Ballad Second-Election Day
tune-“Fy, let us a’ to the Bridal.”
Fy, let us a’ to Kirkcudbright,
For there will be bickerin’ there;
For Murray’s light horse are to muster, And O how the heroes will swear!
And there will be Murray, Commander, And Gordon, the battle to win;
Like brothers they’ll stand by each other, Sae knit in alliance and kin.
And there will be black-nebbit Johnie, The tongue o’ the trump to them a’;
An he get na Hell for his haddin’,
The Deil gets na justice ava.
And there will be Kempleton’s birkie, A boy no sae black at the bane;
But as to his fine Nabob fortune,
We’ll e’en let the subject alane.
And there will be Wigton’s new Sheriff; Dame Justice fu’ brawly has sped,
She’s gotten the heart of a Bushby, But, Lord! what’s become o’ the head?
And there will be Cardoness, Esquire, Sae mighty in Cardoness’ eyes;
A wight that will weather damnation, The Devil the prey will despise.
And there will be Douglasses doughty, New christening towns far and near;
Abjuring their democrat doings,
By kissin’ the-o’ a Peer:
And there will be folk frae Saint Mary’s A house o’ great merit and note;
The deil ane but honours them highly- The deil ane will gie them his vote!
And there will be Kenmure sae gen’rous, Whose honour is proof to the storm,
To save them from stark reprobation, He lent them his name in the Firm.
And there will be lads o’ the gospel, Muirhead wha’s as gude as he’s true;
And there will be Buittle’s Apostle, Wha’s mair o’ the black than the blue.
And there will be Logan M’Dowall,
Sculdudd’ry an’ he will be there,
And also the Wild Scot o’ Galloway, Sogering, gunpowder Blair.
But we winna mention Redcastle,
The body, e’en let him escape!
He’d venture the gallows for siller, An ’twere na the cost o’ the rape.
But where is the Doggerbank hero,
That made “Hogan Mogan” to skulk?
Poor Keith’s gane to hell to be fuel, The auld rotten wreck of a Hulk.
And where is our King’s Lord Lieutenant, Sae fam’d for his gratefu’ return?
The birkie is gettin’ his Questions To say in Saint Stephen’s the morn.
But mark ye! there’s trusty Kerroughtree, Whose honor was ever his law;
If the Virtues were pack’d in a parcel, His worth might be sample for a’;
And strang an’ respectfu’s his backing, The maist o’ the lairds wi’ him stand;
Nae gipsy-like nominal barons,
Wha’s property’s paper-not land.
And there, frae the Niddisdale borders, The Maxwells will gather in droves,
Teugh Jockie, staunch Geordie, an’ Wellwood, That griens for the fishes and loaves;
And there will be Heron, the Major, Wha’ll ne’er be forgot in the Greys;
Our flatt’ry we’ll keep for some other, Him, only it’s justice to praise.
And there will be maiden Kilkerran,
And also Barskimming’s gude Knight, And there will be roarin Birtwhistle,
Yet luckily roars i’ the right.
And there’ll be Stamp Office Johnie, (Tak tent how ye purchase a dram!)
And there will be gay Cassencarry,
And there’ll be gleg Colonel Tam.
And there’ll be wealthy young Richard, Dame Fortune should hing by the neck,
For prodigal, thriftless bestowing- His merit had won him respect.
And there will be rich brother nabobs, (Tho’ Nabobs, yet men not the worst,)
And there will be Collieston’s whiskers, And Quintin-a lad o’ the first.
Then hey! the chaste Interest o’ Broughton And hey! for the blessin’s ’twill bring; It may send Balmaghie to the Commons,
In Sodom ‘twould make him a king;
And hey! for the sanctified Murray, Our land wha wi’ chapels has stor’d;
He founder’d his horse among harlots, But gied the auld naig to the Lord.
Ballad Third
John Bushby’s Lamentation.
tune-“Babes in the Wood.”
‘Twas in the seventeen hunder year
O’ grace, and ninety-five,
That year I was the wae’est man
Of ony man alive.
In March the three-an’-twentieth morn, The sun raise clear an’ bright;
But oh! I was a waefu’ man,
Ere to-fa’ o’ the night.
Yerl Galloway lang did rule this land, Wi’ equal right and fame,
And thereto was his kinsmen join’d, The Murray’s noble name.
Yerl Galloway’s man o’ men was I,
And chief o’ Broughton’s host;
So twa blind beggars, on a string,
The faithfu’ tyke will trust.
But now Yerl Galloway’s sceptre’s broke, And Broughton’s wi’ the slain,
And I my ancient craft may try,
Sin’ honesty is gane.
‘Twas by the banks o’ bonie Dee,
Beside Kirkcudbright’s towers,
The Stewart and the Murray there,
Did muster a’ their powers.
Then Murray on the auld grey yaud,
Wi’ winged spurs did ride,
That auld grey yaud a’ Nidsdale rade, He staw upon Nidside.
And there had na been the Yerl himsel, O there had been nae play;
But Garlies was to London gane,
And sae the kye might stray.
And there was Balmaghie, I ween,
In front rank he wad shine;
But Balmaghie had better been
Drinkin’ Madeira wine.
And frae Glenkens cam to our aid
A chief o’ doughty deed;
In case that worth should wanted be, O’ Kenmure we had need.
And by our banners march’d Muirhead,
And Buittle was na slack;
Whase haly priesthood nane could stain, For wha could dye the black?
And there was grave squire Cardoness, Look’d on till a’ was done;
Sae in the tower o’ Cardoness
A howlet sits at noon.
And there led I the Bushby clan,
My gamesome billie, Will,
And my son Maitland, wise as brave, My footsteps follow’d still.
The Douglas and the Heron’s name,
We set nought to their score;
The Douglas and the Heron’s name,
Had felt our weight before.
But Douglasses o’ weight had we,
The pair o’ lusty lairds,
For building cot-houses sae fam’d,
And christenin’ kail-yards.
And there Redcastle drew his sword,
That ne’er was stain’d wi’ gore,
Save on a wand’rer lame and blind,
To drive him frae his door.
And last cam creepin’ Collieston,
Was mair in fear than wrath;
Ae knave was constant in his mind-
To keep that knave frae scaith.
Inscription For An Altar Of Independence
At Kerroughtree, the Seat of Mr. Heron.
Thou of an independent mind,
With soul resolv’d, with soul resign’d; Prepar’d Power’s proudest frown to brave, Who wilt not be, nor have a slave;
Virtue alone who dost revere,
Thy own reproach alone dost fear-
Approach this shrine, and worship here.
The Cardin O’t, The Spinnin O’t
I coft a stane o’ haslock woo’,
To mak a wab to Johnie o’t;
For Johnie is my only jo,
I loe him best of onie yet.
Chorus-The cardin’ o’t, the spinnin’ o’t, The warpin’ o’t, the winnin’ o’t;
When ilka ell cost me a groat,
The tailor staw the lynin’ o’t.
For tho’ his locks be lyart grey,
And tho’ his brow be beld aboon,
Yet I hae seen him on a day,
The pride of a’ the parishen.
The cardin o’t, &c.
The Cooper O’ Cuddy
tune-“Bab at the bowster.”
Chorus-We’ll hide the Cooper behint the door, Behint the door, behint the door,
We’ll hide the Cooper behint the door, And cover him under a mawn, O.
