Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders by Victor AppletonOr, The Underground Search For the Idol of Gold

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**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts**

**eBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971**

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Title: Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

Author: Victor Appleton

Release Date: Apr, 1996 [EBook #499]
[Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first posted on March 11, 2002] [Most recently updated: March 11, 2002]

Edition: 11

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


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The Underground Search
for the Idol of Gold





Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders






Tom Swift, who had been slowly looking through the pages of a magazine, in the contents of which he seemed to be deeply interested, turned the final folio, ruffled the sheets back again to look at a certain map and drawing, and then, slapping the book down on a table before him, with a noise not unlike that of a shot, exclaimed:

“Well, that is certainly one wonderful story!”

“What’s it about, Tom?” asked his chum, Ned Newton. “Something about inside baseball, or a new submarine that can be converted into an airship on short notice?”

“Neither one, you–you unscientific heathen,” answered Tom, with a laugh at Ned. “Though that isn’t saying such a machine couldn’t be invented.”

“I believe you–that is if you got on its trail,” returned Ned, and there was warm admiration in his voice.

“As for inside baseball, or outside, for that matter, I hardly believe I’d be able to tell third base from the second base, it’s so long since I went to a game,” proceeded Tom. “I’ve been too busy on that new airship stabilizer dad gave me an idea for. I’ve been working too hard, that’s a fact. I need a vacation, and maybe a good baseball game—-“

He stopped and looked at the magazine he had so hastily slapped down. Something he had read in it seemed to fascinate him.

“I wonder if it can possibly be true,” he went on. “It sounds like the wildest dream of a professional sleep-walker; and yet, when I stop to think, it isn’t much worse than some of the things we’ve gone through with, Ned.”

“Say, for the love of rice-pudding! will you get down to brass tacks and strike a trial balance? What are you talking of, anyhow? Is it a joke?”

“A joke?”

“Yes. What you just read in that magazine which seems to cause you so much excitement.”

“Well, it may be a joke; and yet the professor seems very much in earnest about it,” replied Tom. “It certainly is one wonderful story!”

“So you said before. Come on–the `fillium’ is busted. Splice it, or else put in a new reel and on with the show. I’d like to know what’s doing. What professor are you talking of?”

“Professor Swyington Bumper.”

“Swyington Bumper?” and Ned’s voice
showed that his memory was a bit hazy.

“Yes. You ought to remember him. He was on the steamer when I went down to Peru to help the Titus Brothers dig the big tunnel. That plotter Waddington, or some of his tools, dropped a bomb where it might have done us some injury, but Professor Bumper, who was a fellow passenger, on his way to South America to look for the lost city of Pelone, calmly picked up the bomb, plucked out the fuse, and saved us from bad injuries, if not death. And he was as cool about it as an ice-cream cone. Surely you remember!”

“Swyington Bumper! Oh, yes, now I remember him,” said Ned Newton. “But what has
he got to do with a wonderful story? Has he written more about the lost city of Pelone? If he has I don’t see anything so very wonderful in that.”

“There isn’t,” agreed Tom. “But this isn’t that,” and Tom picked up the magazine and leafed it to find the article he had been reading.

“Let’s have a look at it,” suggested Ned. “You act as though you might be vitally interested in it. Maybe you’re thinking of joining forces with the professor again, as you did when you dug the big tunnel.”

“Oh, no. I haven’t any such idea,” Tom said. “I’ve got enough work laid out now to keep me in Shopton for the next year. I have no notion of going anywhere with Professor Bumper. Yet I can’t help being impressed by this,” and, having found the article in the magazine to which he referred, he handed it to his chum.

“Why, it’s by Bumper himself!” exclaimed Ned.

“Yes. Though there’s nothing remarkable in that, seeing that he is constantly contributing articles to various publications or writing books. It’s the story itself that’s so wonderful. To save you the trouble of wading through a lot of scientific detail, which I know you don’t care about, I’ll tell you that the story is about a queer idol of solid gold, weighing many pounds, and, in consequence, of great value.”

“Of solid gold you say?” asked Ned eagerly.

“That’s it. Got on your banking air already,” Tom laughed. “To sum it up for you–notice I use the word `sum,’ which is very appropriate for a bank–the professor has got on the track of another lost or hidden city. This one, the name of which doesn’t appear, is in the Copan valley of Honduras, and—-“

“Copan,” interrupted Ned. “It sounds like the name of some new floor varnish.”

“Well, it isn’t, though it might be,” laughed Tom. “Copan is a city, in the Department of Copan, near the boundary between Honduras and Guatemala. A fact I learned from the article and not because I remembered my geography.”

“I was going to say,” remarked Ned with a smile, “that you were coming it rather strong on the school-book stuff.”

“Oh, it’s all plainly written down there,” and Tom waved toward the magazine at which Ned was looking. “As you’ll see, if you take the trouble to go through it, as I did, Copan is, or maybe was, for all I know, one of the most important centers of the Mayan civilization.”

“What’s Mayan?” asked Ned. “You see I’m going to imbibe my information by the deductive rather than the excavative process,” he added with a laugh.

“I see,” laughed Tom. “Well, Mayan refers to the Mayas, an aboriginal people of Yucatan. The Mayas had a peculiar civilization of their own, thousands of years ago, and their calendar system was so involved—-“

“Never mind about dates,” again interrupted Ned. “Get down to brass tacks. I’m willing to take your word for it that there’s a Copan valley in Honduras. But what has your friend Professor Bumper to do with it?”

“This. He has come across some old
manuscripts, or ancient document records, referring to this valley, and they state, according to this article he has written for the magazine, that somewhere in the valley is a wonderful city, traces of which have been found twenty to forty feet below the surface, on which great trees are growing, showing that the city was covered hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago.”

“But where does the idol of gold come in?”

“I’m coming to that,” said Tom. “Though, if Professor Bumper has his way, the idol will be coming out instead of coming in.”

“You mean he wants to get it and take it away from the Copan valley, Tom?”

“That’s it, Ned. It has great value not only from the amount of pure gold that is in it, but as an antique. I fancy the professor is more interested in that aspect of it. But he’s written a wonderful story, telling how he happened to come across the ancient manuscripts in the tomb of some old Indian whose mummy he unearthed on a trip to Central America.

“Then he tells of the trouble he had in discovering how to solve the key to the translation code; but when he did, he found a great story unfolded to him.

“This story has to do with the hidden city, and tells of the ancient civilization of those who lived in the Copan valley thousands of years ago. The people held this idol of gold to be their greatest treasure, and they put to death many of other tribes who sought to steal it.”

“Whew!” whistled Ned. “That IS some yarn. But what is Professor Bumper going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. The article seems to be written with an idea of interesting scientists and research societies, so that they will raise money to conduct a searching expedition.

