introduced in cornices or keystones to give a note of white in the color scheme. The long hall ended in circular anterooms. In the replica, at St. Louis, of Wren’s building, the only departure from the original was the introduction of an enriched plaster ceiling, such as would be found in a house of the period; the real Orangery was left bare and whitewashed.
The architects used the Orangery as the principal front to a quadrangular building, the necessary offices and accommodation for royal commissioners and executive staff being provided in wings that led from the two circular anterooms. The fourth side of the open court was made by a colonnade, the royal arms being above the central opening. The character and details of the Orangery were carried through as far as possible, so that harmony and unity was given to this pleasant composition.
In the garden surrounding the pavilion an attempt was made to reproduce on a small scale the style of garden that was generally attached to the mansion residences in England during the reign of William III and Mary, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, and at the time of Queen Anne, in the early part of the eighteenth century. The old-fashioned garden with characteristic features of shady terraces of “peached alleys,” as they would be called, inclosed by hedges clipped into shapes and embellished with topiary work with the forms of animals and birds cut out of yews and boxes attracted much attention. The garden was filled with old-fashioned flowers. A water basin and fountain, typical of the old English gardens, were there, as also were stone statues and lead urns and vases. The garden became one of the sights of the exposition and was usually crowded with interested and delighted sightseers.
His Majesty King Edward VII was graciously pleased to lend the Queen Victoria jubilee presents to the exposition. The valuable and unique collection was placed in the upper story of the Hall of Congresses, one of the permanent stone buildings, now a part of the Washington University, and, according to the terms of loan, admission was free to the public. The royal presents included in the collection chiefly consisted of gifts made to Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria on the occasion of the jubilee celebrations of 1887 and 1897. Of these, the greater number came from India, where native princes of all grades and representatives of all nationalities and religions vied with each other in offering to her majesty the splendid tribute of her Indian Empire.
These Indian presents were of great interest, not merely on account of the precious metals and rare woods in which they were worked, but as showing how in recent years European ideas have influenced native Indian art, which, in many instances, was represented in its most characteristic and unaffected form.
The remainder of the collection included gifts offered by the representatives of the British colonies, many of them richly illuminated addresses, inclosed in caskets handsomely worked in metal or in native woods, or, as in the case of Cape Colony, which was represented by a magnificent screen of ostrich feathers, by objects recalling an important industry of the colony. These presents formed only a small proportion of the thousands sent from every part of the British Empire.
The presents were guarded night and day by members of the constabulary force of the city of London. Policemen from the same body patrolled the British Pavilion and grounds. The uniform courtesy of these men and their patience in answering the many questions put to them by a curious public spoke well for the corps which they represented.
The grant voted by the British Government for participation at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was L150,000. Private exhibitors bore all the expense connected with the collection, installation, and maintenance of their exhibits.
The small but artistic pavilion erected by the Government of Guatemala was situated at the extreme northern end of the World’s Fair grounds, just east of the Administration Building and beside the pavilion of the Argentine Republic. It was intended as an exhibit palace, with the object of installing all the Guatemalan exhibits, as well as being a bureau of information.
In its exterior facade appeared an extensive, semicircular peristyle, sustained by columns of the renaissance style, and in front two doors leading to the two rooms into which the building was divided. In the upper part of the middle of the doors was placed the national shield, with the American flag on the right and the Guatemalan ensign on the left, both surrounding the bust of Extrada Cabrera, the present President of this wealthy and prosperous section of Central America.
The salon to the left was decorated with pictures by Guatemalan artists and had other artistic features, such as native pottery, statuettes, etc. Here every afternoon the coffee for which Guatemala is so justly famous was served to visitors. In the same room also were placed an extensive collection of newspapers and a series of literary works, scientific and didactic, by Guatemalan authors.
In the department to the right, arranged very tastefully and skillfully, were samples of valuable products, demonstrating the agricultural and mineral wealth of Guatemala. Among the exhibits was a collection of specimens of all classes of coffee, arranged in 160 receptacles and two small crystal columns. A magnificent collection of 186 specimens of cabinet work wood, beautiful in construction and coloring, attracted much attention by its wonderful variety.
The mineralogical section was not so extensive as that devoted to wood, but it showed magnificent specimens from the gold mines, also samples of silver, copper, lead, isinglass, coal, marble, kaolin, etc. Another installation showed some samples of native beer of excellent quality. There were also samples of rum and brandies, distilled from sugar cane and native fruits, among these products being the “banana whisky,” a delicious liquor, exhibited for the first time to the public. The manufacture of this whisky is a new industry, and promises an excellent future.
The cereal and grain section was notable for the great variety of corn, frejols, wheat, barley, etc. The famous cocoas known by the name of “Socomusco,” and which since the earliest time have been recognized as among the best produced on the continent, were also represented in this section, as well as sugar, which is being produced in the country in respectable quantities. The attention of visitors was attracted by the silk (or “ceiba”) cotton, installed in the same section. It is remarkable for fineness, softness, and special color. It is locally known as “Algodon de Cajeta.”
The extensive and variegated collection of roots, barks, and medicinal plants constituted a special section. Among them were different kinds of quinine, sarsaparilla, ipecacuana, and other herbs. Elastic or “india rubber,” stearin, gums, vanilla, etc., made up an interesting exhibition of native products. Tobacco, similar to the kind grown in Cuba, which is produced in great abundance in Guatemala, was presented in its various processes of development, from the native leaf to the finished cigar or cigarette. Samples of fibers, grasses, flowers, roots, and palms were shown in abundance. From the palms of Guatemala are manufactured the so-called “Panama hats.” Visitors were much interested in their extreme lightness and the uniformity of tissue of the Guatemalan hand-made straw hats.
The building was erected at a cost of $10,000. This sum included ornamentation and the landscape gardening. The cost of the exhibits, freight, and installation was approximately $10,000, and the expenses of the commission extant during the exposition was estimated at $5,000. This brought up the expenditure to the amount appropriated by the Guatemalan Government for the expenses of the exhibit.
The exhibit was authorized by a decree issued by the President of Guatemala appointing the commission to represent the Government at the St. Louis Universal Exposition, dated the 7th of April, 1904, which reads as follows:
The constitutional President of the Republic has resolved that the official representation of Guatemala at the Universal Exposition of St. Louis shall be in charge of the legation of this Republic at Washington, D.C., and designates Mr. Carlos F. Irigoyen as special commissioner to be in charge of the exhibition, and appoints Mr. Manuel M. Jiron as attendant to the commission and to have charge of the degustation of our coffee. Mr. Jiron shall receive orders from the special commissioner, who in turn shall receive his instructions from the minister of fomento.
_Members of Haiti commission._–Mr. J.N. Leger, president; Mr. Edmond Roumain, commissioner-general; Mr. Joseph Duque, commissioner; Mr. Price Mars, commissioner.
The participation of the Government of Haiti in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was decided by the deliberation of the ministerial council, presided over by the President of the country. The decision was taken previously in 1901, under the former government of Gen. Tiresias Simon Sam, and maintained by the actual government of Gen. Nord Alexis, in February and March of this year. The amount of the appropriation by the Haitian Government spent in its exhibit was $50,000.
Haiti unfortunately arrived too late at the fair to construct a special building, but installed excellent exhibits in the Forestry, Fish, and Game Building and in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy.
The Haitian exhibit at the World’s Fair was located in the southwestern section of the Forestry, Fish, and Game Building, next the California exhibit, and covered a space of 30 by 75 feet. In the center was a beautiful pavilion in which the following species of native woods were represented: Mahogany, Santa Maria, tacha, rosewood, and tavernon. The woods most used in the construction were mahogany and Santa Maria. Most of the panels and all of the columns were made of these two woods, and they blended in such a manner that they looked as if they were one and the same wood. The other varieties were used in the smaller decorations. The object in making the pavilion was to show the native cabinet woods of Haiti, especially that of Santa Maria, a wood which very much resembles mahogany. Four columns of the pavilion were made of Santa Maria, one of mahogany, and one partly of each. In the pavilion were served coffee and cocoa, native products.
Just at the rear of the pavilion was a display of imported liquors and sirups from the land of Haiti, including anisette, maraschuino, repikes, creme de menthe, sirup d’orfeat, sirup de granadine, and creme de cocoa; also triple-distilled bay rum and rum of good quality from four distilleries in Haiti. On either side were glass cases in which were shown other interesting exhibits. First a collection of cigars and of beeswax in molds. Next a sectional case containing, samples of cotton mapon, used for the filling of mattresses and pillows. Then the cocoa bean; also coffee taken from the cherry, peanuts, sugar from the sugar cane, and bottled honey. In the next case were hides, leather, and a collection of fine shoes made in Haiti. Next to this case was a display of coffee beans and an interesting exhibit of hats made from palm leaves and corn husks. The chairs were made from the osier, or water willow. In the rear was a cabin made from the natural woods imported from Haiti. The roof was covered with palm leaves. The entrance was draped with an American flag on the, left and the red and blue flag of Haiti on the right. This Haitian; flag was made entirely by hand. In the interior was a fine collection of hand-carved vases, pedestals, mortar and pestles, bowls, urns, and tobacco boxes.
_Members of Honduras commission_.–Mr. Salvador Cordova, commissioner-general; Mr. Howard S. Reed, executive commissioner; Mr. Alejandro Bauer, assistant commissioner.
In the Palace of Agriculture, surrounded by a tropical bower of graceful palms and thousands of yards of long gray Spanish moss, was shown a collective exhibit of the wondrous and little known country of Honduras, Central America. Upon all sides the visitor was confronted by most curious and interesting samples of its varied resources. Crowds were constantly gathered about the rubber tree with its white, milk-like sap, and everyone seemed interested in the great bales of dried raw rubber, while questions, opinions, and discussions were many regarding this little known raw product. Even the great scarlet and blue macaw, from his high perch overhead, joined in with wild screeches when the crowds got too noisy.
Curious bales of sarsaparilla wrapped in white cowhide, great clusters of cocoanuts in their thick hulls, long tables with hundreds of specimens of dug plants and medicinal barks and roots, attracted curious crowds. The banana bulbs and stalks, 20 feet high, eleven months’ growth, with the fruit which they had produced, gave the visitor an idea of what is possible by systematic culture, as a banana plantation with the proper care will produce fifty-two crops a year, which means a cutting every week. The consumption of the banana has increased with greater rapidity than any other fruit, and it occupies a position second to none as a food and fruit. The sarsaparilla in its original packing case was unique, and it represented its share in the country’s exportations. Honduras sarsaparilla has taken the highest award at the last five expositions.
The cocoanut in its fibrous hull was a surprise to many, as the market shows them only clear of the hull. It is said that each cocoanut tree in Honduras averages about 365 nuts a year, or a nut each day. Brazil nuts were shown, with their hard outside shell, in which some 15 to 20 of the nuts are closely packed.
