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sea, that King Yucef, the son of the Miramamolin, who dwelt in Morocco, was coming to lay siege unto Valencia with fifty thousand men. When the Cid heard this he gave command to store all his Castles, and had them well repaired. And he had the walls of the city prepared, and stored it well with food and with all things needful for war, and gathered together a great power of Christians and of the Moors of his seignory. Hardly had he done this before he heard that Yucef was near at hand, and coming as fast as he could come. Then the Cid assembled together the Christians in the Alcazar, and when they were assembled, he rose upon his feet and said, Friends and kinsmen and vassals, praised be God and holy Mary Mother, all the good which I have in the world I have here in Valencia; with hard labour I won the city, and hold it for my heritage, and for nothing less than death will I leave it. My daughters and my wife shall see me fight, they shall see with their own eyes our manner of living in this land, and how we get our bread. We will go out against the Moors and give them battle, and God who hath thus far shown favour unto us will still continue to be our helper. When they heard this they cried out with one accord that they would do his bidding, and go out with him and fight under his banner, for certain they were that by his good fortune the Moors would be overthrown.

XVIII. On the morrow the Cid took Dona Ximena by the hand, and her daughters with her, and made them go up upon the highest tower of the Alcazar, and they looked toward the sea and saw the great power of the Moors, how they came on and drew nigh, and began to pitch their tents round about Valencia, beating their tambours and with great uproar. And Ximena’s heart failed her, and she asked the Cid if peradventure God would deliver him from these enemies. Fear not, honoured woman, said he; you are but lately arrived, and they come to bring you a present, which shall help marry your daughters. Fear not, for you shall see me fight by the help of God and holy Mary Mother; my heart kindles because you are here! The more Moors the more gain! The tambours sounded now with a great alarum, and the sun was shining. Cheer up, said my Cid; this is a glorious day. But Ximena was seized with such fear as if her heart would have broken; she and her daughters had never been in such fear since the day that they were born. Then the good Cid Campeador stroked his beard and said, Fear not, all this is for your good. Before fifteen days are over, if it please God, those tambours shall be laid before you, and shall be sounded for your pleasure, and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo, that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary, Mother of God. This vow the Cid Campeador made. Now the Moors began to enter the gardens which were round about the town, and the watchman saw them and struck the bell. My Cid looked back and saw Alvar Salvadores beside him, and he said, go now, take two hundred horse, and sally upon yonder Moors who are entering the gardens; let Dona Xiraena and her daughters see the good will you have to serve them. Down went Alvar Salvadores in great haste, and ordered a bell to be rung which was a signal for two hundred knights to make ready; for the history saith, that the Cid, by reason that he was alway in war, had appointed, such signals for his people, that they knew when one hundred were called for, and when two, and so forth. Presently they were ready at the place of meeting, and the gate was opened which was nearest the gardens where the Moors had entered, without order; and they fell fiercely upon them, smiting and slaying. Great was the pleasure of the Cid at seeing how well they behaved themselves. And Dona Ximena and her daughters stood trembling, like women who had never seen such things before: and when the Cid saw it he made them seat themselves, so as no longer to behold it. Great liking had the Bishop Don Hieronymo to see how bravely they fought. Alvar Salvadores and his companions bestirred themselves so well that they drove the enemy to their tents, making great mortality among them, and then they turned back, whereat my Cid was well pleased; but Alvar Salvadores went on, hacking and hewing all before him, for he thought the ladies were looking on, and he pressed forward so far, that being without succour he was taken. The others returned to the city, falling back in brave order till they were out of reach of the enemy: and they had done no little in that exploit, for they slew above two hundred and fifty Moors. When my Cid saw that they who eat his bread were returned, he went down from the tower, and received them right well, and praised them for what they had done like good knights: howbeit he was full sorrowful for Alvar Salvadores that he should be in the hands of the Moors, but he trusted in God that he should deliver him on the morrow.

XIX. And the Cid assembled his chief captains and knights and people, and said unto them, Kinsmen and friends and vassals, hear me: to-day has been a good day, and to-morrow shall be a better. Be you all armed and ready in the dark of the morning; mass shall be said, and the Bishop Don Hieronymo will give us absolution, and then we will to horse, and out and smite them in the name of the Creator and of the Apostle Santiago. It is fitter that we should live than that they should gather in the fruits of this land. But let us take counsel in what manner we may go forth, so as to receive least hurt, for they are a mighty power, and we can only defeat them by great mastery in war. When Alvar Fanez Minaya heard this, he answered and said, Praised be God and your good fortune, you have achieved greater things than this, and I trust in God’s mercy that you will achieve this also. Give me three hundred horse, and we will go out when the first cock crows, and put ourselves in ambush in the valley of Albuhera; and when you have joined battle we will issue out and fall upon them on the other side, and on one side or the other God will help us. Well was the Cid pleased with this counsel, and he said that it should be so; and he bade them feed their horses in time and sup early, and as soon as it was cock-crow come to the Church of St. Pedro, and hear mass, and shrive themselves, and communicate, and then take horse in the name of the Trinity, that the soul of him who should die in the business might go without let to God.

XX. Day is gone, and night is come. At cock-crow they all assembled together in the Church of St. Pedro, and the Bishop Don Hieronymo sung mass, and they were shriven and assoyled, and howselled. Great was the absolution which the Bishop gave them: He who shall die, said he, fighting face forward, I will take his sins, and God shall have his soul. Then said he, A boon, Cid Don Rodrigo; I have sung mass to you this morning: let me have the giving the first wounds in this battle! and the Cid granted him this boon in the name of God. Then being all ready they went out through the gate which is called the Gate of the Snake, for the greatest power of the Moors was on that side, leaving good men to guard the gates. Alvar Fanez and his company were already gone forth, and had laid their ambush. Four thousand, lacking thirty, were they who went out with my Cid, with a good will, to attack fifty thousand. They went through all the narrow places, and bad passes, and leaving the ambush on the left, struck to the right hand, so as to get the Moors between them and the town. And the Cid put his battles in good array, and bade Pero Bermudez bear his banner. When the Moors saw this they were greatly amazed; and they harnessed themselves in great haste, and came out of their tents. Then the Cid bade his banner move on, and the Bishop Don Hieronymo pricked forward with his company, and laid on with such guise, that the hosts were soon mingled together. Then might you have seen many a horse running about the field with the saddle under his belly, and many a horseman in evil plight upon the ground. Great was the smiting and slaying in short time; but by reason that the Moors were so great a number, they bore hard upon the Christians, and were in the hour of overcoming them. And the Cid began, to encourage them with a loud voice, shouting God and Santiago! And Alvar Fanez at this time issued out from ambush, and fell upon them, on the side which was nearest the sea; and the Moors thought that a great power had arrived to the Cid’s succour, and they were dismayed, and began to fly. And the Cid and his people pursued, punishing them in a bad way. If we should wish to tell you how every one behaved himself in this battle, it is a thing which could not be done, for all did so well that no man can relate their feats. And the Cid Ruydiez did go well, and made such mortality among the Moors, that the blood ran from his wrist to his elbow! great pleasure had he in his horse Bavieca that day, to find himself so well mounted. And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef, and smote him three times: but the King escaped from under the sword, for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course, and when he turned, the King being on a fleet horse, was far off, so that he might not be overtaken; and he got into a Castle called Guyera, for so far did the Christians pursue them, smiting and slaying, and giving them no respite, so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were. They who were in the ships, when they saw this great overthrow, fled to Denia.

XXI. Then the Cid and his people returned to the field and began to plunder the tents. And the spoil was so great that there was no end to the riches, in gold and in silver, and in horses and arms, so that men knew not what to leave and what to take. And they found one tent which had been King Yucef’s; never man saw so noble a thing as that tent was; and there were great riches therein, and there also did they find Alvar Salvadores, who had been made prisoner the yesterday, as ye have heard. Greatly did the Cid rejoice when he saw him alive and sound, and he ordered his chains to be taken off; and then he left Alvar Fanez to look to the spoil, and went into Valencia with a hundred knights. His wrinkled brow was seen, for he had taken off his helmet, and in this manner he entered, upon Bavieca, sword in hand. Great joy had Dona Ximena and her daughters, who were awaiting him, when they saw him come riding in; and he stopt when he came to them, and said, Great honour have I won for you, while you kept Valencia this day! God and the Saints have sent us goodly gain, upon your coming. Look, with a bloody sword, and a horse all sweat, this is the way that we conquer the Moors! Pray God that I may live yet awhile for your sakes, and you shall enter into great honour, and they shall kiss your hands. Then my Cid alighted when he had said this, and the ladies knelt down before him, and kissed his hand, and wished him long life. Then they entered the Palace with him, and took their seats upon the precious benches. Wife Dona Ximena, said he, these damsels who have served you so well, I will give in marriage to these my vassals, and to every one of them two hundred marks of silver, that it may be known in Castille what they have got by their services. Your daughters’marriage will come in time. And they all rose and kissed his hand: and great was the joy in the Palace, and it was done according as the Cid had said.

XXII. Alvar Fanez this while was in the field writing and taking account of the spoil: but the tents and arms and precious garments were so many that they cannot be told, and the horses were beyond all reckoning; they ran about the field, and there was no body to take them, and the Moors of the land got something by that great overthrow. Nevertheless so many horses were taken that the Campeador had to his share of the good ones a thousand and five hundred. Well might the others have good store when he had so many. And my Cid won in this battle from King Yucef, his good sword Tizona, which is to say, the firebrand. The tent of the King of Morocco, which was supported by two pillars wrought with gold, he gave order not to be touched, for he would send it to Alfonso the Castillian. The Bishop Don Hieronymo, that perfect one with the shaven crown, he had his fill in that battle, fighting with both hands; no one could tell how many he slew. Great booty came to him, and moreover the Cid sent him the tithe of his fifth. Glad were the Christian folk in Valencia for the great booty which they had gotten, and glad was Dona Ximena and her daughters, and glad were all those ladies who were married.

XXIII. King Yucef, after the pursuit was given over, and he saw that he might come forth from the Castle, fled to Denia, and embarked in his ships, and returned to Morocco. And thinking every day how badly he had sped, and how he had been conquered by so few, and how many of his people he had lost, he fell sick and died. But before he died he besought his brother, who was called Bucar, that for the tie there was between them, he would take vengeance for the dishonour which he had received from the Cid Campeador before Valencia; and Bucar promised to do this, and swore also upon the Koran, which is the book of their law. And accordingly he came afterwards across the sea, with nine and twenty Kings, as shall be related when the time comes.

XXIV. Then the Cid sent Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez with a present to King Alfonso his Lord. And the present which he sent was two hundred horses saddled and bridled, with each a sword hanging from the saddle-bow: and also the noble tent which he had won from King Yucef of Morocco. This present he gave, because the King had sent him his wife and daughters when he asked for them, and because of the honour which he had done them, and that the King might not speak ill of him who commanded in Valencia. Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez went their way towards Castille, over sierras and mountains and waters; and they asked where the King was, and it was told them that he was at Valladolid, and thither they went. And when they drew nigh unto the city, they sent to let him know of their coming, and to ask of him whether he thought it good for them to come into the city unto him, or if he would come out to them, for they were a great company, and the present a full great one, which he would see better without, than in the town. And the King thought this best, and he went to horse, and bade all the hidalgos who were with him do the like. Now the Infantes of Carrion were there, Diego Gonzalez and Ferrando Gonzalez, the sons of Count Don Gonzalo. And they found the company of the Cid about half a league from the town, and when the King saw how many they were, he blest himself, for they seemed like a host. And Minaya and Pero Bermudez pricked on when they saw him, and came before him, and alighted, and knelt down, and kissed the ground and kissed both his feet; and he bade them rise and mount their horses, and would not hear them till they had mounted, and taken their places one at his right hand, and the other at his left. And they said, Sir, the Cid commends himself to your grace as his liege Lord, and thanks you greatly for having sent him with such honour his wife and daughters. And know. Sir, that since they arrived, he hath achieved a great victory over the Moors, and their King Yucef of Morocco, the Miramamolin, who besieged him in Valencia with fifty thousand men. And he went out against them, and smote them, and hath sent you these two hundred horses from his fifth. Then Alvar Fanez gave order that the horses should be led forward. And this was the manner in which they came. The two hundred horses came first, and every one was led by a child, and every one had a sword hanging from the saddle, on the left side; and after them came the pages of all the knights in company, carrying their spears, and then the company, and after them, an hundred couple with spears in rest. And when they had all past by, the King blest himself again, and he laughed and said that never had so goodly a present been sent before to King of Spain by his vassal. And Alvar Fanez said moreover, Sir, he hath sent you a tent, the noblest that ever man saw, which he won in this battle: and the King gave order that the tent should be spread, and he alighted and went into it, he and all his people, and he was greatly pleased; and they all said that they had never seen so noble a tent as this; and the King said he had won many from the Moors, but never such as this. But albeit that all the others were well pleased, Count Don Garcia was not so; and he and ten of his lineage talked apart, and said that this which the Cid had done was to their shame, for they hated the Cid in their hearts. And King Don Alfonso said, Thanks be to God and to Sir Saint Isidro of Leon, these horses may do me good service; and he gave three of them to Minaya, and Pero Bermudez, and bade them chuse, and he ordered food and cloathing to be given them while they remained, and said that he would give them compleat armour when they returned, such as was fit for them to appear in before my Cid. And they were lodged, and all things that were needful provided for them and their people.

