Of louder trump than mine, which hasteneth on, Urging its arduous matter to the close), Her words resum’d, in gesture and in voice Resembling one accustom’d to command:
“Forth from the last corporeal are we come Into the heav’n, that is unbodied light, Light intellectual replete with love,
Love of true happiness replete with joy, Joy, that transcends all sweetness of delight. Here shalt thou look on either mighty host Of Paradise; and one in that array,
Which in the final judgment thou shalt see.” As when the lightning, in a sudden spleen Unfolded, dashes from the blinding eyes
The visive spirits dazzled and bedimm’d; So, round about me, fulminating streams
Of living radiance play’d, and left me swath’d And veil’d in dense impenetrable blaze.
Such weal is in the love, that stills this heav’n; For its own flame the torch this fitting ever! No sooner to my list’ning ear had come The brief assurance, than I understood
New virtue into me infus’d, and sight Kindled afresh, with vigour to sustain
Excess of light, however pure. I look’d; And in the likeness of a river saw
Light flowing, from whose amber-seeming waves Flash’d up effulgence, as they glided on ‘Twixt banks, on either side, painted with spring, Incredible how fair; and, from the tide, There ever and anon, outstarting, flew
Sparkles instinct with life; and in the flow’rs Did set them, like to rubies chas’d in gold; Then, as if drunk with odors, plung’d again Into the wondrous flood; from which, as one Re’enter’d, still another rose. “The thirst Of knowledge high, whereby thou art inflam’d, To search the meaning of what here thou seest, The more it warms thee, pleases me the more. But first behooves thee of this water drink, Or ere that longing be allay’d.” So spake The day-star of mine eyes; then thus subjoin’d: “This stream, and these, forth issuing from its gulf, And diving back, a living topaz each,
With all this laughter on its bloomy shores, Are but a preface, shadowy of the truth
They emblem: not that, in themselves, the things Are crude; but on thy part is the defect, For that thy views not yet aspire so high.” Never did babe, that had outslept his wont, Rush, with such eager straining, to the milk, As I toward the water, bending me,
To make the better mirrors of mine eyes In the refining wave; and, as the eaves
Of mine eyelids did drink of it, forthwith Seem’d it unto me turn’d from length to round, Then as a troop of maskers, when they put Their vizors off, look other than before, The counterfeited semblance thrown aside; So into greater jubilee were chang’d
Those flowers and sparkles, and distinct I saw Before me either court of heav’n displac’d. O prime enlightener! thou who crav’st me strength On the high triumph of thy realm to gaze! Grant virtue now to utter what I kenn’d, There is in heav’n a light, whose goodly shine Makes the Creator visible to all
Created, that in seeing him alone
Have peace; and in a circle spreads so far, That the circumference were too loose a zone To girdle in the sun. All is one beam,
Reflected from the summit of the first, That moves, which being hence and vigour takes, And as some cliff, that from the bottom eyes Its image mirror’d in the crystal flood, As if ‘t admire its brave appareling
Of verdure and of flowers: so, round about, Eyeing the light, on more than million thrones, Stood, eminent, whatever from our earth
Has to the skies return’d. How wide the leaves Extended to their utmost of this rose,
Whose lowest step embosoms such a space Of ample radiance! Yet, nor amplitude
Nor height impeded, but my view with ease Took in the full dimensions of that joy. Near or remote, what there avails, where God Immediate rules, and Nature, awed, suspends Her sway? Into the yellow of the rose
Perennial, which in bright expansiveness, Lays forth its gradual blooming, redolent Of praises to the never-wint’ring sun,
As one, who fain would speak yet holds his peace, Beatrice led me; and, “Behold,” she said, “This fair assemblage! stoles of snowy white How numberless! The city, where we dwell, Behold how vast! and these our seats so throng’d Few now are wanting here! In that proud stall, On which, the crown, already o’er its state Suspended, holds thine eyes–or ere thyself Mayst at the wedding sup,–shall rest the soul Of the great Harry, he who, by the world Augustas hail’d, to Italy must come,
Before her day be ripe. But ye are sick, And in your tetchy wantonness as blind,
As is the bantling, that of hunger dies, And drives away the nurse. Nor may it be, That he, who in the sacred forum sways,
Openly or in secret, shall with him Accordant walk: Whom God will not endure I’ th’ holy office long; but thrust him down To Simon Magus, where Magna’s priest
Will sink beneath him: such will be his meed.”
In fashion, as a snow-white rose, lay then Before my view the saintly multitude,
Which in his own blood Christ espous’d. Meanwhile That other host, that soar aloft to gaze And celebrate his glory, whom they love, Hover’d around; and, like a troop of bees, Amid the vernal sweets alighting now,
Now, clustering, where their fragrant labour glows, Flew downward to the mighty flow’r, or rose From the redundant petals, streaming back Unto the steadfast dwelling of their joy. Faces had they of flame, and wings of gold; The rest was whiter than the driven snow. And as they flitted down into the flower, From range to range, fanning their plumy loins, Whisper’d the peace and ardour, which they won From that soft winnowing. Shadow none, the vast Interposition of such numerous flight
Cast, from above, upon the flower, or view Obstructed aught. For, through the universe, Wherever merited, celestial light
Glides freely, and no obstacle prevents. All there, who reign in safety and in bliss, Ages long past or new, on one sole mark
Their love and vision fix’d. O trinal beam Of individual star, that charmst them thus, Vouchsafe one glance to gild our storm below! If the grim brood, from Arctic shores that roam’d, (Where helice, forever, as she wheels,
Sparkles a mother’s fondness on her son) Stood in mute wonder ‘mid the works of Rome, When to their view the Lateran arose
In greatness more than earthly; I, who then From human to divine had past, from time Unto eternity, and out of Florence
To justice and to truth, how might I choose But marvel too? ‘Twixt gladness and amaze, In sooth no will had I to utter aught,
Or hear. And, as a pilgrim, when he rests Within the temple of his vow, looks round In breathless awe, and hopes some time to tell Of all its goodly state: e’en so mine eyes Cours’d up and down along the living light, Now low, and now aloft, and now around,
Visiting every step. Looks I beheld, Where charity in soft persuasion sat,
Smiles from within and radiance from above, And in each gesture grace and honour high. So rov’d my ken, and its general form All Paradise survey’d: when round I turn’d With purpose of my lady to inquire
Once more of things, that held my thought suspense, But answer found from other than I ween’d; For, Beatrice, when I thought to see,
I saw instead a senior, at my side, Rob’d, as the rest, in glory. Joy benign Glow’d in his eye, and o’er his cheek diffus’d, With gestures such as spake a father’s love. And, “Whither is she vanish’d?” straight I ask’d. “By Beatrice summon’d,” he replied,
“I come to aid thy wish. Looking aloft To the third circle from the highest, there Behold her on the throne, wherein her merit Hath plac’d her.” Answering not, mine eyes I rais’d, And saw her, where aloof she sat, her brow A wreath reflecting of eternal beams.
Not from the centre of the sea so far Unto the region of the highest thunder,
As was my ken from hers; and yet the form Came through that medium down, unmix’d and pure, “O Lady! thou in whom my hopes have rest! Who, for my safety, hast not scorn’d, in hell To leave the traces of thy footsteps mark’d! For all mine eyes have seen, I, to thy power And goodness, virtue owe and grace. Of slave, Thou hast to freedom brought me; and no means, For my deliverance apt, hast left untried. Thy liberal bounty still toward me keep. That, when my spirit, which thou madest whole, Is loosen’d from this body, it may find
Favour with thee.” So I my suit preferr’d: And she, so distant, as appear’d, look’d down, And smil’d; then tow’rds th’ eternal fountain turn’d. And thus the senior, holy and rever’d: “That thou at length mayst happily conclude Thy voyage (to which end I was dispatch’d, By supplication mov’d and holy love)
Let thy upsoaring vision range, at large, This garden through: for so, by ray divine Kindled, thy ken a higher flight shall mount; And from heav’n’s queen, whom fervent I adore, All gracious aid befriend us; for that I Am her own faithful Bernard.” Like a wight, Who haply from Croatia wends to see
Our Veronica, and the while ‘t is shown, Hangs over it with never-sated gaze,
And, all that he hath heard revolving, saith Unto himself in thought: “And didst thou look E’en thus, O Jesus, my true Lord and God? And was this semblance thine?” So gaz’d I then Adoring; for the charity of him,
Who musing, in the world that peace enjoy’d, Stood lively before me. “Child of grace!” Thus he began: “thou shalt not knowledge gain Of this glad being, if thine eyes are held Still in this depth below. But search around The circles, to the furthest, till thou spy Seated in state, the queen, that of this realm Is sovran.” Straight mine eyes I rais’d; and bright, As, at the birth of morn, the eastern clime Above th’ horizon, where the sun declines; To mine eyes, that upward, as from vale
To mountain sped, at th’ extreme bound, a part Excell’d in lustre all the front oppos’d. And as the glow burns ruddiest o’er the wave, That waits the sloping beam, which Phaeton Ill knew to guide, and on each part the light Diminish’d fades, intensest in the midst; So burn’d the peaceful oriflamb, and slack’d On every side the living flame decay’d.