“Perhaps by this time the party may be organized–this magazine is several months old. I have been so busy on my stabilizer patent that I haven’t kept up with current literature. Take it home and read it! Ned. That is if you’re through telling me about my affairs,” for Ned, who had formerly worked in the Shopton bank, had recently been made general financial man- ager of the interests of Tom and his father. The two were inventors and proverbially poor business men, though they had amassed a fortune.

“Your financial affairs are all right, Tom,” said Ned. “I have just been going over the books, and I’ll submit a detailed report later.”

The telephone bell rang and Tom picked up the instrument from the desk. As he answered in the usual way and then listened a moment, a strange look came over his face.

“Well, this certainly is wonderful!” he exclaimed, in much the same manner as when he had finished reading the article about the idol. “It certainly is a strange coincidence,” he added,
speaking in an aside to Ned while he himself still listened to what was being told to him over the telephone wire.



“What’s the matter, Tom? What is it?” asked Ned Newton, attracted by the strange manner of his chum at the telephone. “Has anything happened?”

But the young inventor was too busy listening to the unseen speaker to answer his chum, even if he heard what Ned remarked, which is doubtful.

“Well, I might as well wait until he is through,” mused Ned, as he started to leave the room. Then as Tom motioned to him to remain, he murmured: “He may have something
to say to me later. But I wonder who is talking to him.”

There was no way of finding out, however, until Tom had a chance to talk to Ned, and at present the young scientist was eagerly listening to what came over the wire. Occasionally Ned could hear him say:

“You don’t tell me! That is surprising! Yes –yes! Of course if it’s true it means a big thing, I can understand that. What’s that? No, I couldn’t make a promise like that. I’m sorry, but—-“

Then the person at the other end of the wire must have plunged into something very interesting and absorbing, for Tom did not again
interrupt by interjected remarks.

Tom. Swift, as has been said, was an inventor, as was his father. Mr. Swift was now rather old and feeble, taking only a nominal part in the activities of the firm made up of himself and his son. But his inventions were still used, many of them being vital to the business and trade of this country.

Tom and his father lived in the village of Shopton, New York, and their factories covered many acres of ground. Those who wish to read of the earliest activities of Tom in the inventive line are referred to the initial volume, “Tom Swift and His Motor Cycle.” From then on he and his father had many and exciting adventures. In a motor boat, an airship, and a submarine respectively the young inventor had gone through many perils. On some of the trips his chum, Ned Newton, accompanied him, and very often in the party was a Mr. Wakefield Damon, who had a curious habit of “blessing” everything that happened to strike his fancy.

Besides Tom and his father, the Swift household was made up of Eradicate Sampson, a colored man-of-all-work, who, with his mule Boomerang, did what he could to keep the grounds
around the house in order. There was also Mrs. Baggert, the housekeeper, Tom’s mother being dead. Mr. Damon, living in a neighboring town, was a frequent visitor in the Swift home.

Mary Nestor, a girl of Shopton, might also be mentioned. She and Tom were more than just good friends. Tom had an idea that some day—-. But there, I promised not to tell that part, at least until the young people themselves were ready to have a certain fact announced.

From one activity to another had Tom Swift gone, now constructing some important invention for himself, as among others, when he made the photo-telephone, or developed a great searchlight which he presented to the Government for use in detecting smugglers on the

The book immediately preceding this is called “Tom Swift and His Bit, Tunnel,” and deals with the efforts of the young inventor to help a firm of contractors penetrate a mountain in Peru. How this was done and how, incidental- ly, the lost city of Pelone was discovered, bringing joy to the heart of Professor Swyington
Bumper, will be found fully set forth in the book.

Tom had been back from the Peru trip for some months, when we again find him interested in some of the work of Professor Bumper, as set forth in the magazine mentioned.

“Well, he certainly is having some conversation,” reflected Ned, as, after more than five
minutes, Tom’s ear was still at the receiver of the instrument, into the transmitter of which he had said only a few words.

“All right,” Tom finally answered, as he hung the receiver up, “I’ll be here,” and then he turned to Ned, whose curiosity had been growing with the telephone talk, and remarked:

“That certainly was wonderful!”

“What was?” asked Ned. “Do you think I’m a mind reader to be able to guess?”

“No, indeed! I beg your pardon. I’ll tell you at once. But I couldn’t break away. It was too important. To whom do you think I was talking just then?”

“I can imagine almost any one, seeing I know something of what you have done. It might be almost anybody from some person you met up in the caves of ice to a red pygmy from the wilds of Africa.”

“I’m afraid neither of them would be quite up to telephone talk yet,” laughed Tom. “No, this was the gentleman who wrote that interesting article about the idol of gold,” and he
motioned to the magazine Ned held in his hand.

“You don’t mean Professor Bumper!”

“That’s just whom I do mean.”

“What did he want? Where did he call

“He wants me to help organize an expedition to go to Central America–to the Copan valley, to be exact–to look for this somewhat mythical idol of gold. Incidentally the professor will gather in any other antiques of more or less value, if he can find any, and he hopes, even if he doesn’t find the idol, to get enough historical material for half a dozen books, to say nothing of magazine articles.”

“Where did he call from; did you say?”

“I didn’t say. But it was a long-distance call from New York. The Professor stopped off there on his way from Boston, where he has been lecturing before some society. And now he’s coming here to see me,” finished Tom.

“What! Is he going to lecture here?” cried Ned. “If he is, and spouts a whole lot of that bone-dry stuff about the ancient Mayan civilization and their antiquities, with side lights on how the old-time Indians used to scalp their enemies, I’m going to the moving pictures! I’m willing to be your financial manager, Tom Swift, but please don’t ask me to be a high-brow. I wasn’t built for that.”

“Nor I, Ned. The professor isn’t going to lecture. He’s only going to talk, he says.”

“What about?”

“He’s going to try to induce me to join his expedition to the Copan valley.”

“Do you feel inclined to go?”

“No, Ned, I do not. I’ve got too many other irons in the fire. I shall have to give the professor a polite but firm refusal.”

“Well, maybe you’re right, Tom; and yet that idol of gold–GOLD–weighing how many pounds did you say?”

“Oh, you’re thinking of its money value, Ned, old man!”

“Yes, I’d like to see what a big chunk of gold like that would bring. It must be quite a nugget. But I’m not likely to get a glimpse of it if you don’t go with the professor.”

“I don’t see how I can go, Ned. But come over and meet the delightful gentleman when he arrives. I expect him day after to-morrow.”

“I’ll be here,” promised Ned; and then he went downtown to attend to some matters con- nected with his new duties, which were much less irksome than those he had had when he had been in the bank.

“Well, Tom, have you heard any more about your friend?” asked Ned, two days later, as he came to the Swift home with some papers needing the signature of the young inventor and his father.

