Select Poems of Sidney Lanier Edited by Morgan Callaway Select Poems of Sidney Lanier Edited With an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography By Morgan Callaway, Jr., Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Philology in the University of Texas, Formerly Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University; Author of “The Absolute Participle in Anglo-Saxon” To My Father Preface This
Poems of Sidney Lanier
Poems of Sidney Lanier. Etext by A. Light, Special thanks to Oliver Darmstaedter, Wiebke Schuck, and Thomas Schaich for their help deciphering the old German font used for the poem (in German), `An Frau Nannette Falk-Auerbach’. Special thanks also to Sibyl Tyson, at The Springs Inn in Ponce de Leon, Fla., for assistance in