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Bear and Gardener. VIII. 10.
Bear and Lioness. X. 13.
Bear and Two Companions. V. 20.
Bees and Hornets. I. 21.
Beetle and Eagle. II. 8.
Belly and Members. III. 2.
Bird wounded by an Arrow. II. 6.
Birds, Little, and Swallow. I. 8.
Bitch and her Friend. II. 7.
Boreas and Phoebus. VI. 3.
Boy and Schoolmaster. I. 19.
Bulls, Two, and Frog. II. 4.
Burier and his Comrade. X. 5.
Bust and Fox. IV. 14.


Camel and Floating Sticks. IV. 10.
Candle, Wax. IX. 12.
Capon and Falcon. VIII. 21.
Cartman in the Mire. VI. 18.
Cat and Fox. IX. 14.
Cat and Monkey. IX. 17.
Cat and Old Rat. III. 18.
Cat and Rat. VIII. 22.
Cat and Two Sparrows. XII. 2.
Cat, Cockerel, and Mouse. VI. 5.
Cat, Eagle, and Wild Sow. III. 6.
Cat metamorphosed to a Woman. II. 18. Cat, Old, and Young Mouse. XII. 5.
Cat, Weasel, and Young Rabbit. VII. 16. Cats and Dogs, &c., Quarrel of the. XII. 8. Charlatan. VI. 19.
Child and Fortune. V. 11.
Coach and Fly. VII. 9.
Cobbler and Financier. VIII. 2.
Cock and Fox. II. 15.
Cock and Pearl. I. 20.
Cockerel, Cat, and Young Mouse. VI. 5. Cocks and Partridge. X. 8.
Cocks, The Two. VII. 13.
Combat of Rats and Weasels. IV. 6.
Companions of Ulysses. XII. 1.
Cook and Swan. III. 12.
Cormorant and Fishes. X. 4.
Corpse and Curate. VII. 11.
Council held by the Rats. II. 2.
Countryman and Serpent. VI. 13.
Court of the Lion. VII. 7.
Curate and Corpse. VII. 11.


Dairy-woman and Pot of Milk. VII. 10. Daphnis and Alcimadure. XII. 26.
Death and the Dying. VIII. 1.
Death and the Unfortunate. I. 15.
Death and Wood-Chopper. I. 16.
Democritus and the People of Abdera. VIII. 26. Depositary, The Faithless. IX. 1.
Discord. VI. 20.
Doctors. V. 12.
Dog and Ass. VIII. 17.
Dog and Wolf. I. 5.
Dog carrying his Master’s Dinner. VIII. 7. Dog, Farmer, and Fox. XI. 3.
Dog, Lean, and Wolf. IX. 10.
Dog, Little, and Ass. IV. 5.
Dog who lost the Substance for the Shadow. VI. 17. Dog with his Ears cut off. X. 9.
Dogs, Cats, &c., The Quarrel of the. XII. 8. Dogs, The Two, and Dead Ass. VIII. 25.
Dolphin and Monkey. IV. 7.
Dove and Ant. II. 12.
Doves, The Two. IX. 2.
Duck, Bat, and Bush. XII. 7.
Ducks and Tortoise. X. 3.
Dragon of Many Heads, and Dragon of Many Tails. I. 12. Dream of the Mogul. XI. 4.
Drunkard and his Wife. III. 7.


Eagle and Beetle. II. 8.
Eagle and Magpie. XII. 11.
Eagle and Owl. V. 18.
Eagle and Raven. II. 16.
Eagle, Wild Sow, and Cat. III. 6.
Ears of the Hare. V. 4.
Earthen Pot and Iron Pot. V. 2.
Education. VIII. 24.
Elephant and Ape of Jupiter. XII. 21. Elephant and Rat. VIII. 15.
English Fox. XII. 23.
Eye of the Master. IV. 21.