Of the 400 specimens of cabinet woods which were displayed, only about 100 are known to commercial uses; the rest are awaiting development. In this exhibit were the woods which neither burn nor float. Lignum-vitae, which is one of the heaviest woods known to science, and used extensively in the manufacture of mallets, etc., was displayed; also the San Juan wood, which has lately been discovered, and is found extensively on the coast. This wood is practically non-combustible, and is said to be the coming wood for car building, furniture, and interior finishing, being susceptible of a high polish. The mahogany, for which Honduras is noted, was shown in many varieties, as were rosewood, redwood, hard pine, cedar, etc.
The exhibit of native drug plants received special recognition. Among other herbs were the Peruvian and cinchona-bark quinine, rhubarb, vegetable wax, and many others unknown to science. Sugar planters were astounded at the cane only three months old and 12 feet high, grown without cultivation, and stalks were exhibited 24 feet high of twelve months’ growth. At present there is not a sugar refinery in the country.
The ores exhibited were many specimens of quartz and placer gold, silver, lead, copper, and magnetic iron, of which there is practically an inexhaustible supply. The work of the natives was shown in hats, baskets, hammocks, etc., being of a high order of perfection. Many of the finest panama hats are made by the Indians in Honduras. The different kinds of sisal and hemp shown were pronounced by manufacturers to be of the very highest grade.
Many people, when the name Honduras, Central America, is mentioned, think of a far-away land untrodden by man. As a matter of fact, it was pointed out that it is not as far from New Orleans to Honduras as it is from St. Louis to either New York or Boston.
Several causes prevented an appropriation by Parliament for Hungary’s participation at the Universal Exposition held in St. Louis; consequently the royal Hungarian minister of commerce, anxious that Hungary should be represented at the Congress of Nations in St. Louis, decided to furnish a sufficient sum out of funds at his disposal to make this participation possible.
Acting upon this decision, he appointed George de Szogyeny, LL.D., at that time commissioner of commerce, and accredited to the State Department in Washington, D.C., as commissioner-general, and commissioned the Hungarian Society of Fine Arts and the Hungarian Society of Applied Arts to arrange the exhibits in the Fine Arts Building and to arrange for the exhibit of applied arts.
The Hungarian Society of Applied Arts sent Paul Horti as its representative. Mr. Paul Horti is a well known art critic of Hungary. Mr. R.E. Rombauer was also a member of the commission.
The cost of Hungary’s participation was approximately 200,000 crowns. The value of exhibits was as follows:
Fine arts, 150,000 crowns; applied arts in the Manufactures Building, 600,000 crowns. There were other individual exhibits scattered through the palaces of Agriculture, Mines and Metallurgy, and Education, but they represented only a small value.
The government of India and the provincial governments of Bengal, Assam, and Mysore jointly contributed the sum of 105,000 rupees (equivalent to about $35,000), and the Indian Tea Association, Indian Tea Cess Committee, and the United Planters’ Association of southern India, contributed 90,000 rupees (equal to about $30,000) for the erection of a building and expenses attendant on the work of the exhibition proper, which was designed to promote and encourage the use of India tea and coffee in America. When it was decided that India should take part in the exhibition, exhibitors of Indian manufactures, for whom no space had been reserved in the exhibition palaces, were referred by the government of India, the exhibition authorities, and by the British royal commission to the commissioners in charge, and their exhibits, together with those made of tea, coffee, cardamoms, and pepper, were installed in the government building and formed practically the entire exhibit from India.
Mr. R. Blechynden was the only executive officer appointed for East India. F.C. Williams, of New York, was subsequently appointed as honorary assistant commissioner.
The exhibit would not have been made but for the urgent request of those representing the tea interests, through the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, and it was intended primarily and mainly for the exploitation of Indian teas in America, thus finding a wider market for their use. In addition to the erection of a building and the serving of tea in liquid form to the visitors at a nominal charge, a considerable fund was set apart for advertising the merits of these teas in the Middle West. Part of this sum was expended during the continuance of the exhibition, and the work was all coordinated and in the hands of the commissioner. The exploitation may continue for several years. Advertisements have appeared in newspapers in St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago, Columbus, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and many other smaller towns. The aggregate of expenditure in the next few years will be much more than set apart for the exhibition.
All of the East India exhibits were contributed by individuals and were confined to the East India Building, but were grouped under the heads of art, liberal arts, manufactures, and agriculture.
_Members of Italian commission_.–His Excellency Baron E. Mayor des Planches, honorary commissioner-general; Mr. Giovanni Branchi, commissioner-general; Mr. Adolfo Appoloni, commissioner of fine arts; Chev. Vittorio Zeggio; Mr. Guido Pantaleoni; Mr. Alberto Alfani, Mr. Tullio Giordana, Mr. Cesare Della Chiesa, Mr. Jerome Zeggio, secretaries; Mr. Giuseppe Sommarauga, architect of the pavilion.
The Italian pavilion was one of the most artistic and beautiful, if not one of the smallest, foreign buildings on the World’s Fair grounds. It was a construction of Roman travertine stone, ornamented with bronze and marble sculptures. It was an architectonic fancy, Graeco-Roman, on the style of the ancient villas of the emperors of the Caesarian age, with garden and fountains.
The front colonnade ended in two stout lateral “pillars,” crowned by two “victories” of gilded bronze (a work by Bialetti, of Milan), one of which bore the Italian laurel and the others the olive branch, as a token of peace and welfare.
After ascending the first stairs, about 90 feet wide, and passing through all the colonnade of ionic style, was the garden where the ancient Romans used to grow their laurel, an image of glory.
The building was erected on a strong base more than 15 feet high, with another flight of stairs more than 45 feet wide.
The front was formed by a central body of the Corinthian style of the best epoch, flanked by two lower parts ornamented by marble and bronze works. The caryatides of the three latticed windows were authentic copies of the ancient caryatides of Greek origin now in the Castle of Abano, near Rome.
In the hall, together with cases and various ancient works, there was a faithful copy of the famous Etruscan vase called “Of Francois,” belonging to the gallery of Florence, and a good copy in marble of the Roman group of wrestlers. Also in the same halls, in the cavities at the end under the frieze, with the inscription in Roman characters, “Italia lux alma preevit,” were two great oil paintings of their Royal Majesties the King and Queen of Italy.
This monument of art was the work of Giuseppe Sommarauga, architect, of Milan, who had also the task of originating and directing all the principal decorations made and shipped from Italy.
The participation of Italy at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was authorized by a law of the Italian Parliament dated December 27, 1903. The participation was prepared by the department of agriculture, industry, and commerce, under the direct supervision of the minister, Hon. Luigi Rava. A special committee was appointed for that purpose by the King, and the Hon. Angelo Pavis, a prominent member of the Italian Parliament, was elected chairman of the committee. The Italian ambassador to the United States, the Baron Edmondo Mayor des Planches, who advised the Italian Government to let Italy appear officially at the exposition, was appointed honorary commissioner-general, and Hon. Giovanni Branchi, the Italian consul-general in New York, was appointed commissioner-general. Adolfo Appoloni, one of the members of the royal commission in Rome, was appointed special commissioner for fine arts, and Mr. Branchi chose as members of the commission Guido Pantaleoni, electrical engineer, of St. Louis, and Chev. Vittorio Zeggio, who was special delegate from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to promote the participation of Italy to the World’s Fair. Besides these members of the commission four secretaries and several assistants helped the commission in the work of arranging and distributing the different exhibits.
The appropriation of the Italian Government for the exposition was 650,000 lire ($130,000), but this appropriation was raised in progress to 800,000 lire ($170,000). A small fee of $4 per square meter was assessed to the exhibitors, but the artists and the schools had nothing to pay. No private contributions were accepted by the Government. The Government paid the cost of transporting and maintenance of exhibits, which amounted to about $30,000. The number of exhibitors was about 1,100. Many more firms would have sent their products to this exposition had they had time to arrange a fitting display. For this reason the Italian display was not a full demonstration of what Italy produces.
The largest Italian displays were in the Fine Arts, the Manufactures, and the Agriculture buildings. The paintings and the sculptures exhibited were sufficient to give an idea of the modern art in Italy. They were all quite recent, with the exception of some pictures exhibited as loan, which were painted before the Chicago Exposition. The largest and most important art societies of Italy took a great interest in the exposition, but lack of time prevented the artists from preparing special works to be exhibited. The spirit of modern Italian art was individual, all working for the development of a national art. Among the sculptures were Monteverde, Fontana, Origo, and Romanelli. Among the painters, Previati, Rizzi, Mancini, Gioli, Morbelli, Dall’Oca Bianca Laurenti, Ciardi, Fattori de Karolis, Nomellini, Gelli, etc.
In the Manufactures Building the exhibits of carved wood furniture was displayed, together with ceramics, pottery, marble, bronzes, silks, textiles, laces, embroideries, paving bricks, and many other exhibits of great importance. Among the show cases was a large and artistic one, in which was exhibited the silk factories’ display.
In the Agriculture Building Italy had a large display of samples of the many kinds of wines and olive oils it produces, and there was a large display of seeds sent by the department of agriculture.
In the Mines Building a beautiful collection of marbles and sulphur showed the wealth of the under-soil resources of Italy.
The photographs, the plans, and the maps of the electrical power houses and diverting works for the production of electricity in the Electricity Building attracted many visitors.
In the Transportation Building the Rete Mediterranes, one of the railroads that operates in Italy, exhibited the electrical system used on some of its lines.
One of the best and most important Italian exhibits was in the Educational and Social Economy Building. In both these lines Italy stood among the most progressive nations in the world. The results of the schools, the people’s banks and savings banks, and the mutual help societies were an excellent demonstration.
In the Liberal Arts were to be seen musical instruments, books, and products of the paper factories.
Corals, cameos, and mosaics were exhibited in the Varied Industries Building, and some of them were remarkable works of art.
On July 10, 1903, an imperial ordinance for the organization of the imperial Japanese commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was issued by the Mikado to the effect that the imperial commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition should be under the supervision of the minister of state for agriculture and commerce, and should deal with all the matters relating to the participation of the Japanese Empire in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; that the imperial commission should consist of the following:
Nonresident: Baron Keigo Kiyoura, president; Baron Masanao Matsudaira, vice-president. Resident: Mr. Seiichi Tegima, commissioner-general; Mr. Hiromichi Shugio; Mr. Ushitaro Beppu; Mr. Naozo Kanzaki. Nonresident commissioners: Mr. Hajime Ota, Mr. Haruke Yamawaki, Mr. Masanao Hanihara, Mr. M. Isobe, Mr. J. Koyama, Mr. M. Oka, Mr. Okamoto. Resident: Mr. Keisuke Niwa, director of works; Mr. Yukio Itchikawa, landscape architect; Mr. Saizo Tajima; Prof. Yoshitaro Wantanabe; Mr. Mosuke Matsumura, secretary education department; Mr. Kannosuke Miyashima, expert home department. Secretaries (resident): Mr. Harukazu Miyabe, Mr. Michio Hattori, Mr. Toyozo Kobayashi. Attaches (resident): Mr. Shun Suzuki, Mr. Kiro Harada, Mr. Teiichiro Gejyo, Mr. Risaburo Ota.