“You mean—-?”

“Professor Bumper.”

“No, I haven’t heard from him since he telephoned. But I guess he’ll be here all right. He’s very punctual. Did you see anything of my giant Koku as you came in?”

“Yes, he and Eradicate were having an argument about who should move a heavy casting from one of the shops. Rad wanted to do it all alone, but Koku said he was like a baby now.”

“Poor Rad is getting old,” said Tom with a sigh. “But he has been very faithful. He and Koku never seem to get along well together.”

Koku was an immense man, a veritable giant, one of two whom Tom had brought back with him after an exciting trip to a strange land. The giant’s strength was very useful to the young inventor.

“Now Tom, about this business of leasing to the English Government the right to manufac- ture that new explosive of yours,” began Ned, plunging into the business at hand. “I think if you stick out a little you can get a better royalty price.”

“But I don’t want to gouge ’em, Ned. I’m satisfied with a fair profit. The trouble with you is you think too much of money. Now—-“

At that moment a voice was heard in the hall of the house saying:

“Now, my dear lady, don’t trouble yourself. I can find my way in to Tom Swift perfectly well by myself, and while I appreciate your courtesy I do not want to trouble you.”

“No, don’t come, Mrs. Baggert,” added another voice. “Bless my hat band, I think I know my way about the house by this time!”

“Mr. Damon!” ejaculated Ned.

“And Professor Bumper is with him,” added Tom. “Come in!” he cried, opening the hall door, to confront a bald-headed man who stood peering at our hero with bright snapping eyes, like those of some big bird spying out the land from afar. “Come in, Professor Bumper; and you too, Mr. Damon!”



Greetings and inquiries as to health having been passed, not without numerous blessings on the part of Mr. Damon, the little party gathered in the library of the home of Tom Swift sat down and looked at one another.

On Professor Bumper’s face there was, plainly to be seen, a look of expectation, and it seemed to be shared by Mr. Damon, who seemed eager to burst into enthusiastic talk. On the other hand Tom Swift appeared a bit indifferent.

Ned himself admitted that he was frankly curious. The story of the big idol of gold had occupied his thoughts for many hours.

“Well, I’m glad to see you both,” said Tom again. “You got here all right, I see, Professor Bumper. But I didn’t expect you to meet and bring Mr. Damon with you.”

“I met him on the train,” explained the author of the book on the lost city of Pelone, as well as books on other antiquities. “I had no expectation of seeing him, and we were both surprised when we met on the express.”

“It stopped at Waterfield, Tom,” explained Mr. Damon, “which it doesn’t usually do, being an aristocratic sort of train, not given even to hesitating at our humble little town. There were some passengers to get off, which caused the flier to stop, I suppose. And, as I wanted to come over to see you, I got aboard.”

“Glad you did,” voiced Tom.

“Then I happened to see Professor Bumper a few seats ahead of me,” went on Mr. Damon, “and, bless my scarfpin! he was coming to see you also.”

“Well, I’m doubly glad,” answered Tom.

“So here we are,” went on Mr. Damon, “and you’ve simply got to come, Tom Swift. You must go with us!” and Mr. Damon, in his
enthusiasm, banged his fist down on the table with such force that he knocked some books to the floor.

Koku, the giant, who was in the hall, opened the door and in his imperfect English asked:

“Master Tom knock for him bigs man?”

“No,” answered Tom with a smile, “I didn’t knock or call you, Koku. Some books fell, that is all.”

“Massa Tom done called fo’ me, dat’s what he done!” broke in the petulant voice of Eradicate.

“No, Rad, I don’t need anything,” Tom said. “Though you might make a pitcher of lemonade. It’s rather warm.”

“Right away, Massa Tom! Right away!” cried the old colored man, eager to be of service.

“Me help, too!” rumbled Koku, in his deep voice. “Me punch de lemons!” and away he hurried after Eradicate, fearful lest the old servant do all the honors.

“Same old Rad and Koku,” observed Mr. Damon with a smile. “But now, Tom, while they’re making the lemonade, let’s get down to business. You’re going with us, of course!”

“Where?” asked Tom, more from habit than because he did not know.

“Where? Why to Honduras, of course! After the idol of gold! Why, bless my fountain pen, it’s the most wonderful story I ever heard of! You’ve read Professor Bumper’s article, of course. He told me you had. I read it on the train coming over. He also told me about it, and—- Well, I’m going with him, Tom Swift.

“And think of all the adventures that may befall us! We’ll get lost in buried cities, ride down raging torrents on a raft, fall over a cliff maybe and be rescued. Why, it makes me feel quite young again!” and Mr. Damon arose, to pace excitedly up and down the room.

Up to this time Professor Bumper had said very little. He had sat still in his chair listening to Mr. Damon. But now that the latter had ceased, at least for a time, Tom and Ned looked toward the scientist.

“I understand, Tom,” he said, “that you read my article in the magazine, about the possibility of locating some of the lost and buried cities of Honduras?”

“Yes, Ned and I each read it. It was quite wonderful.”

“And yet there are more wonders to tell,” went on the professor. “I did not give all the details in that article. I will tell you some of them. I have brought copies of the documents with me,” and he opened a small valise and took out several bundles tied with pink tape.

“As Mr. Damon said,” he went on while arranging his papers, “he met me on the train, and he was so taken by the story of the idol of gold that he agreed to accompany me to Central America.”

“On one condition!” put in the eccentric man.

“What’s that? You didn’t make any conditions while we were talking,” said the scientist.

“Yes, I said I’d go if Tom Swift did.”

“Oh, yes. You did say that. But I don’t call that a condition, for of course Tom Swift will go. Now let me tell you something more than I could impart over the telephone.

“Soon after I called you up, Tom–and it was quite a coincidence that it should have been at a time when you had just finished my magazine article. Soon after that, as I was saying, I arranged to come on to Shopton. And now I’m glad we’re all here together.

“But how comes it, Ned Newton, that you are not in the bank?”

“I’ve left there,” explained Ned.

“He’s now general financial man for the Swift Company,” Tom explained. “My father and I found that we could not look after the inventing and experimental end, and money matters, too, and as Ned had had considerable experience this way we made him take over those worries,” and Tom laughed genially.

“No worries at all, as far as the Swift Company is concerned,” returned Ned.

“Well, I guess you earn your salary,” laughed Tom. “But now, Professor Bumper, let’s hear from you. Is there anything more about this idol of gold that you can tell us?”

“Plenty, Tom, plenty. I could talk all day, and not get to the end of the story. But a lot of it would be scientific detail that might be too dry for you in spite of this excellent lemonade,”

Between them Koku and Eradicate had managed to make a pitcher of the beverage, though Mrs. Baggert, the housekeeper, told Tom afterward that the two had a quarrel in the kitchen as to who should squeeze the lemons, the giant insisting that he had the better right to “punch” them.

