The Proprietors of the Tremont would respectfully solicit the patronage of the League and other traveling Base Ball Clubs, for the season of 1889. We offer a special rate of
$2.50 Per Day,
And refer to all the League Clubs who have made their home with us, also to Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Bros., 108 Madison St.
M. VAN S. RICE, Manager
* * * * *
[Illustration: Celebrate Spalding’s Baseballs]
Each of following styles are put up in separate box, and sealed.
To Clubs. Each. Per doz. No. 1. SPALDING’S LEAGUE BALL, as adopted by the National League; the finest ball made $1.50 $15.00 No. 1A. SPALDING’S ASSOCIATION BALL 1.25 13.00 No. 1B SPALDING’S BOY’S LEAGUE BALL, a first class ball for boys, made like our League Ball 1.00 11.00 No. 2. SPALDING’S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL, white. The best dead ball ever made 1.00 11.00 No. 3. SPALDING’S AMATEUR DEAD BALL, white. Especially adapted for school nines, and for practice .75 8.50 No. 3R. SPALDING’S AMATEUR DEAD BALL, red .75 8.50 No. XX SPALDING’S AMATEUR LIVELY BALL, white. A first- class lively ball .75 8.50
All above balls are fully warranted.
No. 5. SPALDING’S KING OF THE DIAMOND, white. Horsehide cover, regulation size 50 5.00 No. 5B. SPALDING’S BOY’S PROFESSIONAL BALL, white Horsehide cover, junior size ball .50 5.00
No. 7. SPALDING’S BOY’S FAVORITE. Regulation size and weight. Horsehide cover .25 2.75 No. 7B. SPALDING’S LEAGUE JUNIOR. Horsehide cover, junior size .25 2.75
No. 8. SPALDING’S EUREKA BALL, white. Regulation size and weight .20 2.00 No. 9. SPALDING’S RATTLER BALL, white. Nearly regulation size .10 1.00 No. 9B. SPALDING’S BOY’S DEAD. An 8-inch ball for boys .10 1.00
No. 10. SPALDING’S BOSS BALL, large size, 5 cent ball, best in the market 50 .50
If you cannot obtain these balls of your local dealer send the price for sample ball and we will mail free of all charges.
Spalding’s Trade-Marked bats were first introduced in 1877, and they have gradually grown in popularity until now they are used almost exclusively by all prominent professional and amateur players.
The demand for different styles and lengths of bats has changed as the batting and pitching rules have changed. Our models have changed so from year to year that bats of the present are very different from those of a few years since. We have adopted an entirely new set of models for 1889, and each crate of our trade-marked bats has four different models and as many different lengths.
All timber used in these bats is allowed to season from one to two years before being turned, and the result is we are enabled to make much lighter and stronger bats than when timber is hastily “kiln-dried,” as done by all manufacturers of cheap goods.
Bach bat is turned by hand, and when found to answer all the requirements as to shape, size, weight and soundness, the trade-mark is stained on each bat to insure its genuineness. Each and every one of our trade marked bats, after it is completed, is carefully weighed, and the weight in ounces stamped under the trade-mark.
The success and popularity of these bats, which is due to the great care taken in their manufacture, has brought out many cheap imitations, and we would caution the trade to see that the Spalding trade-mark is stamped on each bat. The special attention of professional players is called to our new “Wagon Tongue Brand” No. 3-0 Bat.
To Clubs Each. Per doz.
No. 3-0. SPALDING’S SPECIAL BLACK END “WAGON TONGUE” BAT. This is a new special quality Bat, selected and manufactured with more care than any bat made. Nothing but the very best clear second growth thoroughly seasoned ash is used. The bats are turned to special models as used by the leading League batters. _Oriental Finish_, which is very durable, and gives a pleasant firm hold for the hands. Each bat carefully weighed, and trade- marked, and inclosed in a strong paper bag $1.00 10.00 No. 2-0. SPALDING’S SPECIAL BLACK BAND LEAGUE BAT, made out of the choicest selected second growth white ash. Each bat is carefully weighed and the weight in ounces stamped under the Trade-mark; they are lathe polished and finished in the highest possible manner, and we guarantee it to be superior to any bat made by other manufacturers. Granulated handle, incased in a strong paper bag. .75 7.50 No. 0.- SPALDING’S BLACK BAND LEAGUE BAT, made from selected straight grained white ash; highly polished. Each bat incased in strong paper bag; and the weight stamped under trade-mark. .50 5.50 No. 1. SPALDING’S TRADE-MARKED ASH BAT, made on four different models; finished with three coats of best shellac, and lathe polished. Each bat has the weight stamped under Trade-mark. .25 3.00
We wish to call the attention of the trade to the elegant manner in which we are finishing our lightwood bats; we have entirely changed the style and finish of these bats in a way that is sure to win the approval of players.
