William Fishburne, Charles Aldarondo, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. WITHOUT PREJUDICE BY I. ZANGWILL Author Of “The Master,” “Children Of The Ghetto” Etc., Etc. * * * * * TO YOU * * * * * _NOTE_ _This book is a selection, slightly revised, from my miscellaneous work during the last four or five
Stories by English Authors: London
Etext prepared by Dagny, dagnyj@hotmail.com and John Bickers, jbickers@ihug.co.nz STORIES BY ENGLISH AUTHORS LONDON From Scribners CONTENTS THE INCONSIDERATE WAITER, J. M. Barrie THE BLACK POODLE, F. Anstey THAT BRUTE SIMMONS, Arthur Morrison A ROSE OF THE GHETTO, I. Zangwill AN IDYL OF LONDON, Beatrice Harraden THE OMNIBUS, “Q” THE HIRED BABY, Marie Correlli THE
Children of the Ghetto by I. Zangwill
Proofreaders CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO A Study of a Peculiar People BY I. ZANGWILL Author of “The Master,” “The King of Schnorrers” “Dreamers of the Ghetto,” “Without Prejudice,” etc. 1914 Preface to the Third Edition. The issue of a one-volume edition gives me the opportunity of thanking the public and the critics for their kindly