XXV. When the Infantes of Carrion, Diego Gonzalez and Ferrando Gonzalez, saw the noble present which the Cid had sent unto the King, and heard how his riches and power daily increased, and thought what his wealth must needs be when he had given those horses out of the fifth of one battle, and moreover that he was Lord of Valencia: they spake one with the other, and agreed, that if the Cid would give them his daughters to wife, they should be well married, and become rich and honourable. And they agreed together that they would talk with the King in private upon this matter. And they went presently to him, and said, Sir, we beseech you of your bounty to help us in a thing which will be to your honour; for we are your vassals, and the richer we are the better able shall we be to serve you. And the King asked of them what it was they would have, and they then told him their desire. And the King thought upon it awhile, and then came to them, and said, Infantes, this thing which you ask lies not in me, but in the Cid; for it is in his power to marry his daughters, and peradventure he will not do it as yet. Nevertheless that he ye may not fail for want of my help, I will send to tell him what ye wish. Then they kissed his hand for this favour. And the King sent for Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez, and went apart with them, and praised the Cid, and thanked him for the good will which he had to do him service, and said that he had great desire to see him. Say to him, he said, that I beseech him to come and meet me, for I would speak with him concerning something which is to his good and honour. Diego and Ferrando, the Infantes of Carrion, have said unto me that they would fain wed with his daughters, if it seemeth good to him; and methinks this would be a good marriage. When Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez heard this, they answered the King, and said, Certain we are, Sir, that neither in this, nor in anything else will the Cid do aught but what you, Sir, shall command or advise. When ye have your meeting ye will agree concerning it as is best. Then they kissed his hand, and took their leave.

XXVI. On the morrow the messengers of the Cid departed from Valladolid, and took their way towards Valencia; and when the Cid knew that they were nigh at hand he went out to meet them, and when he saw them he waxed joyful, and he embraced them, and asked what tidings of his Lord Alfonso. And they told him how they had sped, and how greatly the King loved him; and when we departed, said they, he bade us beseech you to come and meet him anywhere where you will appoint, for he desireth to speak with you, concerning the marriage of your daughters with the Infantes of Carrion, if it should please you so to bestow them: now by what the King said it seemeth unto us that this marriage pleaseth him. And when the Cid heard this he became thoughtful, and he said to them after awhile, What think ye of this marriage? And they answered him, Even as it shall please you. And he said to them, I was banished from my own country, and was dishonoured, and with hard labour gained I what I have got; and now I stand in the King’s favour, and he asketh of me my daughters for the Infantes of Carrion. They are of high blood and full orgullous, and I have no liking to this match; but if our Lord the King adviseth it we can do no otherwise; we will talk of this, and God send it for the best. So they entered Valencia, and the Cid spake with Dona Ximena touching this matter, and when she heard it it did not please her; nevertheless she said, if the King thought it good they could do no otherwise. Then the Cid gave order to write letters to the King, saying, that he would meet the King as he commanded, and whatever the King wished that he would do. And he sealed the letters well, and sent two knights with them. And when the King saw the letters he was well pleased, and sent others to say that the time of their meeting should be three weeks after he received these letters, and the place appointed was upon the Tagus, which is a great river.

XXVII. Now began they to prepare on both sides for this meeting. He who should relate to you the great preparations, and the great nobleness which were made for the nonce, would have much to recount. Who ever saw in Castille so many a precious mule, and so many a good-going palfrey, and so many great horses, and so many goodly streamers set upon goodly spears, and shields adorned with gold and with silver, and mantles, and skins, and rich sendals of Adria? The King sent great store of food to the banks of the Tagus, where the place of meeting was appointed. Glad were the Infantes of Carrion, and richly did they bedight themselves; some things they paid for, and some they went in debt for: great was their company, and with the King there were many Leonese and Galegos, and Castillians out of number. My Cid the Campeador made no tarriance in Valencia; he made ready for the meeting: there was many a great mule, and many a palfrey, and many a good horse, and many a goodly suit of arms, cloaks, and mantles both of cloth and of peltry; … great and little are all clad in colours. Alvar Fanez Minaya, and Pero Bermudez, and Martin Munoz, and Martin Antolinez that worthy Burgalese, and the Bishop Don Hieronymo that good one with the shaven crown, and Alvar Alvarez, and Alvar Salvadores, and Muno Gustios that knight of prowess, and Galind Garcia of Aragon; all these and all the others made ready to go with the Cid. But he bade Alvar Salvadores and Galind Garcia and all those who were under them, remain and look with heart and soul to the safety of Valencia, and not open the gates of the Alcazar neither by day nor by night, for his wife and daughters were there, in whom he had his heart and soul, and the other ladies with them; he like a good husband gave order that not one of them should stir out of the Alcazar till he returned. Then they left Valencia and pricked on more than apace; more than a thousand knights, all ready for war, were in this company. All those great horses that paced so well and were so soft of foot, my Cid won; they were not given to him.

XXVIII. King Don Alfonso arrived first by one day at the place of meeting, and when he heard that the Cid was at hand, he went out with all his honourable men, more than a long league to meet him. When he who was born in a good hour had his eye upon the King, he bade his company halt, and with fifteen of the knights whom he loved best he alighted, and put his hands and his knees to the ground, and took the herbs of the field between his teeth, as if he would have eaten them, weeping for great joy; … thus did he know how to humble himself before Alfonso his Lord; and in this manner he approached his feet and would have kissed them. And the King drew back and said, The hand, Cid Campeador, not the foot! And the Cid drew nigh upon his knees and besought grace, saying, In this guise grant me your love, so that all present may hear. And the King said that he forgave him, and granted him his love with his heart and soul. And the Cid kissed both his hands, being still upon his knees; and the King embraced him, and gave him the kiss of peace. Well pleased were all they who beheld this, save only Alvar Diez and Garcia Ordonez, for they did not love the Cid. Then went they all toward the town, the King and the Cid talking together by the way. And the Cid asked the King to eat with him, and the King answered, Not so, for ye are not prepared; we arrived yesterday, and ye but now. Eat you and your company therefore with me, for we have made ready. To-day, Cid Campeador, you are my guest, and to-morrow we will do as pleases you. Now came the Infantes of Carrion up and humbled themselves before the Cid, and he received them well, and they promised to do him service. And the company of the Cid came up, and kissed the King’s hand. So they alighted and went to meat; and the King said unto the Cid that he should eat with him at his table; howbeit he would not. And when the King saw that he would not take his seat with him, he ordered a high table to be placed for the Cid and for Count Don Gonzalo, the father of the Infantes of Carrion. All the while that they ate the King could never look enough at the Cid, and he marvelled greatly at his beard, that it had grown to such length. And when they had eaten they were merry, and took their pleasure. And on the morrow the King and all they who went with him to this meeting, ate with the Cid, and so well did he prepare for them that all were full joyful, and agreed in one thing, that they had not eaten better for three years. There was not a man there who did not eat upon silver, and the King and the chief persons ate upon dishes and trenchers of gold. And when the Infantes saw this they had the marriage more at heart than before.

XXIX. On the morrow as soon as it was day, the Bishop Don Hieronymo sung mass before the King, in the oratory of the Cid; and when it was over, the King said before all who were there assembled, Counts and Infanzones and knights, hear what I shall say unto the Cid. Cid Ruydiez, the reason wherefore I sent for you to this meeting was two-fold: first, that I might see you, which I greatly desired, for I love you much because of the many and great services which you have done me, albeit that at one time I was wroth against you and banished you from the land. But you so demeaned yourself that you never did me disservice, but contrariwise, great service both to God and to me, and have won Valencia, and enlarged Christendom, wherefore I am bound to show favour unto you and to love you alway. The second reason was, that I might ask you for your two daughters Dona Elvira and Dona Sol, that you would give them in marriage to the Infantes of Carrion, for this methinks would be a fit marriage, and to your honour and good. When the Cid heard this, he was in a manner bound to consent, having them thus demanded from him; and he answered and said, Sir, my daughters are of tender years and if it might please you, they are yet too young for marriage. I do not say this as if the Infantes of Carrion were not worthy to match with them, and with better than they. And the King bade him make no excuse, saying, that he should esteem himself well served if he gave his consent. Then the Cid said, Sir, I begat them, and you give them in marriage; both I and they are yours, … give them to whom you please, and I am pleased therewith. When the King heard this he was well pleased, and he bade the Infantes kiss the hand of the Cid Campeador, and incontinently they changed swords before the King, and they did homage to him, as sons-in-law to their father-in-law. Then the King turned to the Cid, and said, I thank thee, Ruydiez, that thou hast given me thy daughters for the Infantes of Carrion: and here I give them to the Infantes to be their brides; I give them and not you, and I pray God that it may please him, and that you also may have great joy herein. The Infantes I put into your hands; they will go with you, and I shall return from hence, and I order that three hundred marks of silver be given to them for their marriage, and they and your daughters will all be your children.

XXX. Eight days this meeting lasted; the one day they dined with the King, and the other with the Cid. Then was it appointed that on the morrow at sunrise every one should depart to his own home. My Cid then began to give to every one who would take his gifts, many a great mule, and many a good palfrey, and many a rich garment, … every one had what he asked, … he said no to none. Threescore horses did my Cid give away in gifts; well pleased were all they who went to that meeting. And now they were about to separate, for it was night. The King took the Infantes by the hand, and delivered them into the power of my Cid the Campeador, … See here your sons: from this day, Campeador, you will know what to make of them. And the Cid answered, Sir, may it please you, seeing it is you who have made this marriage for my daughters, to appoint some one to whom I may deliver them, and who may give them, as from your hand, to the Infantes. And the King called for Alvar Fanez Minaya, and said. You are sib to the damsels; I command you, when you come to Valencia, to take them with your own hands, and give them to the Infantes, as I should do if that I were there present: and be you the bride’s father. Then said the Cid, Sir, you must accept something from me at this meeting. I bring for you twenty palfreys, these that are gaily trapped, and thirty horses fleet of foot, these that are well caparisoned, … take them, and I kiss your hand. Greatly have you bound me, said King Don Alfonso; I receive this gift, and God and all Saints grant that it may well be requited; if I live you shall have something from me; Then my Cid sprung up upon his horse Bavieca, and he said, Here I say before my Lord the King, that if any will go with me to the wedding, I think they will get something by it! and he besought the King that he would let as many go with him as were so minded; and the king licensed them accordingly. And when they were about to part, the company that went with the Cid was greater than that which returned with the King. And the Cid kissed the King’s hand and dispeeded himself with his favour, and the King returned to Castille.

XXXI. My Cid went his way toward Valencia, and he appointed Pero Bermudez and Muno Gustios, than whom there were no better two in all his household, to keep company with the Infantes of Carrion and be their guard, and he bade them spy out what their conditions were; and this they soon found out. The Count Don Suero Gonzalez went with the Infantes; he was their father’s brother, and had been their _Ayo_ and bred them up, and badly had he trained them, for he was a man of great words, good of tongue, and of nothing else good; and full scornful and orgullous had he made them, so that the Cid was little pleased with them, and would willingly have broken off the marriage; but he could not, seeing that the King had made it. And when they reached Valencia, the Cid lodged the Infantes in the suburb of Alcudia, where he had formerly lodged himself; and all the company who were come to the marriage were quartered with them. And he went to the Alcazar.

XXXII. On the morrow the Cid mounted his horse and rode into Alcudia, and brought the Infantes his sons-in-law from thence with him into the city to the Alcazar, that they might see their brides Dona Elvira and Dona Sol. Dona Ximena had her daughters ready to receive them in full noble garments, for since midnight they had done nothing but prink and prank themselves. Full richly was the Alcazar set out that day, with hangings both above and below, purple and samite, and rich cloth. The Cid entered, between the Infantes, and all that noble company went in after them; and they went into the chief hall of the Alcazar, where Dona Ximena was with her daughters: and when they saw the Cid and the Infantes, they rose up and welcomed them right well. And the Cid took his seat upon his bench with one of the Infantes on one side of him, and one on the other, and the other honourable men seated themselves on the _estrados_, each in the place where he ought to be, and which belonged to him; and they remained awhile silent. Then the Cid rose and called for Alvar Fanez and said, Thou knowest what my Lord the King commanded; fulfil now his bidding, … take thy cousins, and deliver them to the Infantes, for it is the King who gives them in marriage, and not I. And Alvar Fanez arose and took the damsels one in each hand, and delivered them to the Infantes, saying. Diego Gonzalez, and Ferrando Gonzalez, I deliver unto you these damsels, the daughters of the Cid Campeador, by command of King Don Alfonso my Lord, even as he commanded. Receive you them as your equal helpmates, as the law of Christ enjoineth. And the Infantes took each his bride by the hand, and went to the Cid and kissed his hand, and the same did they to their mother Dona Ximena Gomez: and the Bishop Don Hieronymo espoused them, and they exchanged rings. When this was done, the Cid went and seated himself on the _estrado_ with the ladies, he and Dona Ximena in the middle, and beside him he placed Dona Elvira his eldest daughter, and by her, her spouse the Infante Diego Gonzalez; and Dona Sol was seated on the other side, by her mother, and the Infante Ferrando by her. And when they had solaced themselves awhile, the Cid said that now they would go eat, and that the marriage should be performed on the morrow, and he besought and commanded the Bishop Don Hieronymo to perform it in such a manner that no cost should be spared, but that every thing should be done so compleatly, that they who came from Castille to this wedding might alway have something to tell of.

