Produced by Ted Garvin, Thomas Hutchinson and PG Distributed Proofreaders. INITIATION INTO PHILOSOPHY by Emile Faguet of the French Academy Author of “The Cult Of Incompetence,” “Initiation Into Literature,” etc. Translated from the French by Sir Homer Gordon, Bart. 1914 PREFACE This volume, as indicated by the title, is designed to show the way to
Initiation into Literature by Émile Faguet
Produced by Ted Garvin, Marlo Dianne, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team INITIATION INTO LITERATURE BY EMILE FAGUET TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY SIR HOME GORDON, BART. The Translator begs to acknowledge with appreciation the courtesy of the Author in graciously consenting to make some valuable additions, at his request, specially for the