson’s fragments or Erse
poetry. Mary Queen of Scots. Dyer’s “Fleece.” Pepys’s collection of
ballads. Faction–[N.] 40

13. To Sir Horace Mann, Feb. 3.-Caserta. Character of Mr. Thomas Pitt. Death of the Duchess of Bolton. Lord George Sackville’s court-martial. Lord Charles Hay. Lord Ferrers’s murder of his steward. Dutch mud-quake–41

14. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, Feb. 4.-“Anecdotes of Painting.” Character of Dr. Hurd. Warburton’s “Shakspeare.” Edwards’s “Canons
of Criticism”–44

15. To Sir Horace Mann, Feb. 28.-M. Thurot’s expedition. Siege of Carrickfergus. Lord Ferrers–45

16. To the same, March 4.-M. Thurot’s expedition. Duke of Bedford’s
Irish administration. General Flobert and Mr. Mallet. Ward’s drops–48

17. To the same, March 26.-Lord George Sackville’s court-martial–

18. To George Montagu, Esq. March 27.-Lord George Sackville’s court-martial. Miss Chudleigh’s public breakfast–50

19. To Sir David Dalrymple, April 4.-Erse Poetry; Gray’s queries concerning Macpherson. Home’s “Siege of Aquileia.” “Tristram Shandy”–[N.] 51

20. To George Montagu, Esq. April 19.-Lord George Sackville’s sentence. Lord Ferrers’s trial. Duel between the Duke of Bolton and
Mr. Stewart–52

21. To Sir Horace Mann, April 20.-Lord George Sackville’s sentence.
Trial of Lord Ferrers–54

22. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, May 3.-Lord Bath’s ,Rhapsody.” “Anecdotes of Painting”–55

23. To George Montagu, Esq. May 6.-Execution of Lord Ferrers–56

24. To Sir Horace Mann, May 7,–Execution of Lord Ferrers. Lady Huntingdon. Death of Lord Charles Hay. King of Prussia’s poems. General Clive–57

25. To Sir David Dalrymple, May 15.-Erse poetry. Lord Lyttelton’s “Dialogues of the Dead.” King of Prussia’s poems–[N 63

26. To Sir Horace Mann, May 24.-Lord Lyttelton’s “Dialogues of the
Dead.” Anecdotes of lord Ferrers–64

27. To the Earl of Strafford, June 7.-Description of Miss Chudleigh’s ball. Death of Lady Anson–66

28. To Sir Horace Mann, June 20.-Siege of Quebec. The house of Fuentes. Pope’s house and garden–68

29. To Sir David Dalrymple, June 20.-Authenticity of the Erse poems. Lord Lyttelton’s “Dialogues of the Dead.” Isaac Walton’s “Complete Angler.”–[N.] 69

30. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 21.-Story of Sir Robert Walpole
and his man John. George Townshend’s absurdities. “Tant mieux pour
Elle.”–[N.] 70

31. To the same, June 28.-Siege of Quebec raised. Lady Stormont–72

32. To George Montagu, Esq. July 4:.-Visit to Chaffont. Gray’s taciturnity–73

33. To Sir Horace Mann, July 7.-Siege of Quebec raised–74

34. To George Montagu, Esq. July 19.-Visit to Oxford. Holbein’s portraits. Blenheim. Ditchley. –75

35. To the same, July 20.–76

36. To Sir Horace Mann, Aug. 1.-Wolfe’s tomb. Death of Lady Lincoln. Arrival of General Clive–77

37. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 7.-Fit of the gout–78

38. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 7-Fit of the gout–79

39. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 12.-Reflections on his illness–80

40. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Aug. 23.-Visit to Whichnovre. Advises her ladyship to claim the flitch of bacon–81

41. To Sir Horace Mann, Aug. 28.-Duke of Cumberland’s illness–82

42. To George Montagu, Esq, Sept. 1.-Account of his tour to the north. Whichnovre. Litchfield cathedral. Sheffield. Chatsworth. Hardwicke. Bess of Hardwicke. Newstead Abbey–83

43. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 4.-Visit to Hardwicke. Newstead. Althorpe. Mad dogs. An adventure–87

44. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 19–88

45. To the same, Sept. 30–89

46. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 2.-Marriage of his niece Charlotte
to Lord Huntingtower–90

47. To Sir Horace Mann, Oct. 5.-Capture of Montreal. Projected expedition. Lord Dysart. His niece’s marriage. Death of Lady Coventry–91

48. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 14.-Duke of York’s visit to Strawberry Hill. Intended expedition–92

49. To the same, Oct. 25.-Death of George the Second–95

50. To the Earl of Straford, Oct. 26.-Death of George the Second–

51. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 28.-The new court. Manners of the
young King. Capture of Berlin–97

52. To Sir Horace Mann, Oct. 28.-Death of George the Second. Capitulation of Berlin. Political movements–98

53. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 31.-Conduct of the young King–99

54. To the same, Nov. 4.-Bequests of the late King. Court and ministerial changes. George Townshend’s challenge to Lord Albemarle–100

55. To the same, Nov. 13.-Personal conduct of the new King. Funeral
of George the Second. King of Prussia’s victory over Marshal Daun–

56. To the same, Nov. 22.-Appointment of the King’s household–104

57. To the same, Nov. 24.-The King’s first visit to the theatre. Seditious papers. “Anecdotes of Painting.” Foote’s “Minor.” Voltaire’s “Peter the Great”–104

58. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, Nov. 27.-“lucan.” “Anecdotes of Painting”–106

59. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 11.-State of the ministry. Threatened resignations–106


60. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, January 3.-State of the arts. Booksellers. Dr. Hill’s works. Architects–107

61. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 22.-A party at Northumberland-house. Account of a play performed at Holland-house-

62. To the same, Feb. 7.-Ball at Carlton-house. Death of Wortley Montagu. Miss Ford’s letter to Lord Jersey–109

63. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Feb. 8.-Mr. Conway’s speech on the Qualification-bill –110

64. To George Montagu, Esq. March 7.-On Mr. Montagu’s being appointed usher of the black rod in Ireland. Prospect of Peace. Rumours of the King’s marriage. Lord Pembroke’s “Treatise on Horsemanship”–111

65. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, March 7.-Voltaire’s letter to Lord Lyttelton. Colman’s “Jealous Wife.” “Tristram Shandy.” Voltaire’s “Tancred”–111

66. To George Montagu, Esq. March 17.-Changes in the King’s household–112

67. To the same, March 19.-Ministerial resignations and changes. Militia disturbances. Lord Hardwicke’s verses to Lord Lyttelton. Death of Lady Gower–113

68. To the same, March 21.-Speaker Onslow’s retirement–115

69. To the same, March 25.-Feelings and reflections occasioned by a visit to Houghton. Electioneering at Lynn. Aunt Hammond–115

70. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, April 10.-Prospect of peace. Death of
Sir Harry Bellendine–118

71. To Sir David Dalrymple, April 14.-Macpherson’s “Fingal.”–[N.)

72. To the Countess of Suffolk, April 15.-Election arrangements.–
[N) 120

73. To George Montagu, Esq. April 16.-Anacreontic upon Sir Harry Bellendine–121

74. To the same, April 28.-Lady Suffolk. Account of a fire near Sackville-street–122

75. To the same, May 5.-Death of Sir William Williams. Gray and Mason at Strawberry Hill. Conversation with Hogarth–123

76. To the same, May 14.-Jemmy Lumley’s battle with Mrs. Mackenzy.
Party at Bedford-house. Anecdotes–125

77. To the Countess of Ailesbury, June 13.-Thanks for a snuff-box.
New opera. Murphy’s “All in the Wrong.” Lines on the Duchess of Grafton–126

78. To George Montagu, Esq., June 18.-Mr. Bentley’s play of The Wishes, or Harlequin’s mouth opened”–128

79. To the same, July 5.–130

80. To the Earl of Strafford, July 5.-Anecdote of Whitfield and Lady Huntingdon–130

81. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 14.-Apologies for not having written. Approaching marriage of the King–131

82. To George Montagu, Esq. July 16.-The King’s approaching marriage. The Queen’s household–133

83. To the Countess of Ailesbury, July 20.-Thanks for a present of
some china. Congratulations on Mr. Conway’s escape at the battle of

84. To the Earl of Strafford, July 2)@.-Battle of Kirkdenckirk–136

85. To George Montagu, Esq. July 22.-The King’s marriage. Victories. Single-speech Hamilton. “Young Mr. Burke”–136

86. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 23.-Congratulations on the success of the army. Taking of Pondicherry–138

87. To George Montagu, Esq. July 28.-First night of Mr. Bentley’s play. Singular instance of modesty–138

88. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug.,5.-Tomb of the Earl of Pembroke.
Wolfe’s monument. Rapacity of the chapter of Westminster–140

89. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 20.-offer of a seat at the coronation. The Queen’s arrival–142

90. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 21.-Arrival of the Queen. Tripoline ambassador. Disputes about rank and precedence–143

91. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 9.-Arrival of the queen. Her person and manners–144

92. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 24.-Description of the coronation–145

93. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 25.-Delays in the treaty of peace. The coronation–147

94. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Sept. 27.-Pedigrees. The coronation. The treaty broken off–149

95. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 8.-Resignation of Mr. Pitt–151

96. To the same, Oct. 10.-Mr. Pitt’s pension and peerage–152

97. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Oct. 10.-Mr. Pitt’s resignation,
pension, and peerage–153

98. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 12.-Mr. Pitt’s pension and peerage. Ministerial changes–154

99. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 24.-City address to Mr. Pitt. Glover’s “Medea”–156

100. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 26.-Civic agitations. London address to Mr. Pitt. Differences in the cabinet. State of parties–

101. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 7.-Sir John Cust’s nose. Caricature of Hogarth–159

102. To the same, Nov. 28.-Private ball at court. Marriages. Political changes–159

103. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Nov. 28.-Politics. Opera. Burlettas. Private ball at court. Pamphlets on Mr. Pitt. Gray’s “Thyrsis, when we parted”–160

104. To Sir David Dalrymple, Nov. 30.-The best picture of an age found in genuine letters. One from Anne of Denmark to the Marquis of Buckingham. Hume’s “History.” “Hau Kiou Choaan;” a Chinese history.–[N.] 161

105. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 8.-Hume’s “History.” “Fingal.” Doubts Of its authenticity. “Cymbeline”–162

106. To Sir David Dalrymple, Dec. 21.-Complaints of printers. Difficulties of literature.–[N.] 163

107. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 23.-Irish revivification. Effects
of age. Mistakes of life. Tricks of his printer. Mrs. Dunch’s auction. Losing at loo. Death of Lady Pomfret. Bon-mot of M. de Choiseul. Lines on Lady Mary Coke’s having St. Anthony’s fire in her cheek–164

108. To the same, Dec. 30.-Indifference to politics. Progress of “Anecdotes of Painting.” Death of Jemmy Pelham–165


(109. To the same, Jan. 26.-Upbraiding for not writing–167

110. To the same, Feb. 2.-Arrival of’ Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Her dress and personal appearance. Mr. Macnaughton’s murder of Miss
Knox. Visit to the Cock-Lane Ghost–168

111. To the same, Feb. 6.-Effects of Hamilton’s eloquence–169

112. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 7.-Anecdotes of polite literature–

113. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, Feb. 13.-Lamentation on the tediousness of engravers, and tricks of printers–171

114. To the Earl of Bute, Feb. 15.-On the Earl’s suggesting to him
a work Similar to Montfaucon’s “Monuments de la Monarchie Fran`caise.”–[N.] 171

115. To George Montagu, Esq. Feb. 22.-Violent storms. Elopement of
Lord Pembroke and Kitty Hunter–173

116. To Dr. Ducarel, Feb. 24.-English Montfaucon. Medals. Errors in
Vertue and others–174

117. To George Montagu, Esq. Feb. 25.-Lely’s picture of Madame Grammont. Harris’s “Hibernica.” The recent elopement–175

118. To the Countess of Ailesbury, March 5.-Prospect of Peace. dresses–176

119. To George Montagu, Esq. March 9.-Epitaph for Lord Cutts–177

120. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, March 20.-“Anecdotes of Painting.” Advice to antiquaries. Bishop of Imola. Resemblance between Tiberius and Charles the Second. Caution on the care of his eyesight–178

121. To George Montagu, Esq. March 22.-Capture of Martinico. Fatal
accident at a concert at Rome–179

122. To the same, April 29.-Death of Lady Charlotte Johnstone. Efficacy of James’s powders. New batch of peers–180

123. To the same, May 14.-Attack of the gout. Visit to Audley Inn–

124. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 20.-“Anecdotes of Painting.” Knavery
of his printer–183

125. To George Montagu, Esq. May 25.-Duke of Newcastle’s resignation. Ministerial changes–184

126. To the same, June 1.-Lord Melcomb. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
The Cherokee Indian chiefs. Anecdotes and bon-mots–185

127. To the same, June 8.-Account of Lady Northumberland’s festino.
Bon-mots. Death of Lord Anson–185

128. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 29.-Invitation to Strawberry Hill–

129. To the Countess of Ailesbury, July 31.-Congratulation on the taking of the Castle of Waldeck–187

130. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 5.-Revolution in Russia. Taking
of the Castle of Waldeck–187

131. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 5.–188

132. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 10.-Great drought. Revolution in
Russia. Count Biren–189

133. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 19.-Object in publishing the “Anecdotes of Painting”–190

134. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 9.-Prospect of peace. Christening of the Prince of Wales. Fire at Strawberry Hill. “The North Briton.”–191

135. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 24.-Prospect of peace–192

136. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 28.-Negotiations for peace. Capture of the Havannah–193

137. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 30.–195

138. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Oct. 1.-Congratulations on her
son’s safe return from the Havannah–196

139. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 4.-Love of fame. Capture of the
Havannah. State of public feeling–196

140. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 14.-Ministerial changes–197

141. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 29.-Change of the ministry. State of the opposition. Anticipation of the history of the present

142. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Oct. 31.–200

143. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 4.-The Duke of Devonshire’s name
erased out of the council-book–200

144. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 13.–201

145. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 20.-His illness. Political squabbles. A scene at Princess Emily’s loo. Mr. Pitt–201

146. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 23.–203


147. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Feb. 28.-Restoration to health. Determination to retire from public life. Wilkes and “The North Briton.” Riots at Drury-lane Theatre. George Selwyn and Lord Dacre’s footman–203

148. To George Montagu, Esq. March 29.-Wilkes and “The North Briton.” Dedication to “The Fall of Mortimer.” Lord and Lady Pembroke’s reconciliation, A song made in a postchaise–205

149. To the same, April 6.-Illness of Lord Waldegrave. And of Mr. Thomas Pitt. Mr. Bentley’s epistle to Lord Melcomb. Lines by Lady Temple on Lady Mary Coke. Opposition to the Cider-tax–206

150. To the same, April 8.-Death of lord Waldegrave. Lord Bute’s resignation. New ministry. Quarrel among the Opposition–208

151. To the same, April 14.-Lady Waldegrave. Botched-up administration. Grants and reversions–210

152. To the same, April 22,-Lady Waldegrave. The new administration. Lord Pulteney’s extravagance. Sir Robert Brown’s parsimony. Lord Bath’s vault in Westminster-abbey. Lord Holland. Charles Townshend–212

153. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 1.-Severity of the weather. Committal of Wilkes to the Tower–213

154. To Sir David Dalrymple, May 2.-Political revolutions. Mr. Grenville.–[N.] 215

155. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 6.-Prerogative. Wilkes’s release from the Tower. Dreadful fire at Lady Molesworth’s. Lady M. W. Montagu’s Letters–216

156. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 16.–217

157. To George Montagu, Esq. May 17.-F`ete at Strawberry Hill. Madame de Boufflers. Madame Dusson. Miss Pelham’s entertainment at Esher. Mrs. Anne Pitt–218

158. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 21.-French and English vivacity compared. Miss chudleigh’s f`ete–221

159. To the same, May 28.-Masquerade at the Duke of Richmond’s–223

160. To George Montagu, Esq. May 30.-Visit to Kimbolton. Hinchinbrook–223

161. To the same, June 16.–225

162. To the same, July 1.-Improvements at Strawberry Hill–226

163. To Sir David Dalrymple, July 1.-Mr. Grenville.–[N.] 227

164. To the Rev. Mr, Cole, July 1.–228

165. To the same, July 12.–228

166. To George Montagu, Esq. July 23.-Visit to Stamford. Castle Ashby. Easton Maudit. Boughton. Drayton. Fotheringhay–229

167. To the same, July 25.-Visit to Burleigh. Peterborough. Huntingdon. Cambridge–231

168. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 8.–232

169. To Dr. Ducarel, Aug. 8.–232

170. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 9.-Reported marriages. Dupery of Opera undertakers–232

171. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 10.-Inclemency of the weather- -233

172. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 15.-Singular appearance of the Thames–233

173. To the same, Sept. 3.-Crowds of visitors to see Strawberry. Comforts of keeping a gallery–235

(174. To the same, Sept. 7. Invitation. Character of Mr. Thomas Pitt–236

175. To the same, Oct. 3.-Mrs. Crosby’s pictures. Death of Mr. Child. Visit to Sir Thomas Reeves–236

176. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Oct. 8.-” Anecdotes of Engravers”–239

177. To the Earl of Hertford, Oct. 18.-Death of the King of Poland. Expulsion of the Jesuits–239

178. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 12.-Irish politics. Death of Sir Michael Foster–242

179. To the Earl of Hertford, Nov. 17.-Debates on the King’s Speech. Wilkes at the Cockpit. Privileges of Parliament. “North Briton.” Duel between Martin and Wilkes. “Essay on Woman.” Bon-mots. Lord Sandwich’s piety. Wilkes and Churchill. M. de Guerchy–243

180. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 20.-Political squabbles. Wilkes’s “Essay on Woman”–250

181. To the Earl of Hertford, Nov. 25.-Mr. Conway’s voting against the court. Unpopularity of the ministry. Debates on privilege. Quarrel between Mr. James Grenville and Mr Rigby. M. de Guerchy and M. D’Eon–251