Fables, The Power of. VIII. 4.
Falcon and Capon. VIII. 21.
Falconer, King, and Kite. XII. 12.
Farmer and Jupiter. VI. 4.
Farmer, Dog, and Fox. XI. 3.
File and Serpent. V. 16.
Financier and Cobbler. VIII. 2.
Fish, Little, and Fisher. V. 3.
Fishes and Cormorant. X. 4.
Fishes and Joker. VIII. 8.
Fishes and Shepherd who played the Flute. X. 11. Flea and Man. VIII. 5.
Floating Sticks and Camel. IV. 10.
Flies, Fox, and Hedgehog. XII. 13.
Fly and Ant. IV. 3.
Fly and Coach. VII. 9.
Folly and Love. XII. 14.
Fool and Sage. XII. 22.
Fool who sold Wisdom. IX. 8.
Forest and Woodman. XII. 16.
Fortune and the Boy. V. 11.
Fortune, Ingratitude towards. VII. 14. Fortune-Tellers. VII. 15.
Fortune, the Man who ran after, &c. VII. 12. Fowler, Hawk, and Lark. VI. 15.
Fox and Bust. IV. 14.
Fox and Cat. IX. 14.
Fox and Cock. II. 15.
Fox, Farmer, and Dog. XI. 3.
Fox and Goat. III. 5.
Fox and Grapes. III. 11.
Fox and Raven. I. 2.
Fox and Sick Lion. VI. 14.
Fox and Stork. I. 18.
Fox and Turkeys. XII. 18.
Fox and Wolf. XI. 6., XII. 9.
Fox and Wolf before the Monkey. II. 3. Fox, English. XII. 23.
Fox, Flies, and Hedgehog. XII. 13.
Fox, Lion, and Wolf. VIII. 3.
Fox, Monkey, and Animals. VI. 6.
Fox, Two Rats, and Egg. X. 1.
Fox with his Tail cut off. V. 5.
Fox, Wolf, and Horse. XII. 17.
Friends, The Two. VIII. 11.
Frog and Rat. IV. 11.
Frog and Two Bulls. II. 4.
Frog who would be as big as the Ox. I. 3. Frogs and Hare. II. 14.
Frogs and Sun. VI. 12., XII. 24.
Frogs asking a King. III. 4.
Funeral of the Lioness. VIII. 14.


Gardener and Bear. VIII. 10.
Gardener and his Lord. IV. 4.
Gardener, Pedant, and School-boy. IX. 5. Gazelle, Raven, Tortoise, and Rat. XII. 15. Gnat and Lion. II. 9.
Goat and Fox. III. 5.
Goat, Heifer, Sheep, and Lion. I. 6. Goat, Hog, and Sheep. VII. 12.
Goat, Kid, and Wolf. IV. 15.
Goats, The Two. XII. 4.
Gods wishing to educate a Son of Jupiter. XI. 2. Gout and Spider. III. 8.
Grapes and Fox. III. 11.
Grasshopper and Ant. I. 1.


Hard to suit, Against the. II. 1.
Hare and Frogs. II. 14.
Hare and Partridge. V. 17.
Hare and Tortoise. VI. 10.
Hare, Ears of the. V. 4.
Hawk, Fowler, and Lark. VI. 15.
Head and Tail of the Serpent. VII. 17. Hedgehog, Fox, and Flies. XII. 13.
Heifer, Sheep, Goat, and Lion. I. 6. Hen with Golden Eggs. V. 13.
Hermit, Arbiter, and Almoner. XII. 27. Heron. VII. 4.
Hog, Goat, and Sheep. VIII. 12.
Hornets and Honey-Bees. I. 21.
Horoscope. VIII. 16.
Horse and Ass. VI. 16.
Horse and Stag. IV. 13.
Horse and Wolf. V. 8.
Horse, Fox, and Wolf. XII. 17.
Hunter and Lion. VI. 2.
Hunter and Wolf. VIII. 27.
Husband, Wife, and Thief. IX. 15.


Idol of Wood and Man. IV. 8.
Ill-Married. VII. 2.
Image, Man and his. I. 11.


Jay and the Peacock’s Feathers. IV. 9. Joker and Fishes. VIII. 8.
Juno and Peacock. II. 17.
Jupiter and Farmer. VI. 4.
Jupiter and the Thunderbolts. VIII. 20. Jupiter and Traveller. IX. 13.


Kid, Goat, and Wolf. IV. 15.
King, Kite, and Falconer. XII. 12.
King and Shepherd. X. 10.
King, his Son, and the Two Parrots. X. 12. King’s Son, Merchant, Noble, and Shepherd. X. 16. Kite and Nightingale. IX. 18.
Kite, King, and Falconer. XII. 12.
Knowledge, The Use of. VIII. 19.


