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  • 1910
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of boys, 321-326
of girls, 327
ideal of, 320
physical training, 331
primary and secondary, 327-331
Egypt, 45
Elections, municipal, 255
Emblems, city, 47
Emperor, the:
dependence upon the army, 52
nomination of Senators by, 60
powers of, 50
and the Senate, 57
symbolic character of statue, 386
Empire, the Roman:
Eastern and Western halves, 35
extent, 6, 8
expeditions, 7
government, 9
military and naval forces, 12
provinces, 30
roads, 16
security under, 12
Ephesus, 42
Epicureans, the, 407-409
Etiquette, exactions of, 217
Euclid, 401

Festivals, 261
Field-glass, primitive, 275
Fingers, use of, at meals, 228
Fires, destructive, 98, 133
Floors, 149, 180
Flour-mills, 248
Food, 200, 230, 258
Foreigners, 67
Forum, the, 102
public life in, 214
“Free” towns, 90
Freedmen, 204, 245
wealth of, 205
Freethought, 378-381
“Friends of Caesar,” 211
Frontiers, protection of, 12
Fullers, 250
Funeral rites, 439-445
beds, 182
chairs and couches, 181
chests, 185
kitchen utensils, 189
lamps, 186
mirrors, 186
silver and glass ware, 188
tables, 183
tripods, 184

Games, 214, 222, 232, 262
Gaul, 37
tribes of, 38
Geographical knowledge, 398-401
Ghosts, belief in, 435-437
Gladiators, 264, 280, 282, 285-288
female spectators at combats, 288
“Golden House,” the, 116
“Golden Milestone,” the, 105
Goldsmiths, 250
Government, system of, 49
emperor, 50
“knights,” 63
provinces, 82-95
Senate, 56
tribunes, 53
Governors, provincial, dress of, 93 duties, 91
emoluments, 94
Greece, indebtedness to, 32
influence of art of, 421
language and culture, 34
scientific thought, 397
Greeks, prominence of, 67
Greeting, manner of 211
Guards, Imperial, 353
Guides, professional, 19
Guilds, _trade_, 254

Hair, method of wearing, 37, 195 298, 311 Hairpins, 311
Hats, 212
Health resorts, 174
Heating, domestic, 161
Holidays, 254
number of, 260
Homestead, country, 169
Horses, in chariot-races, 275
Hotels, scarcity of, 22
Hour of rising, 195
House, country, 175-179
House, typical town, 143-163
decoration, 150, 164
dining-rooms, 155
doors, 145
exterior, 144
floors, 149
garden, 154, 156
hall, 148
heating system, 161
kitchen, 156
library and picture-gallery, 158
lighting, 145, 150, 153, 160, 186
peristyle, 154
reception-room, 153
roofs, 141, 162
shrine, 157, 376
water-supply and drainage, 160
vestibule, 146
Houses, 131
height of, 131, 139
lighting of, 141
tenement blocks,140

Imperial Guards, 353
Infantry, 339, 352
Inns, 20
Instruments, musical, 430
Interest, rates of, 239
Isis-worship, 373
Italy, 30

Janitors, 209
Janus, Temple of, 110
Jerusalem, 14, 44
Jewelry, female love of, 297, 312
Jews, colony of, 67
rebellious among, 10
toleration shown to, 382
Jove, Temple of, 105
Julius, Basilica of, 106
Jurymen, 217
Juvenal, on marriage, 293

Kissing, excessive, 211
Kitchens, 156, 170, 189
“Knights,” order of:
composition, 63
dress, 66
occupations, 238
privileges, 64
Knives and forks, absence of, 189, 228

Lamps, 186
Land-tax, 85
Land-travelling, 16-25
Language, 32, 36, 91
of the people, 258
predominance of the Greek, 34
Law-courts, pleaders in, 216
president and jury, 217
Learning, tastes in, 398
Legacies, 314
Legions, number and name of, 341
strength, 339
Life, social, aristocratic, 193-237 middle and lower class, 238-259
Literature, 394-396
literary dependants, 208
Litter, 211
Loafers, 241
Local government, 89
Lugdunum (Lyons), 14, 38
Luncheon, 219

Macedonia, 40
Marriage, 220
betrothal ceremony, 296
divorce, 304
dowry, 299
festivities, 300
two forms of, 290
Juvenal on, 293
legal age for, 294
not based on love, 292, 294
matrimonial freedom, 291
morganatic, 295
wedding ceremony, 297
Mars, Temple of, 118
Martial on country life, 172
at funerals, 152, 440
theatrical, 268
Mathematics, 401
Mausoleum of Augustus, 120
breakfast, 200
luncheon, 219
dinner, 226, 229
Medicine, 403
Mediterranean Sea, 46
Milestones, 18, 28
Mines, 37
Mirrors, 186
Money-lending, 238
Morals, 378
Municipal elections, 255
Music, as part of education, 331, 341 fondness for, 430
instruments, 430
Mysticism, 372