Beginning with the international exposition held at Vienna in 1873, and including the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Japan has participated in twenty-seven world’s fairs. Her participation in the exposition at St. Louis was more memorable in many respects than at any preceding exposition. In the first place, the exhibits never before occupied such an extensive area. It was three times as large as that occupied by Japan at the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 and the Paris Exposition of 1900, respectively. In each department where Japan took any part at the fair her location was excellent. The enthusiasm of Japanese manufacturers and traders in their desire to participate in the exposition was so intense that despite the effort of the Government to discriminate between numerous applicants the quantity of exhibits was swelled to such an extent that it was a matter of no small difficulty to find places for all the articles sent in for exhibition. Notwithstanding the fact that there was only a short period of nine months between Japan’s decision to participate and the opening of the fair, and that in the course of that comparatively short period the rupture of friendly relations between Russia and Japan greatly handicapped the latter’s endeavors concerning the exposition, the officials and exhibitors pursued their preconceived plan without an interruption. In view of such disadvantages, the promptness and accuracy with which articles were brought into their destination, arranged, and displayed seasonably in proper form may well be regarded as remarkable. By the time the gates of the fair were thrown open to the public the display had been well-nigh completed, to the gratification of the Exposition Company and the Japanese exhibitors.
When Japan was first invited to take part in the exposition she was busily engaged in preparing for the Fifth National Exhibition held in the city of Osaka. For that reason she declined reluctantly to accept the invitation; but as the inauguration of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was consequently postponed until the 1st day of May, 1904, Japan was later enabled to accept the invitation.
Early in the year 1904 the imperial Government sent a corps of officials to St. Louis to select a suitable location for the Government buildings, and to apply for space in the various departments of the exposition. Due to the prompt attention of the Japanese Government and the courtesy of the managers of the exposition, the desired arrangements were accomplished without the slightest difficulty. A bill appropriating $400,000 to be expended for the exposition was passed by both houses of the legislature, and in July, 1903, the Government formally notified the Exposition Company at St. Louis that Japan would be represented at the fair.
The Japanese commission for the exposition took great care not to accept for exhibition any articles which had mere virtue of novelty, without practical value, or any articles not produced in large volume. The idea of the Government in employing such discrimination was to so plan the exhibition that it would leave some lasting effects after the exposition upon the world’s trade and commerce. The exhibition of matters relating to education was executed under the direct supervision of the department of education, and was so planned as to make it represent a complete system of the education now in vogue in Japan. In regard to the exhibitions of mines, fish, forestry, agriculture, and horticulture, the department of agriculture and commerce exercised the authority of deciding what articles should be displayed. The arrangement of articles exhibited in various departments of the exposition was made so that those independent of the Japan Exhibits Association were arranged by individual exhibitors under the supervision of the Japanese commission, while others were set out in proper order by the association.
There was no department or palace in which Japan did not exhibit. Displays on an especially elaborate scale, however, could be found in the following eleven palaces, namely: Palaces of Education and Social Economy, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Manufactures, Varied Industries, Transportation, Mines, Forestry, Fish, and Game, Electricity, and Agriculture. The total area of space of the Japanese sections in these departments was distributed among different sections as follows:
Square feet. Palace of Education …………………………. 6,299 Palace of Fine Arts …………………………. 6,825 Palace of Liberal Arts ………………………. 400 Palace of Industry ………………………….. 27,384 Palace of Manufactures ………………………. 54,737 Palace of Transportation …………………….. 14,160 Palace of Electricity ……………………….. 1,100 Palace of Mines …………………………….. 6,903 Palace of Forestry, Fish, and Game ……………. 2,982 Palace of Agriculture ……………………….. 8,667 ——-
Total ……………………………….. 129,457
Besides the above areas in the various departments, a garden of a genuine Japanese style covered an extensive space of ground, in which stood the Government building. Attached to it was a reception hall and several artistic mansions. Displays of Japanese garden and floricultural arts were exhibited in the garden. In the reception hall were exhibited various data showing the growth and present status of the Red Cross Society of Japan. Altogether, the dimension of space taken by Japan for the garden aggregated approximately 148,361 square feet. Artistically distributed within the precincts of the garden were the reception hall, the office building, the Formosa tea house, the Kinkaku tea house, and several cottages and a bazaar. Hills and waterfalls, ponds and bridges were presented in miniature scale. In the verdant lawns flowers of different colors were all harmonized into an artistic unit in unique landscape gardening. Beautifully trained dwarf trees, centuries old, were brought from Japan for the special purpose of ornamenting the garden. There were also the drooping wisteria and gay peony, the scented lily and blushing maple.
The building materials for the reception hall, the office building, and resting cottages were brought from Japan. The reception hall was built entirely by native carpenters, after the style of a daimyo’s goten (palace of feudal lord) of some six hundred years ago. The architectural style of the building was what is termed Heike, a style prevailing at the time when a military family called Heike held a paramount power. The artistically curved roofs, projecting one upon another, were a modest representation of architectural accomplishment already attained in Japan several centuries ago. Hanging on the inner wall of the hall was the portrait of Her Majesty the Empress of Japan, and occupying a section of the room were the exhibits of the Red Cross Society of Japan, in which the Empress takes a keen interest. The resting cottage was modeled after a cottage in a shogun’s (military magistrate) garden, two or three centuries ago. Close to the south bank of the lake was a small reproduction of Kinkaku Temple. Close to the right of the front gate of the garden stood the Formosa mansion, a fair representation of characteristic native dwellings. The Kinkaku Temple was built under the auspices of the Japan Tea Traders’ Association, and the Formosa mansion by the initiative of the Formosa government.
_Members of Mexico commission_.–Engineer Albino R. Nuncio, commissioner-general; Mr. Benito Navarro, assistant to the commissioner-general; Mr. Juan Renteria, assistant to the commissioners general; Engineer Lauro Viadas, chief department of agriculture; Mr. Daniel R. De la Vega, assistant to the chief; Mr. Isidoro Aldasoro, chief department of art and ethnology; Mr. Leopoldo Tell and Mr. Octavio Andrade, assistants to the chief; Mr. Maximiliano M. Chabert, chief department of liberal arts; Mr. Alberto Ocampo, assistant to the chief; Mr. Julio Poulat, chief department of education; Mr. Manuel Costa, assistant to the chief; Mr. Enrique Garibay, chief department of forestry, fish, and game; Mr. Jorge Salazar, assistant to the chief; Mr. J. Alberto MacDowell, chief department of horticulture; Mr. J.M. Nuncio, chief department of manufactures; Mr. Antonio Sierra Cruz, assistant to the chief; Engineer Eduardo Mantinez Baca, chief department of mines and metallurgy; Mr. Miguel Peinado, assistant to the chief; Maj. S. Garcia Cuellar, chief department of transportation; Lieut. Manuel Garcia Lugo and Lieut. Jose Ortiz Monasterio, assistants to the chief; Mrs. Laura M. De Cuenca, Dr. Plutarco Ornelas, Prof Teofilo Frezieres, Mr. E.H. Talbot, Mr. Jose M. Trigo De Claver, Mr. Roberto Garcia, Mr. Jose A. Bonilla.
The amounts voted by the Mexican Congress, according to dates since the organization of the work, for the participation of Mexico at the Universal Exposition of St. Louis, were as follows:
October 22, 1901 …………………………. $50,000 July 1, 1902 …………………………….. 70,000 November 23, 1902 ………………………… 15,000 July 1, 1903 …………………………….. 90,000 December 3, 1903 …………………………. 250,000 July 1, 1904 …………………………….. 100,000 November, 1904 …………………………… 300,000 ——–
Total ………………………………… 875,000
The Mexican exhibit in the department of education, as a whole, demonstrated the remarkable development of public instruction from primary to scientific, and at the same time the progress made by adopting new plans and systems. The exhibit as a whole could also be studied in detail by looking over the regulations, plans of study, statistics, texts, etc., which were displayed there.
The Gallery No. 94 of the west pavilion of the Fine Arts Building was the one assigned by the Exposition Company to the exhibition of fine arts from the Republic of Mexico. This small gallery contained 38 oil paintings, 2 pen drawings, and 2 sculptures. The paintings belonged to 11 exhibitors.
The importance of the exhibition as relates to the art cultivated in Mexico was represented by the famous works of the Artist Fabres, which attracted a great deal of attention.
In the Palace of Liberal Arts Mexico exhibited technical works and diversified industrial products. Among the most important were those of official character, such as geographical maps, the system used for the illumination of the seashores, the construction of buildings for special works, etc. Also plans and constructions of architectural character from’ prominent architects of Mexico.
Displayed here were exhibits from the manufactures of drugs and chemical products, perfumes, paper, printing and binding companies, and many others comprised in the extensive official classification. One most important exhibit was that of chemical products and pharmacy.
Another very important branch of liberal arts, and very well developed, was that of photography. Very remarkable works of the most expert photographers of the country were exhibited.
In the Department of Manufactures the industrial concerns from Mexico were represented as follows: The cotton and woolen mills, which have greatly developed in the Republic; the leather and shoe industry was well demonstrated by a number of factories which exhibited their products; there were also shown a number of samples from the manufacture of furniture and decorating fixtures for buildings and residences.
Full information about the railroad lines, general railroad map, and great number of photographs of the most important points on the lines, plaster models of the Tehuantepec Railroad connecting the two oceans, and statistical information of the railroad development were exhibited in the Transportation Building. Models of light-houses and original light-houses that will be used in the Vera Cruz Harbor were displayed also, as well as models of the harbors of Mazanillo, Salina, Curz, Coatzacoalcos, and Tampico. Tools, bags, scales, etc., used in the mail service, and statistical information of the development of the service were shown, as were carriages, harness, saddles, and all kinds of implements used for driving and riding.
The war department had a general display of educational methods used in the military and naval academies, and maps, military library, improvements invented by some member of the army and samples of materials made by its factories.
In the Electricity Building were maps and reports of the most important electrical installations of the country.
In the Machinery Hall were displayed machines made in the factories of the army for the manufacture of cartridges, and antiscaling substance.
