The Wrecker by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

This etext was prepared by Tony Adam, Prairie View, TX. PROLOGUE. IN THE MARQUESAS. It was about three o’clock of a winter’s afternoon in Tai-o-hae, the French capital and port of entry of the Marquesas Islands. The trades blew strong and squally; the surf roared loud on the shingle beach; and the fifty-ton schooner of

The Ebb-Tide by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyde Osbourne

Etext scanned by Dianne Bean using OmniPage Pro software donated by Caere. THE EBB-TIDE A TRIO AND QUARTETTE ‘There is a tide in the affairs of men.’ Chapter 1. NIGHT ON THE BEACH Throughout the island world of the Pacific, scattered men of many European races and from almost every grade of society carry activity