And in that midst their sportive pennons wav’d Thousands of angels; in resplendence each Distinct, and quaint adornment. At their glee And carol, smil’d the Lovely One of heav’n, That joy was in the eyes of all the blest. Had I a tongue in eloquence as rich,
As is the colouring in fancy’s loom, ‘T were all too poor to utter the least part Of that enchantment. When he saw mine eyes Intent on her, that charm’d him, Bernard gaz’d With so exceeding fondness, as infus’d
Ardour into my breast, unfelt before.
Freely the sage, though wrapt in musings high, Assum’d the teacher’s part, and mild began: “The wound, that Mary clos’d, she open’d first, Who sits so beautiful at Mary’s feet.
The third in order, underneath her, lo! Rachel with Beatrice. Sarah next,
Judith, Rebecca, and the gleaner maid, Meek ancestress of him, who sang the songs Of sore repentance in his sorrowful mood. All, as I name them, down from deaf to leaf, Are in gradation throned on the rose.
And from the seventh step, successively, Adown the breathing tresses of the flow’r Still doth the file of Hebrew dames proceed. For these are a partition wall, whereby
The sacred stairs are sever’d, as the faith In Christ divides them. On this part, where blooms Each leaf in full maturity, are set
Such as in Christ, or ere he came, believ’d. On th’ other, where an intersected space Yet shows the semicircle void, abide
All they, who look’d to Christ already come. And as our Lady on her glorious stool,
And they who on their stools beneath her sit, This way distinction make: e’en so on his, The mighty Baptist that way marks the line (He who endur’d the desert and the pains Of martyrdom, and for two years of hell, Yet still continued holy), and beneath,
Augustin, Francis, Benedict, and the rest, Thus far from round to round. So heav’n’s decree Forecasts, this garden equally to fill.
With faith in either view, past or to come, Learn too, that downward from the step, which cleaves Midway the twain compartments, none there are Who place obtain for merit of their own, But have through others’ merit been advanc’d, On set conditions: spirits all releas’d, Ere for themselves they had the power to choose. And, if thou mark and listen to them well, Their childish looks and voice declare as much. “Here, silent as thou art, I know thy doubt; And gladly will I loose the knot, wherein Thy subtle thoughts have bound thee. From this realm Excluded, chalice no entrance here may find, No more shall hunger, thirst, or sorrow can. A law immutable hath establish’d all;
Nor is there aught thou seest, that doth not fit, Exactly, as the finger to the ring.
It is not therefore without cause, that these, O’erspeedy comers to immortal life,
Are different in their shares of excellence. Our Sovran Lord–that settleth this estate In love and in delight so absolute,
That wish can dare no further–every soul, Created in his joyous sight to dwell,
With grace at pleasure variously endows. And for a proof th’ effect may well suffice. And ‘t is moreover most expressly mark’d In holy scripture, where the twins are said To, have struggled in the womb. Therefore, as grace Inweaves the coronet, so every brow
Weareth its proper hue of orient light. And merely in respect to his prime gift, Not in reward of meritorious deed,
Hath each his several degree assign’d. In early times with their own innocence
More was not wanting, than the parents’ faith, To save them: those first ages past, behoov’d That circumcision in the males should imp The flight of innocent wings: but since the day Of grace hath come, without baptismal rites In Christ accomplish’d, innocence herself Must linger yet below. Now raise thy view Unto the visage most resembling Christ:
For, in her splendour only, shalt thou win The pow’r to look on him.” Forthwith I saw Such floods of gladness on her visage shower’d, From holy spirits, winging that profound; That, whatsoever I had yet beheld,
Had not so much suspended me with wonder, Or shown me such similitude of God.
And he, who had to her descended, once, On earth, now hail’d in heav’n; and on pois’d wing. “Ave, Maria, Gratia Plena,” sang:
To whose sweet anthem all the blissful court, From all parts answ’ring, rang: that holier joy Brooded the deep serene. “Father rever’d: Who deign’st, for me, to quit the pleasant place, Wherein thou sittest, by eternal lot!
Say, who that angel is, that with such glee Beholds our queen, and so enamour’d glows Of her high beauty, that all fire he seems.” So I again resorted to the lore
Of my wise teacher, he, whom Mary’s charms Embellish’d, as the sun the morning star; Who thus in answer spake: “In him are summ’d, Whatever of buxomness and free delight
May be in Spirit, or in angel, met: And so beseems: for that he bare the palm Down unto Mary, when the Son of God
Vouchsaf’d to clothe him in terrestrial weeds. Now let thine eyes wait heedful on my words, And note thou of this just and pious realm The chiefest nobles. Those, highest in bliss, The twain, on each hand next our empress thron’d, Are as it were two roots unto this rose. He to the left, the parent, whose rash taste Proves bitter to his seed; and, on the right, That ancient father of the holy church,
Into whose keeping Christ did give the keys Of this sweet flow’r: near whom behold the seer, That, ere he died, saw all the grievous times Of the fair bride, who with the lance and nails Was won. And, near unto the other, rests The leader, under whom on manna fed
Th’ ungrateful nation, fickle and perverse. On th’ other part, facing to Peter, lo!
Where Anna sits, so well content to look On her lov’d daughter, that with moveless eye She chants the loud hosanna: while, oppos’d To the first father of your mortal kind, Is Lucia, at whose hest thy lady sped,
When on the edge of ruin clos’d thine eye. “But (for the vision hasteneth so an end) Here break we off, as the good workman doth, That shapes the cloak according to the cloth: And to the primal love our ken shall rise; That thou mayst penetrate the brightness, far As sight can bear thee. Yet, alas! in sooth Beating thy pennons, thinking to advance, Thou backward fall’st. Grace then must first be gain’d; Her grace, whose might can help thee. Thou in prayer Seek her: and, with affection, whilst I sue, Attend, and yield me all thy heart.” He said, And thus the saintly orison began.
“O virgin mother, daughter of thy Son, Created beings all in lowliness
Surpassing, as in height, above them all, Term by th’ eternal counsel pre-ordain’d, Ennobler of thy nature, so advanc’d
In thee, that its great Maker did not scorn, Himself, in his own work enclos’d to dwell! For in thy womb rekindling shone the love Reveal’d, whose genial influence makes now This flower to germin in eternal peace!
Here thou to us, of charity and love, Art, as the noon-day torch: and art, beneath, To mortal men, of hope a living spring.
So mighty art thou, lady! and so great, That he who grace desireth, and comes not To thee for aidance, fain would have desire Fly without wings. Nor only him who asks, Thy bounty succours, but doth freely oft Forerun the asking. Whatsoe’er may be
Of excellence in creature, pity mild, Relenting mercy, large munificence,
Are all combin’d in thee. Here kneeleth one, Who of all spirits hath review’d the state, From the world’s lowest gap unto this height. Suppliant to thee he kneels, imploring grace For virtue, yet more high to lift his ken Toward the bliss supreme. And I, who ne’er Coveted sight, more fondly, for myself,
Than now for him, my prayers to thee prefer, (And pray they be not scant) that thou wouldst drive Each cloud of his mortality away;
That on the sovran pleasure he may gaze. This also I entreat of thee, O queen!
Who canst do what thou wilt! that in him thou Wouldst after all he hath beheld, preserve Affection sound, and human passions quell. Lo! Where, with Beatrice, many a saint
Stretch their clasp’d hands, in furtherance of my suit!” The eyes, that heav’n with love and awe regards, Fix’d on the suitor, witness’d, how benign She looks on pious pray’rs: then fasten’d they On th’ everlasting light, wherein no eye Of creature, as may well be thought, so far Can travel inward. I, meanwhile, who drew Near to the limit, where all wishes end, The ardour of my wish (for so behooved), Ended within me. Beck’ning smil’d the sage, That I should look aloft: but, ere he bade, Already of myself aloft I look’d;
For visual strength, refining more and more, Bare me into the ray authentical
Of sovran light. Thenceforward, what I saw, Was not for words to speak, nor memory’s self To stand against such outrage on her skill. As one, who from a dream awaken’d, straight, All he hath seen forgets; yet still retains Impression of the feeling in his dream;
E’en such am I: for all the vision dies, As ‘t were, away; and yet the sense of sweet, That sprang from it, still trickles in my heart. Thus in the sun-thaw is the snow unseal’d; Thus in the winds on flitting leaves was lost The Sybil’s sentence. O eternal beam!
(Whose height what reach of mortal thought may soar?) Yield me again some little particle
Of what thou then appearedst, give my tongue Power, but to leave one sparkle of thy glory, Unto the race to come, that shall not lose Thy triumph wholly, if thou waken aught
Of memory in me, and endure to hear The record sound in this unequal strain. Such keenness from the living ray I met, That, if mine eyes had turn’d away, methinks, I had been lost; but, so embolden’d, on
I pass’d, as I remember, till my view Hover’d the brink of dread infinitude.
O grace! unenvying of thy boon! that gav’st Boldness to fix so earnestly my ken
On th’ everlasting splendour, that I look’d, While sight was unconsum’d, and, in that depth, Saw in one volume clasp’d of love, whatever The universe unfolds; all properties
Of substance and of accident, beheld, Compounded, yet one individual light
The whole. And of such bond methinks I saw The universal form: for that whenever
I do but speak of it, my soul dilates Beyond her proper self; and, till I speak, One moment seems a longer lethargy,
Than five-and-twenty ages had appear’d To that emprize, that first made Neptune wonder At Argo’s shadow darkening on his flood. With fixed heed, suspense and motionless, Wond’ring I gaz’d; and admiration still
Was kindled, as I gaz’d. It may not be, That one, who looks upon that light, can turn To other object, willingly, his view.