The Cooper o’ Cuddy came here awa,
He ca’d the girrs out o’er us a’;
An’ our gudewife has gotten a ca’,
That’s anger’d the silly gudeman O. We’ll hide the Cooper, &c.
He sought them out, he sought them in, Wi’ deil hae her! an’, deil hae him!
But the body he was sae doited and blin’, He wist na where he was gaun O.
We’ll hide the Cooper, &c.
They cooper’d at e’en, they cooper’d at morn, Till our gudeman has gotten the scorn;
On ilka brow she’s planted a horn,
And swears that there they sall stan’ O. We’ll hide the Cooper, &c.
The Lass That Made The Bed To Me
When Januar’ wind was blawing cauld,
As to the north I took my way,
The mirksome night did me enfauld,
I knew na where to lodge till day:
By my gude luck a maid I met,
Just in the middle o’ my care,
And kindly she did me invite
To walk into a chamber fair.
I bow’d fu’ low unto this maid,
And thank’d her for her courtesie;
I bow’d fu’ low unto this maid,
An’ bade her make a bed to me;
She made the bed baith large and wide, Wi’ twa white hands she spread it doun;
She put the cup to her rosy lips,
And drank-“Young man, now sleep ye soun’.”
Chorus-The bonie lass made the bed to me, The braw lass made the bed to me,
I’ll ne’er forget till the day I die, The lass that made the bed to me.
She snatch’d the candle in her hand,
And frae my chamber went wi’ speed; But I call’d her quickly back again,
To lay some mair below my head:
A cod she laid below my head,
And served me with due respect,
And, to salute her wi’ a kiss,
I put my arms about her neck.
The bonie lass, &c.
“Haud aff your hands, young man!” she said, “And dinna sae uncivil be;
Gif ye hae ony luve for me,
O wrang na my virginitie.”
Her hair was like the links o’ gowd, Her teeth were like the ivorie,
Her cheeks like lilies dipt in wine, The lass that made the bed to me:
The bonie lass, &c.
Her bosom was the driven snaw,
Twa drifted heaps sae fair to see;
Her limbs the polish’d marble stane, The lass that made the bed to me.
I kiss’d her o’er and o’er again,
And aye she wist na what to say:
I laid her ‘tween me and the wa’;
The lassie thocht na lang till day. The bonie lass, &c.
Upon the morrow when we raise,
I thank’d her for her courtesie;
But aye she blush’d and aye she sigh’d, And said, “Alas, ye’ve ruin’d me.”
I claps’d her waist, and kiss’d her syne, While the tear stood twinkling in her e’e; I said, my lassie, dinna cry.
For ye aye shall make the bed to me. The bonie lass, &c.
She took her mither’s holland sheets, An’ made them a’ in sarks to me;
Blythe and merry may she be,
The lass that made the bed to me.
Chorus-The bonie lass made the bed to me, The braw lass made the bed to me.
I’ll ne’er forget till the day I die, The lass that made the bed to me.
Had I The Wyte? She Bade Me
Had I the wyte, had I the wyte,
Had I the wyte? she bade me;
She watch’d me by the hie-gate side, And up the loan she shaw’d me.
And when I wadna venture in,
A coward loon she ca’d me:
Had Kirk an’ State been in the gate, I’d lighted when she bade me.
Sae craftilie she took me ben,
And bade me mak nae clatter;
“For our ramgunshoch, glum gudeman
Is o’er ayont the water.”
Whae’er shall say I wanted grace,
When I did kiss and dawte her,
Let him be planted in my place,
Syne say, I was the fautor.
Could I for shame, could I for shame, Could I for shame refus’d her;
And wadna manhood been to blame,
Had I unkindly used her!
He claw’d her wi’ the ripplin-kame, And blae and bluidy bruis’d her;
When sic a husband was frae hame,
What wife but wad excus’d her!
I dighted aye her e’en sae blue,
An’ bann’d the cruel randy,
And weel I wat, her willin’ mou
Was sweet as sugar-candie.
At gloamin-shot, it was I wot,
I lighted on the Monday;
But I cam thro’ the Tyseday’s dew,
To wanton Willie’s brandy.
Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat?
tune-“Push about the Jorum.”
Does haughty Gaul invasion threat?
Then let the louns beware, Sir;
There’s wooden walls upon our seas, And volunteers on shore, Sir:
The Nith shall run to Corsincon,
And Criffel sink in Solway,
Ere we permit a Foreign Foe
On British ground to rally!
We’ll ne’er permit a Foreign Foe
On British ground to rally!
O let us not, like snarling curs,
In wrangling be divided,
Till, slap! come in an unco loun,
And wi’ a rung decide it!
Be Britain still to Britain true,
Amang ourselves united;
For never but by British hands
Maun British wrangs be righted!
No! never but by British hands
Shall British wrangs be righted!
The Kettle o’ the Kirk and State,
Perhaps a clout may fail in’t;
But deil a foreign tinkler loun
Shall ever ca’a nail in’t.
Our father’s blude the Kettle bought, And wha wad dare to spoil it;
By Heav’ns! the sacrilegious dog
Shall fuel be to boil it!
By Heav’ns! the sacrilegious dog
Shall fuel be to boil it!
The wretch that would a tyrant own,
And the wretch, his true-born brother, Who would set the Mob aboon the Throne,
May they be damn’d together!
Who will not sing “God save the King,” Shall hang as high’s the steeple;
But while we sing “God save the King,” We’ll ne’er forget The People!
But while we sing “God save the King,” We’ll ne’er forget The People!
Address To The Woodlark
tune-“Loch Erroch Side.”
O stay, sweet warbling woodlark, stay, Nor quit for me the trembling spray,
A hapless lover courts thy lay,
Thy soothing, fond complaining.
Again, again that tender part,
That I may catch thy melting art;
For surely that wad touch her heart Wha kills me wi’ disdaining.
Say, was thy little mate unkind,
And heard thee as the careless wind? Oh, nocht but love and sorrow join’d,
Sic notes o’ woe could wauken!
Thou tells o’ never-ending care;
O’speechless grief, and dark despair: For pity’s sake, sweet bird, nae mair!
Or my poor heart is broken.
Song.-On Chloris Being Ill
tune-“Aye wauken O.”
Chorus-Long, long the night,
Heavy comes the morrow
While my soul’s delight
Is on her bed of sorrow.
Can I cease to care?
Can I cease to languish,
While my darling Fair
Is on the couch of anguish?
Long, long, &c.
Ev’ry hope is fled,
Ev’ry fear is terror,
Slumber ev’n I dread,
Ev’ry dream is horror.
Long, long, &c.
Hear me, Powers Divine!
Oh, in pity, hear me!
Take aught else of mine,
But my Chloris spare me!
Long, long, &c.
How Cruel Are The Parents
Altered from an old English song.
tune-“John Anderson, my jo.”
How cruel are the parents
Who riches only prize,
And to the wealthy booby
Poor Woman sacrifice!
Meanwhile, the hapless Daughter
Has but a choice of strife;
To shun a tyrant Father’s hate-
Become a wretched Wife.
The ravening hawk pursuing,
The trembling dove thus flies,
To shun impelling ruin,
Awhile her pinions tries;
Till, of escape despairing,
No shelter or retreat,
She trusts the ruthless Falconer,
And drops beneath his feet.
Mark Yonder Pomp Of Costly Fashion
Air-“Deil tak the wars.”
Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion
Round the wealthy, titled bride:
But when compar’d with real passion, Poor is all that princely pride.
