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211. Black Swift.

_Cypseloides niger borealis_ (Ridgw.).

Common near Victoria during migration. Rev. J. H. Keen says only pass over at Metlakatla. Said to breed in mountains back of Chilliwhack and in the neighbourhood of Comox. (_Fannin_.) Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.)

CHÆTURA Stephens.

212. Vaux’s Swift.

_Chætura vauxii_ (Towns.).

A summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. I found it very common near Sicamous, May 28th, 1895.

Family TROCHILIDÆ. Hummingbirds.


213. Black-chinned Hummingbird.

_Trochilus alexandri_ (Bourc. & Muls.).

Confined to the Mainland. I have never seen it on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.


214. Red-backed Rufous Hummingbird.

_Selasphorus rufus_ (Gmel.).

An abundant summer resident west of Cascade Mountains, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.)

215. Green-backed Rufous Hummingbird. Allen’s Hummingbird.

_Selasphorus alleni_ (Hensh.).

Eastern Cascade and Rocky Mountain districts. (_Fannin_.)


216. Calliope Hummingbird.

_Stellula calliope_ (Gould).

East and west of Cascade Mountains. (_Fannin_.)

Order PASSERES. Perching Birds.

Family TYRANNIDÆ. Tyrant Flycatchers.


217. Kingbird.

_Tyrannus tyrannus_ (Linn.).

A common summer resident on the Mainland at Chilliwhack, Sardis, Ducks and Vernon, and has been taken as far north as Port Simpson. Rare on Vancouver Island.

218. Gray Kingbird.

_Tyrannus dominicensis_ (Gmel.).

Accidentally in B. C. One specimen taken at Cape Beale, October 9, 1889, by Miss Cox, and presented to the Museum.

219. Arkansas Kingbird.

_Tyrannus verticalis_ (Say).

A common summer resident on the Mainland. I have found it quite common at Chilliwhack, Ducks and Okanagan, rarely west to Vancouver Island.

SAYORNIS Bonaparte.

220. Say’s Phoebe.

_Sayornis saya_ (Bonap.).

A summer resident. Not common on Vancouver Island, chiefly on Mainland in the interior. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.


221. Olive-sided Flycatcher.

_Contopus borealis_ (Swains.).

A summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

222. Western Wood Pewee.

_Contopus richardsonii_ (Swains.).

A common summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Very common at Sicamous, May, 1895.


223. Western Flycatcher.

_Empidonax difficilis_ (Baird).

A common summer resident west of Cascade Mountains on Mainland and Vancouver Island. I also found it quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895.

224. Traill’s Flycatcher.

_Empidonax trailli_ (Aud.).

A summer resident. I have found it quite common on Vancouver Island and the Mainland at Sicamous and Vernon. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

225. Hammond’s Flycatcher.

_Empidonax hammondi_ (Xantus.).

Summer resident. Chiefly on the Mainland, east and west of Cascade Mountains. A few have been taken on Vancouver Island.

226. Wright’s Flycatcher.

_Empidonax wrightii_ (Baird).

Summer resident. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.)

Family ALAUDIDÆ. Larks.

OTOCORIS Bonaparte.

227. Pallid Horned Lark.

_Otocoris alpestris leucoloema_ (Coues.).

Common in spring and autumn on Vancouver Island. Have taken it at Clover Point near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

228. Streaked Horned Lark.

_Otocoris alpestris strigata_ (Hensh.).

Spring and autumn migrant on Vancouver Island. Have taken it near Victoria in September. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. West of Cascades; taken at Burrard Inlet and Vancouver Island (_Fannin_). Fort Simpson by W. B. Anderson.

229. Dusky Horned Lark.

_Otocoris alpestris merrilli_ (Dwight).

Chiefly east of Cascades. I have never known it to be taken on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Chas. de B. Green has taken it at Osoyoos.

Family CORVIDÆ. Crows, Jays, Magpies.

PICA Brisson.

230. American Magpie.

_Pica pica hudsonica_ (Sab.).

A common resident on the Mainland, rarely west to Vancouver Island. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland, east of Cascade Mountains.

CYANOCITTA Strickland.

231. Steller’s Jay.

_Cyanocitta stelleri_ (Gmel.).

An abundant resident west of Coast Range on Mainland and Vancouver Island throughout the year.

232. Black-headed Jay.

_Cyanocitta stelleri annectens_ (Baird).

This form is quite common in the interior from the Cascades east down through the Okanagan. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack.

233. Queen Charlotte Jay.

_Cyanocitta stelleri carlottæ_ (Osgood).

Queen Charlotte Islands; not uncommon at Skidegate, August, 1895.


234. Rocky Mountain Jay.

_Perisoreus canadensis capitalis_ (Ridgw.).

East of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Okanagan and in the Caribou District by A. C. Brooks.

235. Oregon Jay.

_Perisoreus obscurus_ (Ridgw.).