Among the Mexican exhibits at St. Louis, the largest number was in the Agricultural Building, where the display occupied over 900 square feet of space. The exhibits made by the three leading breweries of Mexico was noticeable as to elegance and artistic good taste. Great importance was attached to the exhibits of leaf and manufactured tobacco. The coffee exhibit attracted general attention.
The exhibit of fibers, especially that of Henequen, from Yucatan, was very important and complete, the last named being the cause of flourishing trade with the United States. The exhibit of sugar showed the great resources of Mexico in this product. A splendid exhibit of Mexican vanila attracted the attention of all visitors. The exhibit of agronomical maps by the Mexican Commission was of much scientific value, and the collection of insects and injurious parasitical plants was also worthy of attention.
The Mexican exhibit in the Department of Forestry, Fish and Game consisted of 600 specimens, arranged and classified by the Medical and National Institute of Mexico, and attracted considerable attention. The magnificent exhibit of animals and stuffed birds was also admired. The exhibit was arranged and presented by the Geographical Commission of Mexico. The collection of woods presented by the governments of the States of Colima, Durahgo, Mexico, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Yucatan, and the department of fomento was noticeable for the diversity of kinds of woods forming the collection, amounting to 800. The exhibit of broom root from Mexico was the only one of its kind in all the Department of Forestry, and concerning which the largest number of inquiries was made.
In the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy Mexico occupied 13,000 square feet of space. A great variety of ores and minerals was displayed, viz, gold, silver, lead, iron, copper, antimony, zinc, etc. The number of exhibitors amounted to 330. The Geological Institute of Mexico presented maps, geological plans, mineral rocks, publications, etc. Among the latter a very interesting study of the veins of the mines of Pachuca and Real de Monte, also another of the Rhyolitas of Mexico.
The social and economical conditions of the Republic of Mexico were splendidly represented in the Department of Social Economy by numerous official and private publications and photographs. The wise steps taken by the Government, which have changed the economical conditions of the country, constituting an intellectual, material, and positive development, were logically collected according to the department of state to which they belong. The exhibit was completed by a numerous collection of photographs of cities, ports, public buildings, monuments, residences, etc., showing how Mexican cities have been improved and beautified and how the Republic of the south has progressed from a material and artistical standpoint.
_Members of commission_.–Mr. T.E. Donne, representative; Mr. Frederick Moorhouse and Mr. Thomas Clarkson, attaches.
When the New Zealand government received the invitation of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition executive to be represented at the World’s Fair the colonial parliament gave the utmost publicity to the proposal and offered to allow any of its business firms a share of the space that was to be placed at its disposal. The tariffs of the United States, however, proved a serious obstacle, as the chief business houses of the young nation failed to see how their interests would be served by advertising in a country which placed a heavy tariff on their goods. However, the executive of the government, recognizing the cordiality of the invitation and with a desire to emphasize its wishes for the closest relationship with the American people, decided to be represented directly by one of its own departments–the department of tourist and health resorts. The chief of that branch of the public service, Mr. T. E. Donne, was therefore authorized to prepare an exhibit setting forth the attractions of New Zealand to tourists and the work the department is doing in that connection. When compiling the exhibit Commissioner Donne represented to his government that it would be advisable also to include a few of the country’s general products, and it therefore extended the original idea in this direction.
In the Department of Forestry, Fish, and Game New Zealand had a unique and tastefully arranged display that attracted keenest interest. A collection of Scotch red deer and fallow deer heads testified to the magnificent hunting that is obtained among the virgin forests of New Zealand, and specimens of trout–rainbow, salmon, fario, and fontinalis–taken from the mountain-fed streams that intersect the country from one end to the other appealed to the fishing enthusiast.
Pictures and paintings around the walls were fascinating in that they served to indicate to visitors the character of a country which nature has blessed, when judged from a point of view of the beautiful and picturesque. Mount Cook, majestically rising to a height of nearly 13,000 feet, was shown in paintings and photographs. Lakes Taupo, Te Anau, Wakatipu, Manawapouri, Waikaremona, and others, whose clear, glassy waters, surrounded by verdure-covered hills, gave some idea of the loveliness of New Zealand lakes. The Wanganui River, Milford Sound, one of the world’s wonderful fiords, and the canyons known as the Otira and Buller gorges were some of the features that interested the visitors.
The thermal districts were chiefly represented by the great Waimangu geyser and its crater, 21/2 acres in extent, which throws up boiling water, mud, and stones to a height of 1,500 feet, claiming a place as one of the “wonders of the world.”
Forestry was represented by beautifully finished ornamental wood and a splendid exhibit of the famous Kauri gum. This gum, which is used principally in the manufacture of varnish, takes an important place among New Zealand products, no less than five million dollars worth being exported last year. Of special interest to ornithologists were the native wingless birds of New Zealand.
The ancient habits of that interesting and progressive race, the Maori, who preceded white people in New Zealand, were shown in some remarkably realistic and unique carvings and paintings. The Maori has long since passed the savage state and has shown his ability to attain the highest stages of modern civilization. The contrast between the position of the Maori in 1840 and in 1904 constitutes a remarkable progress in racial development. Formerly the Maori was a savage, clever and enterprising, but ferocious, cruel, and a cannibal. To-day he tills the soil, speaks English, and sends his children to school and college, where they study for the highest professions, such as medicine, law, teaching, etc. Contact with a highly civilized community has diverted the natural intelligence of the Maori to useful channels, while Christianity has developed the best instincts of a fine race of people. In the to-day the Maori stands side by side with the white man, a welcome comrade in the building of a new nation. Six Maoris occupy positions in the New Zealand legislature, and one is a cabinet minister.
In the Agricultural Building a score of sacks containing wheat, oats, peas, beans, clover, grass seed, etc., paid tribute to the climate and soil of New Zealand. The extreme interest shown by all visitors constituted a very high compliment to the country. The demand by farmers for samples of wheat and oats was great. The attention bestowed by farmers and grain merchants upon the New Zealand grain display had its counterpart in the attitude of women visitors toward the exhibit of woolen rugs and blankets. Its exceptional soil and climate enable the New Zealand farmer to rear sheep with a grade of wool that can seldom be obtained elsewhere. Factories that have been established in the principal cities weave the wool into clothing, rugs, and blankets of an excellent strength and quality. Fleeces, both scoured and greasy, afforded wool experts an opportunity of closely examining the staple in raw material. Other products shown in the Palace of Agriculture were bales of hemp manufactured from New Zealand flax, a very fine sample of hops grown in the Nelson district, rabbit skins packed and ready for export, kegs of tallow, crude petroleum, etc. These served to indicate partially the resources of a wonderfully rich and productive country.
A chief attraction of the New Zealand exhibit was the opportunity it provided Americans for personally interrogating the New Zealand representatives concerning the government of their country. Political economists in America, as in other parts of the world, have in recent years been pointing to New Zealand as a country where a government fulfills its proper functions in caring for the welfare of the whole of the people, where each man and woman takes a recognized and effective part in the making of the laws which govern them, and where high ideals of modern civilization are lived up to.
The Norwegian Storthing (Parliament) on the 20th of January, 1904, failed to pass a bill appropriating funds for Norway’s participation in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Government, however, being aware that there would be some individual exhibitors, decided to accept the invitation from the American authorities to have a commission appointed.
By resolution of the Crown Prince Regent on March 25, Frederick L.M. Waage, vice-consul for Sweden and Norway to St. Louis, was appointed commissioner-general for Norway. No Government appropriation and no money was raised by private subscriptions.
Three individual exhibitors displayed goods:
David Andersen, Christiana, in the Varied Industries Building, silverware and enamel. Cost of exhibit, $40,000; installation, $500, transportation, $800.
Chr. Knag, Bergen, furniture of the old Norwegian style in the east wing of the Fine Arts Building. Cost of exhibit, $3,000; transportation, $125.
Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Dortheim, tapestries, old and new Norwegian patterns and designs by Gerhard Munthe. Cost of exhibit, $10,000; transportation, $35.
Sweden’s participation at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was authorized by the following decree addressed by King Oscar, of Sweden and Norway, to A.R. Akerman, director-general and president of the board of trade, which decree appointed Mr. Akerman commissioner-general to the exposition. The decree gives fully an account of the Swedish participation and was as follows:
Greetings, etc.
Since the President of the United States has invited the governments of other states, including Sweden, to participate in a Universal Exposition in St. Louis, originally intended to be held in 1903, but now being decided to be open during the period from May 1 to December 1, 1904, and we, through gracious proposition, of which a copy is herewith attached, suggested to the Riksdag to appropriate, on an extra budget for 1904, an amount of 120,000 kronor for Sweden’s participation in the art and educational exhibits of the exposition has the Riksdag in a communication of May 22, 1903, with reference to the arrangements of expenses of the State budget, eighth section, communicated the following:
The Riksdag had considered the advisability that Sweden be officially represented at the Universal Exposition in St. Louis 1904, especially as this could be supposed as being in line with the desire of the Swedes residing in the United States and serving to strengthen the ties that still unite them with their Fatherland, and in accordance with the expression of the chief of our ecclesiastic department in the minutes of our ministry had the Riksdag embraced the opinion that the official participation of Sweden should embrace the departments of art and education, in which sections our country seems to have especially good possibilities successfully to compete with the greater countries of culture.
In a letter to the Academy of Fine Arts, incorporated in the minutes of our ministry, the three societies of artists had expressed the desire that from the collections of art belonging to the State works of art should be contributed that might be required in order that the exposition in question should give a complete illustration of the development of art in our country. In consequence of this, the Riksdag had considered it necessary to point out the fact that as it has occurred that works of art contributed from the collection of the States to be exhibited at other places at the return of the same were more or less damaged, and that as in consequence of the transport that would be necessary in this case absolute guarantee for the restitution of these works of art in an undamaged condition could hardly be had, doubts seemed to meet as to such a contribution as had been suggested by the societies of artists.
Calling attention to what has just been pointed out, the Riksdag stated that the Riksdag, with consent to our proposition in question regarding the participation of Sweden in the art and educational departments of the Universal Exposition in St. Louis 1904, had appropriated on an extra budget for the year 1904 the sum of 120,000 kronor.
Having had this presented before us, we have, accepting on Sweden’s behalf the above-mentioned invitation as far as concerns the art and the educational departments of the exposition, resolved to appoint a committee, who is hereby empowered to take all measures necessary for the participation of Sweden in these departments of the exposition and to transact all business belonging to the same which is not of a nature to be submitted to our gracious consideration; and we have appointed you as president of the committee and as members of the same selected the principal of the technical school of Stockholm, Bror Viktor Adler; the inspector of the common schools at Stockholm, Carl Gustaf Bergman; the vice-general consul, Bror Axel Fredrik Georgii; the assistant professor at Ostermalms public secondary school, Stockholm, Nols Gerhard, Eilhelm Lagerstedt, and the superintendent of the art section of the National Museum, Carl Ludvig Loostroem.