Mark yonder, &c. (four lines repeated).
What are the showy treasures,
What are the noisy pleasures?
The gay, gaudy glare of vanity and art: The polish’d jewels’ blaze
May draw the wond’ring gaze;
And courtly grandeur bright
The fancy may delight,
But never, never can come near the heart.
But did you see my dearest Chloris,
In simplicity’s array;
Lovely as yonder sweet opening flower is, Shrinking from the gaze of day,
But did you see, &c.
O then, the heart alarming,
And all resistless charming,
In Love’s delightful fetters she chains the willing soul! Ambition would disown
The world’s imperial crown,
Ev’n Avarice would deny,
His worshipp’d deity,
And feel thro’ every vein Love’s raptures roll.
‘Twas Na Her Bonie Blue E’e
tune-“Laddie, lie near me.”
‘Twas na her bonie blue e’e was my ruin, Fair tho’ she be, that was ne’er my undoin’; ‘Twas the dear smile when nae body did mind us, ‘Twas the bewitching, sweet, stown glance o’ kindness: ‘Twas the bewitching, sweet, stown glance o’ kindness.
Sair do I fear that to hope is denied me, Sair do I fear that despair maun abide me, But tho’ fell fortune should fate us to sever, Queen shall she be in my bosom for ever: Queen shall she be in my bosom for ever.
Chloris, I’m thine wi’ a passion sincerest, And thou hast plighted me love o’ the dearest! And thou’rt the angel that never can alter, Sooner the sun in his motion would falter: Sooner the sun in his motion would falter.
Their Groves O’Sweet Myrtle
tune-“Humours of Glen.”
Their groves o’ sweet myrtle let Foreign Lands reckon, Where bright-beaming summers exalt the perfume; Far dearer to me yon lone glen o’ green breckan, Wi’ the burn stealing under the lang, yellow broom. Far dearer to me are yon humble broom bowers Where the blue-bell and gowan lurk, lowly, unseen; For there, lightly tripping, among the wild flowers, A-list’ning the linnet, aft wanders my Jean.
Tho’ rich is the breeze in their gay, sunny valleys, And cauld Caledonia’s blast on the wave; Their sweet-scented woodlands that skirt the proud palace, What are they?-the haunt of the Tyrant and Slave. The Slave’s spicy forests, and gold-bubbling fountains, The brave Caledonian views wi’ disdain;
He wanders as free as the winds of his mountains, Save Love’s willing fetters-the chains of his Jean.
Forlorn, My Love, No Comfort Near
Air-“Let me in this ae night.”
Forlorn, my Love, no comfort near,
Far, far from thee, I wander here;
Far, far from thee, the fate severe, At which I most repine, Love.
Chorus-O wert thou, Love, but near me! But near, near, near me,
How kindly thou wouldst cheer me,
And mingle sighs with mine, Love.
Around me scowls a wintry sky,
Blasting each bud of hope and joy;
And shelter, shade, nor home have I; Save in these arms of thine, Love.
O wert thou, &c.
Cold, alter’d friendship’s cruel part, To poison Fortune’s ruthless dart-
Let me not break thy faithful heart, And say that fate is mine, Love.
O wert thou, &c.
But, dreary tho’ the moments fleet,
O let me think we yet shall meet;
That only ray of solace sweet,
Can on thy Chloris shine, Love!
O wert thou, &c.
Fragment,-Why, Why Tell The Lover
tune-“Caledonian Hunt’s delight.”
Why, why tell thy lover
Bliss he never must enjoy”?
Why, why undeceive him,
And give all his hopes the lie?
O why, while fancy, raptur’d slumbers, Chloris, Chloris all the theme,
Why, why would’st thou, cruel-
Wake thy lover from his dream?
The Braw Wooer
tune-“The Lothian Lassie.”
Last May, a braw wooer cam doun the lang glen, And sair wi’ his love he did deave me;
I said, there was naething I hated like men- The deuce gae wi’m, to believe me, believe me; The deuce gae wi’m to believe me.
He spak o’ the darts in my bonie black e’en, And vow’d for my love he was diein,
I said, he might die when he liked for Jean- The Lord forgie me for liein, for liein; The Lord forgie me for liein!
A weel-stocked mailen, himsel’ for the laird, And marriage aff-hand, were his proffers; I never loot on that I kenn’d it, or car’d; But thought I might hae waur offers, waur offers; But thought I might hae waur offers.
But what wad ye think?-in a fortnight or less- The deil tak his taste to gae near her!
He up the Gate-slack to my black cousin, Bess- Guess ye how, the jad! I could bear her, could bear her; Guess ye how, the jad! I could bear her.
But a’ the niest week, as I petted wi’ care, I gaed to the tryst o’ Dalgarnock;
But wha but my fine fickle wooer was there, I glowr’d as I’d seen a warlock, a warlock, I glowr’d as I’d seen a warlock.
But owre my left shouther I gae him a blink, Lest neibours might say I was saucy;
My wooer he caper’d as he’d been in drink, And vow’d I was his dear lassie, dear lassie, And vow’d I was his dear lassie.
I spier’d for my cousin fu’ couthy and sweet, Gin she had recover’d her hearin’,
And how her new shoon fit her auld schachl’t feet, But heavens! how he fell a swearin, a swearin, But heavens! how he fell a swearin.
He begged, for gudesake, I wad be his wife, Or else I wad kill him wi’ sorrow;
So e’en to preserve the poor body in life, I think I maun wed him to-morrow, to-morrow; I think I maun wed him to-morrow.
This Is No My Ain Lassie
tune-“This is no my house.”
Chorus-This is no my ain lassie,
Fair tho, the lassie be;
Weel ken I my ain lassie,
Kind love is in her e’re.
I see a form, I see a face,
Ye weel may wi’ the fairest place;
It wants, to me, the witching grace, The kind love that’s in her e’e.
This is no my ain, &c.
She’s bonie, blooming, straight, and tall, And lang has had my heart in thrall;
And aye it charms my very saul,
The kind love that’s in her e’e.
This is no my ain, &c.
A thief sae pawkie is my Jean,
To steal a blink, by a’ unseen;
But gleg as light are lover’s een,
When kind love is in her e’e.
This is no my ain, &c.
It may escape the courtly sparks,
It may escape the learned clerks;
But well the watching lover marks
The kind love that’s in her eye.
This is no my ain, &c.
O Bonie Was Yon Rosy Brier
O bonie was yon rosy brier,
That blooms sae far frae haunt o’ man; And bonie she, and ah, how dear!
It shaded frae the e’enin sun.
Yon rosebuds in the morning dew,
How pure, amang the leaves sae green; But purer was the lover’s vow
They witness’d in their shade yestreen.
All in its rude and prickly bower,
That crimson rose, how sweet and fair; But love is far a sweeter flower,
Amid life’s thorny path o’ care.
The pathless, wild and wimpling burn, Wi’ Chloris in my arms, be mine;
And I the warld nor wish nor scorn, Its joys and griefs alike resign.
Song Inscribed To Alexander Cunningham
Now spring has clad the grove in green, And strew’d the lea wi’ flowers;
The furrow’d, waving corn is seen
Rejoice in fostering showers.
While ilka thing in nature join
Their sorrows to forego,
O why thus all alone are mine
The weary steps o’ woe!