182. To the same, Dec. 2.-Dismission of officers. Opera quarrel. Lord Clive’s Jaghire. State of the Opera. Prince de Masserano. Count de Soleirn. Irish politics–254

183. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 6.-Thanks for literary information–256

184. To the Earl of Hertford, Dec. 9.-Transactions between General Conway and Mr. Grenville. Dismissal of Lord Shelburne and Colonel Barr`e. Riot at the burning of “The North Briton.” Wilkes’s suit against Mr. Wood–257

185. To the same, Dec. 16.-City politics. Unpopularity of the ministry. Dismissals. Intended assassination of Wilkes. Mrs. Sheridan’s comedy of “The Dupe”–261

186. To the same, Dec. 29.-Debates on privilege. Lord Clive’s jaghire. Anecdotes. The King at Drury-lane. Prize in the lottery. la Harpe’s “Comte de Warwic”–263


187. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 11.-Visit to Lady Suffolk. A New-year’s gift. Lady Temple. Portrait of Lady Suffolk at seventy-six.–266

188. To the Earl of Hertford, Jan. 22.-Mr. Conway’s opposition to the ministry. Feelings of the government towards his lordship. Ministerial disunion. State of the opposition. Marriage of Prince Ferdinand with the Princess Augusta. His reception in England. Wilkes. Churchill’s “Dueller.” Ball at Carlisle house. Proceedings against Wilkes. Dismissals. The Duc de Pecquigny’s quarrel with Lord Garlies.–270

189. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 31.–277

190. To Sir David Dalrymple,, Jan. 31.-Thanks for corrections of the “Anecdotes of Painting.” London booksellers–[N.) 278

191. To the Earl of Hertford, Feb. 6.-The Cider-bill. Debates on privilege. Charles Townshend’s bon-mot. East India affairs. Duc de Pecquigny’s episode–279

192. To the same, Feb. 15.-Great debates in the House of Commons on general warrants. Duel between the Duc de Pecquigny and M. Virette. Formidable condition of the Opposition. City rejoicings. Expected changes in the ministry–283

193. To Sir David Dalrymple, Feb. 23.-” Anecdotes of Painting.” Complaints of the carelessness of artists and rapacity of booksellers–[N.] 292

194. To the Earl of Hertford, Feb. 24.-Complaint in the House of Lords of a book called “Droit le Roy.” Wilkes’s trials for “The North Briton” and the “Essay on Woman.” Tottering state of the ministry. Mrs. Anne Pitt’s ball–294

195. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 3.-Thanks for some prints and the loan of manuscripts–296

196. To the Earl of Hertford, March 11.-Cambridge University election for high-steward. Debate on the budget. Lord Bute’s negotiations. The Duchess of Queensbury’s ball. Affairs of India. M. Helvetius–297

197. To the same, March 18.-Death of Lord Malpas and of Lord Townshend. Lord Clive’s jaghire. George Selwyn’s accident–300

198. To the same, March 27.-Uncertain state of politics. D’Eon’s publication of the Duc de Nivernois’s private letters. Liberty of the press. Lady Cardigan’s ball. Bon-mot of Lady Bell Finch–302

199. To Charles Churchill, Esq. March 27.-Death of Lord Malpas. M. de Guerchy. D’Eon’s pamphlet. Efficacy of James’s powder. Reappearance of Lord Bute–306

200. To the Earl of Hertford, April 5.-Wilkes’s suspected libel on the Earl. Cambridge University election. Jemmy Twitcher. Lord Lyttelton’s reconciliation with Mr. Pitt. Lord Bath at court. Bishop Warburton and Helvetius–308

201. To the same, April 12.-Party abuse. Character. Lady Susan Fox’s marriage with O’Brien the actor. East India affairs. Projected marriages. Expected changes. Confusion at the India-house–310

202. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 12.–313

203. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, April 19.-On Mr. Conway’s dismissal from all his employments–313

204. To the Earl of Hertford, April 20.-On Mr. Conway’s dismissal from all his employments. Political promotions and changes. Prosecution of D’Eonn. East India affairs–314

205. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, April 21.-On Mr. Conway’s dismissal. Offers him half his fortune–316

206. The Hon. H. S. Conway to the Earl of Hertford, April 23.-Giving his brother an account of his total dismissal from the King’s service for his vote in the House of Commons–317

207. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, April 24.-On Mr. Conway’s dismissal- -320

208. The Hon. H. S. Conway To the Earl of Hertford, May 1.-Conjectures as to the cause of his dismissal–320

209. To George Montagu, Esq. May 10.–322

210. To the Earl of Hertford, May 27.-On the Earl’s position, in consequence of Mr. Conway’s dismissal. Promotions and changes–322

211. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 5.-On Mr. Conway’s dismissal. Answer to the “Address to the Public”–325

212. To the Earl of Hertford, June 8.-Lord Tavistock’s courtship and marriage. The Mecklenburgh Countess. Bon-mot–326

213. To George Montagu, Esq. June 18.-Account of a party at Strawberry–328

214. To the same, July 16.-“life of Lord Herbert.” Lady Temple’s poems–329

215. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 16.-“Lord Herbert’s Life”–330

216. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, July 21.-Harte’s “Gustavus”–330

217. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 21.-“Life of Lord Herbert”–331

218. To the Earl of Hertford, Aug. 3. Instability of the ministry. Determination to quit party. Regrets that the Earl did not espouse mr. Conway’s cause. Consequences of Lord Bute’s conduct. The Queen’s intended visit to Strawberry. A dinner with the Duke of Newcastle. Fracas at Tunbridge Wells. on Mr. Conway’s dismission. Walpole’s Counter “Address”–332

219. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 16.–337

220. To the Earl of Hertford, Aug. 27.-Death of Mr. Legge. Seizure of Turk’s Island. Visit to Sion. Ministerial changes. Murder of the Czar Ivan. Mr. Conway’s dismission. Generous offer of the Earl. Farewell to politics. Lord Mansfield’s violence against the press. Conduct of the Duke of Bedford. Overtures to Mr. Pitt. Recluse life of their Majesties. Court economy. Dissensions in the house of Grafton. Nancy Parsons. Death of Sir John Barnard. Conduct of Mr. Grenville–338

221. To the Right Hon. William Pitt, Aug. 29.-“Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury”–343

222. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 29.–343

223. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 1.-Enclosing a reply to Walpole’s “Counter Address.” Lady Ailesbury’s picture, executed in worsteds–344

224. To the Rev. Dr. Birch, Sept. 3.-Thanks for an original picture of Sir William Herbert–345

225. To the Earl of Hertford, Oct. 5.-Madame de Boufflers and Oliver Cromwell. James the Second’s Journal. Illness of the Duke of Devonshire. Folly of being unhappy–345

226. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 5.-Unfavourable state of public affairs. Reflections on his birthday–347

227. To the same, Oct. 13.-Death of the Duke of Devonshire. His bequest to Mr. Conway. Virtue rewarded in this world–348

228. To the same, Oct. 29.-Mourning for the Duke of Devonshire. Reply of a poor man in Bedlam. Story of Sir Fletcher Norton and his mother–348

229. To the Earl of Hertford, Nov. 1.-Duke of Devonshire’s legacy to Mr. Conway. Lady Harriot Wentworth’s marriage with her footman. Unpopularity of the court–350

230. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 8.–352

231. To the Earl of Hertford, Nov. 9.-Announcing his intended visit to Paris. Adieu to politics–353

232. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Nov. 10.-Thanks for some pilchards–355

233. To the Earl of Hertford, Nov. 25.-The Opera. Manzoli. Elisi. Tenducci. D’Eon’s flight. Wilkes’s outlawry. Churchill’s death. Ministerial changes. Objects of his intended journey to Paris–356

234. To the same, Dec. 3.-Ministerial changes. Separation in the house of Grafton. The Duke of Kingston and Miss Chudleigh. Correspondence between Mr. Legge and Lord Bute. Mr. Dunning’s pamphlet on the “Doctrine of Libels.” Mrs. Ann Pitt’s ball–358

235. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 16.-State of the town. Mr. Dunning’s pamphlet. “Lord Herbert’s Life”–362

236. To the same, Dec. 24.-With a present of some books–364


237. To the Earl of Hertford, Jan. 10.-Meeting of Parliament. Debate in the House of Commons on the Address–364

238. To the same, Jan. 20.-Sir William Pynsent’s bequest to Mr. Pitt. Reported death of Lady Hertford. Death of Lady Harcourt. Conduct of Charles Townshend. Couplet on Charles Yorke–367

239. To the same, Jan. 27.-Debates on the army estimates. Sir William Pynsent’s legacy to Mr. Pitt. Duel between Lord Byron and Mr. Chaworth. Lady Townshend’s arrest. “Castle of Otranto.” Mrs. Griffiths’s “Platonic Wife”–370

240. To the same, Feb. 12.-Debates on the American Stamp-act. Petition of the perriwig-makers. Almack’s new assembly-room. Williams the reprinter of “The North Briton” pilloried. Wretched condition of The administration.–373

241. To George Montagu, Esq. Feb. 19.-Congratulations on his health and cheerful spirits. Recommends him to quit his country solitude. Contemplated visit to Paris. And retirement from Parliament and political connexions. Runic poetry. Mallet’s “Northern Antiquities.” Lord Byron’s trial. Antiquarian Society–376

242. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 28.-Planting and gardening. Publication of “The Castle of Otranto”–377

243. To the same, March 9.-Origin of “The Castle of Otranto.” Caution to his friend respecting his MSS. Consequences of the Droit d’Aubaine. Dr. Percy’s “Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.” Old Ballads. Rosamond’s Bower. Ambition and Content–378

244. To Monsieur Elie de Beaumont, March 18.-“The Castle of Otranto.” Madame de Beaumont’s “Letters of the Marquis de Roselle.” Churchill and Dryden. Effects of Richardson’s novels–381

245. To the Earl of Hertford, March 26.-Count de Guerchy’s pretended conspiracy to murder M. D’Eon. The King’s illness. Count de Caraman. “Siege of Calais.” Duc de Choiseul’s reply to Mademoiselle Clairon. French admiration of Garrick. Quin in Falstaff. Old Johnson. Mrs. Porter. Cibber and O’Brien, Mrs. Clive. Garrick’s chief characters. The wolf of the Gevaudan. Favourable reception of “The Castle of Otranto.” Bon-mot. Strait of Thermopylae–382

246. To George Montagu, Esq. April 5.-“Siege of Calais.” Bon-mots. Quin and Bishop Warburton. Prerogative. Preferments–384

247. To the Earl of Hertford, April 7.-The King’s rapid recovery. Fire at Gunnersbury. Count Schouvaloff. Count de Caraman. Mrs. Anne Pitt. Mr. Pitt the, first curiosity of foreigners. French encroachments. Parliament. Poor bill. A late dinner–385

248. To the same, April 18.-The King’s recovery. Proceedings on the Regency-bill. Enmity between Lord Bute and Mr. Grenville. Rumoured changes. State of parties. Lord Byron’s acquittal. The Duke of Cumberland’s illness. Daffy’s Elixir. Poor-bill. lord Hinchinbrook’s marriage–388

249. To Sir David Dalrymple, April 21.-“The Castle of Otranto.” Old Ballads. Consolations of authorship–[N.] 391

To the Earl of Hertford, May 5.-Proceedings in the House of Lords on the Regency-bill–391

251. To the same, May 12.-Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Regency bill. The Princess Dowager excluded from the Regency–395

252. To the same, May 20.-The King forbids the Parliament to be prorogued. The Duke of Cumberland ordered to form a new administration. Failure of the Duke’s negotiation with Mr. Pitt. Ministerial resignations. Humiliations of the Crown. Riots. Attack on Bedford-house. General spirit of mutiny and dissatisfaction.
Extraordinary conduct of Mr. Pitt. Second tumult at Bedford-house.
The King compelled to take back his ministers. Reconciliation between Lord Temple and George Grenville. Mr. Conway restored to the King’s favour. Extravagant terms dictated by the ministers to the King. Stuart Mackenzie’s removal. Ministerial changes and squabbles–399

253. To George Montagu, Esq. May 26.-Proceedings on the Regency-bill. Ministerial squabbles and changes. Mr. Bentley’s’ poem. Danger of writing political panegyrics or satires. Lines on the Fountain Tree in the Canary Islands–405

254. To the same, June 10.-A party at Strawberry. General Schouvaloff. Felicity of being a private man. Ingratitude of sycophants–407

255. To the right Hon. Lady Hervey, June 11.-Apology for not writing. Regrets at being carried backward.,; and forwards to balls and suppers. Resolutions of growing old and staid at fourscore–408

256. To George Montagu, Esq.-Contradicting a report of his dangerous illness–409

257. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 3.-Progress of his illness. Effects of the gout. Dreams and reveries. Madame de Bentheim–410

258. To the Countess of Suffolk, July 3,-State of his health. Lady Blandford–[N.] 411

259. To the same, July 9.–The new ministry, Conduct of Charles Townshend.–(N) 411

260. To George Montagu, Esq. July 11.-Change of the ministry. The Rockingham administration–412

261. To the same, July 28.-Reflections on loss of youth. Entrance into old age through the gate Of infirmity. A month’s confinement to a sick bed a stinging lesson. Whiggism–413

262. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 23.-Death of Lady Barbara Montagu. Old friends and new faces. A strange story. Motives for revisiting Paris. The French reformation. Churches and convents. Adieu to politics–414

263. To the same, Aug. 31.-Dropping off and separation of friends. Pleasant anticipations from his visit to Paris. Revival of old ideas. Stupefying effects of richardson’s novels on the Frenchmnation–416

264. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 3.-Motives of his journey to Paris. Death of the Emperor of Germany. “My last sally into the world”–418

265. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Sept. 3.-Thanks for letters of introduction. Modern French literature–419

266. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 5.-Inviting him to visit Paris– 420

267. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 11.-Journey to Amiens. Meeting with Lady mary Coke. Boulogne. Duchess of Douglas. A droll way of being chief mourner. A French absurdity. Walnut-trees. Clermont. The Duc de Fitz-James. Arrival at Paris–421

268. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Sept. 14.-Salutary effects OF his journey. French gravity. Parisian dirt. French Opera. Italian comedy Chantilly. Illness of the Dauphin. Mr. David Hume the mode at Paris. Mesdames de Monaco, d’Egmont, and de Brionne. Nymphs of the theatres–423

269. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 18.-Advice respecting his journey to Paris–424

270. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 22.-Ingratitude. Amusements. French society. Mode of living. Music. Stage. Le Kain. The Dumenil. Grandval. Italian comedy. Harlequin. Freethinking. Conversation. Their savans. Admiration of Richardson and Hume. Dress and equipages. Parliaments and clergy. Effects of company –425

271. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Oct. 3.-H`otel de Carnavalet. Madame Geoffrin. His own defects the sole cause of his not enjoying Paris. Duc de Nivernois. Colonel Drumgold. Duchesse de Coss`e. Presentations at Versailles. The King and Queen. The Mesdames. The Dauphin and Dauphiness. Wild beast of the Gevaudan. Mr. hans Stanley–427

272. To John Chute, Esq. Oct. 3.-French manners. Their authors. Style of conversations. English and French manners contrasted. Presentation at Versailles. Duc de Berri. Count de Provence. Count d’Artois. Duc and Duchesse de Praslin. Duc and Duchesse de Choiseul. Duc de Richelieu–429

273. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 6.-French society. A supper at Madame du Deffand’s. President Henault. Walpole’s blunders against French grammar. Sir James Macdonald’s mimicry of Mr. David Hume. Mr. Elliot’s imitation of Mr. Pitt. Presentation to the Royal Family. Dinner at the Duc de Praslin’s with the corps diplomatique. Visit to the State Paper Office. M. de Marigny’s pictures. Mada mede Bentheim. Duc de Duras. Wilkes at Paris–431

274. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Oct. 13.-Attack of the gout. Cupid and death. Allan Ramsay the painter. Madame Geoffrin. Common sense. Duc de Nivernois. Lady Mary Chabot. Politics–434

275. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 16.-Illness at Paris. Visit from Wilkes. The Dumenil. Grandval. President Henault–436

276. To the Countess of Suffolk, Oct. 16.-Fontainbleau. Duc de Richelieu. Lady Mary Chabot. Lady Browne. Visit to Mrs. Hayes. Joys of the gout–[N.-) 437

277. To Thomas Brand, Esq. Oct. 19.-Laughter out of fashion at Paris. “God and the King to be Pulled down.” Admiration of whist and Richardson. Freethinking. Wilkes, Sterne, and Foote at Paris. Lord Ossory. Mesdames de Rochefort, Monaco, and Mirepoix. The Mar`echalle d’Estr`ees–438

278. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 29.-Probable death of the Dauphin. Description of the Philosophers. Their object the destruction of regal power.–440

279. To Mr. Gray, Nov. 19.-State of his health. Infallible specific for the gout. Picture of Paris. French society. The Philosophers. Dumenil. Preville. Visit to the Chartreuse–441

280. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Nov. 21.-Recovery from a fit of the gout. “Le nouveau Richelieu.” Indifference to politics. Squabbles about the French Parliaments. Bigotry. Logogriphe by Madame du Deffand–444

281. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 21.-A simile. Sameness of llife at Paris. Invites him to transplant himself to Roehampton. Reflections on coming old age. Object of all impostors. Rabelais– 445

282. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Nov. 28.-Thanks for her introductions. Duchesse d’Aiguillon. French women of quality. Duchesse de Nivernois. “L’Orpheline Legu`egu`ee.” Count Grammont’s picture–447

283. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Nov. 29.-Tea-drinking. Dissuades him from going to Italy. Advice for his political conduct. “L’Orpheline Legu`ee.” Count Caylus’s auction. Portrait of Count Grammont. French painters–448

284. To the Hon. H. S. Conway. Dec. 5.-The Dauphin. French politics. M. de Maurepas. Marshal Richelieu. French parliaments– 450

285. To the Countess of Suffolk, Dec. 5.-Fret)ch society. The Comtesse d’Egmont. The Dauphin–[N.] 451


286. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Jan. 2.-Comtesse d’Egmont. Severity of the Frost. Dread of being thought charming. Rousseau’s visit to England. Great parts. Charles Townshend–452

