The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers by Frank Gee Patchin

Produced by Jim Ludwig The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers or On the Trail of the Border Bandits By Frank Gee Patchin CONTENTS CHAPTERS I. Excitement on the West Fork II. A Mysterious Attack III. In a Bad Man’s Power IV. Tad Butler Makes a Discovery V. When the Tables Were Turned VI.

The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon by Frank Gee Patchin

Produced by Jim Ludwig THE PONY RIDER BOYS IN THE GRAND CANYON or The Mystery of Bright Angel Gulch by Frank Gee Patchin CONTENTS CHAPTERS I. Westward Ho! II. A View of the Promised Land III. Tenderfeet Show Their Skill IV. A Night in the Crater V. Tad Lend a Helping Hand VI. A Sight