XXXIII. On the morrow they went to the Church of St. Mary, and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo sate awaiting them, and he blest them all four at the altar. Who can tell the great nobleness which the Cid displayed at that wedding, the feasts and the bull-fights, and the throwing at the target, and the throwing canes, and how many joculars were there, and all the sports which are proper at such weddings? As soon as they came out of Church they took horse and rode to the Glera; three times did the Cid change his horse that day; seven targets were set up on the morrow, and before they went to dinner all seven were broken. Fifteen days did the feasts at this wedding continue; then all they who had come there to do honour to the Cid took leave of him and of the Infantes. Who can tell the great and noble gifts which the Cid gave to them, both to great and little, each according to his quality, vessels of gold and silver, rich cloth, cloaks, furs, horses, and money beyond all reckoning, so that all were well pleased. And when it was told in Castille with what gifts they who had been to the wedding were returned, many were they who repented that they had not gone there.


I. Now the history relateth that Gilbert, a sage who wrote the history of the Moorish Kings who reigned in Africa, saith, that Bucar remembering the oath which he had made to his brother King Yucef, how he would take vengeance for him for the dishonour which he had received from the Cid Ruydiez before Valencia, ordered proclamation to be made throughout all the dominions of his father, and gathered together so great a power of Moors, that among the Captains of his host there were twenty and nine Kings; this he could well do, for his father was Miramamolin, which is as much as to say Emperor. And when he had gathered together this mighty host, he entered into his ships and crost the sea, and came unto the port of Valencia, and what there befell him with the Cid the history shall relate in due time.

II. Two years after their marriage did the Infantes of Carrion sojourn in Valencia in peace and pleasure, to their own great contentment, and their uncle Suero Gonzalez with them; and at the end of those two years, there came to pass a great misadventure, by reason of which they fell out with the Cid, in whom there was no fault. There was a lion in the house of the Cid, who had grown a large one, and a strong, and was full nimble: three men had the keeping of this lion, and they kept him in a den which was in a court yard, high up in the palace; and when they cleansed the court they were wont to shut him up in his den, and afterward to open the door that he might come out and eat: the Cid kept him for his pastime, that he might take pleasure with him when he was minded so to do. Now it was the custom of the Cid to dine every day with his company, and after he had dined, he was wont to sleep awhile upon his seat. And one day when he had dined there came a man and told him that a great fleet was arrived in the port of Valencia, wherein there was a great power of the Moors, whom King Bucar had brought over, the son of the Miramamolin of Morocco. And when the Cid heard this, his heart rejoiced and he was glad, for it was nigh three years since he had had a battle with the Moors. Incontinently he ordered a signal to be made that all the honourable men who were in the city should assemble together. And when they were all assembled in the Alcazar and his sons-in-law with them, the Cid told them the news, and took counsel with them in what manner they should go out against this great power of the Moors. And when they had taken counsel the Cid went to sleep upon his seat, and the Infantes and the others sate playing at tables and chess. Now at this time the men who were keepers of the lion were cleaning the court, and when they heard the cry that the Moors were coming, they opened the den, and came down into the palace where the Cid was, and left the door of the court open. And when the lion had ate his meat and saw that the door was open he went out of the court and came down into the palace, even into the hall where they all were; and when they who were there saw him, there was a great stir among them; but the Infantes of Carrion showed greater cowardice than all the rest. Ferrando Gonzalez having no shame, neither for the Cid nor for the others who were present, crept under the seat whereon the Cid was sleeping, and in his haste he burst his mantle and his doublet also at the shoulders. And Diego Gonzalez, the other, ran to a postern door, crying, I shall never see Carrion again! this door opened upon a court yard where there was a wine press, and he jumped out, and by reason of the great height could not keep on his feet, but fell among the lees and defiled himself therewith. And all the others who were in the hall wrapt their cloaks around their arms, and stood round about the seat whereon the Cid was sleeping, that they might defend him. The noise which they made awakened the Cid, and he saw the lion coming towards him, and he lifted up his hand and said, What is this?… and the lion hearing his voice stood still; and he rose up and took him by the mane, as if he had been a gentle mastiff, and led him back to the court where he was before, and ordered his keepers to look better to him for the time to come. And when he had done this he returned to the hall and took his seat again; and all they who beheld it were greatly astonished.

III. After some time Ferrando Gonzalez crept from under the seat where he had hidden himself, and he came out with a pale face, not having yet lost his fear, and his brother Diego got from among the lees: and when they who were present saw them in this plight you never saw such sport as they made; but my Cid forbade their laughter. And Diego went out to wash himself and change his garments, and he sent to call his brother forth, and they took counsel together in secret, and said to each other, Lo now, what great dishonour this Ruydiez our father-in-law hath done us, for he let this lion loose for the nonce, to put us to shame. But in an evil day were we born if we do not revenge this upon his daughters. Badly were we matched with them, and now for the after-feast he hath made this mockery of us! But we must keep secret this which we bear in mind, and not let him wit that we are wroth against him, for otherwise he would not let us depart from hence, neither give us our wives to take with us, and he would take from us the swords Colada and Tizona which he gave us…. We will therefore turn this thing into merriment before him and his people, to the end that they may not suspect what we have at heart. While they were thus devising their uncle Suero Gonzalez came in, and they told him of their intent. And he counselled them to keep their wrath secret, as they said, till this stir of the Moors from beyond sea was over, and then they should demand their wives of the Cid that they might take them to their own country; This, said he, the Cid can have no reason to deny, neither for detaining ye longer with him, and when ye are got away far out of his land, then may ye do what ye will with his daughters, and ill will ye do if ye know not how to revenge yourselves; so shall ye remove the dishonour from yourselves, and cast it upon him and his children. This wicked counsel did Suero Gonzalez give unto his nephews, which he might have well excused giving, and then both he and they would not have come off so badly as the history will in due season relate.

IV. After Suero Gonzalez and his nephews had taken this evil counsel together, they went to their lodging, and on the morrow they went to the Alcazar and came to the Cid where he was preparing for business. And when they drew nigh, the Cid rose and welcomed them right well, and they carried a good countenance towards him, and made sport of what had happened about the lion. And the Cid began to give order in what array they should go out to battle. While they were in this discourse, a great cry was heard in the town and a great tumult, and this was because King Bucar was come with his great power into the place which is called the Campo del Quarto, which is a league from Valencia, and there he was pitching his tents and when this was done the camp made a mighty show, for the history saith that there were full five thousand pavilions, besides common tents. And when the Cid heard this, he took both his sons-in-law and Suero Gonzalez with them, and went upon the highest tower of the Alcazar, and showed them the great power which King Bucar of Morocco had brought; and when he beheld this great power he began to laugh and was exceeding glad: but Suero Gonzalez and his nephews were in great fear: howbeit they would not let it be seen. And when they came down from the tower the Cid went foremost, and they tarried behind, and said, If we go into this battle we shall never return to Carrion. Now it so chanced that Muno Gustios heard them, and he told it to the Cid, and it grieved the Cid at heart; but he presently made sport of it, and turned to his sons-in-law, and said, You my sons shall remain in Valencia and guard the town, and we who are used to this business will go out to battle; and they when they heard this were ashamed, for they weened that some one had overheard what they said; and they made answer, God forefend, Cid, that we should abide in Valencia! we will go with you to the work, and protect your body as if we were your sons, and you were the Count Don Gonzalo Gomez our father. And the Cid was well pleased hearing them say this.

V. While they were thus saying, word was brought to the Cid that there was a messenger from King Bucar at the gate of the town, who would fain speak with him. The name of this Moor was Ximen de Algezira, and the Cid gave order that he should be admitted. Now the history saith, God had given such grace to my Cid that never Moor beheld his face without having great fear of him; and this Ximen began to gaze upon his countenance, and said nothing, for he could not speak. And so great was the fear which came upon him that the Cid perceived it, and bade him take courage and deliver the bidding of his Lord, without fear or shame, for he was a messenger. And when the Moor heard this he laid aside his fear, and recovered heart, and delivered his bidding fully, after this wise. Sir Cid Campeador, King Bucar my Lord hath sent me to thee saying, great wrong hast thou done him in holding Valencia against him, which belonged to his forefathers; and moreover thou hast discomfited his brother King Yucef. And now he is come against thee with twenty and nine Kings, to take vengeance for his brother, and to win Valencia from thee in spite of thee and of all who are with thee. Nevertheless, King Bucar saith, that inasmuch as he hath heard that thou art a wise man and of good understanding, he will show favour unto thee, and let thee leave Valencia with all the lands thereof, and go into Castille, and take with thee all that is thine. And if thou wilt not do this he sends to say that he will fight against Valencia, and take thee and thy wife and thy daughters, and torment thee grievously, in such manner that all Christians who shall hear tell of it shall talk thereof for evermore. This is the bidding of my Lord King Bucar.

VI. When the Cid heard this, notwithstanding he was wroth at heart, he would not manifest it, but made answer in few words and said, Go tell thy Lord King Bucar I will not give him up Valencia: great labour did I endure in winning it, and to no man am I beholding for it in the world, save only to my Lord Jesus Christ, and to my kinsmen and friends and vassals who aided me to win it. Tell him that I am not a man to be besieged, and when he does not expect it I will give him battle in the field; and would that even as he has brought with him twenty and nine Kings, so he had brought all the Moors of all Pagandom, for with the mercy of God in which I trust, I should think to conquer them all. Bear this answer to your Lord, and come here no more with messages, neither on this account nor on any other. When Ximen de Algezira, the Moorish messenger, heard this, he left Valencia, and went unto his Lord and told him before the twenty and nine Kings all that the Cid had said. And they were astonished at the brave words of the Cid, for they did not think that he would have resisted, so great was their power, neither did they ween that he would so soon come out to battle. And they began to give order to set their siege round about Valencia, as the history, and as Gilbert also relateth. This King Bucar and his brother King Yucef were kinsmen of Alimaymon, who had been King of Toledo and Valencia, and this was the reason why Bucar said that Valencia had belonged to his forefathers.

VII. No sooner had Ximen, the messenger of King Bucar, left the city, than the Cid ordered the bell to be struck, at the sound of which all the men at arms in Valencia were to gather together. Incontinently they all assembled before the Cid, and he told them all to be ready full early on the morrow to go out and give battle to the Moors. And they made answer with one accord that they were well pleased to do this, for they trusted in God and in his good fortune that they should overcome them. On the morrow therefore at the first cock-crow, they confessed and communicated, as was their custom, and before the morning brake they went forth from Valencia. And when they had got through the narrow passes among the gardens, the Cid set his army in array. The van he gave to Alvar Fanez Minaya, and to Pero Bermudez who bore his banner; and he gave them five hundred horsemen, and a thousand and five hundred men a-foot. In the right wing was that honourable one with the shaven crown, Don Hieronymo the Bishop, with the like number both of horse and foot; and in the left Martin Antolinez of Burgos and Alvar Salvadores, with as many more. The Cid came in the rear with a thousand horsemen all in coats of mail, and two thousand five hundred men a-foot. And in this array they proceeded till they came in sight of the Moors. As soon as the Cid saw their tents he ordered his men to slacken their pace, and got upon his horse Bavieca, and put himself in the front before all his army, and his sons-in-law the Infantes of Carrion advanced themselves with him. Then the Bishop Don Hieronymo came to the Cid and said, This day have I said the mass of the Holy Trinity before you, I left my own country and came to seek you, for the desire I had to kill some Moors, and to do honour to my order and to my own hands. Now would I be the foremost in this business; I have my pennon and my armorial bearing, and will employ them by God’s help, that my heart may rejoice. And my Cid, if you do not for the love of me grant this I will go my ways from you. But the Cid bade him do his pleasure, saying that it would please him also. And then the great multitude of the Moors began to come out of their tents, and they formed their battle in haste, and came against the Christians, with the sound of trumpets and tambours, and with a great uproar; and as they came out upon the alarm, not expecting that the Cid would come against them so soon, they did not advance in order, as King Bucar had commanded. And when the Cid saw this, he ordered his banner to be advanced, and bade his people lay on manfully. The Bishop Don Hieronynio he pricked forward; two Moors he slew with the two first thrusts of the lance; the haft broke, and he laid hand on his sword, God,… how well the Bishop fought! two he slew with the lance and five with the sword; the Moors came round about him and laid on load of blows, but they could not pierce his arms. He who was born in happy hour had his eyes upon him, and he took his shield and placed it before him, and lowered his lance, and gave Bavieca the spur, that good horse. With heart and soul he went at them, and made his way into their first battle; seven the Campeador smote down, and four he slew. In short time they joined battle in such sort that many were slain and many overthrown, on one side and on the other, and so great was the din of strokes and of tambours that none could hear what another said; and they smote away cruelly, without rest or respite.