For all the good, that will may covet, there Is summ’d; and all, elsewhere defective found, Complete. My tongue shall utter now, no more E’en what remembrance keeps, than could the babe’s That yet is moisten’d at his mother’s breast. Not that the semblance of the living light Was chang’d (that ever as at first remain’d) But that my vision quickening, in that sole Appearance, still new miracles descry’d, And toil’d me with the change. In that abyss Of radiance, clear and lofty, seem’d methought, Three orbs of triple hue clipt in one bound: And, from another, one reflected seem’d, As rainbow is from rainbow: and the third Seem’d fire, breath’d equally from both. Oh speech How feeble and how faint art thou, to give Conception birth! Yet this to what I saw Is less than little. Oh eternal light!
Sole in thyself that dwellst; and of thyself Sole understood, past, present, or to come! Thou smiledst; on that circling, which in thee Seem’d as reflected splendour, while I mus’d; For I therein, methought, in its own hue Beheld our image painted: steadfastly
I therefore por’d upon the view. As one Who vers’d in geometric lore, would fain Measure the circle; and, though pondering long And deeply, that beginning, which he needs, Finds not; e’en such was I, intent to scan The novel wonder, and trace out the form, How to the circle fitted, and therein
How plac’d: but the flight was not for my wing; Had not a flash darted athwart my mind,
And in the spleen unfolded what it sought. Here vigour fail’d the tow’ring fantasy: But yet the will roll’d onward, like a wheel In even motion, by the Love impell’d,
That moves the sun in heav’n and all the stars.
Verse 12. Benign Apollo.] Chaucer has imitated this invention very closely at the beginning of the Third Booke of Fame.
If, divine vertue, thou
Wilt helpe me to shewe now
That in my head ymarked is,
* * * * *
Thou shalt see me go as blive
Unto the next laurer I see,
And kisse it for it is thy tree
Now entre thou my breast anone.
v. 15. Thus for.] He appears to mean nothing more than that this part of his poem will require a greater exertion of his powers than the former.
v. 19. Marsyas.] Ovid, Met. 1. vi. fab. 7. Compare Boccaccio, II Filocopo, 1. 5. p. 25. v. ii. Ediz. Fir. 1723. “Egli nel mio petto entri,” &c. – “May he enter my bosom, and let my voice sound like his own, when he made that daring mortal deserve to come forth unsheathed from his limbs. “
v. 29. Caesar, or bard.] So Petrarch, Son. Par. Prima.
Arbor vittoriosa e trionfale,
Onor d’imperadori e di poeti.
And Spenser, F. Q. b. i. c. 1. st. 9, The laurel, meed of mighty conquerours
And poets sage.
v. 37. Through that.] “Where the four circles, the horizon, the zodiac, the equator, and the equinoctial colure, join; the last threeintersecting each other so as to form three crosses, as may be seen in the armillary sphere.”
v. 39. In happiest constellation.] Aries. Some understand the planetVenus by the “miglior stella “
v. 44. To the left.] Being in the opposite hemisphere to ours, Beatrice that she may behold the rising sun, turns herself to the left.
v. 47. As from the first a second beam.] “Like a reflected sunbeam,” which he compares to a pilgrim hastening homewards.
Ne simil tanto mal raggio secondo
Dal primo usci.
Filicaja, canz. 15. st. 4.
v. 58. As iron that comes boiling from the fire.] So Milton, P. L. b. iii. 594.
–As glowing iron with fire.
v. 69. Upon the day appear’d.
–If the heaven had ywonne,
All new of God another sunne.
Chaucer, First Booke of Fame
E par ch’ agginuga un altro sole al cielo. Ariosto, O F. c. x. st. 109.
Ed ecco un lustro lampeggiar d’ intorno Che sole a sole aggiunse e giorno a giorno. Manno, Adone. c. xi. st. 27.
Quando a paro col sol ma piu lucente
L’angelo gli appari sull; oriente
Tasso, G. L. c. i.
-Seems another morn
Ris’n on mid-noon.
Milton, P. L. b. v. 311.
Compare Euripides, Ion. 1550. [GREEK HERE] 66. as Glaucus. ] Ovid, Met. 1. Xiii. Fab. 9
v. 71. If.] “Thou O divine Spirit, knowest whether 1 had not risen above my human nature, and were not merely such as thou hadst then, formed me.”
v. 125. Through sluggishness.]
Perch’ a risponder la materia e sorda.
So Filicaja, canz. vi. st 9.
Perche a risponder la discordia e sorda
“The workman hath in his heart a purpose, he carrieth in mind the whole form which his work should have; there wanteth not him skill and desire to bring his labour to the best effect, only the matter, which he hath to work on is unframeable.” Hooker’s Eccl. Polity, b. 5. 9.
v. 1. In small bark.]
Con la barchetta mia cantando in rima Pulci, Morg. Magg. c. xxviii.
Io me n’andro con la barchetta mia,
Quanto l’acqua comporta un picciol legno Ibid.
v. 30. This first star.] the moon
v. 46. E’en as the truth.] Like a truth that does not need demonstration, but is self-evident.”
v. 52. Cain.] Compare Hell, Canto XX. 123. And Note
v. 65. Number1ess lights.] The fixed stars, which differ both in bulk and splendor.
v. 71. Save one.] “Except that principle of rarity and denseness which thou hast assigned.” By “formal principles, “principj formali, are meant constituent or essential causes.” Milton, in imitation of this passage, introduces the angel arguing with Adam respecting the causes of the spots on the moon.
But, as a late French translator of the Paradise well remarks, his reasoning is physical; that of Dante partly metaphysical and partly theologic.
v. 111. Within the heaven.] According to our Poet’s system, there are ten heavens; the seven planets, the eighth spheres containing the fixed stars, the primum mobile, and the empyrean.
v. 143. The virtue mingled.] Virg. Aen. 1. vi 724. Principio coelum, &c.
v. 16. Delusion.] “An error the contrary to that of Narcissus, because he mistook a shadow for a substance, I a substance for a shadow.”
v. 50. Piccarda.] The sister of Forese whom we have seen in the Purgatory, Canto XXIII.
v. 90. The Lady.] St. Clare, the foundress of the order called after her She was born of opulent and noble parents at Assisi, in 1193, and died in 1253. See Biogr. Univ. t. 1. p. 598. 8vo. Paris, 1813.
v. 121. Constance.] Daughter of Ruggieri, king of Sicily, who, being taken by force out of a monastery where she had professed, was married to the Emperor Henry Vl. and by him was mother to Frederick 11. She was fifty years old or more at the time, and “because it was not credited that she could have a child at that age, she was delivered in a pavilion and it was given out, that any lady, who pleased, was at liberty to see her. Many came, and saw her, and the suspicion ceased.” Ricordano Malaspina in Muratori, Rer. It. Script. t. viii. p. 939; and G. Villani, in the same words, Hist. I v. c. 16
The French translator above mentored speaks of her having poisoned her husband. The death of Henry Vl. is recorded in the Chronicon Siciliae, by an anonymous writer, (Muratori, t. x.) but not a word of his having been poisoned by Constance, and Ricordano Malaspina even mentions her decease as happening before that of her husband, Henry V., for so this author, with some others, terms him. v. 122. The second.] Henry Vl. son of Frederick I was the second emperor of the house of Saab; and his son Frederick II “the third and last.”
v. 6. Between two deer]
Tigris ut auditis, diversa valle duorum Extimulata fame, mugitibus armentorum
Neseit utro potius ruat, et ruere ardet utroque. Ovid, Metam. 1. v. 166
v. 13. Daniel.] See Daniel, c. ii.
v. 24. Plato.] [GREEK HERE] Plato Timaeus v. ix. p. 326. Edit. Bip. “The Creator, when he had framed the universe, distributed to the stars an equal number of souls, appointing to each soul its several star.”
v. 27. Of that.] Plato’s opinion.
v. 34. The first circle.] The empyrean.
v. 48. Him who made Tobias whole.]
Raphael, the sociable spirit, that deign’d To travel with Tobias, and secur’d
His marriage with the sev’n times wedded maid, Milton, P. L. b. v. 223.
v. 67. That to the eye of man.] “That the ways of divine justice are often inscrutable to man, ought rather to be a motive to faith than an inducement to heresy.” Such appears to me the most satisfactory explanation of the passage.
v. 82. Laurence.] Who suffered martyrdom in the third century.
v. 82. Scaevola.] See Liv. Hist. D. 1. 1. ii. 12.
v. 100. Alcmaeon.] Ovid, Met. 1. ix. f. 10.
