* * * * *
1. March winds whistling through the trees. Inhale a deep breath and imitate the wind.
2. Keeping a feather in the air. Run with head back and blow short breaths, keeping an imaginary feather from falling to the ground.
3. Making Ocean Waves. By blowing the water in a large basin.
* * * * *
Four farmers are in their home in the country enjoying a quiet evening.
They hear a sound outside, they watch and listen and decide that the foxes are near the cabin. They wait until they are very close, then give chase–and catch as many as they can before the foxes have reached their home in the forest. All caught become farmers and help to catch the rest.
* * * * *
The players join hands to form a circle. About ten erasers are placed in the center of the circle, with spaces between them through which a player might step. The players then try by means of pushing or pulling their comrades by means of clasped hands, to make them knock over the erasers. Any player who knocks over an eraser or who unclasps hands must take his seat, the erasers again being replaced. The first players so leaving the circle form a scrub circle. The player wins who remains longest in the first circle.
* * * * *
All the pupils are seated except one. The odd player walks or runs through the aisles, touching some player, and runs around the room in the direction he is going. The one touched immediately leaves his seat, and runs around the room in the opposite direction. The first one back in the empty seat wins.
Dodging through the aisles to shorten the distance is not allowed. The run must be around the outside of the room.
* * * * *
All players form in a straight line. Grasp just above ankles and on “Go,” run a very short distance and return, keeping hold above ankles all the time.
* * * * *
Hands in position in front, as though grasping the handle-bars, running in place with lifting the knee high and pointing toe to the ground. The same movement, traveling forward with short, quick steps.
* * * * *
Children form a circle around the room, with hands joined. A “cat” is chosen to stand outside the circle, a “rat” to stand inside. The players are friends of the rat, and raise their arms to let him under, but keep them down when the cat tries to get through. The cat chases the rat in and out of the circle, among desks and over seats, till the “rat” is caught, when a new cat and rat are chosen.
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This makes a splendid combination exercise. Swing the arms in a large circle, as though swinging the rope, and jump each time that the rope comes down. Travel forward with the same exercises, jumping and landing on one foot instead of both.
* * * * *
The children stand or sit in one line. One is teacher and he or she throws a bean bag or soft ball in rotation down the line, the child missing goes to the front. When the teacher misses he or she goes to the foot and the child at the head becomes teacher. No bad or swift throws are counted.
* * * * *
This game is a great favorite with all the children, even in the upper grades. Two players are chosen as bird-catchers, and stand in one corner of the room. The “mother-bird” is chosen to stand in another “nest” in the other front corner of the room. The other players are named in groups (those in one row of seats usually) for various birds, “robins,” “wrens,” etc. As the name of each group of birds is called, they go to the back of the room, and, at a signal, run to the “mother-bird’s nest.” The bird-catchers try to catch them before they reach it. The “birds” dodge in and out among the desks, jumping over the seats, etc. The mother-bird and bird-catchers count their birds at the end of the game, and all “fly” back to their seats; that is, wave their arms and skip to their seats.
* * * * *
The pupils, upon the command of the player who is the leader and stands in front of the class, fold their arms upon the desk and lower the head upon the arms. The leader has an eraser or other article which he places upon one of the desks. He commands “Heads up” and the pupils raise their heads. The one finding the eraser on his seat rises and chases the leader. If he catches him he becomes the leader; if not, the first one is again the leader. If they fail to catch him after two trials he chooses another leader.
* * * * *
A boy places a rubber eraser, or any small object, on the desk of a girl. She takes the eraser and chases him around the room to his seat. If she tags him, he goes to the corner to stand, with others who are caught, till the end of the game. The girl then puts the eraser on a boy’s desk, and the game continues.
* * * * *
Children stand in a circle around the room; one stands in the center, with a bean bag or ball, and makes quick throws to children in different parts of the circle.
* * * * *
The one starting the game runs and tags someone near and gets to that child’s seat as quickly as he can. The child tries to tag him on the way. If he tags him the one tagged must go in the mush pot, that is, to go to the front of the room and sit down. The one who caught him continues the game, and when another one gets in the mush pot the first one is permitted to take his seat. The game continues until all have had a run.
The runs should all be very short to make the game go quickly.
* * * * *
Children stand by desks. A tennis or soft rubber ball is thrown among the players. The child hit sits and is out of the game. The child standing near where the ball falls throws it the next time.
* * * * *
Children stand in rows, facing each other, two rows of desks between them, those on one side having bean bags. On the teacher’s counts they throw to those in the row opposite, throwing and catching with both hands. After a given number of throws, they put the left hand behind them, throwing and catching with the right hand; the same with the left hand. This is good muscular training.