287. To John Chute, Esq. Jan.-Severity of the weather. Ill- accordance of the French manners and climate. Presentation to the Comtesse de la Marche. Douceur in the society of the Parisiennes of fashion. Charlatanerie of the Savans and Philosophes. Count St. Germain. Rousseau in England. Walpole’s pretended letter of the King of Prussia to Rousseau–453

288. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan, 5.-Robin Hood reform`e and Little John. Dreams of life superior to its realities. Politics. Lord Temple and George Grenville. Goody Newcastle. Helvetius’s “Esprit” and Voltaire’s “Pucelle”–455

289. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Jan. 11.-A supper at the Duchesse d’Aiguillon’s. Picture of the Duchesse de Choiseul. Madame Geoffrin. Verses on Madame Forcalquier speaking English. The Italians. The gout preferable to all other disorders–457

290. To The Hon. H. S. Conway, Jan. 12.-Regrets on leaving Paris. Honours and distinctions. Invitation from Madame de Brionne. Pretended letter from the King of Prussia to Rousseau–458

291. To the Rev. mr. Cole, Jan. 18.-Severity of the weather. Cathedral of Amiens. The Sainte Chapelle. Rousseau in England. King of Prussia’s letter–460

292. To Mr. Gray, Jan. 25.-State of his health. “Making oneself tender.” Change in French manners. Their religious opinions. The Parliaments. The men dull and empty. Wit, softness, and good sense of the women. Picture of Madame Geoffrin. madame du Deffand. M. Pontdeveyle. Madame de Mirepoix. Anecdote of M. de Maurepas. Madame de Boufflers. Madame de Rochefort. Familiarities under the veil of friendship. Duc de Nivernois. Madame de Gisors. Duchesse de Choiseul. Duchesse de Grammont. Mar`echale de Luxembourg. Pretended letter to Rousseau. Walpole at the head of the fashion. Carried to the Princess de Talmond–461

293. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, Feb. 3.-Madame de Geoffrin’s secret mission to Poland. The Comtesse d’Egmont–468

294. To George Montagu, Esq. Feb. 4.-Madame Roland. Marriages. Duc and Duchesse de Choiseul–469

295. To the Same, Feb. 23.-French Parliaments –470

296. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 28.-Pretended letter to Rousseau. A French horse-race–470

297. To George Montagu, Esq. March 3.-Preparations for leaving Paris. Defeat of George Grenville. Repeal of the American Stamp-act. Lit de justice. Remonstrances of the Parliaments–471

298. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, March 10.-Watchings and revellings. A supper at the Mar`echale de Luxembourg’s. Funeral sermon on the Dauphin. The Abb`e Coyer’s pamphlet on Preaching–472

299. To George Montagu, Esq. March 12.-Colman and Garrick. Mrs. Clive–474

300. To the same, March 21.-Madame Roland. A French woman’s first visit to Paris contrasted with his own. The Princess of Talmond’s pug-dogs. A commission–474

301. To the same, April 3.-Visit to Livry. The Abb`e de Malherbe. Madame de S`evign`e’s Sacred pavilion. Old trees–475

302. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, April 6.-Insurrection at Madrid on the attempt of the Court to introduce the French dress in Spain–476

303. To the same, April 8.-Further particulars of the insurrection at Madrid. Change in the French ministry. Lettres de cachet. Insurrections at Bordeaux and Toulouse–478

304. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 10.-Return to England–479

305. To the same, May 13.-Apology for accidentally opening one of his letters–479

306. To George Montagu, Esq. May 25.-Ministerial appointments. Duke of Richmond. Lord North. Death of Lord Grandison. Lady Townshend turned Roman Catholic. Mrs. Clive’s bon-mot–480

307. To the same, June 20.-Anstey’s New Bath Guide. Swift’s Correspondence, and Journal to Stella. Bon-mot of George Selwyn. Pun of the King of France–481

308. To the Right Hon. Lady Hervey, June 28.-Madame du Deffand’s present of a snuff-box, with a portrait of Madame de S`evign`e. Translation of a tale from the “Dictionnaire d’Anecdotes.”–482

309. To George Montagu, Esq. July 10.-Expected change in the ministry. The King’s letter to Mr. Pitt–485

310. To the same, July 21.-Change of the ministry. Ode on the occasion–485

311. To David Hume, Esq. July 26.-Quarrel between David Hume, and Rousseau–486

312. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 18.-Contradicting a newspaper report of his illness–487

313. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 18.–488

314. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 2.-Journey to Bath. Great dislike of the place. The new buildings. Lord Chatham–488

315. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 5.-Recovery. Tired to death of Bath. Lord Chatham. Watering places–489

316. To John Chute, Esq. Oct. 10.-Visit to Wesley’s meeting. Hymns to ballad tunes. Style of Wesley’s preaching. Countess of Buchan. Lord Chatham–489

317. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 18.-Reasons for leaving Bath. Inefficacy of the waters. “Good hours”–490

318. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 18.-Lord Chatham wishes him to second the Address on the King’s Speech. Life at Bath. Motives for leaving the place. Old age. Dread of ridicule–491

319. To George Montagu, Esq. Oct. 22.-Satisfaction at his return to Strawberry Hill. Visit to Bristol. Its buildings. Abbey church of Bath. Batheaston–492

320. To Sir David Dalrymple, (Lord Hailes,) Nov. 5.-Thanks for his “Memorials and Letters.” Folly of burying in oblivion the faults and crimes of princes–[N.] 494

321. To David Hume, Esq. Nov. 6.-On his quarrel with Rousseau. Folly of literary squabbles–494

322. To the same, Nov. 11.-The same subject. Omissions by D’Alembert in a published letter of Walpole’s. Picture of modern philosophers–496

323. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 12.-Politics. Ministerial negotiations. Deaths and marriages. Caleb Whitefoord’s Cross-readings from the newspapers–499

324. To the same, Dec. 16.-Thanks for a present of venison–500


325. To George Montagu, Esq. Jan. 13.-Death of his servant Louis. Quarrel of Hume and Rousseau. High tide–501

326. To Dr. Ducarel, April 25.-Thanks for his “Anglo Norman Antiquities”–501

327. To the Earl of Strafford, July 29.-Death and character of Lady Suffolk–502

328. To George Montagu, Esq. July 31.-State of the ministry. Intended trip to Paris. Death of Lady Suffolk. Lord Lyttelton’s “Henry the Second.” Lean people. Mrs. Clive–503

329. To the same, Aug. 7.-Motives for revisiting Paris–503

330. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 9.-Death and character of Charles Townshend. State of the ministry. Lord Chatham. Dinner at the Duc de Choiseul’s–[N.] 504

331. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Oct. 24.-Return to England–505

332. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 1.-General Conway’s refusal of the appointment to secretary of state. Old Pulteney–506

333. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 19.-Intended retirement from Parliament. State of his health. Roman Catholic religion–506


334. To Sir David Dalrymple, Jan. 17.-Advice on sending a young artist to Italy. “Historic Doubts.” Coronation roll of Richard the Third –[N.] 507

335. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 1.-On Sending a copy of his “Historic Doubts”–508

336. To Sir David Dalrymple, Feb. 2.-On sending him his “Historic Doubts.” Rapid sale of the first impression–(N.] 509

337. To Mr. Gray, Feb. 18.-New edition of Gray’s poems. On his own writings. King of Prussia. Lord Clarendon’s “History.” “Historic Doubts.” Disculpation of Richard the Third. “Turned of fifty.” Garrick’s prologues and epilogues. Boswell’s “Corsica.” General Paoli–509

338. To the same, Feb. 26.-“Historic Doubts.” Guthrie’s answer thereto. Thanks for notes on the “Noble, Authors”–512

339. To George Montagu, Esq. March 12.-Reflections on his retirement from Parliament. Guthrie’s answer to the “Historic Doubts.” Sterne’s Sentimental Journey.” Gray’s “Odes”–514

340. To the same, April 15.-Wit as temporary as dress and manners. Fate of George Selwyn’s bon-mots. Completion of his tragedy of “The Mysterious Mother.” Mrs. Pritchard. Garrick. President Henault’s tragedy of “Corn elie”–516

341. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 16.–Rous’s rolls of the Earls of Warwick. Projects a History of the Streets of London. St. Foix’s Rues de Paris. The Methodists. Whitfield’s funeral sermon on Gibson the forger–517

342. To the same, June 6.-History of Ely cathedral. Cardinal Lewis de Luxembourg. Cardinal Morton. Painted glass–519

343. To George Montagu, Esq. June 15.-Inclemency of the weather. English summers. Description of the climate by our poets. Hot-house of St. Stephen’s chapel. Indifference to parties. The country going to ruin–520

344. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 16.-Wilkes and liberty. Ministerial changes. Conduct of the Duke of Grafton. Distressed state of the country. Lord Chatham. Foote’s “Devil upon Two Sticks.” Subject of “The Mysterious Mother”–[N.] 521

345. To Monsieur de Voltaire, June 21.-On his soliciting a copy of the “Historic Doubts.” Reply to Voltaire’s criticisms on Shakspeare–523