To Clubs Each. Per doz.
No. 3. SPALDING’S BLACK BAND BASSWOOD BAT, is made from selected timber. Each bat has weight stamped under Trademark, and is finished in elegant manner; incased in strong paper bag. $.30 $ 3.00 No. 4. SPALDING’S BLACK BAND WILLOW BAT, highly finished. Each bat has weight stamped under Trade-mark, and is guaranteed to be the best light wood bat made; incased in strong paper bag. .50 5.50
The demand among the younger generation for a Trade-marked Spalding bat has been so great that we have taken great pains in getting out a line of bats for the boys as near as possible like the men’s in shape, quality and general appearance.
To Clubs Each. Per doz.
No. 0B. SPALDING’S BLACK BAND TRADE-MARKED BOY’S ASH BAT. This bat is highly finished, made from selected timber, and finished in same manner as our No. 00 bat stamped weight; incased in paper bag, 30-34 inches. $ .30 $ 3.00 No. 1B SPALDING’S TRADE-MARKED BOY’S ASH BAT, finished same style as No. 1; 28 to 30 in. .25 2.50 No. 3B. SPALDING’S TRADE-MARKED BOYS’ BASSWOOD BAT, made after same models as our No. 3 bat, only proportionately smaller; nicely finished; 28 to 32 inches. .25 2.50
Owing to large demand for fancy bats, three years ago we placed on the market our line of Trade-marked Fancy bats, which are superior in every way to any line of fancy bats ever offered to the trade.
To Clubs Each. Per doz.
No. AA. SPALDING’S TRADE-MARKED FANCY ASH BAT, mahogany finish, with white band Trade-mark; granulated handle; stamped weight; incased in strong paper bag. $ .75 $ 7.50 No. BB. SPALDING’S TRADE-MARKED FANCY BASSWOOD BAT, same finish as the above. .75 7.50
Each. Per doz.
No. 21. POLISHED ASH BATS, for men. $ .25 $ 2.5O No. 24. POLISHED AMERICAN WILLOW BATS, for men .25 2.50 No. 5O. ROSEWOOD FINISH MEN’S BATS, Gilt Band .35 3.00 No. 5O B. ROSEWOOD FINISH BOYS’ BATS, Gilt Band .20 2.00 No. 53. POLISHED MAPLE, Colored Band, Youths, 30-32 inch. .10 1.20 No. 56. STAINED AND POLISHED MAPLE, Black Handle, Youths’ 30-32 inch. .10 1.20 No. 54. BOYS’ MAPLE, Colored Band, 26-28 inch. .05 .60
If you cannot obtain these bats from your local dealer send your order direct to us.
The suit for infringement on Catchers’ Masks brought against us by F. W. Thayer of Boston was, after a two years’ litigation, decided against us in the U. S. District Court, and in settlement for back damages we arranged to protect all of our customers.
Ball players and dealers in Base Ball Goods are cautioned against buying any Catchers’ Masks unless made under license from Thayer, and plainly stamped “Manufactured under Thayer’s Patent.”
At present it would be considered unsafe and even dangerous for a catcher to face the swift underhand throwing of the present day unless protected by a reliable mask. The increased demand for these goods has brought manufacturers into the field who, having no reputation to sustain, have vied with each other to see how _cheaply_ they could make a so-called mask, and in consequence have ignored the essential qualification, _strength_. A cheaply made, inferior quality of mask is much worse than no protection at all, for a broken wire, or one that will not stand the force of the ball without caving in, is liable to disfigure a player for life. Our trade-marked masks are made of the very best hard wire, plated to prevent rusting, and well trimmed, and every one is a thorough face protector. We make them in four grades, as described below:
Beware of counterfeits. _None genuine without our trade-mark stamped on each mask._
[Illustration: No. 3-0 Mask.]
[Illustration: No. 2-0 Mask.]