* * * * *
Players divide into equal groups. One group forms a circle, the other within. Outside group has a volley or an outdoor baseball with which they try to hit the one’s (players) within. As soon as one is hit he must immediately join the circle and help hit the others. When all have been tagged in this way, groups change places and repeat. The two players who were last to be hit in the two games are captains to choose up for the next time.
* * * * *
Played much like “Three Deep.” Players stand in couples, facing each other, couples scattered in any way around the room. The runner is free from being tagged when he steps between the two players of any couple, and the chaser must chase the one toward whom the runner turns his back.
* * * * *
Choose a player to be fox and another to be the mother hen. The players are the chickens and all form in a line behind the mother hen, and each one grasping the waist of the one in front. The fox tries to tag the last chicken; the line, led by the mother hen, turns and tries to keep between the fox and that chicken. When the last chicken is tagged he becomes fox, and the mother hen chooses another player in her place.
* * * * *
Place an eraser on the front desk of alternate rows. At a signal to start the first child in each row takes the eraser in both hands and passes it over his head to the child behind him. This continues till the last child receives it. The last child runs forward with it, running down the right aisle. On reaching the front seat, his entire row moves one seat backward, so as to leave an empty seat in front. The runner then sits down in the empty seat and passes the eraser backward with both hands as before stated.
The changing of seats should be on the left side.
The game ends when each child is returned to his own seat.
* * * * *
Mark a circle on floor in front of desks. Choose a player to be “it.” He stands near but not in the circle and calls the names of three players. The players must rise and try to reach the circle without being tagged. They run in any style in either direction.
The first one tagged is “it” and the game continues as before. If none are caught, three more are named. Encourage naming players who have not been called.
* * * * *
Players all in single file, teacher leading. Each player reaches right hand forward to player next in front and left hand back, grasping hands. March forward, circling to left and winding up into a spiral. When tightly wound, last player should lead, all turn about to left and wind up, circling to right. Several variations should be used later:
1. Same as first method without grasping hands.
2. When wound as far as possible and leave enough space, teach circles right from center of spiral and line follows, passing out in a reverse spiral; this is done first grasping hands and later without.
3. When leader reaches center of spiral, tight wound, she signals to players in some direction and they lift arms, forming arches, under which the line may pass, teacher leading, hands are kept grasped in this case.
* * * * *
Similar to “School Ball.” A leader is chosen for each group of eight or ten players, the players in a line and the leader eight or ten feet away at the side. A row in the school-room may be taken as a group, with a leader standing in front. The leader tosses the ball or bean bag to the players in turn, beginning at the head. Any player missing goes to the foot. If the leader misses he goes to the foot and the one at the head becomes leader. If the ball goes twice around and the leader does not miss, he goes in the line just above those who have missed and the head player becomes leader.
* * * * *
The competing rows must be placed where there is a blackboard at the front of each row. First player of each row has a piece of chalk. At the signal he runs to the board and makes a mark with the chalk, then he returns to his seat, and hands the chalk to the next player, who runs and marks in his turn. Later, players may be required to make a cross, circles, capital letters, small letters, add columns of numbers, write words, construct sentences. The teacher is the judge as to whether the marks come up to the requirements, and each team is charged with a foul for each defect.
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This is like “Racing” (See First Grade), but more continuous. Two or more rows compete. The player in the back seat rises at a signal from the teacher, runs forward down the aisle, tags the wall at the front of the room, and returns to his seat. As soon as he has reached his seat the player next in front of him does the same, the relay being complete when each player in turn has run. The line whose front player is seated first wins.
* * * * *
Alternate rows of children are chosen. On a signal from the teacher, the last children in the alternate rows, run down the aisles, turn to their left; run down the other aisle, turn on reaching their seats, and tag the person who sits in front of them. The person tagged does as the first person did, tagging the person in front only when he reaches his starting place. Each person running when tagged. Equal numbers should be chosen for each row. The object of the game is to see which row is the winner, depending entirely upon alertness, quickness of mind and honesty in playing with fellow students.
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Any one who wishes to play a trick or show off a puzzle should test it privately, before attempting to show it before company, for often, owing to some slight error, the trick may at first prove a failure, whereas a little practice will soon make one perfect.
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Get a hard-boiled egg and place it on the reverse side of a smooth polished plate or bread-platter. If you now turn the plate round while holding it in a horizontal position, the egg, which is in the middle of it, will turn round also, and as the pace is quickened, the egg will move more and more quickly, until it stands up on one end and spins round like a top. In order to be quite sure that the experiment will succeed, you should keep the egg upright while it is being boiled, so that the inside may be hardened in the proper position.