VIII. Now it came to pass in this battle that the Infante Diego Gonzalez encountered a Moor of Africa who was of great stature and full valiant withal, and this Moor came fiercely against him; and when the Infante saw how fiercely he was coming, he turned his back and fled. No one beheld this but Felez Munoz the nephew of the Cid, who was a squire; he set himself against the Moor with his lance under his arm, and gave him such a thrust in the breast, that the streamer of the lance came out all red with blood between his shoulders, and he down’d with the dead man and took his horse by the bridle, and began to call the Infante Diego Gonzalez. When the Infante heard himself called by his name he turned his head to see who called him, and when he saw that it was his cousin Felez Munoz, he turned and awaited him. And Felez Munoz said, Take this horse, cousin Diego Gonzalez, and say that you killed the Moor; nobody shall ever know otherwise from me, unless you give just cause. While they were talking the Cid came up, after another Moorish knight, whom he reached just as he came up to them, and smote him with his sword upon the head, so that he split it down to the teeth. When Felez Munoz saw the Cid, he said, Sir, your son-in-law Don Diego Gonzalez hath great desire to serve and help you in this day’s work, and he hath just slain a Moor from whom he hath won this horse: and this pleased the Cid much, for he weened that it was true. And then they all three advanced themselves toward the midst of the battle, giving great strokes, and smiting and slaying. Who can tell how marvellously the Bishop Don Hieronymo behaved himself in this battle, and how well all the rest behaved, each in his way, and above all, the Cid Campeador, as the greatest and best of all! nevertheless the power of the Moors was so great that they could not drive them to flight, and the business was upon the balance even till the hour of nones. Many were the Christians who died that day among the foot-soldiers; and the dead, Moors and Christians together, were so many, that the horses could scant move among their bodies. But after the hour of nones the Cid and his people smote the Moors so sorely that they could no longer stand against them, and it pleased God and the good fortune of the Cid that they turned their backs; and the Christians followed, hewing them down, and smiting and slaying; ana they tarried not to lay hands on those whom they felled, but went on in the pursuit as fast as they could. Then might you have seen cords broken, and stakes plucked up as the Christians came to the tents; my Cid’s people drove King Bucar’s through their camp, and many an arm with its sleeve-mail was lopt off, and many a head with its helmet fell to the ground; and horses ran about on all sides without riders. Seven full miles did the pursuit continue. And while they were thus following their flight the Cid set eyes upon King Bucar, and made at him to strike him with the sword; and the Moorish King knew him when he saw him coming; Turn this way Bucar, cried the Campeador, you who came from beyond sea, to see the Cid with the long beard. We must greet each other and cut out a friendship! God confound such friendship, cried King Bucar, and turned his bridle, and began to fly towards the sea, and the Cid after him, having great desire to reach him. But King Bucar had a good horse and a fresh, and the Cid went spurring Bavieca who had had hard work that day, and he came near his back; and when they were nigh unto the ships, and the Cid saw that he could not reach him, he darted his sword at him, and struck him between the shoulders; and King Bucar being badly wounded rode into the sea, and got to a boat, and the Cid alighted and picked up his sword. And his people came up, hewing down the Moors before them, and the Moors in their fear of death ran into the sea, so that twice as many died in the water as in the battle; nevertheless so many were they who were slain in the field, that they were thought to be seventeen thousand persons and upward: but a greater number died in the sea. And so many were they who were taken prisoner, that it was a wonder; and of the twenty and nine Kings who came with King Bucar, seventeen were slain. And when the Cid saw that of the Moors some had gotten to the ships and the others were slain or taken, he returned toward their tents.

IX. My Cid Ruydiez the Campeador returned from the slaughter; the hood of his mail was thrown back, and the coif upon his head bore the marks of it. And when he saw his sons-in-law the Infantes of Carrion, he rejoiced over them, and said to them to do them honour, Come here, my sons, for by your help we have conquered in this battle. Presently Alvar Fanez came up: the shield which hung from his neck was all battered: more than twenty Moors had he slain, and the blood was running from his wrist to his elbow. Thanks be to God, said he, and to the Father who is on high, and to you, Cid, we have won the day. All these spoils are yours and your vassals. Then they spoiled the field, where they found great riches in gold, and in silver, and in pearls, and in precious stones, and in sumptuous tents, and in horses, and in oxen, which were so many that it was a wonder. The poorest man among the Christians was made full rich that day. So great was the spoil that six hundred horses fell to the Cid as his fifth, beside sumpter beasts and camels, and twelve hundred prisoners; and of the other things which were taken no man can give account, nor of the treasure which the Cid won that day in the Campo del Quarto. God be praised! said the Campeador…once I was poor, but now am I rich in lands and in possessions, and in gold and in honour. And Moors and Christians both fear me. Even in Morocco, among their Mosques, do they fear least I should set upon them some night. Let them fear it! I shall not go to seek them, but here will I be in Valencia, and by God’s help they shall pay me tribute. Great joy was made in Valencia for this victory, and great was the joy of the Infantes of Carrion; five thousand marks came to them for their portion of the spoil. And when they saw themselves so rich, they and their uncle Suero Gonzalez took counsel together, and confirmed the wicked resolution which they had taken.

X. One day the companions of the Cid were talking before him of this victory, and they were saying who were the young knights that had demeaned themselves well in the battle and in the pursuit, and who had not; but no mention was made of the Infantes; for though some there were who whispered to each other concerning them, none would speak ill of them before the Cid. And the Infantes saw this, and took counsel with their uncle, who ought not to have given them the evil counsel that he did, and they determined forthwith to put their wicked design in execution. So they went before the Cid, and Ferrando Gonzalez, having enjoined silence, began to say thus. Cid, thou knowest well the good tie which there is between thee and us, for we hold thee in the place of a father, and thou didst receive us as thy sons on the day when thou gavest us thy daughters to be our wives; and from that day we have alway abode with thee, and have alway endeavoured to do that which was to thy service; and if we have at any time failed therein it hath not been wilfully, but for lack of better understanding. Now inasmuch as it is long time since we departed from Castille, from our father and from our mother, and because neither we know how it fares with them, nor they how it fares with us, we would now, if you and Dona Ximena should so think good, return unto them, and take our wives with us: so shall our father and our mother and our kinsmen see how honourably we are mated, and how greatly to our profit, and our wives shall be put in possession of the towns which we have given them for their dower, and shall see what is to be the inheritance of the children whom they may have. And whensoever you shall call upon us, we will be ready to come and do you service. Then the Cid made answer, weening that this was spoken without deceit, My sons, I am troubled at what ye say, for when ye take away my daughters ye take my very heart-strings: nevertheless, it is fitting that ye do as ye have said. Go when ye will, and I will give unto you such gifts that it shall be known in Gallicia and in Castille and in Leon, with what riches I have sent my sons-in-law home.

XI. When the Cid had made this reply, he rose from his seat and went to Dona Ximena his wife, and spake with her and with Alvar Fanez, and told them what had passed with his sons-in-law, and what answer he had given. Greatly was Dona Ximena troubled at this, and Alvar Fanez also, that he had consented to what they asked; and she said, I do not think it is wisely done to let them take our daughters from us, and carry them into another country; for these our sons-in-law are traitorous and false at heart, and if I areed them right they will do some dishonour to our daughters, when there will be none there to call them to account. And Alvar Fanez was of the same mind; but the Cid was displeased at this, and marvelled greatly at what they said; and he bade them speak no more thereof, for God would not let it be so, … neither were the Infantes of such a race as that they should do this; neither, quoth he, would it come into their minds to do it, if only because our Lord King Don Alfonso was he who made the marriage; but if the Devil should tempt them, and they should commit this wickedness, dearly would it cost them!

XII. So the Infantes of Carrion made ready for their departure, and there was a great stir in Valencia. And the two sisters Dona Elvira and Dona Sol, came and knelt before the Cid and before Dona Ximena their mother, and said, You send us to the lands of Carrion, and we must fulfil your command: now then give us your blessing, and let us have some of your people with us in Carrion, we beseech you. And the Cid embraced them and kissed them, and the mother kissed them and embraced them twice as much, and they gave them their blessing, and their daughters kissed their hands. And the Cid gave unto his sons-in-law great store of cloth of gold, and of serge, and of wool, and an hundred horses bridled and saddled, and an hundred mules with all their trappings, and ten cups of gold, and an hundred vessels of silver, and six hundred marks of silver in dishes and trenchers and other things. When all this was done they took their departure and went out of Valencia, and the Cid rode out a long league with them. He looked at the birds, and the augury was bad, and he thought that these marriages would not be without some evil. And his heart smote him, and he began to think on what Dona Ximena had said, and to fear lest evil should befall him from these sons-in-law, for the manner of their speech was not as it was wont to be. Where art thou my nephew, where art thou Felez Munoz? thou art the cousin of my daughters, said he, both in heart and in soul. Go with them even unto Carrion, and see the possessions which are given them, and come back with tidings thereof And Felez Munoz said that he would do this. And the Cid bade him salute the Moor Abengalvon in his name, with whom they should tarry a night at Molina, and bid him do service unto his daughters, and his sons-in-law, and accompany them as far as Medina; and for all that he shall do; said the Cid, I will give him good guerdon. And when the ladies came to take their leave of their father the Cid, and of their mother Dona Ximena, great were the lamentations on both sides, as if their hearts had divined the evil which was to come; and the Cid strove to comfort them, saying, that he should alway think of them, and would maintain them in good estate: and he gave them his blessing and turned back toward Valencia, and they went their way with their husbands, and that parting was like plucking the nail from the flesh.

XIII. So the Infantes of Carrion went their way, by the Campo del Quarto to Chiva, and to Bonilla, and to Requena, and to Campo-Robres, and they took up their lodging at Villa Taxo. And on the morrow they took the road to Amaja, and leaving it on the right came to Adamuz, and passed by Colcha, and rested at Quintana. And when Abengalvon knew that the daughters of the Cid were coming, he went out joyfully from Molina to meet them, and pitched tents for them in the field, and had food brought there in abundance. God, how well he served them! and on the morrow the Moor gave full rich and noble gifts to the daughters of his Lord the Cid, and to each of the Infantes he gave a goodly horse. And he took horse himself and rode on with them, having two hundred knights in his company. They crossed the mountains of Luzon and passed Arbuxuelo, and came to Salon, and the Moor lodged them in the place which is called Ansarera; all this he did for the love of the Cid Campeador. Now the Infantes seeing the riches which this Moor had with him, took counsel together for treason, and said, Lo now if we could slay this Moor Abengalvon, we should possess all these riches as safely as if we were in Carrion, and the Cid could never take vengeance. And a Moor who understood the Latin of the country, heard them and knew what they said, and he went to Abengalvon, and said unto him, _Acaiaz_, that is to say, Sire, take heed, for I heard the Infantes of Carrion plotting to kill thee. Abengalvon the Moor was a bold Baron, and when this was told him, he went with his two hundred men before the Infantes, and what he said to them did not please them. Infantes of Carrion, he said, tell me, what have I done? I have served ye without guile, and ye have taken counsel for my death. If it were not for the sake of my Cid, never should you reach Carrion! I would carry back his daughters to the loyal Campeador, and so deal with you that it should be talked of over the whole world. But I leave ye for traitors as ye are. Dona Elvira and Dona Sol, I go with your favour. God grant that this marriage may please your father! Having said this the good Moor returned to Molina.

XIV. They went on by Valdespino, and by Parra, and Berrocal, and Val de Endrinas, and they left Madina Celi on the right, and crost the plain of Barahona, and past near Berlanga; and they crost the Douro by a ford below the town, and rode on and came into the Oak-wood of Corpes. The mountains were high, and the trees thick and lofty, and there were wild beasts in that place. And they came to a green lawn in the midst of that oak forest, where there was a fountain of clear water, and there the Infantes gave order that their tents should be pitched; and they passed the night there, making show of love to their wives, which they badly fulfilled when the sun was risen, for this was the place where they thought to put them to shame. Early in the morning they ordered the sumpter beasts to be laden, and the tent struck, and they sent all their company on, so that none remained with them, neither man nor woman, but they and their wives were left alone that they might disport with them at pleasure. And Dona Elvira said to her husband, Why wouldst thou that we should remain alone in this place? And he said, Hold thy peace, and thou shall see! And the Infantes tore away the mantles from off their wives, and the garments which they wore, save only their inner garment, and they held them by the hair of their head with one hand, and with the other took the girths of their horses. And the women said, Don Diego and Don Ferrando, ye have strong swords and of sharp edge; the one is called Colado and the other Tizona; cut off our heads and we shall become martyrs! But set not this evil example upon us, for whatever shame ye do unto us shall be to your own dishonour. But the Infantes heeded not what they said, and heat them cruelly with the saddle-girths, and kicked them with their spurs, so that their garments were torn, and stained with blood. Oh, if the Cid Campeador had come upon them at that hour! And the women cried out, and called upon God and Holy Mary to have mercy upon them; but the more they cried, the more cruelly did those Infantes beat and kick them, till they were covered with blood, and swooned away. Then the Infantes took their mantles and their cloaks, and their furs of ermine and other garments, and left them for dead, saying, Lie there, daughters of the Cid of Bivar, for it is not fitting that ye should be our wives, nor that ye should have your dower in the lands of Carrion! We shall see how your father will avenge you, and we have now avenged ourselves for the shame he did us with the Lion. And they rode away as they said this, leaving them to the mountain birds and to the beasts of the forest. Oh if the Cid Campeador had come upon them at that hour! And the Infantes rode on glorying in what they had done, for they said that the daughters of the Cid were worthy to be their harlots, but not their wives.

