Guests at the Red House were allowed to do what they liked within reason–the reasonableness or otherwise of it being decided by Mark.
If I May by A. A. Milne
Produced by Stan Goodman and Curtis A. Weyant IF I MAY A. A. MILNE * * * * * BY THE SAME AUTHOR NOT THAT IT MATTERS Named by _Life_ in its issue of October 28, 1920, as one of the best six current books. “No better book for vacation reading.” –_Review_ E. P. DUTTON
First Plays by A. A. Milne
FIRST PLAYS by A. A. Milne TO MY MOTHER CONTENTS INTRODUCTION WURZEL-FLUMMERY THE LUCKY ONE THE BOY COMES HOME BELINDA THE RED FEATHERS INTRODUCTION These five plays were written, in the order in which they appear now, during the years 1916 and 1917. They would hardly have been written had it not been for the
Belinda by A. A. Milne
This eBook was published by Curtis A. Weyant, Stan Goodman, Charles Franks, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team BELINDA An April Folly in Three Acts BY A. A. MILNE CHARACTERS Produced by Mr. Dion Boucioault at the New Theatre, London, on April 8, 1918, with the following cast:– BELINDA TREMAYNE ………. _Irene Vanbrugh_. DELIA (her