The South Pole An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the “Fram,” 1910 — 1912 By Roald Amundsen Translated from the Norwegian by A. G. Chater To My Comrades, The Brave Little Band That Promised In Funchal Roads To Stand by Me in the Struggle for the South Pole, I Dedicate this Book. Roald
The South Pole, Volume 2 by Roald AmundsenAn Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition
This etext was produced by Jeroen Hellingman The South Pole An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the “Fram,” 1910 — 1912 By Roald Amundsen Translated from the Norwegian by A. G. Chater Contents of Vol. II Chapter Page X. The Start for the Pole 1 XI. Through the Mountains 41 XII. At the
The South Pole, Volume 1 by Roald AmundsenAn Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition
This etext was produced by Jeroen Hellingman The South Pole An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the “Fram,” 1910 — 1912 By Roald Amundsen Translated from the Norwegian by A. G. Chater To My Comrades, The Brave Little Band That Promised In Funchal Roads To Stand by Me in the Struggle for the