An abundant resident west of Cascades, on the Mainland, but not so numerous on Vancouver Island.

236. Gray Jay.

_Perisoreus obscurus griseus_ (Ridgw.).

California to British Columbia, east of the Coast and Cascade Ranges. (_Ridgway_.)

CORVUS Linnæus.

237. Northern Raven.

_Corvus corax principalis_ (Ridgw.).

A resident throughout the Province; more common on the Coast. I have seen it quite common at Clayoquot, V. I., and in August, 1895, it was very common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.)

238. American Crow.

_Corvus brachyrhynchos_ (Brehm.)

Common east of Coast Range; common at Sicamous, May, 1895. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

239. Northwest Crow.

_Corvus caurinus_ (Baird).

An abundant resident west of Cascade Mountains, on Mainland and Vancouver Island, and fairly common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895.


240. Clarke’s Nutcracker.

_Nucifraga columbiana_ (Wils.).

A common resident on the Mainland, chiefly east of the Coast Range. Rare on Vancouver Island.


241. Blue Crow. Piñon Jay.

_Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus_ (Wied.).

Rocky Mountain region to the Pacific Coast Ranges, but rather more southerly; north to British Columbia; south to Lower California.–“Key to N. A. Birds (Coues), Fifth Edition.”

Family ICTERIDÆ. Blackbirds, Orioles, Etc.


242. Bobolink.

_Dolichonyx oryzivorus_ (Linn.)

East and west of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.


243. Cowbird.

_Molothrus ater_ (Bodd.).

A summer resident. I have found it fairly common in the neighbourhood of Ducks, on C. P. R., and Okanagan. It is a rare straggler on Vancouver Island; it has been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakatla.


244. Yellow-headed Blackbird.

_Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus_ (Bonap.).

A rare summer resident on the Mainland. I have heard of it at Vernon. Fannin has found it above Clinton, on the Cariboo Road. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack.

AGELAIUS Vieillot.

245. San Diego Redwing.

_Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis_ (Ridgw.).

Breeding range north, to eastern British Columbia. (_Ridgway_.) East of Cascades I found this form quite common near Vernon, June, 1895.

246. Northwestern Red-wing.

_Agelaius phoeniceus caurinus_ (Ridgw.).

Common west of Cascades, on Mainland and Vancouver Island; it is found throughout the year near Victoria.


247. Western Meadowlark.

_Sturnella magna neglecta_ (Aud.).

Abundant resident on Mainland and Vancouver Island, east and west of Cascades.

ICTERUS Brisson.

248. Bullock’s Oriole.

_Icterus bullocki_ (Swains.).

A fairly common summer resident, chiefly east of Cascades. I found it breeding along the valley of the Thompson and in the Okanagan, near Vernon, May and June, 1895. Mr. Brooks has found it breeding at Chilliwhack.


249. Rusty Blackbird.

_Euphagus carolinus_ (Muller).

Rare. One specimen shot at Metlakatla by Rev. J. H. Keen, November, 26th, 1901, and presented by him to the Museum.

250. Brewer’s Blackbird.

_Euphagus cyanocephalus_ (Wagler.).

Common, and generally distributed on the Mainland; quite common in the Lower Fraser Valley, Grand Prairie, south side of Thompson River, down into the Okanagan country. Breeding in suitable localities. Not common on Vancouver Island; a few have been taken near Victoria.

Family FRINGILLIDÆ. Finches, Sparrows, Etc.


251. Western Evening Grosbeak.

_Hesperiphona vespertina montana_ (Ridgw.).

Chiefly on the Mainland. West in winter to Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Valley. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okaiiagan by A. C. B.

PINICOLA Vieillot.

252. Alaskan Pine Grosbeak.

_Pinicola enucleator alascensis_ (Ridgw.).

Mainland east and west of Cascade Mountains. Common in winter in the neighbourhood of Clinton. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.)


253. California Purple Finch.

_Carpodacus purpureus californicus_ (Baird).

An abundant summer resident west of Cascades. Quite a number winter on Vancouver Island.

254. Cassin’s Purple Finch.

_Carpodacus cassini_ (Baird).

East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains. Tolerably common.

LOXIA Linnæus.

255. American Crossbill.

_Loxia curvirostra minor_ (Brehm.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province, Island and Mainland.

256. White-winged Crossbill.

_Loxia leucoptera_ (Gmel.).

An abundant resident chiefly on the Mainland, occasionally west to Vancouver Island.


257. Gray-crowned Leucosticte.

_Leucosticte tephrocotis_ (Swains.).

Rocky Mountain district. In winter, occasionally west to Cascades. Mr. Brooks has taken it as far west as Chilliwhack.

258. Hepburn’s Leucosticte.

_Leucosticte tephrocotis littoralis_ (Baird).

Common on the Mainland from the Coast to Rocky Mountains. Breeds above timber line in the interior.

ACANTHIS Bechstein.