The trout in yonder wimpling burn
That glides, a silver dart,
And, safe beneath the shady thorn,
Defies the angler’s art-
My life was ance that careless stream, That wanton trout was I;
But Love, wi’ unrelenting beam,
Has scorch’d my fountains dry.
That little floweret’s peaceful lot,
In yonder cliff that grows,
Which, save the linnet’s flight, I wot, Nae ruder visit knows,
Was mine, till Love has o’er me past, And blighted a’ my bloom;
And now, beneath the withering blast, My youth and joy consume.
The waken’d lav’rock warbling springs, And climbs the early sky,
Winnowing blythe his dewy wings
In morning’s rosy eye;
As little reck’d I sorrow’s power,
Until the flowery snare
O’witching Love, in luckless hour,
Made me the thrall o’ care.
O had my fate been Greenland snows,
Or Afric’s burning zone,
Wi’man and nature leagued my foes,
So Peggy ne’er I’d known!
The wretch whose doom is “Hope nae mair” What tongue his woes can tell;
Within whase bosom, save Despair,
Nae kinder spirits dwell.
O That’s The Lassie O’ My Heart
O wat ye wha that lo’es me
And has my heart a-keeping?
O sweet is she that lo’es me,
As dews o’ summer weeping,
In tears the rosebuds steeping!
Chorus-O that’s the lassie o’ my heart, My lassie ever dearer;
O she’s the queen o’ womankind,
And ne’er a ane to peer her.
If thou shalt meet a lassie,
In grace and beauty charming,
That e’en thy chosen lassie,
Erewhile thy breast sae warming,
Had ne’er sic powers alarming;
O that’s the lassie, &c.
If thou hadst heard her talking,
And thy attention’s plighted,
That ilka body talking,
But her, by thee is slighted,
And thou art all delighted;
O that’s the lassie, &c.
If thou hast met this Fair One,
When frae her thou hast parted,
If every other Fair One
But her, thou hast deserted,
And thou art broken-hearted,
O that’s the lassie o’ my heart,
My lassie ever dearer;
O that’s the queen o’ womankind,
And ne’er a ane to peer her.
Written on the blank leaf of a copy of the last edition of my poems, presented to the Lady whom, in so many fictitious reveries of passion, but with the most ardent sentiments of real friendship, I have so often sung under the name of-“Chloris.”^1
‘Tis Friendship’s pledge, my young, fair Friend, Nor thou the gift refuse,
Nor with unwilling ear attend
The moralising Muse.
Since thou, in all thy youth and charms, Must bid the world adieu,
(A world ‘gainst Peace in constant arms) To join the Friendly Few.
Since, thy gay morn of life o’ercast, Chill came the tempest’s lour;
(And ne’er Misfortune’s eastern blast Did nip a fairer flower.)
Since life’s gay scenes must charm no more, Still much is left behind,
Still nobler wealth hast thou in store- The comforts of the mind!
Thine is the self-approving glow,
Of conscious Honour’s part;
And (dearest gift of Heaven below)
Thine Friendship’s truest heart.
The joys refin’d of Sense and Taste,
With every Muse to rove:
And doubly were the Poet blest,
These joys could he improve.
[Footnote 1: Miss Lorimer.]
Fragment.-Leezie Lindsay
Will ye go to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay, Will ye go to the Hielands wi’ me?
Will ye go to the Hielands, Leezie Lindsay, My pride and my darling to be.
Fragment.-The Wren’s Nest
The Robin to the Wren’s nest
Cam keekin’ in, cam keekin’ in;
O weel’s me on your auld pow,
Wad ye be in, wad ye be in?
Thou’s ne’er get leave to lie without, And I within, and I within,
Sae lang’s I hae an auld clout
To rowe ye in, to rowe ye in.
News, Lassies, News
There’s news, lassies, news,
Gude news I’ve to tell!
There’s a boatfu’ o’ lads
Come to our town to sell.
Chorus-The wean wants a cradle,
And the cradle wants a cod:
I’ll no gang to my bed,
Until I get a nod.
Father, quo’ she, Mither, quo she,
Do what you can,
I’ll no gang to my bed,
Until I get a man.
The wean, &c.
I hae as gude a craft rig
As made o’yird and stane;
And waly fa’ the ley-crap,
For I maun till’d again.
The wean, &c.
Crowdie Ever Mair
O that I had ne’er been married,
I wad never had nae care,
Now I’ve gotten wife an’ weans,
An’ they cry “Crowdie” evermair.
Chorus-Ance crowdie, twice crowdie,
Three times crowdie in a day
Gin ye crowdie ony mair,
Ye’ll crowdie a’ my meal away.
Waefu’ Want and Hunger fley me,
Glowrin’ by the hallan en’;
Sair I fecht them at the door,
But aye I’m eerie they come ben.
Ance crowdie, &c.
Mally’s Meek, Mally’s Sweet
Chorus-Mally’s meek, Mally’s sweet,
Mally’s modest and discreet;
Mally’s rare, Mally’s fair,
Mally’s every way complete.
As I was walking up the street,
A barefit maid I chanc’d to meet;
But O the road was very hard
For that fair maiden’s tender feet. Mally’s meek, &c.
It were mair meet that those fine feet Were weel laced up in silken shoon;
An’ ’twere more fit that she should sit Within yon chariot gilt aboon,
Mally’s meek, &c.
Her yellow hair, beyond compare,
Comes trinklin down her swan-like neck, And her two eyes, like stars in skies,
Would keep a sinking ship frae wreck, Mally’s meek, &c.
Jockey’s Taen The Parting Kiss
Air-“Bonie lass tak a man.”
Jockey’s taen the parting kiss,
O’er the mountains he is gane,
And with him is a’ my bliss,
Nought but griefs with me remain,
Spare my Love, ye winds that blaw,
Plashy sleets and beating rain!
Spare my Love, thou feath’ry snaw,
Drifting o’er the frozen plain!
When the shades of evening creep
O’er the day’s fair, gladsome e’e,
Sound and safely may he sleep,
Sweetly blythe his waukening be.
He will think on her he loves,
Fondly he’ll repeat her name;
For where’er he distant roves,
Jockey’s heart is still the same.
Verses To Collector Mitchell
Friend of the Poet, tried and leal,
Wha, wanting thee, might beg or steal; Alake, alake, the meikle deil
Wi’ a’ his witches
Are at it skelpin jig and reel,
In my poor pouches?
I modestly fu’ fain wad hint it,
That One-pound-one, I sairly want it; If wi’ the hizzie down ye sent it,
It would be kind;
And while my heart wi’ life-blood dunted, I’d bear’t in mind.
So may the Auld year gang out moanin’ To see the New come laden, groanin’,
Wi’ double plenty o’er the loanin’, To thee and thine:
Domestic peace and comforts crownin’ The hale design.
Ye’ve heard this while how I’ve been lickit, And by fell Death was nearly nickit;
Grim loon! he got me by the fecket, And sair me sheuk;
But by gude luck I lap a wicket,
And turn’d a neuk.
But by that health, I’ve got a share o’t, But by that life, I’m promis’d mair o’t, My hale and wee, I’ll tak a care o’t,
A tentier way;
Then farewell folly, hide and hair o’t, For ance and aye!
The Dean Of Faculty
A New Ballad
tune-“The Dragon of Wantley.”
