Cardinal Morton–of talk at whose table there are recollections in “Utopia”- -delighted in the quick wit of young Thomas More. He once said, “Whoever shall live to try it, shall see this child here waiting at table prove a notable and rare man.”
The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore
E-text produced by Charles Aldarondo, Tiffany Vergon, Robert Connal, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team THE COMPLETE POEMS OF SIR THOMAS MOORE COLLECTED BY HIMSELF WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY WILLIAM M. ROSSETTI THOMAS MOORE Thomas Moore was born in Dublin on the 28th of May 1780. Both his parents were Roman-Catholics;
Memoirs of the Life of Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan Vol 2 by Thomas Moore
Produced by Charles Franks, Robert Connal and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THE RT. HON. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN BY THOMAS MOORE IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. II. CONTENTS TO VOL. II. CHAPTER I. Impeachment of Mr. Hastings. CHAPTER II. Death of Mr. Sheridan’s Father.–Verses by Mrs. Sheridan on the Death of