259. Hoary Redpoll.

_Acanthis hornemannii exilipes_ (Coues.).

Mouth of Quesnelle, S. Williams. Chilliwhack, A. C. Brooks.

260. Redpoll.

_Acanthis linaria_ (Linn.).

The Province at large, but more abundant in the Rocky Mountain district. West in winter to Vancouver Island.


261. American Goldfinch.

_Astragalinus tristis_ (Linn.).

Both slopes of Cascades to Rocky Mountains on the Mainland. Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks.

262. Willow Goldfinch.

_Astragalinus tristis salicamans_ (Grinnell).

Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks.


263. Pine Siskin.

_Spinus pinus_ (Wils.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds throughout its range.

PASSER Brisson.

264. House Sparrow.

_Passer domesticus_ (Linn.).

This bird has now become quite common in the cities along the Coast.


265. Snowflake.

_Passerina nivalis_ (Linn.).

Not common on Vancouver Island. More abundant east of Cascades on the Mainland.

CALCARIUS Bechstein.

266. Lapland Longspur.

_Calcarius lapponicus_ (Linn.).

The Province at large, but nowhere common. It has been taken a Victoria, Chilliwhack, Burrard Inlet, Okanagan, Fort Simpson and Metlakatla.


267. McCown’s Longspur.

_Rhynchophanes mccownii_ (Lawr.).

Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.


268. Western Vesper Sparrow.

_Pooecetes gramineus confinis_ (Baird).

Interior portions of the Mainland east of Cascades, and in the Okanagan.

269. Oregon Vesper Sparrow.

_Pooecetes gramineus affinis_ (Miller).

West of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.


270. Sandwich Sparrow.

_Passerculus sandwichensis_ (Gmel.).

An abundant summer resident west of Cascades on the Mainland, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan.

271. Western Savanna Sparrow.

_Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus_ (Bonaparte).

A common summer resident on the Coast, including Vancouver Island.


272. Western Grasshopper Sparrow.

_Coturniculus savannarum bimaculatus_ (Swainson).

A summer resident in the Okanagan, near Vernon. (_Brooks_.)


273. Western Lark Sparrow.

_Chondestes grammacus strigatus_ (Swains.).

Interior southern portions of the Mainland, from Chilliwhack east through the Okanagan.


274. Harris’s Sparrow.

_Zonotrichia querula_ (Nutt.).

Cadbora Bay, near Victoria, October, 1894, A. H. Maynard; Comox, November, 1894, W. B. Anderson; Sumas (Lower Fraser), 10th January, 1895, A. C. Brooks.

275. Gambel’s Sparrow.

_Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii_ (Nutt.).

Mainland, east of Coast Range, east to Okanagan. Common.

276. Nuttall’s Sparrow.

_Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli_ (Ridgw.).

An abundant summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland, west of Cascades.

277. Golden-crowned Sparrow.

_Zonotrichia coronata_ (Pallas.).

Abundant during migrations on the Coast; have also taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

SPIZELLA Bonaparte.

278. Western Tree Sparrow.

_Spizella monticola ochracea_ (Brewst.).

Chilliwhack and Okanagan, A. C. Brooks; Victoria, A. H. Maynard.

279. Western Chipping Sparrow.

_Spizella socialis arizonæ_ (Coues.).

An abundant summer resident east and west of Cascades. Breeds in the neighbourhood of this City. Also a number remain throughout the winter.

280. Clay-coloured Sparrow.

_Spizella pallida_ (Swains.).

Carpenter’s Mountain, 150-Mile House, Cariboo, July 3rd, 1901. (_Brooks_.)

281. Brewer’s Sparrow.

_Spizella breweri_ (Cass.).

Eastern Cascades and Rocky Mountains districts. Similkameen, R. V. Griffin; Okanagan, A. C. Brooks.

JUNCO Wagler.

282. Slate-coloured Junco.

_Junco hyemalis_ (Linn.).

Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.

283. Oregon Junco.

_Junco hyemalis oreganus_ (Townsend).

Abundant resident west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.

284. Shufeldt’s Junco.

_Junco hyemalis shufeldti_ (Coale).

Breeding from interior British Columbia (Stuarts Lake) east to Rocky Mountains, south to Vancouver Island.


285. Rusty Song Sparrow.

_Melosipza cinerea morphna_ (Oberh.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds on Vancouver Island and Mainland.

286. Sooty Song Sparrow.

_Melosipza cinerea rufina_ (Bonap.).

An abundant resident, chiefly along the coast of Mainland and Vancouver Island. I found it quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, August, 1895.

287. Lincoln’s Sparrow.

_Melosipza lincolnii_ (Aud.).

Not common. East and west of Cascades; a few have been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan.

288. Forbush’s Sparrow.

_Melosipza lincolnii striata_ (Brewst.).

Collected at Comox, September, 1888, by E. H. Forbush. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.


289. Townsend’s Sparrow.

_Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis_ (Gmel.).