XV. When the Infantes, before they committed this great cruelty, ordered their company to ride forward, Felez Munoz the nephew of the Cid, rode on with the rest: but this order nothing pleased him, and he was troubled at heart, insomuch that he went aside from his companions, and struck into the forest, and there waited privily till he should see his cousins come, or learn what the Infantes had done to them. Presently he saw the Infantes, and heard what they said to each other. Certes if they had espied him he could not have escaped death. But they pricked on not seeing him, and he rode back to the fountain, and there he found the women lying senseless, and in such plight as ye have heard. And he made great lamentation over them, saying, Never can it please God that ye my cousins should receive such dishonour! God and St. Mary give them who have done this an evil guerdon! for ye never deserved this, neither are ye of a race to deserve that this or any other evil should betide ye! By this time the women began to come to themselves, but they could not speak, for their hearts were breaking. And Felez Munoz called out to them, Cousins! Cousins! Dona Elvira! Dona Sol! for the love of God rouse yourselves that we may get away before night comes, or the wild beasts will devour us! and they came to themselves and began to open their eyes, and saw that he who spake to them was Felez Munoz; and he said to them, For the love of God take heart and let us be gone; for the Infantes will soon seek for me, and if God do not befriend us we shall all be slain. And Dona Sol said to him in her great pain, Cousin, for all that our father hath deserved at your hands, give us water. Felez Munoz took his hat and filled it with water and gave it to them. And he comforted them and bade them take courage, and besought them to bear up. And he placed them upon his horse, and covered them both with his cloak, and led them through the oak forest, into the thickest part thereof, and there he made a bed of leaves and of grass, and laid them on it, and covered them with his cloak, and he sate down by them and began to weep, for he knew not what he should do: for he had no food, and if he went to seek it, great danger was there because they were wounded and bloody, that the wild beasts and the birds of the mountain would attack them; and on the other hand, unless he went to his uncle the Cid, to tell him of this wickedness, none other knew what had been done, and thus there would be no vengeance taken.

XVI. While Felez Munoz was in this great trouble the Infantes joined their company, and their spurs were bloody and their hands also from the wounds which they had given their wives. And when their people saw them in this plight, and that their wives were not with them, they weened that some wickedness had been done; and all they who were of good heart and understanding among them went apart, to the number of an hundred, with one who was named Pero Sanchez; and he spake unto them, saying, Friends, these Infantes have done a foul deed upon their wives, the daughters of our Lord the Cid; and they are our liege Ladies, for we did homage to them before their father, and accepted them as such; and the Cid made us knights that we should discharge the duty which we owe to them. Now then, it behoveth us that we arm ourselves, and demand of the Infantes what they have done with our ladies, and require them at their hands. And if they will not deliver them to us, then will we fight against them even to death; for thus shall we do right, and otherwise we shall be ill spoken of, and not worthy to live in the world. This was the counsel which Pero Sanchez gave, and they all held it good and did accordingly. And the Infantes, when they saw them coming and heard their demand, were greatly afraid, and they said, Go to the fountain in the Oak-forest of Corpes, and there ye may find them; we left them safe and sound, and no harm have we done unto them; but we would not take them with us. Ill have ye done, replied those knights, to forsake such wives, and the daughters of such a father, and ill will ye fare for it! And from henceforward, we renounce all friendship with ye, and defy ye for the Cid, and for ourselves, and for all his people. And the Infantes could not reply. And when they saw that the Infantes did not answer, they said, Get ye gone for traitors and false caitiffs: there is no way in the world by which ye can escape from the enemies whom ye have now made! But for all this the Infantes made no reply, and went their way.

XVII. Pero Sanchez and those other knights rode back to the green lawn in the Oak-forest, where they had left the dames; and when they came to the fountain they saw that there was blood round about, but the dames were not there; and they were greatly troubled, and knew not where to seek them. And they went about the forest seeking them, calling them aloud, and making great lamentation for the ill that had befallen, and also, because they could not find them. Now Felez Munoz and the women heard their voices, and were in great fear, for they weened that it was the Infantes and their company, who were returned with intent to kill them; and in their great fear they remained still, and would fain have been far from that place. So Pero Sanchez and they who were with him went about seeking them in vain. Then spake up a knight called Martin Ferrandez, who was a native of Burgos, saying, Friends, it boots us to turn back from hence and follow after the Infantes, and do battle with them, even unto death, because of this wickedness which they have committed, rather than return to the Cid; for if we do not strive to take vengeance, we are not worthy to appear before him. And if, peradventure, we cannot come up with them upon the road, let its go before the King Don Alfonso, and discover unto him this foul deed, and tell him the truth thereof, to the intent that he may order justice to be done for such a thing; for certes, greatly will he be troubled when he knoweth it, and greatly will he be incensed against them, inasmuch as he it was who besought the Cid to give them his daughters to wife. And we will not depart from the King’s house, nor take unto ourselves any other Lord till the Cid shall have obtained justice in this matter. And all those knights held this counsel to be good, and agreed to do so. And they took their way and followed after the Infantes as fast as they could, taking no rest; but the Infantes had ridden away full speed, and they could not overtake them. And when they saw this they went their way to King Don Alfonso who was at Palencia, and they came before him and kissed his hands, and then with sorrowful hearts told him of the evil which had befallen the Cid, in this dishonour done unto his daughters by the Infantes of Carrion. And when the King heard it he was grievously offended, as one who had great part therein; and he said unto him, It must needs be, that before many days we shall receive tidings of this from the Cid Campeador, and then upon his complaint we will enter into the business in such wise, that every one shall have justice. Then Pero Sanchez and the other knights kissed the King’s hands for what he had said; and they abode in his court, waiting tidings from the Cid.

XVIII. When Felez Munoz saw that the voices which they heard had ceased, he went after awhile to a village which was at hand, to seek food for the dames and for himself; and in this manner he kept them for seven days. And in that village he found a good man, who was a husbandman, and who lived a godly life with his wife and with his daughters; and this good man knew the Cid Ruydiez, for the Cid had lodged in his house, and he had heard tell of his great feats. And when Felez Munoz knew this he took the man aside, seeing how good a man he was, and how well he spake of the Cid, and told him what had befallen those dames, and how he had hidden them in the wood. And when the good man heard it he had great ruth for them, but he held himself a happy man in that he could do them service; and he took two asses and went with Felez Munoz to the place where they were hidden, and took with him his two sons, who were young men. And when the dames saw them they marvelled who they might be, and were ashamed and would have hidden themselves; but they could not. And the good man bent his knees before them, weeping, and said, Ladies, I am at the service of the Cid your father, who hath many times lodged in my house, and I served him the best I could, and he alway was bountiful toward me. And now, this young man, who saith his name is Felez Munoz, hath told me the great wrong and dishonour which your husbands, the Infantes of Carrion, have done unto you. And when I heard it I was moved to great sorrow, and for the great desire I have to do service to the Cid and to you, I am come hither, to carry you, if you will be so pleased, upon these beasts, to my house; for you must not remain in this wild forest, where the beasts would devour you. And when you are there, I and my wife and my daughters will serve you the best we can; and you may then send this squire to your father, and we will keep you secretly and well till your father shall send for you; this place is not fit for you, for you would die of cold and hunger. When the good man had said this, Dona Sol turned to Dona Elvira and said, Sister, the good man saith well, and it is better that we should go with him than remain and die here, for so shall we see the vengeance which I trust in God our father will give us. So they gave thanks to God, and to that man. And he set them upon his beasts, and led them to the village, when it was now night; and they entered his house secretly, so that none knew of their coming save the good man and his family, whom he charged that they should tell no man thereof. And there his wife and his daughters ministered uoto them with pure good will.

XIX. Then these dames wrote a letter to their father the Cid, which was a letter of credence, that he should believe the tidings which Felez Munoz would deliver, and they wrote it with the blood from their wounds. And Felez Munoz went his way toward Valencia; and when he came to Santesteban he spake with Diego Tellez, who had been of the company of Alvar Fanez, and told him of what had befallen. He, so soon as he heard this great villainy, took beasts and seemly raiment, and went for those dames, and brought them from the house of that good man to Santesteban, and did them all honour that he could. They of Santesteban were always gentlemen; and they comforted the daughters of the Cid, and there they were healed of their hurts. In the mean time Felez Munoz proceeded on his journey; and it came to pass that he met Alvar Fanez Minaya, and Pero Bermudez on the way, going to the King with a present which the Cid had sent him; and the present was this, … two hundred horses, from those which he had won in the battle of Quarto from King Bucar, and an hundred Moorish prisoners, and many good swords, and many rich saddles. And as Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez rode on in talk, they thought that it was he, and marvelled greatly; and he when he drew nigh began to tear his hair, and make great lamentation, so that they were greatly amazed. And they alighted, asking him what it was. And he related unto them all that had befallen. But when they heard this, who can tell the lamentation which they made? And they took counsel together what they should do, and their counsel was this, … that they should proceed to the King, and demand justice at his hands in the name of the Cid, and that Felez Munoz should proceed to Valencia. So he told them the name of the good man with whom he had left the dames, and the place where he dwelt, and also how he had spoken with Diego Tellez at Santesteban, and then they parted.

XX. Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez held on their way, and came to the King, whom they found in Valladolid. And he received them right well, and asked them for the Cid, and they kissed his hand and said, Sir, the Cid commends himself to your grace; he hath had a good affair with King Bucar of Morocco, and hath defeated him, and nine and twenty Kings who came with him, in the field of Quarto, and great booty did he gain there in gold and in silver, and in horses and tents and cattle; and he hath slain many and taken many prisoners. And in acknowledgment of you as his natural Lord, he sends you two hundred horses, and an hundred black Moors, and many rich saddles and precious swords, beseeching you to accept them at his hand, in token of the desire he hath to do service to God and to you, maintaining the faith of Jesus Christ. And King Don Alfonso made answer and said, that he took the present of the Cid with a right good will, as of the truest and most honourable vassal that ever Lord had: and he gave order to his people to receive it, and bade Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez seat themselves at his feet. After a while Alvar Fanez rose and said, Sir, when we departed from the Cid we left him in great honour and prosperity; but on our way we met a squire who is his nephew, by name Felez Munoz, and he hath told us the evil and the dishonour which both we and the Cid endure in the villainy which the Infantes of Carrion have committed upon his daughters. You, Sir, know how great this villainy hath been, and how nearly it toucheth you, for the marriage was of your appointment, and I gave them by your command to the Infantes. Pero Sanchez hath told you that the dames were dead, as he believed them to be; but we, Sir, know that they are yet alive, having been grievously hurt and wounded with bridles and spurs, and stript of their garments, … in which plight Felez Munoz found them. Certes such a thing as this cannot please God in heaven, and ought to offend you who are Lord here in your own realm. Now therefore we beseech you that you take justice for yourself, and give us and the Cid ours. And let not the Cid be dishonoured in your time, for blessed be God, he hath never been dishonoured yet, but hath gone on alway advancing in honour since King Don Ferrando your father knighted him in Coimbra. To this the King made answer and said, God knoweth the trouble which I resent for this dishonour which hath been done to the Cid, and the more I hear of it the more doth it trouble me, and many reasons are there why it should; for my own sake, and for the sake of the Cid, and for the sake of his daughters; but since they are yet alive the evil is not so great, for as they have been wrongfully put to shame, nothing meriting such treatment, they may be rightfully avenged, as my Cortes shall determine. Moreover it is a grief to me that my vassals the Infantes of Carrion should have erred so badly and with such cruelty; but since it hath been so I cannot but do justice. I hold it good therefore to summon them to my Cortes, which I will assemble for this matter in Toledo, and the time assigned them shall be three months from this day; and do ye tell the Cid to come there with such of his people as he shall think good. Glad were Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez of this reply, and they kissed his hand, and dispeeded themselves. And the King ordered mules to be given them for the dames, with right noble saddles and trappings of gold and cloth of gold and of wool, with menever and gris.