We, intending to appoint in the future, on the recommendation of the committee, a commissioner for Sweden at the exposition, herewith empower the committee to appoint a secretary and necessary assistants and in as far as it is found necessary to secure the cooperation of persons whose insight and ability can secure for Sweden a successful and honorable representation at the exposition.
Finally, we authorize the committee to collect after the beginning of 1904, at our exchequer department, the above-mentioned amount appropriated by the Riksdag to be used as demands require for the purpose intended, with the obligation to account for same and with the understanding that the committee assumes the responsibility that this amount under no circumstances is exceeded; and we have ordered the exchequer department to pay from moneys on hand in advance, on requisition and to be deducted from the mentioned appropriation, what is necessary to carry on the work of the committee during the year 1903, not exceeding an amount of 20,000 kronor. Which we herewith communicate for your knowledge and abeyance as far as you are concerned, at the same time as a gracious letter is sent to the exchequer department.
For the representation of Peru at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the Peruvian Government appropriated approximately $100,000. The President of Peru appointed Mr. Alexander Garland, a distinguished Peruvian and noted writer of international and economical matters, commissioner-general. Mr. Garland, it is said, has always been noted in his country as a strong upholder of favorable trade relations with the United States. Mr. Miguel Miro-Queseda, a newspaper man of Peru, was appointed secretary to the commission. Subsequently Mr. Ernest H. Wands, of New York, and Wilfred H. Schoff were appointed commissioners and Mr. Manual C. Velarde secretary.
A variety of samples of cotton and woolen goods manufactured by factories lately established in Peru, at La Victoria, Vitarte, La Providencia, San Jacinto, Malastesta, etc., was displayed in the Peruvian section of the Agriculture Building, together with abundant samples of different qualities of Peruvian cotton. In the same building were exhibited excellent samples of sugar cane from Grande, Cartavio, Roma, and Chiquitoy. Samples of other products of the soil, as cotton, coffee, cacao, cocoa, cocaine, rice, etc., which figure under the exports of Peru, were also exhibited. In the same section were samples of Peruvian maize, white, yellow, and red, at least double the size of the corn raised in other parts of the world, as well as other specimens of the agricultural products of Peru.
The mines section showed the mineral resources of the country. Gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabar, manganese, and all kinds of minerals were represented by a large variety of rich samples. Large blocks of lignite, anthracite, etc., gave an idea of the importance of the coal fields of Peru. Mineral oils, mineral waters, sands from placers, and a variety of salts samples were exhibited demonstrating that Peru is well endowed in minerals. There was also a mineral map of Peru made under the direction of the Sociedad Nacional de Mineria.
The Peruvian section in the Forestry, Fish, and Game Palace had samples of rubber of the Peruvian varieties in large quantities. Samples of wood gave an idea of the inexhaustible amount of raw materials that are contained in the vast forests of Peru, valuable for civil and naval construction and cabinetwork. Barks, resins, nuts, roots, seeds, and leaves for medical use and dyeing and tanning purposes confirmed the richness of Peruvian soil.
_Russian Commission._–Mr. Edward Grunwaldt, executive commissioner; Mr. Jacob Godberg, Mr. Max Berkowitz, Mr. L.A. Robinson.
Russia was at different times invited to participate in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904, but no definite acceptance was received until Mr. Thomas H. Cridler, the foreign representative of the Exposition Company, made a personal visit to the Emperor. His Majesty was heartily in favor of the proposition, and in proof of his good feeling toward the American people, ordered an appropriation of 450,000 rubles be set aside to meet the preliminary expense of the Russian exhibit.
A commissioner-general was appointed. He was instructed to proceed to St. Louis and secure the necessary space for exhibits and a site for Russia’s pavilion.
Committees were appointed for the purpose of collecting exhibits and to look after the work of installation and maintenance.
On the outbreak of the Russia-Japan war it was deemed advisable to withdraw the Government exhibit. This was a cause of considerable concern to the Russian Emperor, who had been anxious to show his appreciation of the friendship that existed between Russia and the United States.
The commissioner-general then made a report that was unfavorable to Russia’s participation at the exposition, and he was then informed through the minister of finance of the withdrawal of Russia as a Government exhibitor.
The question of having Russia represented at the exposition by private exhibitors was then considered. The minister of finance informed Mr. Grunwaldt that the Government would offer no objection to individual participation.
The Exposition Company allotted space to Mr. Grunwaldt in the various buildings. Exhibits were installed in the Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Manufactures, Varied Industries, and Agricultural buildings. The exhibits were very extensive in all the departments.
The entire cost of collecting, transportation, and installation of exhibits, and the maintenance of same, was borne by Mr. Grunwaldt.
While making an extended tour of the United States in 1902, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Siam visited St. Louis and was the guest of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. His entertainment was so generous and his reception throughout the entire country so cordial that he decided to use his influence toward inducing His Siamese Majesty to participate in the exposition of 1904. The plan, consequently, that suggested itself as to the character of Siam’s display was to send to St. Louis the most interesting articles and the best examples of Siamese industries.
The National Siamese Pavilion, a typical specimen of the architecture of the country, was a reproduction of the Wat (or temple), Benchamabopit, now in the course of erection at Bangkok. The plans were closely followed, thus creating a type of Siamese architecture which in itself was an exhibit of interest and instruction. The building cost $25,000.
Within the pavilion were placed many objects from the Royal, Museum, notably a large collection of ancient weapons, drums, cymbals, temple gongs, howdahs, some wonderful examples of mother-of-pearl work, hammered silver of antique designs, old lacquer, enormous elephant tusks, ancient theatrical costumes and properties, and portraits of Their Majesties the King and the Queen and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.
In the Agricultural Building were displayed models of farming implements of all kinds and examples of the agricultural products of the land. Especially noticeable was the large collection of rice, the most important of Siam’s exports.
The exhibit in forestry, fish, and game showed the great variety of woods that grow in Siam, the appliances that are used for fishing, skins of the many wild animals of the country, and a large collection of forest products.
Teak, for which Siam is famous, was shown in a number of ways–cross sections, longitudinal cuts, and portions of the outer surface.
In the Transportation Pavilion were shown models of boats, panniers, and carts, howdahs, a buffalo cart, and a buggy in full size. The boat models were especially interesting. Because of the many navigable rivers and canals a greater part of transportation is by water; consequently a large variety of boats has been evolved to meet the various conditions.
The collection of spinning and weaving appliances in the Manufacturers’ Building was large and instructive. Here, too, were many fine examples of mother-of-pearl work, pottery, hammered silver, and lacquer; also a collection of mats and textiles, both cotton and silk.
In the Mines and Metallurgy Building were displayed samples of the many minerals that are found in the country and models of the appliances used to secure them.
Altogether nearly six thousand individual articles were on exhibition and represented more completely the industries and resources of Siam than has any previous collection. In each State or Province of Siam a local committee was appointed with instructions to gather and forward to Bangkok at least one example of every article produced either for home use or sale. From these consignments a selection was made by the Commission and forwarded to St. Louis. In this way objects representing every section and all the arts and industries were shown. The total cost of the exhibition of the Government of Siam was approximately $120,000.
Although the trade of Siam has developed very rapidly during the past few years, the exhibits sent did not have for their purpose the extension of commerce with this country. The relations between the United States and Siam are most cordial. The latter recently accredited to the United States a minister, and Congress very promptly elevated the rank of the United States representative to that of minister plenipotentiary. Thus when the invitation to participate in the exposition was accepted, prospects of commercial gain were not in contemplation. The one idea was to contribute in every conceivable manner to the attractiveness of the exposition and add to its educational possibilities. The invitation was looked upon by the Siamese Government as a compliment, and the unselfish manner in which its acceptance was shown proved conclusively that the compliment was appreciated.
On the occasion of the exposition there was published by the Commission a richly illustrated book entitled “The Kingdom of Siam.” This work was presented to the educational institutions of this country, to public libraries, and to all persons who were known to be interested in Siam. The book, written by experts, will be an authority for years to come upon Siam, its climate, resources, people, institutions, and industries, and will doubtless supplant the writings of hurrying traveler and transient visitor.
The commissioners appointed by the King of Siam were as follows: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, president. Vice-presidents: His Royal Highness Prince Devawongse Varopakar, minister of foreign affairs; His Royal Highness Prince Mahisra Rajaharudhai, minister of finance; His Excellency Chow Phya Devesra Wongse Vivadhna, minister of agriculture; Mr. A. Cecil Carter, M.A., department of education, secretary-general. Members: His Royal Highness Prince Sanbasiddhi Prasong, His Royal Highness Prince Marubongse Siribadhna, His Highness Prince Vadhana, His Excellency Phya Vorasiddhi Sevivatra, His Excellency Phya Sukhum Nayavinit, His Excellency Phya Amarindra Lujae, His Excellency Phya Surasih Visisth Sakdi, His Excellency Phya Kamheng Songkram, His Excellency Phya Sunthorn Buri, His Excellency Phya Rasda Nupradit, His Excellency Phya Kraibej Ratana Raja Sonkram, His Excellency Phya Vijayadibadi, Phra Phadung-Sulkrit. Prof. James H. Gore, Columbian University, commissioner-general.
The only Spanish exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition were shown in the Agricultural Building. There were but three displays, one being of pure sherry brandy, another of wines, and another of olive oil.
D. Mauricio Mandil was the only exhibitor from Spain, and he had the brandies, wines, and olive oil analyzed by well-known analytical chemists. The brandy exhibit consisted of a pyramid of ten barrels, well finished and varnished, placed on a fancy stand in the center of a well-polished platform, in the corners and sides of which were piled up polished pine cases of pure brandy distilled from sherry wine. On the top box of each pile were pyramids of bottles of different fancy packings artistically located.
The wine exhibit occupied a square 20 feet on each side. It represented a vine in full growth, being 18 feet high. The four corners were the trunks, on which were painted life-size figures of Spanish girls surmounted by the vine, bearing grapes. This square was covered by a silk awning made in the Spanish colors. In the center of the tent and on a platform was located a pyramid 15 feet high, composed of barrels and bottles artistically placed. The wines exhibited were mostly of old vintages, dating as far back as 1809, and among these was a special brand brought to America for the first time, and called Solera Lincoln, it being of the vintage of 1865, the year of Lincoln’s assassination.
The olive-oil exhibit was made by one of the largest exporters of olive oil in the world.
The Imperial Government of Turkey with great regret decided, for financial reasons, not to participate officially in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and therefore no official pavilion was built. The three functionaries appointed for the Turkish commission were instructed to aid and to give advice to private exhibitors only who were Turkish subjects and who could be accommodated in exhibit buildings.