–Ultusque parente parentem
Natus, erit facto pius et sceleratus eodem.
v. 107. Of will.] “What Piccarda asserts of Constance, that she retained her affection to the monastic life, is said absolutely and without relation to circumstances; and that which I affirm is spoken of the will conditionally and respectively: so that our apparent difference is without any disagreement.” v. 119. That truth.] The light of divine truth.
v. 43. Two things.] The one, the substance of the vow; the other, the compact, or form of it.
v. 48. It was enjoin’d the Israelites.] See Lev. e. xii, and xxvii.
v. 56. Either key.] Purgatory, Canto IX. 108.
v. 86. That region.] As some explain it, the east, according to others the equinoctial line.
v. 124. This sphere.] The planet Mercury, which, being nearest to the sun, is oftenest hidden by that luminary
v. 1. After that Constantine the eagle turn’d.] Constantine, in transferring the seat of empire from Rome to Byzantium, carried the eagle, the Imperial ensign, from the west to the east. Aeneas, on the contrary had moved along with the sun’s course, when he passed from Troy to Italy.
v. 5. A hundred years twice told and more.] The Emperor Constantine entered Byzantium in 324, and Justinian began his reign in 527.
v. 6. At Europe’s extreme point.] Constantinople being situated at the extreme of Europe, and on the borders of Asia, near those mountains
in the neighbourhood of Troy, from whence the first founders of Rome had emigrated.
v. 13. To clear th’ incumber’d laws.] The code of laws was abridged and reformed by Justinian.
v. 15. Christ’s nature merely human.] Justinian is said to have been a follower of the heretical Opinions held by Eutyches,” who taught that in Christ there was but one nature, viz. that of the incarnate word.”
Maclaine’s Mosheim, t. ii. Cent. v. p. ii. c. v. 13.
v. 16. Agapete.] Agapetus, Bishop of Rome, whose Scheda Regia, addressed to the Emperor Justinian, procured him a place among the wisest and most judicious writers of this century.” Ibid. Cent. vi. p. ii c. ii. 8.
v. 33. Who pretend its power.] The Ghibellines.
v. 33. And who oppose ] The Guelphs.
v. 34. Pallas died.] See Virgil, Aen. 1. X.
v. 39. The rival three.] The Horatii and Curiatii.
v. 41. Down.] “From the rape of the Sabine women to the violation of Lucretia.”
v. 47. Quintius.] Quintius Cincinnatus.
E Cincinnato dall’ inculta chioma.
v. 50. Arab hordes.] The Arabians seem to be put for the barbarians in general.
v. 54. That hill.] The city of Fesulae, which was sacked by the Romans after the defeat of Cataline.
v. 56. Near the hour.] Near the time of our Saviour’s birth.
v. 59. What then it wrought.] In the following fifteen lines the Poet has comprised the exploits of Julius Caesar.
v. 75. In its next bearer’s gripe.] With Augustus Caesar.
v. 89. The third Caesar.] “Tiberius the third of the Caesars, had it in his power to surpass the glory of all who either preceded or came after him, by destroying the city of .Jerusalem, as Titus afterwards did, and thus revenging the cause of God himself on the Jews.”
v. 95. Vengeance for vengeance ] This will be afterwards explained by the Poet himself.
v. 98. Charlemagne.] Dante could not be ignorant that the reign of Justinian was long prior to that of Charlemagne; but the spirit of the former emperor is represented, both in this instance and in what follows, as conscious of the events that had taken place after his own time.
v. 104. The yellow lilies.] The French ensign.
v. 110. Charles.] The commentators explain this to mean Charles II, king of Naples and Sicily. Is it not more likely to allude to Charles of Valois, son of Philip III of France, who was sent for, about this time, into Italy by Pope Boniface, with the promise of being made emperor? See G. Villani, 1. viii. c. 42.
v. 131. Romeo’s light.] The story of Romeo is involved in some uncertainty. The French writers assert the continuance of his ministerial office even after the decease of his soverign Raymond Berenger, count of Provence: and they rest this assertion chiefly on the fact of a certain Romieu de Villeneuve, who was the contemporary of that prince, having left large possessions behind him, as appears by his will, preserved in the archives of the bishopric of Venice. There might however have been more than one person of the name of Romieu, or Romeo which answers to that of Palmer in our language. Nor is it probable that the Italians, who lived so near the time, were misinformed in an occurrence of such notoriety. According to them, after he had long been a faithful steward to Raymond, when an account was required from him of the revenues whichhe had carefully husbanded, and his master as lavishly disbursed, “He demanded the little mule, the staff, and the scrip, with which he had first entered into the count’s service, a stranger pilgrim from the shrine of St. James in Galicia, and parted as he came; nor was it ever known whence he was or wither he went.” G. Villani, 1. vi. c. 92.
v. 135. Four daughters.] Of the four daughters of Raymond Berenger, Margaret, the eldest, was married to Louis IX of France; Eleanor; the next, to Henry III, of England; Sancha, the third, to Richard, Henry’s brother, and King of the Romans; and the youngest, Beatrice, to Charles I, King of Naples and Sicily, and brother to Louis.
v. 136. Raymond Berenger.] This prince, the last of the house of Barcelona, who was count of Provence, died in 1245. He is in the list of Provencal poets. See Millot, Hist, Litt des Troubadours, t. ii. P. 112.
v. 3. Malahoth.] A Hebrew word, signifying “kingdoms.”
v. 4. That substance bright.] Justinian.
v. 17. As might have made one blest amid the flames.] So Giusto de’ Conti, Bella Mano. “Qual salamandra.”
Che puommi nelle fiammi far beato.
v. 23. That man who was unborn.] Adam.
v. 61. What distils.] “That which proceeds immediately from God, and without intervention of secondary causes, in immortal.”
v. 140. Our resurrection certain.] “Venturi appears to mistake the Poet’s reasoning, when he observes: “Wretched for us, if we had not arguments more convincing, and of a higher kind, to assure us of the truth of our resurrection.” It is here intended, I think, that the whole of God’s dispensations to man should be considered as a proof of our resurrection. The conclusion is that as before sin man was immortal, so being restored to the favor of heaven by the expiation made for sin, he necessarily recovers his claim to immortality.
There is much in this poem to justify the encomium which the learned Salvini has passed on it, when, in an epistle to Redi, imitating what Horace had said of Homer, that the duties of life might be better learnt from the Grecian bard than from the teachers of the porch or the academy, he says–
And dost thou ask, what themes my mind engage? The lonely hours I give to Dante’s page; And meet more sacred learning in his lines Than I had gain’d from all the school divines.
Se volete saper la vita mia,
Studiando io sto lungi da tutti gli nomini Ed ho irnparato piu teologia
In questi giorni, che ho riletto Dante, Che nelle scuole fattto io non avria.
v. 4. Epicycle,] “In sul dosso di questo cerchio,” &c. Convito di Dante, Opere, t. i. p. 48, ed. Ven. 1793. “Upon the back of this circle, in the heaven of Venus, whereof we are now treating, is a little sphere, which has in that heaven a revolution of its own: whose circle the astronomers term epicycle.”
v. 11. To sit in Dido’s bosom.] Virgil. Aen. 1. i. 718,
v. 40. ‘O ye whose intellectual ministry.] Voi ch’ intendendo il terzo ciel movete. The first line in our Poet” first canzone. See his Convito, Ibid. p. 40.
v. 53. had the time been more.] The spirit now speaking is Charles Martel crowned king of Hungary, and son of Charles 11 king of Naples and Sicily, to which
dominions dying in his father’s lifetime, he did not succeed.
v. 57. Thou lov’dst me well.] Charles Martel might have been known to our poet at Florence whither he came to meet his father in 1295, the year of his death. The retinue and the habiliments of the young monarch are minutely described by G. Villani, who adds, that “he remained more than twenty days in Florence, waiting for his father King Charles and his brothers during which time great honour was done him by the, Florentines and he showed no less love towards them, and he was much in favour with all.” 1. viii. c. 13. His brother Robert, king of Naples, was the friend of Petrarch.
v. 60. The left bank.] Provence.
v. 62. That horn
Of fair Ausonia.]
The kingdom of Naples.
v. 68. The land.] Hungary.
v. 73. The beautiful Trinaeria.] Sicily, so called from its three promontories, of which Pachynus and Pelorus, here mentioned, are two.
v. 14 ‘Typhaeus.] The giant whom Jupiter is fabled to have overwhelmed
under the mountain Aetna from whence he vomits forth smoke and flame.
v. 77. Sprang through me from Charles and Rodolph.] “Sicily would be still ruled by a race of monarchs, descended through me from Charles I and Rodolph I the former my grandfather king of Naples and Sicily; the latter emperor of Germany, my father-in-law; “both celebrated in the Purgatory Canto, Vll.
v. 78. Had not ill lording.] “If the ill conduct of our governors in Sicily had not excited the resentment and hatred of the people and stimulated them to that dreadful massacre at the Sicilian vespers;” in consequence of which the kingdom fell into the hands of Peter III of Arragon, in 1282
v. 81. My brother’s foresight.] He seems to tax his brother Robert with employing necessitous and greedy Catalonians to administer the affairs of his kingdom.
v. 99. How bitter can spring up.] “How a covetous son can spring from a liberal father.” Yet that father has himself been accused of avarice in the Purgatory Canto XX. v. 78; though his general character was that of a bounteous prince.
v. 125. Consult your teacher.] Aristole. [GREEK HERE] De Rep. 1. iii. c. 4. “Since a state is made up of members differing from one another, (for even as an animal, in the first instance, consists of soul and body, and the soul, of reason and desire; and a family, of man and woman, and property of master and slave; in like manner a state consists both of all these and besides these of other dissimilar kinds,) it necessarily follows that the excellence of all the members of the state cannot be one and the same.”
v. 136. Esau.] Genesis c. xxv. 22.
v. 137. Quirinus.] Romulus, born of so obscure a father, that his parentage was attributed to Mars.
v. 2. O fair Clemenza.] Daughter of Charles Martel, and second wife of Louis X. of France.
v. 2. The treachery.] He alludes to the occupation of the kingdom of Sicily by Robert, in exclusion of his brother s son Carobert, or Charles. Robert, the rightful heir. See G. Villani, 1. viii. c. 112.
v. 7. That saintly light.] Charles Martel.
v. 25. In that part.] Between Rialto and the Venetian territory, and the sources of the rivers Brenta and Piava is situated a castle called Romano, the birth-place of the famous tyrant Ezzolino or Azzolino, the brother of Cunizza, who is now speaking. The tyrant we have seen in “the river of blood.” Hell, Canto XII. v. 110.
v. 32. Cunizza.] The adventures of Cunizza, overcome by the influence of her star, are related by the chronicler Rolandino of Padua, 1. i. c. 3, in Muratori Rer. It. Script. t. viii. p. 173.