“So, not to go into too many details,” went on the professor, “I’ll just give you a brief outline of this story of the idol of gold.

“Honduras, as you of course know, is a republic of Central America, and it gets its name from something that happened on the fourth voyage of Columbus. He and his men had had days of weary sailing and had sought in vain for shallow water in which they might come to an anchorage. Finally they reached the point now known as Cape Gracias-a-Dios, and when they let the anchor go, and found that in a short time it came to rest on the floor of the ocean, some one of the sailors–perhaps Columbus himself– is said to have remarked:

“`Thank the Lord, we have left the deep waters (honduras)’ that being the Spanish word for unfathomable depths. So Honduras it was called, and has been to this day.

“It is a queer land with many traces of an ancient civilization, a civilization which I believe dates back farther than some in the far East. On the sculptured stones in the Copan valley there are characters which seem to resemble very ancient writing, but this pictographic writing is largely untranslatable.

“Honduras, I might add, is about the size of our state of Ohio. It is rather an elevated table- land, though there are stretches of tropical forest, but it is not so tropical a country as many suppose it to be. There is much gold scattered throughout Honduras, though of late it has not been found in large quantities.

“In the old days, however, before the Spaniards came, it was plentiful, so much, so that the natives made idols of it. And it is one of the largest of these idols–by name Quitzel–that I am going to seek.”

“Do you know where it is?” asked Ned.

“Well, it isn’t locked up in a safe deposit box, of that I’m sure,” laughed the professor. “No, I don’t know exactly where it is, except that it is somewhere in an ancient and buried city known as Kurzon. If I knew exactly where it was there wouldn’t be much fun in going after it. And if it was known to others it would have been taken away long ago.

“No, we’ve got to hunt for the idol of gold in this land of wonders where I hope soon to be. Later on I’ll show you the documents that put me on the track of this idol. Enough now to show you an old map I found, or, rather, a copy of it, and some of the papers that tell of the idol,” and he spread out his packet of papers on the table in front of him, his eyes shining with excitement and pleasure. Mr. Damon, too, leaned eagerly forward.

“So, Tom Swift,” went on the professor, “I come to you for help in this matter. I want you to aid me in organizing an expedition to go to Honduras after the idol of gold. Will you?”

“I’ll help you, of course,” said Tom. “You may use any of my inventions you choose–my airships, my motor boats and submarines, even my giant cannon if you think you can take it with you. And as for the money part, Ned will arrange that for you. But as for going with you myself, it is out of the question. I can’t. No Honduras for me!”



Had Tom Swift’s giant cannon been discharged somewhere in the vicinity of his home it could have caused but little more astonishment to Mr. Damon and Professor Bumper than did the simple announcement of the young inventor. The professor seemed to shrink back in his chair, collapsing like an automobile tire when the air is let out. As for Mr. Damon he jumped up and cried:

“Bless my—-!”

But that is as far as he got–at least just then. He did not seem to know what to bless, but he looked as though he would have liked to include most of the universe.

“Surely you don’t mean it, Tom Swift,” gasped Professor Bumper at length. “Won’t you come with us?”

“No,” said Tom, slowly. “Really I can’t go. I’m working on an invention of a new aeroplane stabilizer, and if I go now it will be just at a time when I am within striking distance of success. And the stabilizer is very much needed.”

“If it’s a question of making a profit on it, Tom,” began Mr. Damon, “I can let you have some money until—-“

“Oh, no! It isn’t the money!” cried Tom. “Don’t think that for a moment. You see the European war has called for the use of a large number of aeroplanes, and as the pilots of them frequently have to fight, and so can not give their whole attention to the machines, some form of automatic stabilizer is needed to prevent them turning turtle, or going off at a wrong tangent.

“So I have been working out a sort of modified gyroscope, and it seems to answer the purpose. I have already received advance orders for a number of my devices from abroad, and as they are destined to save lives I feel that I ought to keep on with my work.

“I’d like to go, don’t misunderstand me, but I can’t go at this time. It is out of the question. If you wait a year, or maybe six months—-“

“No, it is impossible to wait, Tom,” declared Professor Bumper.

“Is it so important then to hurry?” asked Mr. Damon. “You did not mention that to me, Professor Bumper.”

“No, I did not have time. There are so many ends to my concerns. But, Tom Swift, you simply must go!”

“I can’t, my dear professor, much as I should like to.”

“But, Tom, think of it!” cried Mr. Damon, who was as much excited as was the little bald- headed scientist. “You never saw such an idol of gold as this. What’s its name?” and he looked questioningly at the professor.

“Quitzel the idol is called,” supplied Professor Bumper. “And it is supposed to be in a
buried city named Kurzon, somewhere in the Sierra de Merendon range of mountains, in the vicinity of the Copan valley. Copan is a city, or maybe we’ll find it only a town when we get there, and it is not far from the borders of Guatemala.

“Tom, if I could show you the translations I have made of the ancient documents, referring to this idol and the wonderful city over which it kept guard, I’m sure you’d come with us.”

“Please don’t tempt me,” Tom said with a laugh. “I’m only too anxious to go, and if it wasn’t for the stabilizer I’d be with you in a minute. But—- Well, you’ll have to get along without me. Maybe I can join you later.”

“What’s this about the idol keeping guard over the ancient city?” asked Ned, for he was interested in strange stories.

“It seems,” explained the professor, “that in the early days there was a strange race of people, inhabiting Central America, with a somewhat high civilization, only traces of which remained when the Spaniards came.

“But these traces, and such hieroglyphics, or, to be more exact pictographs, as I have been able to decipher from the old documents, tell of one country, or perhaps it was only a city, over which this great golden idol of Quitzel presided.

“There is in some of these papers a description of the idol, which is not exactly a beauty, judged from modern standards. But the main fact is that it is made of solid gold, and may weigh anywhere from one to two tons.”

“Two tons of gold!” cried New Newton. “Why, if that’s the case it would be worth—-” and he fell to doing a sum in mental arithmetic.

“I am not so concerned about the monetary value of the statue as I am about its antiquity,” went on Professor Bumper. “There are other statues in this buried city of Kurzon, and though they may not be so valuable they will give me a wealth of material for my research work.”

“How do you know there are other statues?” asked Mr. Damon.

“Because my documents tell me so. It was because the people made other idols, in opposition, as it were, to Quitzel, that their city or country was destroyed. At least that is the legend. Quitzel, so the story goes, wanted to be the chief god, and when the image of a rival was set up in the temple near him, he toppled over in anger, and part of the temple went with him, the whole place being buried in ruins. All the inhabitants were killed, and trace of the ancient city was lost forever. No, I hope not forever, for I expect to find it.”