The three officials appointed were Chekib Bey, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the United States, commissioner-general; Dr. Hermann Schoenfeld, consul-general in Washington, associate commissioner-general; George Eli Hall, consul-general in San Francisco, secretary-general of the commission.
The participation of Venezuela in the St. Louis Exposition was authorized in the month of October, 1903, immediately after the end of one of the most sanguinary civil wars known in the history of the country. The following-named gentlemen were appointed as commissioners of the Venezuela Government: Gen. Cipriano Castro, honorary president; Eugenio M. Ambard, commissioner-general; Dr. H. Lameda, attache; H. Meinhard, secretary.
The amount of the Government appropriation was at first $25,000, but this amount was soon exhausted and smaller amounts were subsequently sanctioned for the maintenance, transportation, and installation of exhibits. The total amount of appropriation was $30,000. There was absolutely no private contribution in cash. The approximate value of the exhibits was about $105,000.
Some of the most interesting features of the exhibition were:
First. A collection of over 200 varieties of fibers prepared under different processes and taken from different altitudes. Nearly all were prepared by a machine invented by Dr. J. Lameda, who collected and took the greatest interest in the fiber exhibit. From the coarsest to the finest were to be found among these fibers. The longest was of the musa variety, a coarse fiber which grows to the length of 10 feet. The _Annanassa sativa_, a fine fiber, grows to the length of 5 feet. This was the only collection of the kind at the exposition or which has ever been shown at any other exposition.
Second. The magnificent collection of hard woods from the Government States of Carabobo, Zulia, and Guayana, each comprising over 600 specimens of native logs, woods for cabinetwork, for building construction, lumber, staves, dyewoods, tanning, resinous, oil, rubber, and fragrant woods.
Third. A most unique and complete collection of forest plants, roots, herbs, leaves, barks, seeds, fruits, resins, gums, and dyeing and flavoring materials used by herbalists and pharmacists. These were collected, prepared, and classified by E.M. Ambard.
Fourth. A complete collection of all the minerals and precious stones (uncut) found in South America, prepared, collected, classified, and catalogued by Dr. Louis Plazard, who devoted nearly all his life to this work.
Fifth. A collection of cocoa beans from different regions, which is considered to be one of the best and most nutritious cocoas in the world, and has always obtained a far higher price than any other cocoa; also a collection of coffee from different altitudes, considered by authorities to be of very fine flavor and high grade.
The Venezuela Government had no special building. The exhibits were shown in the various exhibit palaces on the grounds.
The Holy See having been requested to take part in the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, accepted the invitation and sent to St. Louis, Mo., as its commissioner, Mr. Francis Cagiati, of Rome.
The exhibits sent by the Vatican to the fair were phototypical reproductions of the most valuable manuscripts existing in the Vatican Library, as well as some excellent specimens of works in mosaic, manufactured by the Studio del Mosaico Vaticano.
No special building was erected for the Vatican exhibit, but as the special nature of the objects required, the entire exhibit was placed in the Administration Building.
The exhibits sent by the Holy See to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition were as follows:
Copies of valuable manuscripts, codes, and documents from the Vatican Library.
The Roman Virgil (fifth century), the miniatures of the Greek Palatine Balter (twelfth century), the famous Greek Vatican Bible (fourth century), the Vatican Virgil (fifth century), the miniatures of the Bible of the Patricins Leo (tenth century), selected pages from the Papal Letter Book (eleventh century), Papal letters regarding Greenland (ninth century), earliest Papal documents regarding America (sixteenth century), the miniatures of the Ottobonian Pontifical (fifteenth century), the Palmipsett manuscript of the (de republica) of Cicero (fifth century), the ivories of the Christian, Museum of the Vatican Library.
Many phototypical and photographical reproductions of the Borgia rooms, Sistine Chapel, Raphael’s Stanze.
Forty-one different pieces of mosaic work.
The death mask of Leo XIII.
Cast of the right hand of Leo XIII.
Committee on Birmingham district exhibit: Fred M. Jackson, president; J. B. Gibson, secretary; J.A. MacKnight, special representative; Rufus N. Rhodes, Culpepper Exum, F.H. Dixon, George H. Clark.
The legislature of Alabama failed to provide any funds for an exhibit of the resources of that State. A commission which had been appointed by the governor to attend to the business for the State was powerless to act and gave up the undertaking. In consequence of this failure the Commercial Club of Birmingham decided, when it was almost too late to arrange for any kind of an exhibit, to make a display of the State’s mineral resources by means of a fund raised by popular subscription. The actual amount of money raised was approximately $20,000.
After considerable discussion the Commercial Club decided, upon a suggestion made by J.A. Mac Knight, to build a colossal statue of Vulcan, god of fire and metals, in iron. F.M. Jackson, president of the club, and J.B. Gibson, secretary, took a deep interest in the matter, and as a result the work was commenced in October, 1903. Great difficulty was met with in securing the services of a competent sculptor who was willing to build the model for such a statue, which was to be of a height of at least 50 feet. Mr. Mac Knight was appointed special representative of the club to promote this work and finally secured the services of Mr. G. Moretti, a sculptor residing in New York, who undertook to perform the task and to complete it in time for the exposition.
The model of this colossal statue of Vulcan was first built in clay at Passaic, N.J., where Mr. Moretti carried on the work under adverse circumstances and through the zero weather of the winter of 1903-4. It was then cast in plaster of Paris in sections, which were braced and stayed with scantling on the inside of the shell, to be used as patterns in the foundry. The entire model was shipped to Birmingham, Ala., on seven flat cars, its bulk rendering it impossible to put it in box cars. As soon as it reached Birmingham the work of casting the figure in iron was begun in the foundry of the Birmingham Steel and Iron Company.
Mr. Moretti went to Birmingham to keep the patterns in condition during the process of casting, and it was well that he did so, because the extreme cold had frozen the plaster casts before they were dry, rendering them so brittle that many of them were broken in handling, and the head itself was crumbled into a hundred pieces and had to be entirely remodeled.
Iron manufacturers from all parts of the world have said in regard to this statue that it was the most remarkable piece of iron casting they had ever seen. An agent of the Japanese Government was present at Passaic to watch the building of the model, and followed the work to Birmingham to make notes on the methods of casting it in iron. He also went to St. Louis and remained during its erection in the Mines Palace, and made an extended report to his Government on the subject.
The statue was successfully completed and set up in the exposition within three weeks after the day of opening. At the close of the exposition it was taken down and removed to Birmingham, where it is to be set up in a public park. Its height is 56 feet, and its weight a little more than 60 tons. The head was cast in one piece and weighed over 17,000 pounds. There were 20 casts in all, including the anvil and anvil block. The statue, which was intended to show forth the colossal iron deposits of Alabama, representing primitive man at the time he discovered the method of hardening iron into steel. Vulcan held aloft in his right hand the finished spearhead as a result of his knowledge and handicraft. It is the largest cast statue in the world, and it could not be duplicated for less than $40,000.
The space occupied by the exhibit collected and installed by the Commercial Club was 62 by 32 feet on the south side of the Mines Building, and contained approximately 2,000 square feet. The statue of Vulcan stood in the center of one side of the space facing the center of the Mines Palace. It was placed on a platform built upon nine heavy piles, which were driven to bedrock. The figure was perfectly poised when set up, but as an additional safeguard anchor bars were run down through the legs and through a heavy timber, which was bolted to the piles. These passed through plates on the inside of the timber and were screwed up tight. The rest of the space was occupied by a complete exhibit of raw mineral products from all parts of Alabama and especially iron and coal from the Birmingham district. The raw materials embraced the following: Brown hematite iron ore, soft red ore, hard red ore, bituminous coals, building stone, gray iron, limestone, dolomite, kaolin, clays, cement rocks, gold ores, copper ore, lignite, and glass sand, and a long list of other minerals which have not been developed. The products of coal and iron were coke and pig iron. The finished products were as follows: Open-hearth steel rails, bar and angle iron, car wheels, bar steel, steel plate, sewer pipe, and vitrified brick. This entire exhibit was displayed in an attractive manner and was the object of a great deal of comment by visitors to the exposition and by newspapers throughout the country and Europe.
A display of Alabama marble was made in the form of a head of Christ, which was carved by Moretti, while he was at work on the Vulcan statue at Birmingham. This marble is of exceedingly fineness and whiteness. Moretti gave it as his opinion that this marble is equal to the best Carara or Parian marbles, and it is believed that the making of this exhibit will lead to the development of the marble deposits of Alabama, which are believed to be very extensive and of superior quality. The raw materials displayed offer to capital and enterprise a number of splendid opportunities. The glass sands are probably destined to place Alabama in the front rank in glass making in the future, while the following resources were displayed in such abundance and were of such excellent quality as to offer the greatest inducements to capital and skill:
An exhibit of porcelain clays and kaolins, which should lead to the establishment of the manufacture of all kinds of crockery and pottery ware near these deposits.
The cement rocks, which formed a principal part of the exhibit, have already attracted capital, and Portland cement of the highest quality is now being manufactured to a limited extent. Large industries in this line are to be located near these deposits, which are among the finest in the world and in inexhaustible quantity.
The beds of lignite, of which samples were on exhibition, are said to be of very superior quality. No artificial binder is required to make this material up into briquettes for fuel. It is understood that very profitable enterprises in this line are to be built up near these deposits.
The marble deposits, gold and copper ores, and other mineral deposits were sufficiently exhibited to warrant the assertion that they were worthy of the fullest investigation. The large deposits of low-grade gold ore in the eastern part of Alabama, according to exhibitors, will undoubtedly prove immensely profitable to anyone who may establish a system to extract the gold economically.
Owing to the failure of the State to make an exhibit, the authorities of the exposition recognized the Birmingham committee as the State commission of Alabama and extended to them the courtesies due to a State commissioner. The exhibit was maintained through the period of the exposition, and many thousands of souvenirs of the great statue of Vulcan were sold at the exhibit. An electric picture machine was installed, which gave a large series of moving pictures representing the scenery and life of the Birmingham district. The business of the exhibit was under the direction of J.A. MacKnight, of Birmingham, throughout the exposition, and he had his office at the exhibit.
Members of the Alaska commission.–Thomas Ryan, First Assistant Secretary of the Interior, chairman; Governor John F. Brady executive commissioner; Joseph B. Marvin, resident representative; Mrs. Mary E. Hart, hostess. Honorary commissioners: M.E. Martin, mayor of Ketchikan; Peter Jensen, mayor of Wrangell; O.H. Adsit, mayor of Juneau; Frank Bach, mayor of Douglas; John Goodell, mayor of Valdez; L.S. Keller, mayor of Skagway; D.B. Miller, mayor of Eagle City; W.H. Bard, ex-mayor of Nome; Anthony Tubbs, mayor of Treadwell; H.P. King, mayor of Nome.