346. To the Earl of Strafford, June 25.-Wilkes and Number 45. The King of Denmark. Lady Rockingham and the Methodist Pope Joan Huntingdon. Brentford election–524

347. To Monsieur de Voltaire, July 27.-Reply to Voltaire’s vindication of his criticism on Shakspeare. Story of M. de jumonville. “Historic Doubts”–525

348. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 9.-Lord Botetourt. New Archbishop of Canterbury. King of Denmark. Augustus Hervey’s divorce from the Chudleigh. Gray appointed professor of modern history. Efficacy of ice-water–527

349. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 13.-Arrival of the King of Denmark. His person and manners. His suite–529

350. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 16.-Personal description of the King of Denmark. His cold reception at Court. the first favourite, Count Holke. His prime minister, Count Bernsdorff–529

351. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 25.-Disturbance in America. Coffee-house politicians. King of Denmark. Lady Bel Stanhope–(N.] 531

352. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 30.-Thanks for some prints and some notices. Improvements at Strawberry. Mr. Granger’s “Catalogue of English Heads.” Dr. Robertson’s writings. Scotch puffing–532

353. To the Earl of Strafford, Oct. 10.-Health and sickness. quiet of his present illness contrasted with the inquiries after him when his friends were coming into power–534

354. To George Montagu, Esq. Nov. 10.-Benefits from bootikins and water-drinking. Elections–535

355. To the same, Nov. 15.-Separation of old friends in old age. Moroseness of retirement. Evils of solitude. Death of the Duke of Newcastle, and of Lady Hervey–535

356. To the same, Dec. 1.-Arlington-street. Reconciliation between Lord Chatham, Earl Temple, and Mr. George Grenville. Wilkes and the House of Commons–536


357. To George Montagu, Esq. March 26.-City riot. Brentford election. Wilkes and Luttrell. Marriages–538

358. To the same, April 15.-Temperance the best physician. Easy mode of preserving the teeth. Advice on wine drinking. Middlesex election. Wilkes and the House of Commons–539

359. To the same, May 11.-Grand festino at Strawberry. Ridotto al fresco at Vauxhall–540

360. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 27.-Granger’s Catalogue of Prints and Lives down to the Revolution. Intended visit to Paris. Gough’s British Topography–541

361. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 14.-Proposed painted window for Ely cathedral. Bishop Mawson. Granger’s dedication. Shenstone’s Letters. His unhappy passion for fame. The Leasowes. Instructions on domestic privacy–542

362. To the same, June 26.-Intended visit to Ely. English summers. Advice to quit Marshland. Joscelin de Louvain–545

363. To the Earl of Strafford, July 3.-Disinterestedness and length of their friendship. Three years’ absence of summer. Emptiness of London. City politics. Angling. Methuselah–546

364. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 7.-Lord Chatham at the King’s levee–547

365. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 15.-Return from Ely. East window of the cathedral. Bishop Luda’s tomb–548

366. To the same, Aug. 12.-Thanks for some prints. Advice respecting a History of Gothic Architecture. Tyson’s “History of Fashions and Dresses”–549

367. To George Montagu, Esq. Aug. 18.-Calais. Complaint of his friend’s long silence. Journey to Paris–551

368. To John Chute, Esq. Aug. 30.-Journey to Paris. Lord Dacre and Dr. Pomme. Account of Madame du Deffand. Madame du Barry. French theatre. Hamlet. The Dumenil. Voltaire’s tragedy of “Les Gu`ebres”- -552

(369. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 7.-Character of Madame du Deffand. Uncertainty of life. A five-and-thirty years’ friendship. Visit to the Abbess of Panthemont–553

370. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 8.-Affected admiration of the French government. Lettres de cachet. Students in legislature. French treatment Of trees–555

371. To George Montagu, Esq. Sept. 17.-Visit to Versailles, Madame du Barry. The Dauphin. Count de Provence. Count d’Artois. The King. Visit to St. Cyr. Madame de Maintenon. Madame de Cambise. Trait of Madame de Mailly –557

372. To the same, Oct. 13.-Return to England. Congratulations on his friend’s being appointed Lord North’s private secretary–560

373. To the same, Oct. 16.-Return to Strawberry. His tragedy of “The Mysterious Mother.” Bad taste of the public. Garrick’s prologues and epilogues. French chalk and dirt contrasted with English neatness and greenth–560

374. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Nov. 14.-Lord Temple’s dinner with the Lord Mayor. Tottering position of the Duc de Choiseul. “Trip to the Jubilee.” Literature and politics of the day. Milton’s prose writings. Heroes and orators–561

375. To George Montagu, Esq. Dec. 14.-Condolence on the death of Mrs. Trevor. Loss of friends and connexions. Cumberland’s comedy of “The Brothers.” Alderman Backwell–562

376. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 21.-Thanks for communications. Mr. Tyson’s etchings. Madame du Deffand–[N.] 563

Letter 1 To George Montagu, Esq.
Arlington Street, Nov. 17, 1759. (page 25)

I rejoice over your brother’s honours, though I certainly had no hand in them. He probably received his staff from the board of trade. If any part of the consequences could be placed to partiality for me, it would be the prevention of your coming to town, which I wished. My lady Cutts(1) is indubitably your own grandmother: the Trevors would once have had it, but by some misunderstanding the old Cowslade refused it. Mr. Chute has twenty more corroborating circumstances, but this one is sufficient.

Fred. Montagu told me of the pedigree. I shall take care of all your commissions. Felicitate yourself on having got from me the two landscapes; that source is stopped. Not that Mr. M`untz is eloped to finish the conquest of America, nor promoted by Mr. Secretary’s zeal for my friends, nor because the ghost of Mrs. Leneve has appeared to me, and ordered me to drive Hannah and Ishmael into the wilderness. A cause much more familiar to me has separated US–nothing but a tolerable quantity of ingratitude on his side, both to me and Mr. Bentley. The story is rather too long for a letter: the substance was most extreme impertinence to me, concluded by an abusive letter against Mr. Bentley, who sent him from starving on seven pictures for a guinea to One hundred pounds a year, my house, table, and utmost countenance. In short, I turned his head, and was forced to turn him out of doors. You shall see the documents, as it is the fashion to call proof papers. Poets and painters imagine they confer the Honour when they are protected, and they set down impertinence to the article of their own virtue, when you dare to begin to think that an ode or a picture is not a patent for all manner of insolence.

My Lord Temple, as vain as if he was descended from the stroller Pindar, or had made up card-matches at the siege of Genoa, has resigned the privy seal, because he has not the garter.(2) You cannot imagine what an absolute prince I feel myself with knowing that nobody can force me to give the garter to M`untz.

My Lady Carlisle is going to marry a Sir William Musgrave, who is but three-and-twenty; but, in consideration of the match, and of her having years to spare, she has made him a present of ten, and calls them three-and-thirty. I have seen the new Lady Stanhope. I assure you her face will introduce no plebeian charms into the faces of the Stanhopes, Adieu!

(1) Lady Cutts was the mother of Mrs. Montagu, by her second husband, John Trevor, Esq. and grandmother of George Montagu.-E.

(2) See vol. ii. p. 522, letter 344.

Letter 2 TO THE RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT.(3) Arlington Street, Nov. 19, 1759. (page 26)

On coming to town, I did myself the honour of waiting on you and Lady Hester Pitt: and though I think myself extremely distinguished by your obliging note, I shall be sorry for having given you the trouble of writing it, if it did not lend me a very pardonable opportunity of saying what I much wished to express, but thought myself too private a person, and of too little consequence, to take the liberty to say. In short, Sir, I was eager to congratulate you on the lustre you have thrown on this country; I wished to thank you for the security you have fixed to me of enjoying the happiness I do enjoy. You have placed England in a situation in which it never saw itself–a task the more difficult, as you had not to improve, but recover.

In a trifling book, written two or three years ago,(4) I said (speaking of the name in the world the most venerable to me), “sixteen unfortunate and inglorious years since his removal have already written his eulogium.” It is but justice to you, Sir, to add, that that period ended when your administration began.

Sir, do not take this for flattery: there is nothing in your power to give that I would accept; nay, there is nothing I could envy, but what I believe you would scarce offer me–your glory. This may seem very vain and insolent: but consider, Sir, what a monarch is a man who wants nothing! consider how he looks down on one who is only the most illustrious man in England! But Sir, freedoms apart, insignificant as I am, probably it must be some satisfaction to a great mind like yours to receive incense, when you are sure there is no flattery blended with it; and what must any Englishman be that could give you a moment’s satisfaction and would hesitate?

Adieu! Sir. I am unambitious, I am uninterested, but I am vain. You have, by your notice, uncanvassed, unexpected, and at a period when you certainly could have the least temptation to stoop down to me, flattered me in the most agreeable manner. If there could arrive the moment when you could be nobody, and I any body, you cannot imagine how grateful I would be. In the mean time, permit me to be, as I have been ever since I had the honour of knowing you, Sir, your most obedient humble servant.

(3) Now first collected.

(4) His “Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors.”-E.