Names, family, 194
of slaves, 204
Navy, 12
musical eccentricities of, 78
persecution of Christians by, 79, 383, 387 personal appearance, 80, 213
powers vested in, 55, 71
reception by, 213
reign, 74
vices and follies 75, 116
New Year’s Day, 262
News-sheets, official, 215
Noises, street, 134, 195

Oath of obedience, military, 342
Officials, public, 358
Oratory, school of, 329
Ornament, architectural, 112, 423

Paintings, wall, 325-328
Palatine Hill, 115
Pantheon, the, 121
Papyri, 336
Passes, Alpine, 39
Patriotism, municipal, 90
Paul, St., 34, 42, 80, 197, 383, 413 _Pax Romana_, the 9, 12
Pedigrees, 152
“People,” the, 67, 241
doles of corn and money to, 242
Person-tax, 87
Philosophy, study of, 332-335, 380
Pipes, lead, 160
Pliny the elder, literary industry of, 390-392 Pliny the younger, 236, 294, 305, 321, 392, 435 Plutarch, 334, 395
Police, soldiers as, 14
Polytheism, 364
Population of the city, 101
Portugal, 37
Present-giving, prominence of, 262
Priests, 361
chariot, 227
funeral, 440
wedding, 300
Proconsuls, 93
Provinces, 30
civilisation of, 31
commerce, 36
contributions by, 85
distinctions between, 35
government, 82-95
language, 32
Public service, 358-360
Publicans (tax-collectors), 89, 240

Record Office, the, 105
Religion, 333, 361-387
attitude of state towards, 361-364, 370 conservatism in, 364, 368
free-thought, 378-381
mixed elements, 370
mysticism in, 372
polytheistic character of, 364
priests, 361
private observances, 375
superstitions in, 371
tolerance in, 381
treatment of Christians, 383-387
Rhodes, 42
Rings, 200
Roads, military, 16
construction and upkeep, 18
variety of traffic, 22
Rome in A.D., 64
appearance, 96-100
baths, 122
extent and population, 100-102
habits of the people, 102
public buildings, 102-129
streets, 130-138
theatres, 123
Roofs 141, 162
Rostra, the, 104

Sandals, 309
Saturn, Temple of, 105
Saturnalia, the, 261
Schools, 321-331
Science, 396-405
Sculpture, 418, 424
Sea-travelling, 25-28
Senate, the, 56, 71
imperial nomination to, 60
qualifications for membership, 59
relations with the emperor, 57, 72 senators’ dress, 65
training of members, 62
Senate-House, the, 109
Seneca, 395
Sewers, 130
Ships, 26
Shoes, 197,310
Shops, 133, 141, 222
Shrine, household 159, 376
Sidon, 44
Signs, trade, 251
Slaves, 68, 206, 211, 240
citizenship bestowed on, 204
domestic, 201
dress, 202
licence at Saturnalia, 261
as musicians, 431
names, 204
occupations, 246
treatment, 203
Smyrna, 42
Snails, breeding of, 46
Social life, of aristocrats, 193-237 of middle and lower classes, 238-259
Spain, 36
Spoons, 228
Sports, 178, 263
Statues, 418, 424
Stoics, the, 409-412
Strabo, 379
Streets, 130
narrowness of, 132
noisiness, 134, 195
paving, 137
regulation of traffic, 131
Suicide, attitude regarding, 23
Sun-dials, 191
Superstitions, 371
Surgery, 404

Tarragona, 37
Tarsus, 42
collection 89, 240
farming of, 239
land, 85
miscellaneous 88
personal, 87
Temple, description of, 123, 265
Temples: of
Concord, 105
Janus, 110
Jove, 105
Mars, 118
Saturn, 105
Vesta, 114
Theatres, 123, 265
actors’ status 268
_claqueurs_, 273
compared with Greek, 266
curtain, 267
decoration, 267
masks and dresses, 268
music and dancing, 270
plays performed, 268, 270-273
scenery, 267
seats, 267
women’s presence not encouraged, 266 Tiles, 157, 162
Time, method of telling, 192
colours of 218
compulsory use on formal occasions 198 distinctive meaning of, 197, 214
Toleration, religious, 381
Tombs, 253, 444
Trade guilds 254
signs, 251
Trade routes, 27
Travelling, land and sea:
accommodation, 20
dangers 24, 29
modes, 19
period and routes, 25
speed, 25, 28
“Tribunes of the commons,” 53
Tunics, 196, 308
Tyre, 44, 45

Utensils, kitchen, 189

Vehicles, 19
Vesta, Temple of, 114

Water-clocks, 192
Water-supply, 135, 160
Wedding ceremony, 297
Wild-beast fights, 282, 284
Windows, 141, 145, 150, 60
Wine, 233, 241
fondness for jewelry, 297, 312
divorce, 304
domestic virtues, 307
dowry, 299
dress, 308-313
marriageable age, 294
position after marriage, 289, 301
presence at theatres not encouraged, 266 property after marriage, 299, 302
types of, 302, 306
Working-classes, the, 214
competition with slave-labour 246
dress and food 258
language 258
life of 253, 256
professions all ranked among, 258
Writing materials, 323, 337

coming of age of 218, 382
military training, 338