XXI. Then Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez went their way, and Pero Sanchez and his company departed with them. They went up Val de Esgueva to Penafiel, and by Roa and Arrueco, and they entered the Oak-forest of Corpes, and Pero Sanchez showed the place beside the fountain where the villainy had been committed; and they made such lamentation there as if they had seen the dames lie dead before them. Then rode they to the village where the good man dwelt, and went to his dwelling, and good guerdon did they give unto him for the service which he had done, so that he was full well requited. And they took with them the two sons and the two daughters of the good man, that they might recompense them for the good deeds of their father; and the dames gave them in marriage, and made them full rich, and held them even as brothers and as sisters, because of the service which they had received from them. When it was known at Santesteban that Minaya was coming for his kinswomen, the men of that town welcomed him and his company, and they brought him in payment the _efurcion_, that is to say, the supper-money, and it was full great. But Minaya would not accept it at their hands, and he thanked them, and said, Thanks, men of Santesteban, for what ye have done, and my Cid the Campeador will thank ye, as I do, and God will give ye your guerdon. Then went they to visit their kinswomen, and when they saw the dames, who can tell the great lamentation which was made on both sides? albeit that they rejoiced to see each other. And Minaya said unto them, By God, cousins, he knoweth the truth, and your father and mother know it also, … I misdoubted this when you went away with those false ones; and it grieved me when your father said that he had given his consent that ye should go, and your mother gainsaid it also; but we could not prevail, for he said he had consented. Howbeit, since ye are alive, of evils let us be thankful for the least: you have lost one marriage, and may gain a better, and the day will come when we shall avenge ye. That night they rested at Santesteban, and on the morrow they set forward and took the road towards Atienza, and the men of Santesteban escorted them as far as the river Damor, to do them pleasure. And they past Alcoceba, and went on to the King’s Ford, and there took up there lodging at the Casa de Berlanga. On the morrow they lodged at Medina Celi, and from thence they went to Molina, and Abengalvon came out with a right good will to welcome them, for love of the Cid, and he did them all the honour that he could. And it was accorded between them that the dames should rest there some days, because of their weakness, and that they should send and let the Cid know what had been done.

XXII. Then Pero Bermudez went on to Valencia, and Alvar Fanez and the rest of his company abode with the dames in Molina. And when Pero Bermudez arrived he found the Cid Ruydiez just risen with his chivalry from dinner, and when the Cid saw him he welcomed him right well; howbeit he could not refrain from weeping; for before this Felez Munoz had told him all. And he stroked his beard and said, Thanks be to Christ, the Lord of this world, by this beard which no one hath ever cut, the Infantes of Carrion shall not triumph in this! And he began to take comfort, hearing how King Don Alfonso had appointed the Cortes. And he took Pero Bermudez by the hand and led him to Dona Ximena, who wept greatly at seeing him, and said, Ah, Pero Bermudez, what tidings bringest thou of my daughters? And he comforted her and said, Weep not, Lady, for I left them alive and well at Molina, and Alvar Fanez with them; by God’s blessing you shall have good vengeance for them! Then the Cid seated himself near his wife, and Pero Bermudez took his seat before them, and told them all that he had done, and how the King had summoned them to the Cortes at Toledo. And he said unto the Cid, My uncle and Lord, I know not what to say, but ill is my luck that I could not take vengeance before I returned here; and certes, if I could have found them I would have died, or have compleated it: but they when they had done this villainy dared not appear before the King, neither in his Court, and therefore he hath issued this summons to them that they should come. Manifestly may it be seen that the King well inclineth to give you justice, if you fail not to demand it. Now then I beseech you tarry not, but let us to horse and confront them and accuse them, for this is not a thing to be done leisurely. And the Cid answered and said, Chafe not thyself, Pero Bermudez, for the man who thinketh by chafing to expedite his business, leaveth off worse than he began. Be you certain, that if I die not I shall take vengeance upon those traitors, and I trust in God not to die till I have taken it. Now therefore, give me no more anger than I feel in my own heart, for Felez Munoz hath given me enough. I thank my Lord King Don Alfonso for the answer which he gave you, and for appointing the Cortes, and in such guise will I appear there as shall gall them who wish ill to me. God willing, we will take our departure in good time! Do you now return to Molina, and bring on my daughters, for I would fain see them; and I will talk with them that they may tell me the whole truth of this thing, that I may know the whole when I go to the court of the King to demand vengeance.

XXIII. Pero Bermudez returned the next day to Molina, where Abengalvon had done great honour to the dames, and to Alvar Fanez, and all that were with him. And they departed from Molina, and Abengalvon with them, for he would not leave them till he had brought them to Valencia to his Lord the Cid. And when the Cid knew that they were drawing nigh he rode out two leagues to meet them, and when they saw him they made great lamentation, they and all his company, not only the Christians but the Moors also who were in his service. But my Cid embraced his daughters, and kissed them both, and smiled and said, Ye are come, my children, and God will heal you! I accepted this marriage for you, but I could do no other; by God’s pleasure ye shall be better mated hereafter. And when they reached Valencia and went into the Alcazar to their mother Dona Ximena, who can tell the lamentation which was made by the mother over her daughters, and the daughters with their mother, and by the women of their household. Three days did this great lamentation last. And the Cid thanked Abengalvon, his vassal, for the honour which he had shown to his children and their company, and promised to protect him from all who should come against him. And Abengalvon returned to Molina well pleased.


I. My Cid the Campeador made ready to appear at the Cortes in Toledo, and he left the Bishop Don Hieronymo, and Martin Pelaez the Asturian, to command in Valencia, and five hundred knights with them, all hidalgos. And he spake with his daughters, and commanded and besought them to tell him the whole truth, how this matter had been, and not say the thing which was false; and they did accordingly, and related unto him all, even as it had befallen them. And the Cid departed from Valencia, and with him went Alvar Fanez Minaya with two hundred knights, and Pero Bermudez with one hundred; and Martin Antolinez with fifty, and Martin Ferrandez with other fifty, and Felez Ferruz and Benito Sanchez with fifty each; … these were five hundred knights. And there went fifty with Martin Garcia and Martin Salvadorez, and fifty with Pero Gonzalvez and Martin Munoz, and Diego Sanchez of Arlanza went with fifty, and Don Nuno, he who colonized Cubiella, and Alvar Bermudez he who colonized Osma, went with forty, and Gonzalo Munoz of Orbaneja, and Muno Ravia, and Yvanez Cornejo with sixty, and Muno Fernandez the Lord of Monteforte, and Gomez Fernandez he who colonized Pampliego with sixty; and Don Garcia de Roa and Serrazin his brother, Lord of Aza, with ninety; and Antolin Sanchez of Soria took with him forty knights who were his children or his kin: … nine hundred knights were they in all. And there went with them five hundred esquires on foot, all hidalgos, beside those who were bred in his household, and beside other foot-men, who were many in number. All these went well clad in right good garments, and with good horses, to serve the Cid both in Cortes and in the war.

II. King Don Alfonso made no delay, but sent out his letters through Leon and Santiago, to the Portugueze and the Calicians, and they of Carrion, and the Castillians, that he would hold a Cortes in Toledo at the end of seven weeks, and that they who did not appear should no longer be accounted his vassals. At this greatly were the Infantes of Carrion troubled, for they feared the coming of my Cid the Campeador. And they took counsel with their kin and prayed the King that he would hold them excused from that Cortes; and the King made answer, that nothing but God should excuse them from it, for the Campeador was coming to demand justice against them, and he, quoth the King, who will not appear, shall quit my kingdoms. So when they saw that they must needs appear, they took counsel with the Count Don Garcia, the enemy of my Cid, who alway wished him ill, and they went with the greatest company that they could assemble, thinking to dismay my Cid the Campeador. And they arrived before him.

III. When my Cid drew nigh unto Toledo, he sent Alvar Fanez forward to kiss the King’s hand, and let him wit that he should be there that night. When the King heard this it rejoiced his heart, and he took horse and went out with a great company to meet him who was born in happy hour; and there went with him his sons-in-law, the Count Don Anrrich, and the Count Don Remond; this one was the father of the good Emperor. When they came in sight, the Cid dismounted and fell to the ground, and would have abased himself to honour his Lord, but the King cried out to him and said, By St. Isidro this must not be to-day! Mount, Cid, or I shall not be well pleased! I welcome you with heart and soul; … and my heart is grieved for your grief. God send that the court be honoured by you! Amen, said my Cid the Campeador, and he kissed his hand, and afterwards saluted him. And the Cid said, I thank God that I see you, Sir; and he humbled himself to Count Don Anrrich, and Count Don Remond, and the others, and said, God save all our friends, and chiefly you, Sir! my wife Dona Ximena kisses your hand, and my daughters also, that this thing which hath befallen us, may be found displeasing unto you. And the King said, That will it be, unless God prevent. So they rode toward Toledo. And the King said unto him, I have ordered you to be lodged in my Palaces of Galiana, that you may be near me. And the Cid answered, Gramercy, Sir! God grant you long life and happy, but in your Palaces there is none who should be lodged save you. When you hold your Cortes let it be in those Palaces of Galiana, for there is better room there than in the Alcazar. I will not cross the Tagus to-night, but will pass the night in St. Servans on this side, and hold a vigil there. To-morrow I will enter the city, and be in the court before dinner. The King said that it pleased him well, and he returned into Toledo. And the Cid went into the Church of St. Servans, and ordered candles to be placed upon the altar, for he would keep a vigil there; and there he remained with Minaya and the other good ones, praying to the Lord, and talking in private. The tents of his company were pitched upon the hills round about. Any one who beheld them might well have said, that it looked like a great host.

IV. When the King entered the city, he bade his seneschal, Benito Perez, make ready the Palaces of Galiana for the next day, when the Cortes should begin; and he fitted the great Palace after this manner. He placed _estrados_ with carpets upon the ground, and hung the walls with cloth of gold. And in the highest place he placed the royal chair in which the King should sit; it was a right noble chair and a rich, which he had won in Toledo, and which had belonged to the Kings thereof; and round about it right noble _estrados_ were placed for the Counts and honourable men who were come to the Cortes. Now the Cid knew how they were fitting up the Palaces of Galiana, and he called for a squire, who was a young man, one whom he had brought up and in whom he had great trust; he was an hidalgo, and hight Ferran Alfonso; and the Cid bade him take his ivory seat which he had won in Valencia, and which had belonged to the Kings thereof, and place it in the Palace, in the best place, near the seat of the King; and that none might hurt or do dishonour unto it, he gave him a hundred squires, all hidalgos, to go with him, and ordered them not to leave it till he should come there the next day. So when they had dined, they made the seat be taken up, and went with it to the Palaces of Galiana, and placed it near the seat of the King, as the Cid had commanded; and all that day and night they remained there guarding the ivory seat, till the Cid should come and take his place thereon; every one having his sword hung from his neck. This was a right noble seat, and of subtle work, so that whoso beheld it would say it was the seat of a good man, and that it became such a one as the Cid. It was covered with cloth of gold, underneath which was a cushion.

V. On the morrow, after the King had heard mass, he went into the Palace of Galiana, where the Cortes was to assemble, and the Infantes of Carrion and the other Counts and Ricos-omes with him, save the Cid who was not yet come; and when they who did not love the Cid beheld his ivory seat, they began to make mock of it. And Count Garcia said to the King, I beseech your Grace, tell me, for whom that couch is spread beside your seat: for what dame is it made ready; will she come drest in the _almexia_ … or with white _alquinales_ on her head, or after what fashion will she be apparelled? Sir, a seat like that is fit for none but your Grace: give order to take it for yourself, or that it be removed. When Ferran Alfonso, who was there to guard the ivory seat heard this, he answered and said, Count, you talk full foolishly, and speak ill of one against whom it behoves you not to talk. He who is to sit upon this seat is better than you, or than all your lineage; and he hath ever appeared a man to all his enemies, not like a woman as you say. If you deny this I will lay hands upon you, and make you acknowledge it before my Lord the King Don Alfonso, who is here present. And I am of such a race that you cannot acquit yourself by saying I am not your peer, and the vantage of half your arms I give you! At these words was the King greatly troubled, and the Counts also, and all the honourable men who were there present. And Count Garcia who was an angry man, wrapt his mantle under his arm, and would have struck Ferran Alfonso, saying, Let me get at the boy who dares me! And Ferran Alfonso laid hand upon his sword and came forward to meet him, saying, that if it were not for the King, he would punish him thereright for the folly which he had uttered. But the King seeing that these words went on from bad to worse, put them asunder that farther evil might not happen, and he said, None of ye have reason to speak thus of the seat of the Cid; he won it like a good knight and a valiant, as he is. There is not a King in the world who deserves this seat better than my vassal the Cid, and the better and more honourable he is, the more am I honoured through him. This seat he won in Valencia, where it had belonged to the Kings thereof; and much gold and silver, and many precious stones hath he won; and many a battle hath he won both against Christians and Moors: and of all the spoil which he hath won, he hath alway sent me part, and great presents and full rich, such as never other vassal sent to his Lord; and this he hath done in acknowledgment that I am his Lord. Ye who are talking here against him, which of ye hath ever sent me such gifts as he? If any one be envious, let him atchieve such feats as he hath done, and I will seat him with myself to do him honour.