She eloped from her first husband, Richard of St. Boniface, in the company of Sordello, (see Purgatory, Canto VI. and VII. ) with whom she is supposed to have cohabited before her marriage: then lived with a soldier of Trevigi, whose wife was living at the same time in the same city, and on his being murdered by her brother the tyrant, was by her brother married to a nobleman of Braganzo, lastly when he also had fallen by the same hand she, after her brother’s death, was again wedded in Verona.
v. 37. This.] Folco of Genoa, a celebrated Provencal poet, commonly termed Folques of Marseilles, of which place he was perhaps bishop. Many errors of Nostradamus, regarding him, which have been followed by Crescimbeni, Quadrio, and Millot, are detected by the diligence of Tiraboschi. Mr. Matthias’s ed. v. 1. P. 18. All that appears certain, is what we are told in this Canto, that he was of Genoa, and by Petrarch in the Triumph of Love, c. iv. that he was better known by the appellation he derived from Marseilles, and at last resumed the religious habit. One of his verses is cited by Dante, De Vulg. Eloq. 1. ii. c. 6.
v. 40. Five times.] The five hundred years are elapsed: and unless the Provencal MSS. should be brought to light the poetical reputation of Folco must rest on the mention made of him by the more fortunate Italians.
v. 43 The crowd.] The people who inhabited the tract of country bounded by the river Tagliamento to the east, and Adice to the west.
v. 45. The hour is near.] Cunizza foretells the defeat of Giacopo da Carrara, Lord of Padua by Can Grande, at Vicenza, on the 18th September 1314. See G. Villani, 1. ix. c. 62. v. 48. One.] She predicts also the fate of Ricciardo da Camino, who is said to have been murdered at Trevigi, where the rivers (Sile and Cagnano meet) while he was engaged in playing at chess.
v. 50. The web.] The net or snare into, which he is destined to fall.
v. 50. Feltro.] The Bishop of Felto having received a number of fugitives from Ferrara, who were in opposition to the Pope, under a promise of protection, afterwards gave them up, so that they were reconducted to that city, and the greater part of them there put to death.
v. 53. Malta’s.] A tower, either in the citadel of Padua, which under the tyranny of Ezzolino, had been “with many a foul and midnight murder fed,” or (as some say) near a river of the same name, that falls into the lake of Bolsena, in which the Pope was accustomed to imprison such as had been guilty of an irremissible sin.
v. 56 This priest.] The bishop, who, to show himself a zealous partisan of the Pope, had committed the above-mentioned act of treachery.
v. 58. We descry.] “We behold the things that we predict, in the mirrors of eternal truth.”
v. 64. That other joyance.] Folco.
v. 76. Six shadowing wings.] “Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings.” Isaiah, c. vi. 2.
v. 80. The valley of waters.] The Mediterranean sea.
v. 80. That.] The great ocean.
v. 82. Discordant shores.] Europe and Africa.
v. 83. Meridian.] Extending to the east, the Mediterranean at last reaches the coast of Palestine, which is on its horizon when it enters the straits of Gibraltar. “Wherever a man is,” says Vellutello, “there he has, above his head, his own particular meridian circle.”
v. 85. –‘Twixt Ebro’s stream
And Macra’s.]
Eora, a river to the west, and Macra, to the east of Genoa, where Folco was born.
v. 88. Begga.] A place in Africa, nearly opposite to Genoa.
v. 89. Whose haven.] Alluding to the terrible slaughter of the Genoese made by the Saracens in 936, for which event Vellutello refers to the history of Augustino Giustiniani.
v. 91. This heav’n.] The planet Venus.
v. 93. Belus’ daughter.] Dido.
v. 96. She of Rhodope.] Phyllis.
v. 98. Jove’s son.] Hercules.
v. 112. Rahab.] Heb. c. xi. 31.
v. 120. With either palm.] “By the crucifixion of Christ”
v. 126. The cursed flower.] The coin of Florence, called the florin.
v. 130. The decretals.] The canon law.
v. 134. The Vatican.] He alludes either to the death of Pope Boniface VIII. or, as Venturi supposes, to the coming of the Emperor Henry VII. into Italy, or else, according to the yet more probable conjecture of Lombardi, to the transfer of the holy see from Rome to Avignon, which took place in the pontificate of Clement V.
v. 7. The point.] “To that part of heaven,” as Venturi explains it, “in which the equinoctial circle and the Zodiac intersect each other, where the common motion of the heavens from east to west may be said to strike with greatest force against the motion proper to the planets; and this repercussion, as it were, is here the strongest, because the velocity of each is increased to the utmost by their respective distance from the poles. Such at least is the system of Dante.”
v. 11. Oblique.] The zodiac.
v. 25. The part.] The above-mentioned intersection of the equinoctial
circle and the zodiac.
v. 26. Minister.] The sun.
v. 30. Where.] In which the sun rises every day earlier after the vernal equinox.
v. 45. Fourth family.] The inhabitants of the sun, the fourth planet.
v. 46. Of his spirit and of his offspring.] The procession of the third, and the generation of the second person in the Trinity.
v. 70. Such was the song.] “The song of these spirits was ineffable.
v. 86. No less constrained.] “The rivers might as easily cease to flow towards the sea, as we could deny thee thy request.”
v. 91. I then.] “I was of the Dominican order.”
v. 95. Albert of Cologne.] Albertus Magnus was born at Laugingen, in Thuringia, in 1193, and studied at Paris and at Padua, at the latter of which places he entered into the Dominican order. He then taught theology in various parts of Germany, and particularly at Cologne. Thomas Aquinas was his favourite pupil. In 1260, he reluctantly accepted the bishopric of Ratisbon, and in two years after resigned it, and returned to his cell in Cologne, where the remainder of his life was passed in superintending the school, and in composing his voluminous works on divinity and natural science. He died in 1280. The absurd imputation of his having dealt in the magical art is well known; and his biographers take some pains to clear him of it. Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum, by Quetif and Echard, Lut. Par. 1719. fol. t. 1. p. 162.
v. 96. Of Aquinum, Thomas.] Thomas Aquinas, of whom Bucer is reported to have said, “Take but Thomas away, and I will overturn the church of Rome,” and whom Hooker terms “the greatest among the school divines,” (Eccl. Pol. b. 3. 9), was born of noble parents, who anxiously, but vainly, endeavoured to divert him from a life of celibacy and study; and died in 1274, at the age of fourty-seven. Echard and Quetif, ibid. p. 271. See also Purgatory Canto XX. v. 67.
v. 101. Gratian.] “Gratian, a Benedictine monk belonging to the convent of St. Felix and Nabor, at Bologna, and by birth a Tuscan, composed, about the year 1130, for the use of the schools, an abridgment or epitome of canon law, drawn from the letters of the pontiffs, the decrees of councils, and the writings of the ancient doctors.”
Maclaine’s Mosheim, v. iii. cent. 12. part 2. c. i. 6.
v. 101. To either forum.] “By reconciling,” as Venturi explains it “the civil with the canon law.”
v. 104. Peter.] “Pietro Lombardo was of obscure origin, nor is the place of his birth in Lombardy ascertained. With a recommendation from the bishop of Lucca to St. Bernard, he went into France to continue his studies, and for that purpose remained some time at Rheims, whence he afterwards proceeded to Paris. Here his reputation was so great that Philip, brother of Louis VII., being chosen bishop of Paris, resigned that dignity to Pietro, whose pupil he had been. He held his bishopric only one year, and died in 1160. His Liber Sententiarum is highly esteemed. It contains a system of scholastic theology, so much more complete than any which had been yet seen, that it may be deemed an original work.” Tiraboschi, Storia della Lett. Ital. t. iii. 1. 4. c. 2.
v. 104. Who with the widow gave.] This alludes to the beginning of the Liber Sententiarum, where Peter says: “Cupiens aliquid de penuria ac tenuitate nostra cum paupercula in gazophylacium domini mittere,”
v. 105. The fifth light.] Solomon.
v. 112. That taper’s radiance.] St. Dionysius the Areopagite. “The famous Grecian fanatic, who gave himself out for Dionysius the Areopagite, disciple of St. Paul, and who, under the protection of this venerable name, gave laws and instructions to those that were desirous of raising their souls above all human things in order to unite them to their great source by sublime contemplation, lived most probably in this century (the fourth), though some place him before, others after, the present period.” Maclaine’s Mosheim, v. i. cent. iv. p. 2. c. 3. 12.