No. 3-0. SPALDING’S NEW PATENTED NECK-PROTECTING MASK. This mask has a peculiar shaped extension at the bottom which affords the same protection to the neck as the mask does to the face. It does not interfere in the slightest degree with the free movement of the head, and is the only mask made which affords perfect protection to a catcher. The entire mask is constructed of the best hardened wire, extra heavy padded with goat hair, and the padding faced with the best imported dogskin, which is impervious to perspiration, and always soft and pliable, each. $4.00 No. 2-0. SPALDING’S SPECIAL LEAGUE MASK, used by all leading professional catchers, extra heavy wire, well padded with goat hair, and the padding faced with the best imported dogskin, which is impervious to perspiration, and retains its pliability and softness $3.50 No. 1-0. SPALDING’S REGULATION LEAGUE MASK, made of heavy wire, well padded and faced with horsehide, warranted first-class in every respect. $3.00 No. 1. SPALDING’S BOYS’ LEAGUE MASK, made of heavy wire, equally as heavy in proportion to size as the No. 2-0 mask. It is made to fit a boy’s face, and gives the same protection as the League Mask. 2.50
[Illustration: Amateur Mask.]
To meet the demand for good masks at a low price, we have manufactured a line of amateur masks, which is superior to any mask in the market at the same price. We do not guarantee these masks and believe that our Trade- Marked Masks are worth more than the difference in price.
No. A. AMATEUR MASK, made the same size and general style as the League Mask, but with lighter wire, and faced with leather. (We guarantee this mask to be superior to so- called League or professional masks sold by other manufacturers.) $1.75 No. B. BOYS’ AMATEUR MASK, similar to No. A Mask, only made smaller to fit a boy’s face. 1.50
Any of the above masks mailed post-paid on receipt of price.
[Illustration: ]
As shown in the above cut, is intended for the use of BASE BALL UMPIRES and SCORERS to keep tally of the number of Strikes and Balls that may be called. The illustration, which represents the exact size of the Indicator, gives a good idea of its construction and mode of handling. It can be easily operated by the thumb or finger while held in the palm of the hand. It has been highly recommended by all League and Association umpires who have seen it.
Price, each 50c
By mail postpaid on receipt of price.
Spalding’s Trade-Marked Catchers’ Gloves.
After considerable expense and many experiments we have finally perfected a Catcher’s Glove that meets with general favor from professional catchers.
The old style of open backed gloves introduced by us several years ago is still adhered to, but the quality of material and workmanship has been materially improved, until now we are justified in claiming the best line of catchers’ gloves in the market. These gloves do not interfere with throwing, can be easily put on and taken off, and no player subject to sore hands should be without a pair. Our new patent seamless palm glove is admittedly the finest glove ever made, and is used by all professional catchers. We make them in ten different grades, as follows:
Price of Full Left-Hand Gloves.
No. 3-0. Spalding’s Special League Catchers’ Gloves. Patented, both gloves without seams in palm. Full left-hand back stop glove, made of heaviest Indian-tanned or drab buckskin, the very best that can be produced. The full left-hand glove is extra padded and sole leather finger tips to prevent the low curve balls from breaking or otherwise injuring the fingers. The right-hand glove is made with open back and fingerless, thoroughly padded. We especially recommend this glove for catchers. Each pair packed in separate box.
No. 4-0. Spalding’s Special League Catchers’ or Fielders’ Gloves, full left-hand soft-tips, lined, drab color buckskin. $5.00
No. 2-0. Spalding’s League Regulation Catchers’ Gloves full left- hand, with tips, good quality buckskin, same style of gloves as 3-0, not quite so heavy. $3.50
No. 3.A. Full Left-Hand “Spring Buck” with sole leather tips. $3.00 No. A. Full left-hand buckskin without tips. $2.50
No. AA. Full left-hand oiled tan sheepskin, without tips. $1.25
No. 25. Irwin’s Celebrated Catchers’ Gloves $5.00 No. 25A. ” ” Infielder’s ” 3.50
No. XX. Spalding’s Drab Buck Infielders’ Gloves 2.50 No. X. ” White ” ” ” 2.00
[Illustration: No. 1-0 Glove.]
No. 1-0. Spalding’s League Cat’hrs Gloves made of extra heavy Indian-tanned buck, and carefully selected with special reference to the hard service required of them, open back, both hands fingerless, well padded, and fully warranted. We especially recommend this glove for catchers 2.50 No. 1 Spalding’s Professional Gloves, made of Indian-tanned buckskin, open back, well padded, but not quite as heavy as the No. 0 2.00
[Illustration: Nos. E. and F.]
