Life in the Iron-Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis

Life in the Iron-Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis “Is this the end? O Life, as futile, then, as frail! What hope of answer or redress?” A cloudy day: do you know what that is in a town of iron-works? The sky sank down before dawn, muddy, flat, immovable. The air is thick, clammy with the

Frances Waldeaux, by Rebecca Harding Davis

This etext was prepared with the use of Calera WordScan Plus 2.0 FRANCES WALDEAUX A Novel BY REBECCA HARDING DAVIS AUTHOR OF “DOCTOR WARRICK’S DAUGHTER” A REMEMBRANCER OF BRITTANY FOR THE BEST FELLOW-TRAVELLER IN THE WORLD FRANCES WALDEAUX —- CHAPTER I In another minute the Kaiser Wilhelm would push off from her pier in Hoboken.

Margret HowthA Story of To-day

Scanned by Charles Keller with OmniPage Professional OCR software donated by Caere Corporation, 1-800-535-7226. Contact Mike Lough MARGRET HOWTH. A STORY OF TO-DAY “My matter hath no voice to alien ears.” TO MY MOTHER. CHAPTER I. Let me tell you a story of To-Day,–very homely and narrow in its scope and aim. Not of the