Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 16 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 16. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XIII. 1815-1821 (Chapter XIV. and the Appendix have not been included) CHAPTER XIII — — 1815-1821. Voyage to St. Helena–Personal traits

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 15 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 15. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XI. to CHAPTER XII. 1815 CHAPTER XI. 1815. My departure from Hamburg-The King at St. Denis–Fouche appointed Minister of the Police–Delay

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 14 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 14. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER VII. to CHAPTER X. 1815 CHAPTER VII. — — 1815. Napoleon at Paris–Political manoeuvres–The meeting of the Champ- de-Mai–Napoleon, the Liberals,

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 13 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 13. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER I. to CHAPTER VI. 1814-1815 CHAPTER I. 1814. Unalterable determination of the Allies with respect to Napoleon– Fontainebleau included in the

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 12 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 12. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XXVIII. to CHAPTER XXXVI. 1813-1814 CHAPTER XXVIII. 1813. Riots in Hamburg and Lubeck–Attempted suicide of M. Konning– Evacuation of Hamburg–Dissatisfaction at

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 11 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 11. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XIX. to CHAPTER XXVII. 1809-1812 CHAPTER XIX. 1809. The castle of Diernstein–Richard Coeur de Lion and Marshal Lannes, –The Emperor at

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 10 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 10. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XI. to CHAPTER XVIII. 1807-1809 CHAPTER XI. 1807 Abuse of military power–Defence of diplomatic rights–Marshal Brune –Army supplies–English cloth and leather–Arrest

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 9 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 9. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER I. to CHAPTER X. 1805-1807 CHAPTER I. 1805. Abolition of the Republican calendar–Warlike preparations in Austria–Plan for re-organizing the National Guard–Napoleon

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 8 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 8. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XXVII. to CHAPTER XXXIV. 1804-1805 CHAPTER XXVII. 1804. Clavier and Hemart–Singular Proposal of Corvisart-M. Desmaisons– Project of influencing the judges–Visit to

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 7 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 7. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER XIX. to CHAPTER XXVI. 1803-1804 CHAPTER XIX. 1803. Mr. Pitt–Motive of his going out of office–Error of the English Government–Pretended regard

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 6 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 6. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER IX. to CHAPTER XVIII. 1802-1803 CHAPTER IX. 1802. Proverbial falsehood of bulletins–M. Doublet–Creation of the Legion of Honour–Opposition to it in

Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, vol 5 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

This etext was produced by David Widger MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, VOLUME 5. By LOUIS ANTOINE FAUVELET DE BOURRIENNE His Private Secretary Edited by R. W. Phipps Colonel, Late Royal Artillery 1891 CONTENTS: CHAPTER I. to CHAPTER VIII., 1800-1803 CHAPTER I. 1800. Bonaparte’s confidence in the army–‘Ma belle’ France–The convent of Bernadins–Passage of Mont St.