VI. Now the Cid had performed his vigil in the Church of St. Servan, matins and primes were said, and mass performed; and then he made ready to go to the Cortes, and with him went Alvar Fanez Minaya, whom he called his right arm, and Pero Bermudez, and Muno Gustios, and Martin Antolinez that doughty Burgalese, and Alvar Alvarez, and Alvar Salvadorez, and Martin Munoz, and Felez Munoz the Cid’s nephew, and Malanda who was a learned man, and Galin Garciez the good one of Aragon: these and others made ready to go with him, being an hundred of the best of his company. They wore _velmezes_ under their harness, that they might be able to bear it, and then their mail, which was as bright as the sun: over this they had ermine or other skins, laced tight that the armour might not be seen, and under their cloaks, their swords which were sweet and sharp. He who was born in happy hour made no tarriance; he drew on his legs hose of fine cloth, and put on over them shoes which were richly worked. A shirt of _ranzal_ he wore, which was as white as the sun; all the fastenings were wrought with gold and silver: over this a _brial_ of gold tissue; and over this a red skin with points of gold. My Cid the Campeador alway wore it. On his head he had a coif of scarlet wrought with gold, which was made that none might clip the hair of the good Cid. His was a long beard, and he bound it with a cord. And he bade Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez assemble their companions, and when he saw them he said, If the Infantes of Carrion should seek a quarrel, where I have a hundred such as these I may be well without fear! And he said, Let us mount now and go to the Cortes. We go to make one defiance, and peradventure it may be two or three, through the folly of those who may stir against us. Ye will be ready to aid me, saying and doing as I shall call upon ye, always saving the honour and authority of King Don Alfonso our Lord; see now that none of ye say or do ought amiss, for it would be unseemly. Then called he for his horse, and bestrode it, and rode to the Cortes.

VII. My Cid and his company alighted at the gate of the Palaces of Galiana, and he and his people went in gravely, he in the midst and his hundred knights round about him. When he who was born in happy hour entered, the good King Don Alfonso rose up, and the Counts Don Anrrich and Don Remond did the like, and so did all the others, save the curly-headed one of Granon, and they who were on the side of the Infantes of Carrion. All the others received him with great honour. And he said unto the King, Sir, where do you bid me sit with these my kinsmen and friends who are come with me? And the King made answer, Cid, you are such a one, and have past your time so well to this day, that if you would listen to me and be commanded by me, I should hold it good that you took your seat with me; for he who hath conquered Kings, ought to be seated with Kings. But the Cid answered, That, Sir, would not please God, but I will be at your feet for by the favour of the King your father Don Ferrando was I made, his creature and the creature of your brother King Don Sancho am I, and it behoveth not that he who receiveth bounty should sit with him who dispenseth it. And the King answered, Since you will not sit with me, sit on your ivory seat, for you won it like a good man; and from this day I order that none except King or Prelate sit with you, for you have conquered so many high-born men, and so many Kings, both Christians and Moors, that for this reason there is none who is your peer, or ought to be seated with you. Sit therefore like a King and Lord upon your ivory seat. Then the Cid kissed the King’s hand, and thanked him for what he had said, and for the honour which he had done him; and he took his seat, and his hundred knights seated themselves round about him. All who were in the Cortes sate looking at my Cid and at his long beard which he had bound with a cord; but the Infantes of Carrion could not look upon him for shame.

VIII. When they were all seated the King gave command that they should be silent; and when the Cid saw that they were all still, he rose and spake after this manner. Sir King Don Alfonso, I beseech you of your mercy that you would hear me, and give command that I should be heard, and that you would suffer none to interrupt me, for I am not a man of speech, neither know I how to set forth my words, and if they interrupt me I shall be worse. Moreover, Sir, give command that none be bold enough to utter unseemly words, nor be insolent towards me, least we should come to strife in your presence. Then King Don Alfonso rose and said, Hear me, as God shall help you! Since I have been King I have held only two Cortes, one in Burgos, and one in Carrion. This third I have assembled here in Toledo for the love of the Cid, that he may demand justice against the Infantes of Carrion for the wrongs which we all know. The Counts Don Anrrich and Don Remoud shall be Alcaldes in this cause; and these other Counts who are not on either side, give ye all good heed, for ye are to take cognizance that the right may be decreed. And I give order, and forbid any one, to speak without my command, or to utter aught insolent against the Cid; and I swear by St. Isidro, that whosoever shall disturb the Cortes shall lose my love and be banished from the kingdom. I am on the side of him who shall be found to have the right. Then those Counts who were appointed Alcaldes were sworn upon the Holy Gospels, that they would judge between the Cid and the Infantes of Carrion, rightly and truly, according to the law of Castille and Leon.

IX. When this was done the King bade the Cid make his demand; and the Cid rose and said, Sir, there is no reason for making long speeches here, which would detain the Cortes. I demand of the Infantes of Carrion, before you, two swords which I gave into their keeping; the one is Colada and the other Tizona. I won them like a man, and gave them to the keeping of the Infantes that they might honour my daughters with them, and serve you. When they left my daughters in the Oak-forest of Corpes they chose to have nothing to do with me, and renounced my love; let them therefore give me back the swords, seeing that they are no longer my sons-in-law. Then the King commanded the Alcaldes to judge upon this demand according as they should find the right; and they took counsel and judged, that the swords should be restored unto the Cid. And Count Don Garcia said they would talk concerning it; and the Infantes of Carrion talked apart with those who were on their side, and they thought that they were well off; for that the Cid would demand nothing more of them, but would leave the Cortes when he had recovered the swords. So they brought the swords Colada and Tizona, and delivered them to the King. The King drew the swords, and the whole Court shone with their brightness: their hilts were of solid gold; all the good men of the Cortes marvelled at them. And the Cid rose and received them, and kissed the King’s hand, and went back to his ivory seat; and he took the swords in his hand and looked at them; they could not change them, for the Cid knew them well, and his whole frame rejoiced, and he smiled from his heart. And he laid them upon his lap and said, Ah, my swords, Colada and Tizona, truly may I say of you, that you are the best swords in Spain; and I won you, for I did not get you either by buying or by barter. I gave ye in keeping to the Infantes of Carrion that they might do honour to my daughters with ye. But ye were not for them! they kept ye hungry, and did not feed ye with flesh as ye were wont to be fed. Well is it for you that ye have escaped that thraldom and are come again to my hands, and happy man am I to recover you. Then Alvar Fanez rose and kissed the hand of the Cid, and said, I beseech you give Colada into my keeping while this Cortes shall last, that I may defend you therewith: and the Cid gave it him and said. Take it, it hath changed its master for the better. And Pero Bermudez rose and made the same demand for the sword Tizona, and the Cid gave it him in like manner. Then the Cid laid hand upon his beard as he was wont to do, and the Infantes of Carrion and they who were of their side thought that he meant to disturb the Cortes, and they were greatly afraid; but he sate still like a man of good understanding, for he was not one who did things lightly.

X. Then the Cid rose and said, Thanks be to God and to you, Sir King, I have recovered my swords Colada and Tizona, I have now another demand against the Infantes of Carrion, King Don Alfonso, you well know that it was your pleasure to bid me meet you at Requena, and I went there in obedience to your command. And you asked of me my daughters in marriage for the Infantes, and I did not refuse, in that I would not disobey your command; and you bade me deliver them to my kinsman here Don Alvar Fanez, and he gave them to the Infantes to be their wives, and the blessing was given them in the church of St. Mary, according to the law of Rome. You, Sir, gave them in marriage, not I; and you did it for good, not for evil; but what they did was after another wise. And though they are of great blood and honourable, yet would I not have given my daughters to them, unless in obedience to your command; and this, Sir, you well know, for so I said unto you. I gave them, when they took my daughters from Valencia, horses and mules, and cups and vessels of fine gold, and much wrought silver, and many noble garments, and other gifts, three thousand marks of silver in all, thinking that I gave it to my daughters whom I loved. Now, Sir, since they have cast my daughters off, and hold themselves to have been dishonoured in marrying them, give command that they restore unto me this which is my own, or that they show cause why they should not. Then might you have seen the Infantes of Carrion in great chafing. And Count Don Remond called upon them to speak; and they said, We gave his swords to the Cid Campeador, that he might ask nothing more of us, if it please the King. But the King said that they must answer to the demand. And they asked to consult together concerning it; and the King bade them take counsel and make answer incontinently. So they went apart, and with them eleven Counts and Ricos-omes who were on their side, but no right or reason could they find for opposing this demand which the Cid had made. Howbeit Count Don Garcia spake for them and said, Sir, this which the Cid demands back from them, it is true that he gave it, but they have expended it in your service; we hold therefore that they are not bound to make restitution of it, seeing how it hath been expended. Nevertheless if you hold it to be lawful that they should restore this money, give order that time be given them to make the payment, and they will go to Carrion, their inheritance, and there discharge the demand as you shall decree. When the Count had thus said he sate down. And the Cid arose and said, Sir, if the Infantes of Carrion have expended aught in your service, it toucheth not me. You and the Alcaldes whom you have appointed have heard them admit that I gave them this treasure, and this excuse which they set up; I pray you let judgment be given whether they are bound to pay it or not. Then King Don Alfonso answered and said, If the Infantes of Carrion have expended aught in my service, I am bound to repay it, for the Cid must not lose what is his own; and he bade the Alcaldes consult together and judge according to what they should find right. And the Alcaldes having taken counsel gave judgment, that seeing the Infantes acknowledged the Cid had given them this treasure with his daughters, and they had abandoned them, they must needs make restitution in the Cortes of the King there right: and the King confirmed this sentence, and the Cid rose and kissed the King’s hand. Greatly were the Infantes of Carrion troubled at this sentence, and they besought the King that he would obtain time for them from the Cid, in which to make their payment; and the King besought him to grant them fifteen days, after this manner, that they should not depart from the Court till they had made the payment, and that they should plight homage for the observance of this. And the Cid granted what the King desired, and they plighted homage accordingly in the hands of the King, Then made they their account with the King, and it was found that what they had expended for his service was two hundred marks of silver, and the King said that he would repay this, so that there remained for them two thousand and eight hundred to pay. Who can tell the trouble in which the Infantes were, to pay this treasure to the Cid, they and all their kindred and friends, for it was full hard for them to accomplish, And they took up upon trust horses and mules and wrought silver, and other precious things, and as they could get them, delivered them over to the Cid. Then might you have seen many a good-going horse brought there, and many a good mule, and many a good palfrey, and many a good sword with its mountings. And they sent to Carrion to their father and mother to help them, for they were in great trouble; and they raised for them all they could, so that they made up the sum within the time appointed. And then they thought that the matter was at an end, and that nothing more would be demanded from them.

XI. After this payment had been made the Cortes assembled again, and the King and all the honourable men being each in his place, the Cid rose from his ivory seat, and said, Sir, praise be to God and your favour, I have recovered my swords, and my treasure; now then I pray you let this other demand be heard which I have to make against the Infantes. Full hard it is for me to make it, though I have it rooted in my heart! I say then, let them make answer before you, and tell why it was that they besought you to marry them with my daughters, and why they took them away from me from Valencia, when they had it in heart to dishonour me, and to strike them, and leave them as they were left, in the Oak-forest of Corpes? Look, Sir, what dishonour they did them! they stript them of the garments which they had not given them, as if they had been bad women, and the children of a bad father. With less than mortal defiance I shall not let them go!… How had I deserved this, Infantes, at your hands? I gave you my daughters to take with you from Valencia; with great honour and great treasures gave I them unto you;… Dogs and Traitors,… ye took them from Valencia when ye did not love them, and with your bridles ye smote and with your spurs ye spurned and wounded them, and ye left them alone in the Oak-forest, to the wild beasts, and to the birds of the mountain! King Don Alfonso, they neither remembered God, nor you, nor me, nor their own good fortune! And here was fulfilled the saying of the wise man, that harder it is for those who have no understanding to bear with good than with evil. Praise be to God and to your grace, such a one am I, and such favour hath God shown me, from the day when I first had horse and arms, until now, that not only the Infantes of Carrion, but saving yourself, Sir, there is not a King in Christendom who might not think himself honoured in marrying with either of my daughters,… how much more then these traitors!… I beseech you give me justice upon them for the evil and dishonour which they have done me! And if you and your Cortes will not right me, through the mercy of God and my own good cause, I will take it myself, for the offence which they have committed against God and the faith, and the truth which they promised and vowed to their wives. I will pull them down from the honour in which they now are; better men than they have I conquered and made prisoners ere now! and with your license, Sir, to Carrion will I follow them, even to their inheritance, and there will I besiege them, and take them by the throat, and carry them prisoners to Valencia to my daughters, and there make them do penance for the crime which they have committed, and feed them with the food which they deserve. If I do not perform this, call me a flat traitor. When the King heard this he rose up and said, that it might be seen how he was offended in this thing. Certes, Cid Ruydiez Campeador, I asked your daughters of you for the Infantes of Carrion, because, as they well know, they besought me to do so, I never having thought thereof. It well seemeth now that they were not pleased with this marriage which I made at their request, and great part of the dishonour which they have done you, toucheth me. But seeing ye are here in my presence, it is not fitting that you make your demand in any other manner than through my Cortes; do you therefore accuse them, and let them acquit themselves if they can before my Alcaldes, who will pass sentence according to what is right. And the Cid kissed the King’s hand, and returned to his place upon the ivory seat.

