A Burlesque Autobiography by Mark Twain

This etext was produced by David Widger A BURLESQUE AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Mark Twain CONTENTS: MARK TWAIN’S (BURLESQUE) AUTO-BIOGRAPHY FIRST ROMANCE. 1871 BURLESQUE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Two or three persons having at different times intimated that if I would write an autobiography they would read it, when they got leisure, I yield at last to this frenzied public

The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

The $30,000 Bequest A Dog’s Tale Was It Heaven? Or Hell? A Cure for the Blues The Enemy Conquered; or, Love Triumphant The Californian’s Tale A Helpless Situation A Telephonic Conversation Edward Mills and George Benton: A Tale The Five Boons of Life The First Writing-machines Italian without a Master Italian with Grammar A Burlesque

1601 by Mark Twain

Later, in 1916, a facsimile edition of this printing was published in Chicago from plates.