v. 116. That pleader.] 1n the fifth century, Paulus Orosius, “acquired a considerable degree of reputation by the History he wrote to refute the cavils of the Pagans against Christianity, and by his books against the Pelagians and Priscillianists.” Ibid. v. ii. cent. v. p. 2. c. 2. 11. A similar train of argument was pursued by Augustine, in his book De Civitate Dei. Orosius is classed by Dante, in his treatise De Vulg. Eloq. I ii c. 6. as one of his favourite authors, among those “qui usi sunt altissimas prosas,”–” who have written prose with the greatest loftiness of style.”
v. 119. The eighth.] Boetius, whose book De Consolatione Philosophiae excited so much attention during the middle ages, was born, as Tiraboschi conjectures, about 470. “In 524 he was cruelly put to death by command of Theodoric, either on real or pretended suspicion of his being engaged in a conspiracy.” Della Lett. Ital. t. iii. 1. i. c. 4.
v. 124. Cieldauro.] Boetius was buried at Pavia, in the monastery of St. Pietro in Ciel d’oro.
v. 126. Isidore.] He was Archbishop of Seville during forty years, and died in 635. See Mariana, Hist. 1. vi. c. 7. Mosheim, whose critical opinions in general must be taken with some allowance, observes that “his grammatical theological, and historical productions, discover more learning and pedantry, than judgment and taste.”
v. 127. Bede.] Bede, whose virtues obtained him the appellation of the Venerable, was born in 672 at Wearmouth and Jarrow, in the bishopric of Durham, and died in 735. Invited to Rome by Pope Sergius I., he preferred passing almost the whole of his life in the seclusion of a monastery. A catalogue of his numerous writings may be seen in Kippis’s Biographia Britannica, v. ii.
v. 127. Richard.] Richard of St. Victor, a native either of Scotland or Ireland, was canon and prior of the monastery of that name at Paris and died in 1173. “He was at the head of the Mystics in this century and his treatise, entitled the Mystical Ark, which contains as it were the marrow of this kind of theology, was received with the greatest avidity.” Maclaine’s Mosheim, v. iii. cent. xii. p. 2. c. 2. 23.
v. 132. Sigebert.] “A monk of the abbey of Gemblours who was in high repute at the end of the eleventh, and beginning of the twelfth century.” Dict. de Moreri.
v. 131. The straw-litter’d street.] The name of a street in Paris: the “Rue du Fouarre.”
v. 136. The spouse of God.] The church.
v. 1. O fond anxiety of mortal men.] Lucretius, 1. ii. 14
O miseras hominum mentes ! O pectora caeca Qualibus in tenebris vitae quantisque periclis Degitur hoc aevi quodcunque est!
v. 4. Aphorisms,] The study of medicine.
v. 17. ‘The lustre.] The spirit of Thomas Aquinas
v. 29. She.] The church.
v. 34. One.] Saint Francis.
v. 36. The other.] Saint Dominic.
v. 40. Tupino.] A rivulet near Assisi, or Ascesi where Francis was born in 1182.
v. 40. The wave.] Chiascio, a stream that rises in a mountain near Agobbio, chosen by St. Ubaldo for the place of his retirement.
v. 42. Heat and cold.] Cold from the snow, and heat from the reflection of the sun.
v. 45. Yoke.] Vellutello understands this of the vicinity of the mountain to Nocera and Gualdo; and Venturi (as I have taken it) of the heavy impositions laid on those places by the Perugians. For GIOGO, like the Latin JUGUM, will admit of either sense.
v. 50. The east.]
This is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Shakespeare.
v. 55. Gainst his father’s will.] In opposition to the wishes of his natural father
v. 58. In his father’s sight.] The spiritual father, or bishop, in whose presence he made a profession of poverty.
v. 60. Her first husband.] Christ.
v. 63. Amyclas.] Lucan makes Caesar exclaim, on witnessing the secure poverty of the fisherman Amyclas:
–O vite tuta facultas
Pauperis, angustique lares! O munera nondum Intellecta deum! quibus hoc contingere templis, Aut potuit muris, nullo trepidare tumultu, Caesarea pulsante manu?
Lucan Phars. 1. v. 531.
v. 72. Bernard.] One of the first followers of the saint.
v. 76. Egidius.] The third of his disciples, who died in 1262. His work, entitled Verba Aurea, was published in 1534, at Antwerp See Lucas Waddingus, Annales Ordinis Minoris, p. 5.
v. 76. Sylvester.] Another of his earliest associates.
v. 83. Pietro Bernardone.] A man in an humble station of life at Assisi.
v. 86. Innocent.] Pope Innocent III.
v. 90. Honorius.] His successor Honorius III who granted certain privileges to the Franciscans.
v. 93. On the hard rock.] The mountain Alverna in the Apennine.
v. 100. The last signet.] Alluding to the stigmata, or marks resembling the wounds of Christ, said to have been found on the saint’s body.
v. 106. His dearest lady.] Poverty.
v. 113. Our Patriarch ] Saint Dominic.
v. 316. His flock ] The Dominicans.
v. 127. The planet from whence they split.] “The rule of their order, which the Dominicans neglect to observe.”
v. 1. The blessed flame.] Thomas Aquinas
v. 12. That voice.] The nymph Echo, transformed into the repercussion of the voice.
v. 25. One.] Saint Buonaventura, general of the Franciscan order, in which he effected some reformation, and one of the most profound divines of his age. “He refused the archbishopric of York, which was offered him by Clement IV, but afterwards was prevailed on to accept the bishopric of Albano and a cardinal’s hat. He was born at Bagnoregio or Bagnorea, in Tuscany, A.D. 1221, and died in 1274.” Dict. Histor. par Chaudon et Delandine. Ed. Lyon. 1804.
v. 28. The love.] By an act of mutual courtesy, Buonaventura, a Franciscan, is made to proclaim the praises of St. Dominic, as Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican, has celebrated those of St. Francis.
v. 42. In that clime.] Spain.
v. 48. Callaroga.] Between Osma and Aranda, in Old Castile, designated by the royal coat of arms.
v. 51. The loving minion of the Christian faith.] Dominic was born April 5, 1170, and died August 6, 1221. His birthplace, Callaroga; his father and mother’s names, Felix and Joanna, his mother’s dream; his name of Dominic, given him in consequence of a vision by a noble matron, who stood sponsor to him, are all told in an anonymous life of the saint, said to be written in the thirteenth century, and published by Quetif and Echard, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum. Par. 1719. fol. t 1. p. 25. These writers deny his having been an inquisitor, and indeed the establishment of the inquisition itself before the fourth Lateran council. Ibid. p. 88.
v. 55. In the mother’s womb.] His mother, when pregnant with him, is said to have dreamt that she should bring forth a white and black dog, with a lighted torch in its mouth.
v. 59. The dame.] His godmother’s dream was, that he had one star in his forehead, and another in the nape of his neck, from which he communicated light to the east and the west.
v. 73. Felix.] Felix Gusman.
v. 75. As men interpret it.] Grace or gift of the Lord.
v. 77. Ostiense.] A cardinal, who explained the decretals.
v. 77. Taddeo.] A physician, of Florence.
v. 82. The see.] “The apostolic see, which no longer continues its wonted liberality towards the indigent and deserving; not indeed through its own fault, as its doctrines are still the same, but through the fault of the pontiff, who is seated in it.”
v. 85. No dispensation.] Dominic did not ask license to compound for the use of unjust acquisitions, by dedicating a part of them to pious purposes.
v. 89. In favour of that seed.] “For that seed of the divine word, from which have sprung up these four-and-twenty plants, that now environ thee.”
v. 101. But the track.] “But the rule of St. Francis is already deserted and the lees of the wine are turned into mouldiness.”
v. 110. Tares.] He adverts to the parable of the taxes and the wheat.
v. 111. I question not.] “Some indeed might be found, who still observe the rule of the order, but such would come neither from Casale nor Acquasparta:” of the former of which places was Uberto, one master general, by whom the discipline had been relaxed; and of the latter, Matteo, another, who had enforced it with unnecessary rigour.
v. 121. -Illuminato here,
And Agostino.]
Two among the earliest followers of St. Francis.
v. 125. Hugues of St. Victor.] A Saxon of the monastery of Saint Victor at Paris, who fed ill 1142 at the age of forty-four. “A man distinguished by the fecundity of his genius, who treated in his writings of all the branches of sacred and profane erudition that were known in his time, and who composed several dissertations that are not destitute of merit.” Maclaine’s Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. v. iii . cent. xii. p. 2. 2. 23. I have looked into his writings, and found some reason for this high eulogium.
v. 125. Piatro Mangiadore.] “Petrus Comestor, or the Eater, born at Troyes, was canon and dean of that church, and afterwards chancellor of the church of Paris. He relinquished these benefices to become a regular canon of St. Victor at Paris, where he died in 1198. Chaudon et Delandine Dict. Hist. Ed. Lyon. 1804. The work by which he is best known, is his Historia Scolastica, which I shall have occasion to cite in the Notes to Canto XXVI.
v. 126. He of Spain.] “To Pope Adrian V succeeded John XXI a native of Lisbon a man of great genius and extraordinary acquirements, especially in logic and in medicine, as his books, written in the name of Peter of Spain (by which he was known before he became Pope), may testify. His life was not much longer than that of his predecessors, for he was killed at Viterbo, by the falling in of the roof of his chamber, after he had been pontiff only eight months and as many days. A.D. 1277. Mariana, Hist. de Esp. l. xiv. c. 2.
v. 128. Chrysostom.] The eloquent patriarch of Constantinople.
v. 128. Anselmo.] “Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, was born at Aosta, about 1034, and studied under Lanfrane at the monastery of Bec, in Normandy, where he afterwards devoted himself to a religious life, in his twenty-seventh year. In three years he was made prior, and then abbot of that monastery! from whence he was taken, in 1093, to succeed to the archbishopric, vacant by the death of Lanfrane. He enjoyed this dignity till his death, in 1109, though it was disturbed by many
dissentions with William II and Henry I respecting the immunities and investitures. There is much depth and precisian in his theological works.” Tiraboschi, Stor. della Lett. Ital. t. iii.