Lamb and Wolf. I. 10.
Lark and her Young Ones, &c. IV. 22. Lark, Fowler, and Hawk. VI. 15.
League of the Rats. XII. 25.
Leopard and Monkey. IX. 3.
Lion. XI. 1.
Lion and Ass hunting. II. 19.
Lion, Goat, Heifer, and Sheep. I. 6. Lion and Gnat. II. 9.
Lion and Hunter. VI. 2.
Lion and Rat. II. 11.
Lion and Shepherd. VI. 1.
Lion beaten by Man. III. 10.
Lion, Court of the. VII. 7.
Lion going to War. V. 19.
Lion grown old. III. 14.
Lion in Love. IV. 1.
Lion, Monkey, and two Asses. XI. 5. Lion, The Sick, and Fox. VI. 14.
Lion, Wolf, and Fox. VIII. 3.
Lioness and Bear. X. 13.
Lioness, Funeral of the. VIII. 14.
Litigants and Oyster. IX. 9.
Lobster and Daughter. XII. 10.
Love and Folly. XII. 14.
Love, Lion in. IV. 1.


Magpie and Eagle. XII. 11.
Maid. VII. 5.
Man and Adder. X. 2.
Man and Flea. VIII. 5.
Man and his Image. I. 11.
Man and Two Mistresses. I. 17.
Man and Wooden God. IV. 8.
Man beating a Lion. III. 20.
Man who ran after Fortune. &c. VII. 12. Master, The Eye of the. IV. 21.
Members and Belly. III. 2.
Men, The Two, and Treasure. IX. 16. Merchant and Pashaw. VIII. 18.
Merchant, Noble, Shepherd, and King’s Son. X. 16. Mercury and Woodman. V. 1.
Miller, Son, and Ass. III. 1.
Mice and Cats, Quarrel of the, &c. XII. 8. Mice and Owl. XI. 9.
Miser and Monkey. XII. 3.
Miser who had lost his Treasure. IV. 20. Mogul’s Dream. XI. 4.
Monkey and Cat. IX. 17.
Monkey and Dolphin. IV. 7.
Monkey and Leopard. IX. 3.
Monkey and Miser. XII. 3.
Monkey, Fox, and Animals. VI. 6.
Monkey judging Wolf and Fox. II. 3. Monkey, Lion, and Two Asses. XI. 5.
Mother, Child, and Wolf. IV. 16.
Mountain in Labour, V. 10.
Mouse, Cockerel, and Cat. VI. 5.
Mouse metamorphosed into a Maid. IX. 7. Mouse, Young, and Cat. XII. 5.
Mule boasting of his Genealogy. VI. 7. Mules, The Two. I. 4.


Nightingale and Kite. IX. 18.
Nobleman, Merchant, Shepherd, and King’s Son. X. 16. Nothing too Much. IX. 11.


Oak and Reed. I. 22.
Old Cat and Young Mouse. XII. 5.
Old Man and Ass. VI. 8.
Old Man and his Sons. IV. 18.
Old Man and Three Young Ones. XI. 8. Old Woman and Two Servants. V. 6.
Oracle and the Atheist. IV. 19.
Owl and Eagle. V. 18.
Owl and Mice. XI. 9.
Oyster and Litigants. IX. 9.
Oyster and Rat. VIII. 9.


Parrots, The Two, the King, and his Son. X. 12. Partridge and Cocks. X. 8.
Partridge and Hare. V. 17.
Pashaw and Merchant. VIII. 18.
Peacock complaining to Juno. II. 17. Pearl and Cock. I. 20.
Peasant of the Danube. XI. 7.
Pedant, Schoolboy, and Gardener. IX. 5. Philomel and Progne. III. 15.
Phoebus and Boreas. VI. 3.
Pigeons and Vultures. VII. 8.
Pigeons, The Two. IX. 2.
Ploughman and his Sons. V. 9.
Pot of Earth and the Pot of Iron. V. 2. Pot of Milk and Dairy-woman. VII. 10.
Power of Fables. VIII. 4.
Pumpkin and Acorn. IX. 4.


Quarrel of the Dogs and Cats, &c. XII. 8.