XII. Then the Cid arose and said, God prosper you, Sir, in life, and honour, and estate, since you have compassion for me and for the dishonour which my daughters have received. And he turned towards the Infantes of Carrion, and said, Ferrando Gonzalez and Diego Gonzalez, I say that ye are false traitors for leaving your wives as ye left them in the Oak-forest; and here before the King I attaint you as false traitors, and defy you, and will produce your peers who shall prove it upon you, and slay you or thrust you out of the lists, or make you confess it in your throats. And they were silent. And the King said, that seeing they were there present, they should make answer to what the Cid had said. Then Ferrando Gonzalez the elder arose and said, Sir, we are your subjects, of your kingdom of Castille, and of the best hidalgos therein, sons of the Count Don Gonzalo Gonzalez; and we hold that men of such station as ourselves were not well married with the daughters of Ruydiez of Bivar. And for this reason we forsook them, because they come not of blood fit for our wives, for one lineage is above another. Touching what he says, that we forsook them, he saith truly; and we hold that in so doing we did nothing wrong, for they were not worthy to be our wives, and we are more to be esteemed for having left them, than we were while they were wedded with us. Now then, Sir, there is no reason why we should do battle upon this matter with any one. And Diego Gonzalez his brother arose and said, You know, Sir, what perfect men we are in our lineage, and it did not befit us to be married with the daughters of such a one as Ruydiez; and when he had said this he held his peace and sate down. Then Count Don Garcia rose and said, Come away, Infantes, and let us leave the Cid sitting like a bridegroom in his ivory chair:… he lets his beard grow and thinks to frighten us with it!… The Campeador put up his hand to his beard, and said, What hast thou to do with my beard, Count? Thanks be to God, it is long because it hath been kept for my pleasure; never son of woman hath taken me by it; never son of Moor or of Christian hath plucked it, as I did yours in your castle of Cabra, Count, when I took your castle of Cabra, and took you by the beard; there was not a boy of the host but had his pull at it. What I plucked then is not yet methinks grown even!… And the Count cried out again, Come away, Infantes, and leave him! Let him go back to Rio de Ovierna, to his own country, and set up his mills, and take toll as he used to do!… he is not your peer that you should strive with him. At this the knights of the Cid looked at each other with fierce eyes and wrathful countenances; but none of them dared speak till, the Cid bade them, because of the command which he had given.

XIII. When the Cid saw that none of his people made answer he turned to Pero Bermudez and said, Speak, Pero Mudo, what art thou silent for? He called him Mudo, which is to say, Dumb-ee, because he snaffled and stuttered when he began to speak; and Pero Bermudez was wroth that he should be so called before all that assembly. And he said, I tell you what, Cid, you always call me Dumb-ee in Court, and you know I cannot help my words; but when anything is to be done, it shall not fail for me. And in his anger he forgot what the Cid had said to him and to the others that they should make no broil before the King. And he gathered up his cloak under his arm and went up to the eleven Counts who were against the Cid, to Count Garcia, and when he was nigh him he clenched his fist, and gave him a blow which brought him to the ground. Then was the whole Cortes in an uproar by reason of that blow, and many swords were drawn, and on one side the cry was Cabra and Granon, and on the other side it was Valencia and Bivar; but the strife was in such sort that the Counts in short time voided the Palace, King Don Alfonso meantime cried out aloud, forbidding them to fight before him, and charging them to look to his honour; and the Cid then strove what he could to quiet his people, saying to the King. Sir, you saw that I could bear it no longer, being thus maltreated in your presence; if it had not been before you, well would I have had him punished. Then the King sent to call those Counts who had been driven out; and they came again to the Palace, though they fain would not, complaining of the dishonour which they had received. And the King said unto them that they should defend themselves with courtesy and reason, and not revile the Cid, who was not a man to be reviled; and he said that he would defend as far as he could the rights of both parties. Then they took their seats on the estrados as before.

XIV. And Pero Bermudez rose and said to Count Garcia, Foul mouth, in which God hath put no truth, thou hast dared let thy tongue loose to speak of the Cid’s beard. His is a praiseworthy beard, and an honourable one, and one that is greatly feared, and that never hath been dishonoured, nor overcome! and if you please you may remember when he fought against you in Cabra, hundred to hundred, he threw you from your horse, and took thee by the beard, and made thee and thy knights prisoners, and carried thee prisoner away across a pack-saddle; and his knights pulled thy beard for thee, and I who stand here had a good hand-full of it: how then shall a beard that hath been pulled speak against one that hath alway been honourable! If you deny this, I will fight you upon this quarrel before the King our Lord. Then Count Suero Gonzalez rose in great haste and said, Nephews, go you away and leave these rascally companions: if they are for fighting, we will give them their fill of that, if our Lord the King should think good so to command; that shall not fail for us, though they are not our peers. Then Don Alvar Fanez Minaya arose and said, Hold thy peace, Count Suero Gonzalez! you have been to breakfast before you said your prayers, and your words are more like a drunkard’s than one who is in his senses. Your kinsmen like those of the Cid!… if it were not out of reverence to my Lord and King, I would teach you never to talk again in this way. And then the King saw that these words were going on to worse, and moreover that they were nothing to the business; and he commanded them to be silent, and said, I will determine this business of the defiance with the Alcaldes, as shall be found right; and I will not have these disputes carried on before me, least you should raise another uproar in my presence.

XV. Then the King rose and called to the Alcaldes, and went apart with them into a chamber, and the Cid and all the others remained in the Hall. And when the King and the Alcaldes had taken counsel together concerning what was right in this matter, they came out from the chamber, and the King went and seated himself in his chair, and the Alcaldes each in his place, and they commanded all persons to be silent and hear the sentence which the King should give. Then the King spake thus: I have taken counsel with these Counts whom I appointed to be Alcaldes in this cause between the Cid and the Infantes of Carrion, and with other honourable and learned men: and this is the sentence which I give; that both the Infantes and Count Suero Gonzalez their fosterer and uncle, forasmuch as it is given me to understand that he was the adviser and abettor in the dishonour which they did unto the daughters of the Cid, shall do battle with such three of the Cid’s people as it may please him to appoint, and thereby acquit themselves if they can. When the King had given this sentence, the Cid rose and kissed, his hand and said, May God have you, Sir, in his holy keeping long and happy years, seeing you have judged justly, as a righteous King and our natural Lord. I receive your sentence; and now do I perceive that it is your pleasure to show favour unto me, and to advance mine honour, and for this reason I shall ever be at your service. Then Pero Bermudez rose up and went to the Cid and said, A boon, Sir! I beseech you let me be one of those who shall do battle on your part, for such a one do I hold myself to be, and this which they have done is so foul a thing, that I trust in God to take vengeance for it. And the Cid made answer that he was well pleased it should be so, and that he should do battle with Ferrando Gonzalez the eldest; and upon that Pero Bermudez kissed his hand. Then Martin Antolinez of Burgos rose and besought the Cid that he might be another, and the Cid granted his desire, and said that he should do battle with Diego Gonzalez the younger brother. And then Muno Gustioz of Linquella rose and besought the Cid that he might be the third, and the Cid granted it, and appointed him to do battle with Count Suero Gonzalez. And when the Cid had appointed his three champions, the King gave command that the combat should be performed on the morrow; but the Infantes were not prepared to fight so soon, and they besought him of his favour that he would let them go to Carrion, and that they would come prepared for the battle. And the King would not allow this time which they requested; howbeit the Counts Don Anrrich and Don Remond his sons-in-law, and Count Don Nuno, spake with him, and besought him of his grace that he would allow them three weeks; and the King at their intreaty granted it with the pleasure of the Cid.

XVI. Now when all this had been appointed, as ye have heard, and while they were all in the court, there came into the Palace messengers from the Kings of Aragon and of Navarre, who brought letters to King Don Alfonso, and to the Cid Campeador, wherein those Kings sent to ask the daughters of the Cid in marriage, the one for the Infante Don Sancho of Aragon, the other for the Infante Garcia Ramirez of Navarre. And when they came before the King, they bent their knees and gave him the letters, and delivered their message; the like did they to the Cid. Much were the King and the Cid also pleased at this news, and the King said unto him, What say you to this? And the Cid answered, I and my daughters are at your disposal, do you with us as you shall think good. And the King said, I hold it good that they wed with these Infantes, and that from henceforward they be Queens and Ladies; and that for the dishonour which they have received, they now receive this honour. And the Cid rose and kissed the hands of the King, and all his knights did the like. These messengers hight, he of Aragon Ynigo Ximenez, and he of Navarre Ochoa Perez. And the King gave order that his letters of consent to these marriages should be given, and the Cid did the like. And those knights did homage before the King, that in three months from that day the Infantes of Aragon and of Navarre should come to Valencia, to the Cid, to be wedded to his daughters. Great joy had the companions of the Cid that these marriages were appointed, seeing how their honour was increased; and contrariwise, great was the sorrow of the Infantes of Carrion and their friends, because it was to their confusion and great shame. And King Don Alfonso said aloud unto the Cid before them all, Praised be the name of God, because it hath pleased him that the dishonour which was done to me and to you and your daughters, should thus be turned into honour: for they were the wives of the sons of Counts, and now shall they he the wives of the sons of Kings, and Queens hereafter. Great was the pleasure of the Cid and his company at these words of the King, for before they had sorrow, and now it was turned into joy. And the Infantes went away from the Palace full sadly, and went to their lodging, and prepared to go to Carrion that they might make ready for the combat, which was to be in three weeks from that time.

XVII. Then the Cid said unto the King, Sir, I have appointed those who are to do battle with the Infantes and their uncle for the enmity and treason which they committed against me and my daughters; and now, Sir, as there is nothing more for me to do here, I will leave them in your hand, knowing that you will not suffer them to receive any displeasure or wrong soever, and that you will defend their right. And if it please you I would fain return to Valencia, where I have left my wife and daughters, and my other companions; for I would not that the Moors should rise up against me during my absence, thinking peradventure that I have not sped so well in this matter as I have done, praised be God and you. And moreover I have to make ready for these marriages which you have now appointed. And the King bade him go when he pleased, and good fortune with him, and said that he would protect his knights and maintain his right in all things. Then the Cid kissed the King’s hand for this which he had said, and commended the knights to his keeping. And the King called for Count Don Remond his son-in-law, and gave the knights of the Cid to his charge, and bade them not depart from him; and then the King rose and returned to the Alcazar.

XVIII. Then the Cid took off his coif of _ranzal,_ which was as white as the sun, and he loosed his beard, and took it out of the cord with which it was bound. All they who were there could not be satisfied with looking at him. And the Counts Don Anrrich and Don Remond came up to him, and he embraced them, and thanked them and the other good men who had been Alcaldes in this business, for maintaining his right; and he promised to do for them in requital whatever they might require; and he besought them to accept part of his treasures. And they thanked him for his offer, but said that it was not seemly. Howbeit he sent great presents to each of them, and some accepted them and some did not. Who can tell how nobly the Cid distributed his treasure before he departed? And he forgave the King the two hundred marks which should have been paid on account of the Infantes. And to the knights who had come from Aragon and Navarre concerning the marriages, he gave many horses, and money in gold, and sent them with great honour into their own country.

XIX. On the morrow the Cid went to take leave of the King, and the King went some way out of the town with him, and all the good men who were in the court also, to do him honour as he deserved. And when he was about to dispeed himself of the King they brought him his precious horse Bavieca, and he turned to the King and said, Sir, I should depart ill from hence if I took with me so good a horse as my Bavieca, and did not leave him for you, for such a horse as this is fit for you and for no other master: and that you may see what he is, I will do before you what it is long since I have done except in the battles which I have had with my enemies. Then he mounted his horse, with his ermine housings, and gave him the spur. Who can tell the goodness of the horse Bavieca, and of the Cid who rode him? And as the Cid was doing this the horse brake one of his reins, yet he came and stopt before the King as easily as if both the reins had been whole. Greatly did the King and all they who were with him marvel at this, saying that they had never seen or heard of so good a horse as that. And the Cid besought the King that he would be pleased to take the horse, but the King answered, God forbid that I should take him!… rather would I give you a better if I had one, for he is better bestowed on you than on me or any other, for upon that horse you have done honour to yourself, and to us, and to all Christendom, by the good feats which you have atchieved. Let him go as mine, and I will take him when I please. Then the Cid kissed the King’s hand and dispeeded himself, and the King embraced him and returned to Toledo.

XX. Now when the Cid had taken leave of the King, and of the other honourable men and Counts, and Ricos-omes who were with him, Pero Bermudez and Martin Antolinez and Muno Gustioz went on yet awhile with him: and he counselled them how to demean themselves so as to clear him of the shame which had been done him, and to be held for good knights