1. iv. c. 2. Ibid. c. v. “It is an observation made by many modern writers, that the demonstration of the existence of God, taken from the idea of a Supreme Being, of which Des Cartes is thought to be the author, was so many ages back discovered and brought to light by Anselm. Leibnitz himself makes the remark, vol. v. Oper. p. 570. Edit. Genev. 1768.”
v. 129. Donatus.] Aelius Donatus, the grammarian, in the fourth century, one of the preceptors of St. Jerome.
v. 130. Raban.] “Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mentz, is deservedly placed at the head of the Latin writers of this age.” Mosheim, v. ii. cent. ix. p. 2 c. 2. 14.
v. 131. Joachim.] Abbot of Flora in Calabria; “whom the multitude revered as a person divinely inspired and equal to the most illustrious prophets of ancient times.” Ibid. v. iii. cent. xiii. p. 2. c. 2. 33.
v. 134. A peer.] St. Dominic.
v. 1. Let him.] “Whoever would conceive the sight that now presented itself to me, must imagine to himself fifteen of the brightest stars in heaven, together with seven stars of Arcturus Major and two of Arcturus Minor, ranged in two circles, one within the other, each resembling the crown of Ariadne, and moving round m opposite directions.”
v. 21. The Chiava.] See Hell, Canto XXIX. 45.
v. 29. That luminary.] Thomas Aquinas.
v. 31. One ear.] “Having solved one of thy questions, I proceed to answer the other. Thou thinkest, then, that Adam and Christ were both endued with all the perfection of which the human nature is capable and therefore wonderest at what has been said concerning Solomon”
v. 48. That.] “Things corruptible and incorruptible, are only emanations from the archetypal idea residing in the Divine mind.”
v. 52. His brightness.] The Word: the Son of God.
v. 53. His love triune with them.] The Holy Ghost.
v. 55. New existences.] Angels and human souls.
v. 57. The lowest powers.] Irrational life and brute matter.
v. 62. Their wax and that which moulds it.] Matter, and the virtue or energy that acts on it.
v. 68. The heav’n.] The influence of the planetary bodies.
v. 77. The clay.] Adam.
v. 88. Who ask’d.] “He did not desire to know the number of the stars, or to pry into the subtleties of metaphysical and mathematical science: but asked for that wisdom which might fit him for his kingly office.”
v. 120. –Parmenides Melissus Bryso.] For the singular opinions entertained by the two former of these heathen philosophers, see Diogenes Laertius, 1. ix. and Aristot. de Caelo, 1. iii. c. 1 and Phys. l. i. c. 2. The last is also twice adduced by 2. Aristotle (Anal Post. 1. i. c. 9. and Rhet. 1. iii. c. 2.) as 3. affording instances of false reasoning.
v. 123. Sabellius, Arius.] Well-known heretics.
v. 124. Scymitars.] A passage in the travels of Bertradon de la Brocquiere, translated by Mr. Johnes, will explain this
allusion, which has given some trouble to the commentators. That traveler, who wrote before Dante, informs us, p. 138, that the wandering Arabs used their scymitars as mirrors.
v. 126. Let not.] “Let not short-sighted mortals presume to decide on the future doom of any man, from a consideration of his present character and actions.”
v. 5. Such was the image.] The voice of Thomas Aquinas proceeding, from the circle to the centre and that of Beatrice from the centre to the circle.
v. 26. Him.] Literally translated by Chaucer, Troilus and Cresseide.
Thou one two, and three eterne on live That raignest aie in three, two and one
Uncircumscript, and all maist circonscrive,
v. 81. The goodliest light.] Solomon.
v. 78. To more lofty bliss.] To the planet Mars.
v. 94. The venerable sign.] The cross.
v. 125. He.] “He who considers that the eyes of Beatrice became more radiant the higher we ascended, must not wonder that I do not except even them as I had not yet beheld them since our entrance into this planet.”
v. 24. Our greater Muse.] Virgil Aen. 1. vi. 684. v. 84. I am thy root.] Cacciaguida, father to Alighieri, of whom our Poet was the great-grandson.
v. 89. The mountain.] Purgatory.
v. 92. Florence.] See G. Villani, l. iii. c. 2.
v. 93. Which calls her still.] The public clock being still within the circuit of the ancient walls.
v. 98. When.] When the women were not married at too early an age, and did not expect too large a portion.
v. 101. Void.] Through the civil wars.
v. 102 Sardanapalus.] The luxurious monarch of Assyria Juvenal is here imitated, who uses his name for an instance of effeminacy. Sat.
v. 103. Montemalo ] Either an elevated spot between Rome and Viterbo, or Monte Mario, the site of the villa Mellini, commanding a view of Rome.
v. 101. Our suburban turret.] Uccellatojo, near Florence, from whence that city was discovered.
v. 103. Bellincion Berti.] Hell, Canto XVI. 38. nd Notes. There is a curious description of the simple manner in which the earlier Florentines dressed themselves in G. Villani, 1 vi. c. 71.
v. 110. Of Nerli and of Vecchio.] Two of the most opulent families in Florence.
v. 113. Each.] “None fearful either of dying in banishment, or of being deserted by her husband on a scheme of battle in France.
v. 120. A Salterello and Cianghella.] The latter a shameless woman of the family of Tosa, married to Lito degli Alidosi of Imola: the former Lapo Salterello, a lawyer, with whom Dante was at variance.
v. 125. Mary.] The Virgin was involved in the pains of child-birth Purgatory, Canto XX. 21.
v. 130 Valdipado.] Cacciaguida’s wife, whose family name was Aldighieri; came from Ferrara, called Val di Pado, from its being watered by the Po.
v. 131. Conrad.] The Emperor Conrad III who died in 1152. See G. Villani, 1. iv. 34.
v. 136. Whose people.] The Mahometans, who were left in possession of the Holy Land, through the supineness of the Pope.
v. 10. With greeting.] The Poet, who had addressed the spirit, not knowing him to be his ancestor, with a plain “Thou,” now uses more ceremony, and calls him “You,” according to a custom introduced among the Romans in the latter times of the empire.
v. 15. Guinever.] Beatrice’s smile encouraged him to proceed just as the cough of Ginevra’s female servant gave her mistress assurance to admit the freedoms of Lancelot. See Hell, Canto V. 124.
v. 23. The fold.] Florence, of which John the Baptist was the patron saint.
v. 31. From the day.] From the Incarnation to the birth of Cacciaguida, the planet Mars had returned five hundred and fifty-three times to the constellation of Leo, with which it is supposed to have a congenial influence. His birth may, therefore, be placed about 1106.
v. 38. The last.] The city was divided into four compartments. The Elisei, the ancestors of Dante, resided near the entrance of that named from the Porta S. Piero, which was the last reached by the competitor in the annual race at Florence. See G. Villani, 1. iv. c. 10.
v. 44. From Mars.] “Both in the times of heathenish and of Christianity.” Hell, Canto XIII. 144.
v. 48. Campi and Certaldo and Fighine.] Country places near Florence.
v. 50. That these people.] That the inhabitants of the above- mentioned places had not been mixed with the citizens: nor the limits of Florence extended beyond Galluzzo and Trespiano.”
v. 54. Aguglione’s hind and Signa’s.] Baldo of Aguglione, and Bonifazio of Signa.
v. 56. Had not the people.] If Rome had continued in her allegiance to the emperor, and the Guelph and Ghibelline factions had thus been prevented, Florence would not have been polluted by a race of upstarts, nor lost the most respectable of her ancient families.
v. 61. Simifonte.] A castle dismantled by the Florentines. G. Villani, 1. v. c. 30. The individual here alluded to is no longer known.
v. 69. The blind bull.] So Chaucer, Troilus and Cresseide. b. 2.
For swifter course cometh thing that is of wight When it descendeth than done things light.