Dire was the hate at old Harlaw,
That Scot to Scot did carry;
And dire the discord Langside saw
For beauteous, hapless Mary:
But Scot to Scot ne’er met so hot,
Or were more in fury seen, Sir,
Than ‘twixt Hal and Bob for the famous job, Who should be the Faculty’s Dean, Sir.
This Hal for genius, wit and lore,
Among the first was number’d;
But pious Bob, ‘mid learning’s store, Commandment the tenth remember’d:
Yet simple Bob the victory got,
And wan his heart’s desire,
Which shews that heaven can boil the pot, Tho’ the devil piss in the fire.
Squire Hal, besides, had in this case Pretensions rather brassy;
For talents, to deserve a place,
Are qualifications saucy.
So their worships of the Faculty,
Quite sick of merit’s rudeness,
Chose one who should owe it all, d’ye see, To their gratis grace and goodness.
As once on Pisgah purg’d was the sight Of a son of Circumcision,
So may be, on this Pisgah height,
Bob’s purblind mental vision-
Nay, Bobby’s mouth may be opened yet, Till for eloquence you hail him,
And swear that he has the angel met That met the ass of Balaam.
In your heretic sins may you live and die, Ye heretic Eight-and-Tairty!
But accept, ye sublime Majority,
My congratulations hearty.
With your honours, as with a certain king, In your servants this is striking,
The more incapacity they bring,
The more they’re to your liking.
Epistle To Colonel De Peyster
My honor’d Colonel, deep I feel
Your interest in the Poet’s weal;
Ah! now sma’ heart hae I to speel
The steep Parnassus,
Surrounded thus by bolus pill,
And potion glasses.
O what a canty world were it,
Would pain and care and sickness spare it; And Fortune favour worth and merit
As they deserve;
And aye rowth o’ roast-beef and claret, Syne, wha wad starve?
Dame Life, tho’ fiction out may trick her, And in paste gems and frippery deck her; Oh! flickering, feeble, and unsicker
I’ve found her still,
Aye wavering like the willow-wicker, ‘Tween good and ill.
Then that curst carmagnole, auld Satan, Watches like baudrons by a ratton
Our sinfu’ saul to get a claut on,
Wi’felon ire;
Syne, whip! his tail ye’ll ne’er cast saut on, He’s aff like fire.
Ah Nick! ah Nick! it is na fair,
First showing us the tempting ware, Bright wines, and bonie lasses rare,
To put us daft
Syne weave, unseen, thy spider snare O hell’s damned waft.
Poor Man, the flie, aft bizzes by,
And aft, as chance he comes thee nigh, Thy damn’d auld elbow yeuks wi’joy
And hellish pleasure!
Already in thy fancy’s eye,
Thy sicker treasure.
Soon, heels o’er gowdie, in he gangs, And, like a sheep-head on a tangs,
Thy girning laugh enjoys his pangs, And murdering wrestle,
As, dangling in the wind, he hangs, A gibbet’s tassel.
But lest you think I am uncivil
To plague you with this draunting drivel, Abjuring a’ intentions evil,
I quat my pen,
The Lord preserve us frae the devil! Amen! Amen!
A Lass Wi’ A Tocher
tune-“Ballinamona Ora.”
Awa’ wi’ your witchcraft o’ Beauty’s alarms, The slender bit Beauty you grasp in your arms, O, gie me the lass that has acres o’ charms, O, gie me the lass wi’ the weel-stockit farms.
Chorus-Then hey, for a lass wi’ a tocher, Then hey, for a lass wi’ a tocher;
Then hey, for a lass wi’ a tocher;
The nice yellow guineas for me.
Your Beauty’s a flower in the morning that blows, And withers the faster, the faster it grows: But the rapturous charm o’ the bonie green knowes, Ilk spring they’re new deckit wi’ bonie white yowes. Then hey, for a lass, &c.
And e’en when this Beauty your bosom hath blest The brightest o’ Beauty may cloy when possess’d; But the sweet, yellow darlings wi’ Geordie impress’d, The langer ye hae them, the mair they’re carest. Then hey, for a lass, &c.
Heron Election Ballad, No. IV.
The Trogger.
tune-“Buy Broom Besoms.”
Wha will buy my troggin, fine election ware, Broken trade o’ Broughton, a’ in high repair?
Chorus-Buy braw troggin frae the banks o’ Dee; Wha wants troggin let him come to me.
There’s a noble Earl’s fame and high renown, For an auld sang-it’s thought the gudes were stown- Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s the worth o’ Broughton in a needle’s e’e; Here’s a reputation tint by Balmaghie.
Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s its stuff and lining, Cardoness’ head, Fine for a soger, a’ the wale o’ lead.
Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s a little wadset, Buittle’s scrap o’ truth, Pawn’d in a gin-shop, quenching holy drouth. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s an honest conscience might a prince adorn; Frae the downs o’ Tinwald, so was never worn. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s armorial bearings frae the manse o’ Urr; The crest, a sour crab-apple, rotten at the core. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s the worth and wisdom Collieston can boast; By a thievish midge they had been nearly lost. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here is Satan’s picture, like a bizzard gled, Pouncing poor Redcastle, sprawlin’ like a taed. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here’s the font where Douglas stane and mortar names; Lately used at Caily christening Murray’s crimes. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Here is Murray’s fragments o’ the ten commands; Gifted by black Jock to get them aff his hands. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Saw ye e’er sic troggin? if to buy ye’re slack, Hornie’s turnin chapman – he’ll buy a’ the pack. Buy braw troggin, &c.
Complimentary Versicles To Jessie Lewars
The Toast
Fill me with the rosy wine,
Call a toast, a toast divine:
Giveth me Poet’s darling flame,
Lovely Jessie be her name;
Then thou mayest freely boast,
Thou hast given a peerless toast.
The Menagerie
Talk not to me of savages,
From Afric’s burning sun;
No savage e’er could rend my heart, As Jessie, thou hast done:
But Jessie’s lovely hand in mine,
A mutual faith to plight,
Not even to view the heavenly choir, Would be so blest a sight.
Jessie’s illness
Say, sages, what’s the charm on earth Can turn Death’s dart aside!
It is not purity and worth,
Else Jessie had not died.
On Her Recovery
But rarely seen since Nature’s birth, The natives of the sky;
Yet still one seraph’s left on earth, For Jessie did not die.
O Lay Thy Loof In Mine, Lass
Chorus-O lay thy loof in mine, lass,
In mine, lass, in mine, lass;
And swear on thy white hand, lass,
That thou wilt be my ain.
A slave to Love’s unbounded sway,
He aft has wrought me meikle wae;
But now he is my deadly fae,
Unless thou be my ain.
O lay thy loof, &c.
There’s mony a lass has broke my rest, That for a blink I hae lo’ed best;
But thou art Queen within my breast, For ever to remain.
O lay thy loof, &c.
A Health To Ane I Loe Dear
Chorus-Here’s a health to ane I loe dear, Here’s a health to ane I loe dear;
Thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet, And soft as their parting tear-Jessy.
Altho’ thou maun never be mine,
Altho’ even hope is denied;
‘Tis sweeter for thee despairing,
Than ought in the world beside-Jessy. Here’s a health, &c.
I mourn thro’ the gay, gaudy day,
As hopeless I muse on thy charms;
But welcome the dream o’ sweet slumber, For then I am lockt in thine arms-Jessy. Here’s a health, &c.
I guess by the dear angel smile,
I guess by the love-rolling e’e;
But why urge the tender confession, ‘Gainst Fortune’s fell, cruel decree?-Jessy. Here’s a health, &c.
O Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast
O wert thou in the cauld blast,
On yonder lea, on yonder lea,
My plaidie to the angry airt,
I’d shelter thee, I’d shelter thee; Or did Misfortune’s bitter storms
Around thee blaw, around thee blaw, Thy bield should be my bosom,
To share it a’, to share it a’.
Or were I in the wildest waste,
Sae black and bare, sae black and bare, The desert were a Paradise,
If thou wert there, if thou wert there; Or were I Monarch o’ the globe,
Wi’ thee to reign, wi’ thee to reign, The brightest jewel in my Crown
Wad be my Queen, wad be my Queen.
Inscription To Miss Jessy Lewars
On a copy of the Scots Musical Museum, in four volumes, presented to her by Burns. ^1
Thine be the volumes, Jessy fair,
And with them take the Poet’s prayer, That Fate may, in her fairest page,
With ev’ry kindliest, best presage
Of future bliss, enroll thy name:
With native worth and spotless fame, And wakeful caution, still aware
Of ill-but chief, Man’s felon snare;
All blameless joys on earth we find,
And all the treasures of the mind-
These be thy guardian and reward;
So prays thy faithful friend, the Bard.
Dumfries, June 26, 1769.
[Footnote 1: Written for music played by Miss Lewars, who nursed him in his last illness.]
Fairest Maid On Devon Banks
Chorus-Fairest maid on Devon banks,
Crystal Devon, winding Devon,
Wilt thou lay that frown aside,
And smile as thou wert wont to do?
Full well thou know’st I love thee dear, Couldst thou to malice lend an ear!
O did not Love exclaim: “Forbear,
Nor use a faithful lover so.”
Fairest maid, &c.
Then come, thou fairest of the fair,
Those wonted smiles, O let me share; And by thy beauteous self I swear,
No love but thine my heart shall know. Fairest maid, &c.
A’, all.
A-back, behind, away.
Abiegh, aloof, off.
Ablins, v. aiblins.
Aboon, above up.
Abread, abroad.
Abreed, in breadth.
Ae, one.
Aff, off.
Aff-hand, at once.
Aff-loof, offhand.
A-fiel, afield.
Afore, before.
Aft, oft.
Aften, often.
Agley, awry.
Ahin, behind.
Aiblins, perhaps.
Aidle, foul water.
Aik, oak.
Aiken, oaken.
Ain, own.
Air, early.
Airle, earnest money.
Airn, iron.
Airt, direction.
Airt, to direct.
Aith, oath.
Aits, oats.
Aiver, an old horse.
Aizle, a cinder.
A-jee, ajar; to one side.
Alake, alas.
Alane, alone.
Alang, along.
Amaist, almost.
Amang, among.
An, if.
An’, and.
Ance, once.
Ane, one.
Aneath, beneath.
Anes, ones.
Anither, another.
Aqua-fontis, spring water.
Aqua-vitae, whiskey.
Arle, v. airle.
Ase, ashes.
Asklent, askew, askance.
Aspar, aspread.
Asteer, astir.
A’thegither, altogether.
Athort, athwart.
Atweel, in truth.
Atween, between.
Aught, eight.
Aught, possessed of.
Aughten, eighteen.
Aughtlins, at all.
Auld, old.
Auldfarran, auldfarrant, shrewd, old-fashioned, sagacious. Auld Reekie, Edinburgh.
Auld-warld, old-world.
Aumous, alms.
Ava, at all.
Awa, away.
Awald, backways and doubled up.
Awauk, awake.
Awauken, awaken.
Awe, owe.
Awkart, awkward.
Awnie, bearded.
Ayont, beyond.
Ba’, a ball.
Backet, bucket, box.
Backit, backed.
Backlins-comin, coming back.
Back-yett, gate at the back.
Bade, endured.
Bade, asked.
Baggie, stomach.
Baig’nets, bayonets.
Baillie, magistrate of a Scots burgh. Bainie, bony.
Bairn, child.
Bairntime, brood.
Baith, both.
Bakes, biscuits.
Ballats, ballads.
Balou, lullaby.
Ban, swear.
Ban’, band (of the Presbyterian clergyman). Bane, bone.
Bang, an effort; a blow; a large number. Bang, to thump.
Banie, v. bainie.
Bannet, bonnet.
Bannock, bonnock, a thick oatmeal cake. Bardie, dim. of bard.
Barefit, barefooted.
Barket, barked.
Barley-brie, or bree, barley-brew-ale or whiskey. Barm, yeast.
Barmie, yeasty.
Barn-yard, stackyard.
Bartie, the Devil.
Bashing, abashing.
Batch, a number.
Batts, the botts; the colic.
Bauckie-bird, the bat.
Baudrons, Baudrans, the cat.
Bauk, cross-beam.
Bauk, v. bawk.
Bauk-en’, beam-end.
Bauld, bold.
Bauldest, boldest.
Bauldly, boldly.
Baumy, balmy.
Bawbee, a half-penny.
Bawdrons, v. baudrons.
Bawk, a field path.
Baws’nt, white-streaked.
Bear, barley.
Beas’, beasts, vermin.
Beastie, dim. of beast.
Beck, a curtsy.
Beet, feed, kindle.
Beild, v. biel.
Belang, belong.
Beld, bald.
Bellum, assault.
Bellys, bellows.
Belyve, by and by.
Ben, a parlor (i.e., the inner apartment); into the parlor. Benmost, inmost.
Be-north, to the northward of.
Be-south, to the southward of.
Bethankit, grace after meat.
Beuk, a book: devil’s pictur’d beuks-playing-cards. Bicker, a wooden cup.
Bicker, a short run.
Bicker, to flow swiftly and with a slight noise. Bickerin, noisy contention.
Bickering, hurrying.
Bid, to ask, to wish, to offer.
Bide, abide, endure.
Biel, bield, a shelter; a sheltered spot. Biel, comfortable.
Bien, comfortable.
Bien, bienly, comfortably.
Big, to build.
Biggin, building.
Bike, v. byke.
Bill, the bull.
Billie, fellow, comrade, brother.
Bings, heaps.
Birdie, dim. of bird; also maidens. Birk, the birch.
Birken, birchen.
Birkie, a fellow.
Birr, force, vigor.
Birring, whirring.
Birses, bristles.
Birth, berth.
Bit, small (e.g., bit lassie).
Bit, nick of time.
Bitch-fou, completely drunk.
Bizz, a flurry.
Bizz, buzz.
Bizzard, the buzzard.
Bizzie, busy.
Black-bonnet, the Presbyterian elder. Black-nebbit, black-beaked.
Blad, v. blaud.
Blae, blue, livid.
Blastet, blastit, blasted.
Blastie, a blasted (i.e., damned) creature; a little wretch. Blate, modest, bashful.
Blather, bladder.
Blaud, a large quantity.
Blaud, to slap, pelt.
Blaw, blow.
Blaw, to brag.
Blawing, blowing.
Blawn, blown.
Bleer, to blear.
Bleer’t, bleared.
Bleeze, blaze.
Blellum, a babbler; a railer; a blusterer. Blether, blethers, nonsense.
Blether, to talk nonsense.
Bletherin’, talking nonsense.
Blin’, blind.
Blink, a glance, a moment.
Blink, to glance, to shine.
Blinkers, spies, oglers.
Blinkin, smirking, leering.
Blin’t, blinded.