No. B. Spalding’s Amateur Gloves, made of buckskin, open back, well padded and adapted for amateur players, 1.50 No. C. Spalding’s Practice Gloves, made of buckskin, open back, well padded 1.00 No. D. Open back, a good glove at the price, made of light material. .75 No. E. Boy’s size, cheap open back glove. .50 No. F. Youth’s size, cheap open back glove. .25
Any of the above Gloves mailed postpaid on receipt of price. In ordering, please give size of ordinary dress glove usually worn.
No. 2-0 … Price, $7.00.
We now have on the third floor of our New York store a thoroughly equipped Shoe Factory for the manufacture of fine Base Ball and Athletic Shoes. This department of our business is under the immediate charge and supervision of Wm. Dowling, who for several years past has enjoyed the reputation of being the leading maker of Athletic Shoes in New York. We employ in this department the most skilful workmen, and use only the very best material, and are prepared to take special orders and make a special last for professional players.
The special attention of Ball players is called to our new genuine KANGAROO BASE BALL SHOE.
The above cut represents this Shoe, which is made from selected genuine Kangaroo skin, all hand sewed, slipper heel, cut low in front, and wide, so they can be laced tight or loose as the player likes.
Each pair is provided with porpoise laces, and the whole Shoe made with reference to comfort and the hard usage required of it.
Our new Hand Forged Shoe Plates–for toe and heel–will be riveted on when required, without additional expense.
MEASUREMENT BLANKS will be furnished on application, or a player can take a piece of manilla paper of sufficient size, and by following the directions herein given, can take his own measure.
Place the foot flat on the paper, and with a pencil draw around the foot close to it. Then take other measurements as shown in the cut.
Ball Players will bear in mind that we make a special last for each man, which will be kept for future use. Satisfaction both as to fit and quality of shoe guaranteed.
Trade-Marked Base Ball Shoes.
Per pair.
No. 0. Spalding’s Special League Shoe. Used by League Players. Made of choicest selected Calf, skin, with natural side out. Hand Sewed and Warranted, superior to any Shoe on the market except our No. 20 Shoe $6.00
[Illustration: No. 0.]
No. 1. Spalding’s Special Canvas Base Ball Shoe. Hand made, the finest Canvas Shoe made 5.00
[Illustration: No. 1]
No. 3 Amateur, or Practice Shoe. Good quality, canvas strap over ball $2.00
[Illustration: No. 3]
No. 3X. Amateur Base Ball Shoe. Second quality canvas $1.50 No. 5. Third quality canvas Shoe 1.00
No. 4. Oxford Tie Base Ball Shoe, Low cut, canvas $2.00
We have experienced more difficulty in the manufacture of a Shoe Plate than any other article that goes to make up a ball player’s outfit, but at last we are prepared to offer something that will give the player satisfactory service.
No. 3-0. Spalding’s Extra Special Hand Forged Steel Plates, polished and plated, per pair, $0.75 No. 2-0. Spalding’s Hand Forged Steel Heel Plates, per pair, .50 No. 0. Spalding’s Tempered Steel Shoe Plate, made of imported steel, and warranted not to bend or break; put up with screws. .50 No. 1. Professional Steel Shoe Plate, similar in shape per and style to the No. 0 Plate, put up with screws pair .25 No. 2. Amateur Steel Shoe Plate, put up with screws per pair .15
Made of heavy brass, to be worn on the toe of the right shoe. A thorough protection to the shoe, and a valuable assistant in pitching. All professionals use them.
Each .50c.
Any of above plates sent post-paid on receipt of price.
Per doz. No. 2-0. Spalding’s New Linen Sole Base Ball Stockings. $15.00 No. 1-0. Spalding’s New Linen Sole, Bicycle or Tennis Stockings. 13.20 Special. League Regulation, made of the finest worsted yarn. The following colors can be obtained: White, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Scarlet, Gray, Green, Old Gold, Brown. 18.00 No 1. Fine Quality Woolen Stockings, Scarlet, Blue or Brown. 12.00 No. 2. Good Quality Woolen Stockings, Scarlet, Blue or Brown. 9.00 No. 3. Second Quality Woolen Stockings, Scarlet or Blue 6.00 No. 4. Cotton 3.50 No. 5. ” 2.50
Sample pair mailed on receipt of price.