“If all the people were killed, and the city buried, how did the story of Quitzel become known?” asked Mr. Damon.

“One only of the priests in the temple of Quitzel escaped and set down part of the tale,” said the professor. “It is his narrative, or one based on it, that I have given you.”

“And now, what I want to do, is to go and make a search for this buried city. I have fairly good directions as to how it may be reached. We will have little difficulty in getting to Honduras, as there are fruit steamers frequently sailing. Of course going into the interior–to the Copan valley–is going to be harder. But an expedition from a large college was recently there and succeeded, after much labor, in ex- cavating part of a buried city. Whether or not it was Kurzon I am unable to say.

“But if there was one ancient city there must be more. So I want to make an attempt. And I counted on you, Tom. You have had considerable experience in strange quarters of the earth, and you’re just the one to help me. I don’t need money, for I have interested a certain millionaire, and my own college will put up part of the funds.”

“Oh, it isn’t a question of money,” said Tom. “It’s time.”

“That’s just what it is with me!” exclaimed Professor Bumper. “I haven’t any time to lose. My rivals may, even now, be on their way to Honduras!”

“Your rivals!” cried Tom. “You didn’t say anything about them!”

“No, I believe I didn’t There were so many other things to talk about. But there is a rival archaeologist who would ask nothing better than to get ahead of me in this matter. He is younger than I am, and youth is a big asset nowadays.”

“Pooh! You’re not old!” cried Mr. Damon. “You’re no older than I am, and I’m still young. I’m a lot younger than some of these boys who are afraid to tackle a trip through a tropical wilderness,” and he playfully nudged Tom in the ribs.

“I’m not a bit afraid!” retorted the young inventor.

“No, I know you’re not,” laughed Mr. Damon. “But I’ve got to say something, Tom, to stir you up. Ned, how about you? Would you go?”

“I can’t, unless Tom does. You see I’m his financial man now.”

“There you are, Tom Swift!” cried Mr. Damon. “You see you are holding back a number
of persons just because you don’t want to go.”

“I certainly wouldn’t like to go without Tom,” said the professor slowly. “I really need his help. You know, Tom, we would never have found the city of Pelone if it had not been for you and your marvelous powder. The conditions in the Copan valley are likely to be still more difficult to overcome, and I feel that I risk failure without your young energy and your inventive mind to aid in the work and to suggest possible means of attaining our object. Come, Tom, reconsider, and decide to make the trip.”

“And my promise to go was dependent on Tom’s agreement to accompany us,” said Mr. Damon

“Come on!” urged the professor, much as one boy might urge another to take part in a ball game. “Don’t let my rival get ahead of me.”

“I wouldn’t like to see that,” Tom said slowly. “Who is he–any one I know?”

“I don’t believe so, Tom. He’s connected with a large, new college that has plenty of money to spend on explorations and research work. Beecher is his name–Fenimore Beecher.”

“Beecher!” exclaimed Tom, and there was such a change in his manner that his friends could not help noticing it. He jumped to his feet, his eyes snapping, and he looked eagerly and anxiously at Professor Bumper.

“Did you say his name was Fenimore Beecher?” Tom asked in a tense voice.

“That’s what it is–Professor Fenimore Beecher. He is really a learned young man, and
thoroughly in earnest, though I do not like his manner. But he is trying to get ahead of me, which may account for my feeling.”

Tom Swift did not answer. Instead he hurried from the room with a murmured apology.

“I’ll be back in about five minutes,” he said, as he went out.

“Well, what’s up now?” asked Mr. Damon of Ned, as the young inventor departed. “What set him off that way?”

“The mention of Beecher’s name, evidently. Though I never heard him mention such a person before.”

“Nor did I ever hear Professor Beecher speak of Tom,” said the bald-headed scientist. “Well, we’ll just have to wait until—-“

At that moment Tom came back into the room.

“Gentlemen,” he said, “I have reconsidered my refusal to go to the Copan valley after the idol of gold. I’m going with you!”

“Good!” cried Professor Bumper.

“Fine!” ejaculated Mr. Damon. “Bless my time-table! I thought you’d come around, Tom Swift.”

“But what about your stabilizer?” asked Ned.

“I was just talking to my father about it,’ the young inventor replied. “He will be able to put the finishing touches on it. So I’ll leave it with him. As soon as I can get ready I’ll go, since you say haste is necessary, Professor Bumper.”

“It is, if we are to get ahead of Beecher.”

“Then we’ll get ahead of him!” cried Tom. “I’m with you now from the start to the finish. I’ll show him what I can do!” he added, while Ned and the others wondered at the sudden change in their friend’s manner.



“Tom how soon can we go?” asked Professor Bumper, as he began arranging his papers, maps and documents ready to place them back in the valise.

“Within a week, if you want to start that soon.”

“The sooner the better. A week will suit me. I don’t know just what Beecher’s plans are, but, he may try to get on the ground first. Though, without boasting, I may say that he has not had as much experience as I have had, thanks to you, Tom, when you helped me find the lost city of Pelone.”

“Well, I hope we’ll be as successful this time,” murmured Tom. “I don’t want to see Beecher beat you.”

“I didn’t know you knew him, Tom,” said the professor.

“Oh, yes, I have met him. once,” and there was something in Tom’s manner, though he tried to speak indifferently, that made Ned believe there was more behind his chum’s sudden change of determination than had yet appeared.

“He never mentioned you,” went on Professor Bumper; “yet the last time I saw him I said I was coming to see you, though I did not tell him why.”

“No, he wouldn’t be likely to speak of me,” said Tom significantly.

“Well, if that’s all settled, I guess I’ll go back home and pack up,” said Mr. Damon, making a move to depart.

“There’s no special rush,” Tom said. “We won’t leave for a week. I can’t get ready in much less time than that.”

“Bless my socks! I know that,” ejaculated Mr. Damon. “But if I get my things packed I can go to a hotel to stay while my wife is away. She might take a notion to come home unexpectedly, and, though she is a dear, good soul, she doesn’t altogether approve of my going off on these wild trips with you, Tom Swift. But if I get all packed, and clear out, she can’t find me and she can’t hold me back. She is visiting her mother now. I can send her a wire from Kurzon after I get there.”

“I don’t believe the telegraph there is work- ing,” laughed Professor Bumper. “But suit yourself. I must go back to New York to arrange for the goods we’ll have to take with us. In a week, Tom, we’ll start.”

“You must stay to dinner,” Tom said. “You can’t get a train now anyhow, and father wants to meet you again. He’s pretty well, considering his age. And he’s much better I verily
believe since I said I’d turn over to him the task of finishing the stabilizer. He likes to work.”