Blitter, the snipe.
Blue-gown, the livery of the licensed beggar. Bluid, blood.
Bluidy, bloody.
Blume, to bloom.
Bluntie, a stupid.
Blypes, shreds.
Bobbed, curtsied.
Bocked, vomited.
Boddle, a farthing.
Bode, look for.
Bodkin, tailor’s needle.
Body, bodie, a person.
Boggie, dim. of bog.
Bogle, a bogie, a hobgoblin.
Bole, a hole, or small recess in the wall. Bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful.
Bonilie, prettily.
Bonnock, v. Bannock.
‘Boon, above.
Boord, board, surface.
Boord-en’, board-end.
Boortress, elders.
Boost, must needs.
Boot, payment to the bargain.
Bore, a chink, recess.
Botch, an angry tumor.
Bouk, a human trunk; bulk.
Bountith, bounty.
‘Bout, about.
Bow-hough’d, bandy-thighed.
Bow-kail, cabbage.
Bow’t, bent.
Brachens, ferns.
Brae, the slope of a hill.
Braid, broad.
Broad-claith, broad-cloth.
Braik, a harrow.
Braing’t, plunged.
Brak, broke.
Brak’s, broke his.
Brankie, gay, fine.
Branks, a wooden curb, a bridle.
Bran’y, brandy.
Brash, short attack.
Brats, small pieces, rags.
Brats, small children.
Brattle, a scamper.
Brattle, noisy onset.
Braw, handsome, fine, gaily dressed. Brawlie, finely, perfectly, heartily.
Braxies, sheep that have died of braxie (a disease). Breastie, dim. of breast.
Breastit, sprang forward.
Brechan, ferns.
Breeks, breeches.
Breer, brier.
Brent, brand.
Brent, straight, steep (i.e., not sloping from baldness). Brie, v. barley-brie.
Brief, writ.
Brier, briar.
Brig, bridge.
Brisket, breast.
Brither, brother.
Brock, a badger.
Brogue, a trick.
Broo, soup, broth, water; liquid in which anything is cooked. Brooses, wedding races from the church to the home of the bride. Brose, a thick mixture of meal and warm water; also a synonym for porridge. Browster wives, ale wives.
Brugh, a burgh.
Brulzie, brulyie, a brawl.
Brunstane, brimstone.
Brunt, burned.
Brust, burst.
Buckie, dim. of buck; a smart younker. Buckle, a curl.
Buckskin, Virginian: the buckskin kye, negroes. Budget, tinker’s bag of tools.
Buff, to bang, to thump.
Bughtin, folding.
Buirdly, stalwart.
Bum, the buttocks.
Bum, to hum.
Bum-clock, beetle, cockchafer, Junebug. Bummle, a drone, a useless fellow.
Bunker, a seat.
Bunters, harlots.
Burdies, dim. of bird or burd (a lady); maidens. Bure, bore.
Burn, a rivulet.
Burnewin, the blacksmith (i.e., burn the wind). Burnie, dim. of burn, a rivulet.
Burr-thistle, spear-thistle.
Busk, to dress; to garb; to dress up; to adorn. Buss, a bush.
Bussle, bustle.
But, without.
But, butt, in the kitchen (i.e., the outer apartment). By, past, aside.
By, beside.
By himsel, beside himself.
Bye attour (i.e., by and attour), beside and at a distance. Byke, a bees’ nest; a hive; a swarm; a crowd. Byre, a cow-house.
Ca’, call, knock, drive.
Cadger, a hawker (especially of fish). Cadie, caddie, a fellow.
Caff, chaff.
Caird, a tinker.
Calf-ward, grazing plot for calves (i.e., churchyard). Callan, callant, a stripling.
Caller, cool, refreshing.
Callet, a trull.
Cam, came.
Canie, cannie, gentle, tractable, quiet, prudent, careful. Cankrie, crabbed.
Canna, can not.
Canniest, quietest.
Cannilie, cannily, quietly, prudently, cautiously. Cantie, cheerful, lively, jolly, merry.
Cantraip, magic, witching.
Cants, merry stories, canters or sprees or merry doings. Cape-stanc, copestone.
Care na by, do not care.
Carl, carle, a man, an old man.
Carl-hemp, male-hemp.
Carlie, a manikin.
Carlin, carline a middle-aged, or old, woman; a beldam, a witch. Carmagnole, a violent Jacobin.
Cartes, playing-cards.
Cartie, dim. of cart.
Catch-the-plack, the hunt for money. Caudron, a caldron.
Cauf, calf.
Cauf-leather, calf-leather.
Cauk, chalk.
Cauld, cold.
Cauldron, caldron.
Caup, a wooden drinking vessel.
Causey-cleaners, causeway-cleaners. Cavie, a hen-coop.
Chamer, chaumer, chamber.
Change-house, tavern.
Chanter, bagpipes; the pipe of the bag-pipes which produces the melody; song. Chap, a fellow, a young fellow.
Chap, to strike.
Chapman, a pedler.
Chaup, chap, a stroke, a blow.
Chear, cheer.
Chearfu’, cheerful.
Chearless, cheerless.
Cheary, cheery.
Cheek-for-chow, cheek-by-jowl (i.e. close beside). Cheep, peep, squeak.
Chiel, chield (i. e., child), a fellow, a young fellow. Chimla, chimney.
Chittering, shivering.
Chows, chews.
Chuck, a hen, a dear.
Chuckie, dim. of chuck, but usually signifies mother hen, an old dear. Chuffie, fat-faced.
Chuse, to choose.
Cit, the civet.
Cit, a citizen, a merchant.
Clachan, a small village about a church. Claeding, clothing.
Claes, claise, clothes.
Claith, cloth.
Claithing, clothing.
Clankie, a severe knock.
Clap, the clapper of a mill.
Clark, a clerk.
Clark, clerkly, scholarly.
Clarkit, clerked, wrote.
Clarty, dirty.
Clash, an idle tale; gossip.
Clash, to tattle.
Clatter, noise, tattle, talk, disputation, babble. Clatter, to make a noise by striking; to babble; to prattle. Claught, clutched, seized.
Claughtin, clutching, grasping.
Claut, a clutch, a handful.
Claut, to scrape.
Claver, clover.
Clavers, gossip, nonsense.
Claw, a scratch, a blow.
Claw, to scratch, to strike.
Clay-cauld, clay-cold.
Claymore, a two-handed Highland sword. Cleckin, a brood.
Cleed, to clothe.
Cleek, to snatch.
Cleekit, linked arms.
Cleg, gadfly.
Clink, a sharp stroke; jingle.
Clink, money, coin.
Clink, to chink.
Clink, to rhyme.
Clinkin, with a smart motion.
Clinkum, clinkumbell, the beadle, the bellman. Clips, shears.
Clish-ma-claver, gossip, taletelling; non-sense. Clockin-time, clucking- (i. e., hatching-) time. Cloot, the hoof.
Clootie, cloots, hoofie, hoofs (a nickname of the Devil). Clour, a bump or swelling after a blow.
Clout, a cloth, a patch.
Clout, to patch.
Clud, a cloud.
Clunk, to make a hollow sound.
Coble, a broad and flat boat.
Cock, the mark (in curling).
Cockie, dim. of cock (applied to an old man). Cocks, fellows, good fellows.
Cod, a pillow.
Coft, bought.
Cog, a wooden drinking vessel, a porridge dish, a corn measure for horses. Coggie, dim. of cog, a little dish.