No. 0. LEAGUE CLUB BAT BAG, made of sole leather, name on side, to hold 11/2 dozen bats each, $15.00
No. 1. CANVAS BAT BAG, heavy waterproof canvas, leather ends, to hold a dozen bats each, $ 5.00
No. 2. CANVAS BAT BAG, heavy waterproof canvas, leather end, to hold 1 dozen bats each, $ 4.00
No. 01. INDIVIDUAL LEATHER BAT BAG, for 2 bats, Spalding’s design, used by the players of the Chicago Club, each, $ 4.00 No. 02. INDIVIDUAL CANVAS BAT BAG, heavy water proof canvas, leather cap at both ends. each, 1.50 No. 03. INDIVIDUAL CANVAS BAT BAG, heavy canvas, leather cap at one end. each, 1.00
* * * * *
No. 0. League Club Bases, made of extra canvas, stuffed and quilted complete, with straps and spikes, without home plate.
Per set of three $7.50 No. 1. Canvas Bases, with straps and spikes, without home Plate 5.00
No. 2. Cheap Canvas Bases, with straps and spikes, complete, without home plate. 5.00
Rubber Home Plate. each 7.50
Marble Home Plate. ” 3.00
We offer our regular line of Flannel Uniforms, and in addition offer a new style of heavy knit suits, such as was first worn by Chicago Club during 1887-1888. They are well adapted for warm weather, and are very neat and elastic. We make in one quality only; any color.
Consisting of–
No. 2-0. Knit Shirt, with collar, and with name on breast. $5.00
” 2-0. Knit Pants, very strongly reinforced 4.50 Special quality Stockings 1.50 No. 0. Cap 1.00
Special quality Belt .50 Necktie to match trimmings. —- Complete without shoes $12.50
NO. O. BEST QUALITY LEAGUE OR ASSOCIATION CLUB UNIFORM. The flannel used in this uniform is manufactured exclusively for us, and which we have used for the past six years. For the durability of the material and superiority of the styles and workmanship, we refer to all clubs who have used our uniforms. We have made uniforms for the following leading clubs in
And for the majority of the clubs of the N. E. League, International League, Southern League, Western League, N. W. League and others. We have fifteen different styles or colors. Send for sample card.
No. 0. Quality Shirts, any style Each, $5.00 ” 0. ” Pants, ” ” ” 4.50
Special ” Stockings ” 1.50 No. 0. ” Caps ” 1.00
Special ” Belt ” .50
Necktie to match trimmings. —- Uniform complete without shoes $12.50
Extra for Padded pants Each pair, 1.50
NO. 1 UNIFORM. The flannel used in this uniform is the same quality as the No. 0 grade, but lighter in weight. We have fifteen styles and colors, as follows: No. 16, White; No. 17, Yale Gray; No. 18, Drab, mixed; No. 19, Shaker Gray; No. 20, Steel, mixed; No. 21, Navy Blue; No. 22, Dark Brown; No. 23, Maroon; No. 24, Royal Blue; No. 25, Old Gold, No. 26, Scarlet; No. 17, Green; No. 28, Light Brown; No. 29, Dark Gray; No. 30, Light Gray.
No. 1. Quality Shirts, any style Each, $4.00 ” 1. ” Pants, ” ” ” 3.75
” 1. ” Stockings ” 1.00 ” 1st ” Caps ” .75
” 0 or 2 ” Belt ” .50
Necktie to match trimmings. —- Uniform complete without shoes $10.00
Extra for Padded pants Each pair, 1.50
NO. 2 UNIFORM. Made of 4-1/2 oz. twilled flannel, in the following colors: No. 31, White; No. 32, Yale Gray; No. 33. Shaker Gray; No. 34 Steel, mixed; No. 35, Navy Blue.
No. 2. Quality Shirts, any style Each, $3.00 ” 2. ” Pants, ” ” ” 1.75
” 2. ” Stockings ” .75
” 2d ” Caps ” .60
” 1 or 3 ” Belt ” .40
Necktie to match trimmings. —- Uniform complete without shoes $7.50
Extra for Padded pants Each pair, 1.50
NO. 3 UNIFORM. Made of three colors of flannel-White, Gray, Navy Blue. Heavy and strong. The best value at the price.
