Chap. X., 746
Chap. XI., 750
Chap. XII., 752
Chap. XIII., 755
Chap. XIV., 759.
Marston; or, the memoirs of a statesman. Part I., 693. Martyr’s Monologue, the, a poem, 125.
Master, the, from Schiller, 310.
Memorandums of a month’s tour in Sicily–leaving Naples steam boatiana, 799
churches, 802
visit to the gardens of the Duke of Serra di Falco, near Palermo, ib. the Thunny fishery, 804
the fishmarket, 805.
Merchant, the, from Schiller, 312.
Might of Song, from Schiller, 172.
Monaco, sketch of the history of, 573. Moralist, to a, from Schiller, 630.
Mulready’s illustrations to the Vicar of Wakefield, review of, 771. Music in England, state of, Part I., 127. Mystery of reminiscence, the, from Schiller, 442.
Natural history of the salmon and sea-trout, the, 640. Non-intrusion controversy, account of the, 352. Nott, General, movements of, in Cabul, 270.
Occupation of Aden, on the, 484.
Opium question, the, 22.
Parr, natural history of the, 640
its identity with the salmon, 643. Passage in the life of a Maitre-d’Armes, 733. Paul de Kockneyisms, by a Cockney, 366
a cit’s soiree, 373.
Paving Question, the, 614.
Peel, Sir Robert, difficulties of his position on his accession to power, 2
errors of his predecessors, 5
his alteration in the corn-law, 5
his financial policy, 7
his tariff, 11.
Philosophy of Dress, the, 230.
Poems and Ballads of Schiller. See Schiller. Poetry, the dream of Lord Nithsdale, by Charles Mackay, 83 the curse of Glencoe, by B. Simmons, 121 the martyr’s monologue, 125
the poems and ballads of Schiller, Part V., 166 Part VI., 302
Part VII., 433
Part VIII., 626
the young grey head, 202
lines by W.S. Landor, 337
the lost lamb, by Delta, 395
the founding of the bell, by Charles Mackay, 462 sonnet, on viewing my mother’s picture, 495 the burial march of Dundee, 537
the vigil of Venus, 715.
Poetry of Life, the, from Schiller, 313. Pollock, General, advance of, into Affghanistan, 269. Poor-law, support of the, by the Conservatives, 14. Practice of Agriculture, the, 415.
Pretenders to Fashion, on, 234.
Quillinan, Edward, imaginary conversation by, between W.S. Landor and Christopher North, 518.
Retreat from Cabul, description of the, 261. Reviews, Londonderry’s steam voyage to Constantinople, 101 Reynolds’s discourses, Part II., 181
conclusion, 589
Eyre’s Cabul, 239
Auguste Comte’s cours de philosophie positive, 397 Stephens’ Book of the Farm, 415
Dumas’ Travels in Italy, 552
Young and Shaw on Salmon and Sea-Trout, 640 The Vicar of Wakefield, illustrated by William Mulready, R.A., 771 Chatterton’s poems, 780.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, review of the discourses of, Part II., 181 conclusion, 589
defence of, against the aspersions of Allan Cunningham, 496. Riots in the manufacturing districts, the, 13. Rousseau, from Schiller, 631.
Rowley’s Poems, review of, 780.
Rudolph of Hapsburg, from Schiller, 169. Russia, commercial policy in reference to, 807. Russian Literature, remarks on, 281.
Salmon, Natural History of the, 640.
Sandt and Kotzebue, imaginary conversation between, by Walter Savage Landor, 338
Sangrador, El, and Ignacio Guerra, a tale of civil war, 791. Schiller, the Poems and Ballads of, translated. No. V. The victory-feast, 166
Rudolph of Hapsburg, 169
the words of error, 171
the words of belief, 172
the might of song, ib.
honour to woman, 173
the fight with the dragon, 175
No. VI. The lay of the bell, 302
votive tablets, 309
the good and the beautiful, ib.
to —-, 310
genius, ib.
correctness, ib.
the imitator, ib.
the master, ib.
to the mystic, ib.
astronomical works, 311
the division of ranks, ib.
theophany, ib.
the chief end of man, ib.
Ulysses, ib.
Jove to Hercules, ib.
the sower, 312
the merchant, ib.