“We’ll stay and take the night train back,” agreed Mr. Damon. “It will be like old times, Tom,” he went on, “traveling off together into the wilds. Central America is pretty wild, isn’t it?” he asked, as if in fear of being disappointed! on that score.

“Oh, it’s wild enough to suit any one,” answered Professor Bumper.

“Well, now to settle a few details,” observed Tom. “Ned, what is the situation as regards the financial affairs of my father and myself? Nothing will come to grief if we go away, will there?”

“I guess not, Tom. But are you going to take your father with you?”

“No, of course not.”

“But you spoke of `we.’ “

“I meant you and I are going.”

“Me, Tom?”

“Sure, you! I wouldn’t think of leaving you behind. You want Ned along, don’t you, Professor?”

“Of course. It will be an ideal party–we four. We’ll have to take natives when we get to Honduras, and make up a mule pack-train for the interior. I had some thoughts of asking you to take an airship along, but it might frighten the Indians, and I shall have to depend on them for guides, as well as for porters. So it will be an old-fashioned expedition, in a way.”

Mr. Swift came in at this point to meet his old friends.

“The boy needs a little excitement,” he said. “He’s been puttering over that stabilizer invention too long. I can finish the model for him in a very short time.”

Professor Bumper told Mr. Swift something about the proposed trip, while Mr. Damon went out with Tom and Ned to one of the shops to look at a new model aeroplane the young inventor had designed.

There was a merry party around the table at dinner, though now and then Ned noticed that Tom had an abstracted and preoccupied air.

“Thinking about the idol of gold?” asked Ned in a whisper to his chum, when they were about to leave the table.

“The idol of gold? Oh, yes! Of course! It will be great if we can bring that back with us.” But the manner in which he said this made Ned feel sure that Tom had had other thoughts, and that he had used a little subterfuge in his answer.

Ned was right, as he proved for himself a little later, when, Mr. Damon and the professor having gone home, the young financial secretary took his friend to a quiet corner and asked:

“What’s the matter, Tom?”

“Matter? What do you mean?”

“I mean what made you make up your mind so quickly to go on this expedition when you heard Beecher was going?”

“Oh–er–well, you wouldn’t want to see our old friend Professor Bumper left, would you, after he had worked out the secret of the idol of gold? You wouldn’t want some young
whipper-snapper to beat him in the race, would you, Ned?”

“No, of course not.”

“Neither would I. That’s why I changed my mind. This Beecher isn’t going to get that idol if I can stop him!”

“You seem rather bitter against him.”

“Bitter? Oh, not at all. I simply don’t want to see my friends disappointed.”

“Then Beecher isn’t a friend of yours?”

“Oh, I’ve met him, that is all,” and Tom tried to speak indifferently.

“Humph!” mused Ned, “there’s more here than I dreamed of. I’m going to get at the bottom of it.”

But though Ned tried to pump Tom, he was not successful. The young inventor admitted knowing the youthful scientist, but that was all, Tom reiterating his determination not to let Professor Bumper be beaten in the race for the idol of gold.

“Let me see,” mused Ned, as he went home that evening. “Tom did not change his mind until he heard Beecher’s name mentioned. Now this shows that Beecher had something to do with it. The only reason Tom doesn’t want Beecher to get this idol or find the buried city is because Professor Bumper is after it. And yet the professor is not an old or close friend of Tom’s. They met only when Tom went to dig his big tunnel. There must be some other reason.”

Ned did some more thinking. Then he
clapped his hands together, and a smile spread over his face.

“I believe I have it!” he cried. “The little green god as compared to the idol of gold! That’s it. I’m going to make a call on my way home.”

This he did, stopping at the home of Mary Nestor, a pretty girl, who, rumor had it, was tacitly engaged to Tom. Mary was not at home, but Mr. Nestor was, and for Ned’s purpose this answered.

“Well, well, glad to see you!” exclaimed Mary’s father. “Isn’t Tom with you?” he asked a moment later, seeing that Ned was alone.

“No, Tom isn’t with me this evening,” Ned answered. “The fact is, he’s getting ready to go off on another expedition, and I’m going with him.”

“You young men are always going somewhere,” remarked Mrs. Nestor. “Where is it to this time?”

“Some place in Central America,” Ned
answered, not wishing to be too particular. He was wondering how he could find out what he wanted to know, when Mary’s mother unexpectedly gave him just the information he was after.

“Central America!” she exclaimed. “Why, Father,” and she looked at her husband, “that’s where Professor Beecher is going, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I believe he did mention something about that.”

“Professor Beecher, the man who is an author- ity on Aztec ruins?” asked Ned, taking a shot in the dark.

“Yes,” said Mr. Nestor. “And a mighty fine young man he is, too. I knew his father well. He was here on a visit not long ago, young Beecher was, and he talked most entertainingly about his discoveries. You remember how
interested Mary was, Mother?”

“Yes, she seemed to be,” said Mrs. Nestor. “Tom Swift dropped in during the course of the evening,” she added to Ned, “and Mary introduced him to Professor Beecher. But I can’t say that Tom was much interested in the
professor’s talk.”

“No?” questioned Ned.

“No, not at all. But Tom did not stay long. He left just as Mary and the professor were drawing a map so the professor could indicate where he had once made a big discovery.”

“I see,” murmured Ned. “Well, I suppose Tom must have been thinking of something else at the time.”

“Very likely,” agreed Mr. Nestor. “But Tom missed a very profitable talk. I was very much interested myself in what the professor told us, and so was Mary. She invited Mr. Beecher to come again. He takes after his father in being very thorough in what he does.

“Sometimes I think,” went on Mr. Nestor, “that Tom isn’t quite steady enough. He’s thinking of so many things, perhaps, that he can’t get his mind down to the commonplace. I remember he once sent something here in a box labeled `dynamite.’ Though there was no explosive in it, it gave us a great fright. But Tom is a boy, in spite of his years. Professor Beecher seems much older. We all like him very much.”

“That’s nice,” said Ned, as he took his departure. He had found out what he had come to learn.

“I knew it!” Ned exclaimed as he walked home. “I knew something was in the wind. The little green god of jealousy has Tom in his clutches. That’s why my inventive friend was so anxious to go on this expedition when he learned Beecher was to go. He wants to beat him. I guess the professor has plainly shown that he wouldn’t like anything better than to cut Tom out with Mary. Whew! that’s something to think about!”



Ned Newton decided to keep to himself what he had heard at the Nestor home. Not for the world would he let Tom Swift know of the situation.

“That is, I won’t let him know that I know,” said Ned to himself, “though he is probably as well aware of the situation as I am. But it sure is queer that this Professor Beecher should have taken such a fancy to Mary, and that her father should regard him so well. That is natural, I suppose. But I wonder how Mary herself feels about it. That is the part Tom would be most interested in.