No. 3. Quality Shirts, any style Each, $2.00 ” 3. ” Pants, ” ” ” 1.75
” 3. ” Stockings ” .50
” 3. ” Caps ” .50
” 3 or 4 ” Belt ” .25
Uniform complete without shoes $5.00
Extra for Padded pants Each pair, 1.00
Made of a White Shaker flannel and a Gray Cotton Cloth.
No. 4. Quality Shirts, plain, pleat or lace Each, $1.64 ” 4. ” Pants, ” 1.25
” 4. ” Stockings ” .25 Cotton Flannel Cap, lined ” .35 ” 4 Belt ” .15
Uniform complete without shoes $3.50
Extra for Padded pants Each pair, .75
Special Measurement Blanks, Samples of Flannel and Belt Webbing for all of above Uniforms furnished upon application.
Our facilities for manufacturing Base Ball, Cricket, Lawn Tennis, Boating, Bicycle and all other styles of Uniforms for athletic and sporting purposes, are unequaled.
In this department we employ both at Chicago and New York a thoroughly practical and scientific cutter, one who is fully capable of making fine clothing for ordinary wear, but is especially educated in the cutting of Athletic Clothing. We would urge clubs not to make the mistake of entrusting the making of their uniforms to local dealers, whose experience in this kind of work is necessarily limited.
No.0. League Club Shirts, any style Each, $5.00 ” 1. First Quality ” ” ” 4.00
” 2. Second ” ” ” ” 3.00 ” 3. Third ” ” ” ” 2.00
” 4. Fourth ” lace or button only ” 1.60
For description of Flannels used in making these Shirts, see Complete Uniforms.
Size of collar worn, length of sleeve from shoulder seam to wrist with arm raised and bent, size around chest.
Send for special measurement blank.
No. 0. League Club Pants, any style Each, $4.50 ” 1. First Quality ” ” ” 3.75
” 2. Second ” ” ” ” 2.75 ” 3. Third ” ” ” ” 1.75
” 4. Fourth ” ” ” ” 1.25
Each Pair. For padding and Quilting No. 0, 1 or 2 Quality at hips and knees $1.50 ” ” ” ” ” 3 Quality at hips and knees 1.00 ” ” ” ” ” 4 ” ” ” ” ” .75
Outseam from waistband to 8 inches below knee. Inseam from crotch to 8 inches below knee, around waist, around hips. Send for our special measurement blank.
GRAY’S Patent Body Protector.
We now have the sole agency for this most useful device ever invented for the protection of catchers or umpires This body protector renders it impossible for the catcher to be injured while playing close to the batter. It is made of best rubber and inflated with air, and is very light and pliable, and does not interfere in any way with the movement of the wearer, either in turning, stooping or throwing. No catcher should be without one of these protectors. When not in use the air can be let out, and the protector rolled in a very small space.
No 0 Extra heavy professional $10.00 No 1 Standard Amateur $ 6.00
* * * * *
This supplies a long felt want for the protection of Catchers and Umpires exposed to the swift underhand throwing. They are nicely made, well padded and quilted, and used by nearly all professional Catchers and Umpires.
No A Chamois and Canvas Body Protector $3.00 ” B Leather Body Protector $5.00
[Illustration: No. 5. 4 Qualities.]
[Illustration: No. 13.]
[Illustration: No. 3. 3 Qualities.] [Illustration: No. 19.]
[Illustration: No. 1. 1 Quality.]
[Illustration: Cheap Muslin.]
[Illustration: No. 21. 5 Qualities.]
[Illustration: No. 7.]
[Illustration: No. 21. Cheap Flannel.] [Illustration: No. 11.]
Our line of Base Ball Hats and Caps is unequaled for quality, style, workmanship and variety. Please note carefully before ordering what styles and colors we furnish in each quality, so there can be no delay in filling orders.
0 QUALITY–This quality we make in any style from the same flannel that we use in League Uniforms. Colors, white, red, royal blue, navy blue, brown, maroon, old gold and nine patterns of grays, stripes and checks, as shown on our No. 0 Sample Card of Uniforms.
1ST QUALITY–This quality we make in any style and of the following colors: White, red, royal blue, navy blue, brown, maroon, old gold, green, or any of the grays and mixes, as shown in our No. 1 Uniform Sample Card.
2D QUALITY–Any style. Colors, white, red, royal blue, navy blue, light gray, medium gray, dark gray.
3D QUALITY–Any style, except hats; same colors as 2d quality.
