The House of Mystery by William Henry Irwin

Produced by Kevin O’Hare, Beth Trapaga and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. THE HOUSE OF MYSTERY AN EPISODE IN THE CAREER OF ROSALIE LE GRANGE, CLAIRVOYANT By WILL IRWIN Illustrated by Frederick C. Yohn 1910 CONTENTS I. The Unknown Girl II. Mr. Norcross Wastes Time III. The Light IV. His First Call V. The Light

The City That Was by Will Irwin

This etext was produced by David A. Schwan This is a recast of a newspaper article of the same title published in The Sun April 21, 1906, three days after the Visitation came upon San Francisco. It is here published by special permission of The Sun. For the title, I am indebted to Franklin Matthews.