“No wonder Tom wants to get ahead of this young college chap, who probably thinks he’s the whole show. If he can find the buried city, and get the idol of gold, it would be a big feather in his cap.

“He’d have no end of honors heaped on him, and I suppose his hat wouldn’t come within three sizes of fitting him. Then he’d stand in better than ever with Mr. Nestor. And, maybe, with Mary, too, though I think she is loyal to Tom. But one never can tell.

“However, I’m glad I know about it. I’ll do all I can to help Tom, without letting him know that I know. And if I can do anything to help in finding that idol of gold for Professor Bumper, and, incidentally, Tom, I’ll do it,” and he spoke aloud in his enthusiasm.

Ned, who was walking along in the darkness, clapped his open hand down on Tom’s magazine he was carrying home to read again, and
the resultant noise was a sharp crack. As it sounded a figure jumped from behind a tree and called tensely:

“Hold on there!”

Ned stopped short, thinking he was to be the victim of a holdup, but his fears were allayed when he beheld one of the police force of Shopton confronting him.

“I heard what you said about gettin’ the gold,” went on the officer. “I was walkin’ along and I heard you talkin’. Where’s your pal?”

“I haven’t any, Mr. Newbold,” answered Ned with a laugh, as he recognized the man.

“Oh, pshaw! It’s Ned Newton!” exclaimed the disappointed officer. “I thought you was talkin’ to a confederate about gold, and figured maybe you was goin’ to rob the bank.”

“No, nothing like that,” answered Ned, still much amused. “I was talking to myself about a trip Tom Swift and I are going to take and—-“

“Oh, that’s all right,” responded the policeman. “I can understand it, if it had anything to do with Tom. He’s a great boy.”

“Indeed he is,” agreed Ned, making a mental resolve not to be so public with his thoughts in the future. He chatted for a moment with the officer, and then, bidding him good-night, walked on to his home, his mind in a whirl with conglomerate visions of buried cities, great grinning idols of gold, and rival professors seeking to be first at the goal.

The next few days were busy ones for Tom, Ned and, in fact, the whole Swift household. Tom and his father had several consultations and conducted several experiments in regard to the new stabilizer, the completion of which was so earnestly desired. Mr. Swift was sure he could carry the invention to a successful conclusion.

Ned was engaged in putting the financial affairs of the Swift Company in shape, so they would practically run themselves during his ab- sence. Then, too, there was the packing of their baggage which must be seen to.

Of course, the main details of the trip were left to Professor Bumper, who knew just what to do. He had told Tom and Ned that all they and Mr. Damon would have to do would be to meet him at the pier in New York, where they would find all arrangements made.

One day, near the end of the week (the beginning of the next being set for the start) Eradicate came shuffling into the room where Tom was sorting out the possessions he desired to take with him, Ned assisting him in the task.

“Well, Rad, what is it?” asked Tom, with businesslike energy.

“I done heah, Massa Tom, dat yo’ all’s gwine off on a long trip once mo’. Am dat so?”

“Yes, that’s so, Rad.”

“Well, den, I’se come to ast yo’ whut I’d bettah take wif me. Shall I took warm clothes or cool clothes?”

“Well, if you were going, Rad,” answered Tom with a smile, “you’d need cool clothes, for we’re going to a sort of jungle-land. But I’m sorry to say you’re not going this trip.”

“I—- I ain’t gwine? Does yo’ mean dat yo’ all ain’t gwine to take me, Massa Tom?”

“That’s it, Rad. It isn’t any trip for you.”

“In certain not!” broke in the voice of Koku, the giant, who entered with a big trunk Tom had sent him for. “Master want strong man like a bull. He take Koku!”

“Look heah!” spluttered Eradicate, and his eyes flashed. “Yo’–yo’ giant yo’–yo’ may be strong laik a bull, but ya’ ain’t got as much sense as mah mule, Boomerang! Massa Tom don’t want no sich pusson wif him. He’s gwine to take me.”

“He take me!” cried Koku, and his voice was a roar while he beat on his mighty chest with his huge fists.

Tom, seeing that the dispute was likely to be bothersome, winked at Ned and began to speak.

“I don’t believe you’d like it there, Rad–not where we’re going. It’s a bad country. Why the mosquitoes there bite holes in you–raise bumps on you as big as eggs.”

“Oh, good land!” ejaculated the old colored man. “Am dat so Massa Tom?”

“It sure is. Then there’s another kind of bug that burrows under your fingernails, and if you don’t get ’em out, your fingers drop off.”

“Oh, good land, Massa Tom! Am dat a fact?”

“It sure is. I don’t want to see those things happen to you, Rad.”

Slowly the old colored man shook his head.

“I don’t mahse’f,” he said. “I—- I guess I won’t go.”

Eradicate did not stop to ask how Tom and Ned proposed to combat these two species of insects.

But there remained Koku to dispose of, and he stood smiling broadly as Eradicate shuffled of.

“Me no ‘fraid bugs,” said the giant.

“No,” said Tom, with a look at Ned, for he did not want to take the big man on the trip for various reasons. “No, maybe not, Koku. Your skin is pretty tough. But I understand there are deep pools of water in the land where we are going, and in them lives a fish that has a hide like an alligator and a jaw like a shark. If you fall in it’s all up with you.”

“Dat true, Master Tom?” and Koku’s voice trembled.

“Well, I’ve never seen such a fish, I’m sure, but the natives tell about it.”

Koku seemed to be considering the matter. Strange as it may seem, the giant, though afraid of nothing human and brave when it came to a hand-to-claw argument with a wild animal, had a very great fear of the water and the unseen life within it. Even a little fresh-water crab in a brook was enough to send him shrieking to shore. So when Tom told of this curious fish, which many natives of Central America firmly believe in, the giant took thought with himself. Finally, he gave a sigh and said:

“Me stay home and keep bad mans out of master’s shop.”

“Yes, I guess that’s the best thing for you,” assented Tom with an air of relief. He and Ned had talked the matter over, and they had agreed that the presence of such a big man as Koku, in an expedition going on a more or less secret mission, would attract too much attention.

“Well, I guess that clears matters up,” said Tom, as he looked over a collection of rifles and small arms, to decide which to take. “We won’t have them to worry about.”

“No, only Professor Beecher,” remarked Ned, with a sharp look at his chum.

“Oh, we’ll dispose of him all right!” asserted Tom boldly. “He hasn’t had any experience in business of this sort, and with that you and Professor Bumper and Mr. Damon know we
ought to have little trouble in getting ahead of the young man.”

“Not to speak of your own aid,” added Ned.

“Oh, I’ll do what I can, of course,” said Tom, with an air of indifference. But Ned knew his chum would work ceaselessly to help get the idol of gold.