Coil, Coila, Kyle (one of the ancient districts of Ayrshire). Collieshangie, a squabble.
Cood, cud.
Coof, v. cuif.
Cookit, hid.
Coor, cover.
Cooser, a courser, a stallion.
Coost (i. e., cast), looped, threw off, tossed, chucked. Cootie, a small pail.
Cootie, leg-plumed.
Corbies, ravens, crows.
Core, corps.
Corn mou, corn heap.
Corn’t, fed with corn.
Corse, corpse.
Corss, cross.
Cou’dna, couldna, couldn’t.
Countra, country.
Coup, to capsize.
Couthie, couthy, loving, affable, cosy, comfortable. Cowe, to scare, to daunt.
Cowe, to lop.
Crack, tale; a chat; talk.
Crack, to chat, to talk.
Craft, croft.
Craft-rig, croft-ridge.
Craig, the throat.
Craig, a crag.
Craigie, dim. of craig, the throat. Craigy, craggy.
Craik, the corn-crake, the land-rail. Crambo-clink, rhyme.
Crambo-jingle, rhyming.
Cran, the support for a pot or kettle. Crankous, fretful.
Cranks, creakings.
Cranreuch, hoar-frost.
Crap, crop, top.
Craw, crow.
Creel, an osier basket.
Creepie-chair, stool of repentance. Creeshie, greasy.
Crocks, old ewes.
Cronie, intimate friend.
Crooded, cooed.
Croods, coos.
Croon, moan, low.
Croon, to toll.
Crooning, humming.
Croose, crouse, cocksure, set, proud, cheerful. Crouchie, hunchbacked.
Crousely, confidently.
Crowdie, meal and cold water, meal and milk, porridge. Crowdie-time, porridge-time (i. e., breakfast-time). Crowlin, crawling.
Crummie, a horned cow.
Crummock, cummock, a cudgel, a crooked staff. Crump, crisp.
Crunt, a blow.
Cuddle, to fondle.
Cuif, coof, a dolt, a ninny; a dastard. Cummock, v. crummock.
Curch, a kerchief for the head.
Curchie, a curtsy.
Curler, one who plays at curling.
Curmurring, commotion.
Curpin, the crupper of a horse.
Curple, the crupper (i. e., buttocks). Cushat, the wood pigeon.
Custock, the pith of the colewort.
Cutes, feet, ankles.
Cutty, short.
Cutty-stools, stools of repentance.
Dad, daddie, father.
Daez’t, dazed.
Daffin, larking, fun.
Daft, mad, foolish.
Dails, planks.
Daimen icker, an odd ear of corn.
Dam, pent-up water, urine.
Damie, dim. of dame.
Dang, pret. of ding.
Danton, v. daunton.
Darena, dare not.
Darg, labor, task, a day’s work.
Darklins, in the dark.
Daud, a large piece.
Daud, to pelt.
Daunder, saunter.
Daunton, to daunt.
Daur, dare.
Daurna, dare not.
Daur’t, dared.
Daut, dawte, to fondle.
Daviely, spiritless.
Daw, to dawn.
Dawds, lumps.
Dawtingly, prettily, caressingly.
Dead, death.
Dead-sweer, extremely reluctant.
Deave, to deafen.
Deil, devil.
Deil-haet, nothing (Devil have it). Deil-ma-care, Devil may care.
Deleeret, delirious, mad.
Delvin, digging.
Dern’d, hid.
Descrive, to describe.
Deuk, duck.
Devel, a stunning blow.
Diddle, to move quickly.
Dight, to wipe.
Dight, winnowed, sifted.
Din, dun, muddy of complexion.
Ding, to beat, to surpass.
Dink, trim.
Dinna, do not.
Dirl, to vibrate, to ring.
Diz’n, dizzen, dozen.
Dochter, daughter.
Doited, muddled, doting; stupid, bewildered. Donsie, vicious, bad-tempered; restive; testy. Dool, wo, sorrow.
Doolfu’, doleful, woful.
Dorty, pettish.
Douce, douse, sedate, sober, prudent. Douce, doucely, dousely, sedately, prudently. Doudl’d, dandled.
Dought (pret. of dow), could.
Douked, ducked.
Doup, the bottom.
Doup-skelper, bottom-smacker.
Dour-doure, stubborn, obstinate; cutting. Dow, dowe, am (is or are) able, can.
Dow, a dove.
Dowf, dowff, dull.
Dowie, drooping, mournful.
Dowilie, drooping.
Downa, can not.
Downa-do (can not do), lack of power. Doylt, stupid, stupefied.
Doytin, doddering.,
Dozen’d, torpid.
Dozin, torpid.
Draigl’t, draggled.
Drant, prosing.
Drap, drop.
Draunting, tedious.
Dree, endure, suffer.
Dreigh, v. dreight.
Dribble, drizzle.
Driddle, to toddle.
Dreigh, tedious, dull.
Droddum, the breech.
Drone, part of the bagpipe.
Droop-rumpl’t, short-rumped.
Drouk, to wet, to drench.
Droukit, wetted.
Drouth, thirst.
Drouthy, thirsty.
Druken, drucken, drunken.
Drumlie, muddy, turbid.
Drummock, raw meal and cold water.
Drunt, the huff.
Dry, thirsty.
Dub, puddle, slush.
Duddie, ragged.
Duddies, dim. of duds, rags.
Duds, rags, clothes.
Dung, v. dang.
Dunted, throbbed, beat.
Dunts, blows.
Durk, dirk.
Dusht, pushed or thrown down violently. Dwalling, dwelling.
Dwalt, dwelt.
Dyke, a fence (of stone or turf), a wall. Dyvor, a bankrupt.
Ear’, early.
Earn, eagle.
Eastlin, eastern.
E’e, eye.
E’ebrie, eyebrow.
Een, eyes.
E’en, even.
E’en, evening.
E’enin’, evening.
E’er, ever.
Eerie, apprehensive; inspiring ghostly fear. Eild, eld.
Eke, also.
Elbuck, elbow.
Eldritch, unearthly, haunted, fearsome. Elekit, elected.
Ell (Scots), thirty-seven inches.
Eller, elder.
En’, end.
Eneugh, enough.
Enfauld, infold.
Enow, enough.
Erse, Gaelic.
Ether-stane, adder-stone.
Ettle, aim.
Evermair, evermore.
Ev’n down, downright, positive.
Eydent, diligent.
Fa’, fall.
Fa’, lot, portion.
Fa’, to get; suit; claim.
Faddom’d, fathomed.
Fae, foe.
Faem, foam.
Faiket, let off, excused.
Fain, fond, glad.
Fainness, fondness.
Fair fa’, good befall! welcome.
Fairin., a present from a fair.
Fallow, fellow.
Fa’n, fallen.
Fand, found.
Far-aff, far-off.
Farls, oat-cakes.
Fash, annoyance.
Fash, to trouble; worry.
Fash’d, fash’t, bothered; irked.
Fashious, troublesome.
Fasten-e’en, Fasten’s Even (the evening before Lent). Faught, a fight.
Fauld, the sheep-fold.
Fauld, folded.
Faulding, sheep-folding.
Faun, fallen.
Fause, false.
Fause-house, hole in a cornstack.
Faut, fault.
Fautor, transgressor.
Fawsont, seemly, well-doing; good-looking. Feat, spruce.
Fecht, fight.