A common summer resident west of Cascades. A few remain throughout the winter on Vancouver Island; I have taken it in November and January.

290. Slate-coloured Sparrow.

_Passerella iliaca schistacea_ (Baird).

Southern portions of Mainland, east of Cascades. Sicamous, J. Fannin, Okanagan, A. C. Brooks.

PIPILO Vieillot.

291. Spurred Towhee.

_Pipilo maculatus megalonyx_ (Baird).

East of Cascades, south through the Okanagan.

292. Oregon Towhee.

_Pipilo maculatus oregonus_ (Bell.).

An abundant resident west of Cascades. Breeds on Vancouver Island and Mainland.


293. Black-headed Grosbeak.

_Zamelodia melanocephala_ (Swains).

A summer resident on Vancouver Island. Taken at Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) A summer resident east and west of Cascades. (_Fannin_.)


294. Lazuli Bunting.

_Cyanospiza amoena_ (Say.).

A summer resident chiefly east of Cascades. I have seen it at Chilliwhack and near Vernon. Rare on Vancouver Island.

Family TANAGRIDÆ. Tanagers.

PIRANGA Vieillot.

295. Louisiana Tanager.

_Piranga ludoviciana_ (Wils.).

An abundant summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland.

Family HIRUNDINIDÆ. Swallows.


296. Purple Martin.

_Progne subis_ (Linn.).

A common summer resident chiefly in the cities along the Coast. West of Cascades.


297. Cliff Swallow.

_Petrochelidon lunifrons_ (Say.).

Common summer resident on the Mainland east and west of Cascades, Chilliwhack, Okanagan and Cariboo Road.


298. Barn Swallow.

_Hirundo erythrogastra_ (Bodd).

An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, including Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands.


299. White-bellied Swallow.

_Tachycineta bicolor_ (Vieill.).

An abundant summer resident east and west of Cascades.

300. Northern Violet-green Swallow.

_Tachycineta thalassina lepida_ (Mearns).

An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, east and west of Cascades.

RIPARIA Forester.

301. Bank Swallow.

_Riparia riparia_ (Linn.).

An abundant summer resident, chiefly east of Cascades, north to Cariboo District. Very common from Sicamous down through the Okanagan. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.


302. Rough-winged Swallow.

_Stelgidopteryx serripennis_ (Aud.).

A common summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland.

Family AMPELIDÆ. Waxwings.

AMPELIS Linnæus.

303. Bohemian Waxwing.

_Ampelis garrulus_ (Linn.).

An abundant resident chiefly east of Cascades. A winter visitant to the Coast and Vancouver Island.

304. Cedar Bird.

_Ampelis cedrorum_ (Vieill.).

A common summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland.

Family LANIIDÆ. Shrikes.

LANIUS Linnæus.

305. Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird.

_Lanius borealis_ (Vieill.).

Not common, but found distributed throughout the Province. Found throughout the winter on the Coast.

306. White-rumped Shrike.

_Lanis ludovicianus excubitorides_ (Swains.).

Chilliwhack, A. C. Brooks. Victoria, A. H. Maynard.

Family VIREONIDÆ. Vireos.

VIREO Vieillot.

307. Red-eyed Vireo.

_Vireo olivaceus_ (Linn.).

Distributed over the southern portions of the Province, including Vancouver Island. A summer resident. Chilliwhack and Okanagan, A. C. Brooks.

308. Western Warbling Vireo.

_Vireo gilvus swainsonii_ (Baird).

Common summer resident, west of Rocky Mountains to Pacific. Mainland and Vancouver Island.

309. Cassin’s Vireo.

_Vireo solitarius cassinii_ (Xantus.).

A summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.

310. Anthony’s Vireo.

_Vireo huttoni obscurus_ (Anthony).

A summer resident on Vancouver Island.

Family MNIOTILTIDÆ. Wood Warblers.


311. Calaveras Warbler.

_Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis_ (Ridgw.).

Rocky Mountains to Pacific. A summer resident. Common in the Okanagan. (_Brooks_.)

312. Orange-crowned Warbler.

_Helminthophila celata_ (Say.).

A common summer resident east and west of Cascades.

313. Lutescent Warbler.

_Helminthophila celata lutescens_ (Ridgw.).

An abundant summer resident, chiefly west of Cascades, along the coast of Mainland and Vancouver Island.

314. Tennessee Warbler.

_Helminthophila peregrina_ (Wils.).

Taken at 150-Mile House, Cariboo, by A. C. Brooks.


315. Alaskan Yellow Warbler.

_Dendroica æstiva rubiginosa_ (Pallas).

An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, from Rocky Mountains to the Pacific.

316. Myrtle Warbler.

_Dendroica coronata_ (Linn.).

An abundant summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland, chiefly west of Cascades. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Okanagan. (_Brooks_).

317. Audubon’s Warbler.

_Dendroica auduboni_ (Towns.).