The district of Alaska appeared at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition as an exhibitor in a national exposition for the first time. The conception of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and its plans were presented for the consideration of the Congress of the United States at a time when the reports of the committees of Congress sent to Alaska to investigate its resources and needs had aroused the Congress to the duty of enacting legislation for the development of this great region. In appropriating the large sum of $50,000 for an Alaska Building and an Alaska exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition it was the purpose of Congress to afford an object lesson as a means of education to the millions of people who should attend the exposition as to the extent and resources of this country or territory. The sequel showed that the money was wisely expended, as the Alaska exhibit had the distinction of being regarded by the thousand of its visitors as forming one of the most interesting, instructive, an surprising exhibits shown at the great World’s Fair.
When the United States, thirty-seven years ago, paid to Russia the sum of $7,200,000 for the almost unknown territory of Alaska, the purchase was not generally approved; and even members of Congress denounced it, regarding the acquisition as a region of icebergs and glaciers. Later, when gold was discovered in Alaska, the region was regarded as being one of ice and almost inaccessible gold, and few had the hardihood to venture within its precincts, even with the possibility of finding gold as an inducement for the venture.
Still later, after the reports of the Revenue-Cutter Service and the recognizances of army officers and naval commanders, the United States Geological Survey sent men into Alaska to investigate its resources. The Department of Agriculture tested its capacity for agriculture, the Bureau of Education established schools and introduced reindeer from Siberia, the Signal Service began to build telegraph lines and to inspect the country as to the availability of its rivers and harbors for navigation, and it became known by the Government that Alaska was richer in resources by far than had been supposed. This knowledge was not common to the public, and emigration to that region was tardy.
The United States could hardly have done more for the furtherance of the development of the great rich district of Alaska, with its untold wealth in minerals and its great possibilities in agriculture, than it did by securing to the people of Alaska an opportunity to display their resources and products to the inspection of the millions who have visited the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The exhibits shown by them excited the utmost wonder and surprise in the minds of many witnessing them, who had been in ignorance of the resources of their country. Thousands have been led to investigate and seek further information. The effect of the Alaska exhibit will undoubtedly be far-reaching and permanent; nor can it be doubted that Congress will supplement this contribution to Alaska’s welfare in the near future by legislation which shall secure the one great need of Alaska–inland transportation.
An appropriation of $50,000 for the Alaskan exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was made by act of Congress March 3, 1903, as follows:
To enable the inhabitants of the district of Alaska to provide and maintain an appropriate and creditable exhibit of the products and resources of that district at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, in nineteen hundred and four, and to erect and maintain on the site of said exposition a suitable building to be used for the purposes of exhibiting the products and resources of said district, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be subject to the order of the Secretary of the Interior, who is hereby authorized to expend the same in such manner as in his judgment will best promote the objects for which said sum is appropriated in accordance with the rules and regulations to be prescribed by him.
After the passage of the act of Congress which made appropriation for the Alaska exhibit, providing that the sum appropriated should be expended by the Secretary of the Interior in such manner as in his judgment would promote the objects for which the sum was appropriated, in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by him, one of his first acts was the appointment of Hon. Thomas Ryan, First Assistant Secretary of the Interior, chairman of the Alaska commission, to have immediate charge at the Department of the elaboration of the exhibit. Later Governor John G. Brady was appointed executive commissioner, and entered upon the task of gathering together and forwarding to the exposition such collections of exhibits as would best represent and illustrate the products and resources of Alaska.
Still later Mr. Joseph B. Marvin was appointed special agent of the Alaska exhibit and was sent to St. Louis in December, 1903, to superintend the construction of the Alaska Building, to attend to all accounts with the Department, and to arrange for the installation of the exhibits as they arrive.
Mrs. Mary E. Hart was employed January 1, 1904, to assist in the securing of the exhibits in Alaska, especially in the Department of Education, and upon the opening of the exposition Mrs. Hart was directed to proceed to St. Louis, where she was designated as hostess and placed in charge of the bureau of information in the Alaska Building. At the same time attendants were selected, whose duty it was to explain the exhibits to visitors.
The executive commissioner, the honorary commissioners, the hostess, all of the attendants, and those employed in collecting exhibits in Alaska were all Alaskans, the attendants being especially selected because of their acquaintance with Alaska and its products.
It was the desire of the executive commissioner that the utmost hospitality should be shown to all visitors at the Alaska Building, and the commodious and homelike parlors on the second floor of the building were free to the public, maids being employed for special attention to the wants of ladies and children.
The principal exhibits in the Alaska Building related naturally to the mining interest of the country.
One of the most impressive and significant exhibits was a gilded cube, about 3 feet in diameter, representing the size of a block of gold worth $7,200,000, which was the amount paid by the United States to Russia for Alaska, and beside it, inclosed in a brass railing, a gilded pyramid of blocks representing the amount of gold taken each year since 1882 from the Treadwell mine in Alaska, aggregating $21,800,000, a sum which is three times the amount paid for Alaska taken from one mine.
The ore exhibit, especially of gold and copper ores, was very large, filling a glass case 75 feet long and 5 feet high. These ores were collected by an expert mineralogist employed by the Alaska commission, and included specimens from nearly all the mines in Alaska.
Following is a list of exhibits, showing the principal industries the country, as displayed throughout the building: Marble, canned goods, furs, coal, oils, guano, vegetables and fruit, Indian basketry and curios, and mounted specimens of game and fish.
An interesting exhibit of Alaskan ethnology was made, twenty totem poles and two native houses and one war canoe being located about the building. The totem poles came from different places on Prince of Wales Island and from two different tribes. At an old village called Tuxekan four were obtained. These represented the totem or heraldic sign of each family, and the back part of the totem was excavated to receive the charred bones of friends and ancestors of the man who raised it. The Thlingits were in the habit of burning their dead, but carefully preserved all the charred embers from the funeral pile. These totem poles were always erected on great occasions, and the bones were usually carefully wrapped in a new blanket and incased in the back part of the totem.
The Commission was fortunate in securing for the exhibit a fine collection of samples of grains raised at the experiment stations at Alaska, consisting of the grains in the straw and thrashed grains, including wheat, rye, barley, and oats. These samples were handsomely displayed, some of the grains and straw being tastefully arranged on the walls, covering a space 10 by 40 feet, and the balance in a pyramid some 10 feet high and 8 feet in diameter. The thrashed grains were displayed in glass jars. The grasses were shown in bales of hay. The display of cereals and grasses was one of the most important, instructive, and surprising to visitors of any display in the Alaska Building, for it demonstrated the fact that agriculture is possible in Alaska, and seekers of the treasures of the mines may always feel sure of subsistence.
Arizona commission.–A.J. Doran, chairman; B.F. Packard, treasurer; H.B. St. Claire, secretary; Mrs. J.A. Black, commissioner; R.N. Leatherwood, superintendent of exhibits.
The Arizona Building stood near the southeast entrance of the grounds. Its architecture was Spanish, belonging to the sixteenth century. It contained seven rooms, elegantly furnished and decorated. The cost of the building was approximately $5,000. During the exposition period a large amount of literature descriptive of the Territory and its various resources was distributed.
The exhibits in the Arizona State Building other than those placed therein by the board of managers were a prehistoric collection loaned by Mrs. M. Aguria, of Tucson, Ariz., valued at $5,000; an oil painting of a mountain scene in southern Arizona, loaned by Mr. A.J. Scofield and valued at $4,000; a collection of Indian baskets, rugs, and blankets (Navaho), valued at $600; an exhibit of cactus picture frames, loaned by F.E. White, of Florence, Ariz., valued at $250.
The Territory made exhibits in the departments of Mines and Metallurgy, Education, Agriculture and Horticulture. The exhibit in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy occupied a space of 80 feet frontage by 20 feet in depth. In all, nearly 300 mines were represented by characteristic ores showing actual values rather than specimens, including in nearly every exhibit the inclosing and country rocks in which the vein matter occurred. These exhibits were arranged in two tiers, running the full length of the space, each mine having its distinctive ore placed on wooden mounts, appropriately labeled, giving the county, district, owner, name and character of ore, and its value per ton in gold, silver, copper, or lead. The exhibit also showed free gold, native silver, native copper, copper bars, lead-silver bars, copper ingots, onyx (rough and polished), marble (rough and polished) building stone of various kinds, lithographic stone, petrified wood in rough and polish, meteoric iron, etc.; also photographic views of many of the mines, mills, reduction works, and localities from which the exhibits were taken. The value of the exhibit was approximately $20,000 and the cost of installation $1,900.
The educational exhibit in the Education and Social Economy Building represented the school work of the Territory from the kindergarten to the academic grade, showing the educational system and the progress made in Arizona. The value of the exhibit was approximately $2,500 and the cost of installation $750.
The agricultural exhibit in the Agricultural Building showed the various products of the soil of the Territory. Wheat, oats, barley, corn, Kaffir corn, sorghum, millet, alfalfa seed, alfalfa, hay, vegetables, olives, olive oil, preserved fruits, dates, etc., were displayed The exhibit cost approximately $875. The cost of installation was $1,500.
In the Horticultural Building there were maintained throughout the fair from 130 to 160 plates on the table, which held the following: Valencia late oranges, Washington navel oranges, Mediterranean sweets, lemons, limes, grape fruit, citronella, tangarines, grapes, plums, quinces, apricots, plum grabites, pears, cantaloupes, melons, olives, olive oil, pickled olives, etc. The value of the exhibit was approximately $2,500 and the cost of installation $950.
The amount appropriated by the legislative act for the participation of Arizona was $30,000 in bonds, which were sold for 7 per cent. premium, thus making available from that source $32,000. No other funds from any source came into the hands of the board of managers.
_Members of Arkansas commission_.–George R. Belding, president; J.C. Rembert, secretary; Thomas W. Milan, manager; George T. Lake; John P. Logan, superintendent horticultural department; A.H. Purdue, superintendent mines; H.T. Bradford, agriculture department; Miss Lizzie Cage, assistant lady manager.
In May, 1901, the legislature of the State of Arkansas enacted a bill appropriating the sum of $30,000 for the erection and maintenance of a State building at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and for the installation and maintenance of the exhibits of the State. Subsequently, in 1903, the State legislature appropriated a further sum of $50,000 for the purpose of the State exhibit. There were no private subscriptions, the entire cost of the State building and maintenance thereof being borne by the State appropriation.
The cost of the installation and transportation of the different exhibits made by the commission was $18,102, besides the cost of returning the exhibits.
The Arkansas Pavilion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was a fine specimen of Georgian architecture, of the type so much used throughout the South in antebellum times. The adaptation of the colonial features to the purpose for which the building was used was most admirable. The location, with its foreground of grass and forest trees, produced an effect suggesting age and permanency that few buildings on the ground possessed. In fact, on coming upon the building unexpectedly, one would presume that it had occupied its site for two generations at least. The building was arranged for the entertainment of the Arkansans visiting the fair, and served the purpose of a clubhouse and general headquarters for thousands of people.