Letter 3 To Sir Horace Mann.
Arlington Street, Nov. 30th of the Great Year. (page 27)

here is a victory more than I promised you! For these thirteen days we have been in the utmost impatience for news. The Brest fleet had got out; Duff, with three ships, was in the utmost danger–Ireland ached–Sir Edward Hawke had notice in ten hours, and sailed after Conflans–Saunders arrived the next moment from Quebec, heard it, and sailed after Hawke, without landing his glory. No express arrived, storms blow; we knew not what to think. This morning at four we heard that, on the 20th, Sir Edward Hawke came in sight of the French, who were pursuing Duff. The fight began at half an hour past two–that is, the French began to fly, making a running fight. Conflans tried to save himself behind the rocks of Belleisle, but was forced to burn his ship of eighty guns and twelve hundred men. The Formidable, of eighty, and one thousand men, is taken; we burned the Hero of seventy-four, eight hundred and fifteen men. The Thes`ee and Superbe of seventy-four and seventy, and of eight hundred and fifteen and eight hundred men, were sunk in the action, and the crews lost. Eight of their ships are driven up the Vilaine, after having thrown over their guns; they have moored two frigates to defend the entrance, but Hawke hopes to destroy them. Our loss is a scratch, one lieutenant and thirty-nine men killed, and two hundred and two wounded. The Resolution of seventy-four guns, and the Essex of sixty-four, are lost, but the crews saved; they, it is supposed, perished by the tempest, which raged all the time, for

“We rode in the whirlwind and directed the storm.”

Sir Edward heard guns of distress in the night, but could not tell whether of friend or foe, nor could assist them.(5)

Thus we wind up this wonderful year! Who that died three years ago and could revive, would believe it! Think, that from Petersburgh to the Cape of Good Hope, from China to California,

De Paris `a Perou,

there are not five thousand Frenchmen in the world that have behaved well! Monsieur Thurot is piddling somewhere on the coast of Scotland, but I think our sixteen years of fears of invasion are over–after sixteen victories. if we take Paris, I don’t design to go thither before spring. My Lord Kinnoul is going to Lisbon to ask pardon for Boscawen’s beating De la Clue in their House; it will be a proud supplication, with another victory in bank.(6) Adieu! I would not profane this letter with a word of any thing else for the world.

(5) This was Hawke’s famous victory, for which he received the thanks of Parliament, and a pension of two thousand pounds a-year. In 1765, he was created a peer.-D.

(6) The object of Lord Kinnoul’s mission to the court of Portugal was to remove the misunderstanding between the two crowns, in consequence of Admiral Boscawen’s having destroyed some French ships under the Portuguese fort in the bay of Lagos.-E.

Arlington Street, Dec. 13, 1759. (page 28)

That ever you should pitch upon me for a mechanic or geometric commission! How my own ignorance has laughed at me since I read your letter! I say, your letter, for as to Dr. Perelli’s, I know no more of a Latin term in mathematics than Mrs. Goldsworthy(7) had an idea of verbs. I will tell you an early anecdote in my own life, and you shall judge. When I first went to Cambridge, I was to learn mathematics of the famous blind professor Sanderson. I had not frequented him a fortnight, before he said to me, “Young man, it is cheating you to take your money: believe me, you never can learn these things; you have no capacity for them.”- I can smile now, but I cried then with mortification. The next step, in order to comfort myself, was not to believe him : I could not conceive that I had not talents for any thing in the world. I took, at my own expense, a private instructor,(8) who came to me once a-day for a year. Nay, I took infinite pains, but had so little capacity, and so little attention, (as I have always had to any thing that did not immediately strike my inclination) that after mastering any proposition, when the man came the next day, it was as new to me as if I had never heard of it ; in short, even to common figures, I am the dullest dunce alive. I have often said it of myself, and it is true, that nothing that has not a proper Dame of a man or a woman to it, affixes any idea upon my mind. I could remember who was King Ethelbald’s great aunt, and not be sure whether she lived in the year 500 or 1500. I don’t know whether I ever told you, that when you sent me the seven gallons of drams, and they were carried to Mr. Fox by mistake for Florence wine, I pressed @im to keep as much as he liked: for, said I, I have seen the bill of lading, and there is a vast quantity. He asked how much? I answered seventy gallons; so little idea I have of quantity. I will tell you one more story of myself, and you will comprehend what sort of a head I have! Mrs. Leneve said to me one day, “There is a vast waste of coals in your house ; you should make the servants take off the fires at night.” I recollected this as I was going to bed, and, out of economy, put my fire out with a bottle of Bristol water! However, as I certainly will neglect nothing to oblige you, I went to Sisson and gave him the letter. He has undertaken both the engine and the drawing, and has promised the utmost care in both. The latter, he says, must be very large, and that it will take some time to have it performed very accurately. He has promised me both in six or seven weeks. But another time, don’t imagine, because I can bespeak an enamelled bauble, that I am fit to be entrusted with the direction of the machine at Marli. It is not to save myself trouble, for I think nothing so for you, but I would have you have credit, and I should be afraid of dishonouring you.

There! there is the King of Prussia has turned all our war and peace topsy-turvy ! If Mr. Pitt Will conquer Germany too, he must go and do it himself. Fourteen thousand soldiers and nine generals taken, as it were, in a partridge net! and what is worse, I have not heard yet that the monarch owns his rashness.(9) As often as he does, indeed, he is apt to repair it. You know I have always dreaded Daun–one cannot make a blunder but he profits of it-and this ‘ just at the moment that we heard of nothing but new bankruptcy in France. I want to know what a kingdom is to do when it is forced to run away?

14th.–Oh! I interrupt my reflections–there is another bit of a victory! Prince Henry, who has already succeeded to his brother’s crown, as king of the fashion, has beaten a parcel of Wirternberghers and taken four battalions. Daun is gone into Bohemia, and Dresden is still to be ours. The French are gone into winter quarters–thank God! What weather is here to be lying on the ground! Men should be statues, or will be so, if they go through it. Hawke is enjoying himself in Quiberon Bay, but I believe has done no more execution. Dr. Hay says it will soon be as shameful to beat a Frenchman as to beat a woman. Indeed, one is
forced to ask every morning what victory there is, for fear of missing one. We talk of a con(,,ress at Breda, and some think Lord Temple will go thither: if he does, I shall really believe it will be peace; and a good one, as it will then be of Mr. Pitt’s making.

I was much pleased that the watch succeeded so triumphantly, and beat the French watches, though they were two to one. For the Fugitive pieces: the Inscription for the Column(10) was written when I was with you at Florence, though I don’t wonder that you have forgotten it after so many yeirs. I would not have it talked of, for I find some grave personages are offended -with the liberties I have taken with so imperial a head. What could provoke them to give a column Christian burial? Adieu!

(7) Wife of the English consul at Leghorn, where, when she was learning Italian by grammar, she said, “Oh! give me a language in which there are no verbs!” concluding, as she had not learnt her own language by grammar, that there were no verbs in English.

(8) Dr. Treviger.

(9) It was not Frederick’s fault; he was not there ; but that of General Finek, who had placed himself so injudiciously, that he was obliged to capitulate to the Austrians with fourteen thousand men.

(10) The inscription for the neglected Column in St. Mark’s Place at Florence.-E.

Letter 5 To George Montagu, Esq.
Strawberry Hill, Dec. 23, 1759. (page 30)

How do you do? are you thawed again? how have you borne the country in this bitter weather? I have not been here these three weeks till to-day, and was delighted to find it so pleasant, and to meet a comfortable southeast wind, the fairest of all winds, in spite of the scandal that lies on the east; though it is the west that is parent of all ugliness. The frost was succeeded by such fogs, that I could not find my way out of London.

Has your brother told you of the violences in Ireland? There wanted nothing but a Massaniello to overturn the government; and luckily for the government and for Rigby, he, who was made for Massaniello, happened to be first minister there. Tumults, and insurrections, and oppositions,

“Like arts and sciences, have travelled west.”

Pray make the general collect authentic accounts of those civil wars against he returns–you know where they will find their place, and that you are one of the very few that will profit of them. I will grind and dispense to you all the corn you bring to my mill.

We good-humoured souls vote eight millions with as few questions, as if the whole House of Commons was at the club at Arthur’s; and we live upon distant news, as if London was York or Bristol. There is nothing domestic, but that Lord George Lennox, being refused Lord Ancram’s consent, set out for Edinburgh with Lady Louisa Kerr, the day before yesterday; and Lord Buckingham is going to be married to our Miss Pitt of Twickenham, daughter of that strange woman who had a mind to be my wife, and who sent Mr. Raftor to know why I did not marry her. I replied, “Because I was not sure that the two husbands, that she had at once, were both dead.” Apropos to my wedding, Prince Edward asked me at the Opera, t’other night, when I was to marry Lady Mary Coke: I answered, as soon as I got a regiment; which, you know, is now the fashionable way.

The kingdom of beauty is in as great disorder as the kingdom of Ireland. My Lady Pembroke looks like a ghost-poor Lady Coventry is going to be one; and the Duchess of Hamilton is so altered I did not know her. Indeed, she is bid with child, and so big, that as my Lady Northumberland says, it is plain she has a camel in her belly, and my Lord Edgecumbe says, it is as true it did not go through the eye of a needle. That Countess has been laid up with a hurt in her leg; Lady Rebecca Paulett pushed her on the birthnight against a bench: the Duchess of Grafton asked if it was true that Lady Rebecca kicked her? “Kick me, Madam! When did you ever hear of a Percy that took a kick?”