An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, Vancouver Island and Mainland east to Rocky Mountains.

318. Magnolia Warbler.

_Dendroica maculosa_ (Gmel.).

Okanagan, 1898 (_Rhoads_).

319. Black-throated Gray Warbler.

_Dendroica nigrescens_ (Towns.).

Not common. A summer resident west of Cascades, but chiefly along the Coast. Taken at Chilliwhack (_Brooks_).

320. Townsend’s Warbler.

_Dendroica townsendi_ (Townsend.).

Not common, but found distributed throughout the Province, chiefly west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands.

321. Hermit Warbler. Western Warbler.

_Dendroica occidentalis_ (Townsend).

A summer resident, chiefly west of Cascade Range.

SEIURUS Swainson.

322. Grinnell’s Water-thrush.

_Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis_ (Ridgw.).

Taken at Ducks, C. P. R., by Clark P. Streator, August 7th, 1889. Taken at Quesnel, August 30th, 1900, by A. C. Brooks.


323. Macgillivray’s Warbler.

_Geothlypis tolmiei_ (Towns.).

A common summer resident throughout the Province, Vancouver Island and Mainland.

324. Western Yellow-throat.

_Geothlypis trichas occidentalis_ (Brewst.).

A common summer resident throughout the Province.

325. Pacific Yellow-throat.

_Geothlypis trichas arizela_ (Oberh.)

Summer resident in the southern portion of Mainland and Vancouver Island.

ICTERIA Vieillot.

326. Long-tailed Chat.

_Icteria virens longicauda_ (Lawr.).

Summer resident in the southern portions of the Province, from Sumas east to Okanagan, south of Ashcroft.

WILSONIA Bonaparte.

327. Wilson’s Warbler.

_Wilsonia pusilla_ (Wils.).

Vancouver Island and Mainland, east and west of Cascades. S. N. Rhoads, 1892 (_Fannin_.)

328. Pileolated Warbler.

_Wilsonia pusilla pileolata_ (Pall.).

A common summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland.

329. Golden Pileolated Warbler.

_Wilsonia pusilla chryseola_ (Ridgw.).

A summer resident, New Westminster and Mount Lehman.


330. American Redstart.

_Setophaga ruticilla_ (Linn.).

Found through the interior of the Province, from Barkerville south to Okanagan, chiefly east of, and accidentally west of, Cascades. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.

Family MOTACILLIDÆ. Wagtails and Pipits.

ANTHUS Bechstein.

331. American Pipit.

_Anthus pensilvanicus_ (Lath.).

Very abundant during migration, east and west of Cascades. Found throughout some winters on Vancouver Island.

Family CINCLIDÆ. Dippers.

CINCLUS Bechstein.

332. American Dipper.

_Cinclus mexicanus_ (Swains.).

Common throughout the Province in suitable localities.



333. Catbird.

_Galeoscoptes carolinensis_ (Linn.).

A common summer resident east and west of Cascades. Rare on Vancouver Island.


334. Rock Wren.

_Salpinctes obsoletus_ (Say.).

Common east of Cascades, rarely west to the Coast. Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) Burrard Inlet. (_Fannin_.)


335. Vigor’s Wren.

_Thryomanes bewickii spilurus_ (Vig.).

A common summer resident west of Cascades. Found throughout the winter on Vancouver Island.


336. Parkman’s Wren.

_Troglodytes aëdon parkmanii_ (Aud.).

A common summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.


337. Western Winter Wren.

_Olbiorchilus hiemalis pacificus_ (Baird).

An abundant resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.


338. Tule Wren.

_Telmatodytes palustris paludicola_ (Baird).

Abundant east of Cascades, from the lakes along the Cariboo Road, south through the Okanagan. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.

Family CERTHIIDÆ. Creepers.

CERTHIA Linnæus.

339. Rocky Mountain Creeper.

_Certhia familiaris montana_ (Ridgw.).

Southern portion of east of Cascades. Okanagan.

340. California Creeper.

_Certhia familiaris occidentalis_ (Ridgw.).

Common on Vancouver Island. East and west of Cascades on the Mainland.

Family SITTIDÆ. Nuthatches.

SITTA Linnæus.

341. Slender-billed Nuthatch.

_Sitta carolinensis aculeata_ (Cass.).

Common east of Cascades, from Ashcroft south through the Okanagan. I found it quite common near Shuswap, May, 1895.

342. Red-breasted Nuthatch.

_Sitta canadensis_ (Linn.).

Common east and west of Cascades. Found throughout the winter on Vancouver Island.

343. Pygmy Nuthatch.

_Sitta pygmæa_ (Vig.).

East of Cascades, in the south-eastern portions of the Province. I found it fairly common at Grand Prairie, May, 1895.

Family PARIDÆ. Titmice or Chickadees.

PARUS Linnæus.

344. Long-tailed Chickadee.

_Parus atricapillus septentrionalis_ (Harris.).

