Produced by Jeroen Hellingman THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. by E. A. Wallis Budge. CHAPTER I The Title. “Book of the Dead” is the title now commonly given to the great collection of funerary texts which the ancient Egyptian scribes composed for the benefit of the dead. These consist of spells and incantations, hymns and
The Bhagavad-Gita
The Song Celestial. or Bhagavad-Gita (From the Mahabharata) Being a Discourse Between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being Under the Form of Krishna Translated from the Sanskrit Text by Sir Edwin Arnold, M.A., K.C.I.E., C.S.I. New York Truslove, Hanson & Comba, Ltd. 67 Fifth Avenue 1900 Dedication TO INDIA So have I read
Prophetia Ionae (Jonah) from the Latin Vulgate Bible
I 1 Et factum est verbum Domini ad Ionam, filium Amathi dicens: 2 Surge, et vade in Niniven, civitatem grandem, et praedica in ea, quia ascendit malitia ejus coram me. 3 Et surrexit Ionas, ut fugeret in Tharsis a facie Domini, et descendit in Ioppen; et invenit navem euntem in Tharsis, et dedit naulum ejus, et descendit in eam ut iret cum eis in Tharsis a facie Domini.
Njáls sagaThe Story of Burnt Njal
There was a man named Mord whose surname was Fiddle; he was the son of Sigvat the Red, and he dwelt at the “Vale” in the Rangrivervales.
Little Sarah by Unknown
Little Sarah she stood by her grandmother’s bed,
“And what shall I get for your breakfast?” she said;
“You shall get me a Johnny-cake: quickly go make it,
In one minute mix, and in two minutes bake it.”
“And what shall I get for your breakfast?” she said;
“You shall get me a Johnny-cake: quickly go make it,
In one minute mix, and in two minutes bake it.”
Lady John RussellA Memoir with Selections from Her Diaries and Correspondence
LADY JOHN RUSSELL A Memoir with Selections from Her Diaries and Correspondence EDITED BY DESMOND MACCARTHY AND AGATHA RUSSELL WITH TEN ILLUSTRATIONS, OF WHICH SIX ARE IN COLOUR SECOND EDITION 1910 PREFACE The manuscripts which have supplied the material for a memoir of my mother deal much more fully with the life of my father
Havelok The Dane
Produced by Martin Robb. Havelok the Dane: A Legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln. By Charles W. Whistler PREFACE. If any excuse is needed for recasting the ancient legend of Grim the fisher and his foster-son Havelok the Dane, it may be found in the fascination of the story itself, which made it one of
Happy and Gay Marching Away by Unknown
HAPPY AND GAY MARCHING AWAY A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z & Introduction. Here are Tot, Tom and Toby: There are lots of things to see; There are dogs and cats and horses and goats,
The Saga of Grettir the Strong
The Saga of Grettir the Strong Originally written in Icelandic, sometime in the early 14th Century. Author unknown. This electronic edition was produced, edited, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings (DeTroyes@AOL.COM), June 1995. Document scanning provided by David Reid and John Servilio. **************************************************************** CHAPTER I THE FAMILY AND EARLY WARS OF ONUND THE SON OF
Gems of Poetry, for Girls and Boys by Unknown
GEMS OF POETRY, FOR GIRLS AND BOYS 1850. MAY-DAY SONG. “The flowers are blooming everywhere, On every hill and dell, And O, how beautiful they are! How sweetly, too, they smell! “The little brooks, they dance along, And look so glad and gay; I love to hear their pleasant song, I feel as glad as
Das Buch Henoch
Die Apokalyptiker der â°lteren Zeit unter Juden und Christen in vollstâ°ndiger â¹bersetzung mit fortlaufendem Kommentar, historisch kritischer Einleitung und Exkursen von Dr. A. G. Hoffmann _____________________________ Erster Band Das Buch Henoch _____________________________ Jena in der Croeker’schen Buchhandlung 1833 Das Buch Henoch in vollstâ°ndiger â¹bersetzung mit fortlaufendem Kommentar, ausf¸hrlicher Einleitung und erlâ°uternden Exkursen von Andreas Gottlieb
A Young Girl’s Diary
Scanned by Charles Keller with OmniPage Professional OCR software purchased from Caere Corporation, 1-800-535-7226. Contact Mike Lough A Young Girl’s Diary Prefaced with a Letter by Sigmund Freud Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul CONTENTS FIRST YEAR Age 11 to 12 SECOND YEAR Age 12 to 13 THIRD YEAR Age 13 to 14 LAST HALF-YEAR