4TH QUALITY–Any style, except hats, and No. 5, Chicago style; colors same as 2d and 3d qualities.
CHEAP FLANNEL CAPS–Made in Style 21 only; colors, white, red, or royal blue.
CHEAP MUSLIN CAPS–Style 19 only; color, white, red or royal blue.
NO. 1. STYLE CAP–We make this cap from a special imported striped flannel, of which we carry in stock the following patterns in 3/4 and 1 1/4 inch stripes: Black and white, maroon and white, royal blue and white, blue and black, black and scarlet, black and orange.
|0 Quality, (For colors see above) |$2.00 NO. 3. B.B. HAT |1st ” ” ” ” | 1.50 |2d ” ” ” ” | 1.25 ———————-+——————————————–+—- NO. 1. PARTI-COLORED CAPS–1st quality 3/4 and 1-1/4 inch stripes. | 1.00 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 NO. 5. CHICAGO CAP |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 Plain or with bands. |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 NO 7. Boston Style |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 CAP |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 |4th ” ” ” ” | .40 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 NO. 11. JOCKEY SHAPE |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 CAP |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 |4th ” ” ” ” | .40 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 NO. 13. BOSTON STYLE |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 CAP, with Star. |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 |4th ” ” ” ” | .40 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 NO. 19. SKULL CAP |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 |4th ” ” ” ” | .40 ———————-+——————————————–+—- |0 Quality, (For colors see above) | 1.00 |1st ” ” ” ” | .75 NO. 21. COLLEGE STYLE |2d ” ” ” ” | .65 CAP |3d ” ” ” ” | .50 |4th ” ” ” ” | .40 ———————-+——————————————–+—- CHEAP FLANNEL CAPS |Lined, (for colors see above) | .25 |Unlined, ” ” ” | .15 ———————-+——————————————–+—- CHEAP MUSLIN CAPS, |Unlined |Per doz. | 1.20
Spalding’s Pocket and Club Score Book continues to be the popular score book, and is used by all the leading scorers and base ball reporters. They are adapted for the spectator of ball games, who scores for his own amusement, as well as the official club scorer, who records the minutest detail. By this system, the art of scoring can be acquired in a single game.
Full instructions, with the latest League rules, accompany each book.
[Illustration: Score Book page.]
The above represents a page in our Score Book, greatly reduced. The diamond in the center of the square represents the base ball field. The home base is at the bottom of diamond, the first base at right side, etc. The spaces in each corner of the square are intended to be used in scoring whatever may have happened to batter or base runner on the line between the two bases forming a boundary of said space.
No. 1. Paper Cover, 7 games $ .10 No. 2. Board Cover, 22 games .25 No. 3. Board Cover, 46 games .50 Score Cards .05
Reporter’s Score Book, pocket size, leather bound 1.00
No. 4. Large Size, 30 games $1.00 No. 5. ” ” 60 games 1.75
No. 6. ” ” 90 games 2.50 No. 7. ” ” 120 games 3.00
Mailed upon receipt of price.
Are made of the finest straight grained, well seasoned, second growth Ash Sticks. All timber must be seasoned at least two years, and free from knots or imperfections. They are pronounced superior to anything, in the way of a bat, ever brought out, both as to quality of timber, model and finish. Special attention is called to the “Oriental Finish” put on these bats which enables the batter to get a firm grip and renders the custom of scraping the bat unnecessary. They are made from models of the actual bats used by the most skillful batters in the League and Association. These bats were used last year by all the prominent batters in the leading Leagues and during the World’s Series nine-tenths of the bats on the field were WAGON TONGUE BRAND. Beware of cheap imitations, the only genuine WAGON TONGUE BAT has our TRADEMARK; all others are counterfeits. These bats are intended especially for Professional Players, and we urge Club Managers to place their orders as early as possible, to insure a supply, as the quantity made is necessarily limited.
PRICE TO CLUBS: Per Doz. $10.00. Each. $1.00.
108 MADISON ST, A. G. Spaulding & Bros. 241 BROADWAY, CHICAGO NEW YORK
[Illustration: SPALDING’S OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALL, as represented in above illustration is made in very best manner, of finest materials, wrapped in tin foil, put up in separate box and sealed in accordance with League Regulations. Warrented to last afull game without ripping or losing its elasticity or shape.
PRICE, PER DOZEN, $15.00 PRICE, EACH, $1.50]