* * * * *
Soak a piece of thread in a solution of salt or alum (of course, your audience must not know you have done this). When dry, borrow a very light ring and fix it to the thread. Apply the thread to the flame of a candle; it will burn to ashes, but will still support the ring.
* * * * *
There are several ways of making a needle float on the surface of the water.
The simplest way is to place a piece of tissue paper on the water and lay the needle on it; the paper soon becomes soaked with water and sinks to the bottom, while the needle is left floating on the top.
Another method is to hang the needle in two slings made of threads, which must be carefully drawn away as soon as the needle floats.
You can also make the needle float by simply holding it in your fingers and laying it on the water. This, however, requires a very steady hand.
If you magnetize a sewing-needle by rubbing it on a fairly strong magnet and float it on the water, it will make an extremely sensitive compass; and if you place two needles on the water at the same time, you will see them slowly approach each other until they float side by side, that is, if they do not strike together so heavily as to cause them to sink.
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Three knives may be supported by their handles in the following manner: Place three glasses in a triangle, each side of which must be about the length of one of the knives. The blade of the first knife should rest on the blade of the second, by passing over it near to the point where the handle and blade are joined; the blade of the second passing in the same manner over the blade of the third, which is to be made to rest on the blade of the first. The handles being then carefully placed upon the glasses, a bridge is formed strong enough to bear a considerable weight.
* * * * *
The articles necessary for the performance of this trick are very simple, a dinner-fork and an ordinary sized cork being all that are needed. Fix the cork firmly in the handle of the fork, then stick the fork into it so that two prongs shall be on each side of the cup handle, and slope the fork in such a way that its handle will come under the bottom of the cup. The heaviest weight being thus brought underneath, you can hold the cup on the point of a knife, if you very carefully find the exact place on which it will balance.
As the surface of the cup is usually glazed, the hand which holds the knife must not tremble, or the cup will slip off.
You may also obtain the same result by using two knives instead of a fork.
* * * * *
Take a small cork and ask some one to blow it into a fairly large sized, ordinary bottle that has a neck.
This seems to be quite an easy matter. The one who tries it will probably blow as hard as possible upon the little cork; but, instead of going into the bottle, as expected, it will simply fall down. The harder the puffs or blows, the more obstinate the cork will appear to be; and even if the effect of blowing gently be tried, it will be of no use; the cork will not go into the bottle, much to the amusement of those who are watching. The reason why the cork will not go in is this: The bottle being already full of air, when the cork is blown, more air will be forced into the bottle, and consequently the air inside will be greatly compressed and will simply force the cork back. The following is a simple way of overcoming the difficulty: Instead of trying to force the cork through the compressed air in the bottle, just the contrary should be tried, that is, some of the air should be sucked out of the bottle; this being done, the bottle will become partly emptied, and when the outside air rushes in to fill up the empty space, it will carry the cork with it to the bottom of the bottle.
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This is a simple little puzzle. Take eleven strips of cardboard, lay six of them at exactly equal distances on the table, and ask one of the company to add the five other strips and yet only make nine. It is done by placing six of them parallel to each other–the others are used to spell out the word nine.
* * * * *
Stick a small piece of white wax on the nail of the middle finger of your right hand, taking care that no one sees you do it. Then place a dime in the palm of your hand and tell your audience that you can make it vanish at the word of command.
You then close your hand so that the dime sticks to the waxed nail. Blow on your hand and make magic passes, and cry “Dime, begone!” Open your hand so quickly that no one will see the dime stuck to the back of your nail, and show your empty hand. To make the dime reappear, you merely close you hand again and rub the dime into your palm.
* * * * *
Roll a snowball and put it on a plate. While rolling, contrive to slip a piece of camphor into the top of it. The camphor must be about the size and shape of a chestnut, and it must be pushed into the soft snow so as to be invisible–the smaller end uppermost, to which the match should be applied.
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For this trick, take a piece, two or three inches long, of a stem of a clay tobacco pipe, taking care that one end is quite even; with a knife or file, work the hole at the even end larger, so as to form a little cup. Choose the roundest pea you can find, place it in the cup, and blow softly through the other end of the pipe, throwing back your head while you blow, so that you can hold the pipe in an upright position over your mouth.
The pea will rise, fall and dance in its cup, according to the degree of force you use in blowing, but you must take care not to blow too hard, or you may blow it away altogether.
