Produced by Suzanne Shell, Dave Morgan and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE RIVET IN GRANDFATHER’S NECK A Comedy of Limitations BY JAMES BRANCH CABELL “_To this new South, who values her high past in chief, as fit foundation of that edifice whereon she labors day by day, and with augmenting strokes_.” 1915 TO PRISCILLA BRADLEY CABELL
The Line of Love by James Branch Cabell
Produced by Suzanne Shell, Mary Meehan and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE LINE OF LOVE BY JAMES BRANCH CABELL 1921 TO ROBERT GAMBLE CABELL I “He loved chivalrye, Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisye. And of his port as meek as is a mayde, He never yet no vileinye ne sayde In al his lyf, unto
The Jewel Merchants by James Branch Cabell
Produced by Suzanne Shell, Clare Boothby and PG Distributed Proofreaders _The Jewel Merchants_ _A Comedy in One Act_ By James Branch Cabell _”Io non posso ritrar di tutti appieno: pero chi si mi caccia il lungo tema, che molte volte al fatto il dir vieti meno.”_ NEW YORK 1921 TO LOUISE BURLEIGH _This latest avatar
The Cords of Vanity by James Branch CabellA Comedy Of Shirking
THE CORDS OF VANITY A Comedy of Shirking Revised and Expanded Edition by JAMES BRANCH CABELL with INTRODUCTION by WILSON FOLLETT To GABRIELLE BROOKE MONCURE _Plus sapit vulgus, quia tantum, quantum opus est, sapit._ AN INTRODUCTION by Wilson Follett Mr. Cabell, in making ready this second or intended edition of THE CORDS OF VANITY, performs
The Certain Hour by James Branch Cabell
This etext was prepared with the use of Calera WordScan Plus 2.0 Donated by Calera THE CERTAIN HOUR (Dizain des Poetes) By JAMES BRANCH CABELL “Criticism, whatever may be its pretensions, never does more than to define the impression which is made upon it at a certain moment by a work wherein the writer himself
Jurgen by James Branch CabellA Comedy of Justice
Produced by Suzanne L. Shell, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. With thanks to the McCain Library, Agnes Scott College. JURGEN _A Comedy of Justice_ By JAMES BRANCH CABELL 1922 _”Of JURGEN eke they maken mencioun, That of an old wyf gat his youthe agoon, And gat himselfe a shirte as bright as
Gallantry by James Branch Cabell
Produced by Charles Aldarondo, Tiffany Vergon and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. GALLANTRY _Dizain des Fetes Galantes_ By JAMES BRANCH CABELL WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY LOUIS UNTERMEYER “_Half in masquerade, playing the drawing-room or garden comedy of life, these persons have upon them, not less than the landscape among the accidents of which they group
Figures of Earth by James Branch Cabell
FIGURES OF EARTH A Comedy of Appearances JAMES BRANCH CABELL Illustrated by Frank C. Pape 1921 “Cascun se mir el jove Manuel, Qu’era del mom lo plus valens dels pros.” Contents AUTHOR’S NOTE A FOREWORD PART ONE: THE BOOK OF CREDIT CHAPTER I HOW MANUEL LEFT THE MIRE II NIAFER III ASCENT OF VRAIDEX IV
Domnei by James Branch Cabell et al
Distributed Proofreaders Domnei A Comedy of Woman-Worship By JAMES BRANCH CABELL 1920 “_En cor gentil domnei per mort no passa_.” TO SARAH READ McADAMS IN GRATITUDE AND AFFECTION “The complication of opinions and ideas, of affections and habits, which prompted the chevalier to devote himself to the service of a lady, and by which he
Chivalry by James Branch Cabell
CHIVALRY JAMES BRANCH CABELL 1921 TO ANNE BRANCH CABELL “AINSI A VOUS, MADAME, A MA TRES HAULTE ET TRES NOBLE DAME, A QUI J’AYME A DEVOIR ATTACHEMENT ET OBEISSANCE, J’ENVOYE CE LIVRET.” Introduction Few of the more astute critics who have appraised the work of James Branch Cabell have failed to call attention to that