Columbus, ib.
the antique to the northern wanderer, ib. the antique at Paris, ib.
the poetry of life, 313
No. VII. The ideal, 433
the ideal and the actual life, 435 the favour of the moment, 438
expectation and fulfilment, 439
to the proselyte maker, ib.
value and worth, ib.
the fortune-favoured, ib.
Poems of the first period, introductory remarks on them, 441 Hector and Andromache, ib.
to Laura, the mystery of reminiscence, 442 to Laura, rapture, ib.
to Laura, playing, 444
flowers, 445
the battle, ib.
No. VIII. A funeral fantasie, 626
a group in Tartarus, 627
Elysium, 628
Count Eberhard, the grumbler, of Wurtemberg, ib. to a moralist, 630
Rousseau, 631
fortune and favour, ib.
the infanticide, ib.
remarks on it, 634
the triumph of love, 635
fantasie to Laura, 638
to the spring, 639.
Scinde, occupation of, by the British, 273. Sea-Trout, natural history of the, 640.
Shah Shoojah, death of, 266, _note_. Shaw, Mr, on sea-trout and salmon, 640.
Shaw, Thomas B., translation of Ammalat Bek by, introductory remarks, 281
Chap. I., 288
Chap. II., 296
Chap. III., 464
Chap. IV., 471
Chap. V., 478
Chap. VI., 568
Chap. VII., 573
Chap. VIII., 579
Chap. IX., 584
Chap. X., 746
Chap. XI., 750
Chap. XII., 752
Chap. XIII., 755
Chap. XIV., 759.
Shepherds, last of the, a tale, Chap. I., 447 Chap. II., 449
Chap. III., 451
Chap. IV., 453
Chap. V., 455
Chap. VI., 458
Chap. VII., 460.
Sicily, memorandum of a month’s tour in, leaving Naples, steam-boatiana, 799
churches, 802
visit to the garden of the Duke of Serra di Falco, near Palermo, ib. the Thunny fishery, 804
the fishmarket, 805.
Siege of Candia, the, 718.
Simmons, B., the curse of Glencoe, by, 121. Song of the bell, the, from Schiller, 302. Sonnet, by the author of the Life of Burke, 495. Sower, the, from Schiller, 312.
Spain, commercial policy of Great Britain towards, 673. Spring, address to, from Schiller, 639.
Statesman, memoirs of a, see Marston. Stephens’ Book of the Farm, review of, 415.
Tale of a Tub, the, an additional chapter, how Jack ran mad a second time, 352.
Tariff, reconstruction of the, difficulty of the task, 11. Tasso and Cornelia, imaginary conversation between, by Walter Savage Landor, 62.
Taste and Music in England, state of, Part. I., 127. Theophany, from Schiller, 311.
Thunny fishery, the, 804.
To —-, from Schiller, 310.
To Laura, the mystery of reminiscence, from Schiller, 442. To Laura, rapture, from Schiller, 443.
To Laura, playing, from Schiller, 444. To a Moralist, from Schiller, 630.
To the Mystic, from Schiller, 310.
To the Proselyte-maker, from Schiller, 439. To the Spring, from Schiller, 639.
Triumph of Love, the, from Schiller, 635. Turkish History, chapters of; No. IX.
rise of the Kiuprili family siege of Candia, 718. Two Hours of Mystery, a tale, Chap. I., 85 Chap. II., 89
Chap. III., 93.
Ulysses, from Schiller, 311.
Value and Worth, from Schiller, 439.
Vicar of Wakefield illustrated, review of, 771. Victory Feast, the, from Schiller, 166.
Vigil of Venus, the, translated from the Latin, 715. Votive Tablets, from Schiller, 309.
Whigs, the, and Lord Ellenborough, 539. Wood Paving, remarks on, 614.
Words of Error, the, from Schiller, 171 and of belief, 172.
World of London, 2d series. Part I. Aristocracies of London life, 67 the aristocracy of fashion, 68
Part II. Concerning slow fellows, 225 the aristocracy of power, 227
the philosophy of dress, 230
pretenders to fashion, 234
Part III. Aristocracies of London life continued, of gentility-mongering, 379
the aristocracy of talent, 386.
Young, Mr, on grilse and salmon, review of, 640. Young grey head, the, a poem, 202.
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_Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul’s Work._
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