Common east of Cascades, from Cornwall’s south to Okanagan.

345. Oregon Chickadee.

_Parus atricapillus occidentalis_ (Baird.).

A common resident west of Cascades.

346. Mountain Chickadee.

_Parus gambeli_ (Ridgw.).

East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains, and south through Okanagan.

347. Columbia Chickadee.

_Parus hudsonicus columbianus_ (Rhoads).

East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains, from Cassiar District south to Okanagan.

348. Chestnut-backed Chickadee.

_Parus rufescens_ (Towns.).

An abundant resident chiefly west of Cascades. Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands. Taken at Arrow Lake by A. C. Brooks.

Family CHAMÆIDÆ. Wren, Tits and Bush-Tits.


349. Least Bush-tit.

_Psaltriparus minimus_ (Towns.).

Rare. Taken at Sumas, November 25, 1899, by A. C. Brooks.

Family SYLVIIDÆ. Warblers. Kinglets.


350. Western Golden-crowned Kinglet.

_Regulus satrapa olivaceus_ (Baird).

Abundant throughout the Province.

351. Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

_Regulus calendula_ (Linn.).

Abundant throughout the Province.

Family TURDIDÆ. Thrushes, Solitaires and Bluebirds.


352. Townsend’s Solitaire.

_Myadestes townsendii_ (Aud.).

Not common. Found east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.


353. Willow Thrush.

_Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola_ (Ridgw.).

A common summer resident east of Cascades.

354. Russet-backed Thrush.

_Hylocichla ustulata_ (Nutt.).

A common summer resident west of Cascades. Very common on Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895.

355. Olive-backed Thrush.
_Hylocichla ustulata swainsoni_ (Cab.).

Southern portion of Mainland east of Cascades.

356. Alaska Hermit Thrush.

_Hylocichla guttata_ (Pallas).

West of Cascades, chiefly coastwise. Common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, August, 1895.

357. Audubon’s Hermit Thrush.

_Hylocichla guttata auduboni_ (Baird).

Southern portions of the Province, east of Cascades to Rocky Mountains.


358. American Robin.

_Merula migratoria_ (Linn.).

Both forms are to be found on Vancouver Island. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.

359. Western Robin.

_Merula migratoria propinqua_ (Ridgw.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province.

IXOREUS Bonaparte.

360. Varied Thrush.

_Ixoreus nævius_ (Gmel.).

Common throughout the Province, east and west of Cascades.

SIALIA Swainson.

361. Western Bluebird.

_Sialia mexicana occidentalis_ (Towns.).

A common summer resident east and west of Cascades. A few winter on Vancouver Island.

362. Mountain Bluebird.

_Sialia arctica_ (Swains.).

A summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island.


Albatross, Black-footed 35
Albatross, Short-tailed 36
Auklet, Rhinoceros 12
Auklet, Cassin’s 13


Bittern, American 88
Blackbird, Yellow-headed 244 Blackbird, San Diego Redwing 245
Blackbird, North-western 246 Blackbird, Rusty 249
Blackbird, Brewer’s 250
Bluebird, Western 361
Bluebird, Mountain 362
Bobolink 242
Brant 82
Brant, Black 83
Bunting, Lazuli 294
Bush-tit, Least 349


Catbird 333
Chat, Long-tailed 326
Chickadee, Long-tailed 344
Chickadee, Oregon 345
Chickadee, Mountain 346
Chickadee, Columbia 347
Chickadee, Chestnut-backed 348 Cormorant, White-crested 43
Cormorant, Brandt’s 44
Cormorant, Violet-green 45
Cowbird 243
Coot, American 96
Crane, Little Brown 92
Crane, Sandhill 93
Creeper, Rocky Mountain 339 Creeper, California 340
Crow, American 238
Crow, Northwest 239
Crossbill, American 255
Crossbill, White-winged 256 Cuckoo, Western Yellow-billed 188
Curlew, Long-billed 122
Curlew, Hudsonian 123


Dipper, American 332
Dove, Mourning 148
Dowitcher, Long-billed 101
Duck, Mallard 51
Duck, Gadwall 52
Duck, European Widgeon 53
Duck, American Widgeon 54
Duck, Green-winged Teal 55
Duck, Blue-winged Teal 56
Duck, Cinnamon Teal 57
Duck, Shoveller 58
Duck, Pintail 59
Duck, Wood 60
Duck, Red-head 61
Duck, Canvas-back 62
Duck, American Scaup 63
Duck, Lesser Scaup 64
Duck, Ring-necked 65
Duck, American Golden-eye 66 Duck, Barrow’s Golden-rye 67
Duck, Buffle-head 68
Duck, Long-tailed 69
Duck, Harlequin 70
Duck, American Black Scoter 71 Duck, White-winged Scoter 72
Duck, Surf Scoter 73
Duck, Ruddy 74