I can tell you another anecdote of that house, that will not divert you less. Lord March making them a visit this summer at Alnwick Castle, my lord received him at the gate, and said, “I believe, my lord, this is the first time that ever a Douglas and a Percy met here in friendship.” Think of this from a Smithson to a true Douglas!

I don’t trouble my head about any connexion; any news into the country I know is welcome, though it comes out higlepigledy, just as it happens to be packed up. The cry in Ireland has been against Lord Hilsborough, supposing him to mediate an union of the two islands; George Selwyn, seeing him set t’other night between my Lady Harrington and Lord Barrington, said, “Who can say that my Lord Hilsborough is not an enemy to an union?”

I will tell you one more story, and then good night. Lord Lyttelton(11) was at Covent Garden; Beard came on: the former said, “How comes Beard here? what made him leave Drury Lane?” Mr. Shelley, who sat next him, replied, “Why, don’t you know he has been such a fool as to go and marry a Miss Rich? He has married Rich’s daughter.” My lord coloured; Shelley found out what he had said, and ran away.

I forgot to tell you, that you need be in no disturbance about M`untz’s pictures; they were a present I made you. Good night!

(11) Lord Lyttelton married a daughter of Sir Robert Rich.

Letter 6 To The Rev. Henry Zouch.
Strawberry Hill, Dec. 23, 1759. (page 31)

I own I am pleased, for your sake as well as my own, at hearing from you again. I felt sorry at thinking that you was displeased with the frankness and sincerity of my last. You have shown me that I made a wrong judgment of you, and I willingly correct it.

You are extremely obliging in giving yourself the least trouble to make collections for me. I have received so much assistance and information from you, that I am sure I cannot have a more useful friend. For the Catalogue, I forgot it, as in the course of things I suppose it is forgot. For the Lives of English Artists I am going immediately to begin it, and shall then fling it into the treasury of the world, for the amusement of the world for a day, and then for the service of any body who shall happen hereafter to peep into the dusty drawer where it shall repose.

For my Lord Clarendon’s new work(12) of which you ask me, I am charmed with it. It entertains me more almost than any book I ever read. I was told there was little in it that had not already got abroad, or was not known by any other channels. If that is true, I own I am so scanty an historian as to have been ignorant of many of the facts but sure, at least, the circumstances productive of, or concomitant on several of them, set them in very new lights. The deductions and stating of arguments are uncommonly fine. His language I find much censured–in truth, it is sometimes involved, particularly in the indistinct usage of he and him. But in my opinion his style is not so much inferior to the former History as it seems. But this I take to be the case; when the former part appeared, the world was not accustomed to a good style as it is now. I question if the History of the Rebellion had been published but this summer, whether it would be thought so fine in point of style as it has generally been reckoned. For his veracity, alas! I am sorry to say, there is more than one passage in the new work which puts one a little upon one’s guard in lending him implicit credit. When he says that Charles I. and his queen were a pattern of conjugal affection, it makes one stare. Charles was so, I verily believe; but can any man in his historical senses believe, that my Lord Clarendon did not know that, though the Queen was a pattern of affection, it was by no means of the conjugal kind.(13) Then the subterfuges my Lord Clarendon uses to avoid avowing that Charles II. was a Papist, are certainly no grounds for corroborating his veracity.(14) In short, I don’t believe him when he does not speak truth; but he has spoken so much truth, that it is easy to see when he does not.

Lucan is in poor forwardness. I have been plagued with a succession of bad printers, and am not got beyond the fourth book. It will scarce appear before next winter. Adieu! Sir. I have received so much pleasure and benefit from your correspondence, that I should be sorry to lose it. I will not deserve to lose it, but endeavour to be, as you will give me leave to be, your, etc.

(12) The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, etc. Dr. Johnson, in the sixty-fifth number of the Idler, has also celebrated the appearance of this interesting and valuable work.-C.

(13) Mr. Walpole had early taken up this opinion; witness that gross line in his dull epistle to Aston, written in 1740, “The lustful Henrietta’s Romish shade;” but we believe that no good authority for this imputation can be produced: there is strong evidence the other way: and if we were even to stand on mere authority, we should prefer that of Lord Clarendon to the scandalous rumours of troublesome times, which were, we believe, the only guides of Mr. Walpole.-C.

(14) Nor for impugning it; for, the very fact, brought to light in later times, of Charles’s having, with great secrecy and mystery, reconciled himself to the church of Rome on his deathbed, proves that up to that extreme hour he was not a Papist.-C.

Letter 7 To George Montagu, Esq.
Arlington Street, Jan. 7, 1760. (page 32)

You must wonder I have not written to you a long time; a person of my consequence! I am now almost ready to say, We, instead of I In short, I live amongst royalty–considering the plenty, that is no great wonder. All the world lives with them, and they with all the world. Princes and Princesses open shops in every corner of the town, and the whole town deals with them. As I have gone to one, I chose to frequent all, that I night not be particular, and seem to have views; and yet it went so much against me, that I came to town on purpose a month ago for the Duke’s levee, and had engaged brand to go with me, and then could not bring myself to it. At last, I went to him and the Princess Emily yesterday. It was well I had not flattered myself with being still in my bloom; I am grown so old since they saw me, that neither of them knew me. When they were told, he just spoke to me (I forgive him; he is not out of my debt, even with that) – she was exceedingly gracious, and commended Strawberry to the skies. TO-night, I was asked to their party at Norfolk House. These parties are wonderfully select and dignified one might sooner be a knight of Malta than qualified for them; I don’t know how the Duchess of Devonshire, Mr. Fox, and I, were forgiven some of our ancestors. There were two tables at loo, two at whist, and a quadrille. I was commanded to the Duke’s loo; he was sat down: not to make him wait, I threw my hat upon the marble table, and broke four pieces off a great crystal chandelier. I stick to my etiquette, and treat them with great respect; not as I do my friend, the Duke of York. But don’t let us talk any more of Princes. My Lucan appears to-morrow; I must say it is a noble volume. Shall I send it you–or won’t you come and fetch it?

There is nothing new of public, but the violent commotions in Ireland,(15) whither the Duke of Bedford still persists in going. AEolus to quell a storm!

I am in great concern for my old friend, poor Lady Harry Beauclerc; her lord dropped down dead two nights ago, as he was sitting with her and all their children. Admiral Boscawen is dead by this time.(16) Mrs. Osborne and I are not much afflicted; Lady Jane Coke too is dead, exceedingly rich; I have not heard her will yet.

If you don’t come to town soon, I give you warning, I will be a lord of the bedchamber, or a gentleman usher. If you will, I will be nothing but what I have been so many years-my own and yours ever.

(15) Walpole, in his Memoires, vol. ii. p. 401, gives a particular account of these commotions. Gray, in a letter to Dr. Wharton, of the 23d of January, says, “They placed an old woman on the throne, and called for pipes and tobacco; made my Lord Chief Justice administer an oath (which they dictated) to my Lord Chancellor; beat the Bishop of Killaloe black and blue; at foot-ball with Chenevix, the old refugee Bishop of Waterford; rolled my Lord Farnham in the kennel; pulled Sir Thomas Prendergast by the nose (naturally large) till it was the size of a cauliflower-; and would have hanged Rigby if he had not got out of a window. At last the guard was obliged to move (with orders not to fire), but the mob threw dirt at them. then the horse broke in upon them, cutting and slashing, and took seventeen prisoners. The notion that had possessed the crowd was, that a union was to be voted between the two nations, and they should have no more parliaments there.” Works, vol. iii. p. 233.-E.

(16) This distinguished admiral survived till January 1761.-E.

(17) Daughter of lord Torrington, and sister of the unfortunate Admiral Byng. She was married to the son of sir John Osborn of Chicksand Priory.-E.

Letter 8 To The Right Hon. Lady Hervey. Jan. 12, 1760. (page 34)

I am very sorry your ladyship could doubt a moment on the cause of my concern yesterday. I saw you much displeased at what I had said; and felt so innocent of the least intention of offending you, that I could not help being struck at my own ill-fortune, and wit[) the sensation raised by finding you mix great goodness with great severity.

I am naturally very impatient under praise; I have reflected enough on myself to know I don’t deserve it; and with this consciousness you ought to forgive me, Madam, if I dreaded that the person Whose esteem I valued the most in the world, should think, that I was fond of what I know is not my due. I meant to express this apprehension as respectfully as I could, but my words failed me-a misfortune not too common to me, who am apt to say too much, not too little! Perhaps it is that very quality which your ladyship calls wit, and I call tinsel, for which I dread being praised. I wish to recommend myself to you by more essential merits-and if I can only make you laugh, it will be very apt to make me as much concerned as I was yesterday. For people to whose approbation I am indifferent, I don’t care whether they commend or condemn me for my wit; in the former case they Will not make me admire myself for it, in the latter they can’t make me think but what I have thought already. But for the few whose friendship I wish, I would fain have them see, that under all the idleness of my spirits there are some very serious qualities, such as warmth, gratitude, and sincerity, which @ill returns may render useless or may make me lock up in my breast,