France At War by Rudyard Kipling

Produced by David S. Miller FRANCE AT WAR On the Frontier of Civilization BY RUDYARD KIPLING 1915 CONTENTS Poem: France I. On the Frontier of Civilization II. The Nation’s Spirit and a New Inheritance III. Battle Spectacle and a Review IV. The Spirit of the People V. Life in Trenches on the Mountain Side VI.

Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling

Our version cptcr10.txt was prepared by Bill Stoddard “CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS” A STORY OF THE GRAND BANKS by Rudyard Kipling TO JAMES CONLAND, M.D., Brattleboro, Vermont I ploughed the land with horses, But my heart was ill at ease, For the old sea-faring men Came to me now and then, With their sagas of the seas.

Barrack-Room Ballads by Rudyard Kipling

Prepared by David Reed or BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS by RUDYARD KIPLING First Series (1892) Dedication: To T. A. 1 Danny Deever 2 Tommy 3 ‘Fuzzy-Wuzzy’ 4 Soldier, Soldier 5 Screw-Guns 6 Cells 7 Gunga Din 8 Oonts 9 Loot 10 ‘Snarleyow’ 11 The Widow at Windsor 12 Belts 13 The Young British Soldier 14

American Notes by Rudyard Kipling

This etext was created by Judith Boss, Omaha, Nebraska. American Notes by Rudyard Kipling With Introduction Introduction In an issue of the London World in April, 1890, there appeared the following paragraph: “Two small rooms connected by a tiny hall afford sufficient space to contain Mr. Rudyard Kipling, the literary hero of the present hour,

Actions and Reactions by Rudyard Kipling

ACTIONS AND REACTIONS BY RUDYARD KIPLING CONTENTS An Habitation Enforced The Recall Garm–a Hostage The Power of the Dog The Mother Hive The Bees and the Flies With the Night Mail The Four Angels A Deal in Cotton The New Knighthood The Puzzler The Puzzler Little Foxes Gallio’s Song The House Surgeon The Rabbi’s Song

A Diversity of Creatures by Rudyard Kipling

A DIVERSITY OF CREATURES By RUDYARD KIPLING 1917 PREFACE With two exceptions, the dates at the head of these stories show when they were published in magazine form. ‘The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat,’ and ‘My Son’s Wife’ carry the dates when they were written. RUDYARD KIPLING. CONTENTS As Easy as ABC _MacDonough’s