Now seen in sum, most glorious; and ’tis known By what our warrior wrought we hold him fast. A splendid image built of man has flown; His deeds inspired of God outstep a Past. Ours the great privilege to have had one Among us who celestial tasks has done.
FEBRUARY 2, 1901
Her sacred body bear: the tenement
Of that strong soul now ranked with God’s Elect Her heart upon her people’s heart she spent; Hence is she Royalty’s lodestar to direct.
The peace is hers, of whom all lands have praised Majestic virtues ere her day unseen.
Aloft the name of Womanhood she raised, And gave new readings to the Title, Queen.
Long with us, now she leaves us; she has rest Beneath our sacred sod:
A woman vowed to Good, whom all attest, The daylight gift of God.
The varied colours are a fitful heap: They pass in constant service though they sleep; The self gone out of them, therewith the pain: Read that, who still to spell our earth remain.