The principal feature of the plan of the building was the large reception hall in the center, connecting through wide openings two reception rooms, one on either side, and an exhibit room in the rear. On this floor there were also four smaller rooms used as commissioners’ headquarters, manager’s office, post-office, and lady manager’s headquarters; also wide hallways at right angles to the principal axis of the building.
The second story of the building contained the library, auditorium, headquarters of the State Bankers’ Association, and ladies’ parlor, four sleeping rooms, together with the general toilet rooms.
The three exterior porticos were connected with wide terraces, affording over 3,000 square feet of floor space. The building was constructed entirely of Arkansas timber, and was designed by Frank W. Gibb, A.I.A. A., architect, Little Rock, Ark., and constructed at a cost of $19,944.05.
At the conclusion of the fair the building was sold to a citizen of Arkansas, where it is to be reerected as a residence.
In the building were exhibited many handsome pieces of art and fancywork, burnt-wood plaques and panels, china work, a large silk map of the United States, showing States, rivers, railroads, principal towns, etc.; oil paintings, pictures, and portraits, and miscellaneous exhibits.
In the main exhibit hall of the building was a composite exhibit made by the land department of the Iron Mountain Railroad, consisting of a collection of minerals found in the State, samples of the various woods of the State, a wooden library of seventy-five volumes, each book being made of a different kind of Arkansas wood, paintings and pictures of Arkansas scenes, and a historic clock made in Germany in 1763 for the Duke of Saxony, and samples of mineral waters of Montgomery County.
The Arkansas State commission maintained five exhibits in the exhibition palaces, viz, Agriculture, approximate value, $7,500; Horticulture, approximate value, $9,300; Forestry, approximate value, $3,500; Mines and Metallurgy, approximate value, $6,500; Education, approximate value, $3,600. In addition to these State exhibits, the city of Hot Springs maintained in the Government Building a unique exhibit in the nature of a cave or grotto made of quartz, crystals.
_Members of California commission_.–Frank Wiggins; J. A Filcher; George A. Dennison, secretary; Lewis E. Auburg, chief department of mining; George C. Roeding, chief department of horticulture; W.H. Mills, chief department of forestry; Robert Furlong, chief department of education.
On March 25, 1903, the legislature of the State of California passed a bill appropriating the sum of $130,000 for the purpose of adequately exploiting California’s resources and progress at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and providing for two commissioners–one to have had one year’s residence in the southern half of the State; both to have had experience in installing and managing exhibits at former, expositions. In addition to this appropriation, there was about $120,000 raised by the various counties of the State for exclusive county displays to be installed in the Agricultural Building. These displays were intended to set forth the possibilities of California in an agricultural and horticultural way. The cost of installation of said features was about $40,000. The transportation of all the exhibits, including those of the counties, which were paid by the State, amounted to, approximately, $15,000.
The California State Building was located on “The Trail” in the vicinity of the buildings erected by Georgia and other Southern States, and was always an object of interest to sightseers at the fair. The pavilion was built after the Mission style of architecture, modeled after the houses in which the old Spanish settlers in California used to live. The front of the building was an exact copy in reduced proportions of the Mission at Santa Barbara, which was erected by the Franciscan monks in 1786. The pavilion contained no special exhibits, but its furnishings and decorations were entirely of Californian material, manufactured by Californian labor. The cost of the building complete was about $17,000, the balance of the appropriation by the State being consumed in the collection of the exhibit, its maintenance, and in general demonstration.
In the Forestry Pavilion California showed altogether 73 varieties of commercial and cabinet woods. A separate exhibit in the same place displayed an exhibit of the fish and game of the State. Just outside of the building there was an exhibit of forestry containing five logs, or timbers, which were too heavy to be placed on the Exhibition Building floor.
In the Agricultural Building the State made a distinctive feature of wine, dried fruits, canned fruit, processed vegetables, honey, hay, hops, canned fish, seeds and cereals, grasses and vegetable fibers, etc. A facade was erected in this department and decorated most artistically. The counties made separate displays. Altogether 23,300 feet of space was occupied by the State in agriculture, exclusive of aisles.
In the Horticultural Building the State occupied 9,000 square feet of space and made a strong showing of processed fruits, fresh fruits, nuts, and a panoramic scene illustrating methods of orchard irrigation. There was also shown a cabinet containing the insects that prey on California orchards, and their parasites.
An operating mill and concentrators were displayed in the Mining Gulch, and in the Palace of Mines the State occupied 5,200 feet of floor space with an exhibit showing all the commercial minerals of California. Altogether there were forty-odd varieties.
In education a strong showing of the university work was made in one of the alcoves, 40 by 40 feet, and 2,000 feet of floor space was occupied for the general artistic exhibit of school work from the kindergarten to the high school. This was inclosed within a characteristic facade of California redwood, finished in natural color.
A handsome display was a butter feature in the refrigeration department of agriculture with a beautiful modeled goddess of California, draped in fruits. Incubators were shown in the proper department, and on the grounds and in the conservatory were exhibited about 600 rare plants and shrubs and some tropical fruit trees.
The Colorado legislature of 1901 appropriated $50,000 for the purpose of making a display of Colorado products and resources at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and provided for the appointment by the governor of the State of a board of five commissioners, of which the governor should be a member and ex officio president. In 1903 an additional $100,000 was appropriated and the board was increased from five to seven members.
The following-named persons composed the Colorado commission:
Governor James H. Peabody, president; T.J. O’Donnell, vice-president; Paul Wilson, commissioner in chief; I.N. Stevens, secretary; Harry Cassady, treasurer; Mrs. Lionel Rose Anthony; William F. Sperry; John A. Wayne, assistant to commissioner in chief; Maria W. Stewart, assistant treasurer.
The appropriation by the legislature of 1903 unfortunately was placed in the fifth-class appropriation, and not all of the sum was available for the use of the board; but by arrangement of other departments of the State government and with the State institutions of Colorado $80,000 of the $100,000 was made available for the State’s participation in the exposition.
The work of the board was divided into six departments, all under the direction of Commissioner in Chief Paul Wilson, as follows:
Mining Department, Mr. I.N. Stevens, chairman; Horticultural Department, Mr. Paul Wilson, chairman; Agricultural Department, Mr. Harry Cassady, chairman; Educational Department, Mrs. I.R. Anthony, chairman; Forestry, Fish, and Game Department, Mr. T.J. O’Donnell, chairman; Fine Arts Department, Mr. W.F. Sperry chairman.
The exhibits of the resources of the State were collected from every portion of the State in these various departments.
The value of the mining exhibit placed by the State of Colorado on exhibition in St. Louis was $500,000; the value of the agricultural exhibit, $10,000; horticultural exhibit, $8,000; educational exhibit, $15,000; forestry, fish, and game exhibit, $7,500.
The approximate cost of installing and caring for these exhibits was as follows:
Mining Department …………………… $25,000 Horticultural Department …………….. 10,000 Agricultural Department ……………… 15,000 Educational Department ………………. 12,000 Forestry, Fish, and Game Department …… 10,000
The legislature of Connecticut appropriated $100,000 for the participation of that State at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The following commissioners were appointed by the governor of Connecticut, according to an act of the legislature passed April 2, 1903:
Frank L. Wilcox, president: Charles Phelps, vice-president; J.A. Vail, secretary-treasurer; Edgar J. Dolittle, Isaac W. Birdseye, Phelps Montgomery, Mrs. Louis R. Cheney, Mrs. George H. Knight, Miss Anne H. Chappell. National commissioners: Frederick Betts, Mrs. John M. Holcombe. Resident commissioner, Hobart Brinsmade.
The Connecticut State Building was intended to represent colonial design. In its main exterior features it was a replica of the Sigourney mansion in Hartford, built about 1820 by Charles Sigourney, whose wife Lydia Huntley Sigourney, was highly regarded as a poet in her time. In later years it was the home of Lieut. Governor Julius Catlin. The architect of the Connecticut building was Edward T. Hapgood, of Hartford. The interior plan was designed to combine colonial ideas with modern requirements, which were carried out to such extent as to make it one of the most attractive and homelike structures on the exposition grounds. It was erected by The H. Wales Lines Company, of Meriden, Conn., at a cost of about $31,000, and official inspectors pronounced it the best-built edifice at the exposition. The walls of the rooms on the first floor and the upper hall were hung with five different designs of exquisite silk tapestry, the gift of the Cheney Brothers, of South Manchester. These added a “finishing touch” that found no comparison elsewhere on the grounds. The furnishing of the building was in excellent harmony with its colonial design. Highboys and lowboys, Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Windsor chairs, Sheraton and thousand-legged tables, flax wheels and warming pans were associated with canopied high-post bedsteads, while corner cupboards revealed rare copper-luster china of almost untold value. As a colonial exhibit it was unique, and had it been entered in competition for reward would most surely have been given the grand prize. The souvenir catalogue issued by the Connecticut commission contains a list of 514 articles, most of them loaned from various Connecticut homesteads. The catalogue also contains a list of oil paintings and water colors, all by Connecticut artists, which embellished the walls of the building, the selection being made by Charles Noel Flagg, of Hartford, chosen by the commission for that service.
The collective exhibits of Connecticut were in the following-named departments: Education, farm products, tobacco, dairy, horticulture (including pomology), herbarium, public parks and residential grounds (photographs), and shellfish. The grounds surrounding the Connecticut Building form part of the State horticultural exhibit.
On account of the limited appropriation it was necessary to abandon the live exhibit of Connecticut in the Fish and Game Building. With the limited amount of stock which the oystermen had, owing to the lack of “set” for a number of years, they considered it a detriment to advertise, and it was only through a regard for the commission that any of the larger cultivators would contribute to the exhibit.
The exhibit was advantageously placed in the center of the Forest, Fish, and Game Building and attracted a great deal of attention from visitors and will undoubtedly prove of material advantage to an immense State industry.
On one side of the booth the strictly State exhibit was placed, showing in the cases the oysters of all ages, their enemies, and various curiosities in growth and development. Over the cases were maps of the oyster grounds, with photographs showing the oyster houses, docks, and steamers. On the opposite side were individual displays of several of the larger cultivators.
Connecticut made a good display. Fifty-eight different specimens of nuts attracted much attention, many of the varieties shown now growing in the West and South, and being seen for the first time by many of the visitors.
Much interest was manifested in flint (Yankee) corn, as it was called by people of the West and South, and many samples were given to people from all parts of the United States and to some from foreign countries.
Samples of grass taken from a field yielding 121 tons to the acre far surpassed any yield of alfalfa claimed from the rich soil of California