* * * * *
Place a half-opened penknife on the edge of the table and hang a large cooking-spoon by its hook on to the knife, just where the blade and handle join. Place the spoon so that its inner (concave) side is facing the table and, after swinging for a little while, the knife and spoon will keep still in perfect balance. Even if you fill the spoon with sand it will not fall, so long as the heaviest point is under the edge of the table.
The cooking-spoon is hung on to the half-opened penknife where the blade and the handle join, and you can now place the end of the knife-handle on the tip of your finger, on the edge of the table, or on the rim of a glass which is standing near the edge of the table, and your knife and spoon will balance perfectly, without falling over.
* * * * *
Get a match and make a notch in the middle of it, bend it so as to form an acute angle, and place it over the mouth of a bottle.
Now place a dime or other small coin on the match and ask any one to get the coin into the bottle without touching either the bottle or the match.
This is very easy to do. Dip your finger in a glass of water, hold it over the place where the match is notched, and let one or two drops fall on this point. The force of the water will cause the sides of the angle to move apart, and the opening thus become large enough to let the coin fall into the bottle.
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This trick requires care and patience. You must lay a piece of looking-glass on a perfectly even table; then take a new-laid egg and shake it about for some time until the white is well mixed with the yolk. In this condition it is possible to balance the egg on its end and make it stand upright on the glass. This trick is more certain to be successful if you are clever enough to flatten the end ever so slightly and evenly, by giving it a gentle and unsuspected tap.
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Take a coin in each hand and stretch out your arms as far apart as you can. Then tell your audience that you will make both coins pass into one hand without bringing your hands together. This is easily done by placing one coin upon the table and then turning your body round until the hand with the other coin comes to where it lies. You can then easily pick the coin up, and both will be in one hand, while your arms are still widely extended.
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If you fill a wineglass with water and place a thick piece of paper over it so that no air can get in, you will find that you can turn the glass upside down without spilling a drop of water, because the pressure of the air on the outside will keep the paper from falling off. It is on this principle that the present pendulum is to be made. Take a piece of cardboard larger than the mouth of the glass; pass a cord through a small hole in the center of the card, and fasten it by means of a knot on the under side, then carefully cover the hole with wax, so that no air may get in.
Place your cardboard over the glass full of water, and by making a loop in the end of the cord you can hang the glass from a hook in the ceiling without any fear of its falling off. In order to make sure that no air can get into the glass, it is wise to smear the rim with tallow before laying the cardboard on.
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Take a piece of elastic which is not covered with silk or wool, and through the middle of this stick a pin, which you have bent as shown in the illustration.
Now hold the elastic between the thumb and first finger of each hand and twirl it round, stretching it a little at the same time. The rapid movement thus caused will make the revolving pin look like a glass object, and if you have a strong light falling on the pin and a dark background behind it, the resemblance becomes very much stronger.
After a little practice you will be able to represent many things in this way–cheese dishes, vases, champagne glasses, etc.; and if the bent pin should fall into a horizontal position while revolving, on account of its shape, you can tie one end to the elastic with a piece of white thread, which will not in any way interfere with the working.
This trick looks well in a darkened room, when the pin is illuminated by a ray of sunlight coming through a hole in the window shutter.
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This seems to be a plain wooden ball with a hole bored in its center, through which a string is passed. The ball will move lightly up and down this cord, but let some one who knows the trick take the string in his hand and it becomes quite a different matter; the ball will move quickly, or slowly, at command, and, if told to do so, will stand still until ordered to move on again.
The reason for this peculiar behavior is that inside the ball there are two holes, one of which is quite straight, while the other is curved, and turns out of the straight hole.
It is through this curved passage that the cord is passed, and you can easily see that to regulate the movements of the ball, it is only necessary to hold the string more or less tightly. If you hold the cord perfectly tight, the ball will not be able to move at all. The ball can be purchased at any top shop.
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Put on a coat and vest so that they fasten behind. Then fix a mask over the back of the head and a wig over the face. The effect is very curious.
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To play this trick, you must take one of your friends into your confidence. Borrow a watch and put it in your pocket, and then ask your audience to sit at the end of the room, blindfold your friend, and lead him outside. Now say: “Ladies and gentlemen, if you will give me some small object to hide, I promise that the blind man will find it, although I shall not even tell him what he is to look for, and I shall lower the gas, so that if the bandage should slip, he will still be unable to see.” A key, pencil, or any small thing having been handed to you, lower the gas and proceed to hide the object, at the end of the room, mentioning where you have put it, but not mentioning that you have placed the watch close beside it. You then request “Silence” and lead in the blind man and ask him to begin his search. He is guided, of course, by the ticking of the watch, and knows that whatever he finds close to it is the object hidden. When he calls “Found,” he must slip the watch into his pocket. You then turn up the gas and quietly ask your audience if they do not think your friend is a very clever fellow?