Eagle, Golden 160
Eagle, Bald 161


Falcon, Prairie 163
Falcon, Peale’s 165
Finch, California Purple 253 Finch, Cassin’s Purple 254
Flycatcher, Olive-sided 221 Flycatcher, Western 223
Flycatcher, Traill’s 224
Flycatcher, Hammond’s 225
Flycatcher, Wright’s 226
Flicker, Northern 205
Flicker, Red-shafted 206
Flicker, North-western 207
Fulmar, Pacific 37


Godwit, Marbled 112
Goose, Lesser Snow 75
Goose, Ross’s Snow 76
Goose, American White-fronted 77 Goose, Canada 78
Goose, Hutchin’s 79
Goose, White-cheeked 80
Goose, Cackling 81
Goose, Emperor 84
Goldfinch, American 261
Goldfinch, Willow 262
Grebe, Western 1
Grebe, American Red-necked 2 Grebe, Horned 3
Grebe, American Eared 4
Grebe, Pied-billed 5
Grouse, Sooty 134
Grouse, Richardson’s 135
Grouse, Franklin’s 136
Grouse, Canadian Ruffed 137 Grouse, Gray Ruffed 138
Grouse, Oregon Ruffed 139
Grouse, Columbian Sharp-tailed 143 Grouse, Sage 144
Grosbeak, Western Evening 251 Grosbeak, Alaskan Pine 252
Grosbeak, Black-headed 293
Guillemot, Pigeon 16
Gull, Ivory 21
Gull, Glaucous-winged 23
Gull, Western 24
Gull, American 25
Gull, California 26
Gull, Ring-billed 27
Gull, Short-billed 28
Gull, Heermann’s 29
Gull, Bonaparte’s 30
Gull, Sabine’s 31
Gyrfalcon 162


Hawk, Marsh 151
Hawk, Sharp-shinned 152
Hawk, Cooper’s 153
Hawk, American Goshawk 154
Hawk, Western Goshawk 155
Hawk, Western Red-tailed 156 Hawk, Red-bellied 157
Hawk, Swainson’s 158
Hawk, American Rough-legged 159 Hawk, Duck 164
Hawk, Pigeon 166
Hawk, Desert Sparrow 169
Heron, Great Blue 89
Heron, North-west Coast 90
Heron, Snowy 91
Hummingbird, Black-chinned 213 Hummingbird, Red-backed Rufous 214
Hummingbird, Green-backed Rufous 215 Hummingbird, Calliope 216


Ibis, White-faced Glossy 87


Jaeger, Parasitic 19
Jaeger, Pomarine 18
Jaeger, Long-tailed 20
Jay, Steller’s 231
Jay, Black-headed 232
Jay, Queen Charlotte 233
Jay, Rocky Mountain 234
Jay, Oregon 235
Jay, Gray 236
Jay, Piñon 241
Junco, Slate-colored 282
Junco, Oregon 283
Junco, Shufeldt’s 284


Kittiwake, Pacific 22
Kingfisher, Belted 189
Kingbird 217
Kingbird, Gray 218
Kingbird, Arkansas 219
Kinglet, Western Golden-crowned 350 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned 351
Knot 103


Lark, Pallid Horned 227
Lark, Streaked Horned 228
Lark, Dusky Horned 229
Lencosticte, Gray-crowned 257 Lencosticte, Hepburn’s 258
Longspur, Lapland 266
Longspur, McCown’s 267
Loon, Great Northern Diver 6 Loon, Black-throated 7
Loon, Pacific 8
Loon, Red-throated 9


Martin, Purple 296
Magpie, American 230
Meadowlark, Western 247
Merlin, Black 167
Merlin, Richardson’s 168
Merganser, American 48
Merganser, Red-breasted 49
Merganser, Hooded 50
Murrelet, Ancient 14
Murrelet, Marbled 15
Murre, California 17


Nighthawk 207
Nighthawk, Western 208
Nutcracker, Clarke’s 240
Nuthatch, Slender-billed 341 Nuthatch, Red-breasted 342
Nuthatch, Pygmy 343


Oriele, Bullock’s 248
Osprey, American 170
Owl, American Long-eared 171 Owl, Short-eared 172
Owl, Northern Spotted 173
Owl, Great Gray 174
Owl, Richardson’s 175
Owl, Saw-whet 176
Owl, North-West Saw-whet 176A Owl, Kennicott’s Screech 177
Owl, Macfarlane’s Screech 178 Owl, Great Horned 179
Owl, Western Horned 180
Owl, Arctic Horned 181
Owl, Dusky Horned 182
Owl, Snowy 183
Owl, American Hawk 184
Owl, Burrowing 185
Owl, Pygmy 186
Owl, California Pygmy 187
Oyster-catcher, Black 131


