The Adventures of Hugh Trevor by Thomas Holcroft

Online Distributed Proofreading Team _The Adventures of Hugh Trevor_ by Thomas Holcroft –‘TIS SO PAT TO ALL THE TRIBE EACH SWEARS THAT WAS LEVELLED AT ME. GAY VOLUME I PREFACE Every man of determined inquiry, who will ask, without the dread of discovering more than he dares believe, what is divinity? what is law? what

Anna St. Ives by Thomas Holcroft

Distributed Proofreaders ANNA ST. IVES THOMAS HOLCROFT 1792 CONTENTS Volume I Volume II Volume III Volume IV Volume V Volume VI VOLUME VII Explanatory Notes ANNA ST. IVES _A NOVEL_ VOLUME I LETTER I _Anna Wenbourne St. Ives to Louisa Clifton_ _Wenbourne-Hill_ Here are we, my dear girl, in the very height of preparation. We