Compare Aristotle, Ethic. Nic. l. vi. c. 13. [GREEK HERE]
v. 72. Luni, Urbisaglia.] Cities formerly of importance, but then fallen to decay.
v. 74. Chiusi and Sinigaglia.] The same.
v. 80. As the moon.] “The fortune of us, that are the moon’s men doth ebb and flow like the sea.” Shakespeare, 1 Henry IV. a. i. s. 2.
v. 86. The Ughi.] Whoever is curious to know the habitations of these and the other ancient Florentines, may consult G. Villani, l. iv.
v. 91. At the poop.] Many editions read porta, “gate.” -The same metaphor is found in Aeschylus, Supp. 356, and is there also scarce understood by the critics. [GREEK HERE] Respect these wreaths, that crown your city’s poop.
v. 99. The gilded hilt and pommel.] The symbols of knighthood
v. 100. The column cloth’d with verrey.] The arms of the Pigli.
v. 103. With them.] Either the Chiaramontesi, or the Tosinghi one of which had committed a fraud in measuring out the wheat from the public granary. See Purgatory, Canto XII. 99
v. 109. The bullets of bright gold.] The arms of the Abbati, as it is conjectured.
v. 110. The sires of those.] “Of the Visdomini, the Tosinghi and the Cortigiani, who, being sprung from the founders of the bishopric of Florence are the curators of its revenues, which they do not spare, whenever it becomes vacant.”
v. 113. Th’ o’erweening brood.] The Adimari. This family was so little esteemed, that Ubertino Donato, who had married a daughter of Bellincion Berti, himself indeed derived from the same stock (see Note to Hell Canto XVI. 38.) was offended with his father-in-law, for giving another of his daughters in marriage to one of them.
v. 124. The gateway.] Landino refers this to the smallness of the city: Vellutello, with less probability, to the simplicity of the people in naming one of the gates after a private family.
v. 127. The great baron.] The Marchese Ugo, who resided at Florence as lieutenant of the Emperor Otho III, gave many of the chief families license to bear his arms. See G. Villani, 1. iv. c. 2., where the vision is related, in consequence of which he sold all his possessions in Germany, and founded seven abbeys, in one whereof his memory was celebrated at Florence on St. Thomas’s day.
v. 130. One.] Giano della Bella, belonging to one of the families thus distinguished, who no longer retained his place among the nobility, and had yet added to his arms a bordure or. See Macchiavelli, 1st. Fior. 1. ii. p. 86. Ediz. Giolito.
v. 132. -Gualterotti dwelt
And Importuni.]
Two families in the compartment of the city called Borgo.
v. 135. The house.] Of Amidei. See Notes to Canto XXVIII. of Hell. v. 102.
v. 142. To Ema.] “It had been well for the city, if thy ancestor had been drowned in the Ema, when he crossed that stream on his way from Montebuono to Florence.”
v. 144. On that maim’d stone.] See Hell, Canto XIII. 144. Near the remains of the statue of Mars. Buondelmonti was slain, as if he had been a victim to the god; and Florence had not since known the blessing of peace.
v. 150. The lily.] “The arms of Florence had never hung reversed on the spear of her enemies, in token of her defeat; nor been changed from argent to gules;” as they afterwards were, when the Guelfi gained the predominance.
v. 1. The youth.] Phaeton, who came to his mother Clymene, to inquire of her if he were indeed the son of Apollo. See Ovid, Met. 1. i. ad finem.
v. 6. That saintly lamp.] Cacciaguida.
v. 12. To own thy thirst.] “That thou mayst obtain from others a solution of any doubt that may occur to thee.”
v. 15. Thou seest as clear.] “Thou beholdest future events, with the same clearness of evidence, that we discern the simplest mathematical demonstrations.”
v. 19. The point.] The divine nature.
v. 27. The arrow.]
Nam praevisa minus laedere tela solent. Ovid.
Che piaga antiveduta assai men duole. Petrarca, Trionfo del Tempo
v. 38. Contingency.] “The evidence with which we see the future portrayed in the source of all truth, no more necessitates that future than does the image, reflected in the sight by a ship sailing down a stream, necessitate the motion of the vessel.”
v. 43. From thence.] “From the eternal sight; the view of the Deity.
v. 49. There.] At Rome, where the expulsion of Dante’s party from Florence was then plotting, in 1300.
v. 65. Theirs.] “They shall be ashamed of the part they have taken aga’nst thee.”
v. 69. The great Lombard.] Either Alberto della Scala, or Bartolommeo his eldest son. Their coat of arms was a ladder and an eagle.
v. 75. That mortal.] Can Grande della Scala, born under the influence of Mars, but at this time only nine years old
v. 80. The Gascon.] Pope Clement V.
v. 80. Great Harry.] The Emperor Henry VII.
v. 127. The cry thou raisest.] “Thou shalt stigmatize the faults of those who are most eminent and powerful.”
v. 3. Temp’ring the sweet with bitter.] Chewing the end of sweet and bitter fancy. Shakespeare, As you Like it, a. 3. s. 3.
v. 26. On this fifth lodgment of the tree.] Mars, the fifth ot the @
v. 37. The great Maccabee.] Judas Maccabeus.
v. 39. Charlemagne.] L. Pulci commends Dante for placing Charlemagne and Orlando here:
Io mi confido ancor molto qui a Dante Che non sanza cagion nel ciel su misse
Carlo ed Orlando in quelle croci sante, Che come diligente intese e scrisse.
Morg. Magg. c. 28.
v. 43. William and Renard.] Probably not, as the commentators have imagined, William II of Orange, and his kinsman Raimbaud, two of the crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon, (Maimbourg, Hist. des Croisades, ed. Par. 1682. 12mo. t. i. p. 96.) but rather the two more celebrated heroes in the age of Charlemagne. The former, William l. of Orange, supposed to have been the founder of the present illustrious family of that name, died about 808, according to Joseph de la Piser, Tableau de l’Hist. des Princes et Principante d’Orange. Our countryman, Ordericus Vitalis, professes to give his true life, which had been misrepresented in the songs of the itinerant bards.” Vulgo canitur a joculatoribus de illo, cantilena; sed jure praeferenda est relatio authentica.” Eccl. Hist. in Duchesne, Hist. Normann Script. p. 508. The latter is better known by having been celebrated by Ariosto, under the name of Rinaldo.
v. 43. Duke Godfey.] Godfrey of Bouillon.
v. 46. Robert Guiscard.] See Hell, Canto XXVIII. v. 12.
v. 81. The characters.] Diligite justitiam qui judicatis terrarm. “Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the earth ” Wisdom of Solomon, c. i. 1.
v. 116. That once more.] “That he may again drive out those who buy and sell in the temple.”
v. 124. Taking the bread away.] “Excommunication, or the interdiction of the Eucharist, is now employed as a weapon of warfare.”
v. 126. That writest but to cancel.] “And thou, Pope Boniface, who writest thy ecclesiastical censures for no other purpose than to be paid for revoking them.”
v. 130. To him.] The coin of Florence was stamped with the impression of John the Baptist.
v. 38. Who turn’d his compass.] Compare Proverbs, c. viii. 27. And Milton, P. L. b. vii 224.
v. 42. The Word] “The divine nature still remained incomprehensible. Of this Lucifer was a proof; for had he thoroughly comprehended it, he would not have fallen.”
v. 108. The Ethiop.] Matt. c. xii. 41.
v. 112. That volume.] Rev. c. xx. 12.
v. 114. Albert.] Purgatory, Canto VI. v. 98.
v. 116. Prague.] The eagle predicts the devastation of Bohemia by Albert, which happened soon after this time, when that Emperor obtained the kingdom for his eldest son Rodolph. See Coxe’s House of Austria, 4to. ed. v. i. part 1. p. 87
v. 117. He.] Philip IV of France, after the battle of Courtrai, 1302, in which the French were defeated by the Flemings, raised the nominal value of the coin. This king died in consequence of his horse being thrown to the ground by a wild boar, in 1314
v. 121. The English and Scot.] He adverts to the disputes between John Baliol and Edward I, the latter of whom is commended in the Purgatory, Canto VII. v. 130.
v. 122. The Spaniard’s luxury.] The commentators refer this to Alonzo X of Spain. It seems probable that the allusion is to Ferdinand IV who came to the crown in 1295, and died in 1312, at the age of twenty four, in consequence, as it was supposed, of his extreme intemperance.
See Mariana, Hist I. xv. c. 11.
v. 123. The Bohemian.] Winceslaus II. Purgatory, Canto VII. v.
v. 125. The halter of Jerusalem.] Charles II of Naples and Jerusalem who was lame. See note to Purgatory, Canto VII. v. 122, and XX. v. 78.
v. 127. He.] Frederick of Sicily son of Peter III of Arragon. Purgatory, Canto VII. v. 117. The isle of fire is Sicily, where was the tomb of Anchises.
v. 133. His uncle.] James, king of Majorca and Minorca, brother to Peter III.
v. 133. His brother.] James II of Arragon, who died in 1327. See Purgatory, Canto VII. v. 117.
v. 135. Of Portugal.] In the time of Dante, Dionysius was king of Portugal. He died in 1328, after a reign of near forty-six years, and does not seem to have deserved the stigma here fastened on him. See Mariana. and 1. xv. c. 18. Perhaps the rebellious son of Dionysius may be alluded to.
v. 136. Norway.] Haquin, king of Norway, is probably meant; who, having given refuge to the murderers of Eric VII king of Denmark, A D. 1288, commenced a war against his successor, Erie VIII, “which continued for nine years, almost to the utter ruin and destruction of both kingdoms.” Modern Univ. Hist. v. xxxii p. 215.
v. 136. -Him
Of Ratza.]
One of the dynasty of the house of Nemagna, which ruled the kingdom of Rassia, or Ratza, in Sclavonia, from 1161 to 1371, and whose history may be found in Mauro Orbino, Regno degli Slavi, Ediz. Pesaro. 1601. Uladislaus appears to have been the sovereign in Dante’s time, but the disgraceful forgery adverted to in the text, is not recorded by the historian v. 138. Hungary.] The kingdom of Hungary was about this time disputed by Carobert, son of Charles Martel, and Winceslaus, prince of Bohemia, son of Winceslaus II. See Coxe’s House of Austria, vol. i. p. 1. p. 86.
4to edit.