Produced by Ben Courtney, Keith M. Eckrich and the PG Online Distributed Proofreaders SOCIAL PICTORIAL SATIRE SOCIAL PICTORIAL SATIRE. _By_ GEORGE DU MAURIER, _Author of “Trilby” “The Martian” &c._ WITH ILLUSTRATIONS MDCCCXCVIII LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS _Mr. and Mrs. Caudle_ _John Leech_ _”In the Bay of Biscay O”_ _A Specimen of Pluck_ _One of Mr. Briggs’s
Peter Ibbetson by George du Maurier et al
PETER IBBETSON by George du Maurier With an Introduction by His Cousin Lady **** (“Madge Plunket”) Edited and Illustrated by George Du Maurier Part One INTRODUCTION The writer of this singular autobiography was my cousin, who died at the —– Criminal Lunatic Asylum, of which he had been an inmate three years. He had been