This etext was produced by David Widger CONSCIENCE By HECTOR MALOT BOOK 4. CHAPTER XXXVI CONSCIENCE ASSERTS ITSELF During the first years of his sojourn in Paris, Saniel had published in a Latin Quarter review an article on the “Pharmacy of Shakespeare”–the poison of Hamlet, and of Romeo and Juliet; and although since his choice
Conscience, v3 by Hector Malot
This etext was produced by David Widger CONSCIENCE By HECTOR MALOT BOOK 3. CHAPTER XXIV HEDGING As he did not reply to this cry of triumph, she looked at him in surprise. saw his face, pale, agitated, under the shock evidently of a violent emotion that she could not explain to herself. “What is the
Conscience, v2 by Hector Malot
This etext was produced by David Widger CONSCIENCE By HECTOR MALOT BOOK 2. CHAPTER XI THE INSTRUMENT OF DEATH When, after two hours’ sleep, Saniel woke, he did not at first think of this knife; he was tired and dull. Mechanically he walked about his room without paying attention to what he was doing, as
Conscience, v1 by Hector Malot
This etext was produced by David Widger CONSCIENCE By HECTOR MALOT With a Preface by EDOUARD PAILLERON, of the French Academy BOOK 1. HECTOR MALOT HECTOR-HENRI MALOT, the son of a notary public, was born at La Brouille (Seine-Inferieure), March 20, 1830. He studied law, intending to devote himself also to the Notariat, but toward
Conscience, entire by Hector Malot
This etext was produced by David Widger CONSCIENCE By HECTOR MALOT With a Preface by EDOUARD PAILLERON, of the French Academy BOOK 1. HECTOR MALOT HECTOR-HENRI MALOT, the son of a notary public, was born at La Brouille (Seine-Inferieure), March 20, 1830. He studied law, intending to devote himself also to the Notariat, but toward