Tom gave no sign that there was any complication in his affair with Mary Nestor, and of
course Ned did not tell anything of what he knew about it.

That night saw the preparations of Ned and Tom about completed. There were one or two matters yet to finish on Tom’s part in relation to his business, but these offered no difficulties.

The two chums were in the Swift home, talking over the prospective trip, when Mrs. Baggert, answering a ring at the front door, announced that Mr. Damon was outside.

“Tell him to come in,” ordered Tom.

“Bless my baggage check!” exclaimed the excitable man, as he shook hands with Tom and Ned and noted the packing evidences all about. “You’re ready to go to the land of wonders.”

“The land of wonders?” repeated Ned.

“Yes, that’s what Professor Bumper calls the part of Honduras we’re going to. And it must be wonderful, Tom. Think of whole cities, some of them containing idols and temples of gold, buried thirty and forty feet under the surface! Wonderful is hardly the name for it!”

“It’ll be great!” cried Ned. “I suppose you’re ready, Mr. Damon–you and the professor?”

“Yes. But, Tom, I have a bit of unpleasant news for you.”

“Unpleasant news?”

“Yes. You know Professor Bumper spoke of a rival–a man named Beecher who is a member of the faculty of a new and wealthy college.”

“I heard him speak of him–yes,” and the way Tom said it no one would have suspected that he had any personal interest in the matter.

“He isn’t going to give his secret away,” thought Ned.

“Well, this Professor Beecher, you know,” went on Mr. Damon, “also knows about the idol of gold, and is trying to get ahead of Professor Bumper in the search.”

“He did say something of it, but nothing was certain,” remarked Tom.

“But it is certain!” exclaimed Mr. Damon. “Bless my toothpick, it’s altogether too certain!”

“How is that?” asked Tom. “Is Beecher certainly going to Honduras?”

“Yes, of course. But what is worse, he and his party will leave New York on the same steamer with us!”



On hearing Mr. Damon’s rather startling announcement, Tom and Ned looked at one another. There seemed to be something back of
the simple statement–an ominous and portending “something.”

“On the same steamer with us, is he?” mused Tom.

“How did you learn this?” asked Ned.

“Just got a wire from Professor Bumper telling me. He asked me to telephone to you about it, as he was too busy to call up on the long distance from New York. But instead of ‘phoning I decided to come over myself.”

“Glad you did,” said Tom, heartily. “Did Professor Bumper want us to do anything
special, now that it is certain his rival will be so close on his trail?”

“Yes, he asked me to warn you to be careful what you did and said in reference to the expedition.”

“Then does he fear something?” asked Ned.

“Yes, in a way. I think he is very much afraid this young Beecher will not only be first on the site of the underground city, but that he may be the first to discover the idol of gold. It would be a great thing for a young archaeologist like Beecher to accomplish a mission of this sort, and beat Professor Bumper in the race.”

“Do you think that’s why Beecher decided to go on the same steamer we are to take?” asked Ned.

“Yes, I do,” said Mr. Damon. “Though from what Professor Bumper said I know he regards Professor Beecher as a perfectly honorable man, as well as a brilliant student. I do not believe Beecher or his party would stoop to anything dishonorable or underhand, though they would not hesitate, nor would we, to take advantage of every fair chance to win in the race.”

“No, I suppose that’s right,” observed Tom; but there was a queer gleam in his eye, and his chum wondered if Tom did not have in mind the prospective race between himself and Fenimore Beecher for the regard of Mary Nestor. “We’ll do our best to win, and any one is at liberty to travel on the same steamer we are to take,” added the young inventor, and his tone became more incisive.

“It will be all the livelier with two expeditions after the same golden idol,” remarked Ned.

“Yes, I think we’re in for some excitement,” observed Tom grimly. But even he did not realize all that lay before them ere they would reach Kurzon.

Mr. Damon, having delivered his message, and remarking that his preparations for leaving were nearly completed, went back to Waterfield, from there to proceed to New York in a few days with Tom and Ned, to meet Professor Bumper.

“Well, I guess we have everything in pretty good shape,” remarked Tom to his chum a day or so after the visit of Mr. Damon. “Everything is packed, and as I have a few personal matters to attend to I think I’ll take the afternoon off.”

“Go to it!” laughed Ned, guessing a thing of two. “I’ve got a raft of stuff myself to look after, but don’t let that keep you.”

“If there is anything I can do,” began Tom, “don’t hesitate to—-“

“Nonsense!” exclaimed Ned. “I can do it all alone. It’s some of the company’s business, anyhow, and I’m paid for looking after that.”

“All right, then I’ll cut along,” Tom said, and he wore a relieved air.

“He’s going to see Mary,” observed Ned with a grin, as he observed Tom hop into his trim little roadster, which under his orders, Koku had polished and cleaned until it looked as though it had just come from the factory.

A little later the trim and speedy car drew up in front of the Nestor home, and Tom bounded up on the front porch, his heart not altogether as light as his feet.

“No, I’m sorry, but Mary isn’t in,” said Mrs. Nestor, answering his inquiry after greeting him.

“Not at home?”

“No, she went on a little visit to her cousin’s at Fayetteville. She said something about letting you know she was going.”

“She did drop me a card,” answered Tom, and, somehow he did not feel at all cheerful. “But I thought it wasn’t until next week she was going.”

“That was her plan, Tom. But she changed it. Her cousin wired, asking her to advance the date, and this Mary did. There was something about a former school chum who was also
to be at Myra’s house–Myra is Mary’s cousin you know.”

“Yes, I know,” assented the young inventor. “And so Mary is gone. How long is she going to stay?”

“Oh, about two weeks. She wasn’t quite certain. It depends on the kind of a time she has, I suppose.”

“Yes, I suppose so,” agreed Tom. “Well, if you write before I do you might say I called, Mrs. Nestor.”

“I will, Tom. And I know Mary will be sorry she wasn’t here to take a ride with you; it’s such a nice day,” and the lady smiled as she looked at the speedy roadster.

“Maybe–maybe you’d like to come for a spin?” asked Tom, half desperately.

“No, thank you. I’m too old to be jounced around in one of those small cars.”

“Nonsense! She rides as easily as a Pullman sleeper.”

“Well, I have to go to a Red Cross meeting, anyhow, so I can’t come, Tom. Thank you, just the same.”

Tom did not drive back immediately to his home. He wanted to do a bit of thinking, and he believed he could do it best by himself. So it was late afternoon when he again greeted Ned, who, meanwhile, had been kept very busy.

“Well?” called Tom’s chum.

“Um!” was the only answer, and Tom called Koku to put the car away in the garage.

“Something wrong,” mused Ned.

The next three days were crowded with events and with work. Mr. Damon came over
frequently to consult with Tom and Ned, and finally the last of their baggage had been packed,