Partridge, Mountain 132
Partridge, California 133
Pelican, American White 46
Pelican, California Brown 47 Petrel, Gray Fork-tailed 41
Petrel, Leach’s 42
Pewee, Western Wood 222
Phalarope, Red 97
Phalarope, Northern 98
Phalarope, Wilson’s 99
Pheasant, Ring-necked 145
Phoebe, Say’s 220
Pigeon, Band-tailed 146
Pigeon, Passenger 147
Pipit, American 331
Plover, American Golden 125 Plover, Black-bellied 124
Plover, Killdeer 126
Plover, Semipalmated 127
Poor-Will 208
Ptarmigan, Willow 140
Ptarmigan, Rock 141
Ptarmigan, White-tailed 142 Puffin, Tufted 10
Puffin, Horned 11


Rail, Virginia 94
Rail, Carolina 95
Raven, Northern 237
Redpoll, Hoary 259
Redpoll 260
Redstart, American 330
Robin, American 358
Robin, Western 359


Sanderling 111
Sandpiper, Stilt 102
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed 104 Sandpiper, Pectoral 105
Sandpiper, Baird’s 106
Sandpiper, Least 107
Sandpiper, Red-backed 108
Sandpiper, Semipal mated 109 Sandpiper, Western Semipalmated 110
Sandpiper, Solitary 115
Sandpiper, Western Solitary 116 Sandpiper, Bartramian 119
Sandpiper, Buff-breasted 120 Sandpiper, Spotted 121
Sapsucker, Red-naped 200
Sapsucker, Red-breasted 201 Sapsucker, Williamson’s 202
Shrike, Northern 305
Shrike, White-rumped 306
Shearwater, Black-vented 38 Shearwater, Dark-bodied 39
Shearwater, Slender-billed 40 Siskin, Pine 263
Snipe, Wilson’s 100
Snowflake 265
Solitaire, Townsend’s 352
Sparrow, House 264
Sparrow, Western Vesper 268 Sparrow, Oregon Vesper 269
Sparrow, Sandwick 270
Sparrow, Western Savanna 271 Sparrow, Western Grasshopper 272
Sparrow, Western Lark 273
Sparrow, Harris’s 274
Sparrow, Gambel’s 275
Sparrow, Nuttall’s 276
Sparrow, Golden-crowned 277 Sparrow, Western Tree 278
Sparrow, Western Chipping 279 Sparrow, Clay-colored 280
Sparrow, Brewer’s 281
Sparrow, Rusty Song 285
Sparrow, Sooty Song 286
Sparrow, Lincoln’s 287
Sparrow, Forbush’s 288
Sparrow, Townsend’s 289
Sparrow, Slate-coloured 290 Surf-bird 128
Swan, Whistling 85
Swan, Trumpeter 86
Swallow, Cliff 297
Swallow, Barn 298
Swallow, White-bellied 299
Swallow, Northern violet-green 300 Swallow, Bank 301
Swallow, Rough-winged 302
Swift, Black 211
Swift, Vaux 212


Tanager, Louisaria 295
Tatler, Wandering 118
Tern, Common 32
Tern, Arctic 33
Tern, Black 34
Thrush, Willow 353
Thrush, Russet-backed 354
Thrush, Olive-backed 355
Thrush, Alaska Hermit 356
Thrush, Audubon’s 357
Thrush, Varied 360
Towhee, Spurred 291
Towhee, Oregon 292
Turnstone 129
Turnstone, Black 130


Vireo, Red-eyed 307
Vireo, Western Warbling 308 Vireo, Cassin’s 309
Vireo, Anthony’s 310
Vulture, California 149
Vulture, Turkey 150


Warbler, Calaver’s 311
Warbler, Orange-crowned 312 Warbler, Lutescent 313
Warbler, Tennessee 314
Warbler, Alaskan Yellow 315 Warbler, Myrtle 316
Warbler, Audubon’s 317
Warbler, Magnolia 318
Warbler, Black-throated Gray 319 Warbler, Townsend’s 320
Warbler, Macgillivray’s 323 Warbler, Hermit 321
Warbler, Western Yellow-throat 324 Warbler, Pacific Yellow-throat 325
Warbler, Wilson’s 327
Warbler, Pileolated 328
Warbler, Golden Pileolated 329 Water-thrush, Grinnell’s 322
Waxwing, Bohemian 303
Waxwing, Cedar 304
Willett, Western 117
Woodpecker, Northern Hairy 190 Woodpecker, Harris’s 191
Woodpecker, Cabanis’s 192
Woodpecker, Queen Charlotte 193 Woodpecker, Gairdner’s 194
Woodpecker, Batchelder’s 195 Woodpecker, White-headed 196
Woodpecker, Black-backed Three-toed 197 Woodpecker, Alaskan Three-toed 198
Woodpecker, Alpine Three-toed 199 Woodpecker, Northern Pileated 203
Woodpecker, Lewis’s 204
Wren, Rock 334
Wren, Vigor’s 335
Wren, Parkman’s 336
Wren, Western Winter 337
Wren, Tule 338


Yellow-legs, Greater 113
Yellow-legs, Lesser 114