Rabbit, Cat, and Weasel. VII. 16.
Rabbits. X. 15.
Rat and Cat. VIII. 22.
Rat and Elephant. VIII. 15.
Rat and Frog. IV. 11.
Rat and Lion. II. 11.
Rat and Oyster. VIII. 9.
Rat, City, and Country Rat. I. 9.
Rat, Old, and Cat. III. 18.
Rat retired from the World. VII. 3. Rat, Tortoise, Raven, and Gazelle. XII. 15. Rats and Weasels, Combat of. IV. 6.
Rats, Council of the. II. 2.
Rats, League of the. XII. 25.
Rats, Two, Fox, and Egg. X. 1.
Raven wishing to imitate the Eagle. II. 16. Raven and Fox. I. 2.
Raven, Tortoise, Gazelle, and Rat. XII. 15. Reed and Oak. I. 22.
River and Torrent. VIII. 23.
Robber, Husband, and Wife. IX. 15.


Sage and Fool. XII. 22.
Satyr and Traveller. V. 7.
Schoolboy, Pedant, and Gardener. IX. 5. Schoolmaster and Boy. I. 19.
Sculptor and Statue of Jupiter. IX. 6. Scythian Philosopher. XII. 20.
Sea, The Shepherd and the. IV. 2.
Serpent and Countryman. VI. 13.
Serpent and File. V. 16.
Serpent, Head and Tail of. VII. 17. Servants, Two, and Old Woman. V. 6.
Sheep and Wolves. III. 13.
Sheep, Heifer, Goat, and Lion. I. 6. Sheep, Hog, and Goat. VIII. 12.
Shepherd and his Flock. IX. 19.
Shepherd and King. X. 10.
Shepherd and Lion. VI. 1.
Shepherd and Sea. IV. 2.
Shepherd and Wolf. III. 3.
Shepherd, Merchant, Noble, and King’s Son. X. 16. Shepherd who played the Flute, and Fishes. X. 11. Shepherds and Wolf. X. 6.
Simonides preserved by the Gods. I. 14. Socrates, The Words of. IV. 17.
Sow (Wild), Cat, and Eagle. III. 6. Sparrows, Two, and Cat. XII. 2.
Spider and Gout. III. 8.
Spider and Swallow. X. 7.
Stag and Horse. IV. 13.
Stag and Vine. V. 15.
Stag seeing Himself in the Water. VI. 9. Stag, Sick. XII. 6.
Stork and Fox. I. 18.
Stork and Wolf. III. 9.
Sun and Frogs. VI. 12., XII. 24.
Swallow and Little Birds. I. 8.
Swallow and Spider. X. 9.
Swan and Cook. III. 12.


Talisman and Two Adventurers. X. 14.
Thieves and Ass. I. 13.
Thyrsis and Amaranth. VIII. 13.
Tortoise and Hare. VI. 10.
Tortoise and two Ducks. X. 3.
Tortoise, Gazelle. Raven, and Rat. XII. 15. Torrent and River. VIII. 23.
Traveller and Jupiter. IX. l3.
Traveller and Satyr. V. 7.
Treasure and Two Men. IX. 16.
Turkeys and Fox. XII. 18.


Ulysses, Companions of. XII. 1.
Unfortunate and Death. I. 15.


Vine and Stag. V. 15.
Vultures and Pigeons. VII. 8.


Wallet. I. 7.
Wax-Candle. IX. 12.
Weasel, Cat, and Rabbit. VII. 16.
Weasel in a Granary. III. 17.
Weasels, Two, and Bat. II. 5.
Weasels and Rats, Combat of. IV. 6. Widow, The Young. VI. 21.
Wild Sow, Eagle, and Cat. III. 6.
Will explained by Aesop. II. 20.
Wishes. VII. 6.
Wolf and Dog. I. 5.
Wolf and Fox. XII. 9.
Wolf and Fox at the Well. XI. 6.
Wolf and Fox before the Monkey. II. 3. Wolf and Horse. V. 8.
Wolf and Hunter. VIII. 27.
Wolf and Lamb. I. 10.
Wolf and Lean Dog. IX. 10.
Wolf and Shepherds. X. 6.
Wolf and Stork. III. 9.
Wolf, Fox, and Horse. XII. 17.
Wolf, Goat, and Kid. IV. 15.
Wolf, Lion, and Fox. VIII. 3.
Wolf, Mother, and Child. IV. 16.
Wolf turned Shepherd. III. 3.
Wolves and Sheep. III. 13.
Woman Drowned. III. 16.
Women and the Secret. VIII. 6.
Wood-Chopper and Death. I. 16.
Woodman and Forest. XII. 16.
Woodman and Mercury. V. 1.