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Here is a simple way of making shadow pictures: Place a candle on the table and fix a piece of white paper on the wall at the same height from the ground as the light is. Now place some non-transparent object, as, for instance, a large book, between the candle and the paper, and on one side of the table place a mirror so that it will reflect the light of the candle on to the paper on the wall. If you now put little cardboard figures between the candle and the mirror, a shadow will be thrown on the white paper and you can move your figures about just as you please.
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It is very difficult to explain how these shadows should be made, but you must bear in mind the fact that it is necessary to stand between the lamp and the wall, and extend your arms so that the shadow of your body does not interfere with the picture shadows you intend to make with your hands. The illustrations given will show you how to make two very good shadow pictures, but the fun of the game is for several people to make up pictures of their own, and see who can succeed in making the best.
* * * * *
For this game you require a white sheet to be hung up at the end of the room. Then the “shadow-makers” take up their places on low stools behind the sheet. There must be only one lamp in the room, which should be placed about six or seven feet behind the “shadow-makers.” Then the “shadow-makers” drape themselves with shawls, or anything handy, and take their places so that their shadows are thrown upon the sheet. They must, of course, try to disguise themselves, so that the “shadow-seekers” may not be able to guess their identity. By loosening the hair and letting it fall over the face, a girl may appear like a man with a beard; bending the finger over the nose gives one a very queer-looking hooked nose in the shadow, and entirely alters the appearance of the face. Covering one’s self up in a sheet and then extending the arms gives one the appearance of a large bat. As soon as a “shadow-maker’s” identity has been guessed he must take his place as a “shadow-seeker,” and the one who guessed him becomes a “shadow-maker.” The penalty of a glance behind the sheet on the part of the “shadow-seeker” is to pay a forfeit.
* * * * *
Tell some one to think of any number he likes, but not to tell you what it is. Tell him then to double it. When he has done that, let him add an even number to it, which you must give him. After doing this, he must halve the whole, then from what is left, take away the number he first thought of. When this is completed, if he has counted correctly, you will be able to give him the exact remainder, which will simply be the half of the even number you told him to add to his own.
* * * * *
In order to make these, you must stand in the corner of the room, near a mirror. Let some one hold a light behind you, so that the shadow of your head and shoulders will be thrown upon the wall, and also that the reflected light from the mirror will fall at exactly the same spot as the shadow of your head.
If the mirror is now covered with a piece of thick paper, from which two eyes, a nose, and a mouth are cut out, the effect shown in the drawing will be produced. In order to make the shadow still more lifelike, cut out two pieces of paper, fasten one over the mirror, and move the other over it. In this way the eyes and mouth of the shadow may be made to move.
* * * * *
For this trick a whole set of dominoes is required, the performer taking care to hide one of the set, not a double, in his pocket. The remaining dominoes should be shuffled, and placed according to the ordinary rules of domino games, and the performer undertakes to tell, without seeing them, the two numbers forming the extremes of the line, set during his absence from the room. The numbers on the extreme ends of the domino line will be exactly the same as the numbers on the domino which the performer has in his pocket. If he is asked to repeat the trick, he should be sure to change the hidden domino, or he may chance to be found out.
* * * * *
Prepare a set of cards by making a copy of the tables given here. Hand them to the person whose age you wish to ascertain, and ask him to name the cards on which his age appears.
If you then add together the first number on each of the cards he names, the total will be the age required.
No. 1 Card No. 2 Card No. 3 Card No. 4 Card No. 5 Card No. 6 Card 1 29 2 30 4 30 8 28 16 28 32 44 3 31 3 31 5 31 9 29 17 29 33 45 5 33 6 34 6 36 10 30 18 30 34 46 7 35 7 35 7 37 11 31 19 31 35 47 9 37 10 38 12 38 12 40 20 48 36 48 11 39 11 39 13 39 13 41 21 49 37 49 13 41 14 42 14 44 14 42 22 50 38 50 15 43 15 43 15 45 15 43 23 51 39 51 17 45 18 46 20 46 24 44 24 52 40 52 19 47 19 47 21 47 25 45 25 53 41 53 21 49 22 50 22 52 26 46 26 54 42 54 23 51 23 51 23 53 27 47 27 55 43 55 25